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Upgrade guide

This guide contains steps for upgrading crates in this project between major versions.

Upgrading from url 1.x to 2.1+

  • The minimum supported Rust version is now v1.33.0. Verify that you can bump your library or application to the same MSRV.

  • Url no longer implements std::net::ToSocketAddrs. You will instead need to explicitly call socket_addrs to convert your Url to a type that implements ToSocketAddrs.

    Note that v2.0 removed support for std::net::ToSocketAddrs with no replacement; the socket_addrs method was not added until v2.1.

    Before upgrading:

    let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let stream = TcpStream::connect(url).unwrap();

    After upgrading:

    let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let addrs = url.socket_addrs(|| None).unwrap();
    let stream = TcpStream::connect(addrs).unwrap();

    Before upgrading:

    let url = Url::parse("socks5://localhost").unwrap();
    let stream = TcpStream::connect(url.with_default_port(|url| match url.scheme() {
        "socks5" => Ok(1080),
        _ => Err(()),

    After upgrading:

    let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let stream = TcpStream::connect(url.socket_addrs(|| match url.scheme() {
        "socks5" => Some(1080),
        _ => None,
  • url_serde is no longer required to use Url with Serde 1.x. Remove references to url_serde and enable the serde feature instead.

    # Cargo.toml
    url = { version = "2.0", features = ["serde"] }
  • The idna and percent_export crates are no longer exported by the url crate. Depend on those crates directly instead. See below for additional breaking changes in the percent-export package.

    Before upgrading:

    use url::percent_encoding::percent_decode;

    After upgrading:

    use percent_encoding::percent_decode;

Upgrading from percent-encoding 1.x to 2.x

  • Prepackaged encoding sets, like QUERY_ENCODE_SET and PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET, are no longer provided. You will need to read the specifications relevant to your domain and construct your own encoding sets by using the percent_encoding::AsciiSet builder methods on either of the base encoding sets, percent_encoding::CONTROLS or percent_encoding::NON_ALPHANUMERIC.

    Before upgrading:

    use percent_encoding::QUERY_ENCODE_SET;
    percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode(value, QUERY_ENCODE_SET);

    After upgrading:

    const QUERY: &AsciiSet = &CONTROLS.add(b' ').add(b'"').add(b'#').add(b'<').add(b'>');
    percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode(value, QUERY);

Upgrading from url 0.x to 1.x

  • The fields of Url are now private because the Url constructor, parser, and setters maintain invariants that could be violated if you were to set the fields directly. Instead of accessing, for example, url.scheme, use the getter method, such as url.scheme(). Instead of assigning directly to a field, for example url.scheme = "https".to_string(), use the setter method, such as url.set_scheme("https").unwrap(). (Some setters validate the new value and return a Result that must be used).

  • The methods of Url now return &str instead of String, thus reducing allocations and making serialization cheap.

  • The path() method on url::Url instances used to return Option<&[String]>; now it returns &str. If you would like functionality more similar to the old behavior of path(), use path_segments() that returns Option<str::Split<char>>.

    Before upgrading:

    let issue_list_url = Url::parse(
    assert_eq!(issue_list_url.path(), Some(&["rust-lang".to_string(),

    After upgrading:

    let issue_list_url = Url::parse(
    assert_eq!(issue_list_url.path(), "/rust-lang/rust/issues");
    assert_eq!(issue_list_url.path_segments().map(|c| c.collect::<Vec<_>>()),
               Some(vec!["rust-lang", "rust", "issues"]));
  • The path_mut() method on url::Url instances that allowed modification of a URL's path has been replaced by path_segments_mut().

    Before upgrading:

    let mut url = Url::parse("").unwrap();

    After upgrading:

    let mut url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
  • The domain_mut() method on url::Url instances that allowed modification of a URL's domain has been replaced by set_host() and set_ip_host().

  • The host() method on url::Url instances used to return Option<&Host>; now it returns Option<Host<&str>>. The serialize_host() method that returned Option<String> has been replaced by the host_str() method that returns Option<&str>.

  • The serialize() method on url::Url instances that returned String has been replaced by an as_str() method that returns &str.

    Before upgrading:

    let this_document = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(this_document.serialize(), "".to_string());

    After upgrading:

    let this_document = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(this_document.as_str(), "");
  • url::UrlParser has been replaced by url::Url::parse() and url::Url::join().

    Before upgrading:

    let this_document = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let css_url = UrlParser::new().base_url(&this_document).parse("../main.css").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(css_url.serialize(), "".to_string());

    After upgrading:

    let this_document = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let css_url = this_document.join("../main.css").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(css_url.as_str(), "");
  • url::parse_path() and url::UrlParser::parse_path() have been removed without replacement. As a workaround, you can give a base URL that you then ignore too url::Url::parse().

    Before upgrading:

    let (path, query, fragment) = url::parse_path("/foo/bar/../baz?q=42").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(path, vec!["foo".to_string(), "baz".to_string()]);
    assert_eq!(query, Some("q=42".to_string()));
    assert_eq!(fragment, None);

    After upgrading:

    let base = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let with_path = base.join("/foo/bar/../baz?q=42").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(with_path.path(), "/foo/baz");
    assert_eq!(with_path.query(), Some("q=42"));
    assert_eq!(with_path.fragment(), None);
  • The url::form_urlencoded::serialize() method has been replaced with the url::form_urlencoded::Serializer struct. Instead of calling serialize() with key/value pairs, create a new Serializer with a new string, call the extend_pairs() method on the Serializer instance with the key/value pairs as the argument, then call finish().

    Before upgrading:

    let form = url::form_urlencoded::serialize(form.iter().map(|(k, v)| {
        (&k[..], &v[..])

    After upgrading:

    let form = url::form_urlencoded::Serializer::new(String::new()).extend_pairs(
        form.iter().map(|(k, v)| { (&k[..], &v[..]) })
  • The set_query_from_pairs() method on url::Url instances that took key/value pairs has been replaced with query_pairs_mut(), which allows you to modify the url::Url's query pairs.

    Before upgrading:

    let mut url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let pairs = vec![
        ("q", "test"),
        ("ia", "images"),
    url.set_query_from_pairs(pairs.iter().map(|&(k, v)| {
        (&k[..], &v[..])

    After upgrading:

    let mut url = Url::parse("").unwrap();
    let pairs = vec![
        ("q", "test"),
        ("ia", "images"),
      pairs.iter().map(|&(k, v)| { (&k[..], &v[..]) })
  • url::SchemeData, its variants Relative and NonRelative, and the struct url::RelativeSchemeData have been removed. Instead of matching on these variants to determine if you have a URL in a relative scheme such as HTTP versus a URL in a non-relative scheme as data, use the cannot_be_a_base() method to determine which kind you have.

    Before upgrading:

    match url.scheme_data {
        url::SchemeData::Relative(..) => {}
        url::SchemeData::NonRelative(..) => {
            return Err(human(format!("`{}` must have relative scheme \
                                      data: {}", field, url)))

    After upgrading:

    if url.cannot_be_a_base() {
        return Err(human(format!("`{}` must have relative scheme \
                                  data: {}", field, url)))
  • The functions url::whatwg_scheme_type_mapper(), the SchemeType enum, and the scheme_type_mapper() method on url::UrlParser instances have been removed. SchemeType had a method for getting the default_port(); to replicate this functionality, use the method port_or_known_default() on url::Url instances. The port_or_default() method on url::Url instances has been removed; use port_or_known_default() instead.

    Before upgrading:

    let port = match whatwg_scheme_type_mapper(&url.scheme) {
        SchemeType::Relative(port) => port,
        _ => return Err(format!("Invalid special scheme: `{}`",

    After upgrading:

    let port = match url.port_or_known_default() {
        Some(port) => port,
        _ => return Err(format!("Invalid special scheme: `{}`",
  • The following formatting utilities have been removed without replacement; look at their linked previous implementations if you would like to replicate the functionality in your code:

  • url::percent_encoding::percent_decode() used to have a return type of Vec<u8>; now it returns an iterator of decoded u8 bytes that also implements Into<Cow<u8>>. Use .into().to_owned() to obtain a Vec<u8>. (.collect() also works but might not be as efficient.)

  • The url::percent_encoding::EncodeSet struct and constant instances used with url::percent_encoding::percent_encode() have been changed to structs that implement the trait url::percent_encoding::EncodeSet.

    • HTTP_VALUE_ENCODE_SET has been removed; an implementation of it in the new types can be found in hyper's source if you need to replicate this functionality in your code.
    • FORM_URLENCODED_ENCODE_SET has been removed; instead, use the functionality in url::form_urlencoded.
    • PATH_SEGMENT_ENCODE_SET has been added for use on '/'-separated path segments.
  • url::percent_encoding::percent_decode_to() has been removed. Use url::percent_encoding::percent_decode() which returns an iterator. You can then use the iterator’s collect() method or give it to some data structure’s extend() method.

  • A number of ParseError variants have changed. See the documentation for the current set.

  • url::OpaqueOrigin::new() and url::Origin::UID(OpaqueOrigin) have been replaced by url::Origin::new_opaque() and url::Origin::Opaque(OpaqueOrigin), respectively.