hypoddpy/init.py Changed "from hypodd_relocator import HypoDDRelocator" to "from .hypodd_relocator import HypoDDRelocator" ran 2to3 -p -v -w changed "import md5" to "import hashlib" changed hypodd_relocator.HyopDDRelocator._parse_station_files() to read StationXML files Set subrocess.Popen(unversal_newlines=True) in hypodd_compiler.compile_hypodd() so that the stdout output will be a text string (as in Python 2) rather than a byte string modified station_id to not include network if {net}.{sta} > 7 characters 2 to 3 bug?: changed Exception.message to str(Exception) (lines 1104) MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT NEGATIVE ELEVATIONS (HYPODD DOESNT HANDLE!)
added shift_stations attribute (and associated code) to HypDDRelocator class
- Still needs to shift input and output events
- corrected bug in _write_ph2dt_inp_file(self) where maxsep was calculated using depth differences in meters instead of km
- HAND-CHANGED iteration distance values (should be calculable or enterable for DATA_WEIGHTING_AND_REWEIGHTING variable in _write_hypoDD_inp_file(). (were 0.1, 0.005; now 5, 2.5)
- hypodd_relocator.setup_velocity_model(): Added check for > 30 model layers
- hypodd_relocator.compile_hypodd(): Changed MAXDATA to 3000000 (should be configurable)
- hypodd_relocator._create_output_event_file(): changed res_id.getRefferedObject() to res_id.get_referred_object()