Show Date: 20 Feb 2013 17:00 UTC
- Dan DeLeo
- Kevin Smith github, twitter
- Seth Falcon
- Mike Fiedler github, twitter
- MattRay github, twitter, irc: mattray, blog
- Bryan Berry github, twitter, irc: bryanwb, blog: devopsanywhere
- John Vincent, aka Lusis twitter, github
- Nathen Harvey github, twitter, irc: nathenharvey, blog
- Why Erlang?
- Why PostgreSQL?
- How much of the changes will be noticeable to Chef users?
- What was the overall approach to the port?
- What lessons did you learn from doing the port?
- Would you still do the port if you had the chance to do it over?
- chef-apply
- "shef" to "chef-shell"
- chef-server-webui - merb to Rails
- template partials
- knife search
- data bag changes
- LWRP changes
- Node attribute changes
- Role and Environment attribute changes
- Subtractive merge removed
removed- Delayed Notificaton Changes
- Single notifies for notifications
- Non-recipe File Evaluation Includes Dependencies
- Knife Configuration Parameter Changes
- Remote File Mirror Support
- Certificate management (clients, etc.)?
- What's NOT included in the OSS release?
- Can I get support for Open Source Chef?
- What's the future of the open source webui?
- Are you going to release Chef 10 -> Chef 11 migration tools? If so, when?
- 21st Century C
- Art of Multiprocessor Programming
- Characterizing the Scalability of Erlang VM on Many-Core Processors
- The Garbage Collection Handbook 2nd Ed.
- Dune: Safe User-level Access to Privileged CPU Features
- ConcurrencyKit
- ZeroMQ
- Soundtrack by Flux Pavilion, Savant, Bare, Cookie Monsta, M83, and Seven Lions
- Explosions in the Sky
- M-x rgrep, awesome for browsing code
- unnecessary whitespace highlighting w/ Emacs magit
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Also, you can submit show ideas to our github repo