import os import math import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch.nn.parallel from gtad_lib import opts from gtad_lib.models import GTAD from gtad_lib.dataset import VideoDataSet if __name__ == '__main__': opt = opts.parse_opt() opt = vars(opt) if not os.path.exists(opt['output'] + "/results"): os.makedirs(opt['output'] + "/results") model = GTAD(opt) model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=[0]).cuda() checkpoint = torch.load(opt["output"] + "/GTAD_best.pth.tar") model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) model.eval() test_loader =, subset="validation", mode='inference'), batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=8, pin_memory=True, drop_last=False) print("Inference start") with torch.no_grad(): for idx, input_data in test_loader: video_name = test_loader.dataset.video_list[idx[0]] offset = min(['indices'][idx[0]]) video_name = video_name+'_{}'.format(math.floor(offset/250)) input_data = input_data.cuda() # forward pass confidence_map, _, _ = model(input_data) clr_confidence = (confidence_map[0][1]).detach().cpu().numpy() reg_confidence = (confidence_map[0][0]).detach().cpu().numpy() # enumerate sub-graphs as proposals new_props = [] for idx in range( opt["max_duration"]): for jdx in range(opt["temporal_scale"]): start_index = jdx end_index = start_index + idx+1 if end_index < opt["temporal_scale"]: xmin = start_index * opt['skip_videoframes'] + offset # map [0,99] to frames xmax = end_index * opt['skip_videoframes'] + offset clr_score = clr_confidence[idx, jdx] # 64, 128 reg_score = reg_confidence[idx, jdx] new_props.append([xmin, xmax, clr_score, reg_score]) new_props = np.stack(new_props) col_name = ["xmin", "xmax", "clr_score", "reg_socre"] new_df = pd.DataFrame(new_props, columns=col_name) new_df.to_csv(opt["output"]+"/results/" + video_name + ".csv", index=False) print("Inference finished")