This is a Hubx Task for the React Native Developer position.
Try it on Expo Go: Preview Link
- React Native: Cross-platform mobile app development
- Expo: React Native framework for rapid development and deployment
- TypeScript: Type safety and enhanced IDE support
- Redux Toolkit: For state management
- i18next: Multi-language support (now just English)
- React Navigation: In-app navigation
- Expo Router: File-based routing system
- React Native Reanimated 3: For advanced animations
- React Native Gesture Handler: For gestures
- Expo Camera: Plant photo capture feature
- Custom Components: Reusable UI components
- Platform Specific Codes: Optimized codes for Android and iOS separately.
- Comprehensive Testing: Android and iOS platforms tested separately.
- Redux Toolkit: Used for efficient state management.
- Multi-language Support: Turkish, English, and German language options provided with i18n library.
- Styling: Only React Native's StyleSheet API used for all style definitions.
- Animations: Reanimated 3 preferred for smooth and performant animations.
- Navigation: File-based routing system implemented with Expo Router.
├── app/ # Expo Router based navigation structure
│ ├── (auth)/ # Authenticated user routes
│ │ ├── (modal)/ # Modal screens
│ │ ├── (settings)/ # Settings related screens
│ │ └── (tabs)/ # Main tab navigation screens
│ ├── (no-auth)/ # Non-authenticated user routes
│ ├── layout.tsx # Root layout
│ ├── +html.tsx # Custom HTML template for web
│ └── +not-found.tsx # 404 Not Found screen
├── assets/ # Static assets
│ ├── fonts/
│ ├── icons/
│ ├── images/
│ └── lotties/
├── components/ # Reusable React components
│ ├── common/ # Shared components
│ ├── screen/ # Screen-specific components
│ └── view/ # Smaller view components
├── constants/ # App-wide constants
├── helpers/ # Helper functions and utilities
├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
├── i18n/ # Internationalization setup
│ ├── languages.ts
│ ├── index.ts
│ └── locales/
│ └── en-US/
├── store/ # Redux store setup
│ ├── slices/ # Redux slices
│ └── index.ts
├── types/ # TypeScript type definitions
├── .eslintrc.js # ESLint configuration
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file
├── app.json # Expo app configuration
├── babel.config.js # Babel configuration
├── metro.config.js # Metro bundler configuration
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── # Project documentation
└── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npx expo start
- Scan the QR code with your Expo Go app on your mobile device to run the app.
Enjoy coding!