All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Lightning Sites
adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Released on 2018-06-03
- Added by Thomas Stopak
Released on 2018-05-30.
- Updated build dependancies by running bundle update.
- Added by Thomas Stopak
Released on 2019-05-25
Fixed wrong git version being saved.
- Added by Ahmed Raza
Included Ruby version badge in README
- Added by Ahmed Raza
Released on 2022-09-02
Added the missing gem 'webrick' as a run time dependency.
- Added by Ahmed Raza
Released on 2022-12-20
- HTML-proofer will not report an error for extionsionless URLs, HTML-proofer version upgraded to 5.x.x, HTML-proofer checking
links from extenal sites option is enabled.
- Added by Ahmed Raza