We're almost halfway through the course! In Week 4, we'll be talking about all of the things C# can do with lists of data. The C# language has many built in functions for querying collections of data. You can achieve many of the same results you can with SQL queries, without needing a database! For example, you can filter an array using a "Where" clause, or you can "Select" from an array with an expression to transform its elements (and also do a Where clause to filter it at the same time). There are even grouping functions that work similarly to GROUP BY
in SQL.
This week's homework builds on Week 3's homework. There is no new code for this week. You will instead be adding additional functionality to the Point of Sale application that you worked on last week. With the new techniques you'll learn in this week's presentations and lecture, you'll be able to add significantly more functionality to your application!
Part of this week's work will involve connecting to a database server. You do not need to install a database system on your own computer - I have provided one for the class to use. The information is in the homework for this week.
View this week's presentation guide!
- Download this week's code repository from GitHub by using the "Download ZIP" option - see the homework page for more details.
- If you have been assigned a presentation topic, prepare your presentation for class on Friday - see the Presentation Guide for guidance.
- Work on the Week 4 homework and submit by Friday, April 14th, 11:59 PM in D2L.
- Take Quiz 2 on D2L by Friday, April 14th, 11:59PM. Remember, you get two attempts, and your grade will be the higher of the two scores you get.