diff --git a/BLT/BLT.toc b/BLT/BLT.toc
index abe94e7..ce55b19 100644
--- a/BLT/BLT.toc
+++ b/BLT/BLT.toc
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
## Title: BLT
## Notes: Tracks specific cooldowns of players in a raid/party
## Version: 1.3.2
-## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibSharedMedia-3.0, AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets, LibDualSpec-1.0
+## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibSharedMedia-3.0, AceGUI-3.0-SharedMediaWidgets, LibTalentQuery-1.0, LibGroupTalents-1.0, LibDualSpec-1.0
## SavedVariables: BLT_DB
diff --git a/BLT/Backend.lua b/BLT/Backend.lua
index 31d3452..daee434 100644
--- a/BLT/Backend.lua
+++ b/BLT/Backend.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
local BLT = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("BLT", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0")
local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("BLT")
local TalentQuery = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibTalentQuery-1.0")
+local LibGroupTalents = LibStub("LibGroupTalents-1.0")
local select, pairs, ipairs, next = _G.select, _G.pairs, _G.ipairs, _G.next
local tinsert, tremove, tconcat, twipe = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat, table.wipe
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ BLT.playerLevel = {}
BLT.playerEquipment = {}
BLT.playerTalentPoints = {}
BLT.playerTalentsSpecced = {}
+BLT.playerRole = {}
BLT.playerGlyphs = {}
BLT.specificTalents = {
@@ -241,6 +243,8 @@ function BLT:TalentQuery_Ready(e, name, r, unitId)
self.playerLevel[name] = unitTargetLevel
self.playerTalentPoints[name] = x .. "/" .. y .. "/" .. z
self.playerTalentsSpecced[name] = {}
+ self.playerRole[name] = LibGroupTalents:GetUnitRole(name)
if next(playerTalents) ~= nil then
self.playerTalentsSpecced[name] = playerTalents
@@ -326,6 +330,7 @@ function BLT:ClearLists()
+ clearList(self.playerRole)
self:Print(L["All data cleared!"])
@@ -338,5 +343,6 @@ function BLT:RemoveUnitFromTables(unit)
self.playerTalentPoints[unitName] = nil
self.playerTalentsSpecced[unitName] = nil
self.playerEquipment[unitName] = nil
+ self.playerRole[unitName] = nil
diff --git a/BLT/Config.lua b/BLT/Config.lua
index 8669fa4..276990f 100644
--- a/BLT/Config.lua
+++ b/BLT/Config.lua
@@ -168,7 +168,25 @@ BLT.options = {
order = 9
- }
+ },
+ healerOnlyCD = {
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Show only healer cooldowns"],
+ desc = L["Display healing cooldowns only for healers"],
+ get = get,
+ set = set,
+ width = "full",
+ order = 10
+ },
+ tankOnlyCD = {
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = L["Show only tank cooldowns"],
+ desc = L["Display defensive cooldowns only for tanks"],
+ get = get,
+ set = set,
+ width = "full",
+ order = 11
+ },
show = {
diff --git a/BLT/Cooldowns.lua b/BLT/Cooldowns.lua
index b7e7afd..2acda35 100644
--- a/BLT/Cooldowns.lua
+++ b/BLT/Cooldowns.lua
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 55,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Anti-Magic Shell
[GetSpellInfo(48707)] = {
@@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 68,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Icebound Fortitude
[GetSpellInfo(48792)] = {
@@ -67,7 +69,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 62,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Vampiric Blood
[GetSpellInfo(55233)] = {
@@ -81,7 +84,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 55,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "tank"
-- Hysteria
[GetSpellInfo(49016)] = {
@@ -95,7 +99,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 55,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
["DRUID"] = {
@@ -111,7 +116,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 44,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "tank"
-- Innervate
[GetSpellInfo(29166)] = {
@@ -125,7 +131,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 40,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Rebirth
[GetSpellInfo(48477)] = {
@@ -139,7 +146,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 20,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Survival Instincts
[GetSpellInfo(61336)] = {
@@ -153,7 +161,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 20,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "tank"
-- Tranquility
[GetSpellInfo(26983)] = {
@@ -167,7 +176,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 30,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "healer"
["HUNTER"] = {
@@ -183,7 +193,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 70,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
["MAGE"] = {
@@ -199,7 +210,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 30,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
["PALADIN"] = {
@@ -215,7 +227,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 40,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Aura Mastery
[GetSpellInfo(31821)] = {
@@ -229,7 +242,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 20,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Divine Protection
[GetSpellInfo(498)] = {
@@ -243,7 +257,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 6,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "tank"
-- Divine Sacrifice
[GetSpellInfo(64205)] = {
@@ -257,7 +272,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 20,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Divine Shield
[GetSpellInfo(642)] = {
@@ -271,7 +287,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 34,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Hand of Freedom
[GetSpellInfo(1044)] = {
@@ -285,7 +302,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 18,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Hand of Protection
[GetSpellInfo(10278)] = {
@@ -299,7 +317,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 10,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Hand of Sacrifice
[GetSpellInfo(6940)] = {
@@ -313,7 +332,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 46,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Hand of Salvation
[GetSpellInfo(1038)] = {
@@ -327,7 +347,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 26,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Lay on Hands
[GetSpellInfo(48788)] = {
@@ -341,7 +362,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 10,
tar = true,
glyph = GetGlyphName[48788],
- glyphCd = 300
+ glyphCd = 300,
+ role = "nil"
["PRIEST"] = {
@@ -357,7 +379,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 80,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "healer"
-- Fear Ward
[GetSpellInfo(6346)] = {
@@ -371,7 +394,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 20,
tar = true,
glyph = GetGlyphName[6346],
- glyphCd = 60
+ glyphCd = 60,
+ role = "nil"
-- Dispersion
[GetSpellInfo(47585)] = {
@@ -385,7 +409,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 60,
tar = true,
glyph = GetGlyphName[47585],
- glyphCd = 45
+ glyphCd = 45,
+ role = "nil"
-- Guardian Spirit
[GetSpellInfo(47788)] = {
@@ -399,7 +424,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 60,
tar = true,
glyph = GetGlyphName[47788],
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "healer"
-- Hymn of Hope
[GetSpellInfo(64901)] = {
@@ -413,7 +439,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 80,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Pain Suppression
[GetSpellInfo(33206)] = {
@@ -427,7 +454,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 50,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "healer"
-- Power Infusion
[GetSpellInfo(10060)] = {
@@ -441,7 +469,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 40,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "healer"
["ROGUE"] = {
@@ -457,7 +486,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 75,
tar = true,
glyph = GetGlyphName[57934],
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
["SHAMAN"] = {
@@ -473,7 +503,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 70,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Mana Tide Totem
[GetSpellInfo(16190)] = {
@@ -487,7 +518,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 40,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Reincarnation
[GetSpellInfo(20608)] = {
@@ -501,7 +533,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 30,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
["WARLOCK"] = {
@@ -517,7 +550,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 66,
tar = false,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
-- Soulstone Resurrection
[GetSpellInfo(47883)] = {
@@ -531,7 +565,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 18,
tar = true,
glyph = "nil",
- glyphCd = 0
+ glyphCd = 0,
+ role = "nil"
["WARRIOR"] = {
@@ -547,7 +582,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 20,
tar = false,
glyph = GetGlyphName[12975],
- glyphCd = 60
+ glyphCd = 60,
+ role = "tank"
-- Shield Wall
[GetSpellInfo(871)] = {
@@ -561,7 +597,8 @@ BLT.spells = {
lvlReq = 28,
tar = false,
glyph = GetGlyphName[871],
- glyphCd = 120
+ glyphCd = 120,
+ role = "tank"
diff --git a/BLT/Core.lua b/BLT/Core.lua
index 6c5cda2..c7a2e07 100644
--- a/BLT/Core.lua
+++ b/BLT/Core.lua
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ local trackItemCooldowns = {}
local trackLvlRequirement = {}
local trackGlyphs = {}
local trackGlyphCooldown = {}
+local trackRole = {}
local trackCooldownTargets = {}
local trackCooldownAllUniqueSpellNames = {}
local trackCooldownAllUniqueSpellEnabledStatuses = {}
@@ -641,7 +642,7 @@ end
function BLT:OnEnable()
for k in pairs(self.spells) do
for k2,v in pairs(self.spells[k]) do
- self:AddTrackCooldownSpell(v.nr, k, v.spec, k2, v.id, v.cd, v.talent, v.talReq, v.altCd, v.lvlReq, v.tar, v.glyph, v.glyphCd)
+ self:AddTrackCooldownSpell(v.nr, k, v.spec, k2, v.id, v.cd, v.talent, v.talReq, v.altCd, v.lvlReq, v.tar, v.glyph, v.glyphCd, v.role)
for k in pairs(self.items) do
@@ -699,7 +700,7 @@ function BLT:ShowConfig()
-function BLT:AddTrackCooldownSpell(nr, class, spec, spellName, spellId, maxCd, talent, talReq, altCd, lvlReq, tar, glyph, glyphCd)
+function BLT:AddTrackCooldownSpell(nr, class, spec, spellName, spellId, maxCd, talent, talReq, altCd, lvlReq, tar, glyph, glyphCd, role)
tinsert(sortNr, nr)
tinsert(trackCooldownClasses, class)
tinsert(trackCooldownSpecs, spec)
@@ -713,6 +714,7 @@ function BLT:AddTrackCooldownSpell(nr, class, spec, spellName, spellId, maxCd, t
tinsert(trackCooldownTargets, tar)
tinsert(trackGlyphs, glyph)
tinsert(trackGlyphCooldown, glyphCd)
+ tinsert(trackRole, role)
if not contains(trackCooldownAllUniqueSpellNames, spellName) then
tinsert(trackCooldownAllUniqueSpellNames, spellName)
@@ -1401,15 +1403,31 @@ function BLT:IsPlayerValidForSpellCooldown(player, index)
if self.playerSpecs[player] and self.playerLevel[player] >= trackLvlRequirement[index] then
if trackCooldownSpecs[index] == self.playerSpecs[player] or trackCooldownSpecs[index] == "Any" then
if trackTalents[index] == "nil" or (trackTalents[index] ~= "nil" and talentRequired[index] == false) then
- return true
+ return BLT:IsPlayerRoleValidForSpellCooldown(player, index)
elseif self.playerTalentsSpecced[player] and contains(self.playerTalentsSpecced[player], trackTalents[index], true) then
- return true
+ return BLT:IsPlayerRoleValidForSpellCooldown(player, index)
return false
+function BLT:IsPlayerRoleValidForSpellCooldown(player, index)
+ local thisPlayerRole = self.playerRole[player]
+ if trackRole[index] == "nil" or not thisPlayerRole or thisPlayerRole == "nil" then return true end
+ if thisPlayerRole == trackRole[index] then return true end
+ if thisPlayerRole == "melee" or thisPlayerRole == "caster" then
+ if not db.healerOnlyCD and trackRole[index] == "healer" then
+ return true
+ end
+ if not db.tankOnlyCD and trackRole[index] == "tank" then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
function BLT:IsPlayerValidForItemCooldown(player, index)
if self.playerEquipment[player] and contains(self.playerEquipment[player], trackItems[index]) then
return true
diff --git a/BLT/embeds.xml b/BLT/embeds.xml
index d5653df..287dd9d 100644
--- a/BLT/embeds.xml
+++ b/BLT/embeds.xml
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/Changelog-LibGroupTalents-1.0-3.3 Release 3.txt b/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/Changelog-LibGroupTalents-1.0-3.3 Release 3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdc6bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/Changelog-LibGroupTalents-1.0-3.3 Release 3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+r56 | greltok | 2010-09-30 14:49:58 -0500 (Thu, 30 Sep 2010) | 1 line
+Changed paths:
+ A /tags/3.3 Release 3 (from /trunk:55)
+Tagging as 3.3 Release 3
+r55 | greltok | 2010-09-23 23:25:05 -0500 (Thu, 23 Sep 2010) | 1 line
+Changed paths:
+ M /trunk/LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua
+Ticket 6 - Use full name where needed.
diff --git a/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua b/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..917dd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/LibGroupTalents-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1727 @@
+Name: LibGroupTalents-1.0
+Revision: $Rev: 55 $
+Author: Zek
+Documentation: http://wowace.com/wiki/LibGroupTalents-1.0
+SVN: svn://svn.wowace.com/wow/libgrouptalents-1-0/mainline/trunk
+Description: Talent Library abstraction layer to provide easy interface to the lower level system
+Dependancies: LibStub, CallbackHandler-1.0, LibTalentQuery-1.0
+License: GPL v3
+ LibGroupTalents-1.0 is intended to do the following basic functions usually handled at the mod level.
+ - Maintain a raid wide table of talents, automatically updated on roster changes, notifying you on talent receipts.
+ - Provide easy access to talent queries (spec weight, spec name, specific talent presence)
+ - Monitor talent changes in players, and notify of changes (respec, talent swap, update after out of sight, level up)
+ - Monitor player roles, and notify of changes (melee, tank, healer, caster)
+ - Communicate directly with itself to other users to update talents via addon channel when possible
+ The LibTalentQuery-1.0 dependancy must be included before LibGroupTalents-1.0 in any lib.xml or mod side TOC declarations.
+ UnitHasTalent(unit, talentName[, group])-- Returns: Points spent in talent or nil
+ GUIDHasTalent(guid, talentName[, group])-- As UnitHasTalent
+ GetUnitTalentSpec(unitid[, group]) -- Returns: Dominant Tree, spent1, spent2, spent3
+ GetGUIDTalentSpec(guid[, group]) -- As GetUnitTalentSpec
+ GetUnitTalents(unit, refresh) -- Returns: Raw talent information in form of table of 3 strings of points spent. The refresh arg will force a re-query of the unit's talents
+ GetGUIDTalents(guid, refresh) -- As GetUnitTalents
+ GetUnitRole(unit) -- Returns one of: "melee", "caster", "healer", "tank"
+ GetGUIDRole(guid) -- As GetUnitRole
+ RefreshTalentsByUnit(unit) -- Force a refresh of talents for the specific unit
+ RefreshTalentsByGUID(guid) -- Force a refresh of talents for the specific player GUID
+ GetTreeNames(class) -- Returns: The three talent tree names for that class (Note: These return values are only valid after a player of that class has been inspected)
+ GetTreeIcons(class) -- Returns: The three talent tree icons for that class (Note: As above)
+ GetTalentCount() -- Returns: Talent info got, Talent info missing
+ GetTalentMissingNames() -- Returns: Comma delimited list of player names we're missing talents for
+ GetClassTalentInfo(class, talentName) -- Returns: Max Rank, Icon, Tab, Tier, Column, Tree Index
+ GetUnitStorageString(unit) -- Returns: An encoded data string containing talent information for the player which can be stored by mods to set in later sessions using SetStorageString()
+ GetGUIDStorageString(guid) -- As GetUnitStorageString
+ SetStorageString(talentString) -- Returns: true on success (applicable). Any second return value indicates the data was invalid and should not be kept
+ GetUnitGlyphs(unit[, group]) -- Returns: Up to 6 spell IDs for the currently assigned Glyphs (Note: For the moment, we can only see the glyphs of players running LibGroupTalents-1.0)
+ GetGUIDGlyphs(guid[, group]) -- As GetUnitGlyphs
+ UnitHasGlyph(unit, glyph [, group]) -- Returns: true if the player has the glyph associated with spellID or spellName (Note: For the moment, we can only see the glyphs of players running LibGroupTalents-1.0)
+ GUIDHasGlyph(unit, glyph [, group]) -- As UnitHasGlyph
+ PurgeAndRescanTalents() -- Wipe current roster of all talents and rescan from start
+Convenience Functions (Similar to Blizzard API functions, but callable with a unit ID):
+ GetActiveTalentGroup(unit) -- Returns: Active talent group for unit
+ GetNumTalentGroups(unit) -- Returns: Number of talent groups for unit
+ GetNumTalentTabs(unit) -- Returns: Number of talent tabs. Here's a clue; it's going to be 3...
+ GetTalentTabInfo(unit, tab[, group]) -- Returns: Tree Name, Tree Icon, Points Spent, Tree Background
+ GetNumTalents(unit, tab) -- Returns: Number of talents for specified tree
+ GetTalentInfo(unit, tab, index[, group])-- Returns: Talent Name, Icon, Tier, Column, Points Spent, Max Rank (Note that preview return values are not given unless called with "player")
+ GetUnspentTalentPoints(unit[, group]) -- Returns: Number of un-spent talent points for the unit
+ LibGroupTalents_Update(guid, unit, newSpec, n1, n2, n3 [, oldSpec, o1, o2, o3]) -- Received updated talents. If it's a respec, or old set is know, it passes the old info also (this is not sent if new talent scan is same as previous)
+ LibGroupTalents_UpdateComplete(guid1, guid2[, ...]) -- Sent when there are no more pending talent reads due (passes all GUIDs that were updated since last time this event was fired)
+ LibGroupTalents_Add(guid, unit, name, realm) -- Unit added to talent roster (Talents not necessarily available yet, but this is the mod's chance to feed talents using SetStorageString)
+ LibGroupTalents_Remove(guid, name, realm) -- Unit removed from talent roster (This is your last chance to store talents if required using GetUnitStorageString)
+ LibGroupTalents_RoleChange(guid, unit, newrole, oldrole) -- Roles are: "melee", "caster", "healer", "tank"
+ LibGroupTalents_GlyphUpdate(guid, unit) -- Fired when a player's glyphs change (Note: For the moment, we can only see the glyphs of players running LibGroupTalents-1.0)
+local TalentQuery = LibStub("LibTalentQuery-1.0")
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibGroupTalents-1.0", tonumber(("$Rev: 55 $"):match("(%d+)"))
+local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not lib then return end
+local ChatThrottleLib = _G.ChatThrottleLib
+lib.roster = lib.roster or {}
+lib.classTalentData = lib.classTalentData or {}
+lib.batch = lib.batch or {}
+lib.pendingStorageStrings = lib.pendingStorageStrings or {}
+local function UnitFullName(unit)
+ local name, realm = UnitName(unit)
+ local namerealm = realm and realm ~= "" and name .. "-" .. realm or name
+ return namerealm
+local function RosterInfoFullName(info)
+ local name, realm = info.name, info.realm
+ local namerealm = realm and realm ~= "" and name .. "-" .. realm or name
+ return namerealm
+local specChangers = {}
+for index,spellid in ipairs(_G.TALENT_ACTIVATION_SPELLS) do
+ specChangers[GetSpellInfo(spellid)] = index
+local frame = lib.frame
+if (not frame) then
+ frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "LibGroupTalents_Frame")
+ lib.frame = frame
+frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") -- Always get a UNIT_AURA when a unit's UnitIsVisible() changes
+frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
+ return lib[event](lib, ...)
+if not lib.events then
+ lib.events = LibStub("CallbackHandler-1.0"):New(lib)
+local next, select, pairs, type = next, select, pairs, type
+local new, del, deepDel
+ local list = setmetatable({},{__mode='k'})
+ function new(...)
+ local t = next(list)
+ if t then
+ list[t] = nil
+ for i = 1, select('#', ...) do
+ t[i] = select(i, ...)
+ end
+ return t
+ else
+ return {...}
+ end
+ end
+ function del(t)
+ if (t) then
+ wipe(t)
+ t[''] = true
+ t[''] = nil
+ list[t] = true
+ end
+ end
+ function deepDel(t)
+ if (t) then
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ deepDel(v)
+ end
+ t[k] = nil
+ end
+ t[''] = true
+ t[''] = nil
+ list[t] = true
+ end
+ end
+ local delay = 0
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed)
+ if (lib.raidRosterUpdate) then
+ lib.raidRosterUpdate = nil
+ lib:OnRaidRosterUpdate()
+ end
+ if (lib.refreshCheckTimer) then
+ lib.refreshCheckTimer = lib.refreshCheckTimer - elapsed
+ if (lib.refreshCheckTimer < 0) then
+ lib.refreshCheckTimer = nil
+ lib:CheckForMissingTalents()
+ end
+ end
+ if (lib.talentTimers) then
+ delay = delay + elapsed
+ if (delay > 1) then
+ delay = 0
+ local now = GetTime()
+ local triggers
+ for guid,when in pairs(lib.talentTimers) do
+ if (now > when) then
+ -- Pass to second table to process, because RefreshTimers can affect this talentTimers table
+ -- So it's important we're not still iterating it at the time
+ if (not triggers) then
+ triggers = new()
+ end
+ triggers[guid] = true
+ lib.talentTimers[guid] = nil
+ if (not next(lib.talentTimers)) then
+ lib.talentTimers = del(lib.talentTimers)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (triggers) then
+ for guid in pairs(triggers) do
+ lib:RefreshTalentsByGUID(guid)
+ end
+ del(triggers)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (not lib.talentTimers and not lib.refreshCheckTimer) then
+ self:Hide()
+ end
+ end)
+lib.raidRosterUpdate = true
+-- GetGUIDTalentsRaw
+local function GetGUIDTalentsRaw(guid, group)
+ local r = guid and lib.roster[guid]
+ return r and r.talents and r.talents[group or r.active], r
+function lib:PLAYER_LOGIN()
+ ChatThrottleLib = _G.ChatThrottleLib
+ lib.PLAYER_LOGIN = nil
+function lib:RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE()
+ self.raidRosterUpdate = true
+ frame:Show()
+function lib:UNIT_NAME_UPDATE(unit)
+ local guid = unit and UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ local needsAdd = r.name == UNKNOWN
+ r.name, r.realm = UnitName(unit)
+ if (r.realm == "") then
+ r.realm = nil
+ end
+ r.class = select(2, UnitClass(unit))
+ r.level = UnitLevel(unit)
+ if (not r.talents) then
+ if (needsAdd) then
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Add", guid, unit, r.name, r.realm)
+ end
+ self:CheckForMissingTalents()
+ end
+ end
+-- AnyPending
+local function AnyPending()
+ local checkUpdate
+ for guid,info in pairs(lib.roster) do
+ local namerealm = RosterInfoFullName(info)
+ if (UnitIsConnected(namerealm)) then
+ if (lib.wasOffline) then
+ lib.wasOffline[guid] = nil
+ end
+ if (not info.talents or info.refresh) then
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ if (not lib.wasOffline) then
+ lib.wasOffline = new()
+ end
+ lib.wasOffline[guid] = true
+ end
+ end
+ if (lib.wasOffline and not next(lib.wasOffline)) then
+ lib.wasOffline = del(lib.wasOffline)
+ end
+-- CheckForUpdateComplete
+local function CheckForUpdateComplete()
+ -- When all pending updates are complete, send an event to notify nothing else is due
+ if (next(lib.batch)) then
+ if (not AnyPending()) then
+ lib.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_UpdateComplete", unpack(lib.batch))
+ wipe(lib.batch)
+ end
+ end
+function lib:UNIT_LEVEL(unit)
+ if (UnitInParty(unit) or UnitInRaid(unit)) then
+ local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ r.level = UnitLevel(unit)
+ self:RefreshTalentsByUnit(unit)
+ end
+ end
+function lib:UNIT_AURA(unit)
+ local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
+ if (not UnitIsVisible(unit) or (self.wasOffline and self.wasOffline[guid])) then
+ if (not self.outOfSight) then
+ self.outOfSight = {}
+ end
+ self.outOfSight[guid] = true
+ self:RefreshTalentsByGUID(guid)
+ end
+-- OnRaidRosterUpdate
+function lib:OnRaidRosterUpdate()
+ local instanceType = select(2, IsInInstance())
+ if (instanceType == "pvp" or instanceType == "arena") then
+ self.distribution = "BATTLEGROUND"
+ else
+ if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
+ self.distribution = "RAID"
+ elseif (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) then
+ self.distribution = "PARTY"
+ else
+ self.distribution = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if (self.distribution) then
+ if (self.sentHello ~= self.distribution) then
+ self.sentHello = self.distribution
+ self:SendCommMessage("HELLO "..MINOR, nil, self.distribution)
+ end
+ else
+ self.sentHello = nil
+ self.talentThrottle = del(self.talentThrottle)
+ self.wasOffline = del(self.wasOffline)
+ self.outOfSight = del(self.outOfSight)
+ wipe(self.pendingStorageStrings)
+ end
+ -- Now check for roster changes
+ local subtractions = new()
+ local additions = new()
+ local changes = new()
+ if (self.roster) then
+ for guid,info in pairs(self.roster) do
+ subtractions[guid] = info.level or 0
+ end
+ end
+ for unit in self:IterateRoster() do
+ local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
+ if (guid) then
+ local n = self.roster[guid]
+ if (not n) then
+ n = new()
+ self.roster[guid] = n
+ end
+ n.name, n.realm = UnitName(unit)
+ if (n.realm == "") then
+ n.realm = nil -- Fix this already..
+ end
+ n.level = UnitLevel(unit)
+ n.class = select(2, UnitClass(unit))
+ n.unit = unit
+ if (subtractions[guid]) then
+ if (subtractions[guid] ~= n.level) then
+ changes[guid] = unit -- Level changed, needs a rescan
+ end
+ subtractions[guid] = nil
+ else
+ if (n.name ~= UNKNOWN) then
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Add", guid, unit, n.name, n.realm)
+ end
+ additions[guid] = unit
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (next(additions)) then
+ for guid,unit in pairs(additions) do
+ self:GetUnitTalents(unit)
+ end
+ end
+ if (next(changes)) then
+ for guid,unit in pairs(changes) do
+ self:GetUnitTalents(unit)
+ end
+ end
+ if (next(subtractions)) then
+ for guid in pairs(subtractions) do
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Remove", guid, r.name, r.realm)
+ self.roster[guid] = deepDel(r)
+ local classStorageStrings = self.pendingStorageStrings[r.class]
+ if (classStorageStrings) then
+ classStorageStrings[guid] = del(classStorageStrings[guid])
+ if (not next(classStorageStrings)) then
+ self.pendingStorageStrings[r.class] = del(self.pendingStorageStrings[r.class])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ CheckForUpdateComplete()
+ end
+ del(additions)
+ del(subtractions)
+ del(changes)
+ self:CheckForMissingTalents()
+-- ValidateUnit
+local function ValidateUnit(r, guid)
+ local unit = r.unit
+ if (UnitGUID(unit) ~= guid) then
+ local name = r.name .. (r.realm and "-" or "") .. (r.realm or "")
+ local index = UnitInRaid(name)
+ if (index) then
+ r.unit = "raid"..index
+ return true
+ else
+ if (UnitGUID("player") == guid) then
+ r.unit = "player"
+ return true
+ elseif (UnitInParty(name)) then
+ for i = 1,4 do
+ if (UnitGUID("party"..i) == guid) then
+ r.unit = "party"..i
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ return true
+-- CountTree
+local function CountTree(branch)
+ local count = 0
+ for i = 1,#branch do
+ count = count + branch:byte(i) - 48
+ end
+ return count
+-- TalentWeight
+local function TalentWeight(talents, class)
+ if (talents and #talents == 3 and class) then
+ local c1, c2, c3 = CountTree(talents[1]), CountTree(talents[2]), CountTree(talents[3])
+ local weight = 1
+ if (c2 > c1 and c2 > c3) then
+ weight = 2
+ elseif (c3 > c1 and c3 > c2) then
+ weight = 3
+ end
+ local data = lib.classTalentData[class]
+ if (data and data[weight]) then
+ return data[weight].name, c1, c2, c3
+ end
+ return weight, c1, c2, c3
+ end
+ return nil, 0, 0, 0
+-- First segment: Player ID (from GUID), Name, level, class, activePage, TalentString
+-- Subsequent: spec number, talentString()
+ -- crc
+ local function crc32(str)
+ local val = tonumber((select(2, GetBuildInfo()))) -- Use WoW build as CRC base
+ for i = 1,#str do
+ val = bit.band(val * 2 + str:byte(i), 0xFFFF)
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ -- GetUnitStorageString
+ function lib:GetUnitStorageString(unit)
+ return self:GetGUIDStorageString(UnitGUID(unit))
+ end
+ -- GetGUIDStorageString
+ -- Make a storage string for mods to store talents.
+ -- Rules: 1) Your own realm only 2) Their talents are complete (nothing unspent)
+ function lib:GetGUIDStorageString(guid)
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ local id
+ local playerGUID = UnitGUID("player")
+ if (playerGUID:sub(1, 6) == guid:sub(1, 6)) then
+ -- Same realm code, so just trim it off. This is likely always true from what I've seen
+ id = format("%X", tonumber(guid:sub(7), 16))
+ else
+ id = guid:sub(4)
+ end
+ if (r.talents and r.active and not r.realm and (not r.unspent or not r.unspent[r.active])) then
+ if (r.level < 1) then
+ r.level = UnitLevel(r.name) or 0
+ end
+ local str = format("%s,%d,%s,%d,%d", id, r.level, r.class, r.active, r.numActive)
+ for i = 1,r.numActive do
+ local t = r.talents[i]
+ if (t) then
+ str = format("%s;%d,%s", str, i, table.concat(t, "-"))
+ end
+ end
+ return format("%s;%d", str, crc32(str))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- SetStorageString
+ function lib:SetStorageString(str, comms)
+ local ret, retInfo
+ if (str) then
+ local parts = new(strsplit(";", str))
+ if (#parts >= 2) then
+ local strCRC = tonumber(parts[#parts])
+ local temp = table.concat(parts, ";", 1, #parts - 1)
+ if (crc32(temp) == strCRC) then
+ local part1 = new(strsplit(",", parts[1]))
+ while true do
+ local guid
+ local id = part1[1]
+ if (id:len() < 12) then
+ -- Trimmed GUID, we'll prefix it with our own GUID's realm code
+ guid = format("%s%012X", UnitGUID("player"):sub(1, 6), tonumber(id, 16))
+ else
+ guid = format("0x0%015s", id)
+ end
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (not r) then
+ retInfo = format("Unexpected SetStorageString for ID %s", guid)
+ ret = true -- Still return true, we just didn't want this string yet
+ break
+ elseif (r.name == UNKNOWN) then
+ retInfo = format("Premature SetStorageString for ID %s", guid)
+ ret = true -- Still return true, we just didn't want this string yet
+ break
+ end
+ if (r.talents) then
+ -- We've already received talents for this player
+ ret = true -- Still return true, we just didn't want this string because we have their talents
+ break
+ end
+ if (not self.classTalentData[r.class]) then
+ -- Received a storage string for a class that we've not yet been able to scan
+ -- the talent trees for. We store this until we have that data
+ local classStorageStrings = self.pendingStorageStrings[r.class]
+ if (not classStorageStrings) then
+ classStorageStrings = new()
+ self.pendingStorageStrings[r.class] = classStorageStrings
+ end
+ classStorageStrings[guid] = str
+ ret = true
+ break
+ end
+ local level = tonumber(part1[2])
+ local class = part1[3]
+ local active = tonumber(part1[4])
+ local numActive = tonumber(part1[5])
+ if (r.level < 1) then
+ r.level = UnitLevel(r.name) or 0
+ end
+ if (level ~= r.level and r.level > 1) then
+ -- Won't accept talents for mismatched levels (but ignore errors reading the UnitLevel early)
+ retInfo = "Wrong level"
+ break
+ end
+ if (not r.class and class) then
+ -- If we don't have the class, but the storage string does, we'll take it
+ r.class = class
+ end
+ if (class ~= r.class) then
+ -- Class doesn't match, probably a char delete/remake or xrealm
+ retInfo = format("Wrong class: expected %q, got %q", tostring(r.class), tostring(class))
+ break
+ end
+ -- Now the talent trees
+ local talents = new()
+ for i = 2,#parts - 1 do
+ local partN = new(strsplit(",", parts[i]))
+ if (#partN == 2) then
+ local specNumber = tonumber(partN[1])
+ local specTalents = new(strsplit("-", partN[2]))
+ if (specNumber and #specTalents >= 3) then
+ talents[specNumber] = specTalents
+ else
+ del(specTalents)
+ talents = del(talents)
+ retInfo = "Invalid talent specs in tree "..i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (talents) then
+ r.talents = talents
+ r.active = active
+ r.numActive = numActive
+ if (comms ~= r.name) then
+ -- If comms part sends player name along with packet, then we'll skip the refresh later
+ -- which we'd normally do when Storage is set via app startup
+ r.refresh = true
+ else
+ r.refresh = nil
+ end
+ ValidateUnit(r, guid)
+ local newSpec, n1, n2, n3 = TalentWeight(r.talents[r.active], r.class)
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Update", guid, r.unit, newSpec, n1, n2, n3)
+ self:GetGUIDRole(guid, true)
+ ret = true
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ del(part1)
+ else
+ retInfo = "Invalid string"
+ end
+ end
+ del(parts)
+ end
+ return ret, retInfo
+ end
+-- GetClassTalentData
+-- Builds an internal table for talent name -> tree/index lookups.
+function GetClassTalentData(unit)
+ local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
+ if (class) then
+ local data = lib.classTalentData[class]
+ if (not data) then
+ local isnotplayer = not UnitIsUnit("player", unit)
+ if (GetNumTalentTabs(isnotplayer) > 0) then
+ data = new()
+ for tab = 1, GetNumTalentTabs(isnotplayer) do
+ local tree = new()
+ local _
+ tree.name, tree.icon, _, tree.background = GetTalentTabInfo(tab, isnotplayer)
+ tinsert(data, tree)
+ tree.list = new()
+ for i = 1,GetNumTalents(tab, isnotplayer) do
+ local name, icon, tier, column, currentRank, maxRank = GetTalentInfo(tab, i, isnotplayer)
+ if (name) then
+ local entry = new()
+ entry.name = name
+ entry.icon = icon
+ entry.tier = tier
+ entry.column = column
+ entry.maxRank = maxRank
+ entry.index = i
+ entry.treeIndex = tab
+ tinsert(tree.list, entry)
+ if (not data.list) then
+ data.list = new()
+ end
+ data.list[name] = entry
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (next(data)) then
+ lib.classTalentData[class] = data
+ --for guid,r in pairs(lib.roster) do
+ -- if (r.class == class and r.talents) then
+ -- -- We picked up class talent data for a class after receiving talents for them via comms
+ -- -- So, we fire an Update event for any members of the class we already have so that
+ -- -- talents can now be interpreted correctly.
+ -- local spec, n1, n2, n3 = TalentWeight(r.talents[r.active], class)
+ -- lib.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Update", guid, unit, spec, n1, n2, n3)
+ -- end
+ --end
+ local classStorageStrings = lib.pendingStorageStrings[class]
+ if (classStorageStrings) then
+ local unitGUID = UnitGUID(unit)
+ for guid, str in pairs(classStorageStrings) do
+ if (guid ~= unitGUID) then
+ lib:SetStorageString(str)
+ end
+ end
+ lib.pendingStorageStrings[class] = del(lib.pendingStorageStrings[class])
+ end
+ else
+ deepDel(data)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- GetTreeNames
+function lib:GetTreeNames(class)
+ local info = self.classTalentData[class]
+ if (info) then
+ return info[1].name, info[2].name, info[3].name
+ end
+-- GetTreeIcons
+function lib:GetTreeIcons(class)
+ local info = self.classTalentData[class]
+ if (info) then
+ return info[1].icon, info[2].icon, info[3].icon
+ end
+-- ReadTalentGroup
+local function ReadTalentGroup(isnotplayer, group, class)
+ local numTabs = GetNumTalentTabs(isnotplayer)
+ if (numTabs and numTabs >= 3 and GetNumTalents(1, isnotplayer) > 0) then
+ local ctd = lib.classTalentData[class]
+assert(ctd and ctd[1] and ctd[2] and ctd[3])
+assert(ctd[1].list and ctd[2].list and ctd[3].list)
+ local n = new()
+ for tab = 1, numTabs do
+ local branchLength = GetNumTalents(tab, isnotplayer, nil, group)
+ if (branchLength ~= #ctd[tab].list) then
+ -- Tab tree size is not what we expected for this class
+ del(n)
+ return
+ end
+ local t = new()
+ local trim
+ for i = 1,branchLength do
+ local name, icon, tier, column, currentRank, maxRank = GetTalentInfo(tab, i, isnotplayer, nil, group)
+ tinsert(t, currentRank)
+ if (currentRank > 0) then
+ trim = i -- We strip off trailing zeros from talent strings to save storage space
+ end
+ end
+ tinsert(n, table.concat(t, nil, 1, trim or 0))
+ del(t)
+ end
+ return n
+ end
+-- TalentQuery_Ready
+function lib:TalentQuery_Ready_Outsider(e, name, realm, unit)
+ self:TalentQuery_Ready(e, name, realm, unit)
+-- TalentQuery_Ready
+function lib:TalentQuery_Ready(e, name, realm, unit)
+ GetClassTalentData(unit)
+ local guid = unit and UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ local namerealm = realm and realm ~= "" and name .. "-" .. realm or name
+ local isnotplayer = not UnitIsUnit(unit, "player")
+ if (GetTalentTabInfo(1, isnotplayer)) then
+ local active = GetActiveTalentGroup(isnotplayer)
+ local numActive = GetNumTalentGroups(isnotplayer)
+ local listUnspent, invalid
+ local talents = new()
+ for group = 1,numActive do
+ local n = ReadTalentGroup(isnotplayer, group, r.class)
+ if (n and #n >= 3) then
+ talents[group] = n
+ else
+ invalid = true
+ break
+ end
+ local unspent = GetUnspentTalentPoints(isnotplayer, nil, group)
+ if (unspent and unspent > 0) then
+ if (not listUnspent) then
+ listUnspent = new()
+ end
+ listUnspent[group] = unspent
+ end
+ end
+ if (isnotplayer and (invalid or (listUnspent and listUnspent[active] or 0) > 0)) then
+ -- Unit didn't have all their points spent in active group, so we'll have another look in 10 seconds
+ -- Don't need to check when it's "player" because we get PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE event on changes
+ self:TriggerRefreshTalents(guid, 10)
+ end
+ if (not invalid) then
+ if (active > numActive) then
+ -- May be better to discard instead? We'll see
+ active = 1
+ end
+ self:OnReceiveTalents(guid, unit, talents, active, numActive, listUnspent)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+TalentQuery.RegisterCallback(lib, "TalentQuery_Ready")
+TalentQuery.RegisterCallback(lib, "TalentQuery_Ready_Outsider")
+-- GetUnitTalentSpec
+function lib:GetUnitTalentSpec(unit, group)
+ return self:GetGUIDTalentSpec(UnitGUID(unit), group)
+-- GetGUIDTalentSpec
+function lib:GetGUIDTalentSpec(guid, group)
+ local talents, r = GetGUIDTalentsRaw(guid, group)
+ if (talents) then
+ return TalentWeight(talents, r.class)
+ end
+-- CompareTalents
+local function CompareTalents(tree1, tree2)
+ if ((tree1 ~= nil) ~= (tree2 ~= nil)) then
+ return
+ end
+ if (tree1 and tree2 and #tree1 == #tree2) then
+ for i = 1,#tree1 do
+ if (tree1[i] ~= tree2[i]) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+-- OnReceiveTalents
+function lib:OnReceiveTalents(guid, unit, talents, active, numActive, listUnspent)
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ if (active ~= r.active or numActive ~= r.numActive or not CompareTalents(talents and talents[active], r.talents and r.talents[r.active])) then
+ local oldTalents
+ if (r.talents) then
+ oldTalents = r.talents[r.active]
+ end
+ del(r.unspent)
+ r.talents = talents
+ r.active = active
+ r.numActive = numActive
+ r.unspent = listUnspent
+ local newSpec, n1, n2, n3 = TalentWeight(r.talents[active], r.class)
+ local fired
+ if (oldTalents) then
+ -- For those cases when we didn't have the alternate talents for a player for whatever reason.
+ -- Maybe they just picked up dual talent spec, or gated to trainer to respec.
+ local oldSpec, o1, o2, o3 = TalentWeight(oldTalents, r.class)
+ if (o1 ~= n1 or o2 ~= n2 or o3 ~= n3) then
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Update", guid, unit, newSpec, n1, n2, n3, oldSpec, o1, o2, o3)
+ fired = true
+ end
+ end
+ if (not fired) then
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Update", guid, unit, newSpec, n1, n2, n3)
+ end
+ self:GetGUIDRole(guid, true)
+ tinsert(self.batch, guid)
+ CheckForUpdateComplete()
+ oldTalents = del(oldTalents)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ del(talents)
+-- OnReceiveGlyphs
+function lib:OnReceiveGlyphs(guid, sender, glyphs)
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ if (ValidateUnit(r, guid)) then
+ local oldGlyphs
+ if (r.glyphs) then
+ oldGlyphs = r.glyphs[r.active]
+ r.glyphs = del(r.glyphs)
+ end
+ r.glyphs = glyphs
+ local newGlyphs = r.glyphs and r.glyphs[r.active]
+ if (newGlyphs ~= oldGlyphs) then
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_GlyphUpdate", guid, r.unit)
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ del(glyphs)
+-- GetUnitGlyphs
+function lib:GetUnitGlyphs(unit, group)
+ return self:GetGUIDGlyphs(UnitGUID(unit), group)
+-- GetGUIDGlyphs
+function lib:GetGUIDGlyphs(guid, group)
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ local g = r.glyphs and r.glyphs[group or r.active]
+ if (g) then
+ local temp = new(strsplit(",", g))
+ for i,str in ipairs(temp) do
+ temp[i] = tonumber(str)
+ end
+ local a, b, c, d, e, f = unpack(temp)
+ del(temp)
+ return a, b, c, d, e, f
+ end
+ end
+-- UnitHasGlyph
+function lib:UnitHasGlyph(unit, glyphID, group)
+ return lib:GUIDHasGlyph(UnitGUID(unit), glyphID, group)
+-- GUIDHasGlyph
+function lib:GUIDHasGlyph(guid, glyphID, group)
+ local ret
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ local g = r.glyphs and r.glyphs[group or r.active]
+ if (g) then
+ local temp = new(strsplit(",", g))
+ for i,str in ipairs(temp) do
+ local id = tonumber(str)
+ if (type(glyphID) == "number") then
+ if (glyphID == id) then
+ ret = true
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ if (glyphID == GetSpellInfo(id)) then
+ ret = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ del(temp)
+ end
+ end
+ return ret
+function lib:GLYPH_ADDED(index, a, b, c)
+ self:RefreshPlayerGlyphs()
+function lib:GLYPH_REMOVED(index, a, b, c)
+ self:RefreshPlayerGlyphs()
+function lib:GLYPH_UPDATED(index, a, b, c)
+ self:RefreshPlayerGlyphs()
+-- RefreshPlayerGlyphs
+function lib:RefreshPlayerGlyphs()
+ local guid = UnitGUID("player")
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (not r) then
+ return
+ end
+ local glyphs = new()
+ local any
+ for talentGroup = 1,GetNumTalentGroups() do
+ local list = new()
+ for i = 1,GetNumGlyphSockets() do
+ local enabled, glyphType, glyphSpell, icon = GetGlyphSocketInfo(i, talentGroup)
+ if (enabled and glyphType and glyphSpell) then
+ tinsert(list, glyphSpell)
+ any = true
+ end
+ end
+ glyphs[talentGroup] = table.concat(list, ",")
+ del(list)
+ end
+ local oldGlyphs = r.glyphs
+ if (any) then
+ r.glyphs = glyphs
+ else
+ del(glyphs)
+ end
+ local change = (oldGlyphs and oldGlyphs[r.active]) ~= (r.glyphs and r.glyphs[r.active])
+ if (change) then
+ self:SendMyGlyphs()
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_GlyphUpdate", guid, "player")
+ end
+ del(oldGlyphs)
+function lib:PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE()
+ self:TriggerRefreshTalents(UnitGUID("player"), 2)
+function lib:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(unit, spell)
+ local newActiveGroup = specChangers[spell]
+ if (newActiveGroup) then
+ local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ if (newActiveGroup == r.active) then
+ -- We obviously didn't see them switch from this set
+ self:GetGUIDRole(guid, true)
+ return
+ end
+ if (r.talents) then
+ local oldSet = r.talents[r.active]
+ local newSet = r.talents[newActiveGroup]
+ if (oldSet and newSet) then
+ -- We have the other talent set, so no need to refresh anything. Just compare and notify
+ r.active = newActiveGroup
+ local oldSpec, o1, o2, o3 = TalentWeight(oldSet, r.class)
+ local newSpec, n1, n2, n3 = TalentWeight(newSet, r.class)
+ if (o1 ~= n1 or o2 ~= n2 or o3 ~= n3) then
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Update", guid, unit, newSpec, n1, n2, n3, oldSpec, o1, o2, o3)
+ else
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_Update", guid, unit, newSpec, n1, n2, n3)
+ end
+ self:GetGUIDRole(guid, true)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ -- If we get this far, then someone probably gated to respec
+ self:RefreshTalentsByGUID(guid)
+ end
+ end
+-- TriggerRefreshTalents
+function lib:TriggerRefreshTalents(guid, delay)
+ if (not self.talentTimers) then
+ self.talentTimers = new()
+ end
+ if (guid) then
+ self.talentTimers[guid] = GetTime() + delay
+ frame:Show()
+ end
+-- RefreshTalentsByUnit
+function lib:RefreshTalentsByUnit(unit)
+ local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
+ if (guid) then
+ self:RefreshTalentsByGUID(guid)
+ end
+-- RefreshTalentsByGUID
+function lib:RefreshTalentsByGUID(guid)
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (not r) then
+ return
+ end
+ if (not ValidateUnit(r, guid)) then
+ return
+ end
+ if (self.talentTimers) then
+ self.talentTimers[guid] = nil
+ end
+ if (not self.talentThrottle) then
+ self.talentThrottle = {}
+ end
+ for guidThrottle,when in pairs(self.talentThrottle) do
+ if (when < GetTime() - 5) then
+ self.talentThrottle[guidThrottle] = nil
+ elseif (guid == guidThrottle) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ self.talentThrottle[guid] = GetTime()
+ if (self.commQueried) then
+ self.commQueried[guid] = nil
+ if (not next(self.commQueried)) then
+ self.commQueried = del(self.commQueried)
+ end
+ end
+ r.refresh = true
+ self:CheckForMissingTalents()
+ if (UnitGUID("player") == guid) then
+ self:SendMyTalents()
+ end
+-- CheckForMissingTalents
+function lib:CheckForMissingTalents()
+ local any
+ for guid,info in pairs(self.roster) do
+ local namerealm = RosterInfoFullName(info)
+ if (not info.talents or (not UnitIsVisible(namerealm) and UnitExists(namerealm)) or info.refresh) then
+ any = true
+ info.refresh = nil
+ self:GetUnitTalents(info.unit, true)
+ end
+ end
+ if (any) then
+ lib.refreshCheckTimer = 15
+ frame:Show()
+ end
+ local survivalOfTheFittest = GetSpellInfo(33853) -- Survival of the Fittest
+ local protectorOfThePack = GetSpellInfo(57873) -- Protector of the Pack
+ local dkBladeBarrier = GetSpellInfo(49182) -- Blade Barrier
+ local dkToughness = GetSpellInfo(49042) -- Toughness
+ local dkAnticipation = GetSpellInfo(55129) -- Anticipation
+ -- GetUnitRole
+ function lib:GetUnitRole(unit, reset)
+ local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
+ if (guid) then
+ return self:GetGUIDRole(guid, reset)
+ end
+ end
+ -- GetGUIDRole
+ function lib:GetGUIDRole(guid, reset)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ if (not r) then
+ return
+ end
+ if (r.role and not reset) then
+ return r.role
+ end
+ if (not ValidateUnit(r, guid)) then
+ return
+ end
+ local class = r.class
+ local role
+ local unit = r.unit
+ if (class == "ROGUE" or class == "HUNTER") then
+ role = "melee"
+ elseif (class == "MAGE" or class == "WARLOCK") then
+ role = "caster"
+ elseif (r.talents and r.talents[r.active]) then
+ if (class == "DEATHKNIGHT") then
+ local score = self:GUIDHasTalent(guid, dkBladeBarrier) and 1 or 0
+ score = score + (self:GUIDHasTalent(guid, dkToughness) and 1 or 0)
+ score = score + (self:GUIDHasTalent(guid, dkAnticipation) and 1 or 0)
+ role = score >= 2 and "tank" or "melee" -- Has 2 of the 3 tanking talents at least
+ else
+ local specName, t1, t2, t3 = TalentWeight(r.talents[r.active], class)
+ if (class == "PRIEST") then
+ role = ((t1 + t2) > t3) and "healer" or "caster"
+ elseif (class == "WARRIOR") then
+ role = ((t1 + t2) > t3) and "melee" or "tank"
+ else
+ local heavy = (t1 > t2 and t1 > t3 and 1) or (t2 > t1 and t2 > t3 and 2) or (t3 > t1 and t3 > t2 and 3) or 0
+ if (class == "PALADIN") then
+ role = heavy == 1 and "healer" or heavy == 2 and "tank" or heavy == 3 and "melee"
+ elseif (class == "DRUID") then
+ if (heavy == 2) then
+ if (self:GUIDHasTalent(guid, survivalOfTheFittest) and self:GUIDHasTalent(guid, protectorOfThePack)) then
+ role = "tank"
+ else
+ role = "melee"
+ end
+ else
+ role = heavy == 1 and "caster" or "healer"
+ end
+ elseif (class == "SHAMAN") then
+ role = heavy == 1 and "caster" or heavy == 2 and "melee" or heavy == 3 and "healer"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local oldrole = r.role
+ r.role = role
+ if (role and role ~= oldrole) then
+ self.events:Fire("LibGroupTalents_RoleChange", guid, unit, role, oldrole)
+ end
+ return role
+ end
+-- GetUnitTalents
+function lib:GetUnitTalents(unit, refetch)
+ local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
+ if (not guid) then
+ return
+ end
+ return self:GetGUIDTalents(guid, refetch)
+-- CanCommQuery
+local function CanCommQuery(guid)
+ if (not lib.commQueried or not lib.commQueried[guid]) then
+ if (not lib.commQueried) then
+ lib.commQueried = new()
+ end
+ lib.commQueried[guid] = true
+ return true
+ end
+-- GetGUIDTalents
+function lib:GetGUIDTalents(guid, refetch)
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (not r) then
+ return
+ end
+ if (not ValidateUnit(r, guid)) then
+ return
+ end
+ local unit = r.unit
+ local name, realm = UnitName(unit)
+ local activeTalents = r.talents and r.talents[r.active]
+ if (activeTalents) then
+ -- If someone is out of sight, we won't catch their talent swap spell cast, so we'll invalidate them here and recheck talents
+ if ((not UnitIsVisible(unit) and UnitIsConnected(unit)) or (self.outOfSight and self.outOfSight[guid])) then
+ if (not r.version) then
+ refetch = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (not activeTalents or refetch) then
+ if (UnitIsUnit("player", unit)) then
+ self:RefreshPlayerGlyphs()
+ self:TalentQuery_Ready(nil, name, nil, unit)
+ elseif ((UnitInRaid(unit) or UnitInParty(unit)) and UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
+ TalentQuery:Query(unit)
+ local namerealm = UnitFullName(unit)
+ if (not r.talents and not r.requested) then
+ -- Don't need to query on a 'refetch' because they'll send changes anyway via comms
+ local skipGlyphs
+ if (not UnitIsVisible(unit) or not CanInspect(unit)) then
+ if (r.version) then
+ if (CanCommQuery(guid)) then
+ -- We request talents via comms for anyone that may be out of inspect range
+ self:SendCommMessage("REQUESTTALENTS", namerealm)
+ r.requested = true
+ skipGlyphs = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (not r.glyphs and not skipGlyphs) then
+ if (r.version and r.version >= 15) then
+ if (CanCommQuery(guid)) then
+ -- They're in range to inspect, but we'll still want to ask for their glyphs
+ self:SendCommMessage("REQUESTGLYPHS", namerealm)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if (self.outOfSight) then
+ self.outOfSight[guid] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ return activeTalents
+-- SendCommMessage
+function lib:SendCommMessage(msg, target, channel)
+ if (msg) then
+ if (ChatThrottleLib) then
+ ChatThrottleLib:SendAddonMessage("NORMAL", MAJOR, msg, channel or "WHISPER", target)
+ else
+ SendAddonMessage(MAJOR, msg, channel or "WHISPER", target)
+ end
+ end
+-- Throttle - Purposely local to here
+-- Abuse prevention. Yes, who would abuse addon comms? Noone would make a macro to crash a mod user would they. Right?
+-- Well, this one time, at band camp. Someone thought it was super funny to make a macro that DCd PallyPower users
+local throttle
+local function Throttle(sender, key)
+ if (not throttle) then
+ throttle = {}
+ end
+ local s = throttle[sender]
+ if (not s) then
+ s = {}
+ throttle[sender] = s
+ end
+ if ((s[key] or 0) < GetTime() - 4.5) then
+ -- Same message key only allowable once every 4.5 secs from 1 person (Respec cast time is 5 seconds)
+ s[key] = GetTime()
+ return true
+ end
+function lib:CHAT_MSG_ADDON(prefix, msg, channel, sender)
+ if (prefix == MAJOR) then
+ if (sender == UnitName("player")) then
+ return
+ elseif (not UnitInRaid(sender) and not UnitInParty(sender)) then
+ return
+ end
+ local guid = UnitGUID(sender)
+ if (not guid) then
+ return
+ end
+ local r = self.roster[guid]
+ if (not r) then
+ return
+ end
+ local cmd, str = msg:match("^(%a+) *(.*)$")
+ if (not cmd) then
+ return
+ end
+ if (cmd == "TALENTS") then
+ -- Talents come in form of:
+ local t = r.talents
+ r.talents = nil -- SetStorageString won't overwrite talents usually, but we want it to here, without providing a means to do it easily with an arg from a mod
+ if (not self:SetStorageString(str, sender)) then
+ r.talents = t
+ else
+ deepDel(t)
+ end
+ elseif (cmd == "GLYPHS") then
+ local invalid
+ local pages = new(strsplit(";", str))
+ local glyphs = new()
+ for page,info in ipairs(pages) do
+ local list = new(strsplit(",", info))
+ local tab = tonumber(tremove(list, 1))
+ if (tab) then
+ glyphs[tab] = table.concat(list, ",")
+ del(list)
+ else
+ invalid = true
+ del(glyphs)
+ del(list)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if (not invalid) then
+ self:OnReceiveGlyphs(guid, sender, glyphs)
+ end
+ del(pages)
+ elseif (cmd == "REQUESTTALENTS") then
+ if (Throttle(sender, "REQUESTTALENTS")) then
+ if ((r.version or 0) < 39) then
+ if (lib.sentToOld and lib.sentToOld[guid]) then
+ return
+ end
+ if (not lib.sentToOld) then
+ lib.sentToOld = new()
+ end
+ lib.sentToOld[guid] = time()
+ end
+ self:SendMyTalents(sender)
+ self:SendMyGlyphs(sender)
+ end
+ elseif (cmd == "REQUESTGLYPHS") then
+ if (Throttle(sender, "REQUESTGLYPHS")) then
+ self:SendMyGlyphs(sender)
+ end
+ elseif (cmd == "HELLO") then
+ r.version = tonumber(str)
+ if (channel ~= "WHISPER") then
+ if (lib.sentToOld) then
+ lib.sentToOld[guid] = nil
+ end
+ if (UnitIsConnected(sender) and Throttle(sender, "HELLO")) then
+ self:SendCommMessage("HELLO "..MINOR, sender)
+ self:SendMyGlyphs(sender)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- SendMy
+local function SendMy(sender, str)
+ if (sender) then
+ if (UnitIsConnected(sender)) then
+ lib:SendCommMessage(str, sender)
+ end
+ else
+ for guid,info in pairs(lib.roster) do
+ if (info.version) then
+ local namerealm = RosterInfoFullName(info)
+ if (UnitIsConnected(namerealm)) then
+ lib:SendCommMessage(str, namerealm)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- SendMyTalents
+function lib:SendMyTalents(sender)
+ if (sender or self:UserCount() > 0) then
+ local str = self:GetGUIDStorageString(UnitGUID("player"))
+ if (str) then
+ SendMy(sender, "TALENTS "..str)
+ end
+ end
+-- SendMyGlyphs
+function lib:SendMyGlyphs(sender)
+ if (sender or self:UserCount() > 0) then
+ local r = self.roster[UnitGUID("player")]
+ if (r and r.glyphs) then
+ local str = "GLYPHS "
+ local i = 1
+ for tab,g in pairs(r.glyphs) do
+ local temp = format("%d,%s", tab, g)
+ str = str .. (i > 1 and ";" or "") .. temp
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ SendMy(sender, str)
+ end
+ end
+-- UserCount
+function lib:UserCount()
+ local count = 0
+ for guid,info in pairs(self.roster) do
+ if (info.version and not UnitIsUnit("player", RosterInfoFullName(info))) then
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return count
+-- UnitHasTalent
+-- eg: lib:UnitHasTalent("player", GetSpellInfo(talentSpellID))
+-- Returns: nil, or number of points spent into talent
+-- If the talent group is not specified, then the active talent group is used
+function lib:UnitHasTalent(unit, talentName, group)
+ return unit and self:GUIDHasTalent(UnitGUID(unit), talentName, group)
+-- GUIDHasTalent
+-- Returns: nil, or number of points spent into talent
+function lib:GUIDHasTalent(guid, talentName, group)
+ local talents, r = GetGUIDTalentsRaw(guid, group)
+ if (talents and r.class) then
+ local data = self.classTalentData[r.class]
+ if (data) then
+ local info = data.list and data.list[talentName]
+ if (info) then
+ local str = talents[info.treeIndex]
+ if (str) then
+ local amount = (str:byte(info.index) or 48) - 48
+ return (amount or 0) > 0 and amount or nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- GetClassTalentInfo
+function lib:GetClassTalentInfo(class, talentName)
+-- Returns: Max Rank, Icon, Tab, Tier, Column, Tree Index
+ local data = self.classTalentData[class]
+ if (data) then
+ local info = data.list and data.list[talentName]
+ if (info) then
+ return info.maxRank, info.icon, info.treeIndex, info.column, info.tier, info.index
+ end
+ end
+-- GetActiveTalentGroup
+function lib:GetActiveTalentGroup(unit)
+ if (UnitIsUnit(unit, "player")) then
+ return GetActiveTalentGroup()
+ else
+ local guid = unit and UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ return r and r.active or nil
+ end
+-- GetNumTalentGroups
+function lib:GetNumTalentGroups(unit)
+ if (UnitIsUnit(unit, "player")) then
+ return GetNumTalentGroups()
+ else
+ local guid = unit and UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ return r and r.numActive or nil
+ end
+-- GetTalentTabInfo
+function lib:GetTalentTabInfo(unit, tab, group)
+ if (UnitIsUnit(unit, "player")) then
+ return GetTalentTabInfo(tab, nil, nil, group or GetActiveTalentGroup())
+ else
+ local guid = unit and UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ if (r and r.class) then
+ local ctd = self.classTalentData[r.class]
+ if (ctd and tab >= 1 and tab <= #ctd) then
+ local spec, c1, c2, c3 = self:GetGUIDTalentSpec(guid, group)
+ return ctd[tab].name, ctd[tab].icon, tab == 1 and c1 or tab == 2 and c2 or c3, ctd[tab].background, 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- GetNumTalents
+function lib:GetNumTalents(unit, tab)
+ if (UnitIsUnit(unit, "player")) then
+ return GetNumTalents(tab)
+ else
+ local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
+ if (class) then
+ local ctd = self.classTalentData[class]
+ if (ctd and tab >= 1 and tab <= #ctd) then
+ return #ctd[tab].list
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- GetTalentInfo
+function lib:GetTalentInfo(unit, tab, index, group)
+ if (UnitIsUnit(unit, "player")) then
+ return GetTalentInfo(tab, index, nil, nil, group or GetActiveTalentGroup())
+ else
+ local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
+ if (class) then
+ local ctd = self.classTalentData[class]
+ if (ctd and tab >= 1 and tab <= #ctd) then
+ local info = ctd[tab].list[index]
+ if (info) then
+ local spent = self:UnitHasTalent(unit, info.name, group)
+ return info.name, info.icon, info.tier, info.column, spent or 0, info.maxRank
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- GetNumTalentTabs
+function lib:GetNumTalentTabs()
+ return GetNumTalentTabs()
+-- GetNumTalentTabs
+function lib:GetUnspentTalentPoints(unit, group)
+ if (UnitIsUnit(unit, "player")) then
+ return GetUnspentTalentPoints(nil, nil, group)
+ else
+ local guid = unit and UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ if (r) then
+ return r.unspent and r.unspent[group or r.active or 1]
+ end
+ end
+-- GetTalentCount
+function lib:GetTalentCount()
+ local count, missing = 0, 0
+ for guid,info in pairs(self.roster) do
+ if (info.talents) then
+ count = count + 1
+ else
+ missing = missing + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return count, missing
+-- GetTalentMissingNames
+function lib:GetTalentMissingNames()
+ local list = new()
+ for unit in self:IterateRoster() do
+ local guid = UnitGUID(unit)
+ local r = guid and self.roster[guid]
+ if (not r or not r.talents) then
+ tinsert(list, UnitFullName(unit))
+ end
+ end
+ local ret
+ if (next(list)) then
+ ret = table.concat(list, ",")
+ end
+ del(list)
+ return ret
+-- PurgeAndRescanTalents
+function lib:PurgeAndRescanTalents()
+ if (self.roster) then
+ wipe(self.pendingStorageStrings)
+ for guid,info in pairs(self.roster) do
+ info.talents = del(info.talents)
+ info.active = nil
+ info.numActive = nil
+ info.requested = nil
+ end
+ end
+ self:CheckForMissingTalents()
+-- Roster iterator
+ local function iter(t)
+ local key = t.id
+ local ret
+ if (t.mode == "raid") then
+ if (key > t.r) then
+ del(t)
+ return nil
+ end
+ ret = "raid"..key
+ else
+ if (key > t.p) then
+ del(t)
+ return nil
+ end
+ ret = key == 0 and "player" or "party"..key
+ end
+ t.id = key + 1
+ return ret
+ end
+ -- IterateRoster
+ function lib:IterateRoster()
+ local t = new()
+ if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
+ t.mode = "raid"
+ t.id = 1
+ t.r = GetNumRaidMembers()
+ else
+ t.mode = "party"
+ t.id = 0
+ t.p = GetNumPartyMembers()
+ end
+ return iter, t
+ end
diff --git a/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/LibGroupTalents-1.0.toc b/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/LibGroupTalents-1.0.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d55d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/LibGroupTalents-1.0.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+## Interface: 30300
+## LoadOnDemand: 1
+## Title: Lib: GroupTalents-1.0
+## Notes: Library to help with querying unit talents.
+## Author: Zek
+## Version: $Rev: 51 $
+## OptionalDeps: Ace3, LibTalentQuery-1.0
+## X-Category: Library
+## X-ReleaseDate: $Date$
+## X-Website: http://wowace.com/wiki/LibGroupTalents-1.0
+## X-License: MIT
+## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: 3.3 Release 3
+## X-Curse-Project-Name: LibGroupTalents-1.0
+## X-Curse-Project-ID: libgrouptalents-1-0
+## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/libgrouptalents-1-0/mainline
diff --git a/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/lib.xml b/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/lib.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85538bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BLT/libs/LibGroupTalents-1.0/lib.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/BLT/locale/enUS.lua b/BLT/locale/enUS.lua
index 625866a..4285583 100644
--- a/BLT/locale/enUS.lua
+++ b/BLT/locale/enUS.lua
@@ -109,6 +109,10 @@ L["%s is ready to be used by %s"] = true
L["Your %s is ready!"] = true
L["Raid Addon Check"] = true
L["Check who in your raid is also running BLT"] = true
+L["Show only healer cooldowns"] = true
+L["Display healing cooldowns only for healers"] = true
+L["Show only tank cooldowns"] = true
+L["Display defensive cooldowns only for tanks"] = true
L["Show When..."] = true
L["Show BLT when..."] = true
L["This section controls when BLT is automatically shown or hidden"] = true