- Do not post questions, ideas or suggestions unless they directly correlate to a bug you're reporting. If you want to do any of the former, do so on the TC thread.
- Check the other issues first to make sure yours hasn't been reported yet.
- Make sure you are running the latest version of Thaumcraft and Forge;
- Do not report issues for 1.6 versions of Thaumcraft, they aren't supported any more.
- Make sure you list your TC and Forge version at the top of any issue.
- Issues regarding MCPC+/Cauldron are not accepted. If you find an issue in a server running MCPC+/Cauldron, try to reproduce it in a vanilla (Forge) server. If you can't, report the issue to the MCPC+/Cauldron issue tracker, not here;
- Issues regarding running Thaumcraft in a developer environment are not accepted, this is not TC addon development hotline;
- Render related issues with Optifine (that work fine without it) are not accepted;
- Post the FML log (if there's a crash) on Gist or any other pastebin;
- Refer what mods you are running, if the game didn't crash;
- Make sure NEI block highlights are off if thaumcraft things are disappearing/changing into something else while looking at them;
- You don't need to prefix or suffix your issue titles with [Bug] or [Idea] or anything in square brackets, put the info inside the issue text, if anything needs to be flagged, we take care of it.
- Make sure your title is a good resume of the issue, "Research bug" or "Entity crash" are not good titles, for one.
- Open up one issue for each bug, don't compile them, it makes it harder to sort through.
- Don't edit en_US.lang
- Read the FaQ in the TC thread.
A general, all use "good posting guide" can be found here: http://vazkii.us/br101/