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This addon exports services for use in other addons. The convert addon enables the creation and lookup of static and dynamic converters for general purpose use.

Depends on

Addon Exported Optional





This addon requires the following installation steps.

Add configuration to pom.xml

To use this addon, you must add it as a dependency in the pom.xml of your forge-addon classified artifact:



ConverterFactory service for converter creation

The ConverterFactory is used for creating both generic and specific converter instances for specified types. When creating converters, the factory will select the most appropriate converter type for the specified type arguments.

private ConverterFactory factory;
Converter<String, Integer> converter = factory.create(String.class, Integer.class);

If your addon uses a container that does not support "@Inject" annotations, services such as the ConverterFactory may also be accessed via the AddonRegistry:

AddonRegistry registry = ...
Imported<ConverterFactory> imported = registry.getServices(ConverterFactory.class);
ConverterFactory factory = imported.get();

Additionally, you may directly inject typed converters:

@Inject Converter<SOURCE,TARGET> converter;
Converter Resolution

By default, the Converter API will automatically attempt to find the assigned converter by doing the following checks:

  • Check if a custom converter was registered (see next section);

    • If no custom converter is found, the following checks are made:

      • Given a source type and a target type, check if the target type has a constructor with only the source type as a parameter. eg: public static MyClass valueOf(String str){…​}

      • Given a source type and a target type check if the target type has a static method valueOf receiving the source type as a parameter. eg: public static MyClass valueOf(String str){…​}

  • If converter resolution fails, a ConverterNotFoundException is thrown.

Custom converters

The convert API can be extended to register converters for types that are not supported by default. This is a two step process involving creation of a new type that extends from Converter, and of a ConverterGenerator. These custom converters will be made automatically available to other addons that depend on the convert addon.

public class Thing {
   private Object value;

   // getters and setters

Implement the Converter interface:

public class ThingConverter extends AbstractConverter<Object, Thing> implements Converter<Object, Thing>
   public ThingConverter()
      super(Object.class, Thing.class);

   public DirectoryResource convert(Object source)
      return new Thing(source);

Implement a ConverterGenerator:

public class ThingConverterGenerator implements ConverterGenerator
   public boolean handles(Class<?> source, Class<?> target)
      return Thing.class.isAssignableFrom(target);

   public ThingResourceConverter generateConverter(Class<?> source, Class<?> target)
      return new ThingConverter();

   public Class<ThingResourceConverter> getConverterType()
      return DirectoryResourceConverter.class;
Consistent programming experience

Because the convert API provides a consistent set of interfaces for performing type conversion, it is used in a number of addons and should be considered the standard approach for converting values.