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QA Procedures

Erik Moeller edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 25 revisions

Release QA

Hardware installation from scratch:

  1. Download, verify, and clean Ubuntu install (; config as per standard Install documentation

  2. Fresh clone of securedrop repo on the Admin workstation

  3. (git fetch --tags), verify the tag for the release branch you are testing, then check out that tag

  4. Edit install_files/ansible_base/roles/install-fpf-repo/defaults/main.yml to use:

  1. ./securedrop-admin setup, then ./securedrop-admin sdconfig, then ./securedrop-admin install

  2. Kernel Testing. On app server:

    1. install paxtest (available via apt) and run paxtest blackhat The results you want are:

      • strcpy and strcpy, PIE should be paxtest: paxtest: return address contains a NULL byte
      • Randomization tests: bit guesses in the high 20s or higher
      • Everything else: "Killed"
    2. torify curl -L -o on the Admin workstation. Then scp app:~ so that you have the script on the app server. Make executable, and run the script as sudo. Note: this should only be done on non-production (QA-only) hardware. You should not see any tests that come back as STATUS:VULNERABLE. Note: you will generate OSSEC alerts about grsec when you run these two tests – this is normal/expected.

Follow the QA matrix for further tests (end-to-end, monitor logs, etc).

More tips

  • AppArmor can be checked with sudo aa-status
  • Kernel can be checked with uname -r
  • Submissions table is at /var/lib/securedrop/db.sqlite. Use sudo sqlite3 /var/lib/securedrop/db.sqliteto open,select * from submissions` to see submission hashes, etc

Upgrade hardware installation:


Pull Request QA


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