Hello! Thank you for seeking out support from Crowd Supply.
In the interest of keeping this community welcoming and functioning for it's intended uses we cannot provide customer support via this Discord server. There is no access to customer service here.
We are happy to provide our best efforts through our standard channels. Campaign Updates and our Newsletter are also fantastic resources for finding up to date information.
We have numerous resources for you to obtain customer service which can be accessed through the links below:
Basic FAQ: https://www.crowdsupply.com/contact
Details of shipping policies and procedures: https://www.crowdsupply.com/guide/ordering-paying-shipping-details
Answers to other common questions are likely in our Guide: https://www.crowdsupply.com/guide
Contact us (if you can’t find an answer using the above links): https://www.crowdsupply.com/contact
If a community member uses this server in a disruptive manner in an attempt to get customer support, we will be forced to implement our soft "three-strike" policy as outlined in our #code-of-conduct.
Thank you for understanding and working with us to create a safe, positive community space here on Discord.