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base repository: lemmy/lets-prove-blocking-queue
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head repository: franck44/lets-prove-blocking-queue
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  • 1 commit
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 2, 2020

  1. Add Dafny spec and proof.

    franck44 committed Apr 2, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    f84b3f5 View commit details
Showing with 171 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +25 −0 dafny/
  2. +146 −0 dafny/prod-cons.dfy
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions dafny/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

# Dafny

We use the verification-aware programming language Dafny to write the specification, the implementation, and the proofs.

Dafny provides extensive support for automated reasoning leveraging the power of state-of-start
automated reasonign engines (SMT-solvers).

# Useful Repositories - Dafny

* [Dafny github repo](

* [Dafny Wiki](

* [VSCode](, to use Dafny on MacOS and Linux

* [Dafny-extension-for-VSCode](

* [Verification Corner](, tutorials by Rustan Leino.

* [Tutorial paper](

* [IronClad project (2015, Dafny spec)](

146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions dafny/prod-cons.dfy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
* A proof in Dafny of the non blocking property of a queue.
* @author Franck Cassez.
* @note: based off Modelling Concurrency in Dafny, K.R.M. Leino
* @link{}
module ProdCons {

// A type for process id that supports equality (i.e. p == q is defined).
type Process(==)

// A type for the elemets in the buffer.
type T

* The producer/consumer problem.
* The set of processes is actuall irrelevant (included here because part of the
* original problem statement ...)
class ProdCons {

* Set of processes in the system.
const P: set<Process>

* The maximal size of the buffer.
var maxBufferSize : nat

* The buffer.
var buffer : seq<T>

* Invariant.
* Buffer should always less than maxBufferSize elements,
* Set of processes is not empty
predicate valid()
reads this
maxBufferSize > 0 && P != {} &&
0 <= |buffer| <= maxBufferSize

* Initialise set of processes and buffer and maxBufferSize
constructor (processes: set<Process>, m: nat )
requires processes != {} // Non empty set of processes.
requires m >= 1 // Buffer as at least one cell.
ensures valid() // After initilisation the invariant is true
P := processes;
buffer := [];
maxBufferSize := m;

* Enabledness of a put operation.
* If enabled any process can perform a put.
predicate putEnabled(p : Process)
reads this
|buffer| < maxBufferSize

/** Event: a process puts an element in the queue. */
method put(p: Process, t : T)
requires valid()
requires putEnabled(p) // |buffer| < maxBufferSize
modifies this
buffer := buffer + [t] ;

* Enabledness of a get operation.
* If enabled, any process can perform a get.
predicate getEnabled(p : Process)
reads this
|buffer| >= 1

/** Event: a process gets an element from the queue. */
method get(p: Process)
requires getEnabled(p)
requires valid() // Invariant is inductive
ensures |buffer| == |old(buffer)| - 1 // this invariant is not needed and can be omitted
modifies this
// remove the first element of buffer.
// note: Dafny implcitly proves that the tail operation can be performed
// as a consequence of |buffer| >= 1 (getEnabled()).
// To see this, comment out the
// requires and an error shows up.
buffer := buffer[1..];

/** Correctness theorem: no deadlock.
* From any valid state, at least one process is enabled.
lemma noDeadlock()
requires valid()
ensures exists p :: p in P && (getEnabled(p) || putEnabled(p))

// as processes are irrelevant, this could be simplified
// into isBufferNotFull() or isBufferNotEmpty()
// Dafny automatically proves this. so we can leave the
// body of this lemma empty.
// But for the sake of clarity, here is the proof.

// P is not empty so there is a process p in P
// Reads as: select a p of type Process such that p in P
var p: Process :| p in P ;
// Now we have a p.
// We are going to use the fact that valid() must hold as it is a pre-condition
if ( |buffer| > 0 ) {
assert (getEnabled(p));
else {
// You may comment out the following asserts and Dafny
// can figure out the proof from the constraints that are
// true in this case.
// Becas=use |buffer| == 0 and maxBufferSize >= 1, we can do a put
assert(|buffer| == 0);
assert (|buffer| < maxBufferSize);