OpenapiClient - the Ruby gem for the Fireblocks API
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.5.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build openapi_client.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./openapi_client-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./openapi_client-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'openapi_client', '~> 1.0.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'openapi_client', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'openapi_client'
# Setup authorization
OpenapiClient.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
config.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
# config.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): bearerTokenAuth
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
api_instance =
asset_id = 'asset_id_example' # String | The asset for which to estimate the fee
#Estimates the required fee for a given asset. For UTXO based assets, the response will contain the suggested fee per byte, for ETH/ETC based assets, the suggested gas price, and for XRP/XLM, the transaction fee
result = api_instance.estimate_network_fee_get(asset_id)
p result
rescue OpenapiClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DefaultApi->estimate_network_fee_get: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | estimate_network_fee_get | GET /estimate_network_fee | Estimates the required fee for a given asset. For UTXO based assets, the response will contain the suggested fee per byte, for ETH/ETC based assets, the suggested gas price, and for XRP/XLM, the transaction fee |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | exchange_accounts_exchange_account_id_asset_id_get | GET /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/{assetId} | Returns a single asset within an exchange account |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | exchange_accounts_exchange_account_id_get | GET /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId} | Returns an exchange account by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | exchange_accounts_exchange_account_id_internal_transfer_post | POST /exchange_accounts/{exchangeAccountId}/internal_transfer | Transfers funds between trading accounts under the same exchange account |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | exchange_accounts_get | GET /exchange_accounts | Returns all exchange accounts |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | external_wallets_get | GET /external_wallets | Gets a list of external wallets under the tenant |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | external_wallets_post | POST /external_wallets | Creates a new external wallet |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | external_wallets_wallet_id_asset_id_delete | DELETE /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Deletes an external wallet asset by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | external_wallets_wallet_id_asset_id_get | GET /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Returns an external wallet asset by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | external_wallets_wallet_id_asset_id_post | POST /external_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Adds an asset to an existing external wallet |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | external_wallets_wallet_id_delete | DELETE /external_wallets/{walletId} | Deletes an external wallet by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | external_wallets_wallet_id_get | GET /external_wallets/{walletId} | Returns an external wallet by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | external_wallets_wallet_id_set_customer_ref_id_post | POST /external_wallets/{walletId}/set_customer_ref_id | Sets a reference customer ID for AML |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | fiat_accounts_account_id_deposit_from_linked_dda_post | POST /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/deposit_from_linked_dda | Deposit funds from DDA |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | fiat_accounts_account_id_get | GET /fiat_accounts/{accountId} | Returns a fiat account by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | fiat_accounts_account_id_redeem_to_linked_dda_post | POST /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/redeem_to_linked_dda | Redeem funds to DDA |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | fiat_accounts_get | GET /fiat_accounts | Returns all fiat accounts |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | gas_station_configuration_put | PUT /gas_station/configuration | Sets Gas Station configuration |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | gas_station_get | GET /gas_station | Returns a summary of Gas Station configuration and balances |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | internal_wallets_get | GET /internal_wallets | Gets a list of internal wallets |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | internal_wallets_post | POST /internal_wallets | Creates a new internal wallet |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | internal_wallets_wallet_id_asset_id_delete | DELETE /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Deletes an internal wallet asset by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | internal_wallets_wallet_id_asset_id_get | GET /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Returns an internal wallet asset by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | internal_wallets_wallet_id_asset_id_post | POST /internal_wallets/{walletId}/{assetId} | Create asset to an existing internal wallet |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | internal_wallets_wallet_id_delete | DELETE /internal_wallets/{walletId} | Deletes an internal wallet by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | internal_wallets_wallet_id_get | GET /internal_wallets/{walletId} | Returns an internal wallet by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | internal_wallets_wallet_id_set_customer_ref_id_post | POST /internal_wallets/{walletId}/set_customer_ref_id | Sets a reference customer ID for AML |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | network_connections_connection_id_get | GET /network_connections/{connectionId} | Gets a network connection by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | network_connections_get | GET /network_connections | Returns all network connections |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | off_exchange_accounts_get | GET /off_exchange_accounts | Get off exchanges |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | off_exchange_accounts_virtual_account_id_get | GET /off_exchange_accounts/{virtualAccountId} | Get off exchange by it's ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | off_exchange_accounts_virtual_account_id_settle_post | POST /off_exchange_accounts/{virtualAccountId}/settle | Settle an off exchange entity |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | supported_assets_get | GET /supported_assets | Returns all asset types supported by Fireblocks |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_estimate_fee_post | POST /transactions/estimate_fee | Estimates the transaction fee for a given transaction request |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_external_tx_id_external_tx_id_get | GET /transactions/external_tx_id/{externalTxId}/ | Returns transaction by external transaction ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_get | GET /transactions | Gets a list of transactions under the tenant |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_post | POST /transactions | Creates a new transaction |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_tx_id_cancel_post | POST /transactions/{txId}/cancel | Cancels a transaction by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_tx_id_drop_post | POST /transactions/{txId}/drop | Drop ETH based transaction by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_tx_id_freeze_post | POST /transactions/{txId}/freeze | Freezes a transaction by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_tx_id_get | GET /transactions/{txId} | Returns a transaction by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_tx_id_set_confirmation_threshold_post | POST /transactions/{txId}/set_confirmation_threshold | Overrides the required number of confirmations for a transaction completion by transaction ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_tx_id_unfreeze_post | POST /transactions/{txId}/unfreeze | Unfreezes a transaction by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transactions_validate_address_asset_id_address_get | GET /transactions/validate_address/{assetId}/{address} | Check if given address is valid |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transfer_tickets_get | GET /transfer_tickets | Gets a list of transfer tickets |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transfer_tickets_post | POST /transfer_tickets | Creates a new transfer ticket |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transfer_tickets_ticket_id_cancel_post | POST /transfer_tickets/{ticketId}/cancel | Cancel a transfer request |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transfer_tickets_ticket_id_get | GET /transfer_tickets/{ticketId} | Get a specific ticket by ticket ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transfer_tickets_ticket_id_term_id_get | GET /transfer_tickets/{ticketId}/{termId} | Get a term by ticket ID and term ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | transfer_tickets_ticket_id_term_id_transfer_post | POST /transfer_tickets/{ticketId}/{termId}/transfer | Triggers a transfer for a term in ticket |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | tx_hash_tx_hash_set_confirmation_threshold_post | POST /txHash/{txHash}/set_confirmation_threshold | Overrides the required number of confirmations for a transaction completion by its TxHash |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | users_get | GET /users | Returns a list of users |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_get | GET /vault/accounts | Retrieves all vault accounts for the specified filter. |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_post | POST /vault/accounts | Creates a new vault account |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_activate_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/activate | Activate a wallet in a Vault account |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_addresses_address_id_create_legacy_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId}/create_legacy | Translates an existing segwit address to the legacy format |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_addresses_address_id_put | PUT /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId} | Update the description of an existing address within a vault wallet |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_addresses_address_id_set_customer_ref_id_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses/{addressId}/set_customer_ref_id | Sets a reference customer ID for AML |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_addresses_get | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses | Returns all addresses generated for a Vault wallet |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_addresses_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/addresses | Generate a new deposit address for a Vault wallet |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_change_address_index_public_key_info_get | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/{change}/{addressIndex}/public_key_info | Gets the public key information for vault account |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_get | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId} | Returns a wallet of a specific asset inside a Fireblocks Vault account |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_lock_allocation_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/lock_allocation | Allocate funds to private ledger |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId} | Creates a new wallet in a Vault account |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_release_allocation_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/release_allocation | Deallocate funds from private ledger |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_asset_id_unspent_inputs_get | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/{assetId}/unspent_inputs | Gets UTXO unspent inputs information |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_get | GET /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId} | Returns a Fireblock Vault account by ID |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_hide_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/hide | Hides a vault account on Fireblocks console |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_put | PUT /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId} | Edit a Fireblock Vault account |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_set_auto_fuel_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/set_auto_fuel | Sets the autoFuel property of the vault account to true or false |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_set_customer_ref_id_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/set_customer_ref_id | Sets a reference customer ID for AML |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_accounts_vault_account_id_unhide_post | POST /vault/accounts/{vaultAccountId}/unhide | Reveals a hidden vault account on Fireblocks console |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_assets_asset_id_get | GET /vault/assets/{assetId} | Gets vault balance summary by asset. |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_assets_get | GET /vault/assets | Gets the assets amount summary for all \ filtered accounts. |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | vault_public_key_info_get | GET /vault/public_key_info/ | Gets the public key information based on derivationPath and signing algorithm |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | webhooks_resend_post | POST /webhooks/resend | Resend failed webhooks |
OpenapiClient::DefaultApi | webhooks_resend_tx_id_post | POST /webhooks/resend/{txId} | Resend failed webhooks for transaction by ID |
- OpenapiClient::AllocateFundsRequest
- OpenapiClient::AllocatedBalance
- OpenapiClient::AmlScreeningResult
- OpenapiClient::AmountInfo
- OpenapiClient::AssetTypeResponse
- OpenapiClient::AuthorizationGroups
- OpenapiClient::AuthorizationInfo
- OpenapiClient::BlockInfo
- OpenapiClient::CancelTransactionResponse
- OpenapiClient::Channel
- OpenapiClient::ConfigChangeRequestStatus
- OpenapiClient::CreateAddressResponse
- OpenapiClient::CreateTransactionResponse
- OpenapiClient::CreateTransferTicketResponse
- OpenapiClient::CreateVaultAssetResponse
- OpenapiClient::DeallocateFundsRequest
- OpenapiClient::DestinationTransferPeerPath
- OpenapiClient::DestinationTransferPeerPathAllOf
- OpenapiClient::DropTransactionRequest
- OpenapiClient::DropTransactionResponse
- OpenapiClient::Error
- OpenapiClient::EstimatedNetworkFeeResponse
- OpenapiClient::EstimatedTransactionFeeResponse
- OpenapiClient::ExchangeAccount
- OpenapiClient::ExchangeAsset
- OpenapiClient::ExchangeTradingAccount
- OpenapiClient::ExchangeType
- OpenapiClient::ExternalWalletAsset
- OpenapiClient::FeeInfo
- OpenapiClient::FiatAccount
- OpenapiClient::FiatAccountType
- OpenapiClient::FiatAsset
- OpenapiClient::FreezeTransactionResponse
- OpenapiClient::GasStationConfiguration
- OpenapiClient::GasStationPropertiesResponse
- OpenapiClient::GetUsersResponse
- OpenapiClient::NetworkConnectionResponse
- OpenapiClient::NetworkFee
- OpenapiClient::NetworkRecord
- OpenapiClient::OffExchangeEntityResponse
- OpenapiClient::OffExchangeEntityResponseBalance
- OpenapiClient::OneTimeAddress
- OpenapiClient::PublicKeyInformation
- OpenapiClient::ResendWebhooksResponse
- OpenapiClient::SetConfirmationsThresholdRequest
- OpenapiClient::SetConfirmationsThresholdResponse
- OpenapiClient::SignedMessage
- OpenapiClient::SignedMessageSignature
- OpenapiClient::Term
- OpenapiClient::TradingAccountType
- OpenapiClient::TransactionFee
- OpenapiClient::TransactionOperation
- OpenapiClient::TransactionRequest
- OpenapiClient::TransactionRequestDestination
- OpenapiClient::TransactionResponse
- OpenapiClient::TransactionResponseDestination
- OpenapiClient::TransactionSubStatus
- OpenapiClient::TransferPeerPath
- OpenapiClient::TransferPeerPathResponse
- OpenapiClient::TransferPeerPathResponseAllOf
- OpenapiClient::TransferTicketResponse
- OpenapiClient::TransferTicketTermResponse
- OpenapiClient::UnfreezeTransactionResponse
- OpenapiClient::UnmanagedWallet
- OpenapiClient::UnsignedMessage
- OpenapiClient::UnspentInputsData
- OpenapiClient::UserResponse
- OpenapiClient::ValidateAddressResponse
- OpenapiClient::VaultAccount
- OpenapiClient::VaultAsset
- OpenapiClient::VaultWalletAddress
- OpenapiClient::WalletAsset
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)