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Publishing Releases

Nils Homer edited this page Nov 6, 2018 · 15 revisions

Publishing to Sonatype

Required Reading



Set up PGP


Add the following to your ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/gpg.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.jsuereth" % "sbt-pgp" % "1.1.1")

If you do not currently have gpg installed you may need to install it (on Mac: brew install gpg). Once installed you'll need to generate a key with gpg --gen-key. After generating a key run gpg --export --armor and upload the key to .

Set up your Sonatype credentials

Create .sbt/1.0/sonatype.sbt with your credentials as described here:

Perform the release

(1) Remove the snapshot version and perform a commit.

(2) Verify that all dependencies are on a release version, in particular dagr.

(3) Perform the release

sbt +publishSigned
sbt sonatypeRelease

(4) Bump the version number and add -SNAPSHOT. Do so for any dependencies which we want to use the snapshot version, in particular dagr.

Please note that sbt sonatypeRelease does the following:

sbt sonatypeClose
sbt sonatypePromote

(5) Add a release on github:

Update Documentation on the GitHub Pages site

  1. Run the script to generate target/
  2. Run java -cp target/scala-2.12/fgbio-{version}.jar com.fulcrumgenomics.internal.InternalTools BuildToolDocs -o /tmp/docs.{version}
  3. Checkout the gh-pages branch of the repository
  4. Copy target/ to metrics/{version}/ (you will need to mkdir metrics/{version})
  5. Copy (recursively) /tmp/docs.{version} to tools/{version}
  6. In each of the tools and metrics directories delete the latest symlink and re-create it using a relative link to the new version. E.g. cd tools && rm latest && ln -s {version} latest && cd ...
  7. Add the new files to git. E.g. git add tools/{version} mertrics/{version}.
  8. Edit the file to change the JAR version (ex. 0.1.4 to 0.2.0).
  9. Commit the changes to the documentation and git push the gh-pages branch.