diff --git a/fuck.html b/fuck.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a25185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuck.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 8baa52e..6954b44 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
// a state beyond death
+ // to make cam pos agree with where your eyes are (ish)
FLOOR = 0.9
MOVE = 0
diff --git a/lib/Album.js b/lib/Album.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c9a1ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Album.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class Album extends Character {
+ constructor(title, urls){
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/Character.js b/lib/Character.js
index dc2f7d7..e2d14ac 100644
--- a/lib/Character.js
+++ b/lib/Character.js
@@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ class Character {
// ignored if none
this.components = []
+ // everyones a char
+ // place.characters[ this.mesh.id ] = this
move(x, y, z){
diff --git a/lib/Component.js b/lib/Component.js
index 21b0c68..1480003 100644
--- a/lib/Component.js
+++ b/lib/Component.js
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ class Component extends Character {
// vector3
this.offset = offset
+ // customAnimation(){
+ // this.mesh.rotation.y += 0.004
+ // }
export { Component }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/MusicPlayer.js b/lib/MusicPlayer.js
index a374767..63571c3 100644
--- a/lib/MusicPlayer.js
+++ b/lib/MusicPlayer.js
@@ -13,38 +13,113 @@ class MusicPlayer extends Character {
mat = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial( { color: "#FFFFFF" })
super(geo, bbox, [255,255,255], mat)
+ // isplaying
+ this.playing = false
this.currentTrack = 0
this.urls = urls
this.tracks = []
- let url
- for(var i=0; i { this.playSong(this.currentTrack) } )
- this.playButton.pushable = false
- this.playButton.grabbable = false
+ let playmat = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { color: "#00ff00" })
+ let offset = new THREE.Vector3(-0.05,0.01,0.1)
+ this.playButton = new Component( this, offset, playgeo, [0,255,0], playmat, () => { this.playSong(this.currentTrack) } )
this.playButton.clickable = true
this.components.push( this.playButton )
+ let stopgeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 )
+ let stopmat = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { color: "#ff0000" })
+ let stopoffset = new THREE.Vector3(0.02,0.01,0.1)
+ this.stopButton = new Component( this, stopoffset, stopgeo, [0,255,0], stopmat, () => { this.stopSong(this.currentTrack) } )
+ this.stopButton.clickable = true
+ scene.add(this.stopButton.mesh)
+ this.components.push( this.stopButton )
+ let nextgeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 )
+ let nextmat = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { color: "#00ffff" })
+ let nextoffset = new THREE.Vector3(0.02,0.08,0.1)
+ this.nextButton = new Component( this, nextoffset, nextgeo, [0,255,0], nextmat, () => { this.nextTrack() } )
+ this.nextButton.clickable = true
+ scene.add(this.nextButton.mesh)
+ this.components.push( this.nextButton )
+ let prevgeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 )
+ let prevmat = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { color: "#ffff00" })
+ let prevoffset = new THREE.Vector3(-0.05,0.08,0.1)
+ this.prevButton = new Component( this, prevoffset, prevgeo, [0,255,0], prevmat, () => { this.prevTrack() } )
+ this.prevButton.clickable = true
+ scene.add(this.prevButton.mesh)
+ this.components.push( this.prevButton )
+ // display
+ this.createDisplay()
+ }
+ createDisplay(){
+ // create a canvas element
+ let mat = this.createDisplayMat("FOG STEREO")
+ let dispOffset = new THREE.Vector3(0,0.25,0)
+ this.display = new Component(this, dispOffset, new THREE.PlaneGeometry(0.36, 0.06), [0,120,200], mat)
+ scene.add( this.display.mesh )
+ // place.characters[this.display.mesh.id] = this.display
+ this.components.push( this.display )
+ }
+ setDisplay(text){
+ let newMat = this.createDisplayMat(text)
+ this.display.mesh.material = newMat
+ }
+ createDisplayMat(text){
+ let canvas1 = document.createElement('canvas')
+ canvas1.width = 360
+ canvas1.height = 60
+ let context1 = canvas1.getContext('2d')
+ context1.font = "Bold 50px Arial"
+ context1.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.95)"
+ context1.textBaseLine = "middle"
+ console.log( 'text', text )
+ context1.fillText( text, 0, 50)
+ // canvas contents will be used for a texture
+ let texture1 = new THREE.CanvasTexture(canvas1)
+ texture1.needsUpdate = true
+ // texture1.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping
+ // texture1.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping
+ // texture1.repeat.set(2,2)
+ let material1 = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: texture1, side: THREE.DoubleSide } )
+ material1.transparent = true
+ return material1
+ }
+ loadAlbum(urls){
+ let url
+ for(var i=0; i { t.stop() } )
this.currentTrack = songIndex
+ console.log( 'playing ', this.currentTrack )
if( this.tracks[this.currentTrack].loaded ){
@@ -53,6 +128,9 @@ class MusicPlayer extends Character {
+ // flag this now, but might have to load first
+ this.playing = true
// now load the next one
let nextTrack = this.currentTrack+1
if(this.tracks[nextTrack] && !this.tracks[nextTrack].loaded){
@@ -60,17 +138,30 @@ class MusicPlayer extends Character {
+ stopSong(){
+ console.log( 'stop song', this.currentTrack )
+ // if(this.playing){
+ // this.tracks[this.currentTrack].stop()
+ // this.playing = false
+ // }
+ this.tracks.forEach( (t) => { t.stop() } )
+ this.playing = false
+ }
+ console.log( 'next track', this.currentTrack )
+ console.log( 'prev track', this.currentTrack )
// inc looping around
this.currentTrack = util.incInRange(this.currentTrack, inc, 0, this.tracks.length-1)
+ console.log( 'current track now inc to ', this.currentTrack )
diff --git a/lib/Pointer.js b/lib/Pointer.js
index 482e2cd..ffaa911 100644
--- a/lib/Pointer.js
+++ b/lib/Pointer.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Pointer extends Character {
// mesh id aka characters[mesh id]
this.grabbedId = null
- let geo = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.1,0.1,0.1 )
+ let geo = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.05,0.05,0.05 )
let mat = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial( { color: '#0000ff', transparent: true, transmission: 0.5, reflectivity: 1, roughness: 0, clearcoat: 1.0, clearcoatRoughness: 0.1 })
let offset = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0)
@@ -24,8 +24,13 @@ class Pointer extends Character {
+ // throwing
this.lastPos = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0)
this.accVector = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0)
+ this.componentIds = {}
+ this.componentIds[this.mesh.id] = true
+ this.componentIds[this.grabBox.mesh.id] = true
diff --git a/lib/RelaxingRain.js b/lib/RelaxingRain.js
index 3ec0659..4db4e0f 100644
--- a/lib/RelaxingRain.js
+++ b/lib/RelaxingRain.js
@@ -41,6 +41,22 @@ class RelaxingRain extends Place {
+ // var spotlight2 = new THREE.SpotLight("#dddddd", 0.03)
+ // spotlight2.castShadow = true
+ // spotlight2.shadow.mapSize.width = 1024*4
+ // spotlight2.shadow.mapSize.height = 1024*4
+ // spotlight2.position.set(-1,1.8,0)
+ // spotlight2.lookAt(1,-1,-2)
+ // // light.shadow.mapSize.width = 512; // default
+ // // light.shadow.mapSize.height = 512; // default
+ // spotlight2.shadow.camera.near = 0.5; // default
+ // spotlight2.shadow.camera.far = 500; // default
+ // spotlight2.shadow.focus = 1; // default
+ // scene.add(spotlight2)
// var mountainLight = new THREE.SpotLight("#bbbb00", 0.004)
// mountainLight.castShadow = true
// mountainLight.shadow.mapSize.width = 1024*4
@@ -444,6 +460,9 @@ class RelaxingRain extends Place {
this.characters[this.musicPlayer.mesh.id] = this.musicPlayer
this.characters[this.musicPlayer.playButton.mesh.id] = this.musicPlayer.playButton
+ this.characters[this.musicPlayer.stopButton.mesh.id] = this.musicPlayer.stopButton
+ this.characters[this.musicPlayer.nextButton.mesh.id] = this.musicPlayer.nextButton
+ this.characters[this.musicPlayer.prevButton.mesh.id] = this.musicPlayer.prevButton
scene.add( this.musicPlayer.mesh )
diff --git a/lib/Sound.js b/lib/Sound.js
index 8f03c8d..a064484 100644
--- a/lib/Sound.js
+++ b/lib/Sound.js
@@ -95,7 +95,11 @@ class Sound extends Character {
- this.soundFile.stop()
+ // dont stop nothin
+ if(this.loaded && this.playing()){
+ console.log( 'I am stoppin ', this )
+ this.soundFile.stop()
+ }
diff --git a/lib/main.js b/lib/main.js
index 084ed09..b92efd2 100644
--- a/lib/main.js
+++ b/lib/main.js
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
container = document.createElement( 'div' )
document.body.appendChild( container )
- var scene
+ var camx,camy,camz
var place
var pointer
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
// geometry.setDrawRange(0,3)
var drawCount = 0
material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0022, linewidth: 4 } )
- line = new THREE.Line( bg, material )
+ // line = new THREE.Line( bg, material )
@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.01, 500 )
+ camx = camera.position.x
+ camy = camera.position.y
+ camz = camera.position.z
camera.add( listener )
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@
// scene.add( directionalLight.target )
- scene.add( line )
+ // scene.add( line )
controller = renderer.xr.getController( 0 )
console.log( 'controller', controller )
@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@
camGroup.add( controller )
// set player group stuff to real position
- camGroup.position.set(-0.3,PLAYERHEIGHT,-0.4)
+ camGroup.position.set(-0.4,0,-0.4)
window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false )
@@ -173,22 +176,70 @@
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight )
function handleController( controller ) {
- // console.log( 'just set grabbox bbx', pointer.grabBox.bbox.min, pointer.grabBox.bbox.max )
var userData = controller.userData;
// set cursor pos from controller pos
cursor.set( 0, 0, - 0.2 ).applyMatrix4( controller.matrixWorld )
- // console.log( 'cursor', cursor )
- // laser.matrix.fromArray( controller.matrixWorld.elements );
- // laser.updateMatrixWorld(true);
// set pointer ray trajectory
+ let cPos = new THREE.Vector3()
+ cPos = camera.getWorldPosition(cPos)
+ // camx = cPos.x
+ // camy = cPos.y
+ // camz = cPos.z
+ // let dir = new THREE.Vector3( controller.position.x-camx, controller.position.y-camy, controller.position.z-camz ).normalize()
+ let pos = new THREE.Vector3()
+ pos = controller.getWorldPosition(pos)
+ let dir = new THREE.Vector3()
+ dir = controller.getWorldDirection(dir)
+ // dir = new THREE.Vector3( pos.x-cPos.x, pos.y-cPos.y, pos.z-cPos.z ).normalize()
+ // RAY mmust be set using world position, everything else seems to be regular position ok
+ pointer.raycaster.set( pos, dir )
+ // ATTEMPT at locking pointer to nearest inter section... only works when really close so maybe a origin/direction issue
+ // let charObjs = []
+ // util.k(place.characters).forEach( (c) => {
+ // if(place.characters[c].mesh) {
+ // charObjs.push(place.characters[c].mesh)
+ // }
+ // })
+ // var intersects = pointer.raycaster.intersectObjects( charObjs )
+ // // fake init distance to simply this loop
+ // let closestIntersect = { distance: 10 }
+ // for(var i=0; i intersects[i].distance){
+ // closestIntersect = intersects[i]
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if(closestIntersect.distance < 10){
+ // // we intersect with sommething thats relatively close, lock the pointer to the intersection
+ // let x,y,z
+ // x = closestIntersect.point.x - pointer.mesh.position.x
+ // y = closestIntersect.point.y - pointer.mesh.position.y
+ // z = closestIntersect.point.z - pointer.mesh.position.z
+ // let newOffset = new THREE.Vector3( x,y,z )
+ // pointer.grabBox.offset = newOffset
+ // // pointer.move(closestIntersect.point.x,closestIntersect.point.y,closestIntersect.point.z)
+ // } else {
+ // let newOffset = new THREE.Vector3( 0,0,0 )
+ // pointer.grabBox.offset = newOffset
+ // }
+ // just put da pointa where the controller is
pointer.move(controller.position.x, controller.position.y, controller.position.z)
- // pointer.grabBox.mesh.position.set(controller.position.x, controller.position.y, controller.position.z)
if(pointer.grabbedId) {
// if its grabbed, carry it with the pointer
@@ -199,43 +250,21 @@
- positions = line.geometry.attributes.position.array
- // camera to cursor
- // positions[0] = camGroup.position.x
- // positions[1] = camGroup.position.y + PLAYERHEIGHT
- // positions[2] = camGroup.position.z
- // positions[3] = cursor.x
- // positions[4] = cursor.y
- // positions[5] = cursor.z
- // cursor to projected point out there
- // positions[0] = cursor.x
- // positions[1] = cursor.y
- // positions[2] = cursor.z
- // positions[3] = cursor.x * 2 - camGroup.position.x
- // positions[4] = cursor.y * 2 - camGroup.position.y + PLAYERHEIGHT
- // positions[5] = cursor.z * 2 - camGroup.position.z
- // camera to proj point out there
- // positions[0] = camGroup.position.x
- // positions[1] = camGroup.position.y + PLAYERHEIGHT
- // positions[2] = camGroup.position.z
- // positions[3] = cursor.x * 8 - camGroup.position.x
- // positions[4] = cursor.y * 8 - camGroup.position.y + PLAYERHEIGHT
- // positions[5] = cursor.z * 8 - camGroup.position.z
- // controller to proj point out there
- positions[0] = controller.position.x
- positions[1] = controller.position.y
- positions[2] = controller.position.z
- positions[3] = controller.position.x * 2 - camera.position.x
- positions[4] = controller.position.y * 2 - camera.position.y
- positions[5] = controller.position.z * 2 - camera.position.z
- // the actual targetray from xr pose
- line.matrix.fromArray( controller.matrix.toArray() )
- line.updateMatrixWorld(true)
+ // positions = line.geometry.attributes.position.array
+ // // controller to proj point out there
+ // positions[0] = controller.position.x
+ // positions[1] = controller.position.y
+ // positions[2] = controller.position.z
+ // positions[3] = controller.position.x * 2 - camera.position.x
+ // positions[4] = controller.position.y * 2 - camera.position.y
+ // positions[5] = controller.position.z * 2 - camera.position.z
+ // // the actual targetray from xr pose
+ // line.matrix.fromArray( controller.matrix.toArray() )
+ // line.updateMatrixWorld(true)
// char grabbing and collision
@@ -282,11 +311,6 @@
if ( userData.isSelecting === true ) {
// trigger is currently pulled
- let camx,camy,camz
- camx = camera.position.x
- camy = camera.position.y+PLAYERHEIGHT
- camz = camera.position.z
// add markerjunk at projected point
if( true && markerJunkTimer.time() > 420){
@@ -297,57 +321,53 @@
- let dir = new THREE.Vector3( controller.position.x-camx, controller.position.y-camy, controller.position.z-camz ).normalize()
- // pointer.raycaster.set(origin, dir)
- // pointer.raycaster.set( controller.getWorldPosition(), controller.getWorldDirection() )
- pointer.raycaster.set( controller.getWorldPosition(), dir )
- line.material.color.setRGB(12,34,128)
+ // doing this all the time now
+ // let dir = new THREE.Vector3( controller.position.x-camx, controller.position.y-camy, controller.position.z-camz ).normalize()
+ // pointer.raycaster.set( controller.getWorldPosition(), dir )
- let pushThese = []
+ // line.material.color.setRGB(12,34,128)
// if interseects, make it red
- var intersects = pointer.raycaster.intersectObjects( scene.children )
let thisgeo
+ // if we're clicking, use the same intersects from above
for ( var i = 0; i < intersects.length; i++ ) {
- if(intersects[i].object.id != line.id){
- // intersection markers
- // if( true && markerJunkTimer.time() > 120){
- // markerJunkTimer.reset()
- // thisgeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 )
- // let markerJunk = new JunkPiece(thisgeo, new THREE.Box3( new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3() ), [0,255,0], new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( {color: "#0000ff" } ) )
- // markerJunk.setPosition(intersects[i].point.x,intersects[i].point.y,intersects[i].point.z)
- // scene.add(markerJunk.mesh)
- // markerJunk.pushable = true
- // place.junk.push(markerJunk)
- // }
- // pushem
- if(pointer.grabbedId){
- // if already grabbing something, push crap out of the way when were near
- char = place.characters[intersects[i].object.id]
- if(char && char.pushable){
- char.mesh.material.color.setRGB(255,0,0)
- // do some shit
- char.accx += (char.mesh.position.x - intersects[i].point.x)*3
- char.accy += (char.mesh.position.y - intersects[i].point.y)*3
- char.accz += (char.mesh.position.z - intersects[i].point.z)*3
- console.log( 'now I push your shit', char.mesh.id, char.accx )
- }
+ // intersection markers
+ // if( true && markerJunkTimer.time() > 120){
+ // markerJunkTimer.reset()
+ // thisgeo = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 )
+ // let markerJunk = new JunkPiece(thisgeo, new THREE.Box3( new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3() ), [0,255,0], new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( {color: "#0000ff" } ) )
+ // markerJunk.setPosition(intersects[i].point.x,intersects[i].point.y,intersects[i].point.z)
+ // scene.add(markerJunk.mesh)
+ // markerJunk.pushable = true
+ // place.junk.push(markerJunk)
+ // }
+ // pushem
+ if(pointer.grabbedId){
+ // if already grabbing something, push crap out of the way when were near
+ char = place.characters[intersects[i].object.id]
+ if(char && char.pushable){
+ char.mesh.material.color.setRGB(255,0,0)
+ // do some shit
+ char.accx += (char.mesh.position.x - intersects[i].point.x)*3
+ char.accy += (char.mesh.position.y - intersects[i].point.y)*3
+ char.accz += (char.mesh.position.z - intersects[i].point.z)*3
+ console.log( 'now I push your shit', char.mesh.id, char.accx )
} else {
// game.destination = [0, 1.8, -1]
- line.material.color.setRGB(255,34,24)
+ // line.material.color.setRGB(255,34,24)
// stopped trigger hold, stop grabbing
let grabbedId = pointer.grabbedId
@@ -377,7 +397,7 @@
if(drawCount == 2){
// need to do this ONCE after each position change to work
- line.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true
+ // line.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true
drawCount = 0