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index c2ef6a9e6a..0ecdf4d682 100644
--- a/docs/en/basics/version.mdx
+++ b/docs/en/basics/version.mdx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Each milestone version update will be accompanied by a [version upgrade guide](h
### Editor Upgrade Engine Version
-In [Project Settings](/en/docs/interface/menu/#项目设置), you can control the runtime engine version.
+In [Project Settings](/en/docs/interface/sidebar/#project-settings), you can control the runtime engine version.
### Runtime Output Version Information
diff --git a/docs/en/graphics/2D/spine/other.mdx b/docs/en/graphics/2D/spine/other.mdx
index 381ec41457..6458d4922b 100644
--- a/docs/en/graphics/2D/spine/other.mdx
+++ b/docs/en/graphics/2D/spine/other.mdx
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ label: Graphics/2D/Spine/other
### Upgrades and Changes in 1.4
-After upgrading to Editor version 1.4, besides updating the engine version in the editor's [Project Settings](/docs/interface/menu/#project-settings), please note the following changes to the 1.4 Spine API:
+After upgrading to Editor version 1.4, besides updating the engine version in the editor's [Project Settings](/docs/interface/sidebar/#project-settings), please note the following changes to the 1.4 Spine API:
1. We no longer recommend creating Spine animations using the method: adding the `SpineAnimationRenderer` component via `addComponent` + setting the resource using `set SpineResource`.
In version 1.4, we introduced an instantiation method `instantiate` for SpineResource. The `instantiate` method returns a Spine animation entity that uses the resource, making the creation process much faster and more convenient.
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-order: 2
-title: Main Menu
-type: Basics
-group: Interface
-label: Basics/Interface
-By clicking the first button on the sidebar, you can bring up the main menu. The main menu provides project settings, new/clone project options, and some editing options.
-### New/Clone Project
-Select the **New Project** option to further choose different types of new projects. Clicking **Fork** will redirect to the newly cloned project page, while the old project will still be retained.
-### Project Settings
-Clicking the **Project Settings** option will bring up the project settings popup, which includes operations such as project renaming, engine version management, and snapshot management.
-#### Basic Settings
-**Basic** includes the basic information settings of the project:
-- Engine Version: Upgrade the engine version to quickly fix a bug or enjoy new features.
-- Physics Backend: The physics engine backend, you can choose between _Physics Lite_ or _PhysX_. The former is a lightweight physics engine, while the latter is an advanced physics engine based on [PhysX](https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-sdk).
-- Model Import Options: Model import options, including options to compute tangents and remove lights.
-The engine version upgrade operation is irreversible. To avoid damaging the project, a project will be automatically cloned during the engine upgrade process.
-#### Snapshot Management
-The **Snapshots** snapshot management feature allows users to save a snapshot of a project to the history. In case of data loss or other issues, you can quickly restore to a previously saved snapshot using **Revert**. Users can select **Add Snapshot** from the menu. Clicking on the snapshot name allows you to edit the snapshot name for easy identification next time.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..954eda84ef
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+order: 2
+title: Sidebar
+type: Basics
+group: Interface
+label: Basics/Interface
+## Main Menu
+By clicking the first button on the sidebar, you can bring up the main menu. The main menu provides project settings, options to create/clone a project, and various editing options.
+### Create/Clone Project
+Selecting the **New Project** option allows you to choose from different types of new projects. Clicking **Fork** will redirect you to the newly cloned project page, while the old project will still be retained.
+### Project Settings
+Clicking the **Project Settings** option will bring up a popup with basic project settings.
+Basic project settings include:
+- **Engine Version**: Upgrade engine version to quickly fix a bug or enjoy new features.
+- **Physics Backend**: The physics engine backend, with options to choose between _Physics Lite_ or _PhysX_. The former is a lightweight physics engine, while the latter is a high-end physics engine based on [PhysX](https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-sdk).
+- **Model Import Options**: Model import options include options for computing tangents and removing lights.
+Engine version upgrades are irreversible. To avoid project damage, a snapshot will be automatically saved during the engine upgrade process.
+## Panel Layout
+Users can use this menu to bring up hidden panels and save the current panel layout according to their usage habits, making it convenient to use the same layout for other projects.
+## Member Management
+Users can search for new members by email and assign read-write, read-only, or editing permissions. Once added, you can still edit member permission levels or remove members.
+## Project Export
+For more details, see [Multi-platform Export](/docs/platform/platform).
+## Snapshot Management
+The snapshot management feature allows users to save a snapshot of a project into the history, so in case of data loss or other issues, you can quickly restore to a previously saved snapshot through **Revert**. Users can choose **Add Snapshot** from the menu. Clicking on the snapshot name allows you to edit the snapshot name for easy quick retrieval next time.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/en/physics/overall.mdx b/docs/en/physics/overall.mdx
index 2ac9f04ddd..447e6026a1 100644
--- a/docs/en/physics/overall.mdx
+++ b/docs/en/physics/overall.mdx
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ For scenarios that need to use various physics components and `InputManager` tha
- [physics-lite](https://github.com/galacean/engine/tree/main/packages/physics-lite)
- [physics-physx](https://github.com/galacean/engine/tree/main/packages/physics-physx)
-Developers can set the physics backend in the **Project Settings** panel opened from the [Main Menu](/en/docs/interface/menu) interface.
+Developers can set the physics backend in the **Project Settings** panel opened from the [Main Menu](/en/docs/interface/sidebar) interface.
diff --git a/docs/en/xr/quickStart/develop.md b/docs/en/xr/quickStart/develop.md
index 395ca56aa5..523d830a46 100644
--- a/docs/en/xr/quickStart/develop.md
+++ b/docs/en/xr/quickStart/develop.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ flowchart LR
### Create Project
-On the **[Home Page](/en/docs/interface/intro/#%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5)** click **Create Project**, then in **[Project Settings](/en/docs/interface/menu/#项目设置)** select the physics backend as `WebXR`.
+On the **[Home Page](/en/docs/interface/intro/#%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5)** click **Create Project**, then in **[Project Settings](/en/docs/interface/sidebar/#project-settings)** select the physics backend as `WebXR`.
diff --git a/docs/zh/basics/version.mdx b/docs/zh/basics/version.mdx
index 8c811f9937..ea56446161 100644
--- a/docs/zh/basics/version.mdx
+++ b/docs/zh/basics/version.mdx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Galacean 版本号格式是 `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-TAG.X` 。其中 `MAJOR.MINOR`
### 编辑器升级引擎版本
-在 [项目设置](/docs/interface/menu/#项目设置) 中可以控制运行时的引擎版本。
+在 [项目设置](/docs/interface/sidebar/#项目设置) 中可以控制运行时的引擎版本。
### 运行时输出的版本信息
diff --git a/docs/zh/graphics/2D/spine/other.mdx b/docs/zh/graphics/2D/spine/other.mdx
index 08f2ae4a3c..d991e0efc7 100644
--- a/docs/zh/graphics/2D/spine/other.mdx
+++ b/docs/zh/graphics/2D/spine/other.mdx
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ label: Graphics/2D/Spine/other
### 版本升级与变更 (1.4)
-升级到编辑器 1.4 版本后。除了需要在编辑器的[项目设置](/docs/interface/menu/#项目设置)中升级引擎版本外,还需要注意 1.4 Spine API 的修改:
+升级到编辑器 1.4 版本后。除了需要在编辑器的[项目设置](/docs/interface/sidebar/#项目设置)中升级引擎版本外,还需要注意 1.4 Spine API 的修改:
1. 我们不再推荐使用:添加组件`addComponent(SpineAnimationRenderer)` + 设置资源`set SpineResource` 的方式创建 Spine 动画了。
1.4 版本,我们给 SpineResource 添加了一个实例化方法 `instantiate`。`instantiate`方法返回一个使用了该资源的 Spine 动画实体。这比过去的创建方式更加快捷方便~
2. `defaultState` 更名为 `defaultConfig`。该参数的含义是 Spine 动画默认状态下的配置项。我们调整了参数命名,使其更加便于理解。
diff --git a/docs/zh/interface/intro.mdx b/docs/zh/interface/intro.mdx
index 940ba175e8..b669fec2a2 100644
--- a/docs/zh/interface/intro.mdx
+++ b/docs/zh/interface/intro.mdx
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ label: Basics/Interface
| 序号 | 区域 | 说明 |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| 1 | 侧边栏 | 包含了编辑器的主菜单,面板切换按钮以及个性化设置 |
+| 1 | 侧边栏 | 包含了编辑器的主菜单、面板布局、成员管理等 |
| 2 | [层级面板](/docs/interface/hierarchy) | 位于编辑器左侧,在这里会显示整个场景中的所有节点 |
| 3 | [资产面板](/docs/assets/interface) | 位于编辑器底部,其中会显示当前项目所包含的所有资产,如 HDR 贴图、模型、各种纹理文件、脚本、字体文件等 |
| 4 | [检查器面板](/docs/interface/inspector) | 位于编辑器右侧,会根据你的当前的选择而显示不同编辑选项 |
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-order: 2
-title: 主菜单
-type: 基础知识
-group: 界面
-label: Basics/Interface
-### 新建/克隆项目
-选择 **New Project** 项,可以进一步选择新建不同类型的项目。点击 **Fork**,会跳转到新克隆的项目页面,旧的项目仍会保留。
-### 项目设置
-点击 **Project Settings** 项,会出现项目设置弹窗,包含项目重命名、引擎版本管理、快照管理等操作。
-#### 基础设置
-**Basic** 中包含项目的基础信息设置:
-- Engine Version:引擎版本升级,以便快速修复某个 bug 或享受新的功能。
-- Physics Backend:物理引擎后端,可以选择 _Physics Lite_ 或 _PhysX_ 两种后端。前者是一个轻量级的物理引擎,后者是基于 [PhysX](https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-sdk) 的高级物理引擎。
-- Model Import Options:模型导入选项,包含计算切线、移除灯光的选项。
-#### 快照管理
-**Snapshorts** 快照管理功能允许用户保存某个项目的快照到历史记录中,万一项目出现数据丢失等问题,可以通过 **Revet** 快速恢复到之前保存的某个快照。用户可以在菜单中选择 **Add Snapshot** 。点击快照名可以编辑快照名称,以方便下次快速找到。
diff --git a/docs/zh/interface/shortcut.mdx b/docs/zh/interface/shortcut.mdx
index 666be045c6..fc36870bd7 100644
--- a/docs/zh/interface/shortcut.mdx
+++ b/docs/zh/interface/shortcut.mdx
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ group: 界面
label: Basics/Interface
-快捷键有助于提升编辑场景的效率,用户可以在主菜单里 `Shortcuts` 中找到鼠标(或触控板)、键盘的视口控制方式,以及全局和各个面板的快捷键。
+快捷键有助于提升编辑场景的效率,用户可以在侧边栏里 `Shortcuts` 中找到鼠标(或触控板)、键盘的视口控制方式,以及全局和各个面板的快捷键。
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fa594c76a
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+order: 2
+title: 侧边栏
+type: 基础知识
+group: 界面
+label: Basics/Interface
+## 主菜单
+### 新建/克隆项目
+选择 **New Project** 项,可以进一步选择新建不同类型的项目。点击 **Fork**,会跳转到新克隆的项目页面,旧的项目仍会保留。
+### 项目设置
+点击 **Project Settings** 项,会出现项目基础设置弹窗。
+- **Engine Version**:引擎版本升级,以便快速修复某个 bug 或享受新的功能。
+- **Physics Backend**:物理引擎后端,可以选择 _Physics Lite_ 或 _PhysX_ 两种后端。前者是一个轻量级的物理引擎,后者是基于 [PhysX](https://developer.nvidia.com/physx-sdk) 的高级物理引擎。
+- **Model Import Options**:模型导入选项,包含计算切线、移除灯光的选项。
+## 面板布局
+## 成员管理
+## 项目导出
+## 快照管理
+快照管理功能允许用户保存某个项目的快照到历史记录中,万一项目出现数据丢失等问题,可以通过 **Revert** 快速恢复到之前保存的某个快照。用户可以在菜单中选择 **Add Snapshot** 。点击快照名可以编辑快照名称,以方便下次快速找到。
diff --git a/docs/zh/physics/overall.mdx b/docs/zh/physics/overall.mdx
index 9afb3b26dd..9f385b0115 100644
--- a/docs/zh/physics/overall.mdx
+++ b/docs/zh/physics/overall.mdx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ label: Physics
- [physics-lite](https://github.com/galacean/engine/tree/main/packages/physics-lite)
- [physics-physx](https://github.com/galacean/engine/tree/main/packages/physics-physx)
-开发者可以在 [主菜单](/docs/interface/menu) 界面打开的 **项目设置** 面板中设置物理后端。
+开发者可以在 [主菜单](/docs/interface/sidebar) 界面打开的 **项目设置** 面板中设置物理后端。
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index a7afd48f75..d77e9d2275 100644
--- a/docs/zh/xr/quickStart/develop.md
+++ b/docs/zh/xr/quickStart/develop.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ flowchart LR
### 创建项目
-在 **[首页](/docs/interface/intro/#%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5)** 点击 **创建项目** ,随后在 **[项目设置](/docs/interface/menu/#项目设置)** 中选择物理后端为 `WebXR`
+在 **[首页](/docs/interface/intro/#%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5)** 点击 **创建项目** ,随后在 **[项目设置](/docs/interface/sidebar/#项目设置)** 中选择物理后端为 `WebXR`