Welcome to the seventh issue of the What's Cookin' newsletter! #ChefConf has kept us so busy that we've not had time to get out a proper newsletter lately. We'll correct that with one or two newsletters this week and then try to get back on a more regular schedule of a newsletter every one or two weeks.
- Netflix OSS website | YouTube
- #ChefConf Day Two Wrap-up
- #ChefConf 2013: Talking Shop With Spheromak
- #ChefConf 2013: Talking About Push Jobs With Kevin Smith
- #ChefConf Day One Wrap-up
We are preparing episodes on the following topics and would love your help generating questions, identifying panelists, etc.
- Continuous Delivery
- Chef and AWS
- Testing in Practice
- Chef and Openstack
Use promotional code 'FOODFIGHT' to save 10% off Chef Introductory Workshops in Philadelphia, Chicago, Corvallis, DC, Austin, San Francisco, and Boston.
Cookbooks on the Community Site - 952
Knife Plugins on RubyGems.org - 123
Chef Gems available on RubyGems.org - 126
100 New Cookbooks
- accumulator - kisoku - Installs/Configures accumulator
- admin-user - boroczadam - Sets up a shared admin user to manage the system
- aminator - simple - Netflix AMI bakery
- apache2-windows - dlrobinson - Installs/configures Apache2 on Windows Azure
- appbox - teohuiming - Provides a set of recipes to setup a base app server
- application_zf - wdalmut - Installs/Configures ZendSkeletonApplication
- archive - peter_donald - Provides utility LWRPs to download and unpack archives.
- asgard - organicveggie - Installs/Configures Netflix Asgard with Tomcat and Apache
- auto-patch - bflad - Configures node for automatic patching.
- bind10 - mswart - Installs bind 10
- ca_openldap - carguel - Configures a node to be an OpenLDAP server or client.
- cabal - mth - lwrp for cabal
- cacti - bflad - Cookbook for installing/configuring Cacti.
- chef-lighttpd - ct - Installs/Configures chef-lighttpd
- chz-firewall - ichcjoey - Installs/Configures firewalls
- circonus - clintoncwolfe - Circonus API client lib, resources, and such
- copperegg - rdickeyvii - Installs/Configures CopperEgg services
- couchbase - dunnj - Installs/Configures Couchbase
- cpanminus - melezhik - Installs cpanminus client
- databox - teohuiming - Setup a database server that runs multiple MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
- deb_pkg_unautostart - chrisroberts - Stop deb packages from starting processes
- deploy_s3 - boroczadam - Provides a resource for downloading build packages and deploying them onto a server
- drupal-windows - dlrobinson - Installs/configures Drupal on Windows Azure
- dusk - simple - Graphite/Cubism frontend
- easy-iptables - hnakamur - Installs/Configures easy-iptables
- ebs - albertsj1 - Mounts attached EBS volumes
- encryptfs - neilschelly - LWRP to manage encrypted one-boot-use filesystems for sensitive information on untrusted hardware or cloud appliances.
- etckeeper - pioneer - Installs/Configures etckeeper
- github-deploys - riceo100 - Configures a user account with keys and authenticates with the github API.
- golang - nox73 - Installs go programming language
- heidisql - tklein - Installs/Configures HeidiSQL
- hipsnip-jetty - lbdremy - Installs/Configures Jetty
- hipsnip-mongodb - boroczadam - Installs/Configures mongodb
- hipsnip-s3cmd - boroczadam - Installs/Configures s3cmd for a given set of users
- hipsnip-solr - lbdremy - Installs/Configures Solr
- hosts_corrected - tas50 - Configures the /etc/hosts file
- hub - drnic - git + hub = github
- icecast2 - ovea - Installs/Configures icecast2
- ipaddr_extensions - sax - Adds the ipaddr_extensions gem to chef
- java-management - bflad - Java Management Cookbook
- jemalloc - priestjim - Installs and configures the jemalloc library
- jolicode-php - jwurtz - Installs/Configures Jolicode Chef Cookbook for PHP
- kismet - tas50 - Installs/Configures kismet
- kitchen-jenkins - jtimberman - Set up a node to run test-kitchen in Jenkins
- libqrencode - irohiroki - Installs/Configures libqrencode
- logentries-rsyslog - boroczadam - Installs/Configures Logentries for Rsyslog
- loggly-rsyslog - boroczadam - Installs/Configures rsyslog streaming into Loggly
- lsyncd - bflad - Installs/configures lsyncd.
- mater - organicveggie - Installs and configures Mater, a bridge between StatusBoard and Graphite.
- monitor - portertech - A cookbook for monitoring services, using Sensu, a monitoring framework.
- munin-statsd - msaffitz - Installs and Configures the munin-statsd.pl bridge
- mysqltuner - fred - Installs mysqltuner from source
- notepadplusplus_2 - tas50 - Installs/Configures Notepad++
- nvm - lbdremy - Installs nvm, the node version manager
- nvp - gmiranda23 - Installs/configures Nicira's Network Virtualization Platform for use with OpenStack Quanutm
- omnibus - opscode - Prepares a machine to be an Omnibus builder.
- opencv - guilhemfr - Install opencv
- openfire - greenmoss - Installs Openfire Jabber server
- optipng - guilhemfr - Install pgbadger
- owfs - alno - Installs OWFS, a 1-wire filesystem.
- package-driver - mth - package-driver: data-bag driven package installs.
- papertrail-rsyslog - boroczadam - Installs/Configures rsyslog streaming into Papertrail
- php-windows - dlrobinson - Installs/configures PHP on Windows Azure
- php5_ppa - sawanoboly - Installs/Configures php5 from ppa
- pinba - alvro - Installs/Configures Pinba engine, clients
- pinto - melezhik - Installs/Configures pinto
- polyglot - simple - Easy defaults for ruby, python, clojure, java, and android
- postfix-full - mswart - Full installation and management about a postfix instance
- proxy - simple - Sets up instances for proxying traffic
- psgi - melezhik - configures and runs psgi application as fastcgi server
- rackbox - teohuiming - Setup a rack-based application server to run unicorn and passenger apps.
- rackspace_networks - chrisroberts - Provides networks information for rackspace
- rackspacecloudbackup - djoos - Installs/Configures Rackspace Cloud Backup Agent aka RCBU Agent
- rails_application - devops-evgeny - Installs/Configures rails_application
- raspberry-pi - russss - Handles initial configuration of a Raspberry Pi
- riak-cs - cheeseplus - Installs and configures Riak CS
- riemann - jasghar - Installs/Configures riemann client and server
- s3cmd-master - fred - Installs latest s3cmd from master branch at github (alpha)
- selenium - guilhemfr - Install selenium
- smokeping - tas50 - Installs and configures SmokePing server with fping
- spark - tas50 - Installs Spark
- ssh-keys - nickola - Creates "authorized_keys" in user "~/.ssh" directory from a data bag.
- sssd_ldap - tas50 - Installs/Configures LDAP on RHEL using SSSD
- stash - bflad - Installs/Configures Atlassian Stash
- statsite - sme - Installs/Configures statsite
- swftp - crackerjackmack - Installs/Configures swftp
- teamforge - opscodejulian - Installs/Configures CollabNet TeamForge
- tfchefint - opscodejulian - Installs/Configures TeamForge and Chef integration
- tomcat_latest - kchendil - Installs and Configures latest Apache Tomcat 6 or 7 or specified version
- vagrant - jtimberman - Installs/Configures vagrant
- vcruntime - dlrobinson - Installs Microsoft VC runtime
- wait - jwitrick - Installs/Configures wait
- wikiarguments - computerlyrik - Installs/Configures wikiarguments
- windirstat - tklein - Installs/Configures the WinDirStat
- wkhtmltopdf - bflad - Installs wkhtmltopdf static binaries
- wordpress-windows - dlrobinson - Installs/Configures Wordpress on Windows Azure
- xbuild - studio3104 - Installs/Configures xbuild
- zend-server - fdewinne - Installs and configures zend server
- zookeeperd - chrisroberts - A fabulous new cookbook
- zotonic - arjan - Installs/Configures Zotonic
131 updated cookbooks
- activemq - (1.1.0)
- afw - (0.0.7)
- aide - (0.1.2)
- apache2 - (1.6.2)
- application - (2.0.2)
- application_java - (1.1.0)
- application_nginx - (1.0.4)
- application_php - (1.1.0)
- application_python - (1.2.2)
- application_ruby - (1.1.2)
- apt - (1.9.2)
- artifact - (1.5.0)
- avahi-daemon - (0.0.14)
- bginfo - (0.0.6)
- bind - (0.1.1)
- bluepill - (2.2.2)
- build-essential - (1.4.0)
- certificate - (0.2.0)
- chef-golang - (1.0.1)
- chef_gem - (0.1.0)
- chocolatey - (0.0.5)
- clamav - (0.4.0)
- composer - (0.0.4)
- cpan - (0.0.26)
- cutlery - (0.2.2)
- datadog - (1.0.0)
- dbench - (1.0.3)
- debian - (0.0.2)
- dspam - (0.1.2)
- elasticsearch - (0.2.7)
- emacs - (0.9.0)
- erlang - (1.3.0)
- errbit - (0.4.0)
- etherpad-lite - (0.1.1)
- filezilla - (1.0.1)
- firefox - (1.0.6)
- fpm-tng - (0.1.4)
- git - (2.5.0)
- glassfish - (0.5.24)
- gpg - (0.2.2)
- gradle - (1.5.1)
- hostname - (0.0.6)
- hostsfile - (1.0.1)
- hwraid - (0.3.1)
- janitor - (0.0.4)
- java - (1.10.2)
- kafka - (1.0.20)
- kvm - (0.3.1)
- leiningen - (0.2.0)
- libmemcached - (0.1.0)
- liquibase - (0.2.0)
- liquid-feedback - (1.1.0)
- lvm - (0.8.8)
- lxc - (1.0.0)
- magento - (0.5.0)
- magic_shell - (0.3.2)
- maven - (0.16.2)
- mcollective - (0.11.0)
- minitest-handler - (0.2.1)
- monit - (0.7.1)
- munin - (1.3.0)
- mysql - (3.0.0)
- nagios - (4.1.0)
- netatalk - (1.1.0)
- network_interfaces - (0.2.0)
- networking_basic - (0.0.5)
- newrelic - (0.4.7)
- nexus - (1.2.1)
- nginx - (1.6.0)
- nodejs - (1.1.2)
- notepadplusplus - (0.0.5)
- opendj-openam - (0.2.0)
- opendj - (0.1.1)
- openresty - (0.1.9)
- openvpn - (1.1.0)
- pdepend - (0.0.3)
- percona - (0.14.5)
- phantomjs - (0.1.0)
- php-fpm - (0.4.1)
- phploc - (0.0.5)
- phpmd - (0.0.4)
- phpunit - (0.0.8)
- pkg-build - (0.2.0)
- postgres - (1.0.1)
- postgresql - (2.4.0)
- putty - (0.0.5)
- quantum - (0.1.1)
- rabbitmq - (2.0.0)
- rackspacecloudbackupagent - (0.0.1)
- rc_mon - (0.1.2)
- red_unicorn - (0.1.2)
- redis2 - (0.4.7)
- repository - (0.1.4)
- revealcloud - (0.0.8)
- riak - (2.0.0)
- ruby_installer - (0.1.2)
- runit - (1.1.4)
- s3_file - (1.0.1)
- s3fs - (0.0.7)
- sensu - (0.5.0)
- shibboleth_idp - (0.1.1)
- shibboleth_sp - (0.1.1)
- sidekiq - (0.1.0)
- smartmachine_functions - (0.5.2)
- smf - (0.6.9)
- sparkleshare - (0.6.0)
- sphinx - (0.6.2)
- ssh-util - (0.6.3)
- ssh_known_hosts - (1.0.0)
- storm - (1.0.30)
- stunnel - (2.0.2)
- sudo - (2.1.0)
- sysctl - (0.3.1)
- teamcity_server - (0.0.0)
- terracotta - (0.1.1)
- trac4r - (1.0.5)
- twitter - (1.0.8)
- ulimit - (0.2.0)
- users - (1.5.0)
- virtualbox - (1.0.0)
- vslinko - (0.0.2)
- web - (0.0.7)
- webpi - (1.2.0)
- windows - (1.8.10)
- wix - (1.1.0)
- x509 - (1.0.3)
- youtrack - (0.0.0)
- yum - (2.2.0)
- zarafa - (1.3.0)
- zncrypt - (0.3.2)
- zookeeper - (1.1.0)
- berkshelf-shims (0.1.1) - Shim functionality for Berkshelf
- berkshelf-vagrant (1.1.3) - Renamed to vagrant-berkshelf
- berkshelf (1.4.3) - Manages a Cookbook's, or an Application's, Cookbook dependencies
- berkshelf_ext (1.0.12) - Extenstions for berkshelf
- capistrano-paratrooper-chef (0.2.0) - A capistrano task to invoke chef-solo
- chef-berks (0.0.1) - Allows chef-client/solo to grab cookbooks on the fly using berkshelf
- chef-handler-copperegg (0.1.3) - This Handler will report the metrics for a chef-client run to CopperEgg.
- chef-handler-datadog (0.1.2) - This Handler will report the events and metrics for a chef-client run to DataDog.
- chef-handler-motd (0.1.2) - Edits MOTD at the end of a Chef run
- chef-handler-sensu (0.1.1) - Cleans up old Sensu checks during a Chef run
- chef-handler-timestamp (0.1.0) - Adds a timestamp at the end of a successful Chef run
- chef-handler-xmpp (0.2.2) - Chef report handler to send messages to xmpp/jabber/gchat accounts.
- chef-keepass (0.2.1) - Data encryption support for chef using data bags
- chef-reporting (0.1.0) - Backport of Chef Reporting handler for Chef < 11.6.0
- chef-ssl-client (1.0.5) - A command-line client the ssl cookbook's signing requirements
- chef-vault (1.2.3) - Data encryption support for chef using data bags
- chef-workflow-tasklib (0.2.3) - A set of rake tasks provided as discrete libraries for forming a chef workflow
- chef-workflow (0.2.5) - A comprehensive rake-based workflow for chef
- chef-zero (0.9.8) - Self-contained, easy-setup, fast-start in-memory Chef server for testing and solo setup purposes
- chefspec (1.1.0) - Write RSpec examples for Opscode Chef recipes
- cucumber-chef (3.0.8) - Framework for test-driven infrastructure development.
- flowchef (0.0.2) - Send chef run information to a Flowdock channel
- foodcritic (2.1.0) - Lint tool for Opscode Chef cookbooks.
- furnish-knife-server (0.0.1) - Furnish provisioner for knife-server -- automate a build of a chef-server
- jvmargs (0.0.4) - Sanity check command-line arguments to the JVM
- knife-backup (0.0.5) - Chef knife plugins to help backup and restore chef servers
- knife-bluebox (0.8.5) - Chef knife plugin for Blue Box
- knife-cfn (0.1.5) - CloudFormation Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-cisco_asa (0.2.0) - A knife plugin for managing Cisco ASA devices.
- knife-cleanup (0.0.5) - Chef knife plugin to help cleanup unused versions of cookbooks from a chef server
- knife-cloudstack (0.0.14) - A Knife plugin to create, list and manage CloudStack servers
- knife-community (0.2.0) - The centralized location for sharing cookbooks is the Community Site, this is a process helper to produce a repeatable method for releasing cookbooks.
- knife-cookbook-doc (0.3.0) - Knife plugin to generate README.md for a cookbook
- knife-cookbook-sync (0.1.0) - Sync only what's changed -- faster than cookbook upload
- knife-digital_ocean (0.1.1) - A plugin for chef's knife to manage instances of DigitalOcean servers
- knife-easybake (0.1.0) - Making Easybake Possible
- knife-ec2 (0.6.4) - EC2 Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-essentials (0.9.8) - Universal knife verbs that work with your Chef repository
- knife-flip (0.1.6) - A knife plugin to move a node, or all nodes in a role, to a specific environment
- knife-joyent (0.1.4) - Joyent CloudAPI Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-nodefu (0.1.2) - A knife plugin for simple node creation automation
- knife-openstack (0.7.1) - OpenStack Compute Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-packager (0.1.3) - Knife pluging to deploy cookbooks to S3
- knife-proxmox (0.0.18) - ProxmoxVE Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-rhn (0.3.0) - A knife plugin for managing RHN.
- knife-rightscale (0.0.3) - One plugin to provision them all! This plugin allows the Chef developer to provision Chef clients on all major clouds using the RightScale platform.
- knife-server (1.0.1) - Chef Knife plugin to bootstrap Chef Servers
- knife-setup (1.1.0) - Allows you to bootsrap machine and set role and env.
- knife-sharp (0.2.0) - Sharpen your knife
- knife-solo_data_bag (0.3.2) - A knife plugin for working with data bags and chef solo
- knife-stalenodes (1.0.1) - Knife plugin for listing nodes that have not checked in
- knife-stash (0.2.0) - A knife plugin for Atlassian Stash.
- knife-tarsnap (0.1.1) - Knife plugin and Chef cookbook for managing tarsnap.
- knife-twitter (0.1.0) - knife-plugin for twitter.
- knife-voxel (0.0.9) - Voxel hAPI Support for Chef's knife command
- knife-vsphere (0.5.0) - VMware vSphere Support for Chef's Knife Command
- knife-whisk (2.0.0) - A utility for quickly whipping up new servers in a team environment
- librarian-chef (0.0.1) - Librarian::Chef
- minitest-chef-handler (1.0.1) - Run minitest suites after your Chef recipes to check the status of your system.
- pocketknife_ec2dream (0.1.7) - tool for managing computers running chef-solo
- realityforge-knife-windows (0.5.17) - Plugin that adds functionality to Chef's Knife CLI for configuring/interacting with nodes running Microsoft Windows
- ridley (0.11.1) - A reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax
- vagrant-chef-apply (0.0.1) - A Vagrant plugin to add simple chef-apply provisioner
- vagrant-chefnode (0.0.2) - Remove nodes and clients from Chef Server when instances are destroyed
- vagrant-librarian-chef (0.0.1) - A Vagrant plugin to install Chef cookbooks using Librarian-Chef.
- yard-chef (1.0.0) - yard-chef is a YARD plugin for Chef that adds support for documenting Chef cookbooks, resources, providers, and definitions.
- yyuu-capistrano-chef-solo (0.1.6) - a capistrano recipe to invoke chef-solo.
The Food Fight Show is brought to you by [Bryan Berry](https://twitter.com/bryanwb) and [Nathen Harvey](https://twitter.com/nathenharvey) with help from other hosts and the awesome community of Chefs.
The show and this newsletter are sponsored, in part, by Opscode. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available.
Feedback, suggestions, and questions: [email protected] or http://github.com/foodfight/showz.