diff --git a/web/client/actions/__tests__/mapInfo-test.js b/web/client/actions/__tests__/mapInfo-test.js
index cb444f3fa5..e8dd1a585a 100644
--- a/web/client/actions/__tests__/mapInfo-test.js
+++ b/web/client/actions/__tests__/mapInfo-test.js
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
var expect = require('expect');
var {
@@ -20,7 +17,6 @@ var {
- getFeatureInfo,
@@ -36,108 +32,6 @@ var {
describe('Test correctness of the map actions', () => {
- it('get feature info data', (done) => {
- /*eslint-disable */
- let reqId;
- /*eslint-enable */
- getFeatureInfo('base/web/client/test-resources/featureInfo-response.json', {p: "p"}, "meta")((e) => {
- if (e.type === NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST) {
- reqId = e.reqId;
- try {
- expect(e).toExist();
- expect(e.type).toBe(NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST);
- expect(e.reqId).toExist();
- expect(e.request).toExist();
- expect(e.request.p).toBe("p");
- } catch (ex) {
- done(ex);
- }
- } else if (e.type === LOAD_FEATURE_INFO) {
- try {
- expect(e).toExist();
- expect(e.type).toBe(LOAD_FEATURE_INFO);
- expect(e.data).toExist();
- expect(e.requestParams).toExist();
- expect(e.reqId).toExist();
- expect(e.reqId).toBe(reqId);
- expect(e.requestParams.p).toBe("p");
- expect(e.layerMetadata).toBe("meta");
- done();
- } catch (ex) {
- done(ex);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- it('get feature info exception', (done) => {
- /*eslint-disable */
- let reqId;
- /*eslint-enable */
- getFeatureInfo('base/web/client/test-resources/featureInfo-exception.json', {p: "p"}, "meta")((e) => {
- if (e.type === NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST) {
- reqId = e.reqId;
- try {
- expect(e).toExist();
- expect(e.type).toBe(NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST);
- expect(e.reqId).toExist();
- expect(e.request).toExist();
- expect(e.request.p).toBe("p");
- } catch (ex) {
- done(ex);
- }
- } else if (e.type === EXCEPTIONS_FEATURE_INFO) {
- try {
- expect(e).toExist();
- expect(e.type).toBe(EXCEPTIONS_FEATURE_INFO);
- expect(e.exceptions).toExist();
- expect(e.reqId).toExist();
- expect(e.reqId).toBe(reqId);
- expect(e.requestParams).toExist();
- expect(e.requestParams.p).toBe("p");
- expect(e.layerMetadata).toBe("meta");
- done();
- } catch (ex) {
- done(ex);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- it('get feature info error', (done) => {
- /*eslint-disable */
- let reqId;
- /*eslint-enable */
- getFeatureInfo('requestError.json', {p: "p"}, "meta")((e) => {
- if (e.type === NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST) {
- reqId = e.reqId;
- try {
- expect(e).toExist();
- expect(e.type).toBe(NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST);
- expect(e.reqId).toExist();
- expect(e.request).toExist();
- expect(e.request.p).toBe("p");
- } catch (ex) {
- done(ex);
- }
- } else if (e.type === ERROR_FEATURE_INFO) {
- try {
- expect(e).toExist();
- expect(e.type).toBe(ERROR_FEATURE_INFO);
- expect(e.error).toExist();
- expect(e.reqId).toExist();
- expect(e.reqId).toBe(reqId);
- expect(e.requestParams).toExist();
- expect(e.requestParams.p).toBe("p");
- expect(e.layerMetadata).toBe("meta");
- done();
- } catch (ex) {
- done(ex);
- }
- }
- });
- });
it('gets vector info', () => {
const retval = getVectorInfo('layer', 'request', 'metadata');
diff --git a/web/client/actions/mapInfo.js b/web/client/actions/mapInfo.js
index 6102781082..544e793e8e 100644
--- a/web/client/actions/mapInfo.js
+++ b/web/client/actions/mapInfo.js
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-const assign = require('object-assign');
-const axios = require('axios');
-const uuid = require('uuid');
const GeoCodingApi = require('../api/Nominatim');
@@ -48,7 +44,7 @@ function loadFeatureInfo(reqId, data, rParams, lMetaData) {
* Private
- * @return a ERROR_FEATURE_INFO action with the error occured
+ * @return a ERROR_FEATURE_INFO action with the error occurred
function errorFeatureInfo(reqId, e, rParams, lMetaData) {
return {
@@ -62,7 +58,7 @@ function errorFeatureInfo(reqId, e, rParams, lMetaData) {
* Private
- * @return a EXCEPTIONS_FEATURE_INFO action with the wms exception occured
+ * @return a EXCEPTIONS_FEATURE_INFO action with the wms exception occurred
* during a GetFeatureInfo request.
function exceptionsFeatureInfo(reqId, exceptions, rParams, lMetaData) {
@@ -104,31 +100,6 @@ function getVectorInfo(layer, request, metadata) {
- * Sends a GetFeatureInfo request and dispatches the right action
- * in case of success, error or exceptions.
- *
- * @param basePath {string} base path to the service
- * @param requestParams {object} map of params for a getfeatureinfo request.
- */
-function getFeatureInfo(basePath, requestParams, lMetaData, options = {}) {
- const param = assign({}, options, requestParams);
- const reqId = uuid.v1();
- return (dispatch) => {
- dispatch(newMapInfoRequest(reqId, param));
- axios.get(basePath, {params: param}).then((response) => {
- if (response.data.exceptions) {
- dispatch(exceptionsFeatureInfo(reqId, response.data.exceptions, requestParams, lMetaData));
- } else {
- dispatch(loadFeatureInfo(reqId, response.data, requestParams, lMetaData));
- }
- }).catch((e) => {
- dispatch(errorFeatureInfo(reqId, e.data || e.statusText || e.status, requestParams, lMetaData));
- });
- };
function changeMapInfoState(enabled) {
return {
@@ -263,7 +234,7 @@ module.exports = {
TOGGLE_SHOW_COORD_EDITOR, toggleShowCoordinateEditor,
CHANGE_FORMAT, changeFormat,
- getFeatureInfo,
+ exceptionsFeatureInfo,
diff --git a/web/client/components/data/identify/Identify.jsx b/web/client/components/data/identify/Identify.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index efd6f8bb3e..0000000000
--- a/web/client/components/data/identify/Identify.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-const PropTypes = require('prop-types');
- * Copyright 2016, GeoSolutions Sas.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-const React = require('react');
-const {Panel, Glyphicon, Modal} = require('react-bootstrap');
-const {findIndex, isArray} = require('lodash');
-const Draggable = require('react-draggable');
-const MapInfoUtils = require('../../../utils/MapInfoUtils');
-const Spinner = require('../../misc/spinners/BasicSpinner/BasicSpinner');
-const Message = require('../../I18N/Message');
-const DefaultViewer = require('./DefaultViewer');
-const GeocodeViewer = require('./GeocodeViewer');
-const Dialog = require('../../misc/Dialog');
-class Identify extends React.Component {
- static propTypes = {
- enabled: PropTypes.bool,
- draggable: PropTypes.bool,
- collapsible: PropTypes.bool,
- style: PropTypes.object,
- point: PropTypes.object,
- layer: PropTypes.string,
- format: PropTypes.string,
- map: PropTypes.object,
- layers: PropTypes.array,
- buffer: PropTypes.number,
- requests: PropTypes.array,
- responses: PropTypes.array,
- viewerOptions: PropTypes.object,
- viewer: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.func]),
- purgeResults: PropTypes.func,
- noQueryableLayers: PropTypes.func,
- clearWarning: PropTypes.func,
- queryableLayersFilter: PropTypes.func,
- buildRequest: PropTypes.func,
- sendRequest: PropTypes.func,
- localRequest: PropTypes.func,
- showMarker: PropTypes.func,
- hideMarker: PropTypes.func,
- changeMousePointer: PropTypes.func,
- maxItems: PropTypes.number,
- excludeParams: PropTypes.array,
- includeOptions: PropTypes.array,
- showRevGeocode: PropTypes.func,
- hideRevGeocode: PropTypes.func,
- showModalReverse: PropTypes.bool,
- reverseGeocodeData: PropTypes.object,
- enableRevGeocode: PropTypes.bool,
- wrapRevGeocode: PropTypes.bool,
- panelClassName: PropTypes.string,
- headerClassName: PropTypes.string,
- bodyClassName: PropTypes.string,
- asPanel: PropTypes.bool,
- headerGlyph: PropTypes.string,
- closeGlyph: PropTypes.string,
- allowMultiselection: PropTypes.bool,
- warning: PropTypes.string,
- currentLocale: PropTypes.string,
- fullscreen: PropTypes.bool
- };
- static defaultProps = {
- enabled: false,
- draggable: true,
- collapsible: false,
- format: MapInfoUtils.getDefaultInfoFormatValue(),
- requests: [],
- responses: [],
- buffer: 2,
- viewerOptions: {},
- viewer: DefaultViewer,
- purgeResults: () => {},
- buildRequest: MapInfoUtils.buildIdentifyRequest,
- localRequest: () => {},
- sendRequest: () => {},
- showMarker: () => {},
- hideMarker: () => {},
- noQueryableLayers: () => {},
- clearWarning: () => {},
- changeMousePointer: () => {},
- showRevGeocode: () => {},
- hideRevGeocode: () => {},
- containerProps: {
- continuous: false
- },
- showModalReverse: false,
- reverseGeocodeData: {},
- enableRevGeocode: true,
- wrapRevGeocode: false,
- queryableLayersFilter: MapInfoUtils.defaultQueryableFilter,
- style: {},
- point: {},
- layer: null,
- map: {},
- layers: [],
- maxItems: 10,
- excludeParams: ["SLD_BODY"],
- includeOptions: [
- "buffer",
- "cql_filter",
- "filter",
- "propertyName"
- ],
- panelClassName: "modal-dialog info-panel modal-content",
- headerClassName: "modal-header",
- bodyClassName: "modal-body info-wrap",
- asPanel: false,
- headerGlyph: "",
- closeGlyph: "1-close",
- className: "square-button",
- allowMultiselection: false,
- currentLocale: 'en-US',
- fullscreen: false
- };
- state = {
- fullClass: ''
- };
- componentDidMount() {
- if (this.props.enabled) {
- this.props.changeMousePointer('pointer');
- }
- }
- componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
- if (this.needsRefresh(newProps)) {
- if (!newProps.point.modifiers || newProps.point.modifiers.ctrl !== true || !newProps.allowMultiselection) {
- this.props.purgeResults();
- }
- const queryableLayers = isArray(newProps.layers) && (newProps.queryableLayersFilter && newProps.layers
- .filter(newProps.queryableLayersFilter) || newProps.layers) || [];
- /*
- * .filter(newProps.layer ? l => l.id === newProps.layer : () => true);
- * this line was filtering too much, i.e. see issue #3344
- */
- queryableLayers.forEach((layer) => {
- const {url, request, metadata} = this.props.buildRequest(layer, newProps);
- if (url) {
- this.props.sendRequest(url, request, metadata, this.filterRequestParams(layer));
- } else {
- this.props.localRequest(layer, request, metadata);
- }
- });
- if (queryableLayers.length === 0) {
- this.props.noQueryableLayers();
- } else {
- if (!newProps.layer) {
- this.props.showMarker();
- } else {
- this.props.hideMarker();
- }
- }
- }
- if (newProps.enabled && !this.props.enabled) {
- this.props.changeMousePointer('pointer');
- } else if (!newProps.enabled && this.props.enabled) {
- this.props.changeMousePointer('auto');
- this.props.hideMarker();
- this.props.purgeResults();
- }
- }
- onModalHiding = () => {
- this.props.hideMarker();
- this.props.purgeResults();
- };
- renderHeader = (missing) => {
- return (
- { missing !== 0 ? : null }
- {this.props.fullscreen ? { this.setFullscreen(); }} glyph={this.state.fullscreen ? 'chevron-down' : 'chevron-up'} /> : null}
- {this.props.headerGlyph ? : null}
- );
- };
- renderResults = (missingResponses) => {
- const Viewer = this.props.viewer;
- return ;
- };
- renderReverseGeocode = (latlng) => {
- if (this.props.enableRevGeocode) {
- let reverseGeocodeData = this.props.reverseGeocodeData;
- const Viewer = (}
- revGeocodeDisplayName={reverseGeocodeData.error ? : this.props.reverseGeocodeData.display_name}
- hideRevGeocode={this.props.hideRevGeocode}
- identifyRevGeocodeSubmitText={}
- identifyRevGeocodeCloseText={}
- modalOptions={{bsClass: 'mapstore-identify-modal modal'}} />);
- return this.props.wrapRevGeocode ?
- }>
- {Viewer}
- : {Viewer}
- }
- return null;
- };
- renderContent = () => {
- let missingResponses = this.props.requests.length - this.props.responses.length;
- let latlng = this.props.point.latlng;
- return this.props.asPanel ?
- {this.renderHeader(missingResponses)}
- {this.renderReverseGeocode(latlng)}
- {this.renderResults(missingResponses)}
- :
- ;
- };
- render() {
- if (this.props.enabled && this.props.requests.length !== 0) {
- return this.props.draggable && this.props.asPanel ?
- {this.renderContent()}
- : this.renderContent();
- }
- if (this.props.warning) {
- return ( {
- this.props.clearWarning();
- }}>
- );
- }
- return null;
- }
- needsRefresh = (props) => {
- if (props.enabled && props.point && props.point.pixel) {
- if (!this.props.point || !this.props.point.pixel ||
- this.props.point.pixel.x !== props.point.pixel.x ||
- this.props.point.pixel.y !== props.point.pixel.y ) {
- return true;
- }
- if (!this.props.point || !this.props.point.pixel || props.point.pixel && this.props.format !== props.format) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- filterRequestParams = (layer) => {
- let includeOpt = this.props.includeOptions || [];
- let excludeList = this.props.excludeParams || [];
- let options = Object.keys(layer).reduce((op, next) => {
- if (next !== "params" && includeOpt.indexOf(next) !== -1) {
- op[next] = layer[next];
- } else if (next === "params" && excludeList.length > 0) {
- let params = layer[next];
- Object.keys(params).forEach((n) => {
- if (findIndex(excludeList, (el) => {return el === n; }) === -1) {
- op[n] = params[n];
- }
- }, {});
- }
- return op;
- }, {});
- return options;
- };
- setFullscreen = () => {
- const fullscreen = !this.state.fullscreen;
- this.setState({
- fullscreen,
- fullClass: fullscreen ? ' fullscreen' : ''
- });
- };
-module.exports = Identify;
diff --git a/web/client/components/data/identify/__tests__/Identify-test.jsx b/web/client/components/data/identify/__tests__/Identify-test.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ac01a2511..0000000000
--- a/web/client/components/data/identify/__tests__/Identify-test.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016, GeoSolutions Sas.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
- * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
- */
-const React = require('react');
-const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
-const Identify = require('../Identify.jsx');
-const TestUtils = require('react-dom/test-utils');
-const expect = require('expect');
-describe('Identify', () => {
- beforeEach((done) => {
- document.body.innerHTML = '';
- setTimeout(done);
- });
- afterEach((done) => {
- ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(document.getElementById("container"));
- document.body.innerHTML = '';
- setTimeout(done);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component with defaults', () => {
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(identify).toExist();
- });
- it('creates the Identify component with available requests', () => {
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(identify).toExist();
- const dom = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(identify);
- expect(dom.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('info-panel').length).toBe(1);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component with missing responses', () => {
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(identify).toExist();
- const dom = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(identify);
- expect(dom.getElementsByClassName('spinner').length).toBe(1);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component with no missing responses', () => {
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(identify).toExist();
- const dom = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(identify);
- expect(dom.getElementsByClassName('spinner').length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component changes mousepointer on enable / disable', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- changeMousePointer: () => {}
- };
- const spyMousePointer = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'changeMousePointer');
- ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyMousePointer.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyMousePointer.calls.length).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component sends requests on point', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component which sends requests on point and 2 other layers (toppstates and a background)', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- const layers = [
- {
- id: 'OpenTopoMap__3',
- group: 'background',
- source: 'OpenTopoMap',
- name: 'OpenTopoMap',
- title: 'OpenTopoMap',
- type: 'tileprovider',
- visibility: false,
- handleClickOnLayer: false,
- hidden: false
- },
- {
- id: 'topp:states__4',
- name: 'topp:states',
- title: 'USA Population',
- type: 'wms',
- url: 'https://demo.geo-solutions.it:443/geoserver/wms',
- visibility: true,
- handleClickOnLayer: false,
- hidden: false
- },
- {
- id: 'annotations',
- features: [],
- name: 'Annotations',
- type: 'vector',
- visibility: true,
- handleClickOnLayer: true,
- hidden: false
- }
- ];
- ReactDOM.render(
- ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component sends local requess on point if no url is specified', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} localRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: ""})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} localRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: ""})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component does not send requests on point if disabled', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled={false} layers={[{}, {}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled={false} layers={[{}, {}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component filters layers', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- layer.type === "wms"}
- enabled layers={[{type: "wms"}, {type: "osm"}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- layer.type === "wms"}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{type: "wms"}, {type: "osm"}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component shows marker on point', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- showMarker: () => {},
- hideMarker: () => {}
- };
- const spyShowMarker = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'showMarker');
- const spyHideMarker = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'hideMarker');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyShowMarker.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled={false} layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyHideMarker.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component no queryable layer', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- noQueryableLayers: () => {}
- };
- const spyNoQueryableLayers = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'noQueryableLayers');
- ReactDOM.render(
- false}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- false}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyNoQueryableLayers.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component purge results on point', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- purgeResults: () => {}
- };
- const spyPurgeResults = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'purgeResults');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled={false} layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component does not purge if multiselection enabled', () => {
- const testHandlers = {
- purgeResults: () => {}
- };
- const spyPurgeResults = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'purgeResults');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- multiSelection
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- modifiers={{ctrl: false}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- multiSelection
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- modifiers={{ctrl: true}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- multiSelection
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component uses custom viewer', () => {
- const Viewer = (props) => {props.responses.length};
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- viewer={Viewer}
- requests={[{}]}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} responses={[{}, {}]} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- const dom = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(identify);
- const viewer = dom.getElementsByClassName("myviewer");
- expect(viewer.length).toBe(1);
- expect(viewer[0].innerHTML).toBe('2');
- });
- it('test options and parameters filtering', () => {
- const Viewer = (props) => {props.responses.length};
- const layer = {
- WMS_OPTION: true,
- params: {
- ONLY_GETMAP: true,
- }};
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{latlng: {lat: 40, lng: 10}}}
- viewer={Viewer}
- enabled
- layers={[layer]}
- sendRequest={[{}, {}]}
- buildRequest={() => ({})}
- requests={[{}]}
- reverseGeocodeData={{display_name: "test"}} />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(identify).toExist();
- let params = identify.filterRequestParams(layer);
- expect(params).toExist();
- expect(params.ONLY_GETMAP).toNotExist();
- expect(params.INTERNAL_OPTION).toNotExist();
- expect(params.WMS_PARAMETER_TO_SHARE).toBe(true);
- expect(params.WMS_OPTION).toBe(true);
- });
- it('test need refresh with null point', () => {
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(identify).toExist();
- expect(identify.needsRefresh({ enabled: true, point: { pixel: {x: 0, y: 0}}})).toBe(true);
- });
- it('test click/touch on header fullscreen false', () => {
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(identify).toExist();
- const arrow = document.getElementsByClassName('m-fullscreen-btn');
- expect(arrow.length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('test click/touch on header fullscreen true', () => {
- const identify = ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(identify).toExist();
- const arrow = document.getElementsByClassName('m-fullscreen-btn');
- expect(arrow.length).toBe(1);
- TestUtils.Simulate.click(arrow[0]);
- expect(document.getElementsByClassName('fullscreen').length).toBe(1);
- TestUtils.Simulate.click(arrow[0]);
- expect(document.getElementsByClassName('fullscreen').length).toBe(0);
- });
diff --git a/web/client/components/data/identify/enhancers/__tests__/identify-test.jsx b/web/client/components/data/identify/enhancers/__tests__/identify-test.jsx
index 5ac8ce1031..af877eaf63 100644
--- a/web/client/components/data/identify/enhancers/__tests__/identify-test.jsx
+++ b/web/client/components/data/identify/enhancers/__tests__/identify-test.jsx
@@ -70,347 +70,6 @@ describe("test identify enhancers", () => {
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component sends requests on point', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('creates the Identify component which sends requests on point and another layer', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- const layers = [
- {
- id: 'OpenTopoMap__3',
- group: 'background',
- source: 'OpenTopoMap',
- name: 'OpenTopoMap',
- title: 'OpenTopoMap',
- type: 'tileprovider',
- visibility: false,
- handleClickOnLayer: false,
- hidden: false
- },
- {
- id: 'topp:states__4',
- name: 'topp:states',
- title: 'USA Population',
- type: 'wms',
- url: 'https://demo.geo-solutions.it:443/geoserver/wms',
- visibility: true,
- handleClickOnLayer: false,
- hidden: false
- },
- {
- id: 'annotations',
- features: [],
- name: 'Annotations',
- type: 'vector',
- visibility: true,
- handleClickOnLayer: true,
- hidden: false
- }
- ];
- ReactDOM.render(
- ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(3);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component sends local requess on point if no url is specified', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} localRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: ""})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} localRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: ""})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component does not send requests on point if disabled', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled={false} layers={[{}, {}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled={false} layers={[{}, {}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component filters layers', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- sendRequest: () => {}
- };
- const spySendRequest = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'sendRequest');
- ReactDOM.render(
- layer.type === "wms"}
- enabled layers={[{type: "wms"}, {type: "osm"}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- layer.type === "wms"}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{type: "wms"}, {type: "osm"}]} sendRequest={testHandlers.sendRequest} buildRequest={() => ({url: "myurl"})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySendRequest.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component shows marker on point', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- showMarker: () => {},
- hideMarker: () => {}
- };
- const spyShowMarker = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'showMarker');
- const spyHideMarker = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'hideMarker');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyShowMarker.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled={false} layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyHideMarker.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component no queryable layer', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- noQueryableLayers: () => {}
- };
- const spyNoQueryableLayers = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'noQueryableLayers');
- ReactDOM.render(
- false}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- false}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyNoQueryableLayers.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component purge results on point', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- purgeResults: () => {}
- };
- const spyPurgeResults = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'purgeResults');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- enabled={false} layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component does not purge if multiselection enabled', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- purgeResults: () => {}
- };
- const spyPurgeResults = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'purgeResults');
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- multiSelection
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- modifiers={{ctrl: false}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- multiSelection
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- ReactDOM.render(
- true}
- point={{pixel: {x: 1, y: 1}}}
- modifiers={{ctrl: true}}
- enabled layers={[{}, {}]} {...testHandlers} buildRequest={() => ({})}
- multiSelection
- />,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component need refresh with null point', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- purgeResults: () => {}
- };
- const spyPurgeResults = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'purgeResults');
- ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spyPurgeResults.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('test switchControlledIdentify component need reset current index on new request', () => {
- const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
- const testHandlers = {
- setIndex: () => {}
- };
- const spySetIndex = expect.spyOn(testHandlers, 'setIndex');
- ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- ReactDOM.render(
- ,
- document.getElementById("container")
- );
- expect(spySetIndex.calls.length).toEqual(1);
- });
it("test switchControlledIdentify component doesn't need reset current index when requests are the same", () => {
const Component = identifyLifecycle(() => );
const testHandlers = {
diff --git a/web/client/components/data/identify/enhancers/identify.js b/web/client/components/data/identify/enhancers/identify.js
index ba1cd1c049..c8e853ab58 100644
--- a/web/client/components/data/identify/enhancers/identify.js
+++ b/web/client/components/data/identify/enhancers/identify.js
@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
-const {lifecycle, withHandlers, branch, withState, compose, defaultProps} = require('recompose');
-const MapInfoUtils = require('../../../../utils/MapInfoUtils');
+const {lifecycle, withHandlers, branch, withState, compose} = require('recompose');
const {set} = require('../../../../utils/ImmutableUtils');
-const {isEqual, isArray, isNil} = require('lodash');
+const {isEqual, isNil} = require('lodash');
* Enhancer to enable set index only if Component has not header in viewerOptions props
@@ -67,20 +66,16 @@ const identifyHandlers = withHandlers({
- * Basic identify lificycle used in Identify plugin with IdentifyContainer component
+ * Basic identify lifecycle used in Identify plugin with IdentifyContainer component
* - componentDidMount: show cursor on map as pointer if enabled props is true
* - componentWillReceiveProps:
- * - sends new request only if needsRefresh returns true
- * - changes pointer enbale true/false
- * - set index to 0 to when responses are changed to avoid empty view if index is greather than current responses lenght
- * @memberof enhancers.identifyLifecycle
- * @class
+ * - changes pointer enable true/false - TODO: move it in an epic
+ * - set index to 0 to when responses are changed to avoid empty view if index is greater than current responses length
+ * @memberof components.data.identify.enhancers.identify
+ * @name identifyLifecycle
const identifyLifecycle = compose(
- defaultProps({
- queryableLayersFilter: () => true
- }),
componentDidMount() {
const {
@@ -105,48 +100,8 @@ const identifyLifecycle = compose(
changeMousePointer = () => {},
- responses,
- showMarker = () => {},
- needsRefresh = () => false,
- buildRequest = () => {},
- sendRequest = () => {},
- localRequest = () => {},
- noQueryableLayers = () => {},
- includeOptions = [],
- excludeParams = []
+ responses
} = this.props;
- if (needsRefresh(this.props, newProps)) {
- if (!newProps.point.modifiers || newProps.point.modifiers.ctrl !== true || !newProps.allowMultiselection) {
- purgeResults();
- }
- const queryableLayers = isArray(newProps.layers) && (newProps.queryableLayersFilter && newProps.layers
- .filter(newProps.queryableLayersFilter) || newProps.layers);
- /*
- * .filter(newProps.layer ? l => l.id === newProps.layer : () => true);
- * this line was filtering too much, i.e. see issue #3344
- */
- if (queryableLayers) {
- queryableLayers.forEach((layer) => {
- const {url, request, metadata} = buildRequest(layer, newProps);
- if (url) {
- sendRequest(url, request, metadata, MapInfoUtils.filterRequestParams(layer, includeOptions, excludeParams));
- } else {
- localRequest(layer, request, metadata);
- }
- });
- }
- if (queryableLayers && queryableLayers.length === 0) {
- noQueryableLayers();
- } else {
- if (!newProps.layer) {
- showMarker();
- } else {
- hideMarker();
- }
- }
- }
if (newProps.enabled && !enabled) {
} else if (!newProps.enabled && enabled) {
diff --git a/web/client/epics/__tests__/identify-test.js b/web/client/epics/__tests__/identify-test.js
index 30dca91e24..3f8068abf7 100644
--- a/web/client/epics/__tests__/identify-test.js
+++ b/web/client/epics/__tests__/identify-test.js
@@ -8,17 +8,291 @@
const expect = require('expect');
-const {ZOOM_TO_POINT, clickOnMap} = require('../../actions/map');
-const { FEATURE_INFO_CLICK, UPDATE_CENTER_TO_MARKER, PURGE_MAPINFO_RESULTS, loadFeatureInfo, featureInfoClick, closeIdentify} = require('../../actions/mapInfo');
-const { zoomToVisibleAreaEpic, onMapClick, closeFeatureAndAnnotationEditing} = require('../identify');
+const { ZOOM_TO_POINT, clickOnMap } = require('../../actions/map');
+const { getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick, zoomToVisibleAreaEpic, onMapClick, closeFeatureAndAnnotationEditing, handleMapInfoMarker } = require('../identify');
const { CLOSE_ANNOTATIONS } = require('../../actions/annotations');
-const {testEpic, TEST_TIMEOUT, addTimeoutEpic} = require('./epicTestUtils');
-const {registerHook} = require('../../utils/MapUtils');
+const { testEpic, TEST_TIMEOUT, addTimeoutEpic } = require('./epicTestUtils');
+const { registerHook } = require('../../utils/MapUtils');
+const TEST_MAP_STATE = {
+ present: {
+ size: {
+ width: 1581,
+ height: 946
+ },
+ zoom: 4,
+ projection: 'EPSG:3857',
+ bbox: {
+ bounds: {
+ maxx: -5732165,
+ maxy: 5722381,
+ minx: -9599267,
+ miny: 3408479
+ },
+ crs: 'EPSG:3857'
+ }
+ }
describe('identify Epics', () => {
+ it('getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick, no queriable layers', (done) => {
+ const state = {
+ layers: {
+ flat: [{
+ id: "TEST",
+ "title": "TITLE",
+ type: "wms",
+ url: 'base/web/client/test-resources/featureInfo-response.json'
+ }]
+ }
+ };
+ const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({ latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } })];
+ testEpic(getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick, 2, sentActions, ([a0, a1]) => {
+ expect(a0.type).toBe(PURGE_MAPINFO_RESULTS);
+ expect(a1.type).toBe(NO_QUERYABLE_LAYERS);
- it('test center to visible area', (done) => {
+ done();
+ }, state);
+ });
+ it('getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick WMS', (done) => {
+ // remove previous hook
+ registerHook('RESOLUTION_HOOK', undefined);
+ const state = {
+ mapInfo: {
+ clickPoint: { latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } }
+ },
+ layers: {
+ flat: [{
+ id: "TEST",
+ "title": "TITLE",
+ type: "wms",
+ visibility: true,
+ url: 'base/web/client/test-resources/featureInfo-response.json'
+ }]
+ }
+ };
+ const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({ latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } })];
+ testEpic(getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick, 3, sentActions, ([a0, a1, a2]) => {
+ try {
+ expect(a0).toExist();
+ expect(a0.type).toBe(PURGE_MAPINFO_RESULTS);
+ expect(a1).toExist();
+ expect(a1.type).toBe(NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST);
+ expect(a1.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a1.request).toExist();
+ expect(a2).toExist();
+ expect(a2.type).toBe(LOAD_FEATURE_INFO);
+ expect(a2.data).toExist();
+ expect(a2.requestParams).toExist();
+ expect(a2.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a2.layerMetadata.title).toBe(state.layers.flat[0].title);
+ done();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ done(ex);
+ }
+ }, state);
+ });
+ it('getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick with multiSelection', (done) => {
+ // remove previous hook
+ registerHook('RESOLUTION_HOOK', undefined);
+ const CLICK_POINT = {
+ latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84},
+ modifiers: {
+ alt: false,
+ ctrl: true,
+ shift: false
+ },
+ // TODO: this should be moved in the application state to be configurable
+ // now is supported this way, but the application do not manage it
+ multiSelection: true
+ };
+ const state = {
+ mapInfo: {
+ clickPoint: CLICK_POINT
+ },
+ layers: {
+ flat: [{
+ id: "TEST",
+ "title": "TITLE",
+ type: "wms",
+ visibility: true,
+ url: 'base/web/client/test-resources/featureInfo-response.json'
+ }]
+ }
+ };
+ const sentActions = [featureInfoClick(CLICK_POINT)];
+ testEpic(getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick, 2, sentActions, ([a1, a2]) => {
+ try {
+ // no purge
+ expect(a1).toExist();
+ expect(a1.type).toBe(NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST);
+ expect(a1.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a1.request).toExist();
+ expect(a2).toExist();
+ expect(a2.type).toBe(LOAD_FEATURE_INFO);
+ expect(a2.data).toExist();
+ expect(a2.requestParams).toExist();
+ expect(a2.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a2.layerMetadata.title).toBe(state.layers.flat[0].title);
+ done();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ done(ex);
+ }
+ }, state);
+ });
+ it('getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick triggers ERROR_FEATURE_INFO on load error', (done) => {
+ // remove previous hook
+ registerHook('RESOLUTION_HOOK', undefined);
+ const state = {
+ mapInfo: {
+ clickPoint: { latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } }
+ },
+ layers: {
+ flat: [{
+ id: "TEST",
+ "title": "TITLE",
+ type: "wms",
+ visibility: true,
+ url: 'requestError.json'
+ }]
+ }
+ };
+ const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({ latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } })];
+ testEpic(getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick, 3, sentActions, ([a0, a1, a2]) => {
+ try {
+ expect(a0).toExist();
+ expect(a0.type).toBe(PURGE_MAPINFO_RESULTS);
+ expect(a1).toExist();
+ expect(a1.type).toBe(NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST);
+ expect(a1.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a1.request).toExist();
+ expect(a2).toExist();
+ expect(a2.type).toBe(ERROR_FEATURE_INFO);
+ expect(a2).toExist();
+ expect(a2.type).toBe(ERROR_FEATURE_INFO);
+ expect(a2.error).toExist();
+ expect(a2.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a2.requestParams).toExist();
+ expect(a2.layerMetadata.title).toBe(state.layers.flat[0].title);
+ done();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ done(ex);
+ }
+ }, state);
+ });
+ it('getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick handle server exception', (done) => {
+ // remove previous hook
+ registerHook('RESOLUTION_HOOK', undefined);
+ const state = {
+ mapInfo: {
+ clickPoint: { latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } }
+ },
+ layers: {
+ flat: [{
+ id: "TEST",
+ "title": "TITLE",
+ type: "wms",
+ visibility: true,
+ url: 'base/web/client/test-resources/featureInfo-exception.json'
+ }]
+ }
+ };
+ const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({ latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } })];
+ testEpic(getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick, 3, sentActions, ([a0, a1, a2]) => {
+ try {
+ expect(a0).toExist();
+ expect(a0.type).toBe(PURGE_MAPINFO_RESULTS);
+ expect(a1).toExist();
+ expect(a1.type).toBe(NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST);
+ expect(a1.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a1.request).toExist();
+ expect(a2).toExist();
+ expect(a2.type).toBe(EXCEPTIONS_FEATURE_INFO);
+ expect(a2.exceptions).toExist();
+ expect(a2.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a2.requestParams).toExist();
+ expect(a2.layerMetadata.title).toBe(state.layers.flat[0].title);
+ done();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ done(ex);
+ }
+ }, state);
+ });
+ it('Test local request, remote request and skip background layers', done => {
+ const LAYERS = [{
+ id: 'OpenTopoMap__3',
+ group: 'background',
+ source: 'OpenTopoMap',
+ name: 'OpenTopoMap',
+ title: 'OpenTopoMap',
+ type: 'tileprovider',
+ visibility: false,
+ handleClickOnLayer: false,
+ hidden: false
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'topp:states__4',
+ name: 'topp:states',
+ title: 'USA Population',
+ type: 'wms',
+ url: 'base/web/client/test-resources/featureInfo-response.json',
+ visibility: true,
+ handleClickOnLayer: false,
+ hidden: false
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'annotations',
+ features: [],
+ name: 'Annotations',
+ type: 'vector',
+ visibility: true,
+ handleClickOnLayer: true,
+ hidden: false
+ }];
+ const state = {
+ mapInfo: {
+ clickPoint: { latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } }
+ },
+ layers: LAYERS
+ };
+ const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({ latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } })];
+ testEpic(getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick, 4, sentActions, ([a0, a1, a2, a3]) => {
+ try {
+ expect(a0).toExist();
+ expect(a0.type).toBe(PURGE_MAPINFO_RESULTS);
+ expect(a1).toExist();
+ expect(a1.type).toBe(NEW_MAPINFO_REQUEST);
+ expect(a1.reqId).toExist();
+ expect(a1.request).toExist();
+ expect(a2.type).toBe(GET_VECTOR_INFO);
+ expect(a3).toExist();
+ expect(a3.type).toBe(LOAD_FEATURE_INFO);
+ done();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ done(ex);
+ }
+ }, state);
+ });
+ it('handleMapInfoMarker show', done => {
+ testEpic(handleMapInfoMarker, 1, featureInfoClick({}), ([ a ]) => {
+ expect(a.type).toBe(SHOW_MAPINFO_MARKER);
+ done();
+ }, {});
+ });
+ it('handleMapInfoMarker hide when layer is present', done => {
+ testEpic(handleMapInfoMarker, 1, featureInfoClick("POINT", "LAYER"), ([ a ]) => {
+ expect(a.type).toBe(HIDE_MAPINFO_MARKER);
+ done();
+ }, {});
+ });
+ it('test center to visible area', (done) => {
// remove previous hook
registerHook('RESOLUTION_HOOK', undefined);
@@ -26,25 +300,7 @@ describe('identify Epics', () => {
mapInfo: {
centerToMarker: true
- map: {
- present: {
- size: {
- width: 1581,
- height: 946
- },
- zoom: 4,
- projection: 'EPSG:3857',
- bbox: {
- bounds: {
- maxx: -5732165,
- maxy: 5722381,
- minx: -9599267,
- miny: 3408479
- },
- crs: 'EPSG:3857'
- }
- }
- },
maplayout: {
boundingMapRect: {
left: 500,
@@ -53,22 +309,22 @@ describe('identify Epics', () => {
- const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({latlng: {lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84}}), loadFeatureInfo()];
+ const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({ latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } }), loadFeatureInfo()];
const expectedAction = actions => {
actions.map((action) => {
switch (action.type) {
- expect(action.zoom).toBe(4);
- expect({x: parseFloat(action.pos.x.toFixed(2)), y: parseFloat(action.pos.y.toFixed(2))}).toEqual({x: -101.81, y: 27.68});
- expect(action.crs).toBe('EPSG:4326');
- break;
- expect(action.status).toBe('enabled');
- break;
- default:
- expect(true).toBe(false);
+ expect(action.zoom).toBe(4);
+ expect({ x: parseFloat(action.pos.x.toFixed(2)), y: parseFloat(action.pos.y.toFixed(2)) }).toEqual({ x: -101.81, y: 27.68 });
+ expect(action.crs).toBe('EPSG:4326');
+ break;
+ expect(action.status).toBe('enabled');
+ break;
+ default:
+ expect(true).toBe(false);
@@ -86,25 +342,7 @@ describe('identify Epics', () => {
mapInfo: {
centerToMarker: true
- map: {
- present: {
- size: {
- width: 1581,
- height: 946
- },
- zoom: 4,
- projection: 'EPSG:3857',
- bbox: {
- bounds: {
- maxx: -5732165,
- maxy: 5722381,
- minx: -9599267,
- miny: 3408479
- },
- crs: 'EPSG:3857'
- }
- }
- },
maplayout: {
boundingMapRect: {
left: 0,
@@ -113,17 +351,17 @@ describe('identify Epics', () => {
- const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({latlng: {lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84}}), loadFeatureInfo()];
+ const sentActions = [featureInfoClick({ latlng: { lat: 36.95, lng: -79.84 } }), loadFeatureInfo()];
const expectedAction = actions => {
actions.map((action) => {
switch (action.type) {
- expect(action.status).toBe('disabled');
- break;
- default:
- expect(true).toBe(false);
+ expect(action.status).toBe('disabled');
+ break;
+ default:
+ expect(true).toBe(false);
@@ -136,15 +374,15 @@ describe('identify Epics', () => {
expect(action.type === FEATURE_INFO_CLICK);
}, {
- mapInfo: {
- enabled: true,
- disableAlwaysOn: false
- }
- });
+ mapInfo: {
+ enabled: true,
+ disableAlwaysOn: false
+ }
+ });
it('onMapClick do not trigger when mapinfo is not elabled', done => {
testEpic(addTimeoutEpic(onMapClick, 10), 1, [clickOnMap()], ([action]) => {
- if (action.type === TEST_TIMEOUT ) {
+ if (action.type === TEST_TIMEOUT) {
}, {
diff --git a/web/client/epics/identify.js b/web/client/epics/identify.js
index a952c958dd..5ed4a0ff34 100644
--- a/web/client/epics/identify.js
+++ b/web/client/epics/identify.js
@@ -6,34 +6,100 @@
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const Rx = require('rxjs');
-const {get} = require('lodash');
+const { get } = require('lodash');
+const axios = require('../libs/ajax');
+const uuid = require('uuid');
+ exceptionsFeatureInfo, loadFeatureInfo, errorFeatureInfo, noQueryableLayers, newMapInfoRequest, getVectorInfo, showMapinfoMarker, hideMapinfoMarker } = require('../actions/mapInfo');
-const { LOAD_FEATURE_INFO, ERROR_FEATURE_INFO, GET_VECTOR_INFO, FEATURE_INFO_CLICK, CLOSE_IDENTIFY, featureInfoClick, updateCenterToMarker, purgeMapInfoResults} = require('../actions/mapInfo');
-const {closeFeatureGrid} = require('../actions/featuregrid');
-const {CHANGE_MOUSE_POINTER, CLICK_ON_MAP, zoomToPoint} = require('../actions/map');
+const { closeFeatureGrid } = require('../actions/featuregrid');
+const { CHANGE_MOUSE_POINTER, CLICK_ON_MAP, zoomToPoint } = require('../actions/map');
const { closeAnnotations } = require('../actions/annotations');
-const {MAP_CONFIG_LOADED} = require('../actions/config');
-const {stopGetFeatureInfoSelector} = require('../selectors/mapinfo');
-const {centerToMarkerSelector} = require('../selectors/layers');
-const {mapSelector} = require('../selectors/map');
-const {boundingMapRectSelector} = require('../selectors/maplayout');
-const {centerToVisibleArea, isInsideVisibleArea} = require('../utils/CoordinatesUtils');
-const {getCurrentResolution, parseLayoutValue} = require('../utils/MapUtils');
+const { MAP_CONFIG_LOADED } = require('../actions/config');
+const { stopGetFeatureInfoSelector, queryableLayersSelector, identifyOptionsSelector } = require('../selectors/mapinfo');
+const { centerToMarkerSelector } = require('../selectors/layers');
+const { mapSelector } = require('../selectors/map');
+const { boundingMapRectSelector } = require('../selectors/maplayout');
+const { centerToVisibleArea, isInsideVisibleArea } = require('../utils/CoordinatesUtils');
+const { getCurrentResolution, parseLayoutValue } = require('../utils/MapUtils');
+const MapInfoUtils = require('../utils/MapInfoUtils');
+ * Sends a GetFeatureInfo request and dispatches the right action
+ * in case of success, error or exceptions.
+ *
+ * @param basePath {string} base path to the service
+ * @param requestParams {object} map of params for a getfeatureinfo request.
+ */
+const getFeatureInfo = (basePath, requestParams, lMetaData, options = {}) => {
+ const param = { ...options, ...requestParams };
+ const reqId = uuid.v1();
+ return Rx.Observable.defer(() => axios.get(basePath, { params: param }))
+ .map((response) =>
+ response.data.exceptions
+ ? exceptionsFeatureInfo(reqId, response.data.exceptions, requestParams, lMetaData)
+ : loadFeatureInfo(reqId, response.data, requestParams, lMetaData)
+ )
+ .catch((e) => Rx.Observable.of(errorFeatureInfo(reqId, e.data || e.statusText || e.status, requestParams, lMetaData)))
+ .startWith(newMapInfoRequest(reqId, param));
* Epics for Identify and map info
* @name epics.identify
* @type {Object}
module.exports = {
+ /**
+ * Triggers data load on FEATURE_INFO_CLICK events
+ */
+ getFeatureInfoOnFeatureInfoClick: (action$, { getState = () => { } }) =>
+ action$.ofType(FEATURE_INFO_CLICK).switchMap(({ point }) => {
+ const queryableLayers = queryableLayersSelector(getState());
+ if (queryableLayers.length === 0) {
+ return Rx.Observable.of(purgeMapInfoResults(), noQueryableLayers());
+ }
+ // TODO: make it in the application state
+ const excludeParams = ["SLD_BODY"];
+ const includeOptions = [
+ "buffer",
+ "cql_filter",
+ "filter",
+ "propertyName"
+ ];
+ const out$ = Rx.Observable.from((queryableLayers))
+ .mergeMap(layer => {
+ const { url, request, metadata } = MapInfoUtils.buildIdentifyRequest(layer, identifyOptionsSelector(getState()));
+ if (url) {
+ return getFeatureInfo(url, request, metadata, MapInfoUtils.filterRequestParams(layer, includeOptions, excludeParams));
+ }
+ return Rx.Observable.of(getVectorInfo(layer, request, metadata));
+ });
+ // NOTE: multiSelection is inside the event
+ // TODO: move this flag in the application state
+ if (point && point.modifiers && point.modifiers.ctrl === true && point.multiSelection) {
+ return out$;
+ }
+ return out$.startWith(purgeMapInfoResults());
+ }),
+ /**
+ * if `clickLayer` is present, this means that `handleClickOnLayer` is true for the clicked layer, so the marker have to be hidden, because
+ * it's managed by the layer itself (e.g. annotations). So the marker have to be hidden.
+ */
+ handleMapInfoMarker: (action$) =>
+ action$.ofType(FEATURE_INFO_CLICK)
+ .map(({ layer }) => layer
+ ? hideMapinfoMarker()
+ : showMapinfoMarker()
+ ),
closeFeatureGridFromIdentifyEpic: (action$) =>
- .switchMap(() => {
- return Rx.Observable.of(closeFeatureGrid());
- }),
+ .switchMap(() => {
+ return Rx.Observable.of(closeFeatureGrid());
+ }),
* Check if something is editing in feature info.
* If so, as to the proper tool to close (annotations)
diff --git a/web/client/plugins/Identify.jsx b/web/client/plugins/Identify.jsx
index 35e498248e..55aba2a072 100644
--- a/web/client/plugins/Identify.jsx
+++ b/web/client/plugins/Identify.jsx
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ const {createSelector} = require('reselect');
const {mapSelector} = require('../selectors/map');
const {layersSelector} = require('../selectors/layers');
+const { generalInfoFormatSelector, clickPointSelector } = require('../selectors/mapinfo');
-const {getFeatureInfo, getVectorInfo, showMapinfoMarker, hideMapinfoMarker, showMapinfoRevGeocode, hideMapinfoRevGeocode, noQueryableLayers, clearWarning, toggleMapInfoState, changeMapInfoFormat, updateCenterToMarker, closeIdentify, purgeMapInfoResults, featureInfoClick, changeFormat,
- toggleShowCoordinateEditor
-} = require('../actions/mapInfo');
+const {hideMapinfoMarker, showMapinfoRevGeocode, hideMapinfoRevGeocode, clearWarning, toggleMapInfoState, changeMapInfoFormat, updateCenterToMarker, closeIdentify, purgeMapInfoResults, featureInfoClick, changeFormat, toggleShowCoordinateEditor} = require('../actions/mapInfo');
const {changeMousePointer} = require('../actions/map');
const {currentLocaleSelector} = require('../selectors/locale');
@@ -38,11 +38,10 @@ const selector = createSelector([
(state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.enabled || state.controls && state.controls.info && state.controls.info.enabled || false,
(state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.responses || [],
(state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.requests || [],
- (state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.infoFormat,
+ generalInfoFormatSelector,
- (state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.clickPoint,
- (state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.clickLayer,
+ clickPointSelector,
(state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.showModalReverse,
(state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.reverseGeocodeData,
(state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.warning,
@@ -50,8 +49,8 @@ const selector = createSelector([
state => mapLayoutValuesSelector(state, {height: true}),
(state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.formatCoord,
(state) => state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.showCoordinateEditor
-], (enabled, responses, requests, format, map, layers, point, layer, showModalReverse, reverseGeocodeData, warning, currentLocale, dockStyle, formatCoord, showCoordinateEditor) => ({
- enabled, responses, requests, format, map, layers, point, layer, showModalReverse, reverseGeocodeData, warning, currentLocale, dockStyle, formatCoord, showCoordinateEditor
+], (enabled, responses, requests, format, map, layers, point, showModalReverse, reverseGeocodeData, warning, currentLocale, dockStyle, formatCoord, showCoordinateEditor) => ({
+ enabled, responses, requests, format, map, layers, point, showModalReverse, reverseGeocodeData, warning, currentLocale, dockStyle, formatCoord, showCoordinateEditor
// result panel
@@ -71,16 +70,10 @@ const identifyDefaultProps = defaultProps({
format: MapInfoUtils.getDefaultInfoFormatValue(),
requests: [],
responses: [],
- buffer: 2,
viewerOptions: {},
viewer: DefaultViewer,
purgeResults: () => {},
- buildRequest: MapInfoUtils.buildIdentifyRequest,
- localRequest: () => {},
- sendRequest: () => {},
- showMarker: () => {},
hideMarker: () => {},
- noQueryableLayers: () => {},
clearWarning: () => {},
changeMousePointer: () => {},
showRevGeocode: () => {},
@@ -94,20 +87,11 @@ const identifyDefaultProps = defaultProps({
reverseGeocodeData: {},
enableRevGeocode: true,
wrapRevGeocode: false,
- queryableLayersFilter: MapInfoUtils.defaultQueryableFilter,
style: {},
point: {},
layer: null,
map: {},
layers: [],
- maxItems: 10,
- excludeParams: ["SLD_BODY"],
- includeOptions: [
- "buffer",
- "cql_filter",
- "filter",
- "propertyName"
- ],
panelClassName: "modal-dialog info-panel modal-content",
headerClassName: "modal-header",
bodyClassName: "modal-body info-wrap",
@@ -115,7 +99,6 @@ const identifyDefaultProps = defaultProps({
headerGlyph: "",
closeGlyph: "1-close",
className: "square-button",
- allowMultiselection: false,
currentLocale: 'en-US',
fullscreen: false,
showTabs: true,
@@ -169,16 +152,12 @@ const identifyDefaultProps = defaultProps({
const IdentifyPlugin = compose(
connect(selector, {
- sendRequest: getFeatureInfo,
- localRequest: getVectorInfo,
purgeResults: purgeMapInfoResults,
onChangeClickPoint: featureInfoClick,
onToggleShowCoordinateEditor: toggleShowCoordinateEditor,
onChangeFormat: changeFormat,
- showMarker: showMapinfoMarker,
- noQueryableLayers,
hideMarker: hideMapinfoMarker,
showRevGeocode: showMapinfoRevGeocode,
diff --git a/web/client/selectors/mapinfo.js b/web/client/selectors/mapinfo.js
index 660522ff5d..a6e6fd3ede 100644
--- a/web/client/selectors/mapinfo.js
+++ b/web/client/selectors/mapinfo.js
@@ -8,8 +8,14 @@
const {get} = require('lodash');
-const {createSelector} = require('reselect');
+const { createSelector, createStructuredSelector } = require('reselect');
const {modeSelector} = require('./featuregrid');
+const {mapSelector} = require('./map');
+const { currentLocaleSelector } = require('./locale');
+const {layersSelector} = require('./layers');
+const {defaultQueryableFilter} = require('../utils/MapInfoUtils');
const {queryPanelSelector} = require('./controls');
@@ -36,6 +42,12 @@ const mapInfoRequestsSelector = state => get(state, "mapInfo.requests") || [];
const generalInfoFormatSelector = (state) => get(state, "mapInfo.infoFormat", "text/plain");
+ * Clicked point of mapInfo
+ * @param {object} state the state
+ */
+const clickPointSelector = state => state && state.mapInfo && state.mapInfo.clickPoint;
const measureActiveSelector = (state) => get(state, "measurement.lineMeasureEnabled") || get(state, "measurement.areaMeasureEnabled") || get(state, "measurement.bearingMeasureEnabled");
const drawSupportActiveSelector = (state) => {
const drawStatus = get(state, "draw.drawStatus", false);
@@ -44,6 +56,12 @@ const drawSupportActiveSelector = (state) => {
const gridEditingSelector = createSelector(modeSelector, (mode) => mode === 'EDIT');
const annotationsEditingSelector = (state) => get(state, "annotations.editing");
const mapInfoDisabledSelector = (state) => !get(state, "mapInfo.enabled", false);
+ * Select queriable layers
+ * @param {object} state the state
+ * @return the queriable layers
+ */
+const queryableLayersSelector = state => layersSelector(state).filter(defaultQueryableFilter);
* selects stopGetFeatureInfo from state
@@ -68,8 +86,18 @@ const stopGetFeatureInfoSelector = createSelector(
|| !!isQueryPanelActive
+const identifyOptionsSelector = createStructuredSelector({
+ format: generalInfoFormatSelector,
+ map: mapSelector,
+ point: clickPointSelector,
+ currentLocale: currentLocaleSelector
+ });
module.exports = {
+ identifyOptionsSelector,
+ clickPointSelector,
+ queryableLayersSelector,
diff --git a/web/client/utils/MapInfoUtils.js b/web/client/utils/MapInfoUtils.js
index 3cf77cd9fc..f97bfff2aa 100644
--- a/web/client/utils/MapInfoUtils.js
+++ b/web/client/utils/MapInfoUtils.js
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ const MapInfoUtils = {
&& layer.featureInfo.format
&& INFO_FORMATS[layer.featureInfo.format]
|| props.format
- || 'application/json',
+ || MapInfoUtils.getDefaultInfoFormatValue(),
getLayerFeatureInfoViewer(layer) {
if (layer.featureInfo
&& layer.featureInfo.viewer) {
@@ -119,12 +119,20 @@ const MapInfoUtils = {
- buildIdentifyRequest(layer, props) {
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {object} layer the layer object
+ * @param {object} options the options for the request
+ * @param {string} options.format the format to use
+ * @param {string} options.map the map object, with projection and
+ * @param {object} options.point
+ */
+ buildIdentifyRequest(layer, options) {
if (MapInfoUtils.services[layer.type]) {
- let infoFormat = MapInfoUtils.getDefaultInfoFormatValueFromLayer(layer, props);
+ let infoFormat = MapInfoUtils.getDefaultInfoFormatValueFromLayer(layer, options);
let viewer = MapInfoUtils.getLayerFeatureInfoViewer(layer);
const featureInfo = MapInfoUtils.getLayerFeatureInfo(layer);
- return MapInfoUtils.services[layer.type].buildRequest(layer, props, infoFormat, viewer, featureInfo);
+ return MapInfoUtils.services[layer.type].buildRequest(layer, options, infoFormat, viewer, featureInfo);
return {};
diff --git a/web/client/utils/mapinfo/vector.js b/web/client/utils/mapinfo/vector.js
index a82bcac8ac..9d960491a7 100644
--- a/web/client/utils/mapinfo/vector.js
+++ b/web/client/utils/mapinfo/vector.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module.exports = {
fields: layer.features && layer.features.length && Object.keys(layer.features[0].properties) || [],
title: layer.name,
resolution: props.map && props.map && props.map.zoom && MapUtils.getCurrentResolution(props.map.zoom, 0, 21, 96),
- buffer: props.buffer,
+ buffer: props.buffer || 2,
units: props.map && props.map.units,
rowViewer: layer.rowViewer
diff --git a/web/client/utils/mapinfo/wms.js b/web/client/utils/mapinfo/wms.js
index 05e89b386f..937a554250 100644
--- a/web/client/utils/mapinfo/wms.js
+++ b/web/client/utils/mapinfo/wms.js
@@ -15,32 +15,40 @@ const SecurityUtils = require('../SecurityUtils');
const assign = require('object-assign');
module.exports = {
- buildRequest: (layer, props, infoFormat, viewer, featureInfo) => {
+ /**
+ * Creates the request object and it's metadata for WMS GetFeatureInfo.
+ * @param {object} layer
+ * @param {object} options
+ * @param {string} infoFormat
+ * @param {string} viewer
+ * @return {object} an object with `request`, containing request paarams, `metadata` with some info about the layer and the request, and `url` to send the request to.
+ */
+ buildRequest: (layer, { sizeBBox, map = {}, point, currentLocale, params: defaultParams, maxItems = 10} = {}, infoFormat, viewer, featureInfo) => {
/* In order to create a valid feature info request
* we create a bbox of 101x101 pixel that wrap the point.
* center point is re-projected then is built a box of 101x101pixel around it
- const heightBBox = props && props.sizeBBox && props.sizeBBox.height || 101;
- const widthBBox = props && props.sizeBBox && props.sizeBBox.width || 101;
+ const heightBBox = sizeBBox && sizeBBox.height || 101;
+ const widthBBox = sizeBBox && sizeBBox.width || 101;
const size = [heightBBox, widthBBox];
const rotation = 0;
- const resolution = MapUtils.getCurrentResolution(Math.ceil(props.map.zoom), 0, 21, 96);
- let wrongLng = props.point.latlng.lng;
+ const resolution = MapUtils.getCurrentResolution(Math.ceil(map.zoom), 0, 21, 96);
+ let wrongLng = point.latlng.lng;
// longitude restricted to the [-180°,+180°] range
let lngCorrected = wrongLng - 360 * Math.floor(wrongLng / 360 + 0.5);
- const center = {x: lngCorrected, y: props.point.latlng.lat};
- let centerProjected = CoordinatesUtils.reproject(center, 'EPSG:4326', props.map.projection);
+ const center = {x: lngCorrected, y: point.latlng.lat};
+ let centerProjected = CoordinatesUtils.reproject(center, 'EPSG:4326', map.projection);
let bounds = CoordinatesUtils.getProjectedBBox(centerProjected, resolution, rotation, size, null);
let queryLayers = layer.name;
if (layer.queryLayers) {
queryLayers = layer.queryLayers.join(",");
- const locale = props.currentLocale ? head(props.currentLocale.split('-')) : null;
+ const locale = currentLocale ? head(currentLocale.split('-')) : null;
const ENV = locale ? 'locale:' + locale : '';
const params = optionsToVendorParams({
filterObj: layer.filterObj,
- params: assign({}, layer.baseParams, layer.params, props.params)
+ params: assign({}, layer.baseParams, layer.params, defaultParams)
return {
request: SecurityUtils.addAuthenticationToSLD({
@@ -56,18 +64,18 @@ module.exports = {
y: widthBBox % 2 === 1 ? Math.ceil(widthBBox / 2) : widthBBox / 2,
height: heightBBox,
width: widthBBox,
- srs: CoordinatesUtils.normalizeSRS(props.map.projection) || 'EPSG:4326',
+ srs: CoordinatesUtils.normalizeSRS(map.projection) || 'EPSG:4326',
bbox: bounds.minx + "," +
bounds.miny + "," +
bounds.maxx + "," +
- feature_count: props.maxItems,
+ feature_count: maxItems,
info_format: infoFormat,
...assign({}, params)
}, layer),
metadata: {
- title: isObject(layer.title) ? layer.title[props.currentLocale] || layer.title.default : layer.title,
+ title: isObject(layer.title) ? layer.title[currentLocale] || layer.title.default : layer.title,
regex: layer.featureInfoRegex,