Machina, previously known as BRobot, was born in Boston on the Summer of 2016 during a research residency at Autodesk, Inc.
The development of Machina was sponsored by Autodesk, Inc, under the guidance of Matt Jezyk, Racel Williams and all the Generative Design Team. Special gratitude goes to Panagiotis Michalatos, Michael Kirschner and Andrew Payne for their technical mentorship, and to the BUILD Space staff for their patience and dedication, including, but not reduced to, Rick Rundell, Adam Allard, Tim Brinkerhoff, Joe Aronis, Bevin Lin, Nathan King and the rest of the team. A big shout-out to Tom, Lilli, Aaron, Sriram, Zack, Peter, Neal, Michael, Anthony and Thord; love you guys!
Life support from the 'dream team' Nono Martinez Alonso, Keith Alfaro, Omid Oliyan and Varvara Toulkeridou was critical for the sanity (or insanity) of this project. Just one more thing to add here: 👌
A great deal of the mathematics behind this library, especially related to conversion between geometry representations, was based on the incredible knowledgebase in Euclidean Space. My immense gratitude to Martin John Baker for maintaining this resource.
Machina's action-state model is strongly inspired by the work of Seymour Papert et al. with the LOGO language and its application in turtle graphics and robotics for children. The title 'action-state model' is loosely inspired by the motivations behind SAM patterns.
Some of the syntactic and state-based flavor of Machina was inspired by the outstanding Processing project, co-created by Casey Reas and Ben Fry.
The DynamoTORO project by Nick Cote was a fantastic reference for early implementation of Dynamo-based robotics.
Machina vector icon made by Freepik from
Polyline simplification algorithms were borrowed from
Communication with ABB devices is handled using the ABB PC SDK libraries, which you will need to install in order to make this work.
@Arastookhajehee is the mastermind and mastercoder behind much of the KUKA implementation, specially the online part 🤓
I am sure I have forgotten many people who should be acknowledged here. If you feel that is the case, poke me and tell me you deserve it. You will probably be right ;)
Machina was created and is maintained by Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo.