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Node API

d98762625 edited this page Sep 27, 2018 · 13 revisions

The CyberChef Node.js API provides most of CyberChef's operations with a Node.js-friendly interface, plus some other helpful functions.

For a taste of what operations are available in CyberChef, check out the live demo.


  • (Almost) all operations in the CyberChef web tool (see exclusions)
  • ES6 import and commonJS require capability
  • Configurable, composable operations
  • Import and run saved recipes from the CyberChef web tool with chef.bake


npm install --save CyberChef

Example usage

Decode a Base64 encoded-string

import chef from "CyberChef";

chef.fromBase64("U28gbG9uZyBhbmQgdGhhbmtzIGZvciBhbGwgdGhlIGZpc2gu").toString() === "So long and thanks for all the fish."; // true

Convert a date and time to a different time zone

import chef from "CyberChef";

const aestTime = chef.translateDateTimeFormat("15/06/2015 20:45:00", {
    outputTimezone: "Australia/Queensland"
aestTime.toString() === "Tuesday 16th June 2015 06:45:00 +10:00 AEST"; //true

Parse a Teredo IPv6 Address

import { parseIPv6Address } from "CyberChef";

/** =>
Longhand:  2001:0000:4136:e378:8000:63bf:3fff:fdd2
Shorthand: 2001:0:4136:e378:8000:63bf:3fff:fdd2

Teredo tunneling IPv6 address detected

Server IPv4 address:
Client IPv4 address:
Client UDP port:     40000
        Cone:    1 (Client is behind a cone NAT)
        R:       0
        Random1: 0000
        UG:      00
        Random2: 00000000

This is a valid Teredo address which complies with RFC 4380, however it does not comply with RFC 5991 (Teredo Security Updates) as there are no randomised bits in the flag field.

Teredo prefix range: 2001::/32 */

Convert data from a Hexdump, then decompress

import { Dish } from "CyberChef";

const message = new Dish(`00000000  1f 8b 08 00 12 bc f3 57 00 ff 0d c7 c1 09 00 20  |.....¼óW.ÿ.ÇÁ.. |
00000010  08 05 d0 55 fe 04 2d d3 04 1f ca 8c 44 21 5b ff  |..ÐUþ.-Ó..Ê.D![ÿ|
00000020  60 c7 d7 03 16 be 40 1f 78 4a 3f 09 89 0b 9a 7d  |\`Ç×..¾@.xJ?....}|
00000030  4e c8 4e 6d 05 1e 01 8b 4c 24 00 00 00           |NÈNm....L$...|`)
message.toString() === "So long and thanks for all the fish." //true

Import with ES6 import or CommonJS require

ES6 imports

You can import the default chef object:

import chef from "CyberChef";
// => .... . .-.. .-.. ---

Or you can import individual operations:

import {toMorseCode} from "CyberChef";
// => --. --- --- -.. -... -.-- .

CommonJS require

const chef = require("CyberChef");
chef.toKebabCase("Large chicken shish, garlic mayo, no salad.").toString();
// => large-chicken-shish-garlic-mayo-no-salad


Operation names

Operation names in the CyberChef API are camelCase versions of the operations on the web app, except for when the operation name begins with more than one uppercase character. For example, "Zlib Deflate" becomes zlibDeflate, but "SHA2" stays as SHA2.


You can use operations with default config, or define your own arguments.

To see what values an argument accepts, either refer to the UI or use<operation name>) and inspect the args properties.

Operation with default args:

chef.toCharcode("Service!") // Space delimiter, Base 16
// => 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 21

Configure args. Arg keys are camelCase versions of those displayed on the CyberChef UI.

chef.toCharcode("Service!", {
    base: 8
    // delimiter stays as default
// => 123 145 162 166 151 143 145 41

Where arguments are options, they will need to be displayed exactly as on the UI. For example:

// OK
chef.convertDistance(122, {
    inputUnits: "Kilometers (km)",
    outputUnits: "Cars (4m)"
// => 30500

// Invalid outputUnits value
chef.convertDistance(122, {
    inputUnits: "Kilometers (km)",
    outputUnits: "cars"
// => NaN

Operation input

Operations accept a wide range of input types. For most cases, you can throw any input type at an operation and it will deal with it.

If the given input to an operation is not the operation's input type, it will attempt to convert the input before operating on it. For example, toBase32's input type is byteArray, so if you input a string, it converts that string into a byte array before running the operation.

Files can be read into appropriate functions in chef. They are converted into ArrayBuffers.

JavaScript objects are accepted as input to operations that expect JSON, for example, JSONBeautify.

Operation arguments

Operation arguments are the second argument in an operation call. The best way to see an operation's arguments is to use<argument name here>) or consult the UI.

Some operation arguments have default values. Some, for example AESEncrypt, will not work without specifying some argument.

Number, String, binaryString and boolean arguments

Declare these arguments as key value pairs, where the key is the argument name.

Example: toGeoHash (Number)

chef.toGeoHash("37.8324,112.5584", {
    precision: 10,

Example: toBase32 (binaryString)

chef.toBase32("diamond", {
    alphabet: "A-Z",
Option arguments

These are arguments represented as dropdowns in the UI. Here the string value must be an exact match for the option string.

Example: toDecimal

chef.toDecimal("Hello", {
    delimiter: "Colon", // note case sensitive
toggleString arguments

ToggleStrings are arguments where there is a value and an option in one argument. For example, the ADD operation has a key argument where you can also select the encoding for the key.

Example: ADD with default encoding

chef.ADD("abc", {
    key: "abc"

Example: ADD with explicit encoding

chef.ADD("abc", {
    key: {
        string: "abc",
        option: "utf8",

Operation return type

Operations return a Dish type. Dish has some functions and behaviours that make it easy to use. Most of the time you can ignore this and treat it as a string or a number.

Logging to the console, string coercion and number coercion work as you would expect:

const result = toBase32(32).fromBase32();

// Logging to console
console.log(result); // => 32

// Number coercion
assert.equal(result + 3, 35); // => true

// String coercion
assert.equal(result.toString(), "32"); // => true;

The value property of an operation result will give the raw result. For example:

// dropBytes has output type ArrayBuffer
dropBytes("I'd love a byte").value
// => ArrayBuffer { byteLength: 8 }

Calling toString will give a string representation of the result.

See more about Dish here.

Compose operations

Operations can be composed. This example performs ROT13 substitution followed by conversion to Hex on some input:

ROT13("Medium rare, please.").toHex().toString();
// => 5a 72 71 76 68 7a 20 65 6e 65 72 2c 20 63 79 72 6e 66 72 2e

Excluded operations

The best way to browse operations is to run Cyberchef, either locally or via the demo.

Most CyberChef operations are inclided in the Node.js API, with the exception of operations that handle the Javascript File API and Flow Control operations. Excluded files will throw an ExcludedOperationError if called.

For a full list of excluded operations, see the source files under src/node/config/excludedOperations.

Helper functions

The chef object has some other helpful functions.


The help function returns the description of an operation. Use this to see what input, output and arguments an operation has.
{ module: 'Default',
  description: 'Base32 is a notation for encoding arbitrary byte data using a restricted set of symbols that can be conveniently used by humans and processed by computers. It uses a smaller set of characters than Base64, usually the uppercase alphabet and the numbers 2 to 7.',
  inputType: 'byteArray',
  outputType: 'string',
  flowControl: false,
   [ { name: 'Alphabet',
       type: 'binaryString',
       value: 'A-Z2-7=',
       toggleValues: [] } ],
  name: 'To Base32' }

help also accepts the name of an operation as a string, ignoring case and whitespace:"to base 32") // OK"tobase32")   // OK"toBase32")   // OK


bake is useful for building "recipes" - chains of operations to apply to some input, in order. bake accepts operations in multiple ways. It always returns a Dish object.

One operation, no args

chef.bake("I'll have the cod.", chef.toBase64);
// => SSdsbCBoYXZlIHRoZSBjb2Qu

One operation by name

chef.bake("I'll have the cod.", "to base 64");
// => SSdsbCBoYXZlIHRoZSBjb2Qu

Multiple operations, by name or by function (default args)

chef.bake("I'll have the cod", [chef.toBase64, "sha1"]);
// => aef8b5147a4b1a0dafb427bea903af0f3c8ea151

One operation, with custom args

chef.bake("I'll have the salmon.", {
    op: chef.toBase64,
    args: {
        alphabet: "A-Z",

Multiple operations with custom args

chef.bake("I'll have the salmon.", [
        op: chef.toBase64,
        args: {
            alphabet: "A-Z"
        op: chef.sort,
        args: {
            delimiter: "Nothing (separate chars)",
            reverse: true,

Using recipes from CyberChef web tool

chef.bake is compatible with the JSON format from saved recipes in the CyberChef web UI. Therefore, you can use the UI to figure out your recipe, and then export it to use in the Node.js API.

The Dish type

All operations in CyberChef return the Dish type. This allows operations to be composed. You can also create a new Dish with some input and then perform operations on it.


import { Dish } from "CyberChef";
const dish = new Dish("hello");
dish.toBase32().toString(); // => NBSWY3DP

For more information on Dish, see the Dish API below

Dish coercion

Dish will coerce to a String or an Number where appropriate.

Dish examples

Empty Dish contructor

const dish = new Dish();
dish.value; // => []
dish.type; // => 0 (byteArray)

Dish with type implied from input

const dish = new Dish("input");
dish.value; // => "input"
dish.type; // => 1 (string)

Dish with explicit type declaration

const dish = new Dish(2, "number");
dish.value; // => 2
dish.type; // => 2 (number)

Dish will not perform coercion on construction

const dish = new Dish("2", "number");
// Data is not a valid number: "2"

Coerce dish value to another type

const dish = new Dish("42");
dish.type; // => 1
dish.get("number") // => 42
dish.type; // => 2

Dish values get coerced to String on console.log or toString

const result = chef.ADD("some input", {
    key: "65 66 67 68",
// ADD output type is byteArray.
result.value // => [ 216, 213, 212, 205, 133, 207, 213, 216, 218, 218 ]
console.log(result); /* => ØÕÔÍ�ÏÕØÚÚ */
result.toString(); /* => ØÕÔÍ�ÏÕØÚÚ */

Perform operations straight off a Dish:

const result = new Dish("Yum").toBinary();
result.value; // => 01011001 01110101 01101101
result.type; // => 1 (string)

Dish types

The types for Dish are:

  • byteArray
  • string
  • number
  • html
  • ArrayBuffer
  • BigNumber
  • JSON


To see what features and fixes are in the pipeline, refer to the repository issues.


To run the repl, install CyberChef, run grunt node and then run npm run repl.



Returns configuration for operations matching the search term.


Name Type Description
searchTerm String or operation Either a string to search for, like "base 64", or an operation.

/** => 
[ { module: 'Hashing',
    description: 'MD5 (Message-Digest 5) is a widely used hash function. It has been used in a variety of security applications and is also commonly used to check the integrity of files.<br><br>However, MD5 is not collision resistant and it isn\'t suitable for applications like SSL/TLS certificates or digital signatures that rely on this property.',
    infoURL: '',
    inputType: 'ArrayBuffer',
    outputType: 'string',
    flowControl: false,
    args: [],
    name: 'MD5' },



Class which is used to return operation results, or instantiate your own for operation composition

Also exposed as a top level export Dish.


Name Type Description
inputOrDish=null ArrayBuffer, String, Number, Object or Dish The input on which you want to operate, or a Dish instance to clone a dish. If null, the dish's value and type properties are set to [] and 0 respectively.
type=null String The type that you want the input coerced to.


const dish = new chef.Dish("hello");
dish.value; // "hello"
dish.type; // 1, signifying string type enum.

// Or as top level export
import { Dish } from "CyberChef"
const dish = new Dish("5", "number");
dish.value; // 5
dish.type; // 2;


Perform an array of operations, in order, on the given input. Return a Dish of the result.

Useful for consuming recipes saved from the web version of CyberChef.


Name Type Description
input any The input for the recipe.
recipeConfig String or operation or an object with properties op and args (see CyberChef save recipe JSON format), or an Array of one or more of these types. A description of which operations, with given arguments, to perform on the input.


// Single operation input
chef.bake("Apple pie", chef.toBase32).toString();

// Single operation name
chef.bake("Apple pie", "to base 32").toString();

// Single operation object with args
chef.bake("Apple pie", {
    op: chef.toBase32, // string would work here too
    args: {
        alphabet: "A-Z"

// Multiple operations
chef.bake("Apple pie", [
        op: "from base 32",
        args: {
            alphabet: "A-Z2-7=",
// => Apple pie


static typeEnum

Map from string representation of type to the type enum.


Name Type Description
typeStr String String representation of type


Type Description
Number The type enum for the string.


0 === Dish.typeEnum("bytearray"); // => true

static enumLookup

Get string representation of Dish type enum.


Name Type Description
typeEnum Number Dish type enum


Type Description
String The string representation of the Dish type enum.


"JSON" === Dish.enumLookup(Dish.JSON); // => true


Construct a new Dish.


Name Type Description
inputOrDish any or Dish instance The input for the recipe. Input a Dish to clone it. Accepts object of shape {input: "a", value: "b"} or just input.
type String or Number type enum or string representation of type.


// Empty Dish constructor
const dish = new Dish();

// String type dish (implied)
const dish = new Dish("some input");

// Number type dish (explicit)
const dish = new Dish(460, "number");

// Dish from another dish. Clones it.
const secondDish = new Dish(dish);

dish.get or

Coerce the dish to a different type.


Name Type Description
type String or Number Type enum or string representation of type to convert to


Type Description
any The value of the dish in after being coerced to the new type.


const dish = new Dish("360");

dish.type; // => 1 (string)

const asNumber = dish.get("number");

asNumber; // => 360

dish.type; // => 2 (number)


Coerce the current dish to a string value. Calls get(1) on the dish.


Sets the data value and type and then validates them.


Name Type Description
value * new dish value
type String or Number The data type of value. See Dish enums.


const dish = new Dish()

dish.set("this is the value", "string"); // ok

dish.set("this has invalid type", "number") // throws Error.



Type Description
boolean whether the current dish config is valid.


Calculate the size of the dish.


Type Description
Number A representation of the size of the dish value. Calculated in different ways depending on the type.


Clone the dish.


Type Description
Dish The cloned dish.

Dish enums

The Dish enums are there to describe the Dish types.

Dish.BYTE_ARRAY     = 0;
Dish.STRING         = 1;
Dish.NUMBER         = 2;
Dish.HTML           = 3;
Dish.ARRAY_BUFFER   = 4;
Dish.BIG_NUMBER     = 5;
Dish.JSON           = 6;
Dish.FILE           = 7;
Dish.LIST_FILE      = 8;