Buckle up and strap in. This week we're going to tackle a much more complex topic - multi-threaded programming.
C# offers constructs similar to those in other languages to allow a program to run multiple threads of execution at the same time. While it may seem simple to simply let a program do multiple things at one time, there are many caveats to doing this and efficient but safe multiprocessing it is an entire subdiscipline in computer science.
This week's homework will include a program that performs many time-consuming operations. Your job will be to refactor the program so that it can run multiple aspects of the process in parallel.
There is a lot to talk about, so dive in to the resources and prepare for the presentations - it's going to be a fun wild ride (or maybe many rides at the same time!)
View this week's resource guide!
- Review the resource guide - for this week, it's simply named "Resource Guide". This is the same material we've been previously calling the Presentation Guide. However, it's a good idea for everyone to review the entire resource guide!
- If you have been assigned a presentation topic, prepare your presentation for class on Friday - see the Presentation Guide for guidance.
- Work on the Week 6 homework and submit by Tuesday, May 2nd, 11:59 PM in D2L.