Deprecated - This library is more thoroughly tested and is included as part of 'functional-jslib/fjl'. It is recommended you use that version of the "error-throwing" functions instead.
Error throwing helpers. In particular for when a type doesn't match an expected type (or one of one or more expected types).
and errorIfNotTypes
(and their variants (
uncurried versions (same function names though with trailing '$'
See inline 'readme' docs below or go to the jsdocs page:
npm install fjl-error-throwing
Note: For un-curried versions of the methods below access them with a trailing '$' character;
Example errorIfNotType$(...)
Note: For more extensive docs see jsdocs located at './jsdocs' (in the repo (currently))
Curried. Throws an error when your `value` doesn't match given `type`.
Curried. Throws an error when your `value` doesn't match one of the given `types` passed in.
getErrorIfNotTypeThrower<messageTmplFunction, typeChecker = defaultTypeChecker> : errorIfNotType
- Gives an errorIfNotType
function (curried version) that uses the passed message template function to generate the error message string.
getErrorIfNotTypesThrower<messageTmplFunction, typeChecker = defaultTypeChecker> : errorIfNotTypes
- Gives an errorIfNotTypes
function (curried version) that uses the passed message template function to generate the error message string.
More extensive docs can be found in './jsdocs' folder. Docs will go up somewhere later. @todo
TemplateContext {Object<value, valueName, expectedTypeName, foundTypeName, messageSuffix>}
Type {String|Function} - Constructor name or constructor itself.
TypesArray {Array<Type>}
TypeChecker {Function<Type, Any>}
ErrorMessageCall {Function<TemplateContext>}
ErrorIfNotType {Function<Type, contextName, valueName, value>:Undefined}
ErrorIfNotTypes {Function<TypesArray, contextName, valueName, value>:Undefined}
@todo add more extensive usage examples
import {
getErrorIfNotTypeThrower, // For passing your own error string renderer
getErrorIfNotTypesThrower, // For passing your own error string renderer
} from 'fjl-errorThrowing';
const errorIfNotFunction = errorIfNotType(Function); // curried so makes for useful usage
function someFunc (fn) {
errorIfNotFunction('someFunc', 'fn', fn); // Will throw well detailed error when `value` is not a function
// Do something here ...
someFunc(_ => 1 + 1); // No error here
someFunc(99); // Error here type doesn't match expected type.
npm install
- Look at node scripts in package.json.
npm test
(afternpm install
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