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FreshBooks NodeJS SDK

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The FreshBooks NodeJS SDK allows you to more easily utilize the FreshBooks API.


Use your favorite package manager to install any of the packages and save to your package.json:

$ npm install @freshbooks/api

# Or, if you prefer yarn
$ yarn add @freshbooks/api


See the full documentation.

Configuring the API client

Your app will interact with the REST API using the Client object, available from the @freshbooks/api package. The client may be instantiated with a valid OAuth token or provided with a client secret and redirect URI which may then be used to obtain an access token.

Using a pre-generated access token

import { Client } from '@freshbooks/api'

const clientId = process.env.FRESHBOOKS_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID

// Get token from authentication or configuration
const token = process.env.FRESHBOOKS_TOKEN

// Instantiate new FreshBooks API client
const client = new Client(clientId, {
    accessToken: token,

Using a client secret and redirect URI

import { Client } from '@freshbooks/api'

const clientId = process.env.FRESHBOOKS_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID
const clientSecret = process.env.FRESHBOOKS_APPLICATION_CLIENT_SECRET

// Instantiate new FreshBooks API client
const client = new Client(clientId, {
    redirectUri: ''

// Give this URL to the user so they can authorize your application
const authUrl = client.getAuthRequestUrl()

// This will redirect them to
const code = ...

// Returns an object containing the access token, refresh token, and expiry date
// Note that this function sets the token on this client instance to automatically
// authenticates all future requests with this client instance
const tokens = client.getAccessToken(code)

Get/set data from REST API

All REST API methods return a response in the shape of:

    ok: boolean
    data?: T // model type of result
    error?: Error

Example API client call:

try {
    // Get the current user
    const { data } = await

    console.log(`Hello, ${}`)
} catch ({ statusCode, message }) {
    // Handle error if API call failed
    console.error(`Error fetching user: ${statusCode} - ${message}`)


If an API error occurs, the response object contains an error object, with the following shape:

    name: string        // Name of the method called
    message: string     // Error message
    statusCode?: string // HTTP Status Code
    errors?: APIError[] // More detailed message if available

Not all API calls return a list of specific errors, but if they do, they will be in the form of:

    message: string    // Specific error message eg. 'Item not found.'
    errorCode?: number // A error code, if available. Eg. '1012'
    field?: string     // The field that caused the error, if available. Eg. `itemid`
    object?: string    // The resource, if available. Eg. `item`
    value?: string     // The value of the field, if available. Eg. `123432`


clientData = {}
try {
    const client = await fbClient.clients.single(accountId, 00000)
    console.log('Not called')
} catch (err) {
Get Client
Client not found.
    message: 'Client not found.',
    errorCode: 1012,
    field: 'userid',
    object: 'client',
    value: '00000'
clientData = {}
try {
    const client = await fbClient.clients.create(clientData, accountId)
    console.log('Not called')
} catch (err) {
Create Client
At least one field among fname, lname, email and organization is required.
    message: 'At least one field among fname, lname, email and organization is required.',
    errorCode: 7012,
    field: null,
    object: 'client',
    value: ''

Pagination, Filters, and Includes

If an endpoint supports searching or custom inclusions via query parameters, these parameters can be specified using a QueryBuilderType. See FreshBooks API - Parameters documentation.

type QueryBuilderType = PaginationQueryBuilder | IncludesQueryBuilder | SearchQueryBuilder

An appropriate method on the API client will support an array of builders:

public readonly invoices = {
    list: (accountId: string, queryBuilders?: QueryBuilderType[]) => Promise<Result<{
        invoices: Invoice[];
        pages: Pagination;


Pagination results are included in list responses. The data object will contain a pages property, with the following:

    page: number  // The current page of results
    pages: number // The number of pages of results
    total: number // The total number of results
    size: number  // The number of results per page

To make a paginated call, first create a PaginationQueryBuilder object set using the page and perPage functions and pass it in the list call.

import { PaginationQueryBuilder } from '@freshbooks/api/dist/models/builders/PaginationQueryBuilder'

const paginator = new PaginationQueryBuilder()
let page = 1
let totalPages = 1

while (page <= totalPages) {
    let response = await fbClient.clients.list(accountId, [paginator])
    let { clients, pages } =
    console.log(`Page ${} of ${pages.pages} pages`)
    console.log(`Showing ${pages.size} per page for ${} total clients`)

    totalPages = pages.pages

    console.log('Clients:') => console.log(client.organization))

Search Filters

To filter which results are return by list method calls, construct a SearchQueryBuilder and pass and pass it in the list call.

The SearchQueryBuilder supports the patterns: equals, in, like, between, and boolean.

s = SearchQueryBuilder()"email", "[email protected]")
console.log( // "&search[email][email protected]"

s = SearchQueryBuilder()"clientids", [123, 456])
console.log( // "&search[clientids][]=123&search[clientids][]=456"

s = SearchQueryBuilder()"email_like", "")
console.log( // "&search[email_like][email protected]"

s = SearchQueryBuilder()
s.between("amount", 1, 10)
console.log( // "&search[amount_min]=1&search[amount_max]=10)"

s = SearchQueryBuilder()
console.log( // "&search[start_date]=2020-11-21"

s = SearchQueryBuilder()
// Boolean filters are mostly used on Project-like resources
s.boolean('complete', false) // "&complete=false"

Example API client call with SearchQueryBuilder:

import { SearchQueryBuilder } from '@freshbooks/api/dist/models/builders/SearchQueryBuilder'

//create and populate SearchQueryBuilder
const searchQueryBuilder = new SearchQueryBuilder()
    .like('address_like', '200 King Street')
    .between('date', { min: new Date('2010-05-06'), max: new Date('2019-11-10') })

try {
    // Get invoices matching search query
    const { data } = await client.invoices.list(accountId, [searchQueryBuilder])

    console.log('Invoices: ', data)
} catch ({ statusCode, message }) {
    // Handle error if API call failed
    console.error(`Error fetching user: ${statusCode} - ${message}`)


To include additional relationships, sub-resources, or data in a response an IncludesQueryBuilder can be constructed which can then be passed into list, single, create, and update calls.

Example API client call with IncludesQueryBuilder:

import { IncludesQueryBuilder } from '@freshbooks/api/dist/models/builders/IncludesQueryBuilder'

//create and populate IncludesQueryBuilder
const includesQueryBuilder = new IncludesQueryBuilder().includes('lines')
console.log( // "&include[]=lines"

try {
    // Get invoices with included line items
    const { data } = await client.invoices.list(accountId, [includesQueryBuilder])

    console.log('Invoices: ', data)
} catch ({ statusCode, message }) {
    // Handle error if API call failed
    console.error(`Error fetching user: ${statusCode} - ${message}`)

Data Field Notes

Dates and Times

For historical reasons, many resources in the FreshBooks API (mostly accounting-releated) return date/times in "US/Eastern" timezone. Some effort is taken to convert these in the models to return Date objects normalized to UTC.

Monetary Values

The FreshBooks API returns most monetary values as a money object containing the amount and a currency code:

export default interface Money {
    amount?: string
    code?: string

The amount is returned and stored as a string to prevent floating point precision issues. If you are doing calculations on these values, it is recommended to use a library for decimal arithmetic such as decimal.js, big.js, or bignumber.js