Man page generation program for the command module.
npm i -g cli-manpage
Usage: cli-manpage <command> [-se] [--color|--no-color]
[-s|--standalone] [-e|--error] [--help]
[--version] [-o|--output==<dir>]
[-a|--argument==<name>] [--section==<1-8>]
Man page generation tool.
help Show help for commands.
-o, --output==[dir]
Output directory for generated man pages.
-s, --standalone Generate a single standalone man page.
-e, --error Use the program stderr stream.
-a, --argument==[name]
Argument used to print help output.
--[no]-color Enable or disable terminal colors.
Man page section.
--help Display this help and exit.
--version Output version information and exit.
Report bugs to muji <[email protected]>.
Everything is MIT. Read the license if you feel inclined.
This program was built using the command module, if you care for excellent documentation and write command line interfaces you should check it out.
Generated by mdp(1).