Family of standards by IEEE, enabling compatibility of software between different operating systems.
Porting software between operating systems used to be a lot of work until POSIX was born. POSIX is a standardization of a UNIX like operating systems, but not limited to UNIX.
POSIX adds more functions on top of ANSI C standars, around:
- File operations
- Processes, threads, shared memory and scheduling parameters
- Networking
- Memory management
- Regular Expressions
General rules over how to write a software.
Rules for formatting strings that we use in files, STDOUT, STDIN, STDERR.
Reserved Environment Variables in standard utilities
[C Locale is POSIX locale][]
- Character Sets
- Regular Expressions
- Directory Structure
- Utilities such as CLIs
Most operating except Windows, are partly POSIX compliant. There are several OSes that are fully compliant including new versions of MacOS.
Earlier versions of Bash was POSIX compliant but now it became partially compliant.