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Package: stringi
-Version: 1.7.3
-Date: 2021-07-15
+Date: 2021-08-05
Title: Character String Processing Facilities
Description: A multitude of character string/text/natural language
processing tools: pattern searching (e.g., with 'Java'-like regular
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# What Is New in *stringi*
+## (under development)
+* [BUGFIX] #449: Fixed segfaults generated by `stri_sprintf`.
## 1.7.3 (2021-07-15)
* [BUGFIX] Fixed the previous patch of ICU55 causing a build failure on,
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-# about\_arguments: Passing Arguments to Functions in stringi
-## Description
-Below we explain how stringi deals with its functions\' arguments.
-If some function violates one of the following rules (for a very important reason), this is clearly indicated in its documentation (with discussion).
-## Coercion of Arguments
-When a character vector argument is expected, factors and other vectors coercible to characters vectors are silently converted with [`as.character`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/character.html), otherwise an error is generated. Coercion from a list which does not consist of length-1 atomic vectors issues a warning.
-When a logical, numeric, or integer vector argument is expected, factors are converted with `as.*(as.character(...))`, and other coercible vectors are converted with `as.*`, otherwise an error is generated.
-## Vectorization
-Almost all functions are vectorized with respect to all their arguments and the recycling rule is applied whenever necessary. Due to this property you may, for instance, search for one pattern in each given string, search for each pattern in one given string, and search for the i-th pattern within the i-th string.
-We of course took great care of performance issues: e.g., in regular expression searching, regex matchers are reused from iteration to iteration, as long as it is possible.
-Functions with some non-vectorized arguments are rare: e.g., regular expression matcher\'s settings are established once per each call.
-Some functions assume that a vector with one element is given as an argument (like `collapse` in [`stri_join`](stri_join.md)). In such cases, if an empty vector is given you will get an error and for vectors with more than 1 elements - a warning will be generated (only the first element will be used).
-You may find details on vectorization behavior in the man pages on each particular function of your interest.
-## Handling Missing Values (`NA`s)
-stringi handles missing values consistently. For any vectorized operation, if at least one vector element is missing, then the corresponding resulting value is also set to `NA`.
-## Preserving Object Attributes
-Generally, all our functions drop input objects\' attributes (e.g., [`names`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/names.html), [`dim`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/dim.html), etc.). This is due to deep vectorization as well as for efficiency reasons. If the preservation of attributes is needed, important attributes can be manually copied. Alternatively, the notation `x[] <- stri_...(x, ...)` can sometimes be used too.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
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-# about\_encoding: Character Encodings and stringi
-## Description
-This manual page explains how stringi deals with character strings in various encodings.
-In particular we should note that:
-- **R** lets strings in ASCII, UTF-8, and your platform\'s native encoding coexist. A character vector printed on the console by calling [`print`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/print.html) or [`cat`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/cat.html) is silently re-encoded to the native encoding.
-- Functions in stringi process each string internally in Unicode, the most universal character encoding ever. Even if a string is given in the native encoding, i.e., your platform\'s default one, it will be converted to Unicode (precisely: UTF-8 or UTF-16).
-- Most stringi functions always return UTF-8 encoded strings, regardless of the input encoding. What is more, the functions have been optimized for UTF-8/ASCII input (they have competitive, if not better performance, especially when performing more complex operations like string comparison, sorting, and even concatenation). Thus, it is best to rely on cascading calls to stringi operations solely.
-## Details
-Quoting the ICU User Guide, \'Hundreds of encodings have been developed over the years, each for small groups of languages and for special purposes. As a result, the interpretation of text, input, sorting, display, and storage depends on the knowledge of all the different types of character sets and their encodings. Programs have been written to handle either one single encoding at a time and switch between them, or to convert between external and internal encodings.\'
-\'Unicode provides a single character set that covers the major languages of the world, and a small number of machine-friendly encoding forms and schemes to fit the needs of existing applications and protocols. It is designed for best interoperability with both ASCII and ISO-8859-1 (the most widely used character sets) to make it easier for Unicode to be used in almost all applications and protocols\' (see the ICU User Guide).
-The Unicode Standard determines the way to map any possible character to a numeric value -- a so-called code point. Such code points, however, have to be stored somehow in computer\'s memory. The Unicode Standard encodes characters in the range U+0000..U+10FFFF, which amounts to a 21-bit code space. Depending on the encoding form (UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32), each character will then be represented either as a sequence of one to four 8-bit bytes, one or two 16-bit code units, or a single 32-bit integer (compare the ICU FAQ).
-Unicode can be thought of as a superset of the spectrum of characters supported by any given code page.
-## UTF-8 and UTF-16
-For portability reasons, the UTF-8 encoding is the most natural choice for representing Unicode character strings in **R**. UTF-8 has ASCII as its subset (code points 1--127 represent the same characters in both of them). Code points larger than 127 are represented by multi-byte sequences (from 2 to 4 bytes: Please note that not all sequences of bytes are valid UTF-8, compare [`stri_enc_isutf8`](stri_enc_isutf8.md)).
-Most of the computations in stringi are performed internally using either UTF-8 or UTF-16 encodings (this depends on type of service you request: some ICU services are designed only to work with UTF-16). Due to such a choice, with stringi you get the same result on each platform, which is -- unfortunately -- not the case of base **R**\'s functions (for instance, it is known that performing a regular expression search under Linux on some texts may give you a different result to those obtained under Windows). We really had portability in our minds while developing our package!
-We have observed that **R** correctly handles UTF-8 strings regardless of your platform\'s native encoding (see below). Therefore, we decided that most functions in stringi will output its results in UTF-8 -- this speeds ups computations on cascading calls to our functions: the strings does not have to be re-encoded each time.
-Note that some Unicode characters may have an ambiguous representation. For example, "a with ogonek" (one character) and "a"+"ogonek" (two graphemes) are semantically the same. stringi provides functions to normalize character sequences, see [`stri_trans_nfc`](stri_trans_nf.md) for discussion. However, it is observed that denormalized strings do appear very rarely in typical string processing activities.
-Additionally, do note that stringi silently removes byte order marks (BOMs - they may incidentally appear in a string read from a text file) from UTF8-encoded strings, see [`stri_enc_toutf8`](stri_enc_toutf8.md).
-## Character Encodings in **R**
-Data in memory are just bytes (small integer values) -- an en*coding* is a way to represent characters with such numbers, it is a semantic \'key\' to understand a given byte sequence. For example, in ISO-8859-2 (Central European), the value 177 represents Polish "a with ogonek", and in ISO-8859-1 (Western European), the same value denotes the "plus-minus" sign. Thus, a character encoding is a translation scheme: we need to communicate with **R** somehow, relying on how it represents strings.
-Overall, **R** has a very simple encoding marking mechanism, see [`stri_enc_mark`](stri_enc_mark.md). There is an implicit assumption that your platform\'s default (native) encoding always extends ASCII -- stringi checks that whenever your native encoding is being detected automatically on ICU\'s initialization and each time when you change it manually by calling [`stri_enc_set`](stri_enc_set.md).
-Character strings in **R** (internally) can be declared to be in:
-- `UTF-8`;
-- `latin1`, i.e., either ISO-8859-1 (Western European on Linux, OS X, and other Unixes) or WINDOWS-1252 (Windows);
-- `bytes` -- for strings that should be manipulated as sequences of bytes.
-Moreover, there are two other cases:
-- ASCII -- for strings consisting only of byte codes not greater than 127;
-- `native` (a.k.a. `unknown` in [`Encoding`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html); quite a misleading name: no explicit encoding mark) -- for strings that are assumed to be in your platform\'s native (default) encoding. This can represent UTF-8 if you are an OS X user, or some 8-bit Windows code page, for example. The native encoding used by **R** may be determined by examining the LC\_CTYPE category, see [`Sys.getlocale`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/locales.html).
-Intuitively, "native" strings result from reading a string from stdin (e.g., keyboard input). This makes sense: your operating system works in some encoding and provides **R** with some data.
-Each time when a stringi function encounters a string declared in native encoding, it assumes that the input data should be translated from the default encoding, i.e., the one returned by [`stri_enc_get`](stri_enc_set.md) (unless you know what you are doing, the default encoding should only be changed if the automatic encoding detection process fails on stringi load).
-Functions which allow `'bytes'` encoding markings are very rare in stringi, and were carefully selected. These are: [`stri_enc_toutf8`](stri_enc_toutf8.md) (with argument `is_unknown_8bit=TRUE`), [`stri_enc_toascii`](stri_enc_toascii.md), and [`stri_encode`](stri_encode.md).
-Finally, note that **R** lets strings in ASCII, UTF-8, and your platform\'s native encoding coexist. A character vector printed with [`print`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/print.html), [`cat`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/cat.html), etc., is silently re-encoded so that it can be properly shown, e.g., on the console.
-## Encoding Conversion
-Apart from automatic conversion from the native encoding, you may re-encode a string manually, for example when you read it from a file created on a different platform. Call [`stri_enc_list`](stri_enc_list.md) for the list of encodings supported by ICU. Note that converter names are case-insensitive and ICU tries to normalize the encoding specifiers. Leading zeroes are ignored in sequences of digits (if further digits follow), and all non-alphanumeric characters are ignored. Thus the strings \'UTF-8\', \'utf\_8\', \'u\*Tf08\' and \'Utf 8\' are equivalent.
-The [`stri_encode`](stri_encode.md) function allows you to convert between any given encodings (in some cases you will obtain `bytes`-marked strings, or even lists of raw vectors (i.e., for UTF-16). There are also some useful more specialized functions, like [`stri_enc_toutf32`](stri_enc_toutf32.md) (converts a character vector to a list of integers, where one code point is exactly one numeric value) or [`stri_enc_toascii`](stri_enc_toascii.md) (substitutes all non-ASCII bytes with the SUBSTITUTE CHARACTER, which plays a similar role as **R**\'s `NA` value).
-There are also some routines for automated encoding detection, see, e.g., [`stri_enc_detect`](stri_enc_detect.md).
-## Encoding Detection
-Given a text file, one has to know how to interpret (encode) raw data in order to obtain meaningful information.
-Encoding detection is always an imprecise operation and needs a considerable amount of data. However, in case of some encodings (like UTF-8, ASCII, or UTF-32) a "false positive" byte sequence is quite rare (statistically speaking).
-Check out [`stri_enc_detect`](stri_enc_detect.md) (among others) for a useful function in this category.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Unicode Basics* -- ICU User Guide,
-*Conversion* -- ICU User Guide,
-*Converters* -- ICU User Guide, (technical details)
-*UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 & BOM* -- ICU FAQ,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
-Other encoding\_management: [`stri_enc_info()`](stri_enc_info.md), [`stri_enc_list()`](stri_enc_list.md), [`stri_enc_mark()`](stri_enc_mark.md), [`stri_enc_set()`](stri_enc_set.md)
-Other encoding\_detection: [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_enc_detect()`](stri_enc_detect.md), [`stri_enc_isascii()`](stri_enc_isascii.md), [`stri_enc_isutf16be()`](stri_enc_isutf16.md), [`stri_enc_isutf8()`](stri_enc_isutf8.md)
-Other encoding\_conversion: [`stri_enc_fromutf32()`](stri_enc_fromutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toascii()`](stri_enc_toascii.md), [`stri_enc_tonative()`](stri_enc_tonative.md), [`stri_enc_toutf32()`](stri_enc_toutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toutf8()`](stri_enc_toutf8.md), [`stri_encode()`](stri_encode.md)
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-# about\_locale: Locales and stringi
-## Description
-In this section we explain how we specify locales in stringi. Locale is a fundamental concept in ICU. It identifies a specific user community, i.e., a group of users who have similar culture and language expectations for human-computer interaction.
-## Details
-Because a locale is just an identifier of a region, no validity check is performed when you specify a Locale. ICU is implemented as a set of services. If you want to verify whether particular resources are available in the locale you asked for, you must query those resources. Note: when you ask for a resource for a particular locale, you get back the best available match, not necessarily precisely the one you requested.
-## Locale Identifiers
-ICU services are parametrized by locale, to deliver culturally correct results. Locales are identified by character strings of the form `Language` code, `Language_Country` code, or `Language_Country_Variant` code, e.g., \'en\_US\'.
-The two-letter `Language` code uses the ISO-639-1 standard, e.g., \'en\' stands for English, \'pl\' -- Polish, \'fr\' -- French, and \'de\' for German.
-`Country` is a two-letter code following the ISO-3166 standard. This is to reflect different language conventions within the same language, for example in US-English (\'en\_US\') and Australian-English (\'en\_AU\').
-Differences may also appear in language conventions used within the same country. For example, the Euro currency may be used in several European countries while the individual country\'s currency is still in circulation. In such a case, ICU `Variant` \'\_EURO\' could be used for selecting locales that support the Euro currency.
-The final (optional) element of a locale is a list of keywords together with their values. Keywords must be unique. Their order is not significant. Unknown keywords are ignored. The handling of keywords depends on the specific services that utilize them. Currently, the following keywords are recognized: `calendar`, `collation`, `currency`, and `numbers`, e.g., `fr@collation=phonebook;``calendar=islamic-civil` is a valid French locale specifier together with keyword arguments. For more information, refer to the ICU user guide.
-For a list of locales that are recognized by ICU, call [`stri_locale_list`](stri_locale_list.md).
-## A Note on Default Locales
-Each locale-sensitive function in stringi selects the current default locale if an empty string or `NULL` is provided as its `locale` argument. Default locales are available to all the functions: they are initially set to be the system locale on that platform, and may be changed with [`stri_locale_set`](stri_locale_set.md), for example, if automatic detection fails to recognize your locale properly.
-It is suggested that your program should avoid changing the default locale. All locale-sensitive functions may request any desired locale per-call (by specifying the `locale` argument), i.e., without referencing to the default locale. During many tests, however, we did not observe any improper behavior of stringi while using a modified default locale.
-## Locale-Sensitive Functions in stringi
-One of many examples of locale-dependent services is the Collator, which performs a locale-aware string comparison. It is used for string comparing, ordering, sorting, and searching. See [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md) for the description on how to tune its settings, and its `locale` argument in particular.
-Other locale-sensitive functions include, e.g., [`stri_trans_tolower`](stri_trans_casemap.md) (that does character case mapping).
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Locale* -- ICU User Guide,
-*ISO 639: Language Codes*,
-*ISO 3166: Country Codes*,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_management: [`stri_locale_info()`](stri_locale_info.md), [`stri_locale_list()`](stri_locale_list.md), [`stri_locale_set()`](stri_locale_set.md)
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
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-# about\_search: String Searching
-## Description
-This man page explains how to perform string search-based operations in stringi.
-## Details
-The following independent string searching engines are available in stringi.
-- `stri_*_regex` -- ICU\'s regular expressions (regexes), see [about\_search\_regex](about_search_regex.md),
-- `stri_*_fixed` -- locale-independent byte-wise pattern matching, see [about\_search\_fixed](about_search_fixed.md),
-- `stri_*_coll` -- ICU\'s `StringSearch`, locale-sensitive, Collator-based pattern search, useful for natural language processing tasks, see [about\_search\_coll](about_search_coll.md),
-- `stri_*_charclass` -- character classes search, e.g., Unicode General Categories or Binary Properties, see [about\_search\_charclass](about_search_charclass.md),
-- `stri_*_boundaries` -- text boundary analysis, see [about\_search\_boundaries](about_search_boundaries.md)
-Each search engine is able to perform many search-based operations. These may include:
-- `stri_detect_*` - detect if a pattern occurs in a string, see, e.g., [`stri_detect`](stri_detect.md),
-- `stri_count_*` - count the number of pattern occurrences, see, e.g., [`stri_count`](stri_count.md),
-- `stri_locate_*` - locate all, first, or last occurrences of a pattern, see, e.g., [`stri_locate`](stri_locate.md),
-- `stri_extract_*` - extract all, first, or last occurrences of a pattern, see, e.g., [`stri_extract`](stri_extract.md) and, in case of regexes, [`stri_match`](stri_match.md),
-- `stri_replace_*` - replace all, first, or last occurrences of a pattern, see, e.g., [`stri_replace`](stri_replace.md) and also [`stri_trim`](stri_trim.md),
-- `stri_split_*` - split a string into chunks indicated by occurrences of a pattern, see, e.g., [`stri_split`](stri_split.md),
-- `stri_startswith_*` and `stri_endswith_*` detect if a string starts or ends with a pattern match, see, e.g., [`stri_startswith`](stri_startsendswith.md),
-- `stri_subset_*` - return a subset of a character vector with strings that match a given pattern, see, e.g., [`stri_subset`](stri_subset.md).
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other text\_boundaries: [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_brkiter()`](stri_opts_brkiter.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other search\_regex: [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`stri_opts_regex()`](stri_opts_regex.md)
-Other search\_fixed: [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`stri_opts_fixed()`](stri_opts_fixed.md)
-Other search\_coll: [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md)
-Other search\_charclass: [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`stri_trim_both()`](stri_trim.md)
-Other search\_detect: [`stri_detect()`](stri_detect.md), [`stri_startswith()`](stri_startsendswith.md)
-Other search\_count: [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_count()`](stri_count.md)
-Other search\_locate: [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all()`](stri_locate.md)
-Other search\_replace: [`stri_replace_all()`](stri_replace.md), [`stri_replace_rstr()`](stri_replace_rstr.md), [`stri_trim_both()`](stri_trim.md)
-Other search\_split: [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_split()`](stri_split.md)
-Other search\_subset: [`stri_subset()`](stri_subset.md)
-Other search\_extract: [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_extract_all()`](stri_extract.md), [`stri_match_all()`](stri_match.md)
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
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-# about\_search\_boundaries: Text Boundary Analysis in stringi
-## Description
-Text boundary analysis is the process of locating linguistic boundaries while formatting and handling text.
-## Details
-Examples of the boundary analysis process include:
-- Locating positions to word-wrap text to fit within specific margins while displaying or printing, see [`stri_wrap`](stri_wrap.md) and [`stri_split_boundaries`](stri_split_boundaries.md).
-- Counting characters, words, sentences, or paragraphs, see [`stri_count_boundaries`](stri_count_boundaries.md).
-- Making a list of the unique words in a document, see [`stri_extract_all_words`](stri_extract_boundaries.md) and then [`stri_unique`](stri_unique.md).
-- Capitalizing the first letter of each word or sentence, see also [`stri_trans_totitle`](stri_trans_casemap.md).
-- Locating a particular unit of the text (for example, finding the third word in the document), see [`stri_locate_all_boundaries`](stri_locate_boundaries.md).
-Generally, text boundary analysis is a locale-dependent operation. For example, in Japanese and Chinese one does not separate words with spaces - a line break can occur even in the middle of a word. These languages have punctuation and diacritical marks that cannot start or end a line, so this must also be taken into account.
-stringi uses ICU\'s `BreakIterator` to locate specific text boundaries. Note that the `BreakIterator`\'s behavior may be controlled in come cases, see [`stri_opts_brkiter`](stri_opts_brkiter.md).
-- The `character` boundary iterator tries to match what a user would think of as a "character" -- a basic unit of a writing system for a language -- which may be more than just a single Unicode code point.
-- The `word` boundary iterator locates the boundaries of words, for purposes such as "Find whole words" operations.
-- The `line_break` iterator locates positions that would be appropriate to wrap lines when displaying the text.
-- The break iterator of type `sentence` locates sentence boundaries.
-For technical details on different classes of text boundaries refer to the ICU User Guide, see below.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Boundary Analysis* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other text\_boundaries: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_brkiter()`](stri_opts_brkiter.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
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-# about\_search\_charclass: Character Classes in stringi
-## Description
-Here we describe how character classes (sets) can be specified in the stringi package. These are useful for defining search patterns (note that the ICU regex engine uses the same scheme for denoting character classes) or, e.g., generating random code points with [`stri_rand_strings`](stri_rand_strings.md).
-## Details
-All `stri_*_charclass` functions in stringi perform a single character (i.e., Unicode code point) search-based operations. You may obtain the same results using [about\_search\_regex](about_search_regex.md). However, these very functions aim to be faster.
-Character classes are defined using ICU\'s `UnicodeSet` patterns. Below we briefly summarize their syntax. For more details refer to the bibliographic References below.
-## `UnicodeSet` patterns
-A `UnicodeSet` represents a subset of Unicode code points (recall that stringi converts strings in your native encoding to Unicode automatically). Legal code points are U+0000 to U+10FFFF, inclusive.
-Patterns either consist of series of characters bounded by square brackets (such patterns follow a syntax similar to that employed by regular expression character classes) or of Perl-like Unicode property set specifiers.
-`[]` denotes an empty set, `[a]` -- a set consisting of character "a", `[\u0105]` -- a set with character U+0105, and `[abc]` -- a set with "a", "b", and "c".
-`[a-z]` denotes a set consisting of characters "a" through "z" inclusively, in Unicode code point order.
-Some set-theoretic operations are available. `^` denotes the complement, e.g., `[^a-z]` contains all characters but "a" through "z". Moreover, `[[pat1][pat2]]`, `[[pat1]\&[pat2]]`, and `[[pat1]-[pat2]]` denote union, intersection, and asymmetric difference of sets specified by `pat1` and `pat2`, respectively.
-Note that all white-spaces are ignored unless they are quoted or back-slashed (white spaces can be freely used for clarity, as `[a c d-f m]` means the same as `[acd-fm]`). stringi does not allow including multi-character strings (see `UnicodeSet` API documentation). Also, empty string patterns are disallowed.
-Any character may be preceded by a backslash in order to remove its special meaning.
-A malformed pattern always results in an error.
-Set expressions at a glance (according to ):
-Some examples:
-: Match any of the characters a, b or c.
-: Negation -- match any character except a, b or c.
-: Range -- match any character from A to M. The characters to include are determined by Unicode code point ordering.
-: Range -- match all characters.
-`[\p{Letter}]` or `[\p{General_Category=Letter}]` or `[\p{L}]`
-: Characters with Unicode Category = Letter. All forms shown are equivalent.
-: Negated property (Note the upper case `\P`) -- match everything except Letters.
-: Match all numbers with a numeric value of 9. Any Unicode Property may be used in set expressions.
-: Set intersection -- match the set of all Cyrillic letters.
-: Set difference -- match all non-Latin letters.
-`[[a-z][A-Z][0-9]]` or `[a-zA-Z0-9]`
-: Implicit union of sets -- match ASCII letters and digits (the two forms are equivalent).
-: Alternative POSIX-like syntax for properties -- equivalent to `\p{script=Greek}`.
-## Unicode properties
-Unicode property sets are specified with a POSIX-like syntax, e.g., `[:Letter:]`, or with a (extended) Perl-style syntax, e.g., `\p{L}`. The complements of the above sets are `[:^Letter:]` and `\P{L}`, respectively.
-The names are normalized before matching (for example, the match is case-insensitive). Moreover, many names have short aliases.
-Among predefined Unicode properties we find, e.g.:
-- Unicode General Categories, e.g., `Lu` for uppercase letters,
-- Unicode Binary Properties, e.g., `WHITE_SPACE`,
-and many more (including Unicode scripts).
-Each property provides access to the large and comprehensive Unicode Character Database. Generally, the list of properties available in ICU is not well-documented. Please refer to the References section for some links.
-Please note that some classes might overlap. However, e.g., General Category `Z` (some space) and Binary Property `WHITE_SPACE` matches different character sets.
-## Unicode General Categories
-The Unicode General Category property of a code point provides the most general classification of that code point. Each code point falls into one and only one Category.
-: a C0 or C1 control code.
-: a format control character.
-: a reserved unassigned code point or a non-character.
-: a private-use character.
-: a surrogate code point.
-: the union of Lu, Ll, Lt.
-: a lowercase letter.
-: a modifier letter.
-: other letters, including syllables and ideographs.
-: a digraphic character, with first part uppercase.
-: an uppercase letter.
-: a spacing combining mark (positive advance width).
-: an enclosing combining mark.
-: a non-spacing combining mark (zero advance width).
-: a decimal digit.
-: a letter-like numeric character.
-: a numeric character of other type.
-: a dash or hyphen punctuation mark.
-: an opening punctuation mark (of a pair).
-: a closing punctuation mark (of a pair).
-: a connecting punctuation mark, like a tie.
-: a punctuation mark of other type.
-: an initial quotation mark.
-: a final quotation mark.
-: a symbol of mathematical use.
-: a currency sign.
-: a non-letter-like modifier symbol.
-: a symbol of other type.
-: a space character (of non-zero width).
-: U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR only.
-: the union of Cc, Cf, Cs, Co, Cn.
-: the union of Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo.
-: the union of Mn, Mc, Me.
-: the union of Nd, Nl, No.
-: the union of Pc, Pd, Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, Po.
-: the union of Sm, Sc, Sk, So.
-: the union of Zs, Zl, Zp
-## Unicode Binary Properties
-Each character may follow many Binary Properties at a time.
-Here is a comprehensive list of supported Binary Properties:
-: alphabetic character.
-: a character matching the `[0-9A-Fa-f]` charclass.
-: a format control which have specific functions in the Bidi (bidirectional text) Algorithm.
-: a character that may change display in right-to-left text.
-: a kind of a dash character.
-: characters that are ignorable in most text processing activities, e.g., \<2060..206F, FFF0..FFFB, E0000..E0FFF\>.
-: a deprecated character according to the current Unicode standard (the usage of deprecated characters is strongly discouraged).
-: a character that linguistically modifies the meaning of another character to which it applies.
-: a character that extends the value or shape of a preceding alphabetic character, e.g., a length and iteration mark.
-: a character commonly used for hexadecimal numbers, see also `ASCII_HEX_DIGIT`.
-: a dash used to mark connections between pieces of words, plus the Katakana middle dot.
-: a character that can continue an identifier, `ID_START`+`Mn`+`Mc`+`Nd`+`Pc`.
-: a character that can start an identifier, `Lu`+`Ll`+`Lt`+`Lm`+`Lo`+`Nl`.
-: a CJKV (Chinese-Japanese-Korean-Vietnamese) ideograph.
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: a character with a "soft dot", like i or j, such that an accent placed on this character causes the dot to disappear.
-: a punctuation character that generally marks the end of textual units.
-: \...
-: a space character or TAB or CR or LF or ZWSP or ZWNBSP.
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: \...
-: Since ICU 57
-: Since ICU 57
-: Since ICU 57
-: Since ICU 57
-## POSIX Character Classes
-Avoid using POSIX character classes, e.g., `[:punct:]`. The ICU User Guide (see below) states that in general they are not well-defined, so you may end up with something different than you expect.
-In particular, in POSIX-like regex engines, `[:punct:]` stands for the character class corresponding to the `ispunct()` classification function (check out `man 3 ispunct` on UNIX-like systems). According to ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (ISO C90), the `ispunct()` function tests for any printing character except for space or a character for which `isalnum()` is true. However, in a POSIX setting, the details of what characters belong into which class depend on the current locale. So the `[:punct:]` class does not lead to a portable code (again, in POSIX-like regex engines).
-Therefore, a POSIX flavor of `[:punct:]` is more like `[\p{P}\p{S}]` in ICU. You have been warned.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*The Unicode Character Database* -- Unicode Standard Annex \#44,
-*UnicodeSet* -- ICU User Guide,
-*Properties* -- ICU User Guide,
-*C/POSIX Migration* -- ICU User Guide,
-*Unicode Script Data*,
-*icu::Unicodeset Class Reference* -- ICU4C API Documentation,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_charclass: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_trim_both()`](stri_trim.md)
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
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-# about\_search\_coll: Locale-Sensitive Text Searching in stringi
-## Description
-String searching facilities described here provide a way to locate a specific piece of text. Interestingly, locale-sensitive searching, especially on a non-English text, is a much more complex process than it seems at the first glance.
-## Locale-Aware String Search Engine
-All `stri_*_coll` functions in stringi use ICU\'s `StringSearch` engine, which implements a locale-sensitive string search algorithm. The matches are defined by using the notion of "canonical equivalence" between strings.
-Tuning the Collator\'s parameters allows you to perform correct matching that properly takes into account accented letters, conjoined letters, ignorable punctuation and letter case.
-For more information on ICU\'s Collator and the search engine and how to tune it up in stringi, refer to [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md).
-Please note that ICU\'s `StringSearch`-based functions are often much slower that those to perform fixed pattern searches.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*ICU String Search Service* -- ICU User Guide,
-L. Werner, *Efficient Text Searching in Java*, 1999,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_coll: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md)
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
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-# about\_search\_fixed: Locale-Insensitive Fixed Pattern Matching in stringi
-## Description
-String searching facilities described here provide a way to locate a specific sequence of bytes in a string. The search engine\'s settings may be tuned up (for example to perform case-insensitive search) via a call to the [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md) function.
-## Byte Compare
-The fast Knuth-Morris-Pratt search algorithm, with worst time complexity of O(n+p) (`n == length(str)`, `p == length(pattern)`) is implemented (with some tweaks for very short search patterns).
-Be aware that, for natural language processing, fixed pattern searching might not be what you actually require. It is because a bitwise match will not give correct results in cases of:
-1. accented letters;
-2. conjoined letters;
-3. ignorable punctuation;
-4. ignorable case,
-see also [about\_search\_coll](about_search_coll.md).
-Note that the conversion of input data to Unicode is done as usual.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_fixed: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_opts_fixed()`](stri_opts_fixed.md)
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
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-# about\_search\_regex: Regular Expressions in stringi
-## Description
-A regular expression is a pattern describing, possibly in a very abstract way, a text fragment. With so many regex functions in stringi, regular expressions may be a very powerful tool to perform string searching, substring extraction, string splitting, etc., tasks.
-## Details
-All `stri_*_regex` functions in stringi use the ICU regex engine. Its settings may be tuned up (for example to perform case-insensitive search) via the [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md) function.
-Regular expression patterns in ICU are quite similar in form and behavior to Perl\'s regexes. Their implementation is loosely inspired by JDK 1.4 `java.util.regex`. ICU Regular Expressions conform to the Unicode Technical Standard \#18 (see References section) and its features are summarized in the ICU User Guide (see below). A good general introduction to regexes is (Friedl, 2002). Some general topics are also covered in the **R** manual, see [regex](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/regex.html).
-## ICU Regex Operators at a Glance
-Here is a list of operators provided by the ICU User Guide on regexes.
-: Alternation. `A|B` matches either A or B.
-: Match 0 or more times. Match as many times as possible.
-: Match 1 or more times. Match as many times as possible.
-: Match zero or one times. Prefer one.
-: Match exactly n times.
-: Match at least n times. Match as many times as possible.
-: Match between n and m times. Match as many times as possible, but not more than m.
-: Match 0 or more times. Match as few times as possible.
-: Match 1 or more times. Match as few times as possible.
-: Match zero or one times. Prefer zero.
-: Match exactly n times.
-: Match at least n times, but no more than required for an overall pattern match.
-: Match between n and m times. Match as few times as possible, but not less than n.
-: Match 0 or more times. Match as many times as possible when first encountered, do not retry with fewer even if overall match fails (Possessive Match).
-: Match 1 or more times. Possessive match.
-: Match zero or one times. Possessive match.
-: Match exactly n times.
-: Match at least n times. Possessive Match.
-: Match between n and m times. Possessive Match.
-: Capturing parentheses. Range of input that matched the parenthesized sub-expression is available after the match, see [`stri_match`](stri_match.md).
-: Non-capturing parentheses. Groups the included pattern, but does not provide capturing of matching text. Somewhat more efficient than capturing parentheses.
-: Atomic-match parentheses. First match of the parenthesized sub-expression is the only one tried; if it does not lead to an overall pattern match, back up the search for a match to a position before the `(?>`.
-: Free-format comment `(?# comment )`.
-: Look-ahead assertion. True if the parenthesized pattern matches at the current input position, but does not advance the input position.
-: Negative look-ahead assertion. True if the parenthesized pattern does not match at the current input position. Does not advance the input position.
-: Look-behind assertion. True if the parenthesized pattern matches text preceding the current input position, with the last character of the match being the input character just before the current position. Does not alter the input position. The length of possible strings matched by the look-behind pattern must not be unbounded (no `*` or `+` operators.)
-: Named capture group, where `name` (enclosed within the angle brackets) is a sequence like `[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*`
-: Flag settings. Evaluate the parenthesized expression with the specified flags enabled or `-`disabled, see also [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md).
-: Flag settings. Change the flag settings. Changes apply to the portion of the pattern following the setting. For example, `(?i)` changes to a case insensitive match, see also [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md).
-## ICU Regex Meta-characters at a Glance
-Here is a list of meta-characters provided by the ICU User Guide on regexes.
-: Match a BELL, `\u0007`.
-: Match at the beginning of the input. Differs from `^`. in that `\A` will not match after a new line within the input.
-: Match if the current position is a word boundary. Boundaries occur at the transitions between word (`\w`) and non-word (`\W`) characters, with combining marks ignored. For better word boundaries, see ICU Boundary Analysis, e.g., [`stri_extract_all_words`](stri_extract_boundaries.md).
-: Match if the current position is not a word boundary.
-: Match a control-`X` character.
-: Match any character with the Unicode General Category of `Nd` (Number, Decimal Digit.).
-: Match any character that is not a decimal digit.
-: Match an ESCAPE, `\u001B`.
-: Terminates a `\Q` \... `\E` quoted sequence.
-: Match a FORM FEED, `\u000C`.
-: Match if the current position is at the end of the previous match.
-: Match a Horizontal White Space character. They are characters with Unicode General Category of Space\_Separator plus the ASCII tab, `\u0009`. \[Since ICU 55\]
-: Match a non-Horizontal White Space character. \[Since ICU 55\]
-: Named Capture Back Reference. \[Since ICU 55\]
-: Match a LINE FEED, `\u000A`.
-: Match the named character.
-: Match any character with the specified Unicode Property.
-: Match any character not having the specified Unicode Property.
-: Quotes all following characters until `\E`.
-: Match a CARRIAGE RETURN, `\u000D`.
-: Match a white space character. White space is defined as `[\t\n\f\r\p{Z}]`.
-: Match a non-white space character.
-: Match a HORIZONTAL TABULATION, `\u0009`.
-: Match the character with the hex value `hhhh`.
-: Match the character with the hex value `hhhhhhhh`. Exactly eight hex digits must be provided, even though the largest Unicode code point is `\U0010ffff`.
-: Match a word character. Word characters are `[\p{Alphabetic}\p{Mark}\p{Decimal_Number}\p{Connector_Punctuation}\u200c\u200d]`.
-: Match a non-word character.
-: Match the character with hex value hhhh. From one to six hex digits may be supplied.
-: Match the character with two digit hex value hh
-: Match a Grapheme Cluster.
-: Match if the current position is at the end of input, but before the final line terminator, if one exists.
-: Match if the current position is at the end of input.
-: Back Reference. Match whatever the nth capturing group matched. n must be a number \> 1 and \< total number of capture groups in the pattern.
-: Match an Octal character. `'ooo'` is from one to three octal digits. 0377 is the largest allowed Octal character. The leading zero is required; it distinguishes Octal constants from back references.
-: Match any one character from the set.
-: Match any character except for - by default - newline, compare [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md).
-: Match at the beginning of a line.
-: Match at the end of a line.
-: \[outside of sets\] Quotes the following character. Characters that must be quoted to be treated as literals are `* ? + [ ( ) { } ^ $ | \ .`.
-: \[inside sets\] Quotes the following character. Characters that must be quoted to be treated as literals are `[ ] \`; Characters that may need to be quoted, depending on the context are `- &`.
-## Character Classes
-The syntax is similar, but not 100% compatible with the one described in [about\_search\_charclass](about_search_charclass.md). In particular, whitespaces are not ignored and set-theoretic operations are denoted slightly differently. However, other than this [about\_search\_charclass](about_search_charclass.md) is a good reference on the capabilities offered.
-The ICU User Guide on regexes lists what follows.
-: Match any of the characters a, b, or c
-: Negation -- match any character except a, b, or c
-: Range -- match any character from A to M (based on Unicode code point ordering)
-`[\p{L}]`, `[\p{Letter}]`, `[\p{General_Category=Letter}]`, `[:letter:]`
-: Characters with Unicode Category = Letter (4 equivalent forms)
-: Negated property -- natch everything except Letters
-: Match all numbers with a numeric value of 9
-: Intersection; match the set of all Cyrillic letters
-: Set difference; match all non-Latin letters
-`[[a-z][A-Z][0-9]]`, `[a-zA-Z0-9]`
-: Union; match ASCII letters and digits (2 equivalent forms)
-## Regex Functions in stringi
-Note that if a given regex `pattern` is empty, then all the functions in stringi give `NA` in result and generate a warning. On a syntax error, a quite informative failure message is shown.
-If you wish to search for a fixed pattern, refer to [about\_search\_coll](about_search_coll.md) or [about\_search\_fixed](about_search_fixed.md). They allow to perform a locale-aware text lookup, or a very fast exact-byte search, respectively.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Regular expressions* -- ICU User Guide,
-J.E.F. Friedl, *Mastering Regular Expressions*, O\'Reilly, 2002
-*Unicode Regular Expressions* -- Unicode Technical Standard \#18,
-*Unicode Regular Expressions* -- Regex tutorial,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_regex: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_opts_regex()`](stri_opts_regex.md)
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`about_stringi`](about_stringi.md)
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-# about\_stringi: THE String Processing Package
-## Description
-stringi is THE R package for fast, correct, consistent, and convenient string/text manipulation. It gives predictable results on every platform, in each locale, and under any native character encoding.
-**Keywords**: R, text processing, character strings, internationalization, localization, ICU, ICU4C, i18n, l10n, Unicode.
-**License**: The BSD-3-clause license for the package code, the ICU license for the accompanying ICU4C distribution, and the UCD license for the Unicode Character Database. See the COPYRIGHTS and LICENSE file for more details.
-## Details
-Manual pages on general topics:
-- [about\_encoding](about_encoding.md) -- character encoding issues, including information on encoding management in stringi, as well as on encoding detection and conversion.
-- [about\_locale](about_locale.md) -- locale issues, including locale management and specification in stringi, and the list of locale-sensitive operations. In particular, see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md) for a description of the string collation algorithm, which is used for string comparing, ordering, ranking, sorting, case-folding, and searching.
-- [about\_arguments](about_arguments.md) -- information on how stringi handles the arguments passed to its function.
-## Facilities available
-Refer to the following:
-- [about\_search](about_search.md) for string searching facilities; these include pattern searching, matching, string splitting, and so on. The following independent search engines are provided:
- - [about\_search\_regex](about_search_regex.md) -- with ICU (Java-like) regular expressions,
- - [about\_search\_fixed](about_search_fixed.md) -- fast, locale-independent, byte-wise pattern matching,
- - [about\_search\_coll](about_search_coll.md) -- locale-aware pattern matching for natural language processing tasks,
- - [about\_search\_charclass](about_search_charclass.md) -- seeking elements of particular character classes, like "all whites-paces" or "all digits",
- - [about\_search\_boundaries](about_search_boundaries.md) -- text boundary analysis.
-- [`stri_datetime_format`](stri_datetime_format.md) for date/time formatting and parsing. Also refer to the links therein for other date/time/time zone- related operations.
-- [`stri_stats_general`](stri_stats_general.md) and [`stri_stats_latex`](stri_stats_latex.md) for gathering some fancy statistics on a character vector\'s contents.
-- [`stri_join`](stri_join.md), [`stri_dup`](stri_dup.md), [`%s+%`](operator_add.md), and [`stri_flatten`](stri_flatten.md) for concatenation-based operations.
-- [`stri_sub`](stri_sub.md) for extracting and replacing substrings, and [`stri_reverse`](stri_reverse.md) for a joyful function to reverse all code points in a string.
-- [`stri_length`](stri_length.md) (among others) for determining the number of code points in a string. See also [`stri_count_boundaries`](stri_count_boundaries.md) for counting the number of Unicode characters and [`stri_width`](stri_width.md) for approximating the width of a string.
-- [`stri_trim`](stri_trim.md) (among others) for trimming characters from the beginning or/and end of a string, see also [about\_search\_charclass](about_search_charclass.md), and [`stri_pad`](stri_pad.md) for padding strings so that they are of the same width. Additionally, [`stri_wrap`](stri_wrap.md) wraps text into lines.
-- [`stri_trans_tolower`](stri_trans_casemap.md) (among others) for case mapping, i.e., conversion to lower, UPPER, or Title Case, [`stri_trans_nfc`](stri_trans_nf.md) (among others) for Unicode normalization, [`stri_trans_char`](stri_trans_char.md) for translating individual code points, and [`stri_trans_general`](stri_trans_general.md) for other universal yet powerful text transforms, including transliteration.
-- [`stri_cmp`](stri_compare.md), [`%s<%`](operator_compare.md), [`stri_order`](stri_order.md), [`stri_sort`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_rank`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_unique`](stri_unique.md), and [`stri_duplicated`](stri_duplicated.md) for collation-based, locale-aware operations, see also [about\_locale](about_locale.md).
-- [`stri_split_lines`](stri_split_lines.md) (among others) to split a string into text lines.
-- [`stri_escape_unicode`](stri_escape_unicode.md) (among others) for escaping some code points.
-- [`stri_rand_strings`](stri_rand_strings.md), [`stri_rand_shuffle`](stri_rand_shuffle.md), and [`stri_rand_lipsum`](stri_rand_lipsum.md) for generating (pseudo)random strings.
-- [`stri_read_raw`](stri_read_raw.md), [`stri_read_lines`](stri_read_lines.md), and [`stri_write_lines`](stri_write_lines.md) for reading and writing text files.
-Note that each man page provides many further links to other interesting facilities and topics.
-## Author(s)
-Marek Gagolewski, with contributions from Bartek Tartanus and many others. ICU4C was developed by IBM, Unicode, Inc., and others.
-## References
-*stringi Package homepage*,
-*ICU -- International Components for Unicode*,
-*ICU4C API Documentation*,
-*The Unicode Consortium*,
-*UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646* -- RFC 3629,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other stringi\_general\_topics: [`about_arguments`](about_arguments.md), [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_charclass`](about_search_charclass.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md)
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-# operator\_add: Concatenate Two Character Vectors
-## Description
-Binary operators for joining (concatenating) two character vectors, with a typical R look-and-feel.
-## Usage
-e1 %s+% e2
-e1 %stri+% e2
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `e1` | a character vector or an object coercible to a character vector |
-| `e2` | a character vector or an object coercible to a character vector |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `e1` and `e2`.
-These operators act like a call to [`stri_join(e1, e2, sep='')`](stri_join.md). However, note that joining 3 vectors, e.g., `e1 %s+% e2 %s+% e3` is slower than [`stri_join(e1, e2, e3, sep='')`](stri_join.md), because it creates a new (temporary) result vector each time the operator is applied.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other join: [`stri_dup()`](stri_dup.md), [`stri_flatten()`](stri_flatten.md), [`stri_join_list()`](stri_join_list.md), [`stri_join()`](stri_join.md)
-## Examples
-c('abc', '123', 'xy') %s+% letters[1:6]
-## [1] "abca" "123b" "xyc" "abcd" "123e" "xyf"
-'ID_' %s+% 1:5
-## [1] "ID_1" "ID_2" "ID_3" "ID_4" "ID_5"
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-# operator\_compare: Compare Strings with or without Collation
-## Description
-Relational operators for comparing corresponding strings in two character vectors, with a typical R look-and-feel.
-## Usage
-e1 %s<% e2
-e1 %s<=% e2
-e1 %s>% e2
-e1 %s>=% e2
-e1 %s==% e2
-e1 %s!=% e2
-e1 %s===% e2
-e1 %s!==% e2
-e1 %stri<% e2
-e1 %stri<=% e2
-e1 %stri>% e2
-e1 %stri>=% e2
-e1 %stri==% e2
-e1 %stri!=% e2
-e1 %stri===% e2
-e1 %stri!==% e2
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `e1, e2` | character vectors or objects coercible to character vectors |
-## Details
-These functions call [`stri_cmp_le`](stri_compare.md) or its friends, using the default collator options. As a consequence, they are vectorized over `e1` and `e2`.
-`%stri==%` tests for canonical equivalence of strings (see [`stri_cmp_equiv`](stri_compare.md)) and is a locale-dependent operation.
-`%stri===%` performs a locale-independent, code point-based comparison.
-## Value
-All the functions return a logical vector indicating the result of a pairwise comparison. As usual, the elements of shorter vectors are recycled if necessary.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-'a' %stri<% 'b'
-## [1] TRUE
-c('a', 'b', 'c') %stri>=% 'b'
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-# operator\_dollar: C-Style Formatting with [`stri_sprintf`](stri_sprintf.md) as a Binary Operator
-## Description
-Provides access to [`stri_sprintf`](stri_sprintf.md) in form of a binary operator in a way similar to Python\'s `%` overloaded for strings.
-Missing values and empty vectors are propagated as usual.
-## Usage
-e1 %s$% e2
-e1 %stri$% e2
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `e1` | format strings, see [`stri_sprintf`](stri_sprintf.md) for syntax |
-| `e2` | a list of atomic vectors to be passed to [`stri_sprintf`](stri_sprintf.md) or a single atomic vector |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `e1` and `e2`.
-`e1 %s$% atomic_vector` is equivalent to `e1 %s$% list(atomic_vector)`.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other length: [`stri_isempty()`](stri_isempty.md), [`stri_length()`](stri_length.md), [`stri_numbytes()`](stri_numbytes.md), [`stri_pad_both()`](stri_pad.md), [`stri_sprintf()`](stri_sprintf.md), [`stri_width()`](stri_width.md)
-## Examples
-"value='%d'" %s$% 3
-## [1] "value='3'"
-"value='%d'" %s$% 1:3
-## [1] "value='1'" "value='2'" "value='3'"
-"%s='%d'" %s$% list("value", 3)
-## [1] "value='3'"
-"%s='%d'" %s$% list("value", 1:3)
-## [1] "value='1'" "value='2'" "value='3'"
-"%s='%d'" %s$% list(c("a", "b", "c"), 1)
-## [1] "a='1'" "b='1'" "c='1'"
-"%s='%d'" %s$% list(c("a", "b", "c"), 1:3)
-## [1] "a='1'" "b='2'" "c='3'"
-x <- c("abcd", "\u00DF\u00B5\U0001F970", "abcdef")
-cat("[%6s]" %s$% x, sep="\n") # width used, not the number of bytes
-## [ abcd]
-## [ ßµ🥰]
-## [abcdef]
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-# stri\_compare: Compare Strings with or without Collation
-## Description
-These functions may be used to determine if two strings are equal, canonically equivalent (this is performed in a much more clever fashion than when testing for equality), or to check whether they are in a specific lexicographic order.
-## Usage
-stri_compare(e1, e2, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_cmp(e1, e2, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_cmp_eq(e1, e2)
-stri_cmp_neq(e1, e2)
-stri_cmp_equiv(e1, e2, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_cmp_nequiv(e1, e2, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_cmp_lt(e1, e2, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_cmp_gt(e1, e2, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_cmp_le(e1, e2, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_cmp_ge(e1, e2, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `e1, e2` | character vectors or objects coercible to character vectors |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_collator` |
-| `opts_collator` | a named list with ICU Collator\'s options, see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), `NULL` for the default collation options. |
-## Details
-All the functions listed here are vectorized over `e1` and `e2`.
-`stri_cmp_eq` tests whether two corresponding strings consist of exactly the same code points, while `stri_cmp_neq` allows to check whether there is any difference between them. These are locale-independent operations: for natural language processing, where the notion of canonical equivalence is more valid, this might not be exactly what you are looking for, see Examples. Please note that stringi always silently removes UTF-8 BOMs from input strings, therefore, e.g., `stri_cmp_eq` does not take BOMs into account while comparing strings.
-`stri_cmp_equiv` tests for canonical equivalence of two strings and is locale-dependent. Additionally, the ICU\'s Collator may be tuned up so that, e.g., the comparison is case-insensitive. To test whether two strings are not canonically equivalent, call `stri_cmp_nequiv`.
-`stri_cmp_le` tests whether the elements in the first vector are less than or equal to the corresponding elements in the second vector, `stri_cmp_ge` tests whether they are greater or equal, `stri_cmp_lt` if less, and `stri_cmp_gt` if greater, see also, e.g., [`%s<%`](operator_compare.md).
-`stri_compare` is an alias to `stri_cmp`. They both perform exactly the same locale-dependent operation. Both functions provide a C library\'s `strcmp()` look-and-feel, see Value for details.
-For more information on ICU\'s Collator and how to tune its settings refer to [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md). Note that different locale settings may lead to different results (see the examples below).
-## Value
-The `stri_cmp` and `stri_compare` functions return an integer vector representing the comparison results: `-1` if `e1[...] < e2[...]`, `0` if they are canonically equivalent, and `1` if greater.
-All the other functions return a logical vector that indicates whether a given relation holds between two corresponding elements in `e1` and `e2`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Collation* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-# in Polish, ch < h:
-stri_cmp_lt('hladny', 'chladny', locale='pl_PL')
-## [1] FALSE
-# in Slovak, ch > h:
-stri_cmp_lt('hladny', 'chladny', locale='sk_SK')
-## [1] TRUE
-# < or > (depends on locale):
-stri_cmp('hladny', 'chladny')
-## [1] 1
-# ignore case differences:
-stri_cmp_equiv('hladny', 'HLADNY', strength=2)
-## [1] TRUE
-# also ignore diacritical differences:
-stri_cmp_equiv('hladn\u00FD', 'hladny', strength=1, locale='sk_SK')
-## [1] TRUE
-marios <- c('Mario', 'mario', 'M\\u00e1rio', 'm\\u00e1rio')
-stri_cmp_equiv(marios, 'mario', case_level=TRUE, strength=2L)
-stri_cmp_equiv(marios, 'mario', case_level=TRUE, strength=1L)
-stri_cmp_equiv(marios, 'mario', strength=1L)
-stri_cmp_equiv(marios, 'mario', strength=2L)
-# non-Unicode-normalized vs normalized string:
-stri_cmp_equiv(stri_trans_nfkd('\u0105'), '\u105')
-## [1] TRUE
-# note the difference:
-stri_cmp_eq(stri_trans_nfkd('\u0105'), '\u105')
-## [1] FALSE
-# ligatures:
-stri_cmp_equiv('\ufb00', 'ff', strength=2)
-## [1] TRUE
-# phonebook collation
-stri_cmp_equiv('G\u00e4rtner', 'Gaertner', locale='de_DE@collation=phonebook', strength=1L)
-## [1] TRUE
-stri_cmp_equiv('G\u00e4rtner', 'Gaertner', locale='de_DE', strength=1L)
-## [1] FALSE
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-# stri\_count: Count the Number of Pattern Occurrences
-## Description
-These functions count the number of occurrences of a pattern in a string.
-## Usage
-stri_count(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_count_charclass(str, pattern)
-stri_count_coll(str, pattern, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_count_fixed(str, pattern, ..., opts_fixed = NULL)
-stri_count_regex(str, pattern, ..., opts_regex = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector; strings to search in |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_collator`, `opts_regex`, `opts_fixed`, and so on |
-| `pattern, regex, fixed, coll, charclass` | character vector; search patterns; for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `opts_collator, opts_fixed, opts_regex` | a named list used to tune up the search engine\'s settings; see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md), and [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md), respectively; `NULL` for the defaults |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` and `pattern` (with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary). This allows to, for instance, search for one pattern in each given string, search for each pattern in one given string, and search for the i-th pattern within the i-th string.
-If `pattern` is empty, then the result is `NA` and a warning is generated.
-`stri_count` is a convenience function. It calls either `stri_count_regex`, `stri_count_fixed`, `stri_count_coll`, or `stri_count_charclass`, depending on the argument used.
-## Value
-All the functions return an integer vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_count: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md)
-## Examples
-s <- 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.'
-stri_count(s, fixed='dolor')
-## [1] 1
-stri_count(s, regex='\\p{L}+')
-## [1] 8
-stri_count_fixed(s, ' ')
-## [1] 7
-stri_count_fixed(s, 'o')
-## [1] 4
-stri_count_fixed(s, 'it')
-## [1] 2
-stri_count_fixed(s, letters)
-## [1] 2 0 3 2 5 0 1 0 7 0 0 2 3 2 4 2 0 3 4 5 2 0 0 0 0 0
-stri_count_fixed('babab', 'b')
-## [1] 3
-stri_count_fixed(c('stringi', '123'), 'string')
-## [1] 1 0
-stri_count_charclass(c('stRRRingi', 'STrrrINGI', '123'),
- c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Lu}', '\\p{Zs}'))
-## [1] 6 6 0
-stri_count_charclass(' \t\n', '\\p{WHITE_SPACE}') # white space - binary property
-## [1] 3
-stri_count_charclass(' \t\n', '\\p{Z}') # white-space - general category (note the difference)
-## [1] 1
-stri_count_regex(s, '(s|el)it')
-## [1] 2
-stri_count_regex(s, 'i.i')
-## [1] 2
-stri_count_regex(s, '.it')
-## [1] 2
-stri_count_regex('bab baab baaab', c('b.*?b', 'b.b'))
-## [1] 3 2
-stri_count_regex(c('stringi', '123'), '^(s|1)')
-## [1] 1 1
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-# stri\_count\_boundaries: Count the Number of Text Boundaries
-## Description
-These functions determine the number of text boundaries (like character, word, line, or sentence boundaries) in a string.
-## Usage
-stri_count_boundaries(str, ..., opts_brkiter = NULL)
-stri_count_words(str, locale = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_brkiter` |
-| `opts_brkiter` | a named list with ICU BreakIterator\'s settings, see [`stri_opts_brkiter`](stri_opts_brkiter.md); `NULL` for the default break iterator, i.e., `line_break` |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for text boundary analysis following the conventions of the default locale, or a single string with locale identifier, see [stringi-locale](about_locale.md) |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`.
-For more information on text boundary analysis performed by ICU\'s `BreakIterator`, see [stringi-search-boundaries](about_search_boundaries.md).
-In case of `stri_count_words`, just like in [`stri_extract_all_words`](stri_extract_boundaries.md) and [`stri_locate_all_words`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), ICU\'s word `BreakIterator` iterator is used to locate the word boundaries, and all non-word characters (`UBRK_WORD_NONE` rule status) are ignored. This function is equivalent to a call to [`stri_count_boundaries(str, type='word', skip_word_none=TRUE, locale=locale)`](stri_count_boundaries.md).
-Note that a `BreakIterator` of type `character` may be used to count the number of *Unicode characters* in a string. The [`stri_length`](stri_length.md) function, which aims to count the number of *Unicode code points*, might report different results.
-Moreover, a `BreakIterator` of type `sentence` may be used to count the number of sentences in a text piece.
-## Value
-Both functions return an integer vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_count: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_count()`](stri_count.md)
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other text\_boundaries: [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_brkiter()`](stri_opts_brkiter.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-test <- 'The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam.'
-stri_count_boundaries(test, type='word')
-## [1] 31
-stri_count_boundaries(test, type='sentence')
-## [1] 2
-stri_count_boundaries(test, type='character')
-## [1] 83
-## [1] 13
-test2 <- stri_trans_nfkd('\u03c0\u0153\u0119\u00a9\u00df\u2190\u2193\u2192')
-stri_count_boundaries(test2, type='character')
-## [1] 8
-## [1] 9
-## [1] 20
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-# stri\_datetime\_add: Date and Time Arithmetic
-## Description
-Modifies a date-time object by adding a specific amount of time units.
-## Usage
- time,
- value = 1L,
- units = "seconds",
- tz = NULL,
- locale = NULL
-stri_datetime_add(time, units = "seconds", tz = NULL, locale = NULL) <- value
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `time` | an object of class [`POSIXct`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/DateTimeClasses.html) (`as.POSIXct` will be called on character vectors and objects of class `POSIXlt`, `Date`, and `factor`) |
-| `value` | integer vector; signed number of units to add to `time` |
-| `units` | single string; one of `'years'`, `'months'`, `'weeks'`, `'days'`, `'hours'`, `'minutes'`, `'seconds'`, or `'milliseconds'` |
-| `tz` | `NULL` or `''` for the default time zone or a single string with a timezone identifier, |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for default locale, or a single string with locale identifier; a non-Gregorian calendar may be specified by setting the `@calendar=name` keyword |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `time` and `value`.
-Note that, e.g., January, 31 + 1 month = February, 28 or 29.
-## Value
-Both functions return an object of class [`POSIXct`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/DateTimeClasses.html).
-The replacement version of `stri_datetime_add` modifies the state of the `time` object.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Calendar Classes* - ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_create()`](stri_datetime_create.md), [`stri_datetime_fields()`](stri_datetime_fields.md), [`stri_datetime_format()`](stri_datetime_format.md), [`stri_datetime_fstr()`](stri_datetime_fstr.md), [`stri_datetime_now()`](stri_datetime_now.md), [`stri_datetime_symbols()`](stri_datetime_symbols.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
-## Examples
-x <- stri_datetime_now()
-stri_datetime_add(x, units='months') <- 2
-## [1] "2021-09-20 18:21:23 AEST"
-stri_datetime_add(x, -2, units='months')
-## [1] "2021-07-20 18:21:23 AEST"
-stri_datetime_add(stri_datetime_create(2014, 4, 20), 1, units='years')
-## [1] "2015-04-20 12:00:00 AEST"
-stri_datetime_add(stri_datetime_create(2014, 4, 20), 1, units='years', locale='@calendar=hebrew')
-## [1] "2015-04-09 12:00:00 AEST"
-stri_datetime_add(stri_datetime_create(2016, 1, 31), 1, units='months')
-## [1] "2016-02-29 12:00:00 AEDT"
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-# stri\_datetime\_create: Create a Date-Time Object
-## Description
-Constructs date-time objects from numeric representations.
-## Usage
- year,
- month,
- day,
- hour = 12L,
- minute = 0L,
- second = 0,
- lenient = FALSE,
- tz = NULL,
- locale = NULL
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `year` | integer vector; 0 is 1BC, -1 is 2BC, etc. |
-| `month` | integer vector; months are 1-based |
-| `day` | integer vector |
-| `hour` | integer vector |
-| `minute` | integer vector |
-| `second` | numeric vector; fractional seconds are allowed |
-| `lenient` | single logical value; should the operation be lenient? |
-| `tz` | `NULL` or `''` for the default time zone or a single string with time zone identifier, see [`stri_timezone_list`](stri_timezone_list.md) |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for default locale, or a single string with locale identifier; a non-Gregorian calendar may be specified by setting `@calendar=name` keyword |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `year`, `month`, `day`, `hour`, `hour`, `minute`, and `second`.
-## Value
-Returns an object of class [`POSIXct`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/DateTimeClasses.html).
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_add()`](stri_datetime_add.md), [`stri_datetime_fields()`](stri_datetime_fields.md), [`stri_datetime_format()`](stri_datetime_format.md), [`stri_datetime_fstr()`](stri_datetime_fstr.md), [`stri_datetime_now()`](stri_datetime_now.md), [`stri_datetime_symbols()`](stri_datetime_symbols.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
-## Examples
-stri_datetime_create(2015, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59.999)
-## [1] "2015-12-31 23:59:59 AEDT"
-stri_datetime_create(5775, 8, 1, locale='@calendar=hebrew') # 1 Nisan 5775 -> 2015-03-21
-## [1] "2015-03-21 12:00:00 AEDT"
-stri_datetime_create(2015, 02, 29)
-## [1] NA
-stri_datetime_create(2015, 02, 29, lenient=TRUE)
-## [1] "2015-03-01 12:00:00 AEDT"
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-# stri\_datetime\_fields: Get Values for Date and Time Fields
-## Description
-Computes and returns values for all date and time fields.
-## Usage
-stri_datetime_fields(time, tz = attr(time, "tzone"), locale = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `time` | an object of class [`POSIXct`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/DateTimeClasses.html) (`as.POSIXct` will be called on character vectors and objects of class `POSIXlt`, `Date`, and `factor`) |
-| `tz` | `NULL` or `''` for the default time zone or a single string with time zone identifier, see [`stri_timezone_list`](stri_timezone_list.md) |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for the current default locale, or a single string with a locale identifier; a non-Gregorian calendar may be specified by setting `@calendar=name` keyword |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `time`.
-## Value
-Returns a data frame with the following columns:
-1. Year (0 is 1BC, -1 is 2BC, etc.)
-2. Month (1-based, i.e., 1 stands for the first month, e.g., January; note that the number of months depends on the selected calendar, see [`stri_datetime_symbols`](stri_datetime_symbols.md))
-3. Day
-4. Hour (24-h clock)
-5. Minute
-6. Second
-7. Millisecond
-8. WeekOfYear (this is locale-dependent)
-9. WeekOfMonth (this is locale-dependent)
-10. DayOfYear
-11. DayOfWeek (1-based, 1 denotes Sunday; see [`stri_datetime_symbols`](stri_datetime_symbols.md))
-12. Hour12 (12-h clock)
-13. AmPm (see [`stri_datetime_symbols`](stri_datetime_symbols.md))
-14. Era (see [`stri_datetime_symbols`](stri_datetime_symbols.md))
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_add()`](stri_datetime_add.md), [`stri_datetime_create()`](stri_datetime_create.md), [`stri_datetime_format()`](stri_datetime_format.md), [`stri_datetime_fstr()`](stri_datetime_fstr.md), [`stri_datetime_now()`](stri_datetime_now.md), [`stri_datetime_symbols()`](stri_datetime_symbols.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
-## Examples
-## Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Millisecond WeekOfYear WeekOfMonth
-## 1 2021 7 20 18 21 24 311 30 4
-## DayOfYear DayOfWeek Hour12 AmPm Era
-## 1 201 3 6 2 2
-stri_datetime_fields(stri_datetime_now(), locale='@calendar=hebrew')
-## Year Month Day Hour Minute Second Millisecond WeekOfYear WeekOfMonth
-## 1 5781 12 11 18 21 24 315 45 3
-## DayOfYear DayOfWeek Hour12 AmPm Era
-## 1 305 3 6 2 1
- stri_datetime_fields(stri_datetime_now(), locale='@calendar=hebrew')$Month
-## [1] "Av"
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-# stri\_datetime\_format: Date and Time Formatting and Parsing
-## Description
-These functions convert a given date/time object to a character vector, or vice versa.
-## Usage
- time,
- format = "uuuu-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
- tz = NULL,
- locale = NULL
- str,
- format = "uuuu-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
- lenient = FALSE,
- tz = NULL,
- locale = NULL
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `time` | an object of class [`POSIXct`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/DateTimeClasses.html) (`as.POSIXct` will be called on character vectors and objects of class `POSIXlt`, `Date`, and `factor`) |
-| `format` | character vector, see Details; see also [`stri_datetime_fstr`](stri_datetime_fstr.md) |
-| `tz` | `NULL` or `''` for the default time zone or a single string with a timezone identifier, see [`stri_timezone_get`](stri_timezone_set.md) and [`stri_timezone_list`](stri_timezone_list.md) |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for the default locale, or a single string with locale identifier; a non-Gregorian calendar may be specified by setting the `@calendar=name` keyword |
-| `str` | character vector |
-| `lenient` | single logical value; should date/time parsing be lenient? |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `format` and `time` or `str`.
-By default, `stri_datetime_format` (for the sake of compatibility with the [`strftime`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/strftime.html) function) formats a date/time object using the current default time zone.
-`format` may be one of `DT_STYLE` or `DT_relative_STYLE`, where `DT` is equal to `date`, `time`, or `datetime`, and `STYLE` is equal to `full`, `long`, `medium`, or `short`. This gives a locale-dependent date and/or time format. Note that currently ICU does not support `relative` `time` formats, thus this flag is currently ignored in such a context.
-Otherwise, `format` is a pattern: a string where specific sequences of characters are replaced with date/time data from a calendar when formatting or used to generate data for a calendar when parsing. For example, `y` stands for \'year\'. Characters may be used multiple times: `yy` might produce `99`, whereas `yyyy` yields `1999`. For most numerical fields, the number of characters specifies the field width. For example, if `h` is the hour, `h` might produce `5`, but `hh` yields `05`. For some characters, the count specifies whether an abbreviated or full form should be used.
-Two single quotes represent a literal single quote, either inside or outside single quotes. Text within single quotes is not interpreted in any way (except for two adjacent single quotes). Otherwise, all ASCII letters from `a` to `z` and `A` to `Z` are reserved as syntax characters, and require quoting if they are to represent literal characters. In addition, certain ASCII punctuation characters may become available in the future (e.g., `:` being interpreted as the time separator and `/` as a date separator, and replaced by respective locale-sensitive characters in display).
-| | | | |
-| **Symbol** | **Meaning** | **Example(s)** | **Output** |
-| G | era designator | G, GG, or GGG | AD |
-| | | GGGG | Anno Domini |
-| | | GGGGG | A |
-| y | year | yy | 96 |
-| | | y or yyyy | 1996 |
-| u | extended year | u | 4601 |
-| U | cyclic year name, as in Chinese lunar calendar | U | |
-| r | related Gregorian year | r | 1996 |
-| Q | quarter | Q or QQ | 02 |
-| | | QQQ | Q2 |
-| | | QQQQ | 2nd quarter |
-| | | QQQQQ | 2 |
-| q | Stand Alone quarter | q or qq | 02 |
-| | | qqq | Q2 |
-| | | qqqq | 2nd quarter |
-| | | qqqqq | 2 |
-| M | month in year | M or MM | 09 |
-| | | MMM | Sep |
-| | | MMMM | September |
-| | | MMMMM | S |
-| L | Stand Alone month in year | L or LL | 09 |
-| | | LLL | Sep |
-| | | LLLL | September |
-| | | LLLLL | S |
-| w | week of year | w or ww | 27 |
-| W | week of month | W | 2 |
-| d | day in month | d | 2 |
-| | | dd | 02 |
-| D | day of year | D | 189 |
-| F | day of week in month | F | 2 (2nd Wed in July) |
-| g | modified Julian day | g | 2451334 |
-| E | day of week | E, EE, or EEE | Tue |
-| | | EEEE | Tuesday |
-| | | EEEEE | T |
-| | | EEEEEE | Tu |
-| e | local day of week | e or ee | 2 |
-| | example: if Monday is 1st day, Tuesday is 2nd ) | eee | Tue |
-| | | eeee | Tuesday |
-| | | eeeee | T |
-| | | eeeeee | Tu |
-| c | Stand Alone local day of week | c or cc | 2 |
-| | | ccc | Tue |
-| | | cccc | Tuesday |
-| | | ccccc | T |
-| | | cccccc | Tu |
-| a | am/pm marker | a | pm |
-| h | hour in am/pm (1\~12) | h | 7 |
-| | | hh | 07 |
-| H | hour in day (0\~23) | H | 0 |
-| | | HH | 00 |
-| k | hour in day (1\~24) | k | 24 |
-| | | kk | 24 |
-| K | hour in am/pm (0\~11) | K | 0 |
-| | | KK | 00 |
-| m | minute in hour | m | 4 |
-| | | mm | 04 |
-| s | second in minute | s | 5 |
-| | | ss | 05 |
-| S | fractional second - truncates (like other time fields) | S | 2 |
-| | to the count of letters when formatting. Appends | SS | 23 |
-| | zeros if more than 3 letters specified. Truncates at | SSS | 235 |
-| | three significant digits when parsing. | SSSS | 2350 |
-| A | milliseconds in day | A | 61201235 |
-| z | Time Zone: specific non-location | z, zz, or zzz | PDT |
-| | | zzzz | Pacific Daylight Time |
-| Z | Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hms? / RFC 822 | Z, ZZ, or ZZZ | -0800 |
-| | Time Zone: long localized GMT (=OOOO) | ZZZZ | GMT-08:00 |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hms? (=XXXXX) | ZZZZZ | -08:00, -07:52:58, Z |
-| O | Time Zone: short localized GMT | O | GMT-8 |
-| | Time Zone: long localized GMT (=ZZZZ) | OOOO | GMT-08:00 |
-| v | Time Zone: generic non-location | v | PT |
-| | (falls back first to VVVV) | vvvv | Pacific Time or Los Angeles Time |
-| V | Time Zone: short time zone ID | V | uslax |
-| | Time Zone: long time zone ID | VV | America/Los\_Angeles |
-| | Time Zone: time zone exemplar city | VVV | Los Angeles |
-| | Time Zone: generic location (falls back to OOOO) | VVVV | Los Angeles Time |
-| X | Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hm?, with Z for 0 | X | -08, +0530, Z |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hm, with Z | XX | -0800, Z |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hm, with Z | XXX | -08:00, Z |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hms?, with Z | XXXX | -0800, -075258, Z |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hms?, with Z | XXXXX | -08:00, -07:52:58, Z |
-| x | Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hm?, without Z for 0 | x | -08, +0530 |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hm, without Z | xx | -0800 |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hm, without Z | xxx | -08:00 |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hms?, without Z | xxxx | -0800, -075258 |
-| | Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hms?, without Z | xxxxx | -08:00, -07:52:58 |
-| \' | escape for text | \' | (nothing) |
-| \' \' | two single quotes produce one | \' \' | \' |
-Note that any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of `[a-z]` and `[A-Z]` will be treated as quoted text. For instance, characters like `:`, `.`, (a space), `#` and `@` will appear in the resulting time text even if they are not enclosed within single quotes. The single quote is used to "escape" the letters. Two single quotes in a row, inside or outside a quoted sequence, represent a "real" single quote.
-A few examples:
-| | |
-| **Example Pattern** | **Result** |
-| yyyy.MM.dd \'at\' HH:mm:ss zzz | 2015.12.31 at 23:59:59 GMT+1 |
-| EEE, MMM d, \'\'yy | czw., gru 31, \'15 |
-| h:mm a | 11:59 PM |
-| hh \'o\'\'clock\' a, zzzz | 11 o\'clock PM, GMT+01:00 |
-| K:mm a, z | 11:59 PM, GMT+1 |
-| yyyyy.MMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa | 2015.grudnia.31 n.e. 11:59 PM |
-| uuuu-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ssZ | 2015-12-31T23:59:59+0100 (the ISO 8601 guideline) |
-| | |
-## Value
-`stri_datetime_format` returns a character vector.
-`stri_datetime_parse` returns an object of class [`POSIXct`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/DateTimeClasses.html).
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Formatting Dates and Times* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_add()`](stri_datetime_add.md), [`stri_datetime_create()`](stri_datetime_create.md), [`stri_datetime_fields()`](stri_datetime_fields.md), [`stri_datetime_fstr()`](stri_datetime_fstr.md), [`stri_datetime_now()`](stri_datetime_now.md), [`stri_datetime_symbols()`](stri_datetime_symbols.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
-## Examples
-stri_datetime_parse(c('2015-02-28', '2015-02-29'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
-## [1] "2015-02-28 18:21:24 AEDT" NA
-stri_datetime_parse(c('2015-02-28', '2015-02-29'), 'yyyy-MM-dd', lenient=TRUE)
-## [1] "2015-02-28 18:21:24 AEDT" "2015-03-01 18:21:24 AEDT"
-stri_datetime_parse('19 lipca 2015', 'date_long', locale='pl_PL')
-## [1] "2015-07-19 18:21:24 AEST"
-stri_datetime_format(stri_datetime_now(), 'datetime_relative_medium')
-## [1] "today, 6:21:24 pm"
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-# stri\_datetime\_fstr: Convert `strptime`-Style Format Strings
-## Description
-This function converts [`strptime`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/strptime.html) or [`strftime`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/strftime.html)-style format strings to ICU format strings that may be used in [`stri_datetime_parse`](stri_datetime_format.md) and [`stri_datetime_format`](stri_datetime_format.md) functions.
-## Usage
-stri_datetime_fstr(x, ignore_special = TRUE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `x` | character vector of date/time format strings |
-| `ignore_special` | if `FALSE`, special identifiers like `"datetime_full"` or `date_relative_short` (see [`stri_datetime_format`](stri_datetime_format.md)) are left as-is |
-## Details
-For more details on conversion specifiers please refer to the manual page of [`strptime`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/strptime.html). Most of the formatters of the form `%x`, where `x` is a letter, are supported. Moreover, each `%%` is replaced with `%`.
-Warnings are given in the case of `%x`, `%X`, `%u`, `%w`, `%g`, `%G`, `%c`, `%U`, and `%W` as in such circumstances either ICU does not support the functionality requested using the string format API or there are some inconsistencies between base R and ICU.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_add()`](stri_datetime_add.md), [`stri_datetime_create()`](stri_datetime_create.md), [`stri_datetime_fields()`](stri_datetime_fields.md), [`stri_datetime_format()`](stri_datetime_format.md), [`stri_datetime_now()`](stri_datetime_now.md), [`stri_datetime_symbols()`](stri_datetime_symbols.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
-## Examples
-stri_datetime_fstr('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
-## [1] "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ss"
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-# stri\_datetime\_now: Get Current Date and Time
-## Description
-Returns the current date and time.
-## Usage
-## Details
-The current date and time in stringi is represented as the (signed) number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. UTC leap seconds are ignored.
-## Value
-Returns an object of class [`POSIXct`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/DateTimeClasses.html).
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_add()`](stri_datetime_add.md), [`stri_datetime_create()`](stri_datetime_create.md), [`stri_datetime_fields()`](stri_datetime_fields.md), [`stri_datetime_format()`](stri_datetime_format.md), [`stri_datetime_fstr()`](stri_datetime_fstr.md), [`stri_datetime_symbols()`](stri_datetime_symbols.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
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-# stri\_datetime\_symbols: List Localizable Date-Time Formatting Data
-## Description
-Returns a list of all localizable date-time formatting data, including month and weekday names, localized AM/PM strings, etc.
-## Usage
-stri_datetime_symbols(locale = NULL, context = "standalone", width = "wide")
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for default locale, or a single string with locale identifier |
-| `context` | single string; one of: `'format'`, `'standalone'` |
-| `width` | single string; one of: `'abbreviated'`, `'wide'`, `'narrow'` |
-## Details
-`context` stands for a selector for date formatting context and `width` - for date formatting width.
-## Value
-Returns a list with the following named components:
-1. `Month` - month names,
-2. `Weekday` - weekday names,
-3. `Quarter` - quarter names,
-4. `AmPm` - AM/PM names,
-5. `Era` - era names.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Calendar* - ICU User Guide,
-*DateFormatSymbols* class -- ICU API Documentation,
-*Formatting Dates and Times* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_add()`](stri_datetime_add.md), [`stri_datetime_create()`](stri_datetime_create.md), [`stri_datetime_fields()`](stri_datetime_fields.md), [`stri_datetime_format()`](stri_datetime_format.md), [`stri_datetime_fstr()`](stri_datetime_fstr.md), [`stri_datetime_now()`](stri_datetime_now.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
-## Examples
-stri_datetime_symbols() # uses the Gregorian calendar in most locales
-## $Month
-## [1] "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June"
-## [7] "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
-## [7] "Saturday"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "1st quarter" "2nd quarter" "3rd quarter" "4th quarter"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "Before Christ" "Anno Domini"
-## $Month
-## [1] "Tishri" "Heshvan" "Kislev" "Tevet" "Shevat" "Adar I" "Adar"
-## [8] "Nisan" "Iyar" "Sivan" "Tamuz" "Av" "Elul" "Adar II"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
-## [7] "Saturday"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "1st quarter" "2nd quarter" "3rd quarter" "4th quarter"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "AM"
-## $Month
-## [1] "תשרי" "חשוון" "כסלו" "טבת" "שבט" "אדר א׳" "אדר" "ניסן"
-## [9] "אייר" "סיוון" "תמוז" "אב" "אלול" "אדר ב׳"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "יום ראשון" "יום שני" "יום שלישי" "יום רביעי" "יום חמישי" "יום שישי"
-## [7] "יום שבת"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "רבעון 1" "רבעון 2" "רבעון 3" "רבעון 4"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "לפנה״צ" "אחה״צ"
-## $Era
-## [1] "לבריאת העולם"
-## $Month
-## [1] "Muharram" "Safar" "Rabiʻ I" "Rabiʻ II" "Jumada I"
-## [6] "Jumada II" "Rajab" "Shaʻban" "Ramadan" "Shawwal"
-## [11] "Dhuʻl-Qiʻdah" "Dhuʻl-Hijjah"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
-## [7] "Saturday"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "1st quarter" "2nd quarter" "3rd quarter" "4th quarter"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "AH"
-## $Month
-## [1] "Farvardin" "Ordibehesht" "Khordad" "Tir" "Mordad"
-## [6] "Shahrivar" "Mehr" "Aban" "Azar" "Dey"
-## [11] "Bahman" "Esfand"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
-## [7] "Saturday"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "1st quarter" "2nd quarter" "3rd quarter" "4th quarter"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "AP"
-## $Month
-## [1] "Chaitra" "Vaisakha" "Jyaistha" "Asadha" "Sravana"
-## [6] "Bhadra" "Asvina" "Kartika" "Agrahayana" "Pausa"
-## [11] "Magha" "Phalguna"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
-## [7] "Saturday"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "1st quarter" "2nd quarter" "3rd quarter" "4th quarter"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "Saka"
-## $Month
-## [1] "Tout" "Baba" "Hator" "Kiahk" "Toba" "Amshir"
-## [7] "Baramhat" "Baramouda" "Bashans" "Paona" "Epep" "Mesra"
-## [13] "Nasie"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
-## [7] "Saturday"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "1st quarter" "2nd quarter" "3rd quarter" "4th quarter"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "ERA0" "ERA1"
-## $Month
-## [1] "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June"
-## [7] "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
-## [7] "Saturday"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "1st quarter" "2nd quarter" "3rd quarter" "4th quarter"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "Taika (645–650)" "Hakuchi (650–671)" "Hakuhō (672–686)"
-## [4] "Shuchō (686–701)" "Taihō (701–704)" "Keiun (704–708)"
-## [7] "Wadō (708–715)" "Reiki (715–717)" "Yōrō (717–724)"
-## [10] "Jinki (724–729)" "Tenpyō (729–749)" "Tenpyō-kampō (749–749)"
-## [13] "Tenpyō-shōhō (749–757)" "Tenpyō-hōji (757–765)" "Tenpyō-jingo (765–767)"
-## [16] "Jingo-keiun (767–770)" "Hōki (770–780)" "Ten-ō (781–782)"
-## [19] "Enryaku (782–806)" "Daidō (806–810)" "Kōnin (810–824)"
-## [22] "Tenchō (824–834)" "Jōwa (834–848)" "Kajō (848–851)"
-## [25] "Ninju (851–854)" "Saikō (854–857)" "Ten-an (857–859)"
-## [28] "Jōgan (859–877)" "Gangyō (877–885)" "Ninna (885–889)"
-## [31] "Kanpyō (889–898)" "Shōtai (898–901)" "Engi (901–923)"
-## [34] "Enchō (923–931)" "Jōhei (931–938)" "Tengyō (938–947)"
-## [37] "Tenryaku (947–957)" "Tentoku (957–961)" "Ōwa (961–964)"
-## [40] "Kōhō (964–968)" "Anna (968–970)" "Tenroku (970–973)"
-## [43] "Ten’en (973–976)" "Jōgen (976–978)" "Tengen (978–983)"
-## [46] "Eikan (983–985)" "Kanna (985–987)" "Eien (987–989)"
-## [49] "Eiso (989–990)" "Shōryaku (990–995)" "Chōtoku (995–999)"
-## [52] "Chōhō (999–1004)" "Kankō (1004–1012)" "Chōwa (1012–1017)"
-## [55] "Kannin (1017–1021)" "Jian (1021–1024)" "Manju (1024–1028)"
-## [58] "Chōgen (1028–1037)" "Chōryaku (1037–1040)" "Chōkyū (1040–1044)"
-## [61] "Kantoku (1044–1046)" "Eishō (1046–1053)" "Tengi (1053–1058)"
-## [64] "Kōhei (1058–1065)" "Jiryaku (1065–1069)" "Enkyū (1069–1074)"
-## [67] "Shōho (1074–1077)" "Shōryaku (1077–1081)" "Eihō (1081–1084)"
-## [70] "Ōtoku (1084–1087)" "Kanji (1087–1094)" "Kahō (1094–1096)"
-## [73] "Eichō (1096–1097)" "Jōtoku (1097–1099)" "Kōwa (1099–1104)"
-## [76] "Chōji (1104–1106)" "Kashō (1106–1108)" "Tennin (1108–1110)"
-## [79] "Ten-ei (1110–1113)" "Eikyū (1113–1118)" "Gen’ei (1118–1120)"
-## [82] "Hōan (1120–1124)" "Tenji (1124–1126)" "Daiji (1126–1131)"
-## [85] "Tenshō (1131–1132)" "Chōshō (1132–1135)" "Hōen (1135–1141)"
-## [88] "Eiji (1141–1142)" "Kōji (1142–1144)" "Ten’yō (1144–1145)"
-## [91] "Kyūan (1145–1151)" "Ninpei (1151–1154)" "Kyūju (1154–1156)"
-## [94] "Hōgen (1156–1159)" "Heiji (1159–1160)" "Eiryaku (1160–1161)"
-## [97] "Ōho (1161–1163)" "Chōkan (1163–1165)" "Eiman (1165–1166)"
-## [100] "Nin’an (1166–1169)" "Kaō (1169–1171)" "Shōan (1171–1175)"
-## [103] "Angen (1175–1177)" "Jishō (1177–1181)" "Yōwa (1181–1182)"
-## [106] "Juei (1182–1184)" "Genryaku (1184–1185)" "Bunji (1185–1190)"
-## [109] "Kenkyū (1190–1199)" "Shōji (1199–1201)" "Kennin (1201–1204)"
-## [112] "Genkyū (1204–1206)" "Ken’ei (1206–1207)" "Jōgen (1207–1211)"
-## [115] "Kenryaku (1211–1213)" "Kenpō (1213–1219)" "Jōkyū (1219–1222)"
-## [118] "Jōō (1222–1224)" "Gennin (1224–1225)" "Karoku (1225–1227)"
-## [121] "Antei (1227–1229)" "Kanki (1229–1232)" "Jōei (1232–1233)"
-## [124] "Tenpuku (1233–1234)" "Bunryaku (1234–1235)" "Katei (1235–1238)"
-## [127] "Ryakunin (1238–1239)" "En’ō (1239–1240)" "Ninji (1240–1243)"
-## [130] "Kangen (1243–1247)" "Hōji (1247–1249)" "Kenchō (1249–1256)"
-## [133] "Kōgen (1256–1257)" "Shōka (1257–1259)" "Shōgen (1259–1260)"
-## [136] "Bun’ō (1260–1261)" "Kōchō (1261–1264)" "Bun’ei (1264–1275)"
-## [139] "Kenji (1275–1278)" "Kōan (1278–1288)" "Shōō (1288–1293)"
-## [142] "Einin (1293–1299)" "Shōan (1299–1302)" "Kengen (1302–1303)"
-## [145] "Kagen (1303–1306)" "Tokuji (1306–1308)" "Enkyō (1308–1311)"
-## [148] "Ōchō (1311–1312)" "Shōwa (1312–1317)" "Bunpō (1317–1319)"
-## [151] "Genō (1319–1321)" "Genkō (1321–1324)" "Shōchū (1324–1326)"
-## [154] "Karyaku (1326–1329)" "Gentoku (1329–1331)" "Genkō (1331–1334)"
-## [157] "Kenmu (1334–1336)" "Engen (1336–1340)" "Kōkoku (1340–1346)"
-## [160] "Shōhei (1346–1370)" "Kentoku (1370–1372)" "Bunchū (1372–1375)"
-## [163] "Tenju (1375–1379)" "Kōryaku (1379–1381)" "Kōwa (1381–1384)"
-## [166] "Genchū (1384–1392)" "Meitoku (1384–1387)" "Kakei (1387–1389)"
-## [169] "Kōō (1389–1390)" "Meitoku (1390–1394)" "Ōei (1394–1428)"
-## [172] "Shōchō (1428–1429)" "Eikyō (1429–1441)" "Kakitsu (1441–1444)"
-## [175] "Bun’an (1444–1449)" "Hōtoku (1449–1452)" "Kyōtoku (1452–1455)"
-## [178] "Kōshō (1455–1457)" "Chōroku (1457–1460)" "Kanshō (1460–1466)"
-## [181] "Bunshō (1466–1467)" "Ōnin (1467–1469)" "Bunmei (1469–1487)"
-## [184] "Chōkyō (1487–1489)" "Entoku (1489–1492)" "Meiō (1492–1501)"
-## [187] "Bunki (1501–1504)" "Eishō (1504–1521)" "Taiei (1521–1528)"
-## [190] "Kyōroku (1528–1532)" "Tenbun (1532–1555)" "Kōji (1555–1558)"
-## [193] "Eiroku (1558–1570)" "Genki (1570–1573)" "Tenshō (1573–1592)"
-## [196] "Bunroku (1592–1596)" "Keichō (1596–1615)" "Genna (1615–1624)"
-## [199] "Kan’ei (1624–1644)" "Shōho (1644–1648)" "Keian (1648–1652)"
-## [202] "Jōō (1652–1655)" "Meireki (1655–1658)" "Manji (1658–1661)"
-## [205] "Kanbun (1661–1673)" "Enpō (1673–1681)" "Tenna (1681–1684)"
-## [208] "Jōkyō (1684–1688)" "Genroku (1688–1704)" "Hōei (1704–1711)"
-## [211] "Shōtoku (1711–1716)" "Kyōhō (1716–1736)" "Genbun (1736–1741)"
-## [214] "Kanpō (1741–1744)" "Enkyō (1744–1748)" "Kan’en (1748–1751)"
-## [217] "Hōreki (1751–1764)" "Meiwa (1764–1772)" "An’ei (1772–1781)"
-## [220] "Tenmei (1781–1789)" "Kansei (1789–1801)" "Kyōwa (1801–1804)"
-## [223] "Bunka (1804–1818)" "Bunsei (1818–1830)" "Tenpō (1830–1844)"
-## [226] "Kōka (1844–1848)" "Kaei (1848–1854)" "Ansei (1854–1860)"
-## [229] "Man’en (1860–1861)" "Bunkyū (1861–1864)" "Genji (1864–1865)"
-## [232] "Keiō (1865–1868)" "Meiji" "Taishō"
-## [235] "Shōwa" "Heisei" "Reiwa"
-stri_datetime_symbols('ja_JP_TRADITIONAL') # uses the Japanese calendar by default
-## $Month
-## [1] "1月" "2月" "3月" "4月" "5月" "6月" "7月" "8月" "9月" "10月"
-## [11] "11月" "12月"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "日曜日" "月曜日" "火曜日" "水曜日" "木曜日" "金曜日" "土曜日"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "第1四半期" "第2四半期" "第3四半期" "第4四半期"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "午前" "午後"
-## $Era
-## [1] "紀元前" "西暦"
-stri_datetime_symbols('th_TH_TRADITIONAL') # uses the Buddhist calendar
-## $Month
-## [1] "มกราคม" "กุมภาพันธ์" "มีนาคม" "เมษายน" "พฤษภาคม" "มิถุนายน"
-## [7] "กรกฎาคม" "สิงหาคม" "กันยายน" "ตุลาคม" "พฤศจิกายน" "ธันวาคม"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "วันอาทิตย์" "วันจันทร์" "วันอังคาร" "วันพุธ" "วันพฤหัสบดี" "วันศุกร์" "วันเสาร์"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "ไตรมาส 1" "ไตรมาส 2" "ไตรมาส 3" "ไตรมาส 4"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "ก่อนเที่ยง" "หลังเที่ยง"
-## $Era
-## [1] "ปีก่อนคริสตกาล" "คริสต์ศักราช"
-stri_datetime_symbols('pl_PL', context='format')
-## $Month
-## [1] "stycznia" "lutego" "marca" "kwietnia" "maja"
-## [6] "czerwca" "lipca" "sierpnia" "września" "października"
-## [11] "listopada" "grudnia"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "niedziela" "poniedziałek" "wtorek" "środa" "czwartek"
-## [6] "piątek" "sobota"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "I kwartał" "II kwartał" "III kwartał" "IV kwartał"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "AM" "PM"
-## $Era
-## [1] "przed naszą erą" "naszej ery"
-stri_datetime_symbols('pl_PL', context='standalone')
-## $Month
-## [1] "styczeń" "luty" "marzec" "kwiecień" "maj"
-## [6] "czerwiec" "lipiec" "sierpień" "wrzesień" "październik"
-## [11] "listopad" "grudzień"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "niedziela" "poniedziałek" "wtorek" "środa" "czwartek"
-## [6] "piątek" "sobota"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "I kwartał" "II kwartał" "III kwartał" "IV kwartał"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "AM" "PM"
-## $Era
-## [1] "przed naszą erą" "naszej ery"
-## $Month
-## [1] "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June"
-## [7] "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday"
-## [7] "Saturday"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "1st quarter" "2nd quarter" "3rd quarter" "4th quarter"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "Before Christ" "Anno Domini"
-## $Month
-## [1] "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Sun" "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat"
-## $Quarter
-## [1] "Q1" "Q2" "Q3" "Q4"
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "BC" "AD"
-## $Month
-## [1] "J" "F" "M" "A" "M" "J" "J" "A" "S" "O" "N" "D"
-## $Weekday
-## [1] "Su." "M." "Tu." "W." "Th." "F." "Sa."
-## $Quarter
-## character(0)
-## $AmPm
-## [1] "am" "pm"
-## $Era
-## [1] "B" "A"
diff --git a/devel/sphinx/rapi/stri_detect.md b/devel/sphinx/rapi/stri_detect.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 03861f3c1..000000000
--- a/devel/sphinx/rapi/stri_detect.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# stri\_detect: Detect Pattern Occurrences
-## Description
-These functions determine, for each string in `str`, if there is at least one match to a corresponding `pattern`.
-## Usage
-stri_detect(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
- str,
- pattern,
- negate = FALSE,
- max_count = -1,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
-stri_detect_charclass(str, pattern, negate = FALSE, max_count = -1)
- str,
- pattern,
- negate = FALSE,
- max_count = -1,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- negate = FALSE,
- max_count = -1,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector; strings to search in |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_collator`, `opts_regex`, `opts_fixed`, and so on |
-| `pattern, regex, fixed, coll, charclass` | character vector; search patterns; for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `negate` | single logical value; whether a no-match to a pattern is rather of interest |
-| `max_count` | single integer; allows to stop searching once a given number of occurrences is detected; `-1` (the default) inspects all elements |
-| `opts_collator, opts_fixed, opts_regex` | a named list used to tune up the search engine\'s settings; see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md), and [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md), respectively; `NULL` for the defaults |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` and `pattern` (with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary). This allows to, for instance, search for one pattern in each given string, search for each pattern in one given string, and search for the i-th pattern within the i-th string.
-If `pattern` is empty, then the result is `NA` and a warning is generated.
-`stri_detect` is a convenience function. It calls either `stri_detect_regex`, `stri_detect_fixed`, `stri_detect_coll`, or `stri_detect_charclass`, depending on the argument used.
-See also [`stri_startswith`](stri_startsendswith.md) and [`stri_endswith`](stri_startsendswith.md) for testing whether a string starts or ends with a match to a given pattern. Moreover, see [`stri_subset`](stri_subset.md) for a character vector subsetting.
-If `max_count` is negative, then all stings are examined. Otherwise, searching terminates once `max_count` matches (or, if `negate` is `TRUE`, no-matches) are detected. The uninspected cases are marked as missing in the return vector. Be aware that, unless `pattern` is a singleton, the elements in `str` might be inspected in a non-consecutive order.
-## Value
-Each function returns a logical vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_detect: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_startswith()`](stri_startsendswith.md)
-## Examples
-stri_detect_fixed(c('stringi R', 'R STRINGI', '123'), c('i', 'R', '0'))
-stri_detect_fixed(c('stringi R', 'R STRINGI', '123'), 'R')
-stri_detect_charclass(c('stRRRingi','R STRINGI', '123'),
- c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Lu}', '\\p{Zs}'))
-stri_detect_regex(c('stringi R', 'R STRINGI', '123'), 'R.')
-stri_detect_regex(c('stringi R', 'R STRINGI', '123'), '[[:alpha:]]*?')
-stri_detect_regex(c('stringi R', 'R STRINGI', '123'), '[a-zC1]')
-stri_detect_regex(c('stringi R', 'R STRINGI', '123'), '( R|RE)')
-stri_detect_regex('stringi', 'STRING.', case_insensitive=TRUE)
-## [1] TRUE
-stri_detect_regex(c('abc', 'def', '123', 'ghi', '456', '789', 'jkl'),
- '^[0-9]+$', max_count=1)
-stri_detect_regex(c('abc', 'def', '123', 'ghi', '456', '789', 'jkl'),
- '^[0-9]+$', max_count=2)
-stri_detect_regex(c('abc', 'def', '123', 'ghi', '456', '789', 'jkl'),
- '^[0-9]+$', negate=TRUE, max_count=3)
diff --git a/devel/sphinx/rapi/stri_dup.md b/devel/sphinx/rapi/stri_dup.md
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-# stri\_dup: Duplicate Strings
-## Description
-Duplicates each `str`(`e1`) string `times`(`e2`) times and concatenates the results.
-## Usage
-stri_dup(str, times)
-e1 %s*% e2
-e1 %stri*% e2
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str, e1` | a character vector of strings to be duplicated |
-| `times, e2` | an integer vector with the numbers of times to duplicate each string |
-## Details
-Vectorized over all arguments.
-`e1 %s*% e2` and `e1 %stri*% e2` are synonyms for `stri_dup(e1, e2)`
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other join: [`%s+%()`](operator_add.md), [`stri_flatten()`](stri_flatten.md), [`stri_join_list()`](stri_join_list.md), [`stri_join()`](stri_join.md)
-## Examples
-stri_dup('a', 1:5)
-## [1] "a" "aa" "aaa" "aaaa" "aaaaa"
-stri_dup(c('a', NA, 'ba'), 4)
-## [1] "aaaa" NA "babababa"
-stri_dup(c('abc', 'pqrst'), c(4, 2))
-## [1] "abcabcabcabc" "pqrstpqrst"
-"a" %s*% 5
-## [1] "aaaaa"
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-# stri\_duplicated: Determine Duplicated Elements
-## Description
-`stri_duplicated()` determines which strings in a character vector are duplicates of other elements.
-`stri_duplicated_any()` determines if there are any duplicated strings in a character vector.
-## Usage
- str,
- from_last = FALSE,
- fromLast = from_last,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
- str,
- from_last = FALSE,
- fromLast = from_last,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector |
-| `from_last` | a single logical value; indicates whether search should be performed from the last to the first string |
-| `fromLast` | \[DEPRECATED\] alias of `from_last` |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_collator` |
-| `opts_collator` | a named list with ICU Collator\'s options, see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), `NULL` for default collation options |
-## Details
-Missing values are regarded as equal.
-Unlike [`duplicated`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/duplicated.html) and [`anyDuplicated`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/duplicated.html), these functions test for canonical equivalence of strings (and not whether the strings are just bytewise equal) Such operations are locale-dependent. Hence, `stri_duplicated` and `stri_duplicated_any` are significantly slower (but much better suited for natural language processing) than their base R counterparts.
-See also [`stri_unique`](stri_unique.md) for extracting unique elements.
-## Value
-`stri_duplicated()` returns a logical vector of the same length as `str`. Each of its elements indicates whether a canonically equivalent string was already found in `str`.
-`stri_duplicated_any()` returns a single non-negative integer. Value of 0 indicates that all the elements in `str` are unique. Otherwise, it gives the index of the first non-unique element.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Collation* - ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-# In the following examples, we have 3 duplicated values,
-# 'a' - 2 times, NA - 1 time
-stri_duplicated(c('a', 'b', 'a', NA, 'a', NA))
-stri_duplicated(c('a', 'b', 'a', NA, 'a', NA), from_last=TRUE)
-stri_duplicated_any(c('a', 'b', 'a', NA, 'a', NA))
-## [1] 3
-# compare the results:
-stri_duplicated(c('\u0105', stri_trans_nfkd('\u0105')))
-## [1] FALSE TRUE
-duplicated(c('\u0105', stri_trans_nfkd('\u0105')))
-stri_duplicated(c('gro\u00df', 'GROSS', 'Gro\u00df', 'Gross'), strength=1)
-duplicated(c('gro\u00df', 'GROSS', 'Gro\u00df', 'Gross'))
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-# stri\_enc\_detect: Detect Character Set and Language
-## Description
-This function uses the ICU engine to determine the character set, or encoding, of character data in an unknown format.
-## Usage
-stri_enc_detect(str, filter_angle_brackets = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector, a raw vector, or a list of `raw` vectors |
-| `filter_angle_brackets` | logical; If filtering is enabled, text within angle brackets (\'\<\' and \'\>\') will be removed before detection, which will remove most HTML or XML markup. |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` and `filter_angle_brackets`.
-For a character vector input, merging all text lines via [`stri_flatten(str, collapse='\n')`](stri_flatten.md) might be needed if `str` has been obtained via a call to `readLines` and in fact represents an image of a single text file.
-This is, at best, an imprecise operation using statistics and heuristics. Because of this, detection works best if you supply at least a few hundred bytes of character data that is mostly in a single language. However, because the detection only looks at a limited amount of the input data, some of the returned character sets may fail to handle all of the input data. Note that in some cases, the language can be determined along with the encoding.
-Several different techniques are used for character set detection. For multi-byte encodings, the sequence of bytes is checked for legible patterns. The detected characters are also checked against a list of frequently used characters in that encoding. For single byte encodings, the data is checked against a list of the most commonly occurring three letter groups for each language that can be written using that encoding.
-The detection process can be configured to optionally ignore HTML or XML style markup (using ICU\'s internal facilities), which can interfere with the detection process by changing the statistics.
-This function should most often be used for byte-marked input strings, especially after loading them from text files and before the main conversion with [`stri_encode`](stri_encode.md). The input encoding is of course not taken into account here, even if marked.
-The following table shows all the encodings that can be detected:
-| | |
-| **Character\_Set** | **Languages** |
-| UTF-8 | \-- |
-| UTF-16BE | \-- |
-| UTF-16LE | \-- |
-| UTF-32BE | \-- |
-| UTF-32LE | \-- |
-| Shift\_JIS | Japanese |
-| ISO-2022-JP | Japanese |
-| ISO-2022-CN | Simplified Chinese |
-| ISO-2022-KR | Korean |
-| GB18030 | Chinese |
-| Big5 | Traditional Chinese |
-| EUC-JP | Japanese |
-| EUC-KR | Korean |
-| ISO-8859-1 | Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish |
-| ISO-8859-2 | Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian |
-| ISO-8859-5 | Russian |
-| ISO-8859-6 | Arabic |
-| ISO-8859-7 | Greek |
-| ISO-8859-8 | Hebrew |
-| ISO-8859-9 | Turkish |
-| windows-1250 | Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian |
-| windows-1251 | Russian |
-| windows-1252 | Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish |
-| windows-1253 | Greek |
-| windows-1254 | Turkish |
-| windows-1255 | Hebrew |
-| windows-1256 | Arabic |
-| KOI8-R | Russian |
-| IBM420 | Arabic |
-| IBM424 | Hebrew |
-| | |
-## Value
-Returns a list of length equal to the length of `str`. Each list element is a data frame with the following three named vectors representing all the guesses:
-- `Encoding` -- string; guessed encodings; `NA` on failure,
-- `Language` -- string; guessed languages; `NA` if the language could not be determined (e.g., in case of UTF-8),
-- `Confidence` -- numeric in \[0,1\]; the higher the value, the more confidence there is in the match; `NA` on failure.
-The guesses are ordered by decreasing confidence.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Character Set Detection* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_detection: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_enc_isascii()`](stri_enc_isascii.md), [`stri_enc_isutf16be()`](stri_enc_isutf16.md), [`stri_enc_isutf8()`](stri_enc_isutf8.md)
-## Examples
-## Not run:
-## f <- rawToChar(readBin('test.txt', 'raw', 100000))
-## stri_enc_detect(f)
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-# stri\_enc\_detect2: \[DEPRECATED\] Detect Locale-Sensitive Character Encoding
-## Description
-This function tries to detect character encoding in case the language of text is known.
-## Usage
-stri_enc_detect2(str, locale = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector, a raw vector, or a list of `raw` vectors |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for default locale, `NA` for just checking the UTF-\* family, or a single string with locale identifier. |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`.
-First, the text is checked whether it is valid UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-8 (as in [`stri_enc_detect`](stri_enc_detect.md), this is roughly inspired by ICU\'s `i18n/csrucode.cpp`) or ASCII.
-If `locale` is not `NA` and the above fails, the text is checked for the number of occurrences of language-specific code points (data provided by the ICU library) converted to all possible 8-bit encodings that fully cover the indicated language. The encoding is selected based on the greatest number of total byte hits.
-The guess is of course imprecise, as it is obtained using statistics and heuristics. Because of this, detection works best if you supply at least a few hundred bytes of character data that is in a single language.
-If you have no initial guess on the language and encoding, try with [`stri_enc_detect`](stri_enc_detect.md) (uses ICU facilities).
-## Value
-Just like [`stri_enc_detect`](stri_enc_detect.md), this function returns a list of length equal to the length of `str`. Each list element is a data frame with the following three named components:
-- `Encoding` -- string; guessed encodings; `NA` on failure (if and only if `encodings` is empty),
-- `Language` -- always `NA`,
-- `Confidence` -- numeric in \[0,1\]; the higher the value, the more confidence there is in the match; `NA` on failure.
-The guesses are ordered by decreasing confidence.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other encoding\_detection: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_detect()`](stri_enc_detect.md), [`stri_enc_isascii()`](stri_enc_isascii.md), [`stri_enc_isutf16be()`](stri_enc_isutf16.md), [`stri_enc_isutf8()`](stri_enc_isutf8.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_fromutf32: Convert From UTF-32
-## Description
-This function converts integer vectors, representing sequences of UTF-32 code points, to UTF-8 strings.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `vec` | a list of integer vectors (or objects coercible to such vectors) or `NULL`s. For convenience, a single integer vector can also be given. |
-## Details
-UTF-32 is a 32-bit encoding where each Unicode code point corresponds to exactly one integer value.
-This function is a vectorized version of [`intToUtf8`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/utf8Conversion.html). As usual in stringi, it returns character strings in UTF-8. See [`stri_enc_toutf32`](stri_enc_toutf32.md) for a dual operation.
-If an ill-defined code point is given, a warning is generated and the corresponding string is set to `NA`. Note that `0`s are not allowed in `vec`, as they are used internally to mark the end of a string (in the C API).
-See also [`stri_encode`](stri_encode.md) for decoding arbitrary byte sequences from any given encoding.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector (in UTF-8). `NULL`s in the input list are converted to `NA_character_`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_conversion: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_toascii()`](stri_enc_toascii.md), [`stri_enc_tonative()`](stri_enc_tonative.md), [`stri_enc_toutf32()`](stri_enc_toutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toutf8()`](stri_enc_toutf8.md), [`stri_encode()`](stri_encode.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_info: Query a Character Encoding
-## Description
-Gets basic information on a character encoding.
-## Usage
-stri_enc_info(enc = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `enc` | `NULL` or `''` for the default encoding, or a single string with encoding name |
-## Details
-An error is raised if the provided encoding is unknown to ICU (see [`stri_enc_list`](stri_enc_list.md) for more details).
-## Value
-Returns a list with the following components:
-- `Name.friendly` -- friendly encoding name: MIME Name or JAVA Name or ICU Canonical Name (the first of provided ones is selected, see below);
-- `Name.ICU` -- encoding name as identified by ICU;
-- `Name.*` -- other standardized encoding names, e.g., `Name.UTR22`, `Name.IBM`, `Name.WINDOWS`, `Name.JAVA`, `Name.IANA`, `Name.MIME` (some of them may be unavailable for all the encodings);
-- `ASCII.subset` -- is ASCII a subset of the given encoding?;
-- `Unicode.1to1` -- for 8-bit encodings only: are all characters translated to exactly one Unicode code point and is the translation scheme reversible?;
-- `CharSize.8bit` -- is this an 8-bit encoding, i.e., do we have `CharSize.min == CharSize.max` and `CharSize.min == 1`?;
-- `CharSize.min` -- minimal number of bytes used to represent a UChar (in UTF-16, this is not the same as UChar32)
-- `CharSize.max` -- maximal number of bytes used to represent a UChar (in UTF-16, this is not the same as UChar32, i.e., does not reflect the maximal code point representation size)
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_management: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_list()`](stri_enc_list.md), [`stri_enc_mark()`](stri_enc_mark.md), [`stri_enc_set()`](stri_enc_set.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_isascii: Check If a Data Stream Is Possibly in ASCII
-## Description
-The function checks whether all bytes in a string are \<= 127.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector, a raw vector, or a list of `raw` vectors |
-## Details
-This function is independent of the way **R** marks encodings in character strings (see [Encoding](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html) and [stringi-encoding](about_encoding.md)).
-## Value
-Returns a logical vector. The i-th element indicates whether the i-th string corresponds to a valid ASCII byte sequence.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_detection: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_enc_detect()`](stri_enc_detect.md), [`stri_enc_isutf16be()`](stri_enc_isutf16.md), [`stri_enc_isutf8()`](stri_enc_isutf8.md)
-## Examples
-## [1] FALSE
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-# stri\_enc\_isutf16: Check If a Data Stream Is Possibly in UTF-16 or UTF-32
-## Description
-These functions detect whether a given byte stream is valid UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, or UTF-32BE.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector, a raw vector, or a list of `raw` vectors |
-## Details
-These functions are independent of the way **R** marks encodings in character strings (see [Encoding](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html) and [stringi-encoding](about_encoding.md)). Most often, these functions act on raw vectors.
-A result of `FALSE` means that a string is surely not valid UTF-16 or UTF-32. However, false positives are possible.
-Also note that a data stream may be sometimes classified as both valid UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE.
-## Value
-Returns a logical vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_detection: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_enc_detect()`](stri_enc_detect.md), [`stri_enc_isascii()`](stri_enc_isascii.md), [`stri_enc_isutf8()`](stri_enc_isutf8.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_isutf8: Check If a Data Stream Is Possibly in UTF-8
-## Description
-The function checks whether given sequences of bytes forms a proper UTF-8 string.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector, a raw vector, or a list of `raw` vectors |
-## Details
-`FALSE` means that a string is certainly not valid UTF-8. However, false positives are possible. For instance, `(c4,85)` represents (\'a with ogonek\') in UTF-8 as well as (\'A umlaut\', \'Ellipsis\') in WINDOWS-1250. Also note that UTF-8, as well as most 8-bit encodings, extend ASCII (note that [`stri_enc_isascii`](stri_enc_isascii.md) implies that [`stri_enc_isutf8`](stri_enc_isutf8.md)).
-However, the longer the sequence, the greater the possibility that the result is indeed in UTF-8 -- this is because not all sequences of bytes are valid UTF-8.
-This function is independent of the way **R** marks encodings in character strings (see [Encoding](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html) and [stringi-encoding](about_encoding.md)).
-## Value
-Returns a logical vector. Its i-th element indicates whether the i-th string corresponds to a valid UTF-8 byte sequence.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_detection: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_enc_detect()`](stri_enc_detect.md), [`stri_enc_isascii()`](stri_enc_isascii.md), [`stri_enc_isutf16be()`](stri_enc_isutf16.md)
-## Examples
-## [1] TRUE
-## [1] TRUE
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-# stri\_enc\_list: List Known Character Encodings
-## Description
-Gives the list of encodings that are supported by ICU.
-## Usage
-stri_enc_list(simplify = TRUE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `simplify` | single logical value; return a character vector or a list of character vectors? |
-## Details
-Apart from given encoding identifiers and their aliases, some other specifiers might additionally be available. This is due to the fact that ICU tries to normalize converter names. For instance, `'UTF8'` is also valid, see [stringi-encoding](about_encoding.md) for more information.
-## Value
-If `simplify` is `FALSE`, a list of character vectors is returned. Each list element represents a unique character encoding. The `name` attribute gives the ICU Canonical Name of an encoding family. The elements (character vectors) are its aliases.
-If `simplify` is `TRUE` (the default), then the resulting list is coerced to a character vector and sorted, and returned with removed duplicated entries.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_management: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_info()`](stri_enc_info.md), [`stri_enc_mark()`](stri_enc_mark.md), [`stri_enc_set()`](stri_enc_set.md)
-## Examples
-## [1] "037"
-## [2] "273"
-## [3] "277"
-## [4] "278"
-## [5] "280"
-## [6] "284"
-## [7] "285"
-## [8] "297"
-## [9] "420"
-## [10] "424"
-## [11] "437"
-## [12] "500"
-## [13] "646"
-## [14] "737"
-## [15] "775"
-## [16] "813"
-## [17] "819"
-## [18] "838"
-## [19] "850"
-## [20] "851"
-## [21] "852"
-## [22] "855"
-## [23] "856"
-## [24] "857"
-## [25] "860"
-## [26] "861"
-## [27] "862"
-## [28] "863"
-## [29] "865"
-## [30] "866"
-## [31] "868"
-## [32] "869"
-## [33] "871"
-## [34] "875"
-## [35] "912"
-## [36] "913"
-## [37] "914"
-## [38] "915"
-## [39] "916"
-## [40] "920"
-## [41] "921"
-## [42] "922"
-## [43] "923"
-## [44] "930"
-## [45] "933"
-## [46] "935"
-## [47] "937"
-## [48] "939"
-## [49] "943"
-## [50] "949"
-## [51] "950"
-## [52] "964"
-## [53] "970"
-## [54] "1006"
-## [55] "1025"
-## [56] "1026"
-## [57] "1047"
-## [58] "1089"
-## [59] "1097"
-## [60] "1098"
-## [61] "1112"
-## [62] "1122"
-## [63] "1123"
-## [64] "1124"
-## [65] "1383"
-## [66] "5601"
-## [67] "8859_1"
-## [68] "8859_2"
-## [69] "8859_3"
-## [70] "8859_4"
-## [71] "8859_5"
-## [72] "8859_6"
-## [73] "8859_7"
-## [74] "8859_8"
-## [75] "8859_9"
-## [76] "8859_13"
-## [77] "8859_15"
-## [78] "33722"
-## [79] "Adobe-Standard-Encoding"
-## [80] "ANSI_X3.4-1968"
-## [81] "ANSI_X3.4-1986"
-## [82] "ANSI1251"
-## [83] "arabic"
-## [84] "ASCII"
-## [85] "ascii7"
-## [86] "ASMO-708"
-## [87] "Big5"
-## [88] "Big5-HKSCS"
-## [89] "big5-hkscs:unicode3.0"
-## [90] "big5hk"
-## [91] "BOCU-1"
-## [92] "CCSID00858"
-## [93] "CCSID01140"
-## [94] "CCSID01141"
-## [95] "CCSID01142"
-## [96] "CCSID01143"
-## [97] "CCSID01144"
-## [98] "CCSID01145"
-## [99] "CCSID01146"
-## [100] "CCSID01147"
-## [101] "CCSID01148"
-## [102] "CCSID01149"
-## [103] "CESU-8"
-## [104] "chinese"
-## [105] "cns11643"
-## [106] "COMPOUND_TEXT"
-## [107] "cp-ar"
-## [108] "cp-gr"
-## [109] "cp-is"
-## [110] "cp037"
-## [111] "cp37"
-## [112] "CP273"
-## [113] "cp277"
-## [114] "cp278"
-## [115] "CP280"
-## [116] "CP284"
-## [117] "CP285"
-## [118] "cp290"
-## [119] "cp297"
-## [120] "cp367"
-## [121] "cp420"
-## [122] "cp424"
-## [123] "cp437"
-## [124] "CP500"
-## [125] "cp737"
-## [126] "cp775"
-## [127] "cp803"
-## [128] "cp813"
-## [129] "cp819"
-## [130] "cp838"
-## [131] "cp850"
-## [132] "cp851"
-## [133] "cp852"
-## [134] "cp855"
-## [135] "cp856"
-## [136] "cp857"
-## [137] "CP00858"
-## [138] "cp858"
-## [139] "cp860"
-## [140] "cp861"
-## [141] "cp862"
-## [142] "cp863"
-## [143] "cp864"
-## [144] "cp865"
-## [145] "cp866"
-## [146] "CP868"
-## [147] "cp869"
-## [148] "CP870"
-## [149] "CP871"
-## [150] "cp874"
-## [151] "cp875"
-## [152] "cp878"
-## [153] "cp912"
-## [154] "cp913"
-## [155] "cp914"
-## [156] "cp915"
-## [157] "cp916"
-## [158] "CP918"
-## [159] "cp920"
-## [160] "cp921"
-## [161] "cp922"
-## [162] "cp923"
-## [163] "cp930"
-## [164] "cp932"
-## [165] "cp933"
-## [166] "cp935"
-## [167] "CP936"
-## [168] "cp937"
-## [169] "cp939"
-## [170] "cp943"
-## [171] "cp943c"
-## [172] "cp949"
-## [173] "cp949c"
-## [174] "cp950"
-## [175] "cp964"
-## [176] "cp970"
-## [177] "cp1006"
-## [178] "cp1025"
-## [179] "CP1026"
-## [180] "cp1047"
-## [181] "cp1089"
-## [182] "cp1097"
-## [183] "cp1098"
-## [184] "cp1112"
-## [185] "cp1122"
-## [186] "cp1123"
-## [187] "cp1124"
-## [188] "cp1125"
-## [189] "cp1131"
-## [190] "CP01140"
-## [191] "cp1140"
-## [192] "CP01141"
-## [193] "cp1141"
-## [194] "CP01142"
-## [195] "cp1142"
-## [196] "CP01143"
-## [197] "cp1143"
-## [198] "CP01144"
-## [199] "cp1144"
-## [200] "CP01145"
-## [201] "cp1145"
-## [202] "CP01146"
-## [203] "cp1146"
-## [204] "CP01147"
-## [205] "cp1147"
-## [206] "CP01148"
-## [207] "cp1148"
-## [208] "CP01149"
-## [209] "cp1149"
-## [210] "cp1200"
-## [211] "cp1201"
-## [212] "cp1208"
-## [213] "cp1250"
-## [214] "cp1251"
-## [215] "cp1252"
-## [216] "cp1253"
-## [217] "cp1254"
-## [218] "cp1255"
-## [219] "cp1256"
-## [220] "cp1257"
-## [221] "cp1258"
-## [222] "cp1363"
-## [223] "cp1383"
-## [224] "cp1386"
-## [225] "cp33722"
-## [226] "cpibm37"
-## [227] "cpibm284"
-## [228] "cpibm285"
-## [229] "cpibm297"
-## [230] "csAdobeStandardEncoding"
-## [231] "csASCII"
-## [232] "csBig5"
-## [233] "csBOCU-1"
-## [234] "csEUCKR"
-## [235] "csEUCPkdFmtJapanese"
-## [236] "csGB2312"
-## [237] "csHPRoman8"
-## [238] "csIBM037"
-## [239] "csIBM273"
-## [240] "csIBM277"
-## [241] "csIBM278"
-## [242] "csIBM280"
-## [243] "csIBM284"
-## [244] "csIBM285"
-## [245] "csIBM290"
-## [246] "csIBM297"
-## [247] "csIBM420"
-## [248] "csIBM424"
-## [249] "csIBM500"
-## [250] "csIBM855"
-## [251] "csIBM857"
-## [252] "csIBM860"
-## [253] "csIBM861"
-## [254] "csIBM863"
-## [255] "csIBM864"
-## [256] "csIBM865"
-## [257] "csIBM866"
-## [258] "csIBM868"
-## [259] "csIBM869"
-## [260] "csIBM870"
-## [261] "csIBM871"
-## [262] "csIBM918"
-## [263] "csIBM1026"
-## [264] "csIBMThai"
-## [265] "csISO58GB231280"
-## [266] "csISO2022CN"
-## [267] "csISO2022JP"
-## [268] "csISO2022JP2"
-## [269] "csISO2022KR"
-## [270] "csisolatin0"
-## [271] "csISOLatin1"
-## [272] "csISOLatin2"
-## [273] "csISOLatin3"
-## [274] "csISOLatin4"
-## [275] "csISOLatin5"
-## [276] "csISOLatin6"
-## [277] "csisolatin9"
-## [278] "csISOLatinArabic"
-## [279] "csISOLatinCyrillic"
-## [280] "csISOLatinGreek"
-## [281] "csISOLatinHebrew"
-## [282] "csJISEncoding"
-## [283] "csKOI8R"
-## [284] "csKSC56011987"
-## [285] "csMacintosh"
-## [286] "csPC8CodePage437"
-## [287] "csPC775Baltic"
-## [288] "csPC850Multilingual"
-## [289] "csPC851"
-## [290] "csPC862LatinHebrew"
-## [291] "csPCp852"
-## [292] "csPCp855"
-## [293] "csShiftJIS"
-## [294] "csUCS4"
-## [295] "csUnicode"
-## [296] "csWindows31J"
-## [297] "cyrillic"
-## [298] "DOS-720"
-## [299] "DOS-862"
-## [300] "ebcdic-ar"
-## [301] "ebcdic-cp-ar1"
-## [302] "ebcdic-cp-ar2"
-## [303] "ebcdic-cp-be"
-## [304] "ebcdic-cp-ca"
-## [305] "ebcdic-cp-ch"
-## [306] "EBCDIC-CP-DK"
-## [307] "ebcdic-cp-es"
-## [308] "ebcdic-cp-fi"
-## [309] "ebcdic-cp-fr"
-## [310] "ebcdic-cp-gb"
-## [311] "ebcdic-cp-he"
-## [312] "ebcdic-cp-is"
-## [313] "ebcdic-cp-it"
-## [314] "ebcdic-cp-nl"
-## [315] "EBCDIC-CP-NO"
-## [316] "ebcdic-cp-roece"
-## [317] "ebcdic-cp-se"
-## [318] "ebcdic-cp-us"
-## [319] "ebcdic-cp-wt"
-## [320] "ebcdic-cp-yu"
-## [321] "ebcdic-de"
-## [322] "ebcdic-de-273+euro"
-## [323] "ebcdic-dk"
-## [324] "ebcdic-dk-277+euro"
-## [325] "ebcdic-es-284+euro"
-## [326] "ebcdic-fi-278+euro"
-## [327] "ebcdic-fr-297+euro"
-## [328] "ebcdic-gb"
-## [329] "ebcdic-gb-285+euro"
-## [330] "ebcdic-he"
-## [331] "ebcdic-international-500+euro"
-## [332] "ebcdic-is"
-## [333] "ebcdic-is-871+euro"
-## [334] "ebcdic-it-280+euro"
-## [335] "EBCDIC-JP-kana"
-## [336] "ebcdic-no-277+euro"
-## [337] "ebcdic-se-278+euro"
-## [338] "ebcdic-sv"
-## [339] "ebcdic-us-37+euro"
-## [340] "ebcdic-xml-us"
-## [341] "ECMA-114"
-## [342] "ECMA-118"
-## [343] "ECMA-128"
-## [344] "ELOT_928"
-## [345] "EUC-CN"
-## [346] "EUC-JP"
-## [347] "euc-jp-2007"
-## [348] "EUC-KR"
-## [349] "EUC-TW"
-## [350] "euc-tw-2014"
-## [351] "eucjis"
-## [352] "eucTH"
-## [353] "Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese"
-## [354] "GB_2312-80"
-## [355] "GB2312"
-## [356] "gb2312-1980"
-## [357] "GB2312.1980-0"
-## [358] "gb18030"
-## [359] "GB18030"
-## [360] "GBK"
-## [361] "greek"
-## [362] "greek8"
-## [363] "gsm-03.38-2009"
-## [364] "GSM0338"
-## [365] "hebrew"
-## [366] "hebrew8"
-## [367] "hkbig5"
-## [368] "HKSCS-BIG5"
-## [369] "hp-roman8"
-## [370] "hp15CN"
-## [371] "HZ"
-## [372] "HZ-GB-2312"
-## [373] "ibm-37"
-## [374] "ibm-037"
-## [375] "ibm-37_P100-1995"
-## [376] "ibm-37_P100-1995,swaplfnl"
-## [377] "ibm-37-s390"
-## [378] "ibm-273"
-## [379] "ibm-273_P100-1995"
-## [380] "ibm-277"
-## [381] "ibm-277_P100-1995"
-## [382] "ibm-278"
-## [383] "ibm-278_P100-1995"
-## [384] "ibm-280"
-## [385] "ibm-280_P100-1995"
-## [386] "ibm-284"
-## [387] "ibm-284_P100-1995"
-## [388] "ibm-285"
-## [389] "ibm-285_P100-1995"
-## [390] "ibm-290"
-## [391] "ibm-290_P100-1995"
-## [392] "ibm-297"
-## [393] "ibm-297_P100-1995"
-## [394] "ibm-367"
-## [395] "ibm-420"
-## [396] "ibm-420_X120-1999"
-## [397] "ibm-424"
-## [398] "ibm-424_P100-1995"
-## [399] "ibm-437"
-## [400] "ibm-437_P100-1995"
-## [401] "ibm-500"
-## [402] "ibm-500_P100-1995"
-## [403] "ibm-720"
-## [404] "ibm-720_P100-1997"
-## [405] "ibm-737"
-## [406] "ibm-737_P100-1997"
-## [407] "ibm-775"
-## [408] "ibm-775_P100-1996"
-## [409] "ibm-803"
-## [410] "ibm-803_P100-1999"
-## [411] "ibm-813"
-## [412] "ibm-813_P100-1995"
-## [413] "ibm-819"
-## [414] "ibm-838"
-## [415] "ibm-838_P100-1995"
-## [416] "ibm-850"
-## [417] "ibm-850_P100-1995"
-## [418] "ibm-851"
-## [419] "ibm-851_P100-1995"
-## [420] "ibm-852"
-## [421] "ibm-852_P100-1995"
-## [422] "ibm-855"
-## [423] "ibm-855_P100-1995"
-## [424] "ibm-856"
-## [425] "ibm-856_P100-1995"
-## [426] "ibm-857"
-## [427] "ibm-857_P100-1995"
-## [428] "ibm-858"
-## [429] "ibm-858_P100-1997"
-## [430] "ibm-860"
-## [431] "ibm-860_P100-1995"
-## [432] "ibm-861"
-## [433] "ibm-861_P100-1995"
-## [434] "ibm-862"
-## [435] "ibm-862_P100-1995"
-## [436] "ibm-863"
-## [437] "ibm-863_P100-1995"
-## [438] "ibm-864"
-## [439] "ibm-864_X110-1999"
-## [440] "ibm-865"
-## [441] "ibm-865_P100-1995"
-## [442] "ibm-866"
-## [443] "ibm-866_P100-1995"
-## [444] "ibm-867"
-## [445] "ibm-867_P100-1998"
-## [446] "ibm-868"
-## [447] "ibm-868_P100-1995"
-## [448] "ibm-869"
-## [449] "ibm-869_P100-1995"
-## [450] "ibm-870"
-## [451] "ibm-870_P100-1995"
-## [452] "ibm-871"
-## [453] "ibm-871_P100-1995"
-## [454] "ibm-874"
-## [455] "ibm-874_P100-1995"
-## [456] "ibm-875"
-## [457] "ibm-875_P100-1995"
-## [458] "ibm-878"
-## [459] "ibm-878_P100-1996"
-## [460] "ibm-901"
-## [461] "ibm-901_P100-1999"
-## [462] "ibm-902"
-## [463] "ibm-902_P100-1999"
-## [464] "ibm-912"
-## [465] "ibm-912_P100-1995"
-## [466] "ibm-913"
-## [467] "ibm-913_P100-2000"
-## [468] "ibm-914"
-## [469] "ibm-914_P100-1995"
-## [470] "ibm-915"
-## [471] "ibm-915_P100-1995"
-## [472] "ibm-916"
-## [473] "ibm-916_P100-1995"
-## [474] "ibm-918"
-## [475] "ibm-918_P100-1995"
-## [476] "ibm-920"
-## [477] "ibm-920_P100-1995"
-## [478] "ibm-921"
-## [479] "ibm-921_P100-1995"
-## [480] "ibm-922"
-## [481] "ibm-922_P100-1999"
-## [482] "ibm-923"
-## [483] "ibm-923_P100-1998"
-## [484] "ibm-930"
-## [485] "ibm-930_P120-1999"
-## [486] "ibm-931"
-## [487] "ibm-932"
-## [488] "ibm-932_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [489] "ibm-933"
-## [490] "ibm-933_P110-1995"
-## [491] "ibm-935"
-## [492] "ibm-935_P110-1999"
-## [493] "ibm-937"
-## [494] "ibm-937_P110-1999"
-## [495] "ibm-939"
-## [496] "ibm-939_P120-1999"
-## [497] "ibm-942"
-## [498] "ibm-942_P12A-1999"
-## [499] "ibm-942_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [500] "ibm-943"
-## [501] "ibm-943_P15A-2003"
-## [502] "ibm-943_P130-1999"
-## [503] "ibm-943_VASCII_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [504] "ibm-943_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [505] "IBM-943C"
-## [506] "ibm-949"
-## [507] "ibm-949_P11A-1999"
-## [508] "ibm-949_P110-1999"
-## [509] "ibm-949_VASCII_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [510] "ibm-949_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [511] "IBM-949C"
-## [512] "ibm-950"
-## [513] "ibm-950_P110-1999"
-## [514] "ibm-954"
-## [515] "ibm-954_P101-2007"
-## [516] "ibm-964"
-## [517] "ibm-964_P110-1999"
-## [518] "ibm-964_VPUA"
-## [519] "ibm-970"
-## [520] "ibm-970_P110_P110-2006_U2"
-## [521] "ibm-970_VPUA"
-## [522] "ibm-971"
-## [523] "ibm-971_P100-1995"
-## [524] "ibm-971_VPUA"
-## [525] "ibm-1006"
-## [526] "ibm-1006_P100-1995"
-## [527] "ibm-1025"
-## [528] "ibm-1025_P100-1995"
-## [529] "ibm-1026"
-## [530] "ibm-1026_P100-1995"
-## [531] "ibm-1047"
-## [532] "ibm-1047_P100-1995"
-## [533] "ibm-1047_P100-1995,swaplfnl"
-## [534] "ibm-1047-s390"
-## [535] "ibm-1051"
-## [536] "ibm-1051_P100-1995"
-## [537] "ibm-1089"
-## [538] "ibm-1089_P100-1995"
-## [539] "ibm-1097"
-## [540] "ibm-1097_P100-1995"
-## [541] "ibm-1098"
-## [542] "ibm-1098_P100-1995"
-## [543] "ibm-1112"
-## [544] "ibm-1112_P100-1995"
-## [545] "ibm-1122"
-## [546] "ibm-1122_P100-1999"
-## [547] "ibm-1123"
-## [548] "ibm-1123_P100-1995"
-## [549] "ibm-1124"
-## [550] "ibm-1124_P100-1996"
-## [551] "ibm-1125"
-## [552] "ibm-1125_P100-1997"
-## [553] "ibm-1129"
-## [554] "ibm-1129_P100-1997"
-## [555] "ibm-1130"
-## [556] "ibm-1130_P100-1997"
-## [557] "ibm-1131"
-## [558] "ibm-1131_P100-1997"
-## [559] "ibm-1132"
-## [560] "ibm-1132_P100-1998"
-## [561] "ibm-1133"
-## [562] "ibm-1133_P100-1997"
-## [563] "ibm-1137"
-## [564] "ibm-1137_P100-1999"
-## [565] "ibm-1140"
-## [566] "ibm-1140_P100-1997"
-## [567] "ibm-1140_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [568] "ibm-1140-s390"
-## [569] "ibm-1141"
-## [570] "ibm-1141_P100-1997"
-## [571] "ibm-1141_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [572] "ibm-1141-s390"
-## [573] "ibm-1142"
-## [574] "ibm-1142_P100-1997"
-## [575] "ibm-1142_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [576] "ibm-1142-s390"
-## [577] "ibm-1143"
-## [578] "ibm-1143_P100-1997"
-## [579] "ibm-1143_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [580] "ibm-1143-s390"
-## [581] "ibm-1144"
-## [582] "ibm-1144_P100-1997"
-## [583] "ibm-1144_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [584] "ibm-1144-s390"
-## [585] "ibm-1145"
-## [586] "ibm-1145_P100-1997"
-## [587] "ibm-1145_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [588] "ibm-1145-s390"
-## [589] "ibm-1146"
-## [590] "ibm-1146_P100-1997"
-## [591] "ibm-1146_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [592] "ibm-1146-s390"
-## [593] "ibm-1147"
-## [594] "ibm-1147_P100-1997"
-## [595] "ibm-1147_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [596] "ibm-1147-s390"
-## [597] "ibm-1148"
-## [598] "ibm-1148_P100-1997"
-## [599] "ibm-1148_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [600] "ibm-1148-s390"
-## [601] "ibm-1149"
-## [602] "ibm-1149_P100-1997"
-## [603] "ibm-1149_P100-1997,swaplfnl"
-## [604] "ibm-1149-s390"
-## [605] "ibm-1153"
-## [606] "ibm-1153_P100-1999"
-## [607] "ibm-1153_P100-1999,swaplfnl"
-## [608] "ibm-1153-s390"
-## [609] "ibm-1154"
-## [610] "ibm-1154_P100-1999"
-## [611] "ibm-1155"
-## [612] "ibm-1155_P100-1999"
-## [613] "ibm-1156"
-## [614] "ibm-1156_P100-1999"
-## [615] "ibm-1157"
-## [616] "ibm-1157_P100-1999"
-## [617] "ibm-1158"
-## [618] "ibm-1158_P100-1999"
-## [619] "ibm-1160"
-## [620] "ibm-1160_P100-1999"
-## [621] "ibm-1162"
-## [622] "ibm-1162_P100-1999"
-## [623] "ibm-1164"
-## [624] "ibm-1164_P100-1999"
-## [625] "ibm-1168"
-## [626] "ibm-1168_P100-2002"
-## [627] "ibm-1200"
-## [628] "ibm-1201"
-## [629] "ibm-1202"
-## [630] "ibm-1203"
-## [631] "ibm-1204"
-## [632] "ibm-1205"
-## [633] "ibm-1208"
-## [634] "ibm-1209"
-## [635] "ibm-1212"
-## [636] "ibm-1213"
-## [637] "ibm-1214"
-## [638] "ibm-1215"
-## [639] "ibm-1232"
-## [640] "ibm-1233"
-## [641] "ibm-1234"
-## [642] "ibm-1235"
-## [643] "ibm-1236"
-## [644] "ibm-1237"
-## [645] "ibm-1250"
-## [646] "ibm-1250_P100-1995"
-## [647] "ibm-1251"
-## [648] "ibm-1251_P100-1995"
-## [649] "ibm-1252"
-## [650] "ibm-1252_P100-2000"
-## [651] "ibm-1253"
-## [652] "ibm-1253_P100-1995"
-## [653] "ibm-1254"
-## [654] "ibm-1254_P100-1995"
-## [655] "ibm-1255"
-## [656] "ibm-1255_P100-1995"
-## [657] "ibm-1256"
-## [658] "ibm-1256_P110-1997"
-## [659] "ibm-1257"
-## [660] "ibm-1257_P100-1995"
-## [661] "ibm-1258"
-## [662] "ibm-1258_P100-1997"
-## [663] "ibm-1276"
-## [664] "ibm-1276_P100-1995"
-## [665] "ibm-1363"
-## [666] "ibm-1363_P11B-1998"
-## [667] "ibm-1363_P110-1997"
-## [668] "ibm-1363_VASCII_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [669] "ibm-1363_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [670] "ibm-1364"
-## [671] "ibm-1364_P110-2007"
-## [672] "ibm-1371"
-## [673] "ibm-1371_P100-1999"
-## [674] "ibm-1373"
-## [675] "ibm-1373_P100-2002"
-## [676] "ibm-1375"
-## [677] "ibm-1375_P100-2008"
-## [678] "ibm-1383"
-## [679] "ibm-1383_P110-1999"
-## [680] "ibm-1383_VPUA"
-## [681] "ibm-1386"
-## [682] "ibm-1386_P100-2001"
-## [683] "ibm-1386_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [684] "ibm-1388"
-## [685] "ibm-1388_P103-2001"
-## [686] "ibm-1390"
-## [687] "ibm-1390_P110-2003"
-## [688] "ibm-1392"
-## [689] "ibm-1399"
-## [690] "ibm-1399_P110-2003"
-## [691] "ibm-4517"
-## [692] "ibm-4517_P100-2005"
-## [693] "ibm-4899"
-## [694] "ibm-4899_P100-1998"
-## [695] "ibm-4902"
-## [696] "ibm-4909"
-## [697] "ibm-4909_P100-1999"
-## [698] "ibm-4971"
-## [699] "ibm-4971_P100-1999"
-## [700] "ibm-5012"
-## [701] "ibm-5012_P100-1999"
-## [702] "ibm-5026"
-## [703] "ibm-5035"
-## [704] "ibm-5050"
-## [705] "ibm-5054"
-## [706] "ibm-5123"
-## [707] "ibm-5123_P100-1999"
-## [708] "ibm-5304"
-## [709] "ibm-5305"
-## [710] "ibm-5346"
-## [711] "ibm-5346_P100-1998"
-## [712] "ibm-5347"
-## [713] "ibm-5347_P100-1998"
-## [714] "ibm-5348"
-## [715] "ibm-5348_P100-1997"
-## [716] "ibm-5349"
-## [717] "ibm-5349_P100-1998"
-## [718] "ibm-5350"
-## [719] "ibm-5350_P100-1998"
-## [720] "ibm-5351"
-## [721] "ibm-5351_P100-1998"
-## [722] "ibm-5352"
-## [723] "ibm-5352_P100-1998"
-## [724] "ibm-5353"
-## [725] "ibm-5353_P100-1998"
-## [726] "ibm-5354"
-## [727] "ibm-5354_P100-1998"
-## [728] "ibm-5471"
-## [729] "ibm-5471_P100-2006"
-## [730] "ibm-5478"
-## [731] "ibm-5478_P100-1995"
-## [732] "ibm-8482"
-## [733] "ibm-8482_P100-1999"
-## [734] "ibm-9005"
-## [735] "ibm-9005_X110-2007"
-## [736] "ibm-9030"
-## [737] "ibm-9066"
-## [738] "ibm-9067"
-## [739] "ibm-9067_X100-2005"
-## [740] "ibm-9400"
-## [741] "ibm-9424"
-## [742] "ibm-9447"
-## [743] "ibm-9447_P100-2002"
-## [744] "ibm-9448"
-## [745] "ibm-9448_X100-2005"
-## [746] "ibm-9449"
-## [747] "ibm-9449_P100-2002"
-## [748] "ibm-9580"
-## [749] "ibm-12712"
-## [750] "ibm-12712_P100-1998"
-## [751] "ibm-12712_P100-1998,swaplfnl"
-## [752] "ibm-12712-s390"
-## [753] "ibm-13488"
-## [754] "ibm-13489"
-## [755] "ibm-13490"
-## [756] "ibm-13491"
-## [757] "ibm-13496"
-## [758] "ibm-13497"
-## [759] "ibm-16684"
-## [760] "ibm-16684_P110-2003"
-## [761] "ibm-16804"
-## [762] "ibm-16804_X110-1999"
-## [763] "ibm-16804_X110-1999,swaplfnl"
-## [764] "ibm-16804-s390"
-## [765] "ibm-17584"
-## [766] "ibm-17585"
-## [767] "ibm-17586"
-## [768] "ibm-17587"
-## [769] "ibm-17592"
-## [770] "ibm-17593"
-## [771] "ibm-20780"
-## [772] "ibm-21680"
-## [773] "ibm-21681"
-## [774] "ibm-21682"
-## [775] "ibm-21683"
-## [776] "ibm-25546"
-## [777] "ibm-25776"
-## [778] "ibm-25777"
-## [779] "ibm-25778"
-## [780] "ibm-25779"
-## [781] "ibm-29872"
-## [782] "ibm-29873"
-## [783] "ibm-29874"
-## [784] "ibm-29875"
-## [785] "ibm-33722"
-## [786] "ibm-33722_P12A_P12A-2009_U2"
-## [787] "ibm-33722_P120-1999"
-## [788] "ibm-33722_VASCII_VPUA"
-## [789] "ibm-33722_VPUA"
-## [790] "ibm-61955"
-## [791] "ibm-61956"
-## [792] "ibm-65025"
-## [793] "ibm-eucCN"
-## [794] "IBM-eucJP"
-## [795] "ibm-eucKR"
-## [796] "ibm-eucTW"
-## [797] "IBM-Thai"
-## [798] "IBM037"
-## [799] "IBM273"
-## [800] "IBM277"
-## [801] "IBM278"
-## [802] "IBM280"
-## [803] "IBM284"
-## [804] "IBM285"
-## [805] "IBM290"
-## [806] "IBM297"
-## [807] "IBM367"
-## [808] "IBM420"
-## [809] "IBM424"
-## [810] "IBM437"
-## [811] "IBM500"
-## [812] "IBM737"
-## [813] "IBM775"
-## [814] "IBM819"
-## [815] "IBM838"
-## [816] "IBM850"
-## [817] "IBM851"
-## [818] "IBM852"
-## [819] "IBM855"
-## [820] "IBM856"
-## [821] "IBM857"
-## [822] "IBM00858"
-## [823] "IBM860"
-## [824] "IBM861"
-## [825] "IBM862"
-## [826] "IBM863"
-## [827] "IBM864"
-## [828] "IBM865"
-## [829] "IBM866"
-## [830] "IBM868"
-## [831] "IBM869"
-## [832] "IBM870"
-## [833] "IBM871"
-## [834] "IBM875"
-## [835] "IBM918"
-## [836] "IBM922"
-## [837] "IBM930"
-## [838] "IBM939"
-## [839] "IBM1006"
-## [840] "IBM1026"
-## [841] "IBM1047"
-## [842] "IBM1047_LF"
-## [843] "IBM1098"
-## [844] "IBM01140"
-## [845] "IBM01141"
-## [846] "IBM1141_LF"
-## [847] "IBM01142"
-## [848] "IBM01143"
-## [849] "IBM01144"
-## [850] "IBM01145"
-## [851] "IBM01146"
-## [852] "IBM01147"
-## [853] "IBM01148"
-## [854] "IBM01149"
-## [855] "IBM1153"
-## [856] "IMAP-mailbox-name"
-## [857] "iscii-bng"
-## [858] "iscii-dev"
-## [859] "iscii-guj"
-## [860] "iscii-gur"
-## [861] "iscii-knd"
-## [862] "iscii-mlm"
-## [863] "iscii-ori"
-## [864] "iscii-tlg"
-## [865] "iscii-tml"
-## [866] "ISCII,version=0"
-## [867] "ISCII,version=1"
-## [868] "ISCII,version=2"
-## [869] "ISCII,version=3"
-## [870] "ISCII,version=4"
-## [871] "ISCII,version=5"
-## [872] "ISCII,version=6"
-## [873] "ISCII,version=7"
-## [874] "ISCII,version=8"
-## [875] "iso_646.irv:1983"
-## [876] "ISO_646.irv:1991"
-## [877] "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=0"
-## [878] "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=1"
-## [879] "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=2"
-## [880] "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=3"
-## [881] "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=4"
-## [882] "ISO_2022,locale=ko,version=0"
-## [883] "ISO_2022,locale=ko,version=1"
-## [884] "ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=0"
-## [885] "ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=1"
-## [886] "ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=2"
-## [887] "ISO_8859-1:1987"
-## [888] "ISO_8859-2:1987"
-## [889] "ISO_8859-3:1988"
-## [890] "ISO_8859-4:1988"
-## [891] "ISO_8859-5:1988"
-## [892] "ISO_8859-6:1987"
-## [893] "ISO_8859-7:1987"
-## [894] "ISO_8859-8:1988"
-## [895] "ISO_8859-9:1989"
-## [896] "ISO_8859-10:1992"
-## [897] "ISO_8859-14:1998"
-## [898] "ISO-2022-CN"
-## [899] "ISO-2022-CN-CNS"
-## [900] "ISO-2022-CN-EXT"
-## [901] "ISO-2022-JP"
-## [902] "ISO-2022-JP-1"
-## [903] "ISO-2022-JP-2"
-## [904] "ISO-2022-KR"
-## [905] "iso-8859_10-1998"
-## [906] "iso-8859_11-2001"
-## [907] "iso-8859_14-1998"
-## [908] "ISO-8859-1"
-## [909] "ISO-8859-2"
-## [910] "ISO-8859-3"
-## [911] "ISO-8859-4"
-## [912] "ISO-8859-5"
-## [913] "ISO-8859-6"
-## [914] "ISO-8859-6-E"
-## [915] "ISO-8859-6-I"
-## [916] "ISO-8859-7"
-## [917] "ISO-8859-8"
-## [918] "ISO-8859-8-E"
-## [919] "ISO-8859-8-I"
-## [920] "ISO-8859-9"
-## [921] "ISO-8859-10"
-## [922] "ISO-8859-11"
-## [923] "ISO-8859-13"
-## [924] "ISO-8859-14"
-## [925] "ISO-8859-15"
-## [926] "ISO-10646-UCS-2"
-## [927] "ISO-10646-UCS-4"
-## [928] "iso-celtic"
-## [929] "iso-ir-6"
-## [930] "iso-ir-58"
-## [931] "iso-ir-100"
-## [932] "iso-ir-101"
-## [933] "iso-ir-109"
-## [934] "iso-ir-110"
-## [935] "iso-ir-126"
-## [936] "iso-ir-127"
-## [937] "iso-ir-138"
-## [938] "iso-ir-144"
-## [939] "iso-ir-148"
-## [940] "iso-ir-149"
-## [941] "iso-ir-157"
-## [942] "iso-ir-199"
-## [943] "ISO646-US"
-## [944] "iso8859_15_fdis"
-## [945] "JIS"
-## [946] "JIS_Encoding"
-## [947] "JIS7"
-## [948] "JIS8"
-## [949] "koi8"
-## [950] "KOI8-R"
-## [951] "KOI8-U"
-## [952] "korean"
-## [953] "KS_C_5601-1987"
-## [954] "KS_C_5601-1989"
-## [955] "ksc"
-## [956] "KSC_5601"
-## [957] "l1"
-## [958] "l2"
-## [959] "l3"
-## [960] "l4"
-## [961] "l5"
-## [962] "l6"
-## [963] "l8"
-## [964] "l9"
-## [965] "Latin-9"
-## [966] "latin0"
-## [967] "latin1"
-## [968] "latin2"
-## [969] "latin3"
-## [970] "latin4"
-## [971] "latin5"
-## [972] "latin6"
-## [973] "latin8"
-## [974] "lmbcs"
-## [975] "LMBCS-1"
-## [976] "mac"
-## [977] "mac-cyrillic"
-## [978] "macce"
-## [979] "maccentraleurope"
-## [980] "maccy"
-## [981] "macgr"
-## [982] "macintosh"
-## [983] "macos-0_2-10.2"
-## [984] "macos-6_2-10.4"
-## [985] "macos-7_3-10.2"
-## [986] "macos-29-10.2"
-## [987] "macos-35-10.2"
-## [988] "macroman"
-## [989] "mactr"
-## [990] "MS_Kanji"
-## [991] "MS874"
-## [992] "ms932"
-## [993] "MS936"
-## [994] "ms949"
-## [995] "ms950"
-## [996] "MS950_HKSCS"
-## [997] "PC-Multilingual-850+euro"
-## [998] "pck"
-## [999] "r8"
-## [1000] "roman8"
-## [1001] "SCSU"
-## [1002] "Shift_JIS"
-## [1003] "shift_jis78"
-## [1004] "sjis"
-## [1005] "sjis78"
-## [1006] "sun_eu_greek"
-## [1007] "thai8"
-## [1008] "TIS-620"
-## [1009] "tis620.2533"
-## [1010] "turkish"
-## [1011] "turkish8"
-## [1012] "ucs-2"
-## [1013] "ucs-4"
-## [1014] "ujis"
-## [1015] "unicode"
-## [1016] "unicode-1-1-utf-7"
-## [1017] "unicode-1-1-utf-8"
-## [1018] "unicode-2-0-utf-7"
-## [1019] "unicode-2-0-utf-8"
-## [1020] "UnicodeBig"
-## [1021] "UnicodeBigUnmarked"
-## [1022] "UnicodeLittle"
-## [1023] "UnicodeLittleUnmarked"
-## [1024] "us"
-## [1025] "US-ASCII"
-## [1026] "UTF-7"
-## [1027] "UTF-8"
-## [1028] "UTF-16"
-## [1029] "UTF-16,version=1"
-## [1030] "UTF-16,version=2"
-## [1031] "UTF-16BE"
-## [1032] "UTF-16BE,version=1"
-## [1033] "UTF-16LE"
-## [1034] "UTF-16LE,version=1"
-## [1035] "UTF-32"
-## [1036] "UTF-32BE"
-## [1037] "UTF-32LE"
-## [1038] "UTF16_BigEndian"
-## [1039] "UTF16_LittleEndian"
-## [1040] "UTF16_OppositeEndian"
-## [1041] "UTF16_PlatformEndian"
-## [1042] "UTF32_BigEndian"
-## [1043] "UTF32_LittleEndian"
-## [1044] "UTF32_OppositeEndian"
-## [1045] "UTF32_PlatformEndian"
-## [1046] "windows-31j"
-## [1047] "windows-437"
-## [1048] "windows-720"
-## [1049] "windows-737"
-## [1050] "windows-775"
-## [1051] "windows-850"
-## [1052] "windows-852"
-## [1053] "windows-855"
-## [1054] "windows-857"
-## [1055] "windows-858"
-## [1056] "windows-861"
-## [1057] "windows-862"
-## [1058] "windows-866"
-## [1059] "windows-869"
-## [1060] "windows-874"
-## [1061] "windows-874-2000"
-## [1062] "windows-932"
-## [1063] "windows-936"
-## [1064] "windows-936-2000"
-## [1065] "windows-949"
-## [1066] "windows-949-2000"
-## [1067] "windows-950"
-## [1068] "windows-950-2000"
-## [1069] "windows-1200"
-## [1070] "windows-1201"
-## [1071] "windows-1250"
-## [1072] "windows-1251"
-## [1073] "windows-1252"
-## [1074] "windows-1253"
-## [1075] "windows-1254"
-## [1076] "windows-1255"
-## [1077] "windows-1256"
-## [1078] "windows-1257"
-## [1079] "windows-1258"
-## [1080] "windows-10000"
-## [1081] "windows-10006"
-## [1082] "windows-10007"
-## [1083] "windows-10029"
-## [1084] "windows-10081"
-## [1085] "windows-20127"
-## [1086] "windows-20866"
-## [1087] "windows-21866"
-## [1088] "windows-28592"
-## [1089] "windows-28593"
-## [1090] "windows-28594"
-## [1091] "windows-28595"
-## [1092] "windows-28596"
-## [1093] "windows-28597"
-## [1094] "windows-28598"
-## [1095] "windows-28599"
-## [1096] "windows-28603"
-## [1097] "windows-28605"
-## [1098] "windows-51949"
-## [1099] "windows-54936"
-## [1100] "windows-57002"
-## [1101] "windows-57003"
-## [1102] "windows-57004"
-## [1103] "windows-57005"
-## [1104] "windows-57006"
-## [1105] "windows-57007"
-## [1106] "windows-57008"
-## [1107] "windows-57009"
-## [1108] "windows-57010"
-## [1109] "windows-57011"
-## [1110] "windows-65000"
-## [1111] "windows-65001"
-## [1112] "x-big5"
-## [1113] "x-compound-text"
-## [1114] "X-EUC-JP"
-## [1115] "x-IBM720"
-## [1116] "x-IBM737"
-## [1117] "x-IBM856"
-## [1118] "x-IBM867"
-## [1119] "x-IBM874"
-## [1120] "x-IBM875"
-## [1121] "x-IBM921"
-## [1122] "x-IBM922"
-## [1123] "x-IBM930"
-## [1124] "x-IBM930A"
-## [1125] "x-IBM933"
-## [1126] "x-IBM935"
-## [1127] "x-IBM937"
-## [1128] "x-IBM939"
-## [1129] "x-IBM939A"
-## [1130] "x-IBM942"
-## [1131] "x-IBM942C"
-## [1132] "x-IBM943"
-## [1133] "x-IBM949"
-## [1134] "x-IBM949C"
-## [1135] "x-IBM950"
-## [1136] "x-IBM954"
-## [1137] "x-IBM954C"
-## [1138] "x-IBM964"
-## [1139] "x-IBM970"
-## [1140] "x-IBM971"
-## [1141] "x-IBM1006"
-## [1142] "x-IBM1025"
-## [1143] "x-IBM1097"
-## [1144] "x-IBM1098"
-## [1145] "x-IBM1112"
-## [1146] "x-IBM1122"
-## [1147] "x-IBM1123"
-## [1148] "x-IBM1124"
-## [1149] "x-IBM1153"
-## [1150] "x-IBM1363"
-## [1151] "x-IBM1363C"
-## [1152] "x-IBM1364"
-## [1153] "x-IBM1371"
-## [1154] "x-IBM1388"
-## [1155] "x-IBM1390"
-## [1156] "x-IBM1399"
-## [1157] "x-IBM33722"
-## [1158] "x-IBM33722A"
-## [1159] "x-IBM33722C"
-## [1160] "x-iscii-as"
-## [1161] "x-iscii-be"
-## [1162] "x-iscii-de"
-## [1163] "x-iscii-gu"
-## [1164] "x-iscii-ka"
-## [1165] "x-iscii-ma"
-## [1166] "x-iscii-or"
-## [1167] "x-iscii-pa"
-## [1168] "x-iscii-ta"
-## [1169] "x-iscii-te"
-## [1170] "x-ISCII91"
-## [1171] "x-ISO-2022-CN-CNS"
-## [1172] "x-ISO-2022-CN-GB"
-## [1173] "x-ISO-8859-6S"
-## [1174] "x-iso-8859-11"
-## [1175] "x-JISAutoDetect"
-## [1176] "x-KSC5601"
-## [1177] "x-mac-ce"
-## [1178] "x-mac-centraleurroman"
-## [1179] "x-mac-cyrillic"
-## [1180] "x-mac-greek"
-## [1181] "x-mac-turkish"
-## [1182] "x-MacCentralEurope"
-## [1183] "x-MacCyrillic"
-## [1184] "x-MacGreek"
-## [1185] "x-macroman"
-## [1186] "x-MacTurkish"
-## [1187] "x-MacUkraine"
-## [1188] "x-ms-cp932"
-## [1189] "x-MS932_0213"
-## [1190] "x-MS950-HKSCS"
-## [1191] "x-roman8"
-## [1192] "x-sjis"
-## [1193] "x-UTF_8J"
-## [1194] "x-utf-16be"
-## [1195] "x-utf-16le"
-## [1196] "x-UTF-16LE-BOM"
-## [1197] "x-windows-874"
-## [1198] "x-windows-950"
-## [1199] "x-windows-1256S"
-## [1200] "x-windows-50220"
-## [1201] "x-windows-50221"
-## [1202] "x-windows-iso2022jp"
-## [1203] "x11-compound-text"
-## $`BOCU-1`
-## [1] "BOCU-1" "csBOCU-1" "ibm-1214" "ibm-1215"
-## $`CESU-8`
-## [1] "CESU-8" "ibm-9400"
-## $`ebcdic-xml-us`
-## [1] "ebcdic-xml-us"
-## $`euc-jp-2007`
-## [1] "csEUCPkdFmtJapanese"
-## [2] "EUC-JP"
-## [3] "euc-jp-2007"
-## [4] "eucjis"
-## [5] "Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese"
-## [6] "ujis"
-## [7] "X-EUC-JP"
-## $`euc-tw-2014`
-## [1] "EUC-TW" "euc-tw-2014"
-## $gb18030
-## [1] "gb18030" "GB18030" "ibm-1392" "windows-54936"
-## $`gsm-03.38-2009`
-## [1] "gsm-03.38-2009" "GSM0338"
-## $HZ
-## [1] "HZ" "HZ-GB-2312"
-## $`ibm-37_P100-1995`
-## [1] "037" "cp037" "cp37" "cpibm37"
-## [5] "csIBM037" "ebcdic-cp-ca" "ebcdic-cp-nl" "ebcdic-cp-us"
-## [9] "ebcdic-cp-wt" "ibm-37" "ibm-037" "ibm-37_P100-1995"
-## [13] "IBM037"
-## $`ibm-37_P100-1995,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-37_P100-1995,swaplfnl" "ibm-37-s390"
-## $`ibm-273_P100-1995`
-## [1] "273" "CP273" "csIBM273"
-## [4] "ebcdic-de" "ibm-273" "ibm-273_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM273"
-## $`ibm-277_P100-1995`
-## [1] "277" "cp277" "csIBM277"
-## [4] "EBCDIC-CP-DK" "EBCDIC-CP-NO" "ebcdic-dk"
-## [7] "ibm-277" "ibm-277_P100-1995" "IBM277"
-## $`ibm-278_P100-1995`
-## [1] "278" "cp278" "csIBM278"
-## [4] "ebcdic-cp-fi" "ebcdic-cp-se" "ebcdic-sv"
-## [7] "ibm-278" "ibm-278_P100-1995" "IBM278"
-## $`ibm-280_P100-1995`
-## [1] "280" "CP280" "csIBM280"
-## [4] "ebcdic-cp-it" "ibm-280" "ibm-280_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM280"
-## $`ibm-284_P100-1995`
-## [1] "284" "CP284" "cpibm284"
-## [4] "csIBM284" "ebcdic-cp-es" "ibm-284"
-## [7] "ibm-284_P100-1995" "IBM284"
-## $`ibm-285_P100-1995`
-## [1] "285" "CP285" "cpibm285"
-## [4] "csIBM285" "ebcdic-cp-gb" "ebcdic-gb"
-## [7] "ibm-285" "ibm-285_P100-1995" "IBM285"
-## $`ibm-290_P100-1995`
-## [1] "cp290" "csIBM290" "EBCDIC-JP-kana"
-## [4] "ibm-290" "ibm-290_P100-1995" "IBM290"
-## $`ibm-297_P100-1995`
-## [1] "297" "cp297" "cpibm297"
-## [4] "csIBM297" "ebcdic-cp-fr" "ibm-297"
-## [7] "ibm-297_P100-1995" "IBM297"
-## $`ibm-420_X120-1999`
-## [1] "420" "cp420" "csIBM420"
-## [4] "ebcdic-cp-ar1" "ibm-420" "ibm-420_X120-1999"
-## [7] "IBM420"
-## $`ibm-424_P100-1995`
-## [1] "424" "cp424" "csIBM424"
-## [4] "ebcdic-cp-he" "ibm-424" "ibm-424_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM424"
-## $`ibm-437_P100-1995`
-## [1] "437" "cp437" "csPC8CodePage437"
-## [4] "ibm-437" "ibm-437_P100-1995" "IBM437"
-## [7] "windows-437"
-## $`ibm-500_P100-1995`
-## [1] "500" "CP500" "csIBM500"
-## [4] "ebcdic-cp-be" "ebcdic-cp-ch" "ibm-500"
-## [7] "ibm-500_P100-1995" "IBM500"
-## $`ibm-720_P100-1997`
-## [1] "DOS-720" "ibm-720" "ibm-720_P100-1997"
-## [4] "windows-720" "x-IBM720"
-## $`ibm-737_P100-1997`
-## [1] "737" "cp737" "ibm-737"
-## [4] "ibm-737_P100-1997" "IBM737" "windows-737"
-## [7] "x-IBM737"
-## $`ibm-775_P100-1996`
-## [1] "775" "cp775" "csPC775Baltic"
-## [4] "ibm-775" "ibm-775_P100-1996" "IBM775"
-## [7] "windows-775"
-## $`ibm-803_P100-1999`
-## [1] "cp803" "ibm-803" "ibm-803_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-813_P100-1995`
-## [1] "813" "cp813" "ibm-813"
-## [4] "ibm-813_P100-1995"
-## $`ibm-838_P100-1995`
-## [1] "838" "cp838" "csIBMThai"
-## [4] "ibm-838" "ibm-838_P100-1995" "ibm-9030"
-## [7] "IBM-Thai" "IBM838"
-## $`ibm-850_P100-1995`
-## [1] "850" "cp850" "csPC850Multilingual"
-## [4] "ibm-850" "ibm-850_P100-1995" "IBM850"
-## [7] "windows-850"
-## $`ibm-851_P100-1995`
-## [1] "851" "cp851" "csPC851"
-## [4] "ibm-851" "ibm-851_P100-1995" "IBM851"
-## $`ibm-852_P100-1995`
-## [1] "852" "cp852" "csPCp852"
-## [4] "ibm-852" "ibm-852_P100-1995" "IBM852"
-## [7] "windows-852"
-## $`ibm-855_P100-1995`
-## [1] "855" "cp855" "csIBM855"
-## [4] "csPCp855" "ibm-855" "ibm-855_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM855" "windows-855"
-## $`ibm-856_P100-1995`
-## [1] "856" "cp856" "ibm-856"
-## [4] "ibm-856_P100-1995" "IBM856" "x-IBM856"
-## $`ibm-857_P100-1995`
-## [1] "857" "cp857" "csIBM857"
-## [4] "ibm-857" "ibm-857_P100-1995" "IBM857"
-## [7] "windows-857"
-## $`ibm-858_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID00858" "CP00858"
-## [3] "cp858" "ibm-858"
-## [5] "ibm-858_P100-1997" "IBM00858"
-## [7] "PC-Multilingual-850+euro" "windows-858"
-## $`ibm-860_P100-1995`
-## [1] "860" "cp860" "csIBM860"
-## [4] "ibm-860" "ibm-860_P100-1995" "IBM860"
-## $`ibm-861_P100-1995`
-## [1] "861" "cp-is" "cp861"
-## [4] "csIBM861" "ibm-861" "ibm-861_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM861" "windows-861"
-## $`ibm-862_P100-1995`
-## [1] "862" "cp862" "csPC862LatinHebrew"
-## [4] "DOS-862" "ibm-862" "ibm-862_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM862" "windows-862"
-## $`ibm-863_P100-1995`
-## [1] "863" "cp863" "csIBM863"
-## [4] "ibm-863" "ibm-863_P100-1995" "IBM863"
-## $`ibm-864_X110-1999`
-## [1] "cp864" "csIBM864" "ibm-864"
-## [4] "ibm-864_X110-1999" "IBM864"
-## $`ibm-865_P100-1995`
-## [1] "865" "cp865" "csIBM865"
-## [4] "ibm-865" "ibm-865_P100-1995" "IBM865"
-## $`ibm-866_P100-1995`
-## [1] "866" "cp866" "csIBM866"
-## [4] "ibm-866" "ibm-866_P100-1995" "IBM866"
-## [7] "windows-866"
-## $`ibm-867_P100-1998`
-## [1] "ibm-867" "ibm-867_P100-1998" "x-IBM867"
-## $`ibm-868_P100-1995`
-## [1] "868" "cp-ar" "CP868"
-## [4] "csIBM868" "ibm-868" "ibm-868_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM868"
-## $`ibm-869_P100-1995`
-## [1] "869" "cp-gr" "cp869"
-## [4] "csIBM869" "ibm-869" "ibm-869_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM869" "windows-869"
-## $`ibm-870_P100-1995`
-## [1] "CP870" "csIBM870" "ebcdic-cp-roece"
-## [4] "ebcdic-cp-yu" "ibm-870" "ibm-870_P100-1995"
-## [7] "IBM870"
-## $`ibm-871_P100-1995`
-## [1] "871" "CP871" "csIBM871"
-## [4] "ebcdic-cp-is" "ebcdic-is" "ibm-871"
-## [7] "ibm-871_P100-1995" "IBM871"
-## $`ibm-874_P100-1995`
-## [1] "cp874" "eucTH" "ibm-874"
-## [4] "ibm-874_P100-1995" "ibm-9066" "TIS-620"
-## [7] "tis620.2533" "x-IBM874"
-## $`ibm-875_P100-1995`
-## [1] "875" "cp875" "ibm-875"
-## [4] "ibm-875_P100-1995" "IBM875" "x-IBM875"
-## $`ibm-878_P100-1996`
-## [1] "cp878" "csKOI8R" "ibm-878"
-## [4] "ibm-878_P100-1996" "koi8" "KOI8-R"
-## [7] "windows-20866"
-## $`ibm-901_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-901" "ibm-901_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-902_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-902" "ibm-902_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-912_P100-1995`
-## [1] "912" "8859_2" "cp912"
-## [4] "csISOLatin2" "ibm-912" "ibm-912_P100-1995"
-## [7] "ISO_8859-2:1987" "ISO-8859-2" "iso-ir-101"
-## [10] "l2" "latin2" "windows-28592"
-## $`ibm-913_P100-2000`
-## [1] "913" "8859_3" "cp913"
-## [4] "csISOLatin3" "ibm-913" "ibm-913_P100-2000"
-## [7] "ISO_8859-3:1988" "ISO-8859-3" "iso-ir-109"
-## [10] "l3" "latin3" "windows-28593"
-## $`ibm-914_P100-1995`
-## [1] "914" "8859_4" "cp914"
-## [4] "csISOLatin4" "ibm-914" "ibm-914_P100-1995"
-## [7] "ISO_8859-4:1988" "ISO-8859-4" "iso-ir-110"
-## [10] "l4" "latin4" "windows-28594"
-## $`ibm-915_P100-1995`
-## [1] "915" "8859_5" "cp915"
-## [4] "csISOLatinCyrillic" "cyrillic" "ibm-915"
-## [7] "ibm-915_P100-1995" "ISO_8859-5:1988" "ISO-8859-5"
-## [10] "iso-ir-144" "windows-28595"
-## $`ibm-916_P100-1995`
-## [1] "916" "cp916" "ibm-916"
-## [4] "ibm-916_P100-1995"
-## $`ibm-918_P100-1995`
-## [1] "CP918" "csIBM918" "ebcdic-cp-ar2"
-## [4] "ibm-918" "ibm-918_P100-1995" "IBM918"
-## $`ibm-920_P100-1995`
-## [1] "920" "8859_9" "cp920"
-## [4] "csISOLatin5" "ECMA-128" "ibm-920"
-## [7] "ibm-920_P100-1995" "ISO_8859-9:1989" "ISO-8859-9"
-## [10] "iso-ir-148" "l5" "latin5"
-## [13] "turkish" "turkish8" "windows-28599"
-## $`ibm-921_P100-1995`
-## [1] "921" "8859_13" "cp921"
-## [4] "ibm-921" "ibm-921_P100-1995" "ISO-8859-13"
-## [7] "windows-28603" "x-IBM921"
-## $`ibm-922_P100-1999`
-## [1] "922" "cp922" "ibm-922"
-## [4] "ibm-922_P100-1999" "IBM922" "x-IBM922"
-## $`ibm-923_P100-1998`
-## [1] "923" "8859_15" "cp923"
-## [4] "csisolatin0" "csisolatin9" "ibm-923"
-## [7] "ibm-923_P100-1998" "ISO-8859-15" "iso8859_15_fdis"
-## [10] "l9" "Latin-9" "latin0"
-## [13] "windows-28605"
-## $`ibm-930_P120-1999`
-## [1] "930" "cp930" "ibm-930"
-## [4] "ibm-930_P120-1999" "ibm-5026" "IBM930"
-## [7] "x-IBM930" "x-IBM930A"
-## $`ibm-933_P110-1995`
-## [1] "933" "cp933" "ibm-933"
-## [4] "ibm-933_P110-1995" "x-IBM933"
-## $`ibm-935_P110-1999`
-## [1] "935" "cp935" "ibm-935"
-## [4] "ibm-935_P110-1999" "x-IBM935"
-## $`ibm-937_P110-1999`
-## [1] "937" "cp937" "ibm-937"
-## [4] "ibm-937_P110-1999" "x-IBM937"
-## $`ibm-939_P120-1999`
-## [1] "939" "cp939" "ibm-931"
-## [4] "ibm-939" "ibm-939_P120-1999" "ibm-5035"
-## [7] "IBM939" "x-IBM939" "x-IBM939A"
-## $`ibm-942_P12A-1999`
-## [1] "cp932" "ibm-932" "ibm-932_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [4] "ibm-942" "ibm-942_P12A-1999" "ibm-942_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [7] "shift_jis78" "sjis78" "x-IBM942"
-## [10] "x-IBM942C"
-## $`ibm-943_P15A-2003`
-## [1] "cp932" "cp943c" "csShiftJIS"
-## [4] "csWindows31J" "ibm-943" "ibm-943_P15A-2003"
-## [7] "ibm-943_VSUB_VPUA" "IBM-943C" "MS_Kanji"
-## [10] "ms932" "pck" "Shift_JIS"
-## [13] "sjis" "windows-31j" "windows-932"
-## [16] "x-JISAutoDetect" "x-ms-cp932" "x-MS932_0213"
-## [19] "x-sjis"
-## $`ibm-943_P130-1999`
-## [1] "943" "cp943"
-## [3] "ibm-943" "ibm-943_P130-1999"
-## [5] "ibm-943_VASCII_VSUB_VPUA" "Shift_JIS"
-## [7] "x-IBM943"
-## $`ibm-949_P11A-1999`
-## [1] "cp949c" "ibm-949" "ibm-949_P11A-1999"
-## [4] "ibm-949_VSUB_VPUA" "IBM-949C" "x-IBM949C"
-## $`ibm-949_P110-1999`
-## [1] "949" "cp949"
-## [3] "ibm-949" "ibm-949_P110-1999"
-## [5] "ibm-949_VASCII_VSUB_VPUA" "x-IBM949"
-## $`ibm-950_P110-1999`
-## [1] "950" "cp950" "ibm-950"
-## [4] "ibm-950_P110-1999" "x-IBM950"
-## $`ibm-954_P101-2007`
-## [1] "ibm-954" "ibm-954_P101-2007" "x-IBM954"
-## [4] "x-IBM954C"
-## $`ibm-964_P110-1999`
-## [1] "964" "cns11643" "cp964"
-## [4] "ibm-964" "ibm-964_P110-1999" "ibm-964_VPUA"
-## [7] "ibm-eucTW" "x-IBM964"
-## $`ibm-970_P110_P110-2006_U2`
-## [1] "970" "5601"
-## [3] "cp970" "csEUCKR"
-## [5] "EUC-KR" "ibm-970"
-## [7] "ibm-970_P110_P110-2006_U2" "ibm-970_VPUA"
-## [9] "ibm-eucKR" "KS_C_5601-1987"
-## [11] "KSC_5601" "windows-51949"
-## [13] "x-IBM970"
-## $`ibm-971_P100-1995`
-## [1] "ibm-971" "ibm-971_P100-1995" "ibm-971_VPUA"
-## [4] "x-IBM971"
-## $`ibm-1006_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1006" "cp1006" "ibm-1006"
-## [4] "ibm-1006_P100-1995" "IBM1006" "x-IBM1006"
-## $`ibm-1025_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1025" "cp1025" "ibm-1025"
-## [4] "ibm-1025_P100-1995" "x-IBM1025"
-## $`ibm-1026_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1026" "CP1026" "csIBM1026"
-## [4] "ibm-1026" "ibm-1026_P100-1995" "IBM1026"
-## $`ibm-1047_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1047" "cp1047" "ibm-1047"
-## [4] "ibm-1047_P100-1995" "IBM1047"
-## $`ibm-1047_P100-1995,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1047_P100-1995,swaplfnl" "ibm-1047-s390"
-## [3] "IBM1047_LF"
-## $`ibm-1051_P100-1995`
-## [1] "csHPRoman8" "hp-roman8" "ibm-1051"
-## [4] "ibm-1051_P100-1995" "r8" "roman8"
-## [7] "x-roman8"
-## $`ibm-1089_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1089" "8859_6" "arabic"
-## [4] "ASMO-708" "cp1089" "csISOLatinArabic"
-## [7] "ECMA-114" "ibm-1089" "ibm-1089_P100-1995"
-## [10] "ISO_8859-6:1987" "ISO-8859-6" "ISO-8859-6-E"
-## [13] "ISO-8859-6-I" "iso-ir-127" "windows-28596"
-## [16] "x-ISO-8859-6S"
-## $`ibm-1097_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1097" "cp1097" "ibm-1097"
-## [4] "ibm-1097_P100-1995" "x-IBM1097"
-## $`ibm-1098_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1098" "cp1098" "ibm-1098"
-## [4] "ibm-1098_P100-1995" "IBM1098" "x-IBM1098"
-## $`ibm-1112_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1112" "cp1112" "ibm-1112"
-## [4] "ibm-1112_P100-1995" "x-IBM1112"
-## $`ibm-1122_P100-1999`
-## [1] "1122" "cp1122" "ibm-1122"
-## [4] "ibm-1122_P100-1999" "x-IBM1122"
-## $`ibm-1123_P100-1995`
-## [1] "1123" "cp1123" "ibm-1123"
-## [4] "ibm-1123_P100-1995" "x-IBM1123"
-## $`ibm-1124_P100-1996`
-## [1] "1124" "cp1124" "ibm-1124"
-## [4] "ibm-1124_P100-1996" "x-IBM1124"
-## $`ibm-1125_P100-1997`
-## [1] "cp1125" "ibm-1125" "ibm-1125_P100-1997"
-## $`ibm-1129_P100-1997`
-## [1] "ibm-1129" "ibm-1129_P100-1997"
-## $`ibm-1130_P100-1997`
-## [1] "ibm-1130" "ibm-1130_P100-1997"
-## $`ibm-1131_P100-1997`
-## [1] "cp1131" "ibm-1131" "ibm-1131_P100-1997"
-## $`ibm-1132_P100-1998`
-## [1] "ibm-1132" "ibm-1132_P100-1998"
-## $`ibm-1133_P100-1997`
-## [1] "ibm-1133" "ibm-1133_P100-1997"
-## $`ibm-1137_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1137" "ibm-1137_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1140_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01140" "CP01140" "cp1140"
-## [4] "ebcdic-us-37+euro" "ibm-1140" "ibm-1140_P100-1997"
-## [7] "IBM01140"
-## $`ibm-1140_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1140_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1140-s390"
-## $`ibm-1141_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01141" "CP01141" "cp1141"
-## [4] "ebcdic-de-273+euro" "ibm-1141" "ibm-1141_P100-1997"
-## [7] "IBM01141"
-## $`ibm-1141_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1141_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1141-s390"
-## [3] "IBM1141_LF"
-## $`ibm-1142_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01142" "CP01142" "cp1142"
-## [4] "ebcdic-dk-277+euro" "ebcdic-no-277+euro" "ibm-1142"
-## [7] "ibm-1142_P100-1997" "IBM01142"
-## $`ibm-1142_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1142_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1142-s390"
-## $`ibm-1143_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01143" "CP01143" "cp1143"
-## [4] "ebcdic-fi-278+euro" "ebcdic-se-278+euro" "ibm-1143"
-## [7] "ibm-1143_P100-1997" "IBM01143"
-## $`ibm-1143_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1143_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1143-s390"
-## $`ibm-1144_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01144" "CP01144" "cp1144"
-## [4] "ebcdic-it-280+euro" "ibm-1144" "ibm-1144_P100-1997"
-## [7] "IBM01144"
-## $`ibm-1144_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1144_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1144-s390"
-## $`ibm-1145_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01145" "CP01145" "cp1145"
-## [4] "ebcdic-es-284+euro" "ibm-1145" "ibm-1145_P100-1997"
-## [7] "IBM01145"
-## $`ibm-1145_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1145_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1145-s390"
-## $`ibm-1146_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01146" "CP01146" "cp1146"
-## [4] "ebcdic-gb-285+euro" "ibm-1146" "ibm-1146_P100-1997"
-## [7] "IBM01146"
-## $`ibm-1146_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1146_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1146-s390"
-## $`ibm-1147_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01147" "CP01147" "cp1147"
-## [4] "ebcdic-fr-297+euro" "ibm-1147" "ibm-1147_P100-1997"
-## [7] "IBM01147"
-## $`ibm-1147_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1147_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1147-s390"
-## $`ibm-1148_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01148" "CP01148"
-## [3] "cp1148" "ebcdic-international-500+euro"
-## [5] "ibm-1148" "ibm-1148_P100-1997"
-## [7] "IBM01148"
-## $`ibm-1148_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1148_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1148-s390"
-## $`ibm-1149_P100-1997`
-## [1] "CCSID01149" "CP01149" "cp1149"
-## [4] "ebcdic-is-871+euro" "ibm-1149" "ibm-1149_P100-1997"
-## [7] "IBM01149"
-## $`ibm-1149_P100-1997,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1149_P100-1997,swaplfnl" "ibm-1149-s390"
-## $`ibm-1153_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1153" "ibm-1153_P100-1999" "IBM1153"
-## [4] "x-IBM1153"
-## $`ibm-1153_P100-1999,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-1153_P100-1999,swaplfnl" "ibm-1153-s390"
-## $`ibm-1154_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1154" "ibm-1154_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1155_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1155" "ibm-1155_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1156_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1156" "ibm-1156_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1157_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1157" "ibm-1157_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1158_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1158" "ibm-1158_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1160_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1160" "ibm-1160_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1162_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1162" "ibm-1162_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1164_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1164" "ibm-1164_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-1168_P100-2002`
-## [1] "ibm-1168" "ibm-1168_P100-2002" "KOI8-U"
-## [4] "windows-21866"
-## $`ibm-1250_P100-1995`
-## [1] "ibm-1250" "ibm-1250_P100-1995" "windows-1250"
-## $`ibm-1251_P100-1995`
-## [1] "ibm-1251" "ibm-1251_P100-1995" "windows-1251"
-## $`ibm-1252_P100-2000`
-## [1] "ibm-1252" "ibm-1252_P100-2000" "windows-1252"
-## $`ibm-1253_P100-1995`
-## [1] "ibm-1253" "ibm-1253_P100-1995" "windows-1253"
-## $`ibm-1254_P100-1995`
-## [1] "ibm-1254" "ibm-1254_P100-1995" "windows-1254"
-## $`ibm-1255_P100-1995`
-## [1] "ibm-1255" "ibm-1255_P100-1995"
-## $`ibm-1256_P110-1997`
-## [1] "ibm-1256" "ibm-1256_P110-1997"
-## $`ibm-1257_P100-1995`
-## [1] "ibm-1257" "ibm-1257_P100-1995"
-## $`ibm-1258_P100-1997`
-## [1] "ibm-1258" "ibm-1258_P100-1997" "windows-1258"
-## $`ibm-1276_P100-1995`
-## [1] "Adobe-Standard-Encoding" "csAdobeStandardEncoding"
-## [3] "ibm-1276" "ibm-1276_P100-1995"
-## $`ibm-1363_P11B-1998`
-## [1] "5601" "cp1363" "csKSC56011987"
-## [4] "ibm-1363" "ibm-1363_P11B-1998" "ibm-1363_VSUB_VPUA"
-## [7] "iso-ir-149" "korean" "KS_C_5601-1987"
-## [10] "KS_C_5601-1989" "ksc" "KSC_5601"
-## [13] "windows-949" "x-IBM1363C"
-## $`ibm-1363_P110-1997`
-## [1] "ibm-1363" "ibm-1363_P110-1997"
-## [3] "ibm-1363_VASCII_VSUB_VPUA" "x-IBM1363"
-## $`ibm-1364_P110-2007`
-## [1] "ibm-1364" "ibm-1364_P110-2007" "x-IBM1364"
-## $`ibm-1371_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-1371" "ibm-1371_P100-1999" "x-IBM1371"
-## $`ibm-1373_P100-2002`
-## [1] "ibm-1373" "ibm-1373_P100-2002" "windows-950"
-## $`ibm-1375_P100-2008`
-## [1] "Big5-HKSCS" "big5hk" "HKSCS-BIG5"
-## [4] "ibm-1375" "ibm-1375_P100-2008"
-## $`ibm-1383_P110-1999`
-## [1] "1383" "cp1383" "csGB2312"
-## [4] "EUC-CN" "GB2312" "hp15CN"
-## [7] "ibm-1383" "ibm-1383_P110-1999" "ibm-1383_VPUA"
-## [10] "ibm-eucCN"
-## $`ibm-1386_P100-2001`
-## [1] "cp1386" "ibm-1386" "ibm-1386_P100-2001"
-## [4] "ibm-1386_VSUB_VPUA" "windows-936"
-## $`ibm-1388_P103-2001`
-## [1] "ibm-1388" "ibm-1388_P103-2001" "ibm-9580"
-## [4] "x-IBM1388"
-## $`ibm-1390_P110-2003`
-## [1] "ibm-1390" "ibm-1390_P110-2003" "x-IBM1390"
-## $`ibm-1399_P110-2003`
-## [1] "ibm-1399" "ibm-1399_P110-2003" "x-IBM1399"
-## $`ibm-4517_P100-2005`
-## [1] "ibm-4517" "ibm-4517_P100-2005"
-## $`ibm-4899_P100-1998`
-## [1] "ibm-4899" "ibm-4899_P100-1998"
-## $`ibm-4909_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-4909" "ibm-4909_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-4971_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-4971" "ibm-4971_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-5012_P100-1999`
-## [1] "8859_8" "csISOLatinHebrew" "hebrew"
-## [4] "hebrew8" "ibm-5012" "ibm-5012_P100-1999"
-## [7] "ISO_8859-8:1988" "ISO-8859-8" "ISO-8859-8-E"
-## [10] "ISO-8859-8-I" "iso-ir-138" "windows-28598"
-## $`ibm-5123_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-5123" "ibm-5123_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-5346_P100-1998`
-## [1] "cp1250" "ibm-5346" "ibm-5346_P100-1998"
-## [4] "windows-1250"
-## $`ibm-5347_P100-1998`
-## [1] "ANSI1251" "cp1251" "ibm-5347"
-## [4] "ibm-5347_P100-1998" "windows-1251"
-## $`ibm-5348_P100-1997`
-## [1] "cp1252" "ibm-5348" "ibm-5348_P100-1997"
-## [4] "windows-1252"
-## $`ibm-5349_P100-1998`
-## [1] "cp1253" "ibm-5349" "ibm-5349_P100-1998"
-## [4] "windows-1253"
-## $`ibm-5350_P100-1998`
-## [1] "cp1254" "ibm-5350" "ibm-5350_P100-1998"
-## [4] "windows-1254"
-## $`ibm-5351_P100-1998`
-## [1] "ibm-5351" "ibm-5351_P100-1998" "windows-1255"
-## $`ibm-5352_P100-1998`
-## [1] "ibm-5352" "ibm-5352_P100-1998" "windows-1256"
-## $`ibm-5353_P100-1998`
-## [1] "ibm-5353" "ibm-5353_P100-1998" "windows-1257"
-## $`ibm-5354_P100-1998`
-## [1] "cp1258" "ibm-5354" "ibm-5354_P100-1998"
-## [4] "windows-1258"
-## $`ibm-5471_P100-2006`
-## [1] "Big5-HKSCS" "big5-hkscs:unicode3.0" "hkbig5"
-## [4] "ibm-5471" "ibm-5471_P100-2006" "MS950_HKSCS"
-## [7] "x-MS950-HKSCS"
-## $`ibm-5478_P100-1995`
-## [1] "chinese" "csISO58GB231280" "GB_2312-80"
-## [4] "gb2312-1980" "GB2312.1980-0" "ibm-5478"
-## [7] "ibm-5478_P100-1995" "iso-ir-58"
-## $`ibm-8482_P100-1999`
-## [1] "ibm-8482" "ibm-8482_P100-1999"
-## $`ibm-9005_X110-2007`
-## [1] "8859_7" "csISOLatinGreek" "ECMA-118"
-## [4] "ELOT_928" "greek" "greek8"
-## [7] "ibm-9005" "ibm-9005_X110-2007" "ISO_8859-7:1987"
-## [10] "ISO-8859-7" "iso-ir-126" "sun_eu_greek"
-## [13] "windows-28597"
-## $`ibm-9067_X100-2005`
-## [1] "ibm-9067" "ibm-9067_X100-2005"
-## $`ibm-9447_P100-2002`
-## [1] "cp1255" "ibm-9447" "ibm-9447_P100-2002"
-## [4] "windows-1255"
-## $`ibm-9448_X100-2005`
-## [1] "cp1256" "ibm-9448" "ibm-9448_X100-2005"
-## [4] "windows-1256" "x-windows-1256S"
-## $`ibm-9449_P100-2002`
-## [1] "cp1257" "ibm-9449" "ibm-9449_P100-2002"
-## [4] "windows-1257"
-## $`ibm-12712_P100-1998`
-## [1] "ebcdic-he" "ibm-12712" "ibm-12712_P100-1998"
-## $`ibm-12712_P100-1998,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-12712_P100-1998,swaplfnl" "ibm-12712-s390"
-## $`ibm-16684_P110-2003`
-## [1] "ibm-16684" "ibm-16684_P110-2003" "ibm-20780"
-## $`ibm-16804_X110-1999`
-## [1] "ebcdic-ar" "ibm-16804" "ibm-16804_X110-1999"
-## $`ibm-16804_X110-1999,swaplfnl`
-## [1] "ibm-16804_X110-1999,swaplfnl" "ibm-16804-s390"
-## $`ibm-33722_P12A_P12A-2009_U2`
-## [1] "ibm-5050" "ibm-33722"
-## [3] "ibm-33722_P12A_P12A-2009_U2" "ibm-33722_VPUA"
-## [5] "IBM-eucJP"
-## $`ibm-33722_P120-1999`
-## [1] "33722" "cp33722" "ibm-5050"
-## [4] "ibm-33722" "ibm-33722_P120-1999" "ibm-33722_VASCII_VPUA"
-## [7] "x-IBM33722" "x-IBM33722A" "x-IBM33722C"
-## $`IMAP-mailbox-name`
-## [1] "IMAP-mailbox-name"
-## $`ISCII,version=0`
-## [1] "ibm-4902" "iscii-dev" "ISCII,version=0" "windows-57002"
-## [5] "x-iscii-de" "x-ISCII91"
-## $`ISCII,version=1`
-## [1] "iscii-bng" "ISCII,version=1" "windows-57003" "windows-57006"
-## [5] "x-iscii-as" "x-iscii-be"
-## $`ISCII,version=2`
-## [1] "iscii-gur" "ISCII,version=2" "windows-57011" "x-iscii-pa"
-## $`ISCII,version=3`
-## [1] "iscii-guj" "ISCII,version=3" "windows-57010" "x-iscii-gu"
-## $`ISCII,version=4`
-## [1] "iscii-ori" "ISCII,version=4" "windows-57007" "x-iscii-or"
-## $`ISCII,version=5`
-## [1] "iscii-tml" "ISCII,version=5" "windows-57004" "x-iscii-ta"
-## $`ISCII,version=6`
-## [1] "iscii-tlg" "ISCII,version=6" "windows-57005" "x-iscii-te"
-## $`ISCII,version=7`
-## [1] "iscii-knd" "ISCII,version=7" "windows-57008" "x-iscii-ka"
-## $`ISCII,version=8`
-## [1] "iscii-mlm" "ISCII,version=8" "windows-57009" "x-iscii-ma"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=0`
-## [1] "csISO2022JP" "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=0"
-## [3] "ISO-2022-JP" "x-windows-50220"
-## [5] "x-windows-iso2022jp"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=1`
-## [1] "csJISEncoding" "ibm-5054"
-## [3] "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=1" "ISO-2022-JP-1"
-## [5] "JIS" "JIS_Encoding"
-## [7] "x-windows-50221"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=2`
-## [1] "csISO2022JP2" "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=2"
-## [3] "ISO-2022-JP-2"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=3`
-## [1] "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=3" "JIS7"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=4`
-## [1] "ISO_2022,locale=ja,version=4" "JIS8"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=ko,version=0`
-## [1] "csISO2022KR" "ISO_2022,locale=ko,version=0"
-## [3] "ISO-2022-KR"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=ko,version=1`
-## [1] "ibm-25546" "ISO_2022,locale=ko,version=1"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=0`
-## [1] "csISO2022CN" "ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=0"
-## [3] "ISO-2022-CN" "x-ISO-2022-CN-GB"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=1`
-## [1] "ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=1" "ISO-2022-CN-EXT"
-## $`ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=2`
-## [1] "ISO_2022,locale=zh,version=2" "ISO-2022-CN-CNS"
-## [3] "x-ISO-2022-CN-CNS"
-## $`iso-8859_10-1998`
-## [1] "csISOLatin6" "ISO_8859-10:1992" "iso-8859_10-1998" "ISO-8859-10"
-## [5] "iso-ir-157" "l6" "latin6"
-## $`iso-8859_11-2001`
-## [1] "iso-8859_11-2001" "ISO-8859-11" "thai8" "x-iso-8859-11"
-## $`iso-8859_14-1998`
-## [1] "ISO_8859-14:1998" "iso-8859_14-1998" "ISO-8859-14" "iso-celtic"
-## [5] "iso-ir-199" "l8" "latin8"
-## $`ISO-8859-1`
-## [1] "819" "8859_1" "cp819" "csISOLatin1"
-## [5] "ibm-819" "IBM819" "ISO_8859-1:1987" "ISO-8859-1"
-## [9] "iso-ir-100" "l1" "latin1"
-## $`LMBCS-1`
-## [1] "ibm-65025" "lmbcs" "LMBCS-1"
-## $`macos-0_2-10.2`
-## [1] "csMacintosh" "mac" "macintosh" "macos-0_2-10.2"
-## [5] "macroman" "windows-10000" "x-macroman"
-## $`macos-6_2-10.4`
-## [1] "macgr" "macos-6_2-10.4" "windows-10006" "x-mac-greek"
-## [5] "x-MacGreek"
-## $`macos-7_3-10.2`
-## [1] "mac-cyrillic" "maccy" "macos-7_3-10.2" "windows-10007"
-## [5] "x-mac-cyrillic" "x-MacCyrillic" "x-MacUkraine"
-## $`macos-29-10.2`
-## [1] "macce" "maccentraleurope" "macos-29-10.2"
-## [4] "windows-10029" "x-mac-ce" "x-mac-centraleurroman"
-## [7] "x-MacCentralEurope"
-## $`macos-35-10.2`
-## [1] "macos-35-10.2" "mactr" "windows-10081" "x-mac-turkish"
-## [5] "x-MacTurkish"
-## $SCSU
-## [1] "ibm-1212" "ibm-1213" "SCSU"
-## $`US-ASCII`
-## [1] "646" "ANSI_X3.4-1968" "ANSI_X3.4-1986" "ASCII"
-## [5] "ascii7" "cp367" "csASCII" "ibm-367"
-## [9] "IBM367" "iso_646.irv:1983" "ISO_646.irv:1991" "iso-ir-6"
-## [13] "ISO646-US" "us" "US-ASCII" "windows-20127"
-## $`UTF-7`
-## [1] "unicode-1-1-utf-7" "unicode-2-0-utf-7" "UTF-7"
-## [4] "windows-65000"
-## $`UTF-8`
-## [1] "cp1208" "ibm-1208" "ibm-1209"
-## [4] "ibm-5304" "ibm-5305" "ibm-13496"
-## [7] "ibm-13497" "ibm-17592" "ibm-17593"
-## [10] "unicode-1-1-utf-8" "unicode-2-0-utf-8" "UTF-8"
-## [13] "windows-65001" "x-UTF_8J"
-## $`UTF-16`
-## [1] "csUnicode" "ibm-1204" "ibm-1205" "ISO-10646-UCS-2"
-## [5] "ucs-2" "unicode" "UTF-16"
-## $`UTF-16,version=1`
-## [1] "UTF-16,version=1"
-## $`UTF-16,version=2`
-## [1] "UTF-16,version=2"
-## $`UTF-16BE`
-## [1] "cp1200" "cp1201" "ibm-1200"
-## [4] "ibm-1201" "ibm-13488" "ibm-13489"
-## [7] "ibm-17584" "ibm-17585" "ibm-21680"
-## [10] "ibm-21681" "ibm-25776" "ibm-25777"
-## [13] "ibm-29872" "ibm-29873" "ibm-61955"
-## [16] "ibm-61956" "UnicodeBigUnmarked" "UTF-16BE"
-## [19] "UTF16_BigEndian" "windows-1201" "x-utf-16be"
-## $`UTF-16BE,version=1`
-## [1] "UnicodeBig" "UTF-16BE,version=1"
-## $`UTF-16LE`
-## [1] "ibm-1202" "ibm-1203" "ibm-13490"
-## [4] "ibm-13491" "ibm-17586" "ibm-17587"
-## [7] "ibm-21682" "ibm-21683" "ibm-25778"
-## [10] "ibm-25779" "ibm-29874" "ibm-29875"
-## [13] "UnicodeLittleUnmarked" "UTF-16LE" "UTF16_LittleEndian"
-## [16] "windows-1200" "x-utf-16le"
-## $`UTF-16LE,version=1`
-## [1] "UnicodeLittle" "UTF-16LE,version=1" "x-UTF-16LE-BOM"
-## $`UTF-32`
-## [1] "csUCS4" "ibm-1236" "ibm-1237" "ISO-10646-UCS-4"
-## [5] "ucs-4" "UTF-32"
-## $`UTF-32BE`
-## [1] "ibm-1232" "ibm-1233" "ibm-9424" "UTF-32BE"
-## [5] "UTF32_BigEndian"
-## $`UTF-32LE`
-## [1] "ibm-1234" "ibm-1235" "UTF-32LE"
-## [4] "UTF32_LittleEndian"
-## $UTF16_OppositeEndian
-## [1] "UTF16_OppositeEndian"
-## $UTF16_PlatformEndian
-## [1] "UTF16_PlatformEndian"
-## $UTF32_OppositeEndian
-## [1] "UTF32_OppositeEndian"
-## $UTF32_PlatformEndian
-## [1] "UTF32_PlatformEndian"
-## $`windows-874-2000`
-## [1] "MS874" "TIS-620" "windows-874" "windows-874-2000"
-## [5] "x-windows-874"
-## $`windows-936-2000`
-## [1] "CP936" "GBK" "MS936" "windows-936"
-## [5] "windows-936-2000"
-## $`windows-949-2000`
-## [1] "csKSC56011987" "iso-ir-149" "korean" "KS_C_5601-1987"
-## [5] "KS_C_5601-1989" "KSC_5601" "ms949" "windows-949"
-## [9] "windows-949-2000" "x-KSC5601"
-## $`windows-950-2000`
-## [1] "Big5" "csBig5" "ms950" "windows-950"
-## [5] "windows-950-2000" "x-big5" "x-windows-950"
-## $`x11-compound-text`
-## [1] "COMPOUND_TEXT" "x-compound-text" "x11-compound-text"
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-# stri\_enc\_mark: Get Declared Encodings of Each String
-## Description
-Reads declared encodings for each string in a character vector as seen by stringi.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to a character vector |
-## Details
-According to [`Encoding`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html), **R** has a simple encoding marking mechanism: strings can be declared to be in `latin1`, `UTF-8` or `bytes`.
-Moreover, we may check (via the R/C API) whether a string is in ASCII (**R** assumes that this holds if and only if all bytes in a string are not greater than 127, so there is an implicit assumption that your platform uses an encoding that extends ASCII) or in the system\'s default (a.k.a. `unknown` in [`Encoding`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html)) encoding.
-Intuitively, the default encoding should be equivalent to the one you use on `stdin` (e.g., your \'keyboard\'). In stringi we assume that such an encoding is equivalent to the one returned by [`stri_enc_get`](stri_enc_set.md). It is automatically detected by ICU to match -- by default -- the encoding part of the `LC_CTYPE` category as given by [`Sys.getlocale`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/locales.html).
-## Value
-Returns a character vector of the same length as `str`. Unlike in the [`Encoding`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html) function, here the possible encodings are: `ASCII`, `latin1`, `bytes`, `native`, and `UTF-8`. Additionally, missing values are handled properly.
-This gives exactly the same data that is used by all the functions in stringi to re-encode their inputs.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_management: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_info()`](stri_enc_info.md), [`stri_enc_list()`](stri_enc_list.md), [`stri_enc_set()`](stri_enc_set.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_set: Set or Get Default Character Encoding in stringi
-## Description
-`stri_enc_set` sets the encoding used to re-encode strings internally (i.e., by **R**) declared to be in native encoding, see [stringi-encoding](about_encoding.md) and [`stri_enc_mark`](stri_enc_mark.md). `stri_enc_get` returns the currently used default encoding.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `enc` | single string; character encoding name, see [`stri_enc_list`](stri_enc_list.md) for the list of supported encodings. |
-## Details
-`stri_enc_get` is the same as [`stri_enc_info(NULL)$Name.friendly`](stri_enc_info.md).
-Note that changing the default encoding may have undesired consequences. Unless you are an expert user and you know what you are doing, `stri_enc_set` should only be used if ICU fails to detect your system\'s encoding correctly (while testing stringi we only encountered such a situation on a very old Solaris machine). Note that ICU tries to match the encoding part of the `LC_CTYPE` category as given by [`Sys.getlocale`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/locales.html).
-If you set a default encoding that is neither a superset of ASCII, nor an 8-bit encoding, a warning will be generated, see [stringi-encoding](about_encoding.md) for discussion.
-`stri_enc_set` has no effect if the system ICU assumes that the default charset is always UTF-8 (i.e., where the internal `U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8` is defined and set to 1), see [`stri_info`](stri_info.md).
-## Value
-`stri_enc_set` returns a string with previously used character encoding, invisibly.
-`stri_enc_get` returns a string with current default character encoding.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_management: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_info()`](stri_enc_info.md), [`stri_enc_list()`](stri_enc_list.md), [`stri_enc_mark()`](stri_enc_mark.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_toascii: Convert To ASCII
-## Description
-This function converts input strings to ASCII, i.e., to character strings consisting of bytes not greater than 127.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector to be converted |
-## Details
-All code points greater than 127 are replaced with the ASCII SUBSTITUTE CHARACTER (0x1A). **R** encoding declarations are always used to determine which encoding is assumed for each input, see [`stri_enc_mark`](stri_enc_mark.md). If ill-formed byte sequences are found in UTF-8 byte streams, a warning is generated.
-A `bytes`-marked string is assumed to be in an 8-bit encoding extending the ASCII map (a common assumption in **R** itself).
-Note that the SUBSTITUTE CHARACTER (`\x1a == \032`) may be interpreted as the ASCII missing value for single characters.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_conversion: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_fromutf32()`](stri_enc_fromutf32.md), [`stri_enc_tonative()`](stri_enc_tonative.md), [`stri_enc_toutf32()`](stri_enc_toutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toutf8()`](stri_enc_toutf8.md), [`stri_encode()`](stri_encode.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_tonative: Convert Strings To Native Encoding
-## Description
-Converts character strings with declared encodings to the current native encoding.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector to be converted |
-## Details
-This function just calls [`stri_encode(str, NULL, NULL)`](stri_encode.md). The current native encoding can be read with [`stri_enc_get`](stri_enc_set.md). Character strings declared to be in `bytes` encoding will fail here.
-Note that if working in a UTF-8 environment, resulting strings will be marked with `UTF-8` and not `native`, see [`stri_enc_mark`](stri_enc_mark.md).
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_conversion: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_fromutf32()`](stri_enc_fromutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toascii()`](stri_enc_toascii.md), [`stri_enc_toutf32()`](stri_enc_toutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toutf8()`](stri_enc_toutf8.md), [`stri_encode()`](stri_encode.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_toutf32: Convert Strings To UTF-32
-## Description
-UTF-32 is a 32-bit encoding where each Unicode code point corresponds to exactly one integer value. This function converts a character vector to a list of integer vectors so that, e.g., individual code points may be easily accessed, changed, etc.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector (or an object coercible to) to be converted |
-## Details
-See [`stri_enc_fromutf32`](stri_enc_fromutf32.md) for a dual operation.
-This function is roughly equivalent to a vectorized call to [`utf8ToInt(enc2utf8(str))`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/utf8Conversion.html). If you want a list of raw vectors on output, use [`stri_encode`](stri_encode.md).
-Unlike `utf8ToInt`, if ill-formed UTF-8 byte sequences are detected, a corresponding element is set to NULL and a warning is generated. To deal with such issues, use, e.g., [`stri_enc_toutf8`](stri_enc_toutf8.md).
-## Value
-Returns a list of integer vectors. Missing values are converted to `NULL`s.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_conversion: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_fromutf32()`](stri_enc_fromutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toascii()`](stri_enc_toascii.md), [`stri_enc_tonative()`](stri_enc_tonative.md), [`stri_enc_toutf8()`](stri_enc_toutf8.md), [`stri_encode()`](stri_encode.md)
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-# stri\_enc\_toutf8: Convert Strings To UTF-8
-## Description
-Converts character strings with declared marked encodings to UTF-8 strings.
-## Usage
-stri_enc_toutf8(str, is_unknown_8bit = FALSE, validate = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector to be converted |
-| `is_unknown_8bit` | a single logical value, see Details |
-| `validate` | a single logical value (can be `NA`), see Details |
-## Details
-If `is_unknown_8bit` is set to `FALSE` (the default), then R encoding marks are used, see [`stri_enc_mark`](stri_enc_mark.md). Bytes-marked strings will cause the function to fail.
-If a string is in UTF-8 and has a byte order mark (BOM), then the BOM will be silently removed from the output string.
-If the default encoding is UTF-8, see [`stri_enc_get`](stri_enc_set.md), then strings marked with `native` are -- for efficiency reasons -- returned as-is, i.e., with unchanged markings. A similar behavior is observed when calling [`enc2utf8`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Encoding.html).
-For `is_unknown_8bit=TRUE`, if a string is declared to be neither in ASCII nor in UTF-8, then all byte codes \> 127 are replaced with the Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (\\Ufffd). Note that the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER may be interpreted as Unicode missing value for single characters. Here a `bytes`-marked string is assumed to use an 8-bit encoding that extends the ASCII map.
-What is more, setting `validate` to `TRUE` or `NA` in both cases validates the resulting UTF-8 byte stream. If `validate=TRUE`, then in case of any incorrect byte sequences, they will be replaced with the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. This option may be used in a case where you want to fix an invalid UTF-8 byte sequence. For `NA`, a bogus string will be replaced with a missing value.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_conversion: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_fromutf32()`](stri_enc_fromutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toascii()`](stri_enc_toascii.md), [`stri_enc_tonative()`](stri_enc_tonative.md), [`stri_enc_toutf32()`](stri_enc_toutf32.md), [`stri_encode()`](stri_encode.md)
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-# stri\_encode: Convert Strings Between Given Encodings
-## Description
-These functions convert strings between encodings. They aim to serve as a more portable and faster replacement for **R**\'s own [`iconv`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/iconv.html).
-## Usage
-stri_encode(str, from = NULL, to = NULL, to_raw = FALSE)
-stri_conv(str, from = NULL, to = NULL, to_raw = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector, a raw vector, or a list of `raw` vectors to be converted |
-| `from` | input encoding: `NULL` or `''` for the default encoding or internal encoding marks\' usage (see Details); otherwise, a single string with encoding name, see [`stri_enc_list`](stri_enc_list.md) |
-| `to` | target encoding: `NULL` or `''` for default encoding (see [`stri_enc_get`](stri_enc_set.md)), or a single string with encoding name |
-| `to_raw` | a single logical value; indicates whether a list of raw vectors rather than a character vector should be returned |
-## Details
-`stri_conv` is an alias for `stri_encode`.
-Refer to [`stri_enc_list`](stri_enc_list.md) for the list of supported encodings and [stringi-encoding](about_encoding.md) for a general discussion.
-If `from` is either missing, `''`, or `NULL`, and if `str` is a character vector then the marked encodings are used (see [`stri_enc_mark`](stri_enc_mark.md)) -- in such a case `bytes`-declared strings are disallowed. Otherwise, i.e., if `str` is a `raw`-type vector or a list of raw vectors, we assume that the input encoding is the current default encoding as given by [`stri_enc_get`](stri_enc_set.md).
-However, if `from` is given explicitly, the internal encoding declarations are always ignored.
-For `to_raw=FALSE`, the output strings always have the encodings marked according to the target converter used (as specified by `to`) and the current default Encoding (`ASCII`, `latin1`, `UTF-8`, `native`, or `bytes` in all other cases).
-Note that some issues might occur if `to` indicates, e.g, UTF-16 or UTF-32, as the output strings may have embedded NULs. In such cases, please use `to_raw=TRUE` and consider specifying a byte order marker (BOM) for portability reasons (e.g., set `UTF-16` or `UTF-32` which automatically adds the BOMs).
-Note that `stri_encode(as.raw(data), 'encodingname')` is a clever substitute for [`rawToChar`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/rawConversion.html).
-In the current version of stringi, if an incorrect code point is found on input, it is replaced with the default (for that target encoding) \'missing/erroneous\' character (with a warning), e.g., the SUBSTITUTE character (U+001A) or the REPLACEMENT one (U+FFFD). Occurrences thereof can be located in the output string to diagnose the problematic sequences, e.g., by calling: `stri_locate_all_regex(converted_string, '[\ufffd\u001a]'`.
-Because of the way this function is currently implemented, maximal size of a single string to be converted cannot exceed \~0.67 GB.
-## Value
-If `to_raw` is `FALSE`, then a character vector with encoded strings (and appropriate encoding marks) is returned. Otherwise, a list of vectors of type raw is produced.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Conversion* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other encoding\_conversion: [`about_encoding`](about_encoding.md), [`stri_enc_fromutf32()`](stri_enc_fromutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toascii()`](stri_enc_toascii.md), [`stri_enc_tonative()`](stri_enc_tonative.md), [`stri_enc_toutf32()`](stri_enc_toutf32.md), [`stri_enc_toutf8()`](stri_enc_toutf8.md)
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-# stri\_escape\_unicode: Escape Unicode Code Points
-## Description
-Escapes all Unicode (not ASCII-printable) code points.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector |
-## Details
-For non-printable and certain special (well-known, see also R man page [Quotes](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Quotes.html)) ASCII characters the following (also recognized in R) convention is used. We get `\a`, `\b`, `\t`, `\n`, `\v`, `\f`, `\r`, `\"`, `\'`, `\\` or either \\uXXXX (4 hex digits) or \\UXXXXXXXX (8 hex digits) otherwise.
-As usual, any input string is converted to Unicode before executing the escape process.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other escape: [`stri_unescape_unicode()`](stri_unescape_unicode.md)
-## Examples
-## [1] "a\\u0105!"
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-# stri\_extract: Extract Pattern Occurrences
-## Description
-These functions extract all substrings matching a given pattern.
-`stri_extract_all_*` extracts all the matches. `stri_extract_first_*` and `stri_extract_last_*` yield the first or the last matches, respectively.
-## Usage
-stri_extract_all(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_extract_first(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_extract_last(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
- str,
- ...,
- regex,
- fixed,
- coll,
- charclass,
- mode = c("first", "all", "last")
- str,
- pattern,
- merge = TRUE,
- simplify = FALSE,
- omit_no_match = FALSE
-stri_extract_first_charclass(str, pattern)
-stri_extract_last_charclass(str, pattern)
- str,
- pattern,
- simplify = FALSE,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
-stri_extract_first_coll(str, pattern, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_extract_last_coll(str, pattern, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
- str,
- pattern,
- simplify = FALSE,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
-stri_extract_first_regex(str, pattern, ..., opts_regex = NULL)
-stri_extract_last_regex(str, pattern, ..., opts_regex = NULL)
- str,
- pattern,
- simplify = FALSE,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
-stri_extract_first_fixed(str, pattern, ..., opts_fixed = NULL)
-stri_extract_last_fixed(str, pattern, ..., opts_fixed = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector; strings to search in |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_collator`, `opts_regex`, and so on |
-| `mode` | single string; one of: `'first'` (the default), `'all'`, `'last'` |
-| `pattern, regex, fixed, coll, charclass` | character vector; search patterns; for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `merge` | single logical value; indicates whether consecutive pattern matches will be merged into one string; `stri_extract_all_charclass` only |
-| `simplify` | single logical value; if `TRUE` or `NA`, then a character matrix is returned; otherwise (the default), a list of character vectors is given, see Value; `stri_extract_all_*` only |
-| `omit_no_match` | single logical value; if `FALSE`, then a missing value will indicate that there was no match; `stri_extract_all_*` only |
-| `opts_collator, opts_fixed, opts_regex` | a named list to tune up the search engine\'s settings; see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md), and [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md), respectively; `NULL` for the defaults |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` and `pattern` (with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary). This allows to, for instance, search for one pattern in each given string, search for each pattern in one given string, and search for the i-th pattern within the i-th string.
-Check out [`stri_match`](stri_match.md) for the extraction of matches to individual regex capture groups.
-`stri_extract`, `stri_extract_all`, `stri_extract_first`, and `stri_extract_last` are convenience functions. They merely call `stri_extract_*_*`, depending on the arguments used.
-## Value
-For `stri_extract_all*`, if `simplify=FALSE` (the default), then a list of character vectors is returned. Each list element represents the results of a different search scenario. If a pattern is not found and `omit_no_match=FALSE`, then a character vector of length 1 with single `NA` value will be generated.
-Otherwise, i.e., if `simplify` is not `FALSE`, then [`stri_list2matrix`](stri_list2matrix.md) with `byrow=TRUE` argument is called on the resulting object. In such a case, the function yields a character matrix with an appropriate number of rows (according to the length of `str`, `pattern`, etc.). Note that [`stri_list2matrix`](stri_list2matrix.md)\'s `fill` argument is set either to an empty string or `NA`, depending on whether `simplify` is `TRUE` or `NA`, respectively.
-`stri_extract_first*` and `stri_extract_last*` return a character vector. A `NA` element indicates a no-match.
-Note that `stri_extract_last_regex` searches from start to end, but skips overlapping matches, see the example below.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_extract: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_match_all()`](stri_match.md)
-## Examples
-stri_extract_all('XaaaaX', regex=c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Ll}+', '\\p{Ll}{2,3}', '\\p{Ll}{2,3}?'))
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "a" "a" "a"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "aaaa"
-## [[3]]
-## [1] "aaa"
-## [[4]]
-## [1] "aa" "aa"
-stri_extract_all('Bartolini', coll='i')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "i" "i"
-stri_extract_all('stringi is so good!', charclass='\\p{Zs}') # all white-spaces
-## [[1]]
-## [1] " " " " " "
-stri_extract_all_charclass(c('AbcdeFgHijK', 'abc', 'ABC'), '\\p{Ll}')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "bcde" "g" "ij"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "abc"
-## [[3]]
-## [1] NA
-stri_extract_all_charclass(c('AbcdeFgHijK', 'abc', 'ABC'), '\\p{Ll}', merge=FALSE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "b" "c" "d" "e" "g" "i" "j"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "a" "b" "c"
-## [[3]]
-## [1] NA
-stri_extract_first_charclass('AaBbCc', '\\p{Ll}')
-## [1] "a"
-stri_extract_last_charclass('AaBbCc', '\\p{Ll}')
-## [1] "c"
-## Not run:
-# emoji support available since ICU 57
-stri_extract_all_charclass(stri_enc_fromutf32(32:55200), '\\p{EMOJI}')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "#" "*"
-## [3] "0123456789" "©"
-## [5] "®" "‼"
-## [7] "⁉" "™"
-## [9] "ℹ" "↔↕↖↗↘↙"
-## [11] "↩↪" "⌚⌛"
-## [13] "⌨" "⏏"
-## [15] "⏩⏪⏫⏬⏭⏮⏯⏰⏱⏲⏳" "⏸⏹⏺"
-## [17] "Ⓜ" "▪▫"
-## [19] "▶" "◀"
-## [21] "◻◼◽◾" "☀☁☂☃☄"
-## [23] "☎" "☑"
-## [25] "☔☕" "☘"
-## [27] "☝" "☠"
-## [29] "☢☣" "☦"
-## [31] "☪" "☮☯"
-## [33] "☸☹☺" "♀"
-## [35] "♂" "♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓"
-## [37] "♟♠" "♣"
-## [39] "♥♦" "♨"
-## [41] "♻" "♾♿"
-## [43] "⚒⚓⚔⚕⚖⚗" "⚙"
-## [45] "⚛⚜" "⚠⚡"
-## [47] "⚧" "⚪⚫"
-## [49] "⚰⚱" "⚽⚾"
-## [51] "⛄⛅" "⛈"
-## [53] "⛎⛏" "⛑"
-## [55] "⛓⛔" "⛩⛪"
-## [57] "⛰⛱⛲⛳⛴⛵" "⛷⛸⛹⛺"
-## [59] "⛽" "✂"
-## [61] "✅" "✈✉✊✋✌✍"
-## [63] "✏" "✒"
-## [65] "✔" "✖"
-## [67] "✝" "✡"
-## [69] "✨" "✳✴"
-## [71] "❄" "❇"
-## [73] "❌" "❎"
-## [75] "❓❔❕" "❗"
-## [77] "❣❤" "➕➖➗"
-## [79] "➡" "➰"
-## [81] "➿" "⤴⤵"
-## [83] "⬅⬆⬇" "⬛⬜"
-## [85] "⭐" "⭕"
-## [87] "〰" "〽"
-## [89] "㊗" "㊙"
-## End(Not run)
-stri_extract_all_coll(c('AaaaaaaA', 'AAAA'), 'a')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "a" "a" "a" "a" "a"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] NA
-stri_extract_first_coll(c('Yy\u00FD', 'AAA'), 'y', strength=2, locale='sk_SK')
-## [1] "Y" NA
-stri_extract_last_coll(c('Yy\u00FD', 'AAA'), 'y', strength=1, locale='sk_SK')
-## [1] "ý" NA
-stri_extract_all_regex('XaaaaX', c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Ll}+', '\\p{Ll}{2,3}', '\\p{Ll}{2,3}?'))
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "a" "a" "a"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "aaaa"
-## [[3]]
-## [1] "aaa"
-## [[4]]
-## [1] "aa" "aa"
-stri_extract_first_regex('XaaaaX', c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Ll}+', '\\p{Ll}{2,3}', '\\p{Ll}{2,3}?'))
-## [1] "a" "aaaa" "aaa" "aa"
-stri_extract_last_regex('XaaaaX', c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Ll}+', '\\p{Ll}{2,3}', '\\p{Ll}{2,3}?'))
-## [1] "a" "aaaa" "aaa" "aa"
-stri_list2matrix(stri_extract_all_regex('XaaaaX', c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Ll}+')))
-## [,1] [,2]
-## [1,] "a" "aaaa"
-## [2,] "a" NA
-## [3,] "a" NA
-## [4,] "a" NA
-stri_extract_all_regex('XaaaaX', c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Ll}+'), simplify=TRUE)
-## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
-## [1,] "a" "a" "a" "a"
-## [2,] "aaaa" "" "" ""
-stri_extract_all_regex('XaaaaX', c('\\p{Ll}', '\\p{Ll}+'), simplify=NA)
-## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
-## [1,] "a" "a" "a" "a"
-## [2,] "aaaa" NA NA NA
-stri_extract_all_fixed('abaBAba', 'Aba', case_insensitive=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "aba" "Aba"
-stri_extract_all_fixed('abaBAba', 'Aba', case_insensitive=TRUE, overlap=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "aba" "aBA" "Aba"
-# Searching for the last occurrence:
-# Note the difference - regex searches left to right, with no overlaps.
-stri_extract_last_fixed("agAGA", "aga", case_insensitive=TRUE)
-## [1] "AGA"
-stri_extract_last_regex("agAGA", "aga", case_insensitive=TRUE)
-## [1] "agA"
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-# stri\_extract\_boundaries: Extract Data Between Text Boundaries
-## Description
-These functions extract data between text boundaries.
-## Usage
- str,
- simplify = FALSE,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_brkiter = NULL
-stri_extract_last_boundaries(str, ..., opts_brkiter = NULL)
-stri_extract_first_boundaries(str, ..., opts_brkiter = NULL)
- str,
- simplify = FALSE,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- locale = NULL
-stri_extract_first_words(str, locale = NULL)
-stri_extract_last_words(str, locale = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to |
-| `simplify` | single logical value; if `TRUE` or `NA`, then a character matrix is returned; otherwise (the default), a list of character vectors is given, see Value |
-| `omit_no_match` | single logical value; if `FALSE`, then a missing value will indicate that there are no words |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_brkiter` |
-| `opts_brkiter` | a named list with ICU BreakIterator\'s settings, see [`stri_opts_brkiter`](stri_opts_brkiter.md); `NULL` for the default break iterator, i.e., `line_break` |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for text boundary analysis following the conventions of the default locale, or a single string with locale identifier, see [stringi-locale](about_locale.md) |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`.
-For more information on text boundary analysis performed by ICU\'s `BreakIterator`, see [stringi-search-boundaries](about_search_boundaries.md).
-In case of `stri_extract_*_words`, just like in [`stri_count_words`](stri_count_boundaries.md), ICU\'s word `BreakIterator` iterator is used to locate the word boundaries, and all non-word characters (`UBRK_WORD_NONE` rule status) are ignored.
-## Value
-For `stri_extract_all_*`, if `simplify=FALSE` (the default), then a list of character vectors is returned. Each string consists of a separate word. In case of `omit_no_match=FALSE` and if there are no words or if a string is missing, a single `NA` is provided on output.
-Otherwise, [`stri_list2matrix`](stri_list2matrix.md) with `byrow=TRUE` argument is called on the resulting object. In such a case, a character matrix with `length(str)` rows is returned. Note that [`stri_list2matrix`](stri_list2matrix.md)\'s `fill` argument is set to an empty string and `NA`, for `simplify` `TRUE` and `NA`, respectively.
-For `stri_extract_first_*` and `stri_extract_last_*`, a character vector is returned. A `NA` element indicates a no-match.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_extract: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_extract_all()`](stri_extract.md), [`stri_match_all()`](stri_match.md)
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other text\_boundaries: [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_brkiter()`](stri_opts_brkiter.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-stri_extract_all_words('stringi: THE string processing package 123.48...')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "stringi" "THE" "string" "processing" "package"
-## [6] "123.48"
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-# stri\_flatten: Flatten a String
-## Description
-Joins the elements of a character vector into one string.
-## Usage
-stri_flatten(str, collapse = "", na_empty = FALSE, omit_empty = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a vector of strings to be coerced to character |
-| `collapse` | a single string denoting the separator |
-| `na_empty` | single logical value; should missing values in `str` be treated as empty strings (`TRUE`) or be omitted whatsoever (`NA`)? |
-| `omit_empty` | single logical value; should empty strings in `str` be omitted? |
-## Details
-The `stri_flatten(str, collapse='XXX')` call is equivalent to [`paste(str, collapse='XXX', sep='')`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/paste.html).
-If you wish to use some more fancy (e.g., differing) separators between flattened strings, call [`stri_join(str, separators, collapse='')`](stri_join.md).
-If `str` is not empty, then a single string is returned. If `collapse` has length \> 1, then only the first string will be used.
-## Value
-Returns a single string, i.e., a character vector of length 1.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other join: [`%s+%()`](operator_add.md), [`stri_dup()`](stri_dup.md), [`stri_join_list()`](stri_join_list.md), [`stri_join()`](stri_join.md)
-## Examples
-stri_flatten(LETTERS, collapse=',')
-## [1] "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z"
-stri_flatten(stri_dup(letters[1:6], 1:3))
-## [1] "abbcccdeefff"
-stri_flatten(c(NA, '', 'A', '', 'B', NA, 'C'), collapse=',', na_empty=TRUE, omit_empty=TRUE)
-## [1] "A,B,C"
-stri_flatten(c(NA, '', 'A', '', 'B', NA, 'C'), collapse=',', na_empty=NA)
-## [1] ",A,,B,C"
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-# stri\_info: Query Default Settings for stringi
-## Description
-Gives the current default settings used by the ICU library.
-## Usage
-stri_info(short = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `short` | logical; whether or not the results should be given in a concise form; defaults to `TRUE` |
-## Value
-If `short` is `TRUE`, then a single string providing information on the default character encoding, locale, and Unicode as well as ICU version is returned.
-Otherwise, a list with the following components is returned:
-- `Unicode.version` -- version of Unicode supported by the ICU library;
-- `ICU.version` -- ICU library version used;
-- `Locale` -- contains information on default locale, as returned by [`stri_locale_info`](stri_locale_info.md);
-- `Charset.internal` -- fixed at `c('UTF-8', 'UTF-16')`;
-- `Charset.native` -- information on the default encoding, as returned by [`stri_enc_info`](stri_enc_info.md);
-- `ICU.system` -- logical; `TRUE` indicates that the system ICU libs are used, otherwise ICU was built together with stringi;
-- `ICU.UTF8` -- logical; `TRUE` if the internal `U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8` flag is defined and set.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
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-# stri\_isempty: Determine if a String is of Length Zero
-## Description
-This is the fastest way to find out whether the elements of a character vector are empty strings.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to |
-## Details
-Missing values are handled properly.
-## Value
-Returns a logical vector of the same length as `str`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other length: [`%s$%()`](operator_dollar.md), [`stri_length()`](stri_length.md), [`stri_numbytes()`](stri_numbytes.md), [`stri_pad_both()`](stri_pad.md), [`stri_sprintf()`](stri_sprintf.md), [`stri_width()`](stri_width.md)
-## Examples
-stri_isempty(c(',', '', 'abc', '123', '\u0105\u0104'))
-## [1] TRUE
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-# stri\_join: Concatenate Character Vectors
-## Description
-These are the stringi\'s equivalents of the built-in [`paste`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/paste.html) function. `stri_c` and `stri_paste` are aliases for `stri_join`.
-## Usage
-stri_join(..., sep = "", collapse = NULL, ignore_null = FALSE)
-stri_c(..., sep = "", collapse = NULL, ignore_null = FALSE)
-stri_paste(..., sep = "", collapse = NULL, ignore_null = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `...` | character vectors (or objects coercible to character vectors) whose corresponding elements are to be concatenated |
-| `sep` | a single string; separates terms |
-| `collapse` | a single string or `NULL`; an optional results separator |
-| `ignore_null` | a single logical value; if `TRUE`, then empty vectors provided via `...` are silently ignored |
-## Details
-Vectorized over each atomic vector in \'`...`\'.
-Unless `collapse` is `NULL`, the result will be a single string. Otherwise, you get a character vector of length equal to the length of the longest argument.
-If any of the arguments in \'`...`\' is a vector of length 0 (not to be confused with vectors of empty strings) and `ignore_null` is `FALSE`, then you will get a 0-length character vector in result.
-If `collapse` or `sep` has length greater than 1, then only the first string will be used.
-In case where there are missing values in any of the input vectors, `NA` is set to the corresponding element. Note that this behavior is different from [`paste`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/paste.html), which treats missing values as ordinary strings like `'NA'`. Moreover, as usual in stringi, the resulting strings are always in UTF-8.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other join: [`%s+%()`](operator_add.md), [`stri_dup()`](stri_dup.md), [`stri_flatten()`](stri_flatten.md), [`stri_join_list()`](stri_join_list.md)
-## Examples
-stri_join(1:13, letters)
-## [1] "1a" "2b" "3c" "4d" "5e" "6f" "7g" "8h" "9i" "10j" "11k" "12l"
-## [13] "13m" "1n" "2o" "3p" "4q" "5r" "6s" "7t" "8u" "9v" "10w" "11x"
-## [25] "12y" "13z"
-stri_join(1:13, letters, sep=',')
-## [1] "1,a" "2,b" "3,c" "4,d" "5,e" "6,f" "7,g" "8,h" "9,i" "10,j"
-## [11] "11,k" "12,l" "13,m" "1,n" "2,o" "3,p" "4,q" "5,r" "6,s" "7,t"
-## [21] "8,u" "9,v" "10,w" "11,x" "12,y" "13,z"
-stri_join(1:13, letters, collapse='; ')
-## [1] "1a; 2b; 3c; 4d; 5e; 6f; 7g; 8h; 9i; 10j; 11k; 12l; 13m; 1n; 2o; 3p; 4q; 5r; 6s; 7t; 8u; 9v; 10w; 11x; 12y; 13z"
-stri_join(1:13, letters, sep=',', collapse='; ')
-## [1] "1,a; 2,b; 3,c; 4,d; 5,e; 6,f; 7,g; 8,h; 9,i; 10,j; 11,k; 12,l; 13,m; 1,n; 2,o; 3,p; 4,q; 5,r; 6,s; 7,t; 8,u; 9,v; 10,w; 11,x; 12,y; 13,z"
-stri_join(c('abc', '123', 'xyz'),'###', 1:6, sep=',')
-## [1] "abc,###,1" "123,###,2" "xyz,###,3" "abc,###,4" "123,###,5" "xyz,###,6"
-stri_join(c('abc', '123', 'xyz'),'###', 1:6, sep=',', collapse='; ')
-## [1] "abc,###,1; 123,###,2; xyz,###,3; abc,###,4; 123,###,5; xyz,###,6"
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-# stri\_join\_list: Concatenate Strings in a List
-## Description
-These functions concatenate all the strings in each character vector in a given list. `stri_c_list` and `stri_paste_list` are aliases for `stri_join_list`.
-## Usage
-stri_join_list(x, sep = "", collapse = NULL)
-stri_c_list(x, sep = "", collapse = NULL)
-stri_paste_list(x, sep = "", collapse = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `x` | a list consisting of character vectors |
-| `sep` | a single string; separates strings in each of the character vectors in `x` |
-| `collapse` | a single string or `NULL`; an optional results separator |
-## Details
-Unless `collapse` is `NULL`, the result will be a single string. Otherwise, you get a character vector of length equal to the length of `x`.
-Vectors in `x` of length 0 are silently ignored.
-If `collapse` or `sep` has length greater than 1, then only the first string will be used.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other join: [`%s+%()`](operator_add.md), [`stri_dup()`](stri_dup.md), [`stri_flatten()`](stri_flatten.md), [`stri_join()`](stri_join.md)
-## Examples
- stri_extract_all_words(c('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',
- 'Spam spam bacon sausage and spam.')),
-sep=', ')
-## [1] "Lorem, ipsum, dolor, sit, amet"
-## [2] "Spam, spam, bacon, sausage, and, spam"
- stri_extract_all_words(c('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',
- 'Spam spam bacon sausage and spam.')),
-sep=', ', collapse='. ')
-## [1] "Lorem, ipsum, dolor, sit, amet. Spam, spam, bacon, sausage, and, spam"
- stri_extract_all_regex(
- c('spam spam bacon', '123 456', 'spam 789 sausage'), '\\p{L}+'
- ),
-## [1] "spam,spam,bacon" NA "spam,sausage"
- stri_extract_all_regex(
- c('spam spam bacon', '123 456', 'spam 789 sausage'), '\\p{L}+',
- omit_no_match=TRUE
- ),
-sep=',', collapse='; ')
-## [1] "spam,spam,bacon; spam,sausage"
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-# stri\_length: Count the Number of Code Points
-## Description
-This function returns the number of code points in each string.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to |
-## Details
-Note that the number of code points is not the same as the \'width\' of the string when printed on the console.
-If a given string is in UTF-8 and has not been properly normalized (e.g., by [`stri_trans_nfc`](stri_trans_nf.md)), the returned counts may sometimes be misleading. See [`stri_count_boundaries`](stri_count_boundaries.md) for a method to count *Unicode characters*. Moreover, if an incorrect UTF-8 byte sequence is detected, then a warning is generated and the corresponding output element is set to `NA`, see also [`stri_enc_toutf8`](stri_enc_toutf8.md) for a method to deal with such cases.
-Missing values are handled properly. For \'byte\' encodings we get, as usual, an error.
-## Value
-Returns an integer vector of the same length as `str`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other length: [`%s$%()`](operator_dollar.md), [`stri_isempty()`](stri_isempty.md), [`stri_numbytes()`](stri_numbytes.md), [`stri_pad_both()`](stri_pad.md), [`stri_sprintf()`](stri_sprintf.md), [`stri_width()`](stri_width.md)
-## Examples
-## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-stri_length(c('abc', '123', '\u0105\u0104'))
-## [1] 3 3 2
-stri_length('\u0105') # length is one, but...
-## [1] 1
-stri_numbytes('\u0105') # 2 bytes are used
-## [1] 2
-stri_numbytes(stri_trans_nfkd('\u0105')) # 3 bytes here but...
-## [1] 3
-stri_length(stri_trans_nfkd('\u0105')) # ...two code points (!)
-## [1] 2
-stri_count_boundaries(stri_trans_nfkd('\u0105'), type='character') # ...and one Unicode character
-## [1] 1
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-# stri\_list2matrix: Convert a List to a Character Matrix
-## Description
-This function converts a given list of atomic vectors to a character matrix.
-## Usage
- x,
- byrow = FALSE,
- fill = NA_character_,
- n_min = 0,
- by_row = byrow
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `x` | a list of atomic vectors |
-| `byrow` | a single logical value; should the resulting matrix be transposed? |
-| `fill` | a single string, see Details |
-| `n_min` | a single integer value; minimal number of rows (`byrow==FALSE`) or columns (otherwise) in the resulting matrix |
-| `by_row` | alias of `byrow` |
-## Details
-This function is similar to the built-in [`simplify2array`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/lapply.html) function. However, it always returns a character matrix, even if each element in `x` is of length 1 or if elements in `x` are not of the same lengths. Moreover, the elements in `x` are always coerced to character vectors.
-If `byrow` is `FALSE`, then a matrix with `length(x)` columns is returned. The number of rows is the length of the longest vector in `x`, but no less than `n_min`. Basically, we have `result[i,j] == x[[j]][i]` if `i <= length(x[[j]])` and `result[i,j] == fill` otherwise, see Examples.
-If `byrow` is `TRUE`, then the resulting matrix is a transposition of the above-described one.
-This function may be useful, e.g., in connection with [`stri_split`](stri_split.md) and [`stri_extract_all`](stri_extract.md).
-## Value
-Returns a character matrix.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other utils: [`stri_na2empty()`](stri_na2empty.md), [`stri_remove_empty()`](stri_remove_empty.md), [`stri_replace_na()`](stri_replace_na.md)
-## Examples
-simplify2array(list(c('a', 'b'), c('c', 'd'), c('e', 'f')))
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "a" "c" "e"
-## [2,] "b" "d" "f"
-stri_list2matrix(list(c('a', 'b'), c('c', 'd'), c('e', 'f')))
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "a" "c" "e"
-## [2,] "b" "d" "f"
-stri_list2matrix(list(c('a', 'b'), c('c', 'd'), c('e', 'f')), byrow=TRUE)
-## [,1] [,2]
-## [1,] "a" "b"
-## [2,] "c" "d"
-## [3,] "e" "f"
-simplify2array(list('a', c('b', 'c')))
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "b" "c"
-stri_list2matrix(list('a', c('b', 'c')))
-## [,1] [,2]
-## [1,] "a" "b"
-## [2,] NA "c"
-stri_list2matrix(list('a', c('b', 'c')), fill='')
-## [,1] [,2]
-## [1,] "a" "b"
-## [2,] "" "c"
-stri_list2matrix(list('a', c('b', 'c')), fill='', n_min=5)
-## [,1] [,2]
-## [1,] "a" "b"
-## [2,] "" "c"
-## [3,] "" ""
-## [4,] "" ""
-## [5,] "" ""
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-# stri\_locale\_info: Query Given Locale
-## Description
-Provides some basic information on a given locale identifier.
-## Usage
-stri_locale_info(locale = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for default locale, or a single string with locale identifier. |
-## Details
-With this function you may obtain some basic information on any provided locale identifier, even if it is unsupported by ICU or if you pass a malformed locale identifier (the one that is not, e.g., of the form Language\_Country). See [stringi-locale](about_locale.md) for discussion.
-This function does not do anything really complicated. In many cases it is similar to a call to [`as.list(stri_split_fixed(locale, '_', 3L)[[1]])`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/list.html), with `locale` case mapped. It may be used, however, to get insight on how ICU understands a given locale identifier.
-## Value
-Returns a list with the following named character strings: `Language`, `Country`, `Variant`, and `Name`, being their underscore separated combination.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_management: [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`stri_locale_list()`](stri_locale_list.md), [`stri_locale_set()`](stri_locale_set.md)
-## Examples
-## $Language
-## [1] "pl"
-## $Country
-## [1] "PL"
-## $Variant
-## [1] ""
-## $Name
-## [1] "pl_PL"
-stri_locale_info('Pl_pL') # the same result
-## $Language
-## [1] "pl"
-## $Country
-## [1] "PL"
-## $Variant
-## [1] ""
-## $Name
-## [1] "pl_PL"
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-# stri\_locale\_list: List Available Locales
-## Description
-Creates a character vector with all available locale identifies.
-## Usage
-## Details
-Note that some of the services may be unavailable in some locales. Querying for locale-specific services is always performed during the resource request.
-See [stringi-locale](about_locale.md) for more information.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector with locale identifiers that are known to ICU.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_management: [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`stri_locale_info()`](stri_locale_info.md), [`stri_locale_set()`](stri_locale_set.md)
-## Examples
-## [1] "af" "af_NA" "af_ZA" "agq" "agq_CM"
-## [6] "ak" "ak_GH" "am" "am_ET" "ar"
-## [11] "ar_001" "ar_AE" "ar_BH" "ar_DJ" "ar_DZ"
-## [16] "ar_EG" "ar_EH" "ar_ER" "ar_IL" "ar_IQ"
-## [21] "ar_JO" "ar_KM" "ar_KW" "ar_LB" "ar_LY"
-## [26] "ar_MA" "ar_MR" "ar_OM" "ar_PS" "ar_QA"
-## [31] "ar_SA" "ar_SD" "ar_SO" "ar_SS" "ar_SY"
-## [36] "ar_TD" "ar_TN" "ar_YE" "as" "as_IN"
-## [41] "asa" "asa_TZ" "ast" "ast_ES" "az"
-## [46] "az_Cyrl" "az_Cyrl_AZ" "az_Latn" "az_Latn_AZ" "bas"
-## [51] "bas_CM" "be" "be_BY" "bem" "bem_ZM"
-## [56] "bez" "bez_TZ" "bg" "bg_BG" "bm"
-## [61] "bm_ML" "bn" "bn_BD" "bn_IN" "bo"
-## [66] "bo_CN" "bo_IN" "br" "br_FR" "brx"
-## [71] "brx_IN" "bs" "bs_Cyrl" "bs_Cyrl_BA" "bs_Latn"
-## [76] "bs_Latn_BA" "ca" "ca_AD" "ca_ES" "ca_FR"
-## [81] "ca_IT" "ccp" "ccp_BD" "ccp_IN" "ce"
-## [86] "ce_RU" "ceb" "ceb_PH" "cgg" "cgg_UG"
-## [91] "chr" "chr_US" "ckb" "ckb_IQ" "ckb_IR"
-## [96] "cs" "cs_CZ" "cy" "cy_GB" "da"
-## [101] "da_DK" "da_GL" "dav" "dav_KE" "de"
-## [106] "de_AT" "de_BE" "de_CH" "de_DE" "de_IT"
-## [111] "de_LI" "de_LU" "dje" "dje_NE" "doi"
-## [116] "doi_IN" "dsb" "dsb_DE" "dua" "dua_CM"
-## [121] "dyo" "dyo_SN" "dz" "dz_BT" "ebu"
-## [126] "ebu_KE" "ee" "ee_GH" "ee_TG" "el"
-## [131] "el_CY" "el_GR" "en" "en_001" "en_150"
-## [136] "en_AE" "en_AG" "en_AI" "en_AS" "en_AT"
-## [141] "en_AU" "en_BB" "en_BE" "en_BI" "en_BM"
-## [146] "en_BS" "en_BW" "en_BZ" "en_CA" "en_CC"
-## [151] "en_CH" "en_CK" "en_CM" "en_CX" "en_CY"
-## [156] "en_DE" "en_DG" "en_DK" "en_DM" "en_ER"
-## [161] "en_FI" "en_FJ" "en_FK" "en_FM" "en_GB"
-## [166] "en_GD" "en_GG" "en_GH" "en_GI" "en_GM"
-## [171] "en_GU" "en_GY" "en_HK" "en_IE" "en_IL"
-## [176] "en_IM" "en_IN" "en_IO" "en_JE" "en_JM"
-## [181] "en_KE" "en_KI" "en_KN" "en_KY" "en_LC"
-## [186] "en_LR" "en_LS" "en_MG" "en_MH" "en_MO"
-## [191] "en_MP" "en_MS" "en_MT" "en_MU" "en_MW"
-## [196] "en_MY" "en_NA" "en_NF" "en_NG" "en_NL"
-## [201] "en_NR" "en_NU" "en_NZ" "en_PG" "en_PH"
-## [206] "en_PK" "en_PN" "en_PR" "en_PW" "en_RW"
-## [211] "en_SB" "en_SC" "en_SD" "en_SE" "en_SG"
-## [216] "en_SH" "en_SI" "en_SL" "en_SS" "en_SX"
-## [221] "en_SZ" "en_TC" "en_TK" "en_TO" "en_TT"
-## [226] "en_TV" "en_TZ" "en_UG" "en_UM" "en_US"
-## [231] "en_US_POSIX" "en_VC" "en_VG" "en_VI" "en_VU"
-## [236] "en_WS" "en_ZA" "en_ZM" "en_ZW" "eo"
-## [241] "eo_001" "es" "es_419" "es_AR" "es_BO"
-## [246] "es_BR" "es_BZ" "es_CL" "es_CO" "es_CR"
-## [251] "es_CU" "es_DO" "es_EA" "es_EC" "es_ES"
-## [256] "es_GQ" "es_GT" "es_HN" "es_IC" "es_MX"
-## [261] "es_NI" "es_PA" "es_PE" "es_PH" "es_PR"
-## [266] "es_PY" "es_SV" "es_US" "es_UY" "es_VE"
-## [271] "et" "et_EE" "eu" "eu_ES" "ewo"
-## [276] "ewo_CM" "fa" "fa_AF" "fa_IR" "ff"
-## [281] "ff_Adlm" "ff_Adlm_BF" "ff_Adlm_CM" "ff_Adlm_GH" "ff_Adlm_GM"
-## [286] "ff_Adlm_GN" "ff_Adlm_GW" "ff_Adlm_LR" "ff_Adlm_MR" "ff_Adlm_NE"
-## [291] "ff_Adlm_NG" "ff_Adlm_SL" "ff_Adlm_SN" "ff_Latn" "ff_Latn_BF"
-## [296] "ff_Latn_CM" "ff_Latn_GH" "ff_Latn_GM" "ff_Latn_GN" "ff_Latn_GW"
-## [301] "ff_Latn_LR" "ff_Latn_MR" "ff_Latn_NE" "ff_Latn_NG" "ff_Latn_SL"
-## [306] "ff_Latn_SN" "fi" "fi_FI" "fil" "fil_PH"
-## [311] "fo" "fo_DK" "fo_FO" "fr" "fr_BE"
-## [316] "fr_BF" "fr_BI" "fr_BJ" "fr_BL" "fr_CA"
-## [321] "fr_CD" "fr_CF" "fr_CG" "fr_CH" "fr_CI"
-## [326] "fr_CM" "fr_DJ" "fr_DZ" "fr_FR" "fr_GA"
-## [331] "fr_GF" "fr_GN" "fr_GP" "fr_GQ" "fr_HT"
-## [336] "fr_KM" "fr_LU" "fr_MA" "fr_MC" "fr_MF"
-## [341] "fr_MG" "fr_ML" "fr_MQ" "fr_MR" "fr_MU"
-## [346] "fr_NC" "fr_NE" "fr_PF" "fr_PM" "fr_RE"
-## [351] "fr_RW" "fr_SC" "fr_SN" "fr_SY" "fr_TD"
-## [356] "fr_TG" "fr_TN" "fr_VU" "fr_WF" "fr_YT"
-## [361] "fur" "fur_IT" "fy" "fy_NL" "ga"
-## [366] "ga_GB" "ga_IE" "gd" "gd_GB" "gl"
-## [371] "gl_ES" "gsw" "gsw_CH" "gsw_FR" "gsw_LI"
-## [376] "gu" "gu_IN" "guz" "guz_KE" "gv"
-## [381] "gv_IM" "ha" "ha_GH" "ha_NE" "ha_NG"
-## [386] "haw" "haw_US" "he" "he_IL" "hi"
-## [391] "hi_IN" "hr" "hr_BA" "hr_HR" "hsb"
-## [396] "hsb_DE" "hu" "hu_HU" "hy" "hy_AM"
-## [401] "ia" "ia_001" "id" "id_ID" "ig"
-## [406] "ig_NG" "ii" "ii_CN" "is" "is_IS"
-## [411] "it" "it_CH" "it_IT" "it_SM" "it_VA"
-## [416] "ja" "ja_JP" "jgo" "jgo_CM" "jmc"
-## [421] "jmc_TZ" "jv" "jv_ID" "ka" "ka_GE"
-## [426] "kab" "kab_DZ" "kam" "kam_KE" "kde"
-## [431] "kde_TZ" "kea" "kea_CV" "khq" "khq_ML"
-## [436] "ki" "ki_KE" "kk" "kk_KZ" "kkj"
-## [441] "kkj_CM" "kl" "kl_GL" "kln" "kln_KE"
-## [446] "km" "km_KH" "kn" "kn_IN" "ko"
-## [451] "ko_KP" "ko_KR" "kok" "kok_IN" "ks"
-## [456] "ks_Arab" "ks_Arab_IN" "ksb" "ksb_TZ" "ksf"
-## [461] "ksf_CM" "ksh" "ksh_DE" "ku" "ku_TR"
-## [466] "kw" "kw_GB" "ky" "ky_KG" "lag"
-## [471] "lag_TZ" "lb" "lb_LU" "lg" "lg_UG"
-## [476] "lkt" "lkt_US" "ln" "ln_AO" "ln_CD"
-## [481] "ln_CF" "ln_CG" "lo" "lo_LA" "lrc"
-## [486] "lrc_IQ" "lrc_IR" "lt" "lt_LT" "lu"
-## [491] "lu_CD" "luo" "luo_KE" "luy" "luy_KE"
-## [496] "lv" "lv_LV" "mai" "mai_IN" "mas"
-## [501] "mas_KE" "mas_TZ" "mer" "mer_KE" "mfe"
-## [506] "mfe_MU" "mg" "mg_MG" "mgh" "mgh_MZ"
-## [511] "mgo" "mgo_CM" "mi" "mi_NZ" "mk"
-## [516] "mk_MK" "ml" "ml_IN" "mn" "mn_MN"
-## [521] "mni" "mni_Beng" "mni_Beng_IN" "mr" "mr_IN"
-## [526] "ms" "ms_BN" "ms_ID" "ms_MY" "ms_SG"
-## [531] "mt" "mt_MT" "mua" "mua_CM" "my"
-## [536] "my_MM" "mzn" "mzn_IR" "naq" "naq_NA"
-## [541] "nb" "nb_NO" "nb_SJ" "nd" "nd_ZW"
-## [546] "ne" "ne_IN" "ne_NP" "nl" "nl_AW"
-## [551] "nl_BE" "nl_BQ" "nl_CW" "nl_NL" "nl_SR"
-## [556] "nl_SX" "nmg" "nmg_CM" "nn" "nn_NO"
-## [561] "nnh" "nnh_CM" "no" "nus" "nus_SS"
-## [566] "nyn" "nyn_UG" "om" "om_ET" "om_KE"
-## [571] "or" "or_IN" "os" "os_GE" "os_RU"
-## [576] "pa" "pa_Arab" "pa_Arab_PK" "pa_Guru" "pa_Guru_IN"
-## [581] "pcm" "pcm_NG" "pl" "pl_PL" "ps"
-## [586] "ps_AF" "ps_PK" "pt" "pt_AO" "pt_BR"
-## [591] "pt_CH" "pt_CV" "pt_GQ" "pt_GW" "pt_LU"
-## [596] "pt_MO" "pt_MZ" "pt_PT" "pt_ST" "pt_TL"
-## [601] "qu" "qu_BO" "qu_EC" "qu_PE" "rm"
-## [606] "rm_CH" "rn" "rn_BI" "ro" "ro_MD"
-## [611] "ro_RO" "rof" "rof_TZ" "ru" "ru_BY"
-## [616] "ru_KG" "ru_KZ" "ru_MD" "ru_RU" "ru_UA"
-## [621] "rw" "rw_RW" "rwk" "rwk_TZ" "sa"
-## [626] "sa_IN" "sah" "sah_RU" "saq" "saq_KE"
-## [631] "sat" "sat_Olck" "sat_Olck_IN" "sbp" "sbp_TZ"
-## [636] "sd" "sd_Arab" "sd_Arab_PK" "sd_Deva" "sd_Deva_IN"
-## [641] "se" "se_FI" "se_NO" "se_SE" "seh"
-## [646] "seh_MZ" "ses" "ses_ML" "sg" "sg_CF"
-## [651] "shi" "shi_Latn" "shi_Latn_MA" "shi_Tfng" "shi_Tfng_MA"
-## [656] "si" "si_LK" "sk" "sk_SK" "sl"
-## [661] "sl_SI" "smn" "smn_FI" "sn" "sn_ZW"
-## [666] "so" "so_DJ" "so_ET" "so_KE" "so_SO"
-## [671] "sq" "sq_AL" "sq_MK" "sq_XK" "sr"
-## [676] "sr_Cyrl" "sr_Cyrl_BA" "sr_Cyrl_ME" "sr_Cyrl_RS" "sr_Cyrl_XK"
-## [681] "sr_Latn" "sr_Latn_BA" "sr_Latn_ME" "sr_Latn_RS" "sr_Latn_XK"
-## [686] "su" "su_Latn" "su_Latn_ID" "sv" "sv_AX"
-## [691] "sv_FI" "sv_SE" "sw" "sw_CD" "sw_KE"
-## [696] "sw_TZ" "sw_UG" "ta" "ta_IN" "ta_LK"
-## [701] "ta_MY" "ta_SG" "te" "te_IN" "teo"
-## [706] "teo_KE" "teo_UG" "tg" "tg_TJ" "th"
-## [711] "th_TH" "ti" "ti_ER" "ti_ET" "tk"
-## [716] "tk_TM" "to" "to_TO" "tr" "tr_CY"
-## [721] "tr_TR" "tt" "tt_RU" "twq" "twq_NE"
-## [726] "tzm" "tzm_MA" "ug" "ug_CN" "uk"
-## [731] "uk_UA" "ur" "ur_IN" "ur_PK" "uz"
-## [736] "uz_Arab" "uz_Arab_AF" "uz_Cyrl" "uz_Cyrl_UZ" "uz_Latn"
-## [741] "uz_Latn_UZ" "vai" "vai_Latn" "vai_Latn_LR" "vai_Vaii"
-## [746] "vai_Vaii_LR" "vi" "vi_VN" "vun" "vun_TZ"
-## [751] "wae" "wae_CH" "wo" "wo_SN" "xh"
-## [756] "xh_ZA" "xog" "xog_UG" "yav" "yav_CM"
-## [761] "yi" "yi_001" "yo" "yo_BJ" "yo_NG"
-## [766] "yue" "yue_Hans" "yue_Hans_CN" "yue_Hant" "yue_Hant_HK"
-## [771] "zgh" "zgh_MA" "zh" "zh_Hans" "zh_Hans_CN"
-## [776] "zh_Hans_HK" "zh_Hans_MO" "zh_Hans_SG" "zh_Hant" "zh_Hant_HK"
-## [781] "zh_Hant_MO" "zh_Hant_TW" "zu" "zu_ZA"
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-# stri\_locale\_set: Set or Get Default Locale in stringi
-## Description
-`stri_locale_set` changes the default locale for all the functions in the stringi package, i.e., establishes the meaning of the "`NULL` locale" argument of locale-sensitive functions. `stri_locale_get` gives the current default locale.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `locale` | single string of the form `Language`, `Language_Country`, or `Language_Country_Variant`, e.g., `'en_US'`, see [`stri_locale_list`](stri_locale_list.md). |
-## Details
-See [stringi-locale](about_locale.md) for more information on the effect of changing the default locale.
-`stri_locale_get` is the same as [`stri_locale_info(NULL)$Name`](stri_locale_info.md).
-## Value
-`stri_locale_set` returns a string with previously used locale, invisibly.
-`stri_locale_get` returns a string of the form `Language`, `Language_Country`, or `Language_Country_Variant`, e.g., `'en_US'`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_management: [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`stri_locale_info()`](stri_locale_info.md), [`stri_locale_list()`](stri_locale_list.md)
-## Examples
-## Not run:
-oldloc <- stri_locale_set('pt_BR')
-## You are now working with stringi_1.7.3 (pt_BR.UTF-8; ICU4C 69.1 [bundle]; Unicode 13.0)
-# ... some locale-dependent operations
-# ... note that you may always modify a locale per-call
-# ... changing the default locale is convenient if you perform
-# ... many operations
-stri_locale_set(oldloc) # restore the previous default locale
-## You are now working with stringi_1.7.3 (en_AU.UTF-8; ICU4C 69.1 [bundle]; Unicode 13.0)
-## End(Not run)
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-# stri\_locate: Locate Pattern Occurrences
-## Description
-These functions find the indexes (positions) where there is a match to some pattern. The functions `stri_locate_all_*` locate all the matches. `stri_locate_first_*` and `stri_locate_last_*` give the first and the last matches, respectively.
-## Usage
-stri_locate_all(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_locate_first(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_locate_last(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
- str,
- ...,
- regex,
- fixed,
- coll,
- charclass,
- mode = c("first", "all", "last")
- str,
- pattern,
- merge = TRUE,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- get_length = FALSE
-stri_locate_first_charclass(str, pattern, get_length = FALSE)
-stri_locate_last_charclass(str, pattern, get_length = FALSE)
- str,
- pattern,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- capture_groups = FALSE,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- capture_groups = FALSE,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- capture_groups = FALSE,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector; strings to search in |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_collator`, `opts_regex`, `opts_fixed`, and so on |
-| `mode` | single string; one of: `'first'` (the default), `'all'`, `'last'` |
-| `pattern, regex, fixed, coll, charclass` | character vector; search patterns; for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `merge` | single logical value; indicates whether consecutive sequences of indexes in the resulting matrix should be merged; `stri_locate_all_charclass` only |
-| `omit_no_match` | single logical value; if `TRUE`, a no-match will be indicated by a matrix with 0 rows `stri_locate_all_*` only |
-| `get_length` | single logical value; if `FALSE` (default), generate *from-to* matrices; otherwise, output *from-length* ones |
-| `opts_collator, opts_fixed, opts_regex` | named list used to tune up the selected search engine\'s settings; see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md), and [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md), respectively; `NULL` for the defaults |
-| `capture_groups` | single logical value; whether positions of matches to parenthesized subexpressions should be returned too (as `capture_groups` attribute); `stri_locate_*_regex` only |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` and `pattern` (with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary). This allows to, for instance, search for one pattern in each string, search for each pattern in one string, and search for the i-th pattern within the i-th string.
-The matches may be extracted by calling [`stri_sub`](stri_sub.md) or [`stri_sub_all`](stri_sub_all.md). Alternatively, you may call [`stri_extract`](stri_extract.md) directly.
-`stri_locate`, `stri_locate_all`, `stri_locate_first`, and `stri_locate_last` are convenience functions. They just call `stri_locate_*_*`, depending on the arguments used.
-## Value
-For `stri_locate_all_*`, a list of integer matrices is returned. Each list element represents the results of a separate search scenario. The first column gives the start positions of the matches, and the second column gives the end positions. Moreover, two `NA`s in a row denote `NA` arguments or a no-match (the latter only if `omit_no_match` is `FALSE`).
-`stri_locate_first_*` and `stri_locate_last_*` return an integer matrix with two columns, giving the start and end positions of the first or the last matches, respectively, and two `NA`s if and only if they are not found.
-For `stri_locate_*_regex`, if the match is of zero length, `end` will be one character less than `start`. Note that `stri_locate_last_regex` searches from start to end, but skips overlapping matches, see the example below.
-Setting `get_length=TRUE` results in the 2nd column representing the length of the match instead of the end position. In this case, negative length denotes a no-match.
-If `capture_groups=TRUE`, then the outputs are equipped with the `capture_groups` attribute, which is a list of matrices giving the start-end positions of matches to parenthesized subexpressions. Similarly to `stri_match_regex`, capture group names are extracted unless looking for first/last occurrences of many different patterns.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_locate: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md)
-Other indexing: [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_sub_all()`](stri_sub_all.md), [`stri_sub()`](stri_sub.md)
-## Examples
-stri_locate_all('stringi', fixed='i')
-## [[1]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 4 4
-## [2,] 7 7
-stri_locate_first_coll('hladn\u00FD', 'HLADNY', strength=1, locale='sk_SK')
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 6
- c('breakfast=eggs;lunch=pizza', 'breakfast=spam', 'no food here'),
- '(?\\w+)=(?\\w+)',
- capture_groups=TRUE
-) # named capture groups
-## [[1]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 14
-## [2,] 16 26
-## attr(,"capture_groups")
-## attr(,"capture_groups")$when
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 9
-## [2,] 16 20
-## attr(,"capture_groups")$what
-## start end
-## [1,] 11 14
-## [2,] 22 26
-## [[2]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 14
-## attr(,"capture_groups")
-## attr(,"capture_groups")$when
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 9
-## attr(,"capture_groups")$what
-## start end
-## [1,] 11 14
-## [[3]]
-## start end
-## [1,] NA NA
-## attr(,"capture_groups")
-## attr(,"capture_groups")$when
-## start end
-## [1,] NA NA
-## attr(,"capture_groups")$what
-## start end
-## [1,] NA NA
-stri_locate_all_fixed("abababa", "ABA", case_insensitive=TRUE, overlap=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 3
-## [2,] 3 5
-## [3,] 5 7
-stri_locate_first_fixed("ababa", "aba")
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 3
-stri_locate_last_fixed("ababa", "aba") # starts from end
-## start end
-## [1,] 3 5
-stri_locate_last_regex("ababa", "aba") # no overlaps, from left to right
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 3
-x <- c("yes yes", "no", NA)
-stri_locate_all_fixed(x, "yes")
-## [[1]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 3
-## [2,] 5 7
-## [[2]]
-## start end
-## [1,] NA NA
-## [[3]]
-## start end
-## [1,] NA NA
-stri_locate_all_fixed(x, "yes", omit_no_match=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 3
-## [2,] 5 7
-## [[2]]
-## start end
-## [[3]]
-## start end
-## [1,] NA NA
-stri_locate_all_fixed(x, "yes", get_length=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## start length
-## [1,] 1 3
-## [2,] 5 3
-## [[2]]
-## start length
-## [1,] -1 -1
-## [[3]]
-## start length
-## [1,] NA NA
-stri_locate_all_fixed(x, "yes", get_length=TRUE, omit_no_match=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## start length
-## [1,] 1 3
-## [2,] 5 3
-## [[2]]
-## start length
-## [[3]]
-## start length
-## [1,] NA NA
-stri_locate_first_fixed(x, "yes")
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 3
-## [2,] NA NA
-## [3,] NA NA
-stri_locate_first_fixed(x, "yes", get_length=TRUE)
-## start length
-## [1,] 1 3
-## [2,] -1 -1
-## [3,] NA NA
-# Use regex positive-lookahead to locate overlapping pattern matches:
-stri_locate_all_regex('ACAGAGACTTTAGATAGAGAAGA', '(?=AGA)')
-## [[1]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 3 2
-## [2,] 5 4
-## [3,] 12 11
-## [4,] 16 15
-## [5,] 18 17
-## [6,] 21 20
-# note that start > end here (match of length zero)
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-# stri\_locate\_boundaries: Locate Text Boundaries
-## Description
-These functions locate text boundaries (like character, word, line, or sentence boundaries). Use `stri_locate_all_*` to locate all the matches. `stri_locate_first_*` and `stri_locate_last_*` give the first or the last matches, respectively.
-## Usage
- str,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- get_length = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_brkiter = NULL
-stri_locate_last_boundaries(str, get_length = FALSE, ..., opts_brkiter = NULL)
-stri_locate_first_boundaries(str, get_length = FALSE, ..., opts_brkiter = NULL)
- str,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- locale = NULL,
- get_length = FALSE
-stri_locate_last_words(str, locale = NULL, get_length = FALSE)
-stri_locate_first_words(str, locale = NULL, get_length = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to |
-| `omit_no_match` | single logical value; if `TRUE`, a no-match will be indicated by a matrix with 0 rows `stri_locate_all_*` only |
-| `get_length` | single logical value; if `FALSE` (default), generate *from-to* matrices; otherwise, output *from-length* ones |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_brkiter` |
-| `opts_brkiter` | named list with ICU BreakIterator\'s settings, see [`stri_opts_brkiter`](stri_opts_brkiter.md); `NULL` for default break iterator, i.e., `line_break` |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for text boundary analysis following the conventions of the default locale, or a single string with locale identifier, see [stringi-locale](about_locale.md) |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`.
-For more information on text boundary analysis performed by ICU\'s `BreakIterator`, see [stringi-search-boundaries](about_search_boundaries.md).
-For `stri_locate_*_words`, just like in [`stri_extract_all_words`](stri_extract_boundaries.md) and [`stri_count_words`](stri_count_boundaries.md), ICU\'s word `BreakIterator` iterator is used to locate the word boundaries, and all non-word characters (`UBRK_WORD_NONE` rule status) are ignored. This function is equivalent to a call to `stri_locate_*_boundaries(str, type='word', skip_word_none=TRUE, locale=locale)`
-## Value
-`stri_locate_all_*` yields a list of `length(str)` integer matrices. `stri_locate_first_*` and `stri_locate_last_*` generate return an integer matrix. See [`stri_locate`](stri_locate.md) for more details.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_locate: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_locate_all()`](stri_locate.md)
-Other indexing: [`stri_locate_all()`](stri_locate.md), [`stri_sub_all()`](stri_sub_all.md), [`stri_sub()`](stri_sub.md)
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other text\_boundaries: [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_brkiter()`](stri_opts_brkiter.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-test <- 'The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam.'
-## [[1]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 3
-## [2,] 5 9
-## [3,] 11 19
-## [4,] 24 31
-## [5,] 33 35
-## [6,] 37 40
-## [7,] 42 47
-## [8,] 50 53
-## [9,] 56 59
-## [10,] 62 65
-## [11,] 68 72
-## [12,] 75 77
-## [13,] 79 82
- 'Mr. Jones and Mrs. Brown are very happy. So am I, Prof. Smith.',
- type='sentence',
- locale='en_US@ss=standard' # ICU >= 56 only
-## [[1]]
-## start end
-## [1,] 1 41
-## [2,] 42 62
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-# stri\_match: Extract Regex Pattern Matches, Together with Capture Groups
-## Description
-These functions extract substrings in `str` that match a given regex `pattern`. Additionally, they extract matches to every *capture group*, i.e., to all the sub-patterns given in round parentheses.
-## Usage
-stri_match_all(str, ..., regex)
-stri_match_first(str, ..., regex)
-stri_match_last(str, ..., regex)
-stri_match(str, ..., regex, mode = c("first", "all", "last"))
- str,
- pattern,
- omit_no_match = FALSE,
- cg_missing = NA_character_,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- cg_missing = NA_character_,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- cg_missing = NA_character_,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector; strings to search in |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_regex` |
-| `mode` | single string; one of: `'first'` (the default), `'all'`, `'last'` |
-| `pattern, regex` | character vector; search patterns; for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `omit_no_match` | single logical value; if `FALSE`, then a row with missing values will indicate that there was no match; `stri_match_all_*` only |
-| `cg_missing` | single string to be used if a capture group match is unavailable |
-| `opts_regex` | a named list with ICU Regex settings, see [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md); `NULL` for default settings |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` and `pattern` (with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary). This allows to, for instance, search for one pattern in each given string, search for each pattern in one given string, and search for the i-th pattern within the i-th string.
-If no pattern match is detected and `omit_no_match=FALSE`, then `NA`s are included in the resulting matrix (matrices), see Examples.
-`stri_match`, `stri_match_all`, `stri_match_first`, and `stri_match_last` are convenience functions. They merely call `stri_match_*_regex` and are provided for consistency with other string searching functions\' wrappers, see, among others, [`stri_extract`](stri_extract.md).
-## Value
-For `stri_match_all*`, a list of character matrices is returned. Each list element represents the results of a different search scenario.
-For `stri_match_first*` and `stri_match_last*` a character matrix is returned. Each row corresponds to a different search result.
-The first matrix column gives the whole match. The second one corresponds to the first capture group, the third -- the second capture group, and so on.
-If regular expressions feature a named capture group, the matrix columns will be named accordingly. However, for `stri_match_first*` and `stri_match_last*` this will only be the case if there is a single pattern.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_extract: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_extract_all()`](stri_extract.md)
-## Examples
-stri_match_all_regex('breakfast=eggs, lunch=pizza, dessert=icecream',
- '(\\w+)=(\\w+)')
-## [[1]]
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "breakfast=eggs" "breakfast" "eggs"
-## [2,] "lunch=pizza" "lunch" "pizza"
-## [3,] "dessert=icecream" "dessert" "icecream"
-stri_match_all_regex(c('breakfast=eggs', 'lunch=pizza', 'no food here'),
- '(\\w+)=(\\w+)')
-## [[1]]
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "breakfast=eggs" "breakfast" "eggs"
-## [[2]]
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "lunch=pizza" "lunch" "pizza"
-## [[3]]
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] NA NA NA
- 'breakfast=bacon;lunch=spaghetti', 'no food here'),
- '(\\w+)=(\\w+)')
-## [[1]]
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "breakfast=eggs" "breakfast" "eggs"
-## [2,] "lunch=pizza" "lunch" "pizza"
-## [[2]]
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "breakfast=bacon" "breakfast" "bacon"
-## [2,] "lunch=spaghetti" "lunch" "spaghetti"
-## [[3]]
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] NA NA NA
- 'breakfast=bacon;lunch=spaghetti', 'no food here'),
- '(?\\w+)=(?\\w+)') # named capture groups
-## [[1]]
-## when what
-## [1,] "breakfast=eggs" "breakfast" "eggs"
-## [2,] "lunch=pizza" "lunch" "pizza"
-## [[2]]
-## when what
-## [1,] "breakfast=bacon" "breakfast" "bacon"
-## [2,] "lunch=spaghetti" "lunch" "spaghetti"
-## [[3]]
-## when what
-## [1,] NA NA NA
- 'breakfast=bacon;lunch=spaghetti', 'no food here'),
- '(\\w+)=(\\w+)')
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "breakfast=eggs" "breakfast" "eggs"
-## [2,] "breakfast=bacon" "breakfast" "bacon"
-## [3,] NA NA NA
- 'breakfast=bacon;lunch=spaghetti', 'no food here'),
- '(\\w+)=(\\w+)')
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "lunch=pizza" "lunch" "pizza"
-## [2,] "lunch=spaghetti" "lunch" "spaghetti"
-## [3,] NA NA NA
-stri_match_first_regex(c('abcd', ':abcd', ':abcd:'), '^(:)?([^:]*)(:)?$')
-## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
-## [1,] "abcd" NA "abcd" NA
-## [2,] ":abcd" ":" "abcd" NA
-## [3,] ":abcd:" ":" "abcd" ":"
-stri_match_first_regex(c('abcd', ':abcd', ':abcd:'), '^(:)?([^:]*)(:)?$', cg_missing='')
-## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
-## [1,] "abcd" "" "abcd" ""
-## [2,] ":abcd" ":" "abcd" ""
-## [3,] ":abcd:" ":" "abcd" ":"
-# Match all the pattern of the form XYX, including overlapping matches:
-stri_match_all_regex('ACAGAGACTTTAGATAGAGAAGA', '(?=(([ACGT])[ACGT]\\2))')[[1]][,2]
-## [1] "ACA" "AGA" "GAG" "AGA" "TTT" "AGA" "ATA" "AGA" "GAG" "AGA" "AGA"
-# Compare the above to:
-stri_extract_all_regex('ACAGAGACTTTAGATAGAGAAGA', '([ACGT])[ACGT]\\1')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "ACA" "GAG" "TTT" "AGA" "AGA" "AGA"
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-# stri\_na2empty: Replace NAs with Empty Strings
-## Description
-This function replaces all missing values with empty strings. See [`stri_replace_na`](stri_replace_na.md) for a generalization.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `x` | a character vector |
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other utils: [`stri_list2matrix()`](stri_list2matrix.md), [`stri_remove_empty()`](stri_remove_empty.md), [`stri_replace_na()`](stri_replace_na.md)
-## Examples
-stri_na2empty(c('a', NA, '', 'b'))
-## [1] "a" "" "" "b"
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-# stri\_numbytes: Count the Number of Bytes
-## Description
-Counts the number of bytes needed to store each string in the computer\'s memory.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to |
-## Details
-Often, this is not the function you would normally use in your string processing activities. See [`stri_length`](stri_length.md) instead.
-For 8-bit encoded strings, this is the same as [`stri_length`](stri_length.md). For UTF-8 strings, the returned values may be greater than the number of code points, as UTF-8 is not a fixed-byte encoding: one code point may be encoded by 1-4 bytes (according to the current Unicode standard).
-Missing values are handled properly.
-The strings do not need to be re-encoded to perform this operation.
-The returned values do not include the trailing NUL bytes, which are used internally to mark the end of string data (in C).
-## Value
-Returns an integer vector of the same length as `str`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other length: [`%s$%()`](operator_dollar.md), [`stri_isempty()`](stri_isempty.md), [`stri_length()`](stri_length.md), [`stri_pad_both()`](stri_pad.md), [`stri_sprintf()`](stri_sprintf.md), [`stri_width()`](stri_width.md)
-## Examples
-## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
-stri_numbytes(c('abc', '123', '\u0105\u0104'))
-## [1] 3 3 4
-## Not run:
-# this used to fail on Windows, where there were no native support
-# for 4-bytes Unicode characters; see, however, stri_unescape_unicode():
-stri_numbytes('\U001F600') # compare stri_length('\U001F600')
-## [1] 4
-## End(Not run)
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-# stri\_opts\_brkiter: Generate a List with BreakIterator Settings
-## Description
-A convenience function to tune the ICU `BreakIterator`\'s behavior in some text boundary analysis functions, see [stringi-search-boundaries](about_search_boundaries.md).
-## Usage
- type,
- locale,
- skip_word_none,
- skip_word_number,
- skip_word_letter,
- skip_word_kana,
- skip_word_ideo,
- skip_line_soft,
- skip_line_hard,
- skip_sentence_term,
- skip_sentence_sep,
- ...
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `type` | single string; either the break iterator type, one of `character`, `line_break`, `sentence`, `word`, or a custom set of ICU break iteration rules; see [stringi-search-boundaries](about_search_boundaries.md) |
-| `locale` | single string, `NULL` or `''` for default locale |
-| `skip_word_none` | logical; perform no action for \'words\' that do not fit into any other categories |
-| `skip_word_number` | logical; perform no action for words that appear to be numbers |
-| `skip_word_letter` | logical; perform no action for words that contain letters, excluding hiragana, katakana, or ideographic characters |
-| `skip_word_kana` | logical; perform no action for words containing kana characters |
-| `skip_word_ideo` | logical; perform no action for words containing ideographic characters |
-| `skip_line_soft` | logical; perform no action for soft line breaks, i.e., positions where a line break is acceptable but not required |
-| `skip_line_hard` | logical; perform no action for hard, or mandatory line breaks |
-| `skip_sentence_term` | logical; perform no action for sentences ending with a sentence terminator (\'`.`\', \'`,`\', \'`?`\', \'`!`\'), possibly followed by a hard separator (`CR`, `LF`, `PS`, etc.) |
-| `skip_sentence_sep` | logical; perform no action for sentences that do not contain an ending sentence terminator, but are ended by a hard separator or end of input |
-| `...` | \[DEPRECATED\] any other arguments passed to this function generate a warning; this argument will be removed in the future |
-## Details
-The `skip_*` family of settings may be used to prevent performing any special actions on particular types of text boundaries, e.g., in case of the [`stri_locate_all_boundaries`](stri_locate_boundaries.md) and [`stri_split_boundaries`](stri_split_boundaries.md) functions.
-Note that custom break iterator rules (advanced users only) should be specified as a single string. For a detailed description of the syntax of RBBI rules, please refer to the ICU User Guide on Boundary Analysis.
-## Value
-Returns a named list object. Omitted `skip_*` values act as they have been set to `FALSE`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*`ubrk.h` File Reference* -- ICU4C API Documentation,
-*Boundary Analysis* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other text\_boundaries: [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
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-# stri\_opts\_collator: Generate a List with Collator Settings
-## Description
-A convenience function to tune the ICU Collator\'s behavior, e.g., in [`stri_compare`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_order`](stri_order.md), [`stri_unique`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_duplicated`](stri_duplicated.md), as well as [`stri_detect_coll`](stri_detect.md) and other [stringi-search-coll](about_search_coll.md) functions.
-## Usage
- locale = NULL,
- strength = 3L,
- alternate_shifted = FALSE,
- french = FALSE,
- uppercase_first = NA,
- case_level = FALSE,
- normalization = FALSE,
- normalisation = normalization,
- numeric = FALSE,
- ...
- locale = NULL,
- strength = 3L,
- alternate_shifted = FALSE,
- french = FALSE,
- uppercase_first = NA,
- case_level = FALSE,
- normalization = FALSE,
- normalisation = normalization,
- numeric = FALSE,
- ...
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `locale` | single string, `NULL` or `''` for default locale |
-| `strength` | single integer in {1,2,3,4}, which defines collation strength; `1` for the most permissive collation rules, `4` for the strictest ones |
-| `alternate_shifted` | single logical value; `FALSE` treats all the code points with non-ignorable primary weights in the same way, `TRUE` causes code points with primary weights that are equal or below the variable top value to be ignored on primary level and moved to the quaternary level |
-| `french` | single logical value; used in Canadian French; `TRUE` results in secondary weights being considered backwards |
-| `uppercase_first` | single logical value; `NA` orders upper and lower case letters in accordance to their tertiary weights, `TRUE` forces upper case letters to sort before lower case letters, `FALSE` does the opposite |
-| `case_level` | single logical value; controls whether an extra case level (positioned before the third level) is generated or not |
-| `normalization` | single logical value; if `TRUE`, then incremental check is performed to see whether the input data is in the FCD form. If the data is not in the FCD form, incremental NFD normalization is performed |
-| `normalisation` | alias of `normalization` |
-| `numeric` | single logical value; when turned on, this attribute generates a collation key for the numeric value of substrings of digits; this is a way to get \'100\' to sort AFTER \'2\' |
-| `...` | \[DEPRECATED\] any other arguments passed to this function generate a warning; this argument will be removed in the future |
-## Details
-ICU\'s *collator* performs a locale-aware, natural-language alike string comparison. This is a more reliable way of establishing relationships between strings than the one provided by base **R**, and definitely one that is more complex and appropriate than ordinary bytewise comparison.
-## Value
-Returns a named list object; missing settings are left with default values.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Collation* -- ICU User Guide,
-*ICU Collation Service Architecture* -- ICU User Guide,
-*`icu::Collator` Class Reference* -- ICU4C API Documentation,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other search\_coll: [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md)
-## Examples
-stri_cmp('number100', 'number2')
-## [1] -1
-stri_cmp('number100', 'number2', opts_collator=stri_opts_collator(numeric=TRUE))
-## [1] 1
-stri_cmp('number100', 'number2', numeric=TRUE) # equivalent
-## [1] 1
-stri_cmp('above mentioned', 'above-mentioned')
-## [1] -1
-stri_cmp('above mentioned', 'above-mentioned', alternate_shifted=TRUE)
-## [1] 0
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-# stri\_opts\_fixed: Generate a List with Fixed Pattern Search Engine\'s Settings
-## Description
-A convenience function used to tune up the behavior of `stri_*_fixed` functions, see [stringi-search-fixed](about_search_fixed.md).
-## Usage
-stri_opts_fixed(case_insensitive = FALSE, overlap = FALSE, ...)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `case_insensitive` | logical; enable simple case insensitive matching |
-| `overlap` | logical; enable overlapping matches\' detection |
-| `...` | \[DEPRECATED\] any other arguments passed to this function generate a warning; this argument will be removed in the future |
-## Details
-Case-insensitive matching uses a simple, single-code point case mapping (via ICU\'s `u_toupper()` function). Full case mappings should be used whenever possible because they produce better results by working on whole strings. They also take into account the string context and the language, see [stringi-search-coll](about_search_coll.md).
-Searching for overlapping pattern matches is available in [`stri_extract_all_fixed`](stri_extract.md), [`stri_locate_all_fixed`](stri_locate.md), and [`stri_count_fixed`](stri_count.md) functions.
-## Value
-Returns a named list object.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*C/POSIX Migration* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_fixed: [`about_search_fixed`](about_search_fixed.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md)
-## Examples
-stri_detect_fixed('ala', 'ALA') # case-sensitive by default
-## [1] FALSE
-stri_detect_fixed('ala', 'ALA', opts_fixed=stri_opts_fixed(case_insensitive=TRUE))
-## [1] TRUE
-stri_detect_fixed('ala', 'ALA', case_insensitive=TRUE) # equivalent
-## [1] TRUE
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-# stri\_opts\_regex: Generate a List with Regex Matcher Settings
-## Description
-A convenience function to tune the ICU regular expressions matcher\'s behavior, e.g., in [`stri_count_regex`](stri_count.md) and other [stringi-search-regex](about_search_regex.md) functions.
-## Usage
- case_insensitive,
- comments,
- dotall,
- dot_all = dotall,
- literal,
- multiline,
- multi_line = multiline,
- unix_lines,
- uword,
- error_on_unknown_escapes,
- time_limit = 0L,
- stack_limit = 0L,
- ...
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `case_insensitive` | logical; enables case insensitive matching \[regex flag `(?i)`\] |
-| `comments` | logical; allows white space and comments within patterns \[regex flag `(?x)`\] |
-| `dotall` | logical; if set, \'`.`\' matches line terminators, otherwise matching of \'`.`\' stops at a line end \[regex flag `(?s)`\] |
-| `dot_all` | alias of `dotall` |
-| `literal` | logical; if set, treat the entire pattern as a literal string: metacharacters or escape sequences in the input sequence will be given no special meaning; note that in most cases you would rather use the [stringi-search-fixed](about_search_fixed.md) facilities in this case |
-| `multiline` | logical; controls the behavior of \'`$`\' and \'`^`\'. If set, recognize line terminators within a string, otherwise, match only at start and end of input string \[regex flag `(?m)`\] |
-| `multi_line` | alias of `multiline` |
-| `unix_lines` | logical; Unix-only line endings; when enabled, only `U+000a` is recognized as a line ending by \'`.`\', \'`$`\', and \'`^`\'. |
-| `uword` | logical; Unicode word boundaries; if set, uses the Unicode TR 29 definition of word boundaries; warning: Unicode word boundaries are quite different from traditional regex word boundaries. \[regex flag `(?w)`\] See |
-| `error_on_unknown_escapes` | logical; whether to generate an error on unrecognized backslash escapes; if set, fail with an error on patterns that contain backslash-escaped ASCII letters without a known special meaning; otherwise, these escaped letters represent themselves |
-| `time_limit` | integer; processing time limit, in \~milliseconds (but not precisely so, depends on the CPU speed), for match operations; setting a limit is desirable if poorly written regexes are expected on input; 0 for no limit |
-| `stack_limit` | integer; maximal size, in bytes, of the heap storage available for the match backtracking stack; setting a limit is desirable if poorly written regexes are expected on input; 0 for no limit |
-| `...` | \[DEPRECATED\] any other arguments passed to this function generate a warning; this argument will be removed in the future |
-## Details
-Note that some regex settings may be changed using ICU regex flags inside regexes. For example, `'(?i)pattern'` performs a case-insensitive match of a given pattern, see the ICU User Guide entry on Regular Expressions in the References section or [stringi-search-regex](about_search_regex.md).
-## Value
-Returns a named list object; missing settings are left with default values.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*`enum URegexpFlag`: Constants for Regular Expression Match Modes* -- ICU4C API Documentation,
-*Regular Expressions* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_regex: [`about_search_regex`](about_search_regex.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md)
-## Examples
-stri_detect_regex('ala', 'ALA') # case-sensitive by default
-## [1] FALSE
-stri_detect_regex('ala', 'ALA', opts_regex=stri_opts_regex(case_insensitive=TRUE))
-## [1] TRUE
-stri_detect_regex('ala', 'ALA', case_insensitive=TRUE) # equivalent
-## [1] TRUE
-stri_detect_regex('ala', '(?i)ALA') # equivalent
-## [1] TRUE
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-# stri\_order: Ordering Permutation
-## Description
-This function finds a permutation which rearranges the strings in a given character vector into the ascending or descending locale-dependent lexicographic order.
-## Usage
-stri_order(str, decreasing = FALSE, na_last = TRUE, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector |
-| `decreasing` | a single logical value; should the sort order be nondecreasing (`FALSE`, default) or nonincreasing (`TRUE`)? |
-| `na_last` | a single logical value; controls the treatment of `NA`s in `str`. If `TRUE`, then missing values in `str` are put at the end; if `FALSE`, they are put at the beginning; if `NA`, then they are removed from the output |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_collator` |
-| `opts_collator` | a named list with ICU Collator\'s options, see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), `NULL` for default collation options |
-## Details
-For more information on ICU\'s Collator and how to tune it up in stringi, refer to [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md).
-As usual in stringi, non-character inputs are coerced to strings, see an example below for a somewhat non-intuitive behavior of lexicographic sorting on numeric inputs.
-This function uses a stable sort algorithm (STL\'s `stable_sort`), which performs up to *N\*log\^2(N)* element comparisons, where *N* is the length of `str`.
-For ordering with regards to multiple criteria (such as sorting data frames by more than 1 column), see [`stri_rank`](stri_rank.md).
-## Value
-The function yields an integer vector that gives the sort order.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Collation* - ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-stri_order(c('hladny', 'chladny'), locale='pl_PL')
-## [1] 2 1
-stri_order(c('hladny', 'chladny'), locale='sk_SK')
-## [1] 1 2
-stri_order(c(1, 100, 2, 101, 11, 10))
-## [1] 1 6 2 4 5 3
-stri_order(c(1, 100, 2, 101, 11, 10), numeric=TRUE)
-## [1] 1 3 6 5 2 4
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-# stri\_pad: Pad (Center/Left/Right Align) a String
-## Description
-Add multiple `pad` characters at the given `side`(s) of each string so that each output string is of total width of at least `width`. These functions may be used to center or left/right-align each string.
-## Usage
- str,
- width = floor(0.9 * getOption("width")),
- pad = " ",
- use_length = FALSE
- str,
- width = floor(0.9 * getOption("width")),
- pad = " ",
- use_length = FALSE
- str,
- width = floor(0.9 * getOption("width")),
- pad = " ",
- use_length = FALSE
- str,
- width = floor(0.9 * getOption("width")),
- side = c("left", "right", "both"),
- pad = " ",
- use_length = FALSE
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector |
-| `width` | integer vector giving minimal output string lengths |
-| `pad` | character vector giving padding code points |
-| `use_length` | single logical value; should the number of code points be used instead of the total code point width (see [`stri_width`](stri_width.md))? |
-| `side` | \[`stri_pad` only\] single character string; sides on which padding character is added (`left` (default), `right`, or `both`) |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`, `width`, and `pad`. Each string in `pad` should consist of a code points of total width equal to 1 or, if `use_length` is `TRUE`, exactly one code point.
-`stri_pad` is a convenience function, which dispatches to `stri_pad_*`.
-Note that Unicode code points may have various widths when printed on the console and that, by default, the function takes that into account. By changing the state of the `use_length` argument, this function starts acting like each code point was of width 1. This feature should rather be used with text in Latin script.
-See [`stri_trim_left`](stri_trim.md) (among others) for reverse operation. Also check out [`stri_wrap`](stri_wrap.md) for line wrapping.
-## Value
-These functions return a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other length: [`%s$%()`](operator_dollar.md), [`stri_isempty()`](stri_isempty.md), [`stri_length()`](stri_length.md), [`stri_numbytes()`](stri_numbytes.md), [`stri_sprintf()`](stri_sprintf.md), [`stri_width()`](stri_width.md)
-## Examples
-stri_pad_left('stringi', 10, pad='#')
-## [1] "###stringi"
-stri_pad_both('stringi', 8:12, pad='*')
-## [1] "stringi*" "*stringi*" "*stringi**" "**stringi**" "**stringi***"
-# center on screen:
-cat(stri_pad_both(c('the', 'string', 'processing', 'package'),
- getOption('width')*0.9), sep='\n')
-## the
-## string
-## processing
-## package
-cat(stri_pad_both(c('\ud6c8\ubbfc\uc815\uc74c', # takes width into account
- stri_trans_nfkd('\ud6c8\ubbfc\uc815\uc74c'), 'abcd'),
- width=10), sep='\n')
-## 훈민정음
-## 훈민정음
-## abcd
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-# stri\_rand\_lipsum: A Lorem Ipsum Generator
-## Description
-Generates (pseudo)random *lorem ipsum* text consisting of a given number of text paragraphs.
-## Usage
-stri_rand_lipsum(n_paragraphs, start_lipsum = TRUE, nparagraphs = n_paragraphs)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `n_paragraphs` | single integer, number of paragraphs to generate |
-| `start_lipsum` | single logical value; should the resulting text start with *Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet*? |
-| `nparagraphs` | deprecated alias of `n_paragraphs` |
-## Details
-*Lorem ipsum* is a dummy text often used as a source of data for string processing and displaying/lay-outing exercises.
-The current implementation is very simple: words are selected randomly from a Zipf distribution (based on a set of ca. 190 predefined Latin words). The number of words per sentence and sentences per paragraph follows a discretized, truncated normal distribution. No Markov chain modeling, just i.i.d. word selection.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector of length `n_paragraphs`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other random: [`stri_rand_shuffle()`](stri_rand_shuffle.md), [`stri_rand_strings()`](stri_rand_strings.md)
-## Examples
- stri_wrap(stri_rand_lipsum(10), 80, simplify=FALSE),
- stri_flatten, collapse='\n'), sep='\n\n')
-## Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tincidunt fermentum erat, penatibus parturient
-## porta quis mauris volutpat nunc, urna aliquet! Nec, eros diam molestie sociosqu
-## etiam phasellus dis arcu. Varius donec ligula sed tempor semper sed ut, nec.
-## Pulvinar sodales ridiculus, quam ut tristique facilisis eu. Erat mauris in erat
-## in mauris. In lacinia vestibulum et ut dignissim quisque cursus facilisi et et
-## ultricies pretium. Sed, mollis porta elementum dolor nec sed lacus, augue. Velit
-## quam. Iaculis in egestas, curabitur proin vitae ligula vivamus morbi vestibulum.
-## Non, imperdiet et sed platea sed, donec. Himenaeos luctus id feugiat proin.
-## Tincidunt augue efficitur maecenas malesuada adipiscing leo. Ac, tortor mauris
-## sem sapien. Cubilia nisl a porttitor eu parturient. Arcu nec porttitor curae
-## lacinia magna! Aliquam proin non. Sit, fames pellentesque nibh pretium vel
-## sed eros dolor justo, turpis. Molestie, lacus libero natoque condimentum at
-## tincidunt penatibus. Massa finibus sapien pulvinar pharetra.
-## Himenaeos sit nulla et at sociis vestibulum fermentum aliquet et vitae nunc.
-## Et ac dictumst curae eu aptent varius velit est. Imperdiet ut donec dapibus
-## aliquam convallis at. Neque nulla sit dis aliquam risus sed faucibus malesuada
-## blandit aliquam. Per auctor, pellentesque nisl, nec bibendum magnis felis ipsum
-## hac a. Nisi ac sem et nec nulla massa scelerisque nec molestie. Aenean finibus
-## non egestas, phasellus tortor ligula vitae in a. Sollicitudin mattis vulputate
-## nec eu sociis mi quam nec massa. Nunc a commodo nulla mattis et euismod enim.
-## Quisque nullam purus auctor sed mauris imperdiet. At, viverra pellentesque
-## commodo torquent ac eu. Accumsan enim proin penatibus ut lorem. Elit, ut
-## habitasse eget in eleifend aliquet. Ligula nibh id ut. Nibh amet libero tempor
-## primis turpis quam, ut praesent, velit sodales, amet lacus pulvinar in. Viverra
-## pellentesque nibh tincidunt sed metus accumsan aptent, sed dictumst pellentesque
-## netus.
-## Eleifend, est cursus in feugiat. Ligula venenatis libero nunc ultricies
-## et convallis. Nulla quisque natoque ut morbi curabitur nisl. Ipsum at odio
-## sollicitudin urna tellus consequat urna dui sed. In taciti pulvinar vel,
-## tristique ullamcorper velit mattis. Tempus hendrerit, lectus aptent tellus
-## justo dis aenean leo! Sed odio sem dignissim, viverra morbi nibh fringilla.
-## Non nulla consequat, adipiscing massa tortor in penatibus. Ac et dignissim, dui
-## donec fames sed, vitae eleifend mauris aliquam, amet. Ultricies non rutrum ipsum
-## sapien elementum et. Sed habitasse massa, pretium per quisque adipiscing in
-## aptent molestie condimentum ante in.
-## Nibh nunc integer. Nibh pellentesque facilisis sagittis lorem porta et mauris
-## magnis dictum. Cursus magna volutpat ultricies, sollicitudin nisl et auctor.
-## Vulputate ut vestibulum nisi quisque inceptos risus, odio, sodales? Vivamus
-## class in tempor ligula sagittis gravida ac, iaculis. A ut habitant nec tristique
-## amet. Sed metus ut nulla magna tellus gravida. Vel lorem est scelerisque
-## iaculis. Convallis hendrerit magnis faucibus tortor. Amet risus eget in ex
-## pharetra non id massa. Nec et enim egestas sagittis quis sed bibendum donec.
-## Elementum tempus ante sit enim elementum metus nullam. Porta sem nisl sed, sed,
-## hac ac magna nam laoreet fringilla! Maximus facilisis cras nisi posuere sed
-## magna fringilla tristique sociosqu amet tincidunt curabitur dictumst. Aliquam
-## sed habitasse non in blandit aliquam. Urna suscipit, ut duis, dis nulla eget nec
-## ut suspendisse. Sem augue sollicitudin sed vel arcu a orci dolor odio non. Non
-## leo dapibus ullamcorper, inceptos viverra. Accumsan gravida eu eget ipsum eros.
-## Ex gravida quis euismod sed ullamcorper mattis lorem, vel sed nulla! Himenaeos
-## habitant tempus mauris, sem ultricies eros. Et nulla egestas quis. Diam nibh ac
-## in quis parturient sem, risus vulputate. Lacinia in duis, nibh etiam condimentum
-## eu vestibulum. Eu volutpat, felis commodo tincidunt, lobortis dictumst laoreet.
-## Ut est in donec scelerisque sed rhoncus quam consectetur. Consequat orci
-## imperdiet, ultrices id et nascetur.
-## Sodales, nisi ac faucibus, quis potenti sed. A eu ipsum fermentum, habitasse
-## nam, tempor mi dis. Ac, ut sollicitudin justo in tristique, diam luctus nunc
-## nec ac. Dui, faucibus non amet finibus, urna praesent phasellus sed. Duis
-## per elementum ac litora phasellus non. Vulputate primis magna vestibulum quis
-## mauris, felis facilisis lacinia tempus mattis. Facilisis sed ante in suscipit
-## nostra, tempus integer massa lacinia dui. Finibus aptent euismod ut, sed in
-## molestie varius tincidunt mus. Volutpat urna nisl aliquam gravida in nibh
-## vivamus, efficitur. Eleifend ligula lectus eu aliquet hendrerit. Vel rhoncus
-## blandit mus nec, tortor fringilla semper sed sociis sem, velit. Magna et nec
-## eros turpis magna.
-## Pellentesque suspendisse nec montes in, sapien nascetur malesuada in leo justo,
-## dui est porttitor, eu. Class odio faucibus ac finibus risus pretium in euismod
-## nunc nulla malesuada cum. Sed ligula, magna lorem iaculis, litora auctor. Ad
-## facilisis eu non sit. Enim ut mauris orci erat felis. Convallis maecenas velit,
-## aenean ac nunc volutpat nec morbi. Cras risus rhoncus vestibulum in purus lorem.
-## Turpis sit dui sed rhoncus suspendisse maecenas. Diam nulla lorem posuere
-## tellus. Velit mattis aliquam, massa lacus nunc lectus a. Tempus est, eu
-## porttitor faucibus non. Suspendisse justo est. Proin consectetur lacus metus
-## vitae ut velit. Sed molestie habitasse aenean venenatis per pharetra lectus
-## nulla ultrices vitae. Id nam porta amet pellentesque sapien. Ut iaculis faucibus
-## eu ridiculus felis congue cras, fusce ultricies.
-## Maecenas auctor nunc. Sed magna egestas velit amet, aliquam leo facilisis. Nunc
-## ac sed gravida dolor gravida ut ac eu feugiat. Facilisis habitasse porttitor
-## id vel ultricies porta mauris laoreet. Molestie urna blandit netus dis nullam
-## ut venenatis. Risus velit vestibulum vitae justo netus. Quis odio vel sit nam.
-## Tincidunt, eu in, torquent odio. Ac felis pharetra euismod elit odio consectetur
-## dictum. Ante id urna quis convallis.
-cat(stri_rand_lipsum(10), sep='\n\n')
-## Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, laoreet ut urna ac, accumsan in suscipit nullam. Vitae nec in sed proin quis, in ligula. Varius curabitur turpis eu rhoncus fusce curae. Ullamcorper eget maecenas. Est vel, lobortis sociis vel mi donec sed et magna in. Sed amet ante tellus donec augue dictum amet sagittis, aliquam. A tincidunt congue eget nostra non mauris auctor quis. Imperdiet laoreet quis, orci inceptos aenean, sagittis, litora. Vestibulum tristique. Non morbi, consequat scelerisque tincidunt lacinia quam tristique aliquet ad. Urna nec nunc eu vitae fermentum auctor, lacus ex, urna. Ipsum rhoncus ex condimentum amet. Erat nascetur ante ut urna dis vivamus faucibus consequat neque nostra, et.
-## Neque pretium semper ad mattis non porta facilisis nullam class. Velit montes, lacus vel volutpat nec metus leo venenatis. Felis lacus sit diam, a. Tincidunt molestie purus mi diam proin sed tincidunt ut rutrum. Diam libero. Velit lacus ac sed, sed ut egestas finibus laoreet. Et nascetur non dolor felis torquent euismod libero nisl tempus. Suscipit auctor, et sit placerat, risus. Condimentum cursus vestibulum a luctus sapien hendrerit eu, nec. Maecenas sit consequat arcu. Laoreet donec ac eros. Tempus feugiat amet tellus neque habitant conubia non pellentesque. Efficitur, finibus, dui a, nec tincidunt. In lacinia vulputate, eget quam in et potenti nisi. Maecenas lorem nulla. Primis sed.
-## Amet penatibus ultricies platea quis massa ut. Curabitur dignissim sollicitudin, sed vitae. Lobortis nibh aenean in ultrices a nunc scelerisque, amet nisl eleifend. Magna pharetra, lacus eu sed nec ultricies non, ut. Sed magna morbi ipsum purus leo ligula taciti. Taciti nulla porta, mauris, senectus in! Curae at aliquam ac, massa ultrices hac vel cursus luctus cubilia purus fermentum ut. Elementum at litora mattis vivamus cursus magna adipiscing neque.
-## Neque turpis, ut class mauris vestibulum, ultrices odio penatibus et, tempus, inceptos fringilla aptent. Mollis nec ac ac enim condimentum aptent, justo mattis quam accumsan. Facilisis dapibus cras tincidunt sit et sed, ad suscipit, ut. Et amet urna sodales, ac et. Lectus id purus ac, nostra scelerisque lorem phasellus id consequat sapien lacinia leo iaculis nulla. Feugiat, orci sed, nibh purus eros tempus bibendum ornare in. Ac tincidunt pellentesque scelerisque non adipiscing. Morbi massa, potenti sed pretium class ac. Quam phasellus quam fusce erat odio ullamcorper id per, eu, suspendisse eget ut finibus.
-## Lobortis donec conubia volutpat cum ad nisl nam venenatis himenaeos eu. In curae velit aenean tortor. Nisl nam. Dignissim ac nibh congue at luctus ante lobortis, felis duis viverra lacus. Sapien rutrum arcu laoreet integer purus! Eros integer porta nisi elit vulputate quis. Nulla, vel. Primis nunc neque sed ultricies eros lorem torquent velit, vulputate pretium at in. Ipsum eleifend pulvinar ullamcorper habitant sed, ante, malesuada. Et sed, non. Vulputate morbi ipsum, nunc vitae montes neque duis himenaeos maximus quis litora. Iaculis in elementum morbi ac magnis in amet. Sed velit aenean, ultrices, sem. Ut parturient suspendisse, nam.
-## Nulla curabitur auctor class erat pellentesque scelerisque duis. Mi gravida, pellentesque himenaeos elementum condimentum nam nullam elit sit blandit pulvinar. A commodo, et sodales primis, consequat, consequat. Magna eu diam et quisque nibh. Odio nisl vel libero nisl bibendum et in, nec habitant purus. Phasellus sed diam in luctus bibendum vel nulla bibendum sed pretium. Lacus ut, class sit, vulputate enim lacinia sit, etiam, in mauris quis. Pulvinar nisl nulla ut neque lacus curae non proin. Sed mollis a eu sit. Mauris habitant, dictumst tincidunt eu nullam massa turpis viverra.
-## Nulla sagittis, eu praesent ut mi dapibus. At primis ante auctor sit ultrices. Sodales, augue semper convallis cubilia consequat malesuada in sit. Sed cras justo cursus non eros consectetur in ipsum condimentum placerat. Semper magnis nisl dis imperdiet justo velit at quisque. Purus lacus ut nibh fames tempus sed nisl ac. Nulla consectetur ante ex, neque gravida massa amet. Netus in, ut placerat magna, nam sodales curae nascetur non.
-## Consequat sed augue congue. Ante cum nullam enim vehicula curabitur justo ipsum? Felis, praesent, tellus malesuada pulvinar duis. Molestie et maximus vitae, diam id litora erat felis ut. Primis sodales risus sit. Scelerisque nisi in in lacus sit augue facilisi mauris iaculis non tortor venenatis. Eu euismod vitae, et nec consequat accumsan eu adipiscing non senectus elit. Odio, vitae turpis placerat nostra. Arcu sollicitudin imperdiet justo vestibulum natoque eu dapibus euismod mauris volutpat nec. Eros vitae urna lacinia. Class donec vitae tincidunt a ac nunc. Nostra in tempor posuere vehicula varius vitae massa. Eu dolor et pellentesque accumsan at velit curabitur a ut mollis.
-## Lacinia dui at sit maximus in a rutrum vestibulum sed. Nascetur ut vulputate. Vehicula sed morbi faucibus donec, ipsum. Maecenas eu tincidunt massa facilisis faucibus commodo. Sapien class sociis ornare sed tortor ultricies at nisl tempus. Laoreet donec, ipsum justo, nulla auctor in lobortis magna in habitasse auctor. Vehicula erat magnis, ante euismod sed. Fringilla ut cursus tellus dapibus iaculis nulla phasellus vestibulum. Odio in ligula neque urna viverra dui cras volutpat. Pharetra auctor id odio platea litora pulvinar. Sagittis nostra interdum nibh vulputate dolor sed, phasellus. Eros, magnis eu ante, potenti curabitur. Tempor sed eget pellentesque nullam et natoque molestie. Id mi turpis ligula pellentesque himenaeos id molestie cursus sit a consequat quam. Ac non, aliquam lobortis cum justo sociosqu et. Molestie quis id nec, sed et ac. Vel convallis sed nisl himenaeos. Sed tincidunt enim felis, litora arcu feugiat luctus at dui. In condimentum vel vivamus arcu eget viverra ut sed blandit.
-## Cras lacus tempor at nam libero in rutrum eget metus ipsum ac integer porttitor cras eu. Lacinia maximus cum massa pellentesque habitant, sagittis justo. Sem pulvinar eget mattis euismod magna inceptos, ut, mattis sem pellentesque luctus. Aliquam ullamcorper inceptos odio ex magna suscipit bibendum nibh. Sem fames quam at accumsan sodales ullamcorper at nascetur sed ad, et. Vehicula lectus lobortis mattis quis in eu. Et amet nascetur vel ipsum, duis duis id vestibulum! Enim nisl class libero lobortis tempor tempor justo. Mauris aliquam, vitae sed mauris penatibus enim natoque eget. Eu felis enim bibendum inceptos, luctus placerat. Id potenti non non. Varius hac libero eu amet condimentum tristique lectus. Vulputate turpis velit ligula porttitor, nec vitae. Cum curae libero in interdum consectetur massa tortor ligula ut eu! Nibh interdum vitae sed tincidunt ut eget. Non sapien non odio tempus nec primis auctor. In amet lacinia class viverra purus nec nec risus erat posuere. Pulvinar erat elementum leo nibh luctus montes risus luctus id.
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-# stri\_rand\_shuffle: Randomly Shuffle Code Points in Each String
-## Description
-Generates a (pseudo)random permutation of the code points in each string.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector |
-## Details
-This operation may result in non-Unicode-normalized strings and may give peculiar outputs in case of bidirectional strings.
-See also [`stri_reverse`](stri_reverse.md) for reversing the order of code points.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other random: [`stri_rand_lipsum()`](stri_rand_lipsum.md), [`stri_rand_strings()`](stri_rand_strings.md)
-## Examples
-stri_rand_shuffle(c('abcdefghi', '0123456789'))
-## [1] "cheidfbag" "5096873241"
-# you can do better than this with stri_rand_strings:
-stri_rand_shuffle(rep(stri_paste(letters, collapse=''), 10))
-## [1] "bjyxtszeufhpogcwdrvmaliqkn" "kafgjolxiqwmtpnhyucdbrzevs"
-## [3] "vumbrtgqlpfhniwkxeazjdocsy" "irjhvgpqsobzayneumlfdkcxtw"
-## [5] "yplrcekozfjnvmawxgqhtisbud" "afwijgkuxrqonshelmcvdpbyzt"
-## [7] "flircxuthpsygadwkjvmnzqebo" "zqynmsjreatfhcloipvubdwgkx"
-## [9] "kvyjzutiprsbclgfqonhmaedwx" "eqjtmzfuaidpkxbchygsrlownv"
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-# stri\_rand\_strings: Generate Random Strings
-## Description
-Generates (pseudo)random strings of desired lengths.
-## Usage
-stri_rand_strings(n, length, pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]")
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `n` | single integer, number of observations |
-| `length` | integer vector, desired string lengths |
-| `pattern` | character vector specifying character classes to draw elements from, see [stringi-search-charclass](about_search_charclass.md) |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `length` and `pattern`. If length of `length` or `pattern` is greater than `n`, then redundant elements are ignored. Otherwise, these vectors are recycled if necessary.
-This operation may result in non-Unicode-normalized strings and may give peculiar outputs for bidirectional strings.
-Sampling of code points from the set specified by `pattern` is always done with replacement and each code point appears with equal probability.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other random: [`stri_rand_lipsum()`](stri_rand_lipsum.md), [`stri_rand_shuffle()`](stri_rand_shuffle.md)
-## Examples
-stri_rand_strings(5, 10) # 5 strings of length 10
-## [1] "HmPsw2WtYS" "xSgZ6tF2Kx" "tgdzehXaH9" "xtgn1TlDJE" "8PPM98ESGr"
-stri_rand_strings(5, sample(1:10, 5, replace=TRUE)) # 5 strings of random lengths
-## [1] "tNf5N" "HoRoonR" "kdi0T" "DNbL6F" "fPm6QztsA"
-stri_rand_strings(10, 5, '[\\p{script=latin}&\\p{Ll}]') # small letters from the Latin script
-## [1] "ņẇɪẍɚ" "ƞꜷđᴓᵹ" "ḻɢᴣffᴟ" "ꬵꭆṉʛŝ" "ꭕɉðꭣỡ" "ŕᶔffḧʗ" "ẁəɑǖɽ" "oŧďŕẵ"
-## [9] "ṗꬶẝỹᶀ" "ẑꝯꜽlᴀ"
-# generate n random passwords of length in [8, 14]
-# consisting of at least one digit, small and big ASCII letter:
-n <- 10
- stri_rand_strings(n, 1, '[0-9]'),
- stri_rand_strings(n, 1, '[a-z]'),
- stri_rand_strings(n, 1, '[A-Z]'),
- stri_rand_strings(n, sample(5:11, 5, replace=TRUE), '[a-zA-Z0-9]')
-## [1] "3hGsaJNqZTaGw" "wJGmtzJcuPS4" "k0MsQHEx9bOZeV" "FTAJ1Dgf2A"
-## [5] "8LxJPujoHhc" "uNkX3Ygc2QThO" "O9oTfpCn3X2G" "aidxJ0jyFFDfOA"
-## [9] "TKGrmAlP2W" "sffGLWZ7vKw"
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-# stri\_rank: Ranking
-## Description
-This function ranks each string in a character vector according to a locale-dependent lexicographic order. It is a portable replacement for the base `xtfrm` function.
-## Usage
-stri_rank(str, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_collator` |
-| `opts_collator` | a named list with ICU Collator\'s options, see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), `NULL` for default collation options |
-## Details
-Missing values result in missing ranks and tied observations receive the same ranks (based on min).
-For more information on ICU\'s Collator and how to tune it up in stringi, refer to [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md).
-## Value
-The result is a vector of ranks corresponding to each string in `str`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Collation* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-stri_rank(c('hladny', 'chladny'), locale='pl_PL')
-## [1] 2 1
-stri_rank(c('hladny', 'chladny'), locale='sk_SK')
-## [1] 1 2
-stri_rank("a" %s+% c(1, 100, 2, 101, 11, 10)) # lexicographic order
-## [1] 1 3 6 4 5 2
-stri_rank("a" %s+% c(1, 100, 2, 101, 11, 10), numeric=TRUE)
-## [1] 1 5 2 6 4 3
-# Ordering a data frame with respect to two criteria:
-X <- data.frame(a=c("b", NA, "b", "b", NA, "a", "a", "c"), b=runif(8))
-X[order(stri_rank(X$a), X$b), ]
-## a b
-## 6 a 0.0455565
-## 7 a 0.5281055
-## 1 b 0.2875775
-## 3 b 0.4089769
-## 4 b 0.8830174
-## 8 c 0.8924190
-## 2 0.7883051
-## 5 0.9404673
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-# stri\_read\_lines: Read Text Lines from a Text File
-## Description
-Reads a text file in ins entirety, re-encodes it, and splits it into text lines.
-## Usage
-stri_read_lines(con, encoding = NULL, fname = con, fallback_encoding = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `con` | name of the output file or a connection object (opened in the binary mode) |
-| `encoding` | single string; input encoding; `NULL` or `''` for the current default encoding. |
-| `fname` | deprecated alias of `con` |
-| `fallback_encoding` | deprecated argument, no longer used |
-## Details
-This aims to be a substitute for the [`readLines`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/readLines.html) function, with the ability to re-encode the input file in a much more robust way, and split the text into lines with [`stri_split_lines1`](stri_split_lines.md) (which conforms with the Unicode guidelines for newline markers).
-The function calls [`stri_read_raw`](stri_read_raw.md), [`stri_encode`](stri_encode.md), and [`stri_split_lines1`](stri_split_lines.md), in this order.
-Because of the way this function is currently implemented, maximal file size cannot exceed \~0.67 GB.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector, each text line is a separate string. The output is always marked as UTF-8.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other files: [`stri_read_raw()`](stri_read_raw.md), [`stri_write_lines()`](stri_write_lines.md)
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-# stri\_read\_raw: Read Text File as Raw
-## Description
-Reads a text file as-is, with no conversion or text line splitting.
-## Usage
-stri_read_raw(con, fname = con)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `con` | name of the output file or a connection object (opened in the binary mode) |
-| `fname` | deprecated alias of `con` |
-## Details
-Once a text file is read into memory, encoding detection (see [`stri_enc_detect`](stri_enc_detect.md)), conversion (see [`stri_encode`](stri_encode.md)), and/or splitting of text into lines (see [`stri_split_lines1`](stri_split_lines.md)) can be performed.
-## Value
-Returns a vector of type `raw`.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other files: [`stri_read_lines()`](stri_read_lines.md), [`stri_write_lines()`](stri_write_lines.md)
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-# stri\_remove\_empty: Remove All Empty Strings from a Character Vector
-## Description
-`stri_remove_empty` (alias `stri_omit_empty`) removes all empty strings from a character vector, and, if `na_empty` is `TRUE`, also gets rid of all missing values.
-`stri_remove_empty_na` (alias `stri_omit_empty_na`) removes both empty strings and missing values.
-`stri_remove_na` (alias `stri_omit_na`) returns a version of `x` with missing values removed.
-## Usage
-stri_remove_empty(x, na_empty = FALSE)
-stri_omit_empty(x, na_empty = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `x` | a character vector |
-| `na_empty` | should missing values be treated as empty strings? |
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other utils: [`stri_list2matrix()`](stri_list2matrix.md), [`stri_na2empty()`](stri_na2empty.md), [`stri_replace_na()`](stri_replace_na.md)
-## Examples
-stri_remove_empty(stri_na2empty(c('a', NA, '', 'b')))
-## [1] "a" "b"
-stri_remove_empty(c('a', NA, '', 'b'))
-## [1] "a" NA "b"
-stri_remove_empty(c('a', NA, '', 'b'), TRUE)
-## [1] "a" "b"
-stri_omit_empty_na(c('a', NA, '', 'b'))
-## [1] "a" "b"
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-# stri\_replace: Replace Pattern Occurrences
-## Description
-These functions replace, with the given replacement string, every/first/last substring of the input that matches the specified `pattern`.
-## Usage
-stri_replace_all(str, replacement, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_replace_first(str, replacement, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_replace_last(str, replacement, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
- str,
- replacement,
- ...,
- regex,
- fixed,
- coll,
- charclass,
- mode = c("first", "all", "last")
- str,
- pattern,
- replacement,
- merge = FALSE,
- vectorize_all = TRUE,
- vectorise_all = vectorize_all
-stri_replace_first_charclass(str, pattern, replacement)
-stri_replace_last_charclass(str, pattern, replacement)
- str,
- pattern,
- replacement,
- vectorize_all = TRUE,
- vectorise_all = vectorize_all,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
-stri_replace_first_coll(str, pattern, replacement, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-stri_replace_last_coll(str, pattern, replacement, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
- str,
- pattern,
- replacement,
- vectorize_all = TRUE,
- vectorise_all = vectorize_all,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
-stri_replace_first_fixed(str, pattern, replacement, ..., opts_fixed = NULL)
-stri_replace_last_fixed(str, pattern, replacement, ..., opts_fixed = NULL)
- str,
- pattern,
- replacement,
- vectorize_all = TRUE,
- vectorise_all = vectorize_all,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
-stri_replace_first_regex(str, pattern, replacement, ..., opts_regex = NULL)
-stri_replace_last_regex(str, pattern, replacement, ..., opts_regex = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector; strings to search in |
-| `replacement` | character vector with replacements for matched patterns |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_collator`, `opts_regex`, `opts_fixed`, and so on |
-| `mode` | single string; one of: `'first'` (the default), `'all'`, `'last'` |
-| `pattern, regex, fixed, coll, charclass` | character vector; search patterns; for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `merge` | single logical value; should consecutive matches be merged into one string; `stri_replace_all_charclass` only |
-| `vectorize_all` | single logical value; should each occurrence of a pattern in every string be replaced by a corresponding replacement string?; `stri_replace_all_*` only |
-| `vectorise_all` | alias of `vectorize_all` |
-| `opts_collator, opts_fixed, opts_regex` | a named list used to tune up the search engine\'s settings; see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md), and [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md), respectively; `NULL` for the defaults |
-## Details
-By default, all the functions are vectorized over `str`, `pattern`, `replacement` (with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary). Input that is not part of any match is left unchanged; each match is replaced in the result by the replacement string.
-However, for `stri_replace_all*`, if `vectorize_all` is `FALSE`, then each substring matching any of the supplied `pattern`s is replaced by a corresponding `replacement` string. In such a case, the vectorization is over `str`, and - independently - over `pattern` and `replacement`. In other words, this is equivalent to something like `for (i in 1:npatterns) str <- stri_replace_all(str, pattern[i], replacement[i]`. Note that you must set `length(pattern) >= length(replacement)`.
-In case of `stri_replace_*_regex`, the replacement string may contain references to capture groups (in round parentheses). References are of the form `$n`, where `n` is the number of the capture group (`$1` denotes the first group). For the literal `$`, escape it with a backslash. Moreover, `${name}` are used for named capture groups.
-Note that `stri_replace_last_regex` searches from start to end, but skips overlapping matches, see the example below.
-`stri_replace`, `stri_replace_all`, `stri_replace_first`, and `stri_replace_last` are convenience functions; they just call `stri_replace_*_*` variants, depending on the arguments used.
-If you wish to remove white-spaces from the start or end of a string, see [`stri_trim`](stri_trim.md).
-## Value
-All the functions return a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_replace: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_replace_rstr()`](stri_replace_rstr.md), [`stri_trim_both()`](stri_trim.md)
-## Examples
-stri_replace_all_charclass('aaaa', '[a]', 'b', merge=c(TRUE, FALSE))
-## Warning in stri_replace_all_charclass("aaaa", "[a]", "b", merge = c(TRUE, :
-## argument `merge` should be a single logical value; only the first element is
-## used
-## [1] "b"
-stri_replace_all_charclass('a\nb\tc d', '\\p{WHITE_SPACE}', ' ')
-## [1] "a b c d"
-stri_replace_all_charclass('a\nb\tc d', '\\p{WHITE_SPACE}', ' ', merge=TRUE)
-## [1] "a b c d"
-s <- 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.'
-stri_replace_all_fixed(s, ' ', '#')
-## [1] "Lorem#ipsum#dolor#sit#amet,#consectetur#adipisicing#elit."
-stri_replace_all_fixed(s, 'o', '0')
-## [1] "L0rem ipsum d0l0r sit amet, c0nsectetur adipisicing elit."
-stri_replace_all_fixed(c('1', 'NULL', '3'), 'NULL', NA)
-## [1] "1" NA "3"
-stri_replace_all_regex(s, ' .*? ', '#')
-## [1] "Lorem#dolor#amet,#adipisicing elit."
-stri_replace_all_regex(s, '(el|s)it', '1234')
-## [1] "Lorem ipsum dolor 1234 amet, consectetur adipisicing 1234."
-stri_replace_all_regex('abaca', 'a', c('!', '*'))
-## [1] "!b!c!" "*b*c*"
-stri_replace_all_regex('123|456|789', '(\\p{N}).(\\p{N})', '$2-$1')
-## [1] "3-1|6-4|9-7"
-stri_replace_all_regex(c('stringi R', 'REXAMINE', '123'), '( R|R.)', ' r ')
-## [1] "stringi r " " r XAMINE" "123"
-# named capture groups are available since ICU 55
-## Not run:
-stri_replace_all_regex('words 123 and numbers 456',
- '(?[0-9]+)', '!${numbers}!')
-## [1] "words !123! and numbers !456!"
-## End(Not run)
-# Compare the results:
-stri_replace_all_fixed('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
- c('quick', 'brown', 'fox'), c('slow', 'black', 'bear'), vectorize_all=TRUE)
-## [1] "The slow brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
-## [2] "The quick black fox jumped over the lazy dog."
-## [3] "The quick brown bear jumped over the lazy dog."
-stri_replace_all_fixed('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
- c('quick', 'brown', 'fox'), c('slow', 'black', 'bear'), vectorize_all=FALSE)
-## [1] "The slow black bear jumped over the lazy dog."
-# Compare the results:
-stri_replace_all_fixed('The quicker brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
- c('quick', 'brown', 'fox'), c('slow', 'black', 'bear'), vectorize_all=FALSE)
-## [1] "The slower black bear jumped over the lazy dog."
-stri_replace_all_regex('The quicker brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
- '\\b'%s+%c('quick', 'brown', 'fox')%s+%'\\b', c('slow', 'black', 'bear'), vectorize_all=FALSE)
-## [1] "The quicker black bear jumped over the lazy dog."
-# Searching for the last occurrence:
-# Note the difference - regex searches left to right, with no overlaps.
-stri_replace_last_fixed("agAGA", "aga", "*", case_insensitive=TRUE)
-## [1] "ag*"
-stri_replace_last_regex("agAGA", "aga", "*", case_insensitive=TRUE)
-## [1] "*GA"
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-# stri\_replace\_na: Replace Missing Values in a Character Vector
-## Description
-This function gives a convenient way to replace each missing (`NA`) value with a given string.
-## Usage
-stri_replace_na(str, replacement = "NA")
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to |
-| `replacement` | single string |
-## Details
-This function is roughly equivalent to `str2 <- stri_enc_toutf8(str); str2[is.na(str2)] <- stri_enc_toutf8(replacement); str2`. It may be used, e.g., wherever the \'plain R\' `NA` handling is desired, see Examples.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other utils: [`stri_list2matrix()`](stri_list2matrix.md), [`stri_na2empty()`](stri_na2empty.md), [`stri_remove_empty()`](stri_remove_empty.md)
-## Examples
-x <- c('test', NA)
-stri_paste(x, 1:2) # 'test1' NA
-## [1] "test1" NA
-paste(x, 1:2) # 'test 1' 'NA 2'
-## [1] "test 1" "NA 2"
-stri_paste(stri_replace_na(x), 1:2, sep=' ') # 'test 1' 'NA 2'
-## [1] "test 1" "NA 2"
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-# stri\_replace\_rstr: Convert gsub-Style Replacement Strings
-## Description
-Converts a [`gsub`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/gsub.html)-style replacement strings to those which can be used in [`stri_replace`](stri_replace.md). In particular, `$` becomes `\$` and `\1` becomes `$1`.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `x` | character vector |
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_replace: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_replace_all()`](stri_replace.md), [`stri_trim_both()`](stri_trim.md)
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-# stri\_reverse: Reverse Each String
-## Description
-Reverses the order of the code points in every string.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector |
-## Details
-Note that this operation may result in non-Unicode-normalized strings and may give peculiar outputs for bidirectional strings.
-See also [`stri_rand_shuffle`](stri_rand_shuffle.md) for a random permutation of code points.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-## Examples
-stri_reverse(c('123', 'abc d e f'))
-## [1] "321" "f e d cba"
-stri_reverse('ZXY (\u0105\u0104123$^).')
-## [1] ".)^$321Ąą( YXZ"
-stri_reverse(stri_trans_nfd('\u0105')) == stri_trans_nfd('\u0105') # A, ogonek -> agonek, A
-## [1] FALSE
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-# stri\_sort: Sorting
-## Description
-This function sorts a character vector according to a locale-dependent lexicographic order.
-## Usage
-stri_sort(str, decreasing = FALSE, na_last = NA, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector |
-| `decreasing` | a single logical value; should the sort order be nondecreasing (`FALSE`, default, i.e., weakly increasing) or nonincreasing (`TRUE`)? |
-| `na_last` | a single logical value; controls the treatment of `NA`s in `str`. If `TRUE`, then missing values in `str` are put at the end; if `FALSE`, they are put at the beginning; if `NA`, then they are removed from the output |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_collator` |
-| `opts_collator` | a named list with ICU Collator\'s options, see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), `NULL` for default collation options |
-## Details
-For more information on ICU\'s Collator and how to tune it up in stringi, refer to [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md).
-As usual in stringi, non-character inputs are coerced to strings, see an example below for a somewhat non-intuitive behavior of lexicographic sorting on numeric inputs.
-This function uses a stable sort algorithm (STL\'s `stable_sort`), which performs up to *N\*log\^2(N)* element comparisons, where *N* is the length of `str`.
-## Value
-The result is a sorted version of `str`, i.e., a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Collation* - ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-stri_sort(c('hladny', 'chladny'), locale='pl_PL')
-## [1] "chladny" "hladny"
-stri_sort(c('hladny', 'chladny'), locale='sk_SK')
-## [1] "hladny" "chladny"
-## [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O" "P" "Q" "R" "S"
-## [20] "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"
-stri_sort(c(1, 100, 2, 101, 11, 10))
-## [1] "1" "10" "100" "101" "11" "2"
-stri_sort(c(1, 100, 2, 101, 11, 10), numeric=TRUE)
-## [1] "1" "2" "10" "11" "100" "101"
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-# stri\_sort\_key: Sort Keys
-## Description
-This function computes a locale-dependent sort key, which is an alternative character representation of the string that, when ordered in the C locale (which orders using the underlying bytes directly), will give an equivalent ordering to the original string. It is useful for enhancing algorithms that sort only in the C locale (e.g., the `strcmp` function in libc) with the ability to be locale-aware.
-## Usage
-stri_sort_key(str, ..., opts_collator = NULL)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | a character vector |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_collator` |
-| `opts_collator` | a named list with ICU Collator\'s options, see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), `NULL` for default collation options |
-## Details
-For more information on ICU\'s Collator and how to tune it up in stringi, refer to [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md).
-See also [`stri_rank`](stri_rank.md) for ranking strings with a single character vector, i.e., generating relative sort keys.
-## Value
-The result is a character vector with the same length as `str` that contains the sort keys. The output is marked as `bytes`-encoded.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Collation* - ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-stri_sort_key(c('hladny', 'chladny'), locale='pl_PL')
-## [1] "8@*0DZ\001\n\001\n" ".8@*0DZ\001\v\001\v"
-stri_sort_key(c('hladny', 'chladny'), locale='sk_SK')
-## [1] "8@*0DZ\001\n\001\n" "9\002@*0DZ\001\n\001\n"
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-# stri\_split: Split a String By Pattern Matches
-## Description
-These functions split each element in `str` into substrings. `pattern` defines the delimiters that separate the inputs into tokens. The input data between the matches become the fields themselves.
-## Usage
-stri_split(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
- str,
- pattern,
- n = -1L,
- omit_empty = FALSE,
- tokens_only = FALSE,
- simplify = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- n = -1L,
- omit_empty = FALSE,
- tokens_only = FALSE,
- simplify = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- n = -1L,
- omit_empty = FALSE,
- tokens_only = FALSE,
- simplify = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- n = -1L,
- omit_empty = FALSE,
- tokens_only = FALSE,
- simplify = FALSE
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector; strings to search in |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_collator`, `opts_regex`, `opts_fixed`, and so on |
-| `pattern, regex, fixed, coll, charclass` | character vector; search patterns; for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `n` | integer vector, maximal number of strings to return, and, at the same time, maximal number of text boundaries to look for |
-| `omit_empty` | logical vector; determines whether empty tokens should be removed from the result (`TRUE` or `FALSE`) or replaced with `NA`s (`NA`) |
-| `tokens_only` | single logical value; may affect the result if `n` is positive, see Details |
-| `simplify` | single logical value; if `TRUE` or `NA`, then a character matrix is returned; otherwise (the default), a list of character vectors is given, see Value |
-| `opts_collator, opts_fixed, opts_regex` | a named list used to tune up the search engine\'s settings; see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md), and [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md), respectively; `NULL` for the defaults |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`, `pattern`, `n`, and `omit_empty` (with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary).
-If `n` is negative, then all pieces are extracted. Otherwise, if `tokens_only` is `FALSE` (which is the default), then `n-1` tokens are extracted (if possible) and the `n`-th string gives the remainder (see Examples). On the other hand, if `tokens_only` is `TRUE`, then only full tokens (up to `n` pieces) are extracted.
-`omit_empty` is applied during the split process: if it is set to `TRUE`, then tokens of zero length are ignored. Thus, empty strings will never appear in the resulting vector. On the other hand, if `omit_empty` is `NA`, then empty tokens are substituted with missing strings.
-Empty search patterns are not supported. If you wish to split a string into individual characters, use, e.g., [`stri_split_boundaries(str, type='character')`](stri_split_boundaries.md) for THE Unicode way.
-`stri_split` is a convenience function. It calls either `stri_split_regex`, `stri_split_fixed`, `stri_split_coll`, or `stri_split_charclass`, depending on the argument used.
-## Value
-If `simplify=FALSE` (the default), then the functions return a list of character vectors.
-Otherwise, [`stri_list2matrix`](stri_list2matrix.md) with `byrow=TRUE` and `n_min=n` arguments is called on the resulting object. In such a case, a character matrix with an appropriate number of rows (according to the length of `str`, `pattern`, etc.) is returned. Note that [`stri_list2matrix`](stri_list2matrix.md)\'s `fill` argument is set to an empty string and `NA`, for `simplify` equal to `TRUE` and `NA`, respectively.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_split: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md)
-## Examples
-stri_split_fixed('a_b_c_d', '_')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
-stri_split_fixed('a_b_c__d', '_')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "b" "c" "" "d"
-stri_split_fixed('a_b_c__d', '_', omit_empty=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
-stri_split_fixed('a_b_c__d', '_', n=2, tokens_only=FALSE) # 'a' & remainder
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "b_c__d"
-stri_split_fixed('a_b_c__d', '_', n=2, tokens_only=TRUE) # 'a' & 'b' only
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "b"
-stri_split_fixed('a_b_c__d', '_', n=4, omit_empty=TRUE, tokens_only=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
-stri_split_fixed('a_b_c__d', '_', n=4, omit_empty=FALSE, tokens_only=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "b" "c" ""
-stri_split_fixed('a_b_c__d', '_', omit_empty=NA)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "a" "b" "c" NA "d"
-stri_split_fixed(c('ab_c', 'd_ef_g', 'h', ''), '_', n=1, tokens_only=TRUE, omit_empty=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "ab"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "d"
-## [[3]]
-## [1] "h"
-## [[4]]
-## character(0)
-stri_split_fixed(c('ab_c', 'd_ef_g', 'h', ''), '_', n=2, tokens_only=TRUE, omit_empty=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "ab" "c"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "d" "ef"
-## [[3]]
-## [1] "h"
-## [[4]]
-## character(0)
-stri_split_fixed(c('ab_c', 'd_ef_g', 'h', ''), '_', n=3, tokens_only=TRUE, omit_empty=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "ab" "c"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "d" "ef" "g"
-## [[3]]
-## [1] "h"
-## [[4]]
-## character(0)
-stri_list2matrix(stri_split_fixed(c('ab,c', 'd,ef,g', ',h', ''), ',', omit_empty=TRUE))
-## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
-## [1,] "ab" "d" "h" NA
-## [2,] "c" "ef" NA NA
-## [3,] NA "g" NA NA
-stri_split_fixed(c('ab,c', 'd,ef,g', ',h', ''), ',', omit_empty=FALSE, simplify=TRUE)
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "ab" "c" ""
-## [2,] "d" "ef" "g"
-## [3,] "" "h" ""
-## [4,] "" "" ""
-stri_split_fixed(c('ab,c', 'd,ef,g', ',h', ''), ',', omit_empty=NA, simplify=TRUE)
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "ab" "c" ""
-## [2,] "d" "ef" "g"
-## [3,] NA "h" ""
-## [4,] NA "" ""
-stri_split_fixed(c('ab,c', 'd,ef,g', ',h', ''), ',', omit_empty=TRUE, simplify=TRUE)
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "ab" "c" ""
-## [2,] "d" "ef" "g"
-## [3,] "h" "" ""
-## [4,] "" "" ""
-stri_split_fixed(c('ab,c', 'd,ef,g', ',h', ''), ',', omit_empty=NA, simplify=NA)
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "ab" "c" NA
-## [2,] "d" "ef" "g"
-## [3,] NA "h" NA
-## [4,] NA NA NA
-stri_split_regex(c('ab,c', 'd,ef , g', ', h', ''),
- '\\p{WHITE_SPACE}*,\\p{WHITE_SPACE}*', omit_empty=NA, simplify=TRUE)
-## [,1] [,2] [,3]
-## [1,] "ab" "c" ""
-## [2,] "d" "ef" "g"
-## [3,] NA "h" ""
-## [4,] NA "" ""
-stri_split_charclass('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', '\\p{WHITE_SPACE}')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "Lorem" "ipsum" "dolor" "sit" "amet"
-stri_split_charclass(' Lorem ipsum dolor', '\\p{WHITE_SPACE}', n=3,
- omit_empty=c(FALSE, TRUE))
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "" "Lorem" " ipsum dolor"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] "Lorem" "ipsum" "dolor"
-stri_split_regex('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
- '\\p{Z}+') # see also stri_split_charclass
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "Lorem" "ipsum" "dolor" "sit" "amet"
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-# stri\_split\_boundaries: Split a String at Text Boundaries
-## Description
-This function locates text boundaries (like character, word, line, or sentence boundaries) and splits strings at the indicated positions.
-## Usage
- str,
- n = -1L,
- tokens_only = FALSE,
- simplify = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_brkiter = NULL
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector or an object coercible to |
-| `n` | integer vector, maximal number of strings to return |
-| `tokens_only` | single logical value; may affect the result if `n` is positive, see Details |
-| `simplify` | single logical value; if `TRUE` or `NA`, then a character matrix is returned; otherwise (the default), a list of character vectors is given, see Value |
-| `...` | additional settings for `opts_brkiter` |
-| `opts_brkiter` | a named list with ICU BreakIterator\'s settings, see [`stri_opts_brkiter`](stri_opts_brkiter.md); `NULL` for the default break iterator, i.e., `line_break` |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` and `n`.
-If `n` is negative (the default), then all text pieces are extracted.
-Otherwise, if `tokens_only` is `FALSE` (which is the default), then `n-1` tokens are extracted (if possible) and the `n`-th string gives the (non-split) remainder (see Examples). On the other hand, if `tokens_only` is `TRUE`, then only full tokens (up to `n` pieces) are extracted.
-For more information on text boundary analysis performed by ICU\'s `BreakIterator`, see [stringi-search-boundaries](about_search_boundaries.md).
-## Value
-If `simplify=FALSE` (the default), then the functions return a list of character vectors.
-Otherwise, [`stri_list2matrix`](stri_list2matrix.md) with `byrow=TRUE` and `n_min=n` arguments is called on the resulting object. In such a case, a character matrix with `length(str)` rows is returned. Note that [`stri_list2matrix`](stri_list2matrix.md)\'s `fill` argument is set to an empty string and `NA`, for `simplify` equal to `TRUE` and `NA`, respectively.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_split: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_split()`](stri_split.md)
-Other locale\_sensitive: [`%s<%()`](operator_compare.md), [`about_locale`](about_locale.md), [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search_coll`](about_search_coll.md), [`stri_compare()`](stri_compare.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_duplicated()`](stri_duplicated.md), [`stri_enc_detect2()`](stri_enc_detect2.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_collator()`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_order()`](stri_order.md), [`stri_rank()`](stri_rank.md), [`stri_sort_key()`](stri_sort_key.md), [`stri_sort()`](stri_sort.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_unique()`](stri_unique.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-Other text\_boundaries: [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_brkiter()`](stri_opts_brkiter.md), [`stri_split_lines()`](stri_split_lines.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
-## Examples
-test <- 'The\u00a0above-mentioned features are very useful. ' %s+%
- 'Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. 123 456 789'
-stri_split_boundaries(test, type='line')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "The above-" "mentioned " "features " "are "
-## [5] "very " "useful. " "Spam, " "spam, "
-## [9] "eggs, " "bacon, " "and " "spam. "
-## [13] "123 " "456 " "789"
-stri_split_boundaries(test, type='word')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "The" " " "above" "-" "mentioned" " "
-## [7] "features" " " "are" " " "very" " "
-## [13] "useful" "." " " "Spam" "," " "
-## [19] "spam" "," " " "eggs" "," " "
-## [25] "bacon" "," " " "and" " " "spam"
-## [31] "." " " "123" " " "456" " "
-## [37] "789"
-stri_split_boundaries(test, type='word', skip_word_none=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "The" "above" "mentioned" "features" "are" "very"
-## [7] "useful" "Spam" "spam" "eggs" "bacon" "and"
-## [13] "spam" "123" "456" "789"
-stri_split_boundaries(test, type='word', skip_word_none=TRUE, skip_word_letter=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "123" "456" "789"
-stri_split_boundaries(test, type='word', skip_word_none=TRUE, skip_word_number=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "The" "above" "mentioned" "features" "are" "very"
-## [7] "useful" "Spam" "spam" "eggs" "bacon" "and"
-## [13] "spam"
-stri_split_boundaries(test, type='sentence')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "The above-mentioned features are very useful. "
-## [2] "Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. "
-## [3] "123 456 789"
-stri_split_boundaries(test, type='sentence', skip_sentence_sep=TRUE)
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "The above-mentioned features are very useful. "
-## [2] "Spam, spam, eggs, bacon, and spam. "
-stri_split_boundaries(test, type='character')
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "T" "h" "e" " " "a" "b" "o" "v" "e" "-" "m" "e" "n" "t" "i" "o" "n" "e" "d"
-## [20] " " " " " " " " "f" "e" "a" "t" "u" "r" "e" "s" " " "a" "r" "e" " " "v" "e"
-## [39] "r" "y" " " "u" "s" "e" "f" "u" "l" "." " " "S" "p" "a" "m" "," " " "s" "p"
-## [58] "a" "m" "," " " "e" "g" "g" "s" "," " " "b" "a" "c" "o" "n" "," " " "a" "n"
-## [77] "d" " " "s" "p" "a" "m" "." " " "1" "2" "3" " " "4" "5" "6" " " "7" "8" "9"
-# a filtered break iterator with the new ICU:
-stri_split_boundaries('Mr. Jones and Mrs. Brown are very happy.
-So am I, Prof. Smith.', type='sentence', locale='en_US@ss=standard') # ICU >= 56 only
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "Mr. Jones and Mrs. Brown are very happy.\n"
-## [2] "So am I, Prof. Smith."
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-# stri\_split\_lines: Split a String Into Text Lines
-## Description
-These functions split each character string in a given vector into text lines.
-## Usage
-stri_split_lines(str, omit_empty = FALSE)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector (`stri_split_lines`) or a single string (`stri_split_lines1`) |
-| `omit_empty` | logical vector; determines whether empty strings should be removed from the result \[`stri_split_lines` only\] |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` and `omit_empty`.
-`omit_empty` is applied when splitting. If set to `TRUE`, then empty strings will never appear in the resulting vector.
-Newlines are represented with the Carriage Return (CR, 0x0D), Line Feed (LF, 0x0A), CRLF, or Next Line (NEL, 0x85) characters, depending on the platform. Moreover, the Unicode Standard defines two unambiguous separator characters, the Paragraph Separator (PS, 0x2029) and the Line Separator (LS, 0x2028). Sometimes also the Vertical Tab (VT, 0x0B) and the Form Feed (FF, 0x0C) are used for this purpose.
-These stringi functions follow UTR\#18 rules, where a newline sequence corresponds to the following regular expression: `(?:\u{D A}|(?!\u{D A})[\u{A}-\u{D}\u{85}\u{2028}\u{2029}]`. Each match serves as a text line separator.
-## Value
-`stri_split_lines` returns a list of character vectors. If any input string is `NA`, then the corresponding list element is a single `NA` string.
-`stri_split_lines1(str)` is equivalent to `stri_split_lines(str[1])[[1]]` (with default parameters), therefore it returns a character vector. Moreover, if the input string ends with a newline sequence, the last empty string is omitted from the file\'s contents into text lines.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*Unicode Newline Guidelines* -- Unicode Technical Report \#13,
-*Unicode Regular Expressions* -- Unicode Technical Standard \#18,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_split: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_split()`](stri_split.md)
-Other text\_boundaries: [`about_search_boundaries`](about_search_boundaries.md), [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_count_boundaries()`](stri_count_boundaries.md), [`stri_extract_all_boundaries()`](stri_extract_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_opts_brkiter()`](stri_opts_brkiter.md), [`stri_split_boundaries()`](stri_split_boundaries.md), [`stri_trans_tolower()`](stri_trans_casemap.md), [`stri_wrap()`](stri_wrap.md)
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-# stri\_sprintf: Format Strings
-## Description
-`stri_sprintf` (synonym: `stri_string_format`) is a Unicode-aware replacement for and enhancement of the built-in [`sprintf`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/sprintf.html) function. Moreover, `stri_printf` prints formatted strings.
-## Usage
- format,
- ...,
- na_string = NA_character_,
- inf_string = "Inf",
- nan_string = "NaN",
- use_length = FALSE
- format,
- ...,
- na_string = NA_character_,
- inf_string = "Inf",
- nan_string = "NaN",
- use_length = FALSE
- format,
- ...,
- file = "",
- sep = "\n",
- append = FALSE,
- na_string = "NA",
- inf_string = "Inf",
- nan_string = "NaN",
- use_length = FALSE
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `format` | character vector of format strings |
-| `...` | vectors (coercible to integer, real, or character) |
-| `na_string` | single string to represent missing values; if `NA`, missing values in `...` result in the corresponding outputs be missing too; use `"NA"` for compatibility with base R |
-| `inf_string` | single string to represent the (unsigned) infinity (`NA` allowed) |
-| `nan_string` | single string to represent the not-a-number (`NA` allowed) |
-| `use_length` | single logical value; should the number of code points be used when applying modifiers such as `%20s` instead of the total code point width? |
-| `file` | see [`cat`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/cat.html) |
-| `sep` | see [`cat`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/cat.html) |
-| `append` | see [`cat`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/cat.html) |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `format` and all vectors passed via `...`.
-Unicode code points may have various widths when printed on the console (compare [`stri_width`](stri_width.md)). These functions, by default (see the `use_length` argument), take this into account.
-These functions are not locale sensitive. For instance, numbers are always formatted in the \"POSIX\" style, e.g., `-123456.789` (no thousands separator, dot as a fractional separator). Such a feature might be added at a later date, though.
-All arguments passed via `...` are evaluated. If some of them are unused, a warning is generated. Too few arguments result in an error.
-Note that `stri_printf` treats missing values in `...` as `"NA"` strings by default.
-All format specifiers supported [`sprintf`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/help/sprintf.html) are also available here. For the formatting of integers and floating-point values, currently the system `std::snprintf()` is called, but this may change in the future. Format specifiers are normalized and necessary sanity checks are performed.
-Supported conversion specifiers: `dioxX` (integers) `feEgGaA` (floats) and `s` (character strings). Supported flags: `-` (left-align), `+` (force output sign or blank when `NaN` or `NA`; numeric only), `` (output minus or space for a sign; numeric only) `0` (pad with 0s; numeric only), `#` (alternative output of some numerics).
-## Value
-`stri_printf` is used for its side effect, which is printing text on the standard output or other connection/file. Hence, it returns `invisible(NULL)`.
-The other functions return a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-`printf` in `glibc`,
-`printf` format strings -- Wikipedia,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other length: [`%s$%()`](operator_dollar.md), [`stri_isempty()`](stri_isempty.md), [`stri_length()`](stri_length.md), [`stri_numbytes()`](stri_numbytes.md), [`stri_pad_both()`](stri_pad.md), [`stri_width()`](stri_width.md)
-## Examples
-stri_printf("%4s=%.3f", c("e", "e\u00b2", "\u03c0", "\u03c0\u00b2"),
- c(exp(1), exp(2), pi, pi^2))
-## e=2.718
-## e²=7.389
-## π=3.142
-## π²=9.870
-x <- c(
- "xxabcd",
- "xx\u0105\u0106\u0107\u0108",
- stri_paste(
- "\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b",
- "\U0001F3F4\U000E0067\U000E0062\U000E0073\U000E0063\U000E0074\U000E007F",
- "abcd"
- ))
-stri_printf("[%10s]", x) # minimum width = 10
-## [ xxabcd]
-## [ xxąĆćĈ]
-## [ 🏴abcd]
-stri_printf("[%-10.3s]", x) # output of max width = 3, but pad to width of 10
-## [xxa ]
-## [xxą ]
-## [🏴a ]
-stri_printf("[%10s]", x, use_length=TRUE) # minimum number of Unicode code points = 10
-## [ xxabcd]
-## [ xxąĆćĈ]
-## [🏴abcd]
-# vectorization wrt all arguments:
-p <- runif(10)
-stri_sprintf(ifelse(p > 0.5, "P(Y=1)=%1$.2f", "P(Y=0)=%2$.2f"), p, 1-p)
-## [1] "P(Y=0)=0.71" "P(Y=1)=0.79" "P(Y=0)=0.59" "P(Y=1)=0.88" "P(Y=1)=0.94"
-## [6] "P(Y=0)=0.95" "P(Y=1)=0.53" "P(Y=1)=0.89" "P(Y=1)=0.55" "P(Y=0)=0.54"
-# using a "preformatted" logical vector:
-stri_sprintf("%s) %s", letters[seq_along(x)], c("\u2718", "\u2713")[x+1])
-## [1] "a) ✓" "b) ✘" "c) ✘" NA "e) ✓" "f) ✘"
-# custom NA/Inf/NaN strings:
-stri_printf("%+10.3f", c(-Inf, -0, 0, Inf, NaN, NA_real_),
- na_string="", nan_string="\U0001F4A9", inf_string="\u221E")
-## -∞
-## -0.000
-## +0.000
-## +∞
-## 💩
-stri_sprintf("UNIX time %1$f is %1$s.", Sys.time())
-## [1] "UNIX time 1626769301.641351 is 2021-07-20 18:21:41."
-# the following do not work in sprintf()
-stri_sprintf("%1$#- *2$.*3$f", 1.23456, 10, 3) # two asterisks
-## [1] " 1.235 "
-stri_sprintf(c("%s", "%f"), pi) # re-coercion needed
-## [1] "3.14159265358979" "3.141593"
-stri_sprintf("%1$s is %1$f UNIX time.", Sys.time()) # re-coercion needed
-## [1] "2021-07-20 18:21:41 is 1626769301.643594 UNIX time."
-stri_sprintf(c("%d", "%s"), factor(11:12)) # re-coercion needed
-## [1] "1" "12"
-stri_sprintf(c("%s", "%d"), factor(11:12)) # re-coercion needed
-## [1] "11" "2"
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-# stri\_startsendswith: Determine if the Start or End of a String Matches a Pattern
-## Description
-These functions check if a string starts or ends with a match to a given pattern. Also, it is possible to check if there is a match at a specific position.
-## Usage
-stri_startswith(str, ..., fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_endswith(str, ..., fixed, coll, charclass)
- str,
- pattern,
- from = 1L,
- negate = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- to = -1L,
- negate = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
-stri_startswith_charclass(str, pattern, from = 1L, negate = FALSE)
-stri_endswith_charclass(str, pattern, to = -1L, negate = FALSE)
- str,
- pattern,
- from = 1L,
- negate = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
- str,
- pattern,
- to = -1L,
- negate = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_collator`, `opts_fixed`, and so on. |
-| `pattern, fixed, coll, charclass` | character vector defining search patterns; for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `from` | integer vector |
-| `negate` | single logical value; whether a no-match to a pattern is rather of interest |
-| `to` | integer vector |
-| `opts_collator, opts_fixed` | a named list used to tune up the search engine\'s settings; see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md) and [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md), respectively; `NULL` for the defaults |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`, `pattern`, and `from` or `to` (with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary).
-If `pattern` is empty, then the result is `NA` and a warning is generated.
-Argument `start` controls the start position in `str` where there is a match to a `pattern`. `to` gives the end position.
-Indexes given by `from` or `to` are of course 1-based, i.e., an index 1 denotes the first character in a string. This gives a typical R look-and-feel.
-For negative indexes in `from` or `to`, counting starts at the end of the string. For instance, index -1 denotes the last code point in the string.
-If you wish to test for a pattern match at an arbitrary position in `str`, use [`stri_detect`](stri_detect.md).
-`stri_startswith` and `stri_endswith` are convenience functions. They call either `stri_*_fixed`, `stri_*_coll`, or `stri_*_charclass`, depending on the argument used. Relying on these underlying functions directly will make your code run slightly faster.
-Note that testing for a pattern match at the start or end of a string has not been implemented separately for regex patterns. For that you may use the \'`^`\' and \'`$`\' meta-characters, see [stringi-search-regex](about_search_regex.md).
-## Value
-Each function returns a logical vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_detect: [`about_search`](about_search.md), [`stri_detect()`](stri_detect.md)
-## Examples
-stri_startswith_charclass(' trim me! ', '\\p{WSpace}')
-## [1] TRUE
-stri_startswith_fixed(c('a1', 'a2', 'b3', 'a4', 'c5'), 'a')
-stri_detect_regex(c('a1', 'a2', 'b3', 'a4', 'c5'), '^a')
-stri_startswith_fixed('ababa', 'ba')
-## [1] FALSE
-stri_startswith_fixed('ababa', 'ba', from=2)
-## [1] TRUE
-stri_startswith_coll(c('a1', 'A2', 'b3', 'A4', 'C5'), 'a', strength=1)
-pat <- stri_paste('\u0635\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 ',
- '\u0639\u0644\u064a\u0647 \u0648\u0633\u0644\u0645XYZ')
-stri_endswith_coll('\ufdfa\ufdfa\ufdfaXYZ', pat, strength=1)
-## [1] TRUE
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-# stri\_stats\_general: General Statistics for a Character Vector
-## Description
-This function gives general statistics for a character vector, e.g., obtained by loading a text file with the [`readLines`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/readLines.html) or [`stri_read_lines`](stri_read_lines.md) function, where each text line\' is represented by a separate string.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector to be aggregated |
-## Details
-None of the strings may contain `\r` or `\n` characters, otherwise you will get at error.
-Below by \'white space\' we mean the Unicode binary property `WHITE_SPACE`, see `stringi-search-charclass`.
-## Value
-Returns an integer vector with the following named elements:
-1. `Lines` - number of lines (number of non-missing strings in the vector);
-2. `LinesNEmpty` - number of lines with at least one non-`WHITE_SPACE` character;
-3. `Chars` - total number of Unicode code points detected;
-4. `CharsNWhite` - number of Unicode code points that are not `WHITE_SPACE`s;
-5. \... (Other stuff that may appear in future releases of stringi).
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other stats: [`stri_stats_latex()`](stri_stats_latex.md)
-## Examples
-s <- c('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.',
- 'nibh augue, suscipit a, scelerisque sed, lacinia in, mi.',
- 'Cras vel lorem. Etiam pellentesque aliquet tellus.',
- '')
-## Lines LinesNEmpty Chars CharsNWhite
-## 4 3 163 142
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-# stri\_stats\_latex: Statistics for a Character Vector Containing LaTeX Commands
-## Description
-This function gives LaTeX-oriented statistics for a character vector, e.g., obtained by loading a text file with the [`readLines`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/readLines.html) function, where each text line is represented by a separate string.
-## Usage
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector to be aggregated |
-## Details
-We use a slightly modified LaTeX Word Count algorithm implemented in Kile 2.1.3, see for the original contributors.
-## Value
-Returns an integer vector with the following named elements:
-1. `CharsWord` - number of word characters;
-2. `CharsCmdEnvir` - command and words characters;
-3. `CharsWhite` - LaTeX white spaces, including { and } in some contexts;
-4. `Words` - number of words;
-5. `Cmds` - number of commands;
-6. `Envirs` - number of environments;
-7. \... (Other stuff that may appear in future releases of stringi).
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other stats: [`stri_stats_general()`](stri_stats_general.md)
-## Examples
-s <- c('Lorem \\textbf{ipsum} dolor sit \\textit{amet}, consectetur adipisicing elit.',
- '\\begin{small}Proin nibh augue,\\end{small} suscipit a, scelerisque sed, lacinia in, mi.',
- '')
-## CharsWord CharsCmdEnvir CharsWhite Words Cmds
-## 96 38 27 18 2
-## Envirs
-## 1
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-# stri\_sub: Extract a Substring From or Replace a Substring In a Character Vector
-## Description
-`stri_sub` extracts particular substrings at code point-based index ranges provided. Its replacement version allows to substitute (in-place) parts of a string with given replacement strings. `stri_sub_replace` is its forward pipe operator-friendly variant that returns a copy of the input vector.
-For extracting/replacing multiple substrings from/within each string, see [`stri_sub_all`](stri_sub_all.md).
-## Usage
- str,
- from = 1L,
- to = -1L,
- length,
- use_matrix = TRUE,
- ignore_negative_length = FALSE
-stri_sub(str, from = 1L, to = -1L, length, omit_na = FALSE, use_matrix = TRUE) <- value
-stri_sub_replace(..., replacement, value = replacement)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector |
-| `from` | integer vector giving the start indexes; alternatively, if `use_matrix=TRUE`, a two-column matrix of type `cbind(from, to)` (unnamed columns or the 2nd column named other than `length`) or `cbind(from, length=length)` (2nd column named `length`) |
-| `to` | integer vector giving the end indexes; mutually exclusive with `length` and `from` being a matrix |
-| `length` | integer vector giving the substring lengths; mutually exclusive with `to` and `from` being a matrix |
-| `use_matrix` | single logical value; see `from` |
-| `ignore_negative_length` | single logical value; whether negative lengths should be ignored or result in missing values |
-| `omit_na` | single logical value; indicates whether missing values in any of the indexes or in `value` leave the corresponding input string unchanged \[replacement function only\] |
-| `value` | a character vector defining the replacement strings \[replacement function only\] |
-| `...` | arguments to be passed to `stri_sub<-` |
-| `replacement` | alias of `value` \[wherever applicable\] |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`, \[`value`\], `from` and (`to` or `length`). Parameters `to` and `length` are mutually exclusive.
-Indexes are 1-based, i.e., the start of a string is at index 1. For negative indexes in `from` or `to`, counting starts at the end of the string. For instance, index -1 denotes the last code point in the string. Non-positive `length` gives an empty string.
-Argument `from` gives the start of a substring to extract. Argument `to` defines the last index of a substring, inclusive. Alternatively, its `length` may be provided.
-If `from` is a two-column matrix, then these two columns are used as `from` and `to`, respectively, unless the second column is named `length`. In such a case anything passed explicitly as `to` or `length` is ignored. Such types of index matrices are generated by [`stri_locate_first`](stri_locate.md) and [`stri_locate_last`](stri_locate.md). If extraction based on [`stri_locate_all`](stri_locate.md) is needed, see [`stri_sub_all`](stri_sub_all.md).
-In `stri_sub`, out-of-bound indexes are silently corrected. If `from` \> `to`, then an empty string is returned. By default, negative `length` results in the corresponding output being `NA`, see `ignore_negative_length`, though.
-In `stri_sub<-`, some configurations of indexes may work as substring \'injection\' at the front, back, or in middle. Negative `length` does not alter the corresponding input string.
-If both `to` and `length` are provided, `length` has priority over `to`.
-Note that for some Unicode strings, the extracted substrings might not be well-formed, especially if input strings are not normalized (see [`stri_trans_nfc`](stri_trans_nf.md)), include byte order marks, Bidirectional text marks, and so on. Handle with care.
-## Value
-`stri_sub` and `stri_sub_replace` return a character vector. `stri_sub<-` changes the `str` object \'in-place\'.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other indexing: [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all()`](stri_locate.md), [`stri_sub_all()`](stri_sub_all.md)
-## Examples
-s <- c("spam, spam, bacon, and spam", "eggs and spam")
-stri_sub(s, from=-4)
-## [1] "spam" "spam"
-stri_sub(s, from=1, length=c(10, 4))
-## [1] "spam, spam" "eggs"
-(stri_sub(s, 1, 4) <- 'stringi')
-## [1] "stringi"
-x <- c('12 3456 789', 'abc', '', NA, '667')
-stri_sub(x, stri_locate_first_regex(x, '[0-9]+')) # see stri_extract_first
-## [1] "12" NA NA NA "667"
-stri_sub(x, stri_locate_last_regex(x, '[0-9]+')) # see stri_extract_last
-## [1] "789" NA NA NA "667"
-stri_sub_replace(x, stri_locate_first_regex(x, '[0-9]+'),
- omit_na=TRUE, replacement='***') # see stri_replace_first
-## [1] "*** 3456 789" "abc" "" NA "***"
-stri_sub_replace(x, stri_locate_last_regex(x, '[0-9]+'),
- omit_na=TRUE, replacement='***') # see stri_replace_last
-## [1] "12 3456 ***" "abc" "" NA "***"
-## Not run: x |> stri_sub_replace(1, 5, replacement='new_substring')
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-# stri\_sub\_all: Extract or Replace Multiple Substrings
-## Description
-`stri_sub_all` extracts multiple substrings from each string. Its replacement version substitutes (in-place) multiple substrings with the corresponding replacement strings. `stri_sub_replace_all` (alias `stri_sub_all_replace`) is its forward pipe operator-friendly variant, returning a copy of the input vector.
-For extracting/replacing single substrings from/within each string, see [`stri_sub`](stri_sub.md).
-## Usage
- str,
- from = list(1L),
- to = list(-1L),
- length,
- use_matrix = TRUE,
- ignore_negative_length = TRUE
- str,
- from = list(1L),
- to = list(-1L),
- length,
- omit_na = FALSE,
- use_matrix = TRUE
-) <- value
-stri_sub_replace_all(..., replacement, value = replacement)
-stri_sub_all_replace(..., replacement, value = replacement)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector |
-| `from` | list of integer vector giving the start indexes; alternatively, if `use_matrix=TRUE`, a list of two-column matrices of type `cbind(from, to)` (unnamed columns or the 2nd column named other than `length`) or `cbind(from, length=length)` (2nd column named `length`) |
-| `to` | list of integer vectors giving the end indexes |
-| `length` | list of integer vectors giving the substring lengths |
-| `use_matrix` | single logical value; see `from` |
-| `ignore_negative_length` | single logical value; whether negative lengths should be ignored or result in missing values |
-| `omit_na` | single logical value; indicates whether missing values in any of the indexes or in `value` leave the part of the corresponding input string unchanged \[replacement function only\] |
-| `value` | a list of character vectors defining the replacement strings \[replacement function only\] |
-| `...` | arguments to be passed to `stri_sub_all<-` |
-| `replacement` | alias of `value` \[wherever applicable\] |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str`, \[`value`\], `from` and (`to` or `length`). Just like in [`stri_sub`](stri_sub.md), parameters `to` and `length` are mutually exclusive.
-In one of the simplest scenarios, `stri_sub_all(str, from, to)`, the i-th element of the resulting list generated like `stri_sub(str[i], from[[i]], to[[i]])`. As usual, if one of the inputs is shorter than the others, recycling rule is applied.
-If any of `from`, `to`, `length`, or `value` is not a list, it is wrapped into a list.
-If `from` consists of a two-column matrix, then these two columns are used as `from` and `to`, respectively, unless the second column is named `length`. Such types of index matrices are generated by [`stri_locate_all`](stri_locate.md). If extraction or replacement based on [`stri_locate_first`](stri_locate.md) or [`stri_locate_last`](stri_locate.md) is needed, see [`stri_sub`](stri_sub.md).
-In the replacement function, the index ranges must be sorted with respect to `from` and must be mutually disjoint. Negative `length` does not result in any altering of the corresponding input string. On the other hand, in `stri_sub_all`, this make the corresponding chunk be ignored, see `ignore_negative_length`, though.
-## Value
-`stri_sub_all` returns a list of character vectors. Its replacement versions modify the input \'in-place\'.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other indexing: [`stri_locate_all_boundaries()`](stri_locate_boundaries.md), [`stri_locate_all()`](stri_locate.md), [`stri_sub()`](stri_sub.md)
-## Examples
-x <- c('12 3456 789', 'abc', '', NA, '667')
-stri_sub_all(x, stri_locate_all_regex(x, '[0-9]+')) # see stri_extract_all
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "12" "3456" "789"
-## [[2]]
-## [1] NA
-## [[3]]
-## [1] NA
-## [[4]]
-## [1] NA
-## [[5]]
-## [1] "667"
-stri_sub_all(x, stri_locate_all_regex(x, '[0-9]+', omit_no_match=TRUE))
-## [[1]]
-## [1] "12" "3456" "789"
-## [[2]]
-## character(0)
-## [[3]]
-## character(0)
-## [[4]]
-## [1] NA
-## [[5]]
-## [1] "667"
-stri_sub_all(x, stri_locate_all_regex(x, '[0-9]+', omit_no_match=TRUE)) <- '***'
-## [1] "*** *** ***" "abc" "" NA "***"
-stri_sub_replace_all('a b c', c(1, 3, 5), c(1, 3, 5), replacement=c('A', 'B', 'C'))
-## [1] "A B C"
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-# stri\_subset: Select Elements that Match a Given Pattern
-## Description
-These functions return or modify a sub-vector where there is a match to a given pattern. In other words, they are roughly equivalent (but faster and easier to use) to a call to `str[stri_detect(str, ...)]` or `str[stri_detect(str, ...)] <- value`.
-## Usage
-stri_subset(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)
-stri_subset(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass) <- value
- str,
- pattern,
- omit_na = FALSE,
- negate = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_fixed = NULL
-stri_subset_fixed(str, pattern, negate=FALSE, ..., opts_fixed=NULL) <- value
-stri_subset_charclass(str, pattern, omit_na = FALSE, negate = FALSE)
-stri_subset_charclass(str, pattern, negate=FALSE) <- value
- str,
- pattern,
- omit_na = FALSE,
- negate = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_collator = NULL
-stri_subset_coll(str, pattern, negate=FALSE, ..., opts_collator=NULL) <- value
- str,
- pattern,
- omit_na = FALSE,
- negate = FALSE,
- ...,
- opts_regex = NULL
-stri_subset_regex(str, pattern, negate=FALSE, ..., opts_regex=NULL) <- value
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `str` | character vector; strings to search within |
-| `...` | supplementary arguments passed to the underlying functions, including additional settings for `opts_collator`, `opts_regex`, `opts_fixed`, and so on |
-| `value` | non-empty character vector of replacement strings; replacement function only |
-| `pattern, regex, fixed, coll, charclass` | character vector; search patterns (no more than the length of `str`); for more details refer to [stringi-search](about_search.md) |
-| `omit_na` | single logical value; should missing values be excluded from the result? |
-| `negate` | single logical value; whether a no-match is rather of interest |
-| `opts_collator, opts_fixed, opts_regex` | a named list used to tune up the search engine\'s settings; see [`stri_opts_collator`](stri_opts_collator.md), [`stri_opts_fixed`](stri_opts_fixed.md), and [`stri_opts_regex`](stri_opts_regex.md), respectively; `NULL` for the defaults |
-## Details
-Vectorized over `str` as well as partially over `pattern` and `value`, with recycling of the elements in the shorter vector if necessary. As the aim here is to subset `str`, `pattern` cannot be longer than the former. Moreover, if the number of items to replace is not a multiple of length of `value`, a warning is emitted and the unused elements are ignored. Hence, the length of the output will be the same as length of `str`.
-`stri_subset` and `stri_subset<-` are convenience functions. They call either `stri_subset_regex`, `stri_subset_fixed`, `stri_subset_coll`, or `stri_subset_charclass`, depending on the argument used.
-## Value
-The `stri_subset_*` functions return a character vector. As usual, the output encoding is UTF-8.
-The `stri_subset_*<-` functions modifies `str` \'in-place\'.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other search\_subset: [`about_search`](about_search.md)
-## Examples
-stri_subset_regex(c('stringi R', '123', 'ID456', ''), '^[0-9]+$')
-## [1] "123"
-x <- c('stringi R', '123', 'ID456', '')
-`stri_subset_regex<-`(x, '[0-9]+$', negate=TRUE, value=NA) # returns a copy
-## [1] NA "123" "ID456" NA
-stri_subset_regex(x, '[0-9]+$') <- NA # modifies `x` in-place
-## [1] "stringi R" NA NA ""
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-# stri\_timezone\_info: Query a Given Time Zone
-## Description
-Provides some basic information on a given time zone identifier.
-## Usage
-stri_timezone_info(tz = NULL, locale = NULL, display_type = "long")
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `tz` | `NULL` or `''` for default time zone, or a single string with time zone ID otherwise |
-| `locale` | `NULL` or `''` for default locale, or a single string with locale identifier |
-| `display_type` | single string; one of `'short'`, `'long'`, `'generic_short'`, `'generic_long'`, `'gmt_short'`, `'gmt_long'`, `'common'`, `'generic_location'` |
-## Details
-Used to fetch basic information on any supported time zone.
-For more information on time zone representation in ICU, see [`stri_timezone_list`](stri_timezone_list.md).
-## Value
-Returns a list with the following named components:
-1. `ID` (time zone identifier),
-2. `Name` (localized human-readable time zone name),
-3. `Name.Daylight` (localized human-readable time zone name when DST is used, if available),
-4. `Name.Windows` (Windows time zone ID, if available),
-5. `RawOffset` (raw GMT offset, in hours, before taking daylight savings into account), and
-6. `UsesDaylightTime` (states whether a time zone uses daylight savings time in the current Gregorian calendar year).
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_add()`](stri_datetime_add.md), [`stri_datetime_create()`](stri_datetime_create.md), [`stri_datetime_fields()`](stri_datetime_fields.md), [`stri_datetime_format()`](stri_datetime_format.md), [`stri_datetime_fstr()`](stri_datetime_fstr.md), [`stri_datetime_now()`](stri_datetime_now.md), [`stri_datetime_symbols()`](stri_datetime_symbols.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
-Other timezone: [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_list()`](stri_timezone_list.md)
-## Examples
-## $ID
-## [1] "Australia/Melbourne"
-## $Name
-## [1] "Australian Eastern Standard Time"
-## $Name.Daylight
-## [1] "Australian Eastern Daylight Time"
-## $Name.Windows
-## [1] "AUS Eastern Standard Time"
-## $RawOffset
-## [1] 10
-## $UsesDaylightTime
-## [1] TRUE
-## $ID
-## [1] "Australia/Melbourne"
-## $Name
-## [1] "východoaustrálsky štandardný čas"
-## $Name.Daylight
-## [1] "východoaustrálsky letný čas"
-## $Name.Windows
-## [1] "AUS Eastern Standard Time"
-## $RawOffset
-## [1] 10
-## $UsesDaylightTime
-## [1] TRUE
-sapply(c('short', 'long', 'generic_short', 'generic_long',
- 'gmt_short', 'gmt_long', 'common', 'generic_location'),
- function(e) stri_timezone_info('Europe/London', display_type=e))
-## short long
-## ID "Europe/London" "Europe/London"
-## Name "GMT" "Greenwich Mean Time"
-## Name.Daylight "GMT+1" "British Summer Time"
-## Name.Windows "GMT Standard Time" "GMT Standard Time"
-## RawOffset 0 0
-## UsesDaylightTime TRUE TRUE
-## generic_short generic_long
-## ID "Europe/London" "Europe/London"
-## Name "United Kingdom Time" "United Kingdom Time"
-## Name.Daylight "United Kingdom Time" "United Kingdom Time"
-## Name.Windows "GMT Standard Time" "GMT Standard Time"
-## RawOffset 0 0
-## UsesDaylightTime TRUE TRUE
-## gmt_short gmt_long common
-## ID "Europe/London" "Europe/London" "Europe/London"
-## Name "+0000" "GMT" "GMT"
-## Name.Daylight "+0100" "GMT+01:00" "GMT+1"
-## Name.Windows "GMT Standard Time" "GMT Standard Time" "GMT Standard Time"
-## RawOffset 0 0 0
-## UsesDaylightTime TRUE TRUE TRUE
-## generic_location
-## ID "Europe/London"
-## Name "United Kingdom Time"
-## Name.Daylight "United Kingdom Time"
-## Name.Windows "GMT Standard Time"
-## RawOffset 0
-## UsesDaylightTime TRUE
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-# stri\_timezone\_list: List Available Time Zone Identifiers
-## Description
-Returns a list of available time zone identifiers.
-## Usage
-stri_timezone_list(region = NA_character_, offset = NA_integer_)
-## Arguments
-| | |
-| `region` | single string; a ISO 3166 two-letter country code or UN M.49 three-digit area code; `NA` for all regions |
-| `offset` | single numeric value; a given raw offset from GMT, in hours; `NA` for all offsets |
-## Details
-If `offset` and `region` are `NA` (the default), then all time zones are returned. Otherwise, only time zone identifiers with a given raw offset from GMT and/or time zones corresponding to a given region are provided. Note that the effect of daylight savings time is ignored.
-A time zone represents an offset applied to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to obtain local time (Universal Coordinated Time, or UTC, is similar, but not precisely identical, to GMT; in ICU the two terms are used interchangeably since ICU does not concern itself with either leap seconds or historical behavior). The offset might vary throughout the year, if daylight savings time (DST) is used, or might be the same all year long. Typically, regions closer to the equator do not use DST. If DST is in use, then specific rules define the point where the offset changes and the amount by which it changes.
-If DST is observed, then three additional bits of information are needed:
-1. The precise date and time during the year when DST begins. In the first half of the year it is in the northern hemisphere, and in the second half of the year it is in the southern hemisphere.
-2. The precise date and time during the year when DST ends. In the first half of the year it is in the southern hemisphere, and in the second half of the year it is in the northern hemisphere.
-3. The amount by which the GMT offset changes when DST is in effect. This is almost always one hour.
-## Value
-Returns a character vector.
-## Author(s)
-[Marek Gagolewski](https://www.gagolewski.com/) and other contributors
-## References
-*TimeZone* class -- ICU API Documentation,
-*ICU TimeZone classes* -- ICU User Guide,
-*Date/Time Services* -- ICU User Guide,
-## See Also
-The official online manual of stringi at
-Other datetime: [`stri_datetime_add()`](stri_datetime_add.md), [`stri_datetime_create()`](stri_datetime_create.md), [`stri_datetime_fields()`](stri_datetime_fields.md), [`stri_datetime_format()`](stri_datetime_format.md), [`stri_datetime_fstr()`](stri_datetime_fstr.md), [`stri_datetime_now()`](stri_datetime_now.md), [`stri_datetime_symbols()`](stri_datetime_symbols.md), [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md)
-Other timezone: [`stri_timezone_get()`](stri_timezone_set.md), [`stri_timezone_info()`](stri_timezone_info.md)
-## Examples
-## [1] "ACT" "AET"
-## [3] "Africa/Abidjan" "Africa/Accra"
-## [5] "Africa/Addis_Ababa" "Africa/Algiers"
-## [7] "Africa/Asmara" "Africa/Asmera"
-## [9] "Africa/Bamako" "Africa/Bangui"
-## [11] "Africa/Banjul" "Africa/Bissau"
-## [13] "Africa/Blantyre" "Africa/Brazzaville"
-## [15] "Africa/Bujumbura" "Africa/Cairo"
-## [17] "Africa/Casablanca" "Africa/Ceuta"
-## [19] "Africa/Conakry" "Africa/Dakar"
-## [21] "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam" "Africa/Djibouti"
-## [23] "Africa/Douala" "Africa/El_Aaiun"
-## [25] "Africa/Freetown" "Africa/Gaborone"
-## [27] "Africa/Harare" "Africa/Johannesburg"
-## [29] "Africa/Juba" "Africa/Kampala"
-## [31] "Africa/Khartoum" "Africa/Kigali"
-## [33] "Africa/Kinshasa" "Africa/Lagos"
-## [35] "Africa/Libreville" "Africa/Lome"
-## [37] "Africa/Luanda" "Africa/Lubumbashi"
-## [39] "Africa/Lusaka" "Africa/Malabo"
-## [41] "Africa/Maputo" "Africa/Maseru"
-## [43] "Africa/Mbabane" "Africa/Mogadishu"
-## [45] "Africa/Monrovia" "Africa/Nairobi"
-## [47] "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Niamey"
-## [49] "Africa/Nouakchott" "Africa/Ouagadougou"
-## [51] "Africa/Porto-Novo" "Africa/Sao_Tome"
-## [53] "Africa/Timbuktu" "Africa/Tripoli"
-## [55] "Africa/Tunis" "Africa/Windhoek"
-## [57] "AGT" "America/Adak"
-## [59] "America/Anchorage" "America/Anguilla"
-## [61] "America/Antigua" "America/Araguaina"
-## [63] "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" "America/Argentina/Catamarca"
-## [65] "America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia" "America/Argentina/Cordoba"
-## [67] "America/Argentina/Jujuy" "America/Argentina/La_Rioja"
-## [69] "America/Argentina/Mendoza" "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"
-## [71] "America/Argentina/Salta" "America/Argentina/San_Juan"
-## [73] "America/Argentina/San_Luis" "America/Argentina/Tucuman"
-## [75] "America/Argentina/Ushuaia" "America/Aruba"
-## [77] "America/Asuncion" "America/Atikokan"
-## [79] "America/Atka" "America/Bahia"
-## [81] "America/Bahia_Banderas" "America/Barbados"
-## [83] "America/Belem" "America/Belize"
-## [85] "America/Blanc-Sablon" "America/Boa_Vista"
-## [87] "America/Bogota" "America/Boise"
-## [89] "America/Buenos_Aires" "America/Cambridge_Bay"
-## [91] "America/Campo_Grande" "America/Cancun"
-## [93] "America/Caracas" "America/Catamarca"
-## [95] "America/Cayenne" "America/Cayman"
-## [97] "America/Chicago" "America/Chihuahua"
-## [99] "America/Coral_Harbour" "America/Cordoba"
-## [101] "America/Costa_Rica" "America/Creston"
-## [103] "America/Cuiaba" "America/Curacao"
-## [105] "America/Danmarkshavn" "America/Dawson"
-## [107] "America/Dawson_Creek" "America/Denver"
-## [109] "America/Detroit" "America/Dominica"
-## [111] "America/Edmonton" "America/Eirunepe"
-## [113] "America/El_Salvador" "America/Ensenada"
-## [115] "America/Fort_Nelson" "America/Fort_Wayne"
-## [117] "America/Fortaleza" "America/Glace_Bay"
-## [119] "America/Godthab" "America/Goose_Bay"
-## [121] "America/Grand_Turk" "America/Grenada"
-## [123] "America/Guadeloupe" "America/Guatemala"
-## [125] "America/Guayaquil" "America/Guyana"
-## [127] "America/Halifax" "America/Havana"
-## [129] "America/Hermosillo" "America/Indiana/Indianapolis"
-## [131] "America/Indiana/Knox" "America/Indiana/Marengo"
-## [133] "America/Indiana/Petersburg" "America/Indiana/Tell_City"
-## [135] "America/Indiana/Vevay" "America/Indiana/Vincennes"
-## [137] "America/Indiana/Winamac" "America/Indianapolis"
-## [139] "America/Inuvik" "America/Iqaluit"
-## [141] "America/Jamaica" "America/Jujuy"
-## [143] "America/Juneau" "America/Kentucky/Louisville"
-## [145] "America/Kentucky/Monticello" "America/Knox_IN"
-## [147] "America/Kralendijk" "America/La_Paz"
-## [149] "America/Lima" "America/Los_Angeles"
-## [151] "America/Louisville" "America/Lower_Princes"
-## [153] "America/Maceio" "America/Managua"
-## [155] "America/Manaus" "America/Marigot"
-## [157] "America/Martinique" "America/Matamoros"
-## [159] "America/Mazatlan" "America/Mendoza"
-## [161] "America/Menominee" "America/Merida"
-## [163] "America/Metlakatla" "America/Mexico_City"
-## [165] "America/Miquelon" "America/Moncton"
-## [167] "America/Monterrey" "America/Montevideo"
-## [169] "America/Montreal" "America/Montserrat"
-## [171] "America/Nassau" "America/New_York"
-## [173] "America/Nipigon" "America/Nome"
-## [175] "America/Noronha" "America/North_Dakota/Beulah"
-## [177] "America/North_Dakota/Center" "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"
-## [179] "America/Nuuk" "America/Ojinaga"
-## [181] "America/Panama" "America/Pangnirtung"
-## [183] "America/Paramaribo" "America/Phoenix"
-## [185] "America/Port_of_Spain" "America/Port-au-Prince"
-## [187] "America/Porto_Acre" "America/Porto_Velho"
-## [189] "America/Puerto_Rico" "America/Punta_Arenas"
-## [191] "America/Rainy_River" "America/Rankin_Inlet"
-## [193] "America/Recife" "America/Regina"
-## [195] "America/Resolute" "America/Rio_Branco"
-## [197] "America/Rosario" "America/Santa_Isabel"
-## [199] "America/Santarem" "America/Santiago"
-## [201] "America/Santo_Domingo" "America/Sao_Paulo"
-## [203] "America/Scoresbysund" "America/Shiprock"
-## [205] "America/Sitka" "America/St_Barthelemy"
-## [207] "America/St_Johns" "America/St_Kitts"
-## [209] "America/St_Lucia" "America/St_Thomas"
-## [211] "America/St_Vincent" "America/Swift_Current"
-## [213] "America/Tegucigalpa" "America/Thule"
-## [215] "America/Thunder_Bay" "America/Tijuana"
-## [217] "America/Toronto" "America/Tortola"
-## [219] "America/Vancouver" "America/Virgin"
-## [221] "America/Whitehorse" "America/Winnipeg"
-## [223] "America/Yakutat" "America/Yellowknife"
-## [225] "Antarctica/Casey" "Antarctica/Davis"
-## [227] "Antarctica/DumontDUrville" "Antarctica/Macquarie"
-## [229] "Antarctica/Mawson" "Antarctica/McMurdo"
-## [231] "Antarctica/Palmer" "Antarctica/Rothera"
-## [233] "Antarctica/South_Pole" "Antarctica/Syowa"
-## [235] "Antarctica/Troll" "Antarctica/Vostok"
-## [237] "Arctic/Longyearbyen" "ART"
-## [239] "Asia/Aden" "Asia/Almaty"
-## [241] "Asia/Amman" "Asia/Anadyr"
-## [243] "Asia/Aqtau" "Asia/Aqtobe"
-## [245] "Asia/Ashgabat" "Asia/Ashkhabad"
-## [247] "Asia/Atyrau" "Asia/Baghdad"
-## [249] "Asia/Bahrain" "Asia/Baku"
-## [251] "Asia/Bangkok" "Asia/Barnaul"
-## [253] "Asia/Beirut" "Asia/Bishkek"
-## [255] "Asia/Brunei" "Asia/Calcutta"
-## [257] "Asia/Chita" "Asia/Choibalsan"
-## [259] "Asia/Chongqing" "Asia/Chungking"
-## [261] "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Dacca"
-## [263] "Asia/Damascus" "Asia/Dhaka"
-## [265] "Asia/Dili" "Asia/Dubai"
-## [267] "Asia/Dushanbe" "Asia/Famagusta"
-## [269] "Asia/Gaza" "Asia/Harbin"
-## [271] "Asia/Hebron" "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh"
-## [273] "Asia/Hong_Kong" "Asia/Hovd"
-## [275] "Asia/Irkutsk" "Asia/Istanbul"
-## [277] "Asia/Jakarta" "Asia/Jayapura"
-## [279] "Asia/Jerusalem" "Asia/Kabul"
-## [281] "Asia/Kamchatka" "Asia/Karachi"
-## [283] "Asia/Kashgar" "Asia/Kathmandu"
-## [285] "Asia/Katmandu" "Asia/Khandyga"
-## [287] "Asia/Kolkata" "Asia/Krasnoyarsk"
-## [289] "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur" "Asia/Kuching"
-## [291] "Asia/Kuwait" "Asia/Macao"
-## [293] "Asia/Macau" "Asia/Magadan"
-## [295] "Asia/Makassar" "Asia/Manila"
-## [297] "Asia/Muscat" "Asia/Nicosia"
-## [299] "Asia/Novokuznetsk" "Asia/Novosibirsk"
-## [301] "Asia/Omsk" "Asia/Oral"
-## [303] "Asia/Phnom_Penh" "Asia/Pontianak"
-## [305] "Asia/Pyongyang" "Asia/Qatar"
-## [307] "Asia/Qostanay" "Asia/Qyzylorda"
-## [309] "Asia/Rangoon" "Asia/Riyadh"
-## [311] "Asia/Saigon" "Asia/Sakhalin"
-## [313] "Asia/Samarkand" "Asia/Seoul"
-## [315] "Asia/Shanghai" "Asia/Singapore"
-## [317] "Asia/Srednekolymsk" "Asia/Taipei"
-## [319] "Asia/Tashkent" "Asia/Tbilisi"
-## [321] "Asia/Tehran" "Asia/Tel_Aviv"
-## [323] "Asia/Thimbu" "Asia/Thimphu"
-## [325] "Asia/Tokyo" "Asia/Tomsk"
-## [327] "Asia/Ujung_Pandang" "Asia/Ulaanbaatar"
-## [329] "Asia/Ulan_Bator" "Asia/Urumqi"
-## [331] "Asia/Ust-Nera" "Asia/Vientiane"
-## [333] "Asia/Vladivostok" "Asia/Yakutsk"
-## [335] "Asia/Yangon" "Asia/Yekaterinburg"
-## [337] "Asia/Yerevan" "AST"
-## [339] "Atlantic/Azores" "Atlantic/Bermuda"
-## [341] "Atlantic/Canary" "Atlantic/Cape_Verde"
-## [343] "Atlantic/Faeroe" "Atlantic/Faroe"
-## [345] "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen" "Atlantic/Madeira"
-## [347] "Atlantic/Reykjavik" "Atlantic/South_Georgia"
-## [349] "Atlantic/St_Helena" "Atlantic/Stanley"
-## [351] "Australia/ACT" "Australia/Adelaide"
-## [353] "Australia/Brisbane" "Australia/Broken_Hill"
-## [355] "Australia/Canberra" "Australia/Currie"
-## [357] "Australia/Darwin" "Australia/Eucla"
-## [359] "Australia/Hobart" "Australia/LHI"
-## [361] "Australia/Lindeman" "Australia/Lord_Howe"
-## [363] "Australia/Melbourne" "Australia/North"
-## [365] "Australia/NSW" "Australia/Perth"
-## [367] "Australia/Queensland" "Australia/South"
-## [369] "Australia/Sydney" "Australia/Tasmania"
-## [371] "Australia/Victoria" "Australia/West"
-## [373] "Australia/Yancowinna" "BET"
-## [375] "Brazil/Acre" "Brazil/DeNoronha"
-## [377] "Brazil/East" "Brazil/West"
-## [379] "BST" "Canada/Atlantic"
-## [381] "Canada/Central" "Canada/East-Saskatchewan"
-## [383] "Canada/Eastern" "Canada/Mountain"
-## [385] "Canada/Newfoundland" "Canada/Pacific"
-## [387] "Canada/Saskatchewan" "Canada/Yukon"
-## [389] "CAT" "CET"
-## [391] "Chile/Continental" "Chile/EasterIsland"
-## [393] "CNT" "CST"
-## [395] "CST6CDT" "CTT"
-## [397] "Cuba" "EAT"
-## [399] "ECT" "EET"
-## [401] "Egypt" "Eire"
-## [403] "EST" "EST5EDT"
-## [405] "Etc/GMT" "Etc/GMT-0"
-## [407] "Etc/GMT-1" "Etc/GMT-2"
-## [409] "Etc/GMT-3" "Etc/GMT-4"
-## [411] "Etc/GMT-5" "Etc/GMT-6"
-## [413] "Etc/GMT-7" "Etc/GMT-8"
-## [415] "Etc/GMT-9" "Etc/GMT-10"
-## [417] "Etc/GMT-11" "Etc/GMT-12"
-## [419] "Etc/GMT-13" "Etc/GMT-14"
-## [421] "Etc/GMT+0" "Etc/GMT+1"
-## [423] "Etc/GMT+2" "Etc/GMT+3"
-## [425] "Etc/GMT+4" "Etc/GMT+5"
-## [427] "Etc/GMT+6" "Etc/GMT+7"
-## [429] "Etc/GMT+8" "Etc/GMT+9"
-## [431] "Etc/GMT+10" "Etc/GMT+11"
-## [433] "Etc/GMT+12" "Etc/GMT0"
-## [435] "Etc/Greenwich" "Etc/UCT"
-## [437] "Etc/Universal" "Etc/UTC"
-## [439] "Etc/Zulu" "Europe/Amsterdam"
-## [441] "Europe/Andorra" "Europe/Astrakhan"
-## [443] "Europe/Athens" "Europe/Belfast"
-## [445] "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin"
-## [447] "Europe/Bratislava" "Europe/Brussels"
-## [449] "Europe/Bucharest" "Europe/Budapest"
-## [451] "Europe/Busingen" "Europe/Chisinau"
-## [453] "Europe/Copenhagen" "Europe/Dublin"
-## [455] "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Guernsey"
-## [457] "Europe/Helsinki" "Europe/Isle_of_Man"
-## [459] "Europe/Istanbul" "Europe/Jersey"
-## [461] "Europe/Kaliningrad" "Europe/Kiev"
-## [463] "Europe/Kirov" "Europe/Lisbon"
-## [465] "Europe/Ljubljana" "Europe/London"
-## [467] "Europe/Luxembourg" "Europe/Madrid"
-## [469] "Europe/Malta" "Europe/Mariehamn"
-## [471] "Europe/Minsk" "Europe/Monaco"
-## [473] "Europe/Moscow" "Europe/Nicosia"
-## [475] "Europe/Oslo" "Europe/Paris"
-## [477] "Europe/Podgorica" "Europe/Prague"
-## [479] "Europe/Riga" "Europe/Rome"
-## [481] "Europe/Samara" "Europe/San_Marino"
-## [483] "Europe/Sarajevo" "Europe/Saratov"
-## [485] "Europe/Simferopol" "Europe/Skopje"
-## [487] "Europe/Sofia" "Europe/Stockholm"
-## [489] "Europe/Tallinn" "Europe/Tirane"
-## [491] "Europe/Tiraspol" "Europe/Ulyanovsk"
-## [493] "Europe/Uzhgorod" "Europe/Vaduz"
-## [495] "Europe/Vatican" "Europe/Vienna"
-## [497] "Europe/Vilnius" "Europe/Volgograd"
-## [499] "Europe/Warsaw" "Europe/Zagreb"
-## [501] "Europe/Zaporozhye" "Europe/Zurich"
-## [503] "Factory" "GB"
-## [505] "GB-Eire" "GMT"
-## [507] "GMT-0" "GMT+0"
-## [509] "GMT0" "Greenwich"
-## [511] "Hongkong" "HST"
-## [513] "Iceland" "IET"
-## [515] "Indian/Antananarivo" "Indian/Chagos"
-## [517] "Indian/Christmas" "Indian/Cocos"
-## [519] "Indian/Comoro" "Indian/Kerguelen"
-## [521] "Indian/Mahe" "Indian/Maldives"
-## [523] "Indian/Mauritius" "Indian/Mayotte"
-## [525] "Indian/Reunion" "Iran"
-## [527] "Israel" "IST"
-## [529] "Jamaica" "Japan"
-## [531] "JST" "Kwajalein"
-## [533] "Libya" "MET"
-## [535] "Mexico/BajaNorte" "Mexico/BajaSur"
-## [537] "Mexico/General" "MIT"
-## [539] "MST" "MST7MDT"
-## [541] "Navajo" "NET"
-## [543] "NST" "NZ"
-## [545] "NZ-CHAT" "Pacific/Apia"
-## [547] "Pacific/Auckland" "Pacific/Bougainville"
-## [549] "Pacific/Chatham" "Pacific/Chuuk"
-## [551] "Pacific/Easter" "Pacific/Efate"
-## [553] "Pacific/Enderbury" "Pacific/Fakaofo"
-## [555] "Pacific/Fiji" "Pacific/Funafuti"
-## [557] "Pacific/Galapagos" "Pacific/Gambier"
-## [559] "Pacific/Guadalcanal" "Pacific/Guam"
-## [561] "Pacific/Honolulu" "Pacific/Johnston"
-## [563] "Pacific/Kiritimati" "Pacific/Kosrae"
-## [565] "Pacific/Kwajalein" "Pacific/Majuro"
-## [567] "Pacific/Marquesas" "Pacific/Midway"
-## [569] "Pacific/Nauru" "Pacific/Niue"
-## [571] "Pacific/Norfolk" "Pacific/Noumea"
-## [573] "Pacific/Pago_Pago" "Pacific/Palau"
-## [575] "Pacific/Pitcairn" "Pacific/Pohnpei"
-## [577] "Pacific/Ponape" "Pacific/Port_Moresby"
-## [579] "Pacific/Rarotonga" "Pacific/Saipan"
-## [581] "Pacific/Samoa" "Pacific/Tahiti"
-## [583] "Pacific/Tarawa" "Pacific/Tongatapu"
-## [585] "Pacific/Truk" "Pacific/Wake"
-## [587] "Pacific/Wallis" "Pacific/Yap"
-## [589] "PLT" "PNT"
-## [591] "Poland" "Portugal"
-## [593] "PRC" "PRT"
-## [595] "PST" "PST8PDT"
-## [597] "ROC" "ROK"
-## [599] "Singapore" "SST"
-## [601] "SystemV/AST4" "SystemV/AST4ADT"
-## [603] "SystemV/CST6" "SystemV/CST6CDT"
-## [605] "SystemV/EST5" "SystemV/EST5EDT"
-## [607] "SystemV/HST10" "SystemV/MST7"
-## [609] "SystemV/MST7MDT" "SystemV/PST8"
-## [611] "SystemV/PST8PDT" "SystemV/YST9"
-## [613] "SystemV/YST9YDT" "Turkey"
-## [615] "UCT" "Universal"
-## [617] "US/Alaska" "US/Aleutian"
-## [619] "US/Arizona" "US/Central"
-## [621] "US/East-Indiana" "US/Eastern"
-## [623] "US/Hawaii" "US/Indiana-Starke"
-## [625] "US/Michigan" "US/Mountain"
-## [627] "US/Pacific" "US/Pacific-New"
-## [629] "US/Samoa" "UTC"
-## [631] "VST" "W-SU"
-## [633] "WET" "Zulu"
-## [1] "Africa/Algiers" "Africa/Bangui" "Africa/Brazzaville"
-## [4] "Africa/Ceuta" "Africa/Douala" "Africa/Kinshasa"
-## [7] "Africa/Lagos" "Africa/Libreville" "Africa/Luanda"
-## [10] "Africa/Malabo" "Africa/Ndjamena" "Africa/Niamey"
-## [13] "Africa/Porto-Novo" "Africa/Tunis" "Arctic/Longyearbyen"
-## [16] "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen" "CET" "ECT"
-## [19] "Etc/GMT-1" "Europe/Amsterdam" "Europe/Andorra"
-## [22] "Europe/Belgrade" "Europe/Berlin" "Europe/Bratislava"
-## [25] "Europe/Brussels" "Europe/Budapest" "Europe/Busingen"
-## [28] "Europe/Copenhagen" "Europe/Gibraltar" "Europe/Ljubljana"
-## [31] "Europe/Luxembourg" "Europe/Madrid" "Europe/Malta"
-## [34] "Europe/Monaco" "Europe/Oslo" "Europe/Paris"
-## [37] "Europe/Podgorica" "Europe/Prague" "Europe/Rome"
-## [40] "Europe/San_Marino" "Europe/Sarajevo" "Europe/Skopje"
-## [43] "Europe/Stockholm" "Europe/Tirane" "Europe/Vaduz"
-## [46] "Europe/Vatican" "Europe/Vienna" "Europe/Warsaw"
-## [49] "Europe/Zagreb" "Europe/Zurich" "MET"
-## [52] "Poland"
-## [1] "Asia/Calcutta" "Asia/Colombo" "Asia/Kolkata" "IST"
-## [1] "Asia/Kathmandu" "Asia/Katmandu"
-## [1] "Europe/Warsaw" "Poland"
-stri_timezone_list(region='US', offset=-10)
-## [1] "America/Adak" "America/Atka" "Pacific/Honolulu" "US/Aleutian"
-## [5] "US/Hawaii"
-# Fetch information on all time zones
- lapply(stri_timezone_list(), function(tz) stri_timezone_info(tz)))
-## ID Name
-## 1 ACT Australian Central Standard Time
-## 2 AET Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 3 Africa/Abidjan Greenwich Mean Time
-## 4 Africa/Accra Greenwich Mean Time
-## 5 Africa/Addis_Ababa Eastern Africa Time
-## 6 Africa/Algiers Central European Standard Time
-## 7 Africa/Asmara Eastern Africa Time
-## 8 Africa/Asmera Eastern Africa Time
-## 9 Africa/Bamako Greenwich Mean Time
-## 10 Africa/Bangui West Africa Standard Time
-## 11 Africa/Banjul Greenwich Mean Time
-## 12 Africa/Bissau Greenwich Mean Time
-## 13 Africa/Blantyre Central Africa Time
-## 14 Africa/Brazzaville West Africa Standard Time
-## 15 Africa/Bujumbura Central Africa Time
-## 16 Africa/Cairo Eastern European Standard Time
-## 17 Africa/Casablanca GMT
-## 18 Africa/Ceuta Central European Standard Time
-## 19 Africa/Conakry Greenwich Mean Time
-## 20 Africa/Dakar Greenwich Mean Time
-## 21 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Eastern Africa Time
-## 22 Africa/Djibouti Eastern Africa Time
-## 23 Africa/Douala West Africa Standard Time
-## 24 Africa/El_Aaiun GMT
-## 25 Africa/Freetown Greenwich Mean Time
-## 26 Africa/Gaborone Central Africa Time
-## 27 Africa/Harare Central Africa Time
-## 28 Africa/Johannesburg South Africa Standard Time
-## 29 Africa/Juba Central Africa Time
-## 30 Africa/Kampala Eastern Africa Time
-## 31 Africa/Khartoum Central Africa Time
-## 32 Africa/Kigali Central Africa Time
-## 33 Africa/Kinshasa West Africa Standard Time
-## 34 Africa/Lagos West Africa Standard Time
-## 35 Africa/Libreville West Africa Standard Time
-## 36 Africa/Lome Greenwich Mean Time
-## 37 Africa/Luanda West Africa Standard Time
-## 38 Africa/Lubumbashi Central Africa Time
-## 39 Africa/Lusaka Central Africa Time
-## 40 Africa/Malabo West Africa Standard Time
-## 41 Africa/Maputo Central Africa Time
-## 42 Africa/Maseru South Africa Standard Time
-## 43 Africa/Mbabane South Africa Standard Time
-## 44 Africa/Mogadishu Eastern Africa Time
-## 45 Africa/Monrovia Greenwich Mean Time
-## 46 Africa/Nairobi Eastern Africa Time
-## 47 Africa/Ndjamena West Africa Standard Time
-## 48 Africa/Niamey West Africa Standard Time
-## 49 Africa/Nouakchott Greenwich Mean Time
-## 50 Africa/Ouagadougou Greenwich Mean Time
-## 51 Africa/Porto-Novo West Africa Standard Time
-## 52 Africa/Sao_Tome Greenwich Mean Time
-## 53 Africa/Timbuktu Greenwich Mean Time
-## 54 Africa/Tripoli Eastern European Standard Time
-## 55 Africa/Tunis Central European Standard Time
-## 56 Africa/Windhoek Central Africa Time
-## 57 AGT Argentina Standard Time
-## 58 America/Adak Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
-## 59 America/Anchorage Alaska Standard Time
-## 60 America/Anguilla Atlantic Standard Time
-## 61 America/Antigua Atlantic Standard Time
-## 62 America/Araguaina Brasilia Standard Time
-## 63 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires Argentina Standard Time
-## 64 America/Argentina/Catamarca Argentina Standard Time
-## 65 America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia Argentina Standard Time
-## 66 America/Argentina/Cordoba Argentina Standard Time
-## 67 America/Argentina/Jujuy Argentina Standard Time
-## 68 America/Argentina/La_Rioja Argentina Standard Time
-## 69 America/Argentina/Mendoza Argentina Standard Time
-## 70 America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos Argentina Standard Time
-## 71 America/Argentina/Salta Argentina Standard Time
-## 72 America/Argentina/San_Juan Argentina Standard Time
-## 73 America/Argentina/San_Luis Argentina Standard Time
-## 74 America/Argentina/Tucuman Argentina Standard Time
-## 75 America/Argentina/Ushuaia Argentina Standard Time
-## 76 America/Aruba Atlantic Standard Time
-## 77 America/Asuncion Paraguay Standard Time
-## 78 America/Atikokan Eastern Standard Time
-## 79 America/Atka Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
-## 80 America/Bahia Brasilia Standard Time
-## 81 America/Bahia_Banderas Central Standard Time
-## 82 America/Barbados Atlantic Standard Time
-## 83 America/Belem Brasilia Standard Time
-## 84 America/Belize Central Standard Time
-## 85 America/Blanc-Sablon Atlantic Standard Time
-## 86 America/Boa_Vista Amazon Standard Time
-## 87 America/Bogota Colombia Standard Time
-## 88 America/Boise Mountain Standard Time
-## 89 America/Buenos_Aires Argentina Standard Time
-## 90 America/Cambridge_Bay Mountain Standard Time
-## 91 America/Campo_Grande Amazon Standard Time
-## 92 America/Cancun Eastern Standard Time
-## 93 America/Caracas Venezuela Time
-## 94 America/Catamarca Argentina Standard Time
-## 95 America/Cayenne French Guiana Time
-## 96 America/Cayman Eastern Standard Time
-## 97 America/Chicago Central Standard Time
-## 98 America/Chihuahua Mexican Pacific Standard Time
-## 99 America/Coral_Harbour Eastern Standard Time
-## 100 America/Cordoba Argentina Standard Time
-## 101 America/Costa_Rica Central Standard Time
-## 102 America/Creston Mountain Standard Time
-## 103 America/Cuiaba Amazon Standard Time
-## 104 America/Curacao Atlantic Standard Time
-## 105 America/Danmarkshavn Greenwich Mean Time
-## 106 America/Dawson Mountain Standard Time
-## 107 America/Dawson_Creek Mountain Standard Time
-## 108 America/Denver Mountain Standard Time
-## 109 America/Detroit Eastern Standard Time
-## 110 America/Dominica Atlantic Standard Time
-## 111 America/Edmonton Mountain Standard Time
-## 112 America/Eirunepe Acre Standard Time
-## 113 America/El_Salvador Central Standard Time
-## 114 America/Ensenada Pacific Standard Time
-## 115 America/Fort_Nelson Mountain Standard Time
-## 116 America/Fort_Wayne Eastern Standard Time
-## 117 America/Fortaleza Brasilia Standard Time
-## 118 America/Glace_Bay Atlantic Standard Time
-## 119 America/Godthab West Greenland Standard Time
-## 120 America/Goose_Bay Atlantic Standard Time
-## 121 America/Grand_Turk Eastern Standard Time
-## 122 America/Grenada Atlantic Standard Time
-## 123 America/Guadeloupe Atlantic Standard Time
-## 124 America/Guatemala Central Standard Time
-## 125 America/Guayaquil Ecuador Time
-## 126 America/Guyana Guyana Time
-## 127 America/Halifax Atlantic Standard Time
-## 128 America/Havana Cuba Standard Time
-## 129 America/Hermosillo Mexican Pacific Standard Time
-## 130 America/Indiana/Indianapolis Eastern Standard Time
-## 131 America/Indiana/Knox Central Standard Time
-## 132 America/Indiana/Marengo Eastern Standard Time
-## 133 America/Indiana/Petersburg Eastern Standard Time
-## 134 America/Indiana/Tell_City Central Standard Time
-## 135 America/Indiana/Vevay Eastern Standard Time
-## 136 America/Indiana/Vincennes Eastern Standard Time
-## 137 America/Indiana/Winamac Eastern Standard Time
-## 138 America/Indianapolis Eastern Standard Time
-## 139 America/Inuvik Mountain Standard Time
-## 140 America/Iqaluit Eastern Standard Time
-## 141 America/Jamaica Eastern Standard Time
-## 142 America/Jujuy Argentina Standard Time
-## 143 America/Juneau Alaska Standard Time
-## 144 America/Kentucky/Louisville Eastern Standard Time
-## 145 America/Kentucky/Monticello Eastern Standard Time
-## 146 America/Knox_IN Central Standard Time
-## 147 America/Kralendijk Atlantic Standard Time
-## 148 America/La_Paz Bolivia Time
-## 149 America/Lima Peru Standard Time
-## 150 America/Los_Angeles Pacific Standard Time
-## 151 America/Louisville Eastern Standard Time
-## 152 America/Lower_Princes Atlantic Standard Time
-## 153 America/Maceio Brasilia Standard Time
-## 154 America/Managua Central Standard Time
-## 155 America/Manaus Amazon Standard Time
-## 156 America/Marigot Atlantic Standard Time
-## 157 America/Martinique Atlantic Standard Time
-## 158 America/Matamoros Central Standard Time
-## 159 America/Mazatlan Mexican Pacific Standard Time
-## 160 America/Mendoza Argentina Standard Time
-## 161 America/Menominee Central Standard Time
-## 162 America/Merida Central Standard Time
-## 163 America/Metlakatla Alaska Standard Time
-## 164 America/Mexico_City Central Standard Time
-## 165 America/Miquelon St Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time
-## 166 America/Moncton Atlantic Standard Time
-## 167 America/Monterrey Central Standard Time
-## 168 America/Montevideo Uruguay Standard Time
-## 169 America/Montreal GMT-05:00
-## 170 America/Montserrat Atlantic Standard Time
-## 171 America/Nassau Eastern Standard Time
-## 172 America/New_York Eastern Standard Time
-## 173 America/Nipigon Eastern Standard Time
-## 174 America/Nome Alaska Standard Time
-## 175 America/Noronha Fernando de Noronha Standard Time
-## 176 America/North_Dakota/Beulah Central Standard Time
-## 177 America/North_Dakota/Center Central Standard Time
-## 178 America/North_Dakota/New_Salem Central Standard Time
-## 179 America/Nuuk West Greenland Standard Time
-## 180 America/Ojinaga Mountain Standard Time
-## 181 America/Panama Eastern Standard Time
-## 182 America/Pangnirtung Eastern Standard Time
-## 183 America/Paramaribo Suriname Time
-## 184 America/Phoenix Mountain Standard Time
-## 185 America/Port_of_Spain Atlantic Standard Time
-## 186 America/Port-au-Prince Eastern Standard Time
-## 187 America/Porto_Acre Acre Standard Time
-## 188 America/Porto_Velho Amazon Standard Time
-## 189 America/Puerto_Rico Atlantic Standard Time
-## 190 America/Punta_Arenas GMT-03:00
-## 191 America/Rainy_River Central Standard Time
-## 192 America/Rankin_Inlet Central Standard Time
-## 193 America/Recife Brasilia Standard Time
-## 194 America/Regina Central Standard Time
-## 195 America/Resolute Central Standard Time
-## 196 America/Rio_Branco Acre Standard Time
-## 197 America/Rosario Argentina Standard Time
-## 198 America/Santa_Isabel Northwest Mexico Standard Time
-## 199 America/Santarem Brasilia Standard Time
-## 200 America/Santiago Chile Standard Time
-## 201 America/Santo_Domingo Atlantic Standard Time
-## 202 America/Sao_Paulo Brasilia Standard Time
-## 203 America/Scoresbysund East Greenland Standard Time
-## 204 America/Shiprock Mountain Standard Time
-## 205 America/Sitka Alaska Standard Time
-## 206 America/St_Barthelemy Atlantic Standard Time
-## 207 America/St_Johns Newfoundland Standard Time
-## 208 America/St_Kitts Atlantic Standard Time
-## 209 America/St_Lucia Atlantic Standard Time
-## 210 America/St_Thomas Atlantic Standard Time
-## 211 America/St_Vincent Atlantic Standard Time
-## 212 America/Swift_Current Central Standard Time
-## 213 America/Tegucigalpa Central Standard Time
-## 214 America/Thule Atlantic Standard Time
-## 215 America/Thunder_Bay Eastern Standard Time
-## 216 America/Tijuana Pacific Standard Time
-## 217 America/Toronto Eastern Standard Time
-## 218 America/Tortola Atlantic Standard Time
-## 219 America/Vancouver Pacific Standard Time
-## 220 America/Virgin Atlantic Standard Time
-## 221 America/Whitehorse Mountain Standard Time
-## 222 America/Winnipeg Central Standard Time
-## 223 America/Yakutat Alaska Standard Time
-## 224 America/Yellowknife Mountain Standard Time
-## 225 Antarctica/Casey Casey Time
-## 226 Antarctica/Davis Davis Time
-## 227 Antarctica/DumontDUrville Dumont-d’Urville Time
-## 228 Antarctica/Macquarie Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 229 Antarctica/Mawson Mawson Time
-## 230 Antarctica/McMurdo New Zealand Standard Time
-## 231 Antarctica/Palmer GMT-03:00
-## 232 Antarctica/Rothera Rothera Time
-## 233 Antarctica/South_Pole New Zealand Standard Time
-## 234 Antarctica/Syowa Syowa Time
-## 235 Antarctica/Troll Greenwich Mean Time
-## 236 Antarctica/Vostok Vostok Time
-## 237 Arctic/Longyearbyen Central European Standard Time
-## 238 ART Eastern European Standard Time
-## 239 Asia/Aden Arabia Standard Time
-## 240 Asia/Almaty East Kazakhstan Time
-## 241 Asia/Amman Eastern European Standard Time
-## 242 Asia/Anadyr Anadyr Standard Time
-## 243 Asia/Aqtau West Kazakhstan Time
-## 244 Asia/Aqtobe West Kazakhstan Time
-## 245 Asia/Ashgabat Turkmenistan Standard Time
-## 246 Asia/Ashkhabad Turkmenistan Standard Time
-## 247 Asia/Atyrau West Kazakhstan Time
-## 248 Asia/Baghdad Arabia Standard Time
-## 249 Asia/Bahrain Arabia Standard Time
-## 250 Asia/Baku Azerbaijan Standard Time
-## 251 Asia/Bangkok Indochina Time
-## 252 Asia/Barnaul GMT+07:00
-## 253 Asia/Beirut Eastern European Standard Time
-## 254 Asia/Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Time
-## 255 Asia/Brunei Brunei Darussalam Time
-## 256 Asia/Calcutta India Standard Time
-## 257 Asia/Chita Yakutsk Standard Time
-## 258 Asia/Choibalsan Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
-## 259 Asia/Chongqing China Standard Time
-## 260 Asia/Chungking China Standard Time
-## 261 Asia/Colombo India Standard Time
-## 262 Asia/Dacca Bangladesh Standard Time
-## 263 Asia/Damascus Eastern European Standard Time
-## 264 Asia/Dhaka Bangladesh Standard Time
-## 265 Asia/Dili East Timor Time
-## 266 Asia/Dubai Gulf Standard Time
-## 267 Asia/Dushanbe Tajikistan Time
-## 268 Asia/Famagusta GMT+02:00
-## 269 Asia/Gaza Eastern European Standard Time
-## 270 Asia/Harbin China Standard Time
-## 271 Asia/Hebron Eastern European Standard Time
-## 272 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh Indochina Time
-## 273 Asia/Hong_Kong Hong Kong Standard Time
-## 274 Asia/Hovd Hovd Standard Time
-## 275 Asia/Irkutsk Irkutsk Standard Time
-## 276 Asia/Istanbul GMT+03:00
-## 277 Asia/Jakarta Western Indonesia Time
-## 278 Asia/Jayapura Eastern Indonesia Time
-## 279 Asia/Jerusalem Israel Standard Time
-## 280 Asia/Kabul Afghanistan Time
-## 281 Asia/Kamchatka Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Standard Time
-## 282 Asia/Karachi Pakistan Standard Time
-## 283 Asia/Kashgar GMT+06:00
-## 284 Asia/Kathmandu Nepal Time
-## 285 Asia/Katmandu Nepal Time
-## 286 Asia/Khandyga Yakutsk Standard Time
-## 287 Asia/Kolkata India Standard Time
-## 288 Asia/Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk Standard Time
-## 289 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Malaysia Time
-## 290 Asia/Kuching Malaysia Time
-## 291 Asia/Kuwait Arabia Standard Time
-## 292 Asia/Macao China Standard Time
-## 293 Asia/Macau China Standard Time
-## 294 Asia/Magadan Magadan Standard Time
-## 295 Asia/Makassar Central Indonesia Time
-## 296 Asia/Manila Philippine Standard Time
-## 297 Asia/Muscat Gulf Standard Time
-## 298 Asia/Nicosia Eastern European Standard Time
-## 299 Asia/Novokuznetsk Krasnoyarsk Standard Time
-## 300 Asia/Novosibirsk Novosibirsk Standard Time
-## 301 Asia/Omsk Omsk Standard Time
-## 302 Asia/Oral West Kazakhstan Time
-## 303 Asia/Phnom_Penh Indochina Time
-## 304 Asia/Pontianak Western Indonesia Time
-## 305 Asia/Pyongyang Korean Standard Time
-## 306 Asia/Qatar Arabia Standard Time
-## 307 Asia/Qostanay East Kazakhstan Time
-## 308 Asia/Qyzylorda West Kazakhstan Time
-## 309 Asia/Rangoon Myanmar Time
-## 310 Asia/Riyadh Arabia Standard Time
-## 311 Asia/Saigon Indochina Time
-## 312 Asia/Sakhalin Sakhalin Standard Time
-## 313 Asia/Samarkand Uzbekistan Standard Time
-## 314 Asia/Seoul Korean Standard Time
-## 315 Asia/Shanghai China Standard Time
-## 316 Asia/Singapore Singapore Standard Time
-## 317 Asia/Srednekolymsk GMT+11:00
-## 318 Asia/Taipei Taipei Standard Time
-## 319 Asia/Tashkent Uzbekistan Standard Time
-## 320 Asia/Tbilisi Georgia Standard Time
-## 321 Asia/Tehran Iran Standard Time
-## 322 Asia/Tel_Aviv Israel Standard Time
-## 323 Asia/Thimbu Bhutan Time
-## 324 Asia/Thimphu Bhutan Time
-## 325 Asia/Tokyo Japan Standard Time
-## 326 Asia/Tomsk GMT+07:00
-## 327 Asia/Ujung_Pandang Central Indonesia Time
-## 328 Asia/Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
-## 329 Asia/Ulan_Bator Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
-## 330 Asia/Urumqi GMT+06:00
-## 331 Asia/Ust-Nera Vladivostok Standard Time
-## 332 Asia/Vientiane Indochina Time
-## 333 Asia/Vladivostok Vladivostok Standard Time
-## 334 Asia/Yakutsk Yakutsk Standard Time
-## 335 Asia/Yangon Myanmar Time
-## 336 Asia/Yekaterinburg Yekaterinburg Standard Time
-## 337 Asia/Yerevan Armenia Standard Time
-## 338 AST Alaska Standard Time
-## 339 Atlantic/Azores Azores Standard Time
-## 340 Atlantic/Bermuda Atlantic Standard Time
-## 341 Atlantic/Canary Western European Standard Time
-## 342 Atlantic/Cape_Verde Cape Verde Standard Time
-## 343 Atlantic/Faeroe Western European Standard Time
-## 344 Atlantic/Faroe Western European Standard Time
-## 345 Atlantic/Jan_Mayen Central European Standard Time
-## 346 Atlantic/Madeira Western European Standard Time
-## 347 Atlantic/Reykjavik Greenwich Mean Time
-## 348 Atlantic/South_Georgia South Georgia Time
-## 349 Atlantic/St_Helena Greenwich Mean Time
-## 350 Atlantic/Stanley Falkland Islands Standard Time
-## 351 Australia/ACT Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 352 Australia/Adelaide Australian Central Standard Time
-## 353 Australia/Brisbane Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 354 Australia/Broken_Hill Australian Central Standard Time
-## 355 Australia/Canberra Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 356 Australia/Currie Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 357 Australia/Darwin Australian Central Standard Time
-## 358 Australia/Eucla Australian Central Western Standard Time
-## 359 Australia/Hobart Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 360 Australia/LHI Lord Howe Standard Time
-## 361 Australia/Lindeman Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 362 Australia/Lord_Howe Lord Howe Standard Time
-## 363 Australia/Melbourne Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 364 Australia/North Australian Central Standard Time
-## 365 Australia/NSW Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 366 Australia/Perth Australian Western Standard Time
-## 367 Australia/Queensland Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 368 Australia/South Australian Central Standard Time
-## 369 Australia/Sydney Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 370 Australia/Tasmania Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 371 Australia/Victoria Australian Eastern Standard Time
-## 372 Australia/West Australian Western Standard Time
-## 373 Australia/Yancowinna Australian Central Standard Time
-## 374 BET Brasilia Standard Time
-## 375 Brazil/Acre Acre Standard Time
-## 376 Brazil/DeNoronha Fernando de Noronha Standard Time
-## 377 Brazil/East Brasilia Standard Time
-## 378 Brazil/West Amazon Standard Time
-## 379 BST Bangladesh Standard Time
-## 380 Canada/Atlantic Atlantic Standard Time
-## 381 Canada/Central Central Standard Time
-## 382 Canada/East-Saskatchewan Central Standard Time
-## 383 Canada/Eastern Eastern Standard Time
-## 384 Canada/Mountain Mountain Standard Time
-## 385 Canada/Newfoundland Newfoundland Standard Time
-## 386 Canada/Pacific Pacific Standard Time
-## 387 Canada/Saskatchewan Central Standard Time
-## 388 Canada/Yukon Mountain Standard Time
-## 389 CAT Central Africa Time
-## 390 CET GMT+01:00
-## 391 Chile/Continental Chile Standard Time
-## 392 Chile/EasterIsland Easter Island Standard Time
-## 393 CNT Newfoundland Standard Time
-## 394 CST Central Standard Time
-## 395 CST6CDT Central Standard Time
-## 396 CTT China Standard Time
-## 397 Cuba Cuba Standard Time
-## 398 EAT Eastern Africa Time
-## 399 ECT Central European Standard Time
-## 400 EET GMT+02:00
-## 401 Egypt Eastern European Standard Time
-## 402 Eire Greenwich Mean Time
-## 403 EST GMT-05:00
-## 404 EST5EDT Eastern Standard Time
-## 405 Etc/GMT Greenwich Mean Time
-## 406 Etc/GMT-0 Greenwich Mean Time
-## 407 Etc/GMT-1 GMT+01:00
-## 408 Etc/GMT-2 GMT+02:00
-## 409 Etc/GMT-3 GMT+03:00
-## 410 Etc/GMT-4 GMT+04:00
-## 411 Etc/GMT-5 GMT+05:00
-## 412 Etc/GMT-6 GMT+06:00
-## 413 Etc/GMT-7 GMT+07:00
-## 414 Etc/GMT-8 GMT+08:00
-## 415 Etc/GMT-9 GMT+09:00
-## 416 Etc/GMT-10 GMT+10:00
-## 417 Etc/GMT-11 GMT+11:00
-## 418 Etc/GMT-12 GMT+12:00
-## 419 Etc/GMT-13 GMT+13:00
-## 420 Etc/GMT-14 GMT+14:00
-## 421 Etc/GMT+0 Greenwich Mean Time
-## 422 Etc/GMT+1 GMT-01:00
-## 423 Etc/GMT+2 GMT-02:00
-## 424 Etc/GMT+3 GMT-03:00
-## 425 Etc/GMT+4 GMT-04:00
-## 426 Etc/GMT+5 GMT-05:00
-## 427 Etc/GMT+6 GMT-06:00
-## 428 Etc/GMT+7 GMT-07:00
-## 429 Etc/GMT+8 GMT-08:00
-## 430 Etc/GMT+9 GMT-09:00
-## 431 Etc/GMT+10 GMT-10:00
-## 432 Etc/GMT+11 GMT-11:00
-## 433 Etc/GMT+12 GMT-12:00
-## 434 Etc/GMT0 Greenwich Mean Time
-## 435 Etc/Greenwich Greenwich Mean Time
-## 436 Etc/UCT Coordinated Universal Time
-## 437 Etc/Universal Coordinated Universal Time
-## 438 Etc/UTC Coordinated Universal Time
-## 439 Etc/Zulu Coordinated Universal Time
-## 440 Europe/Amsterdam Central European Standard Time
-## 441 Europe/Andorra Central European Standard Time
-## 442 Europe/Astrakhan GMT+04:00
-## 443 Europe/Athens Eastern European Standard Time
-## 444 Europe/Belfast Greenwich Mean Time
-## 445 Europe/Belgrade Central European Standard Time
-## 446 Europe/Berlin Central European Standard Time
-## 447 Europe/Bratislava Central European Standard Time
-## 448 Europe/Brussels Central European Standard Time
-## 449 Europe/Bucharest Eastern European Standard Time
-## 450 Europe/Budapest Central European Standard Time
-## 451 Europe/Busingen Central European Standard Time
-## 452 Europe/Chisinau Eastern European Standard Time
-## 453 Europe/Copenhagen Central European Standard Time
-## 454 Europe/Dublin Greenwich Mean Time
-## 455 Europe/Gibraltar Central European Standard Time
-## 456 Europe/Guernsey Greenwich Mean Time
-## 457 Europe/Helsinki Eastern European Standard Time
-## 458 Europe/Isle_of_Man Greenwich Mean Time
-## 459 Europe/Istanbul GMT+03:00
-## 460 Europe/Jersey Greenwich Mean Time
-## 461 Europe/Kaliningrad Eastern European Standard Time
-## 462 Europe/Kiev Eastern European Standard Time
-## 463 Europe/Kirov GMT+03:00
-## 464 Europe/Lisbon Western European Standard Time
-## 465 Europe/Ljubljana Central European Standard Time
-## 466 Europe/London Greenwich Mean Time
-## 467 Europe/Luxembourg Central European Standard Time
-## 468 Europe/Madrid Central European Standard Time
-## 469 Europe/Malta Central European Standard Time
-## 470 Europe/Mariehamn Eastern European Standard Time
-## 471 Europe/Minsk Moscow Standard Time
-## 472 Europe/Monaco Central European Standard Time
-## 473 Europe/Moscow Moscow Standard Time
-## 474 Europe/Nicosia Eastern European Standard Time
-## 475 Europe/Oslo Central European Standard Time
-## 476 Europe/Paris Central European Standard Time
-## 477 Europe/Podgorica Central European Standard Time
-## 478 Europe/Prague Central European Standard Time
-## 479 Europe/Riga Eastern European Standard Time
-## 480 Europe/Rome Central European Standard Time
-## 481 Europe/Samara Samara Standard Time
-## 482 Europe/San_Marino Central European Standard Time
-## 483 Europe/Sarajevo Central European Standard Time
-## 484 Europe/Saratov GMT+04:00
-## 485 Europe/Simferopol Moscow Standard Time
-## 486 Europe/Skopje Central European Standard Time
-## 487 Europe/Sofia Eastern European Standard Time
-## 488 Europe/Stockholm Central European Standard Time
-## 489 Europe/Tallinn Eastern European Standard Time
-## 490 Europe/Tirane Central European Standard Time
-## 491 Europe/Tiraspol Eastern European Standard Time
-## 492 Europe/Ulyanovsk GMT+04:00
-## 493 Europe/Uzhgorod Eastern European Standard Time
-## 494 Europe/Vaduz Central European Standard Time
-## 495 Europe/Vatican Central European Standard Time
-## 496 Europe/Vienna Central European Standard Time
-## 497 Europe/Vilnius Eastern European Standard Time
-## 498 Europe/Volgograd Volgograd Standard Time
-## 499 Europe/Warsaw Central European Standard Time
-## 500 Europe/Zagreb Central European Standard Time
-## 501 Europe/Zaporozhye Eastern European Standard Time
-## 502 Europe/Zurich Central European Standard Time
-## 503 Factory GMT
-## 504 GB Greenwich Mean Time
-## 505 GB-Eire Greenwich Mean Time
-## 506 GMT Greenwich Mean Time
-## 507 GMT-0 Greenwich Mean Time
-## 508 GMT+0 Greenwich Mean Time
-## 509 GMT0 Greenwich Mean Time
-## 510 Greenwich Greenwich Mean Time
-## 511 Hongkong Hong Kong Standard Time
-## 512 HST GMT-10:00
-## 513 Iceland Greenwich Mean Time
-## 514 IET Eastern Standard Time
-## 515 Indian/Antananarivo Eastern Africa Time
-## 516 Indian/Chagos Indian Ocean Time
-## 517 Indian/Christmas Christmas Island Time
-## 518 Indian/Cocos Cocos Islands Time
-## 519 Indian/Comoro Eastern Africa Time
-## 520 Indian/Kerguelen French Southern & Antarctic Time
-## 521 Indian/Mahe Seychelles Time
-## 522 Indian/Maldives Maldives Time
-## 523 Indian/Mauritius Mauritius Standard Time
-## 524 Indian/Mayotte Eastern Africa Time
-## 525 Indian/Reunion Réunion Time
-## 526 Iran Iran Standard Time
-## 527 Israel Israel Standard Time
-## 528 IST India Standard Time
-## 529 Jamaica Eastern Standard Time
-## 530 Japan Japan Standard Time
-## 531 JST Japan Standard Time
-## 532 Kwajalein Marshall Islands Time
-## 533 Libya Eastern European Standard Time
-## 534 MET GMT+01:00
-## 535 Mexico/BajaNorte Pacific Standard Time
-## 536 Mexico/BajaSur Mexican Pacific Standard Time
-## 537 Mexico/General Central Standard Time
-## 538 MIT Apia Standard Time
-## 539 MST GMT-07:00
-## 540 MST7MDT Mountain Standard Time
-## 541 Navajo Mountain Standard Time
-## 542 NET Armenia Standard Time
-## 543 NST New Zealand Standard Time
-## 544 NZ New Zealand Standard Time
-## 545 NZ-CHAT Chatham Standard Time
-## 546 Pacific/Apia Apia Standard Time
-## 547 Pacific/Auckland New Zealand Standard Time
-## 548 Pacific/Bougainville GMT+11:00
-## 549 Pacific/Chatham Chatham Standard Time
-## 550 Pacific/Chuuk Chuuk Time
-## 551 Pacific/Easter Easter Island Standard Time
-## 552 Pacific/Efate Vanuatu Standard Time
-## 553 Pacific/Enderbury Phoenix Islands Time
-## 554 Pacific/Fakaofo Tokelau Time
-## 555 Pacific/Fiji Fiji Standard Time
-## 556 Pacific/Funafuti Tuvalu Time
-## 557 Pacific/Galapagos Galapagos Time
-## 558 Pacific/Gambier Gambier Time
-## 559 Pacific/Guadalcanal Solomon Islands Time
-## 560 Pacific/Guam Chamorro Standard Time
-## 561 Pacific/Honolulu Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
-## 562 Pacific/Johnston Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
-## 563 Pacific/Kiritimati Line Islands Time
-## 564 Pacific/Kosrae Kosrae Time
-## 565 Pacific/Kwajalein Marshall Islands Time
-## 566 Pacific/Majuro Marshall Islands Time
-## 567 Pacific/Marquesas Marquesas Time
-## 568 Pacific/Midway Samoa Standard Time
-## 569 Pacific/Nauru Nauru Time
-## 570 Pacific/Niue Niue Time
-## 571 Pacific/Norfolk Norfolk Island Standard Time
-## 572 Pacific/Noumea New Caledonia Standard Time
-## 573 Pacific/Pago_Pago Samoa Standard Time
-## 574 Pacific/Palau Palau Time
-## 575 Pacific/Pitcairn Pitcairn Time
-## 576 Pacific/Pohnpei Ponape Time
-## 577 Pacific/Ponape Ponape Time
-## 578 Pacific/Port_Moresby Papua New Guinea Time
-## 579 Pacific/Rarotonga Cook Island Standard Time
-## 580 Pacific/Saipan Chamorro Standard Time
-## 581 Pacific/Samoa Samoa Standard Time
-## 582 Pacific/Tahiti Tahiti Time
-## 583 Pacific/Tarawa Gilbert Islands Time
-## 584 Pacific/Tongatapu Tonga Standard Time
-## 585 Pacific/Truk Chuuk Time
-## 586 Pacific/Wake Wake Island Time
-## 587 Pacific/Wallis Wallis & Futuna Time
-## 588 Pacific/Yap Chuuk Time
-## 589 PLT Pakistan Standard Time
-## 590 PNT Mountain Standard Time
-## 591 Poland Central European Standard Time
-## 592 Portugal Western European Standard Time
-## 593 PRC China Standard Time
-## 594 PRT Atlantic Standard Time
-## 595 PST Pacific Standard Time
-## 596 PST8PDT Pacific Standard Time
-## 597 ROC Taipei Standard Time
-## 598 ROK Korean Standard Time
-## 599 Singapore Singapore Standard Time
-## 600 SST Solomon Islands Time
-## 601 SystemV/AST4 GMT-04:00
-## 602 SystemV/AST4ADT GMT-04:00
-## 603 SystemV/CST6 GMT-06:00
-## 604 SystemV/CST6CDT GMT-06:00
-## 605 SystemV/EST5 GMT-05:00
-## 606 SystemV/EST5EDT GMT-05:00
-## 607 SystemV/HST10 GMT-10:00
-## 608 SystemV/MST7 GMT-07:00
-## 609 SystemV/MST7MDT GMT-07:00
-## 610 SystemV/PST8 GMT-08:00
-## 611 SystemV/PST8PDT GMT-08:00
-## 612 SystemV/YST9 GMT-09:00
-## 613 SystemV/YST9YDT GMT-09:00
-## 614 Turkey GMT+03:00
-## 615 UCT Coordinated Universal Time
-## 616 Universal Coordinated Universal Time
-## 617 US/Alaska Alaska Standard Time
-## 618 US/Aleutian Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
-## 619 US/Arizona Mountain Standard Time
-## 620 US/Central Central Standard Time
-## 621 US/East-Indiana Eastern Standard Time
-## 622 US/Eastern Eastern Standard Time
-## 623 US/Hawaii Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
-## 624 US/Indiana-Starke Central Standard Time
-## 625 US/Michigan Eastern Standard Time
-## 626 US/Mountain Mountain Standard Time
-## 627 US/Pacific Pacific Standard Time
-## 628 US/Pacific-New Pacific Standard Time
-## 629 US/Samoa Samoa Standard Time
-## 630 UTC Coordinated Universal Time
-## 631 VST Indochina Time
-## 632 W-SU Moscow Standard Time
-## 633 WET GMT
-## 634 Zulu Coordinated Universal Time
-## Name.Daylight Name.Windows
-## 1 AUS Central Standard Time
-## 2 Australian Eastern Daylight Time AUS Eastern Standard Time
-## 3 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 4 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 5 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 6 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 7 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 8 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 9 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 10 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 11 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 12 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 13 South Africa Standard Time
-## 14 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 15 South Africa Standard Time
-## 16 Egypt Standard Time
-## 17 GMT+01:00 Morocco Standard Time
-## 18 Central European Summer Time Romance Standard Time
-## 19 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 20 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 21 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 22 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 23 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 24 GMT+01:00 Morocco Standard Time
-## 25 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 26 South Africa Standard Time
-## 27 South Africa Standard Time
-## 28 South Africa Standard Time
-## 29 South Africa Standard Time
-## 30 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 31 Sudan Standard Time
-## 32 South Africa Standard Time
-## 33 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 34 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 35 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 36 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 37 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 38 South Africa Standard Time
-## 39 South Africa Standard Time
-## 40 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 41 South Africa Standard Time
-## 42 South Africa Standard Time
-## 43 South Africa Standard Time
-## 44 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 45 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 46 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 47 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 48 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 49 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 50 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 51 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 52 Sao Tome Standard Time
-## 53 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 54 Libya Standard Time
-## 55 W. Central Africa Standard Time
-## 56 Namibia Standard Time
-## 57 Argentina Standard Time
-## 58 Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Aleutian Standard Time
-## 59 Alaska Daylight Time Alaskan Standard Time
-## 60 SA Western Standard Time
-## 61 SA Western Standard Time
-## 62 Tocantins Standard Time
-## 63 Argentina Standard Time
-## 64 Argentina Standard Time
-## 65 Argentina Standard Time
-## 66 Argentina Standard Time
-## 67 Argentina Standard Time
-## 68 Argentina Standard Time
-## 69 Argentina Standard Time
-## 70 Argentina Standard Time
-## 71 Argentina Standard Time
-## 72 Argentina Standard Time
-## 73 Argentina Standard Time
-## 74 Argentina Standard Time
-## 75 Argentina Standard Time
-## 76 SA Western Standard Time
-## 77 Paraguay Summer Time Paraguay Standard Time
-## 78 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 79 Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Aleutian Standard Time
-## 80 Bahia Standard Time
-## 81 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 82 SA Western Standard Time
-## 83 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 84 Central America Standard Time
-## 85 SA Western Standard Time
-## 86 SA Western Standard Time
-## 87 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 88 Mountain Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time
-## 89 Argentina Standard Time
-## 90 Mountain Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time
-## 91 Central Brazilian Standard Time
-## 92 Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 93 Venezuela Standard Time
-## 94 Argentina Standard Time
-## 95 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 96 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 97 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 98 Mexican Pacific Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 99 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 100 Argentina Standard Time
-## 101 Central America Standard Time
-## 102 US Mountain Standard Time
-## 103 Central Brazilian Standard Time
-## 104 SA Western Standard Time
-## 105 Greenwich Standard Time
-## 106 Yukon Standard Time
-## 107 US Mountain Standard Time
-## 108 Mountain Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time
-## 109 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 110 SA Western Standard Time
-## 111 Mountain Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time
-## 112 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 113 Central America Standard Time
-## 114 Pacific Daylight Time Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 115 US Mountain Standard Time
-## 116 Eastern Daylight Time US Eastern Standard Time
-## 117 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 118 Atlantic Daylight Time Atlantic Standard Time
-## 119 West Greenland Summer Time Greenland Standard Time
-## 120 Atlantic Daylight Time Atlantic Standard Time
-## 121 Eastern Daylight Time Turks And Caicos Standard Time
-## 122 SA Western Standard Time
-## 123 SA Western Standard Time
-## 124 Central America Standard Time
-## 125 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 126 SA Western Standard Time
-## 127 Atlantic Daylight Time Atlantic Standard Time
-## 128 Cuba Daylight Time Cuba Standard Time
-## 129 US Mountain Standard Time
-## 130 Eastern Daylight Time US Eastern Standard Time
-## 131 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 132 Eastern Daylight Time US Eastern Standard Time
-## 133 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 134 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 135 Eastern Daylight Time US Eastern Standard Time
-## 136 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 137 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 138 Eastern Daylight Time US Eastern Standard Time
-## 139 Mountain Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time
-## 140 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 141 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 142 Argentina Standard Time
-## 143 Alaska Daylight Time Alaskan Standard Time
-## 144 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 145 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 146 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 147 SA Western Standard Time
-## 148 SA Western Standard Time
-## 149 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 150 Pacific Daylight Time Pacific Standard Time
-## 151 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 152 SA Western Standard Time
-## 153 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 154 Central America Standard Time
-## 155 SA Western Standard Time
-## 156 SA Western Standard Time
-## 157 SA Western Standard Time
-## 158 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 159 Mexican Pacific Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 160 Argentina Standard Time
-## 161 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 162 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 163 Alaska Daylight Time Alaskan Standard Time
-## 164 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 165 St Pierre & Miquelon Daylight Time Saint Pierre Standard Time
-## 166 Atlantic Daylight Time Atlantic Standard Time
-## 167 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 168 Montevideo Standard Time
-## 169 GMT-04:00 Eastern Standard Time
-## 170 SA Western Standard Time
-## 171 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 172 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 173 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 174 Alaska Daylight Time Alaskan Standard Time
-## 175 UTC-02
-## 176 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 177 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 178 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 179 West Greenland Summer Time Greenland Standard Time
-## 180 Mountain Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time
-## 181 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 182 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 183 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 184 US Mountain Standard Time
-## 185 SA Western Standard Time
-## 186 Eastern Daylight Time Haiti Standard Time
-## 187 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 188 SA Western Standard Time
-## 189 SA Western Standard Time
-## 190 Magallanes Standard Time
-## 191 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 192 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 193 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 194 Canada Central Standard Time
-## 195 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 196 SA Pacific Standard Time
-## 197 Argentina Standard Time
-## 198 Northwest Mexico Daylight Time Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 199 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 200 Chile Summer Time Pacific SA Standard Time
-## 201 SA Western Standard Time
-## 202 E. South America Standard Time
-## 203 East Greenland Summer Time Azores Standard Time
-## 204 Mountain Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time
-## 205 Alaska Daylight Time Alaskan Standard Time
-## 206 SA Western Standard Time
-## 207 Newfoundland Daylight Time Newfoundland Standard Time
-## 208 SA Western Standard Time
-## 209 SA Western Standard Time
-## 210 SA Western Standard Time
-## 211 SA Western Standard Time
-## 212 Canada Central Standard Time
-## 213 Central America Standard Time
-## 214 Atlantic Daylight Time Atlantic Standard Time
-## 215 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 216 Pacific Daylight Time Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)
-## 217 Eastern Daylight Time Eastern Standard Time
-## 218 SA Western Standard Time
-## 219 Pacific Daylight Time Pacific Standard Time
-## 220 SA Western Standard Time
-## 221 Yukon Standard Time
-## 222 Central Daylight Time Central Standard Time
-## 223 Alaska Daylight Time Alaskan Standard Time
-## 224 Mountain Daylight Time Mountain Standard Time
-## 225 Central Pacific Standard Time
-## 226 SE Asia Standard Time
-## 227 West Pacific Standard Time
-## 228 Australian Eastern Daylight Time Tasmania Standard Time
-## 229 West Asia Standard Time
-## 230 New Zealand Daylight Time New Zealand Standard Time
-## 231 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 232 SA Eastern Standard Time
-## 233 New Zealand Daylight Time New Zealand Standard Time
-## 234 E. Africa Standard Time
-## 235 GMT+02:00
-## 236 Central Asia Standard Time
-## 237 Central European Summer Time W. Europe Standard Time
-## 238 Egypt Standard Time
-## 239 Arab Standard Time
-## 240 Central Asia Standard Time
-## 241 Eastern European Summer Time Jordan Standard Time
-## 242 Russia Time Zone 11
-## 243 West Asia Standard Time
-## 244 West Asia Standard Time
-## 245 West Asia Standard Time
-## 246 West Asia Standard Time
-## 247 West Asia Standard Time
-## 248 Arabic Standard Time
-## 249 Arab Standard Time
-## 250 Azerbaijan Standard Time
-## 251 SE Asia Standard Time
-## 252 Altai Standard Time
-## 253 Eastern European Summer Time Middle East Standard Time
-## 254 Central Asia Standard Time
-## 255 Singapore Standard Time
-## 256 India Standard Time
-## 257 Transbaikal Standard Time
-## 258 Ulaanbaatar Standard Time
-## 259 China Standard Time
-## 260 China Standard Time
-## 261 Sri Lanka Standard Time
-## 262 Bangladesh Standard Time
-## 263 Eastern European Summer Time Syria Standard Time
-## 264 Bangladesh Standard Time
-## 265 Tokyo Standard Time
-## 266 Arabian Standard Time
-## 267 West Asia Standard Time
-## 268 GMT+03:00 GTB Standard Time
-## 269 Eastern European Summer Time West Bank Standard Time
-## 270 China Standard Time
-## 271 Eastern European Summer Time West Bank Standard Time
-## 272 SE Asia Standard Time
-## 273 China Standard Time
-## 274 W. Mongolia Standard Time
-## 275 North Asia East Standard Time
-## 276 Turkey Standard Time
-## 277 SE Asia Standard Time
-## 278 Tokyo Standard Time
-## 279 Israel Daylight Time Israel Standard Time
-## 280 Afghanistan Standard Time
-## 281 Russia Time Zone 11
-## 282 Pakistan Standard Time
-## 283 Central Asia Standard Time
-## 284 Nepal Standard Time
-## 285 Nepal Standard Time
-## 286 Yakutsk Standard Time
-## 287 India Standard Time
-## 288 North Asia Standard Time
-## 289 Singapore Standard Time
-## 290 Singapore Standard Time
-## 291 Arab Standard Time
-## 292 China Standard Time
-## 293 China Standard Time
-## 294 Magadan Standard Time
-## 295 Singapore Standard Time
-## 296 Singapore Standard Time
-## 297 Arabian Standard Time
-## 298 Eastern European Summer Time GTB Standard Time
-## 299 North Asia Standard Time
-## 300 N. Central Asia Standard Time
-## 301 Omsk Standard Time
-## 302 West Asia Standard Time
-## 303 SE Asia Standard Time
-## 304 SE Asia Standard Time
-## 305