The qdinfo program prints out information on the given querydata. The user can either select the subset of information to be printed, such as the locations in the querydata, or print all of them.
qdinfo is not usually used in production scripts, but it can be provided the output is processed using a programming language to extract the desired words from the output.
See also qdinfo manual.
Table of contents:
- Investigating Stored Parameters
- Investigating Time Information
- Investigating All Meta Data
- Investigating Data Coverage
- Investigating Stored Locations
Following command will list stored parameters in the data:
qdinfo -P -q /smartmet/data/ecmwf/europe/surface/querydata
Note that -q option does not require the actual querydata filename. If it is omitted, the newest querydata file in the directory is used.
The output is something like:
The parameters stored in the querydata are:
Number Name Description
====== ==== ===========
1 Pressure P
4 Temperature T
5 MaximumTemperature TMax
6 MinimumTemperature TMin
10 DewPoint Td
13 Humidity RH
48 PrecipitationConv PrecipitationConv
51 SnowDepth Snow Depth
55 PrecipitationLarge PrecipitationLarge
176 SigWavePeriodBandC Surface solar radiation [J m**-2]
257 Evaporation Evaporation
264 SnowfallRate SnowfallRate
270 FreezingLevel Zero degree level
285 SoilTemperature SoilTemperature
472 PressureAtStationLevel SP
532 IceCover IceCover
21 -WindSpeedMS Wind speed
20 -WindDirection Wind dir
22 -WindVectorMS Wind vector
467 -HourlyMaximumGust MaxGustMS
23 -WindUMS U
24 -WindVMS V
79 -TotalCloudCover Total Cloud Cover
273 -LowCloudCover Low Cloud Cover
274 -MediumCloudCover Medium Cloud Cover
275 -HighCloudCover High Cloud Cover
271 -MiddleAndLowCloudCover Middle+Low Cloud Cover
353 -Precipitation1h Precipitation mm/h
57 -PrecipitationForm Precipitation Form
56 -PrecipitationType Precipitation Type
260 -ProbabilityThunderstorm Probability of Thunder
327 -FogIntensity Density of Fog
338 -WeatherSymbol3 Weather Symbol
336 -WeatherSymbol1 Precipitation Symbol
There are 35 stored parameters in total
To see time information of the data, following command can be used:
qdinfo -t -q /smartmet/data/ecmwf/europe/surface/querydata/
The output is something like:
Time information on the querydata:
Origin time = 2011102603 local time
First time = 2011102603 local time
Last time = 2011110502 local time
Time step = 180 minutes
Timesteps = 65
By default, qdtools use local time.
To see all meta data of the data, following command can be used:
qdinfo -P -q /smartmet/data/ecmwf/europe/surface/querydata
The output is omitted here since it is quite a long list.
qdinfo -x -q /smartmet/data/ecmwf/europe/surface/querydata/
returns coverage information as a text format:
Information on the querydata area:
projection = kNFmiStereographicArea
top left lonlat = -48.1437,60.3753
top right lonlat = 73.2,55.6
bottom left lonlat = -13.8,31.8
bottom right lonlat = 38.4823,29.8252
fmiarea = stereographic,10,90,60:-13.8,31.8,73.2,55.6
wktarea = PROJCS["FMI_Polar_Stereographic",GEOGCS["FMI_Sphere",DATUM["FMI_2007",SPHEROID["FMI_Sphere",6371220,0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Polar_Stereographic"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_orig in",60], PARAMETER["central_meridian",10],UNIT["Metre",1.0]]
top = 0
left = 0
right = 1
bottom = 1
xnumber = 232
ynumber = 172
dx = 25.6693 km
dy = 25.5534 km
xywidth = 5955.27 km
xyheight = 4395.19 km
aspectratio = 1.35495
central longitude = 10
central latitude = 90
true latitude = 60
Anyway, it's often handy to see this information as a map. A small tool qdview can be used to draw simple map representing the coverage of the data:
qdview -r l -x 800 /smartmet/data/ecmwf/europe/surface/querydata ec_coverage.png
Following image:
If the data contains only points (like data /smartmet/data/nmc/aws/hourly/querydata/), command
qdinfo -X -q /smartmet/data/nmc/aws/hourly/querydata/
Output is like:
Information on the locations:
26106 LU 24.1159,56.9506
26229 Ainazi 24.3665,57.8679
26238 Rujiena 25.3716,57.8866
26313 Kolka 22.589,57.7466
26314 Ventspils 21.5363,57.3959
26318 Stende 22.55,57.1836
26324 Mersrags 23.1137,57.3333
26326 Skulte 24.4125,57.3007
26335 Priekuli 25.3382,57.3156
26339 Zoseni 25.9056,57.1351
26346 Aluksne 27.0355,57.4396
26348 Gulbene 26.719,57.1323
26403 Pavilosta 21.1896,56.8883
26406 Liepaja 21.0205,56.4753
26416 Saldus 22.5036,56.6754
26421 Daugavgriva 24.0212,57.06
26424 Dobele 23.3197,56.6199
26425 Jelgava 23.7373,56.6774
26429 Bauska 24.1832,56.415
26435 Skriveri 25.1281,56.6426
26436 Zilani 25.9184,56.52
26446 Rezekne 27.2808,56.544
26447 Madona 26.2378,56.8484
26503 Rucava 21.1734,56.1621
26544 Daugavpils 26.6588,55.9349