title: Using Web Feeds to Build Planet Sites in Ruby
- What's a Web Feed?
- What's a Planet?
- Why Planet? What's Planet Planet?
- What's Pluto?
- Reading Web Feeds in Ruby -
- Reading Web Feeds in Ruby -
- Who Cares? Let's Normalize - A Web Feed is a Web Feed is a Web Feed
- Planet Feed Reader in 20 Lines of Ruby
- Production-Ready? Real-World World Feed Reader?
- Using the Pluto Gem w/ Sinatra
A web feed (or news feed) is a simple document/data format that 1) lets you publish a list of status updates, blog postings, articles, pictures, cartoons, recordings, etc and that 2) lets others subscribe to your updates.
<title>Floor Drees » blog</title>
<link href="http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl" />
<title>DevFest Vienna, Day 1 & 2: Talks, Presentations and Hacking</title>
<link href="http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/2013/10/23/devfest-vienna-day-1-2-talks-presentations-and-hacking/" />
<summary>A tad overdue, but still: my recap of this years Vienna DevFest...</summary>
<title>Time for a new adventure at CheckiO</title>
<link href="http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/2013/10/21/time-for-a-new-adventure-at-checkio/" />
<summaray>It's time for a personal announcement - I heard that's what a blog is for anyway...</summary>
(Source: 1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/feed
It's a kind of Do-It-Yourself Facebook News Feed:
Step 1) Read a list of web feeds.
Step 2) Mix up all postings in a new page.
Step 3) Serve and enjoy.
Example: Planet Vienna.rb
Example: Planet Vienna.rb - Alternative Design / Style
In an age long before Facebook in the year 2004:
Planet Planet (planetplanet.org
) - very first
free planet scripts and templates (by Scott James Remnant and Jeff Waugh) in Python
for reading web feeds and building new web pages;
used for Planet Gnome (planet.gnome.org
) (Hackergotchi Heads)
and Planet Debian (planet.debian.org
) (still running today!).
More Planets:
Planet Ubuntu • Planet Fedora • Planet Free Desktop • Planet KDE • Planet Mozilla • Planet Firefox • Planet Document Foundation • Planet Apache • Planet WordPress • Planet Drupal • Planet Django • Planet Parrot • Planet Haskell • Planet Ruby • Planet JavaScript • Planet Dart • Planet Vienna.rb • and many many more.
Your Planet?
A free planet site generator in Ruby (Yes!) that lets you build web pages from published web feeds.
Use the pluto
command line tool and pass in one or more planet configuration files.
$ pluto build viennarb.ini
This will
fetch all feeds listed in
and -
store all entries in a local database, that is,
in your working folder and -
generate a planet web page, that is,
using the blank template pack in your working folder using all feed entries from the local database.
Open up viennarb.html
to see your planet web page. Voila!
Appendix: viennarb.ini
title = Planet Vienna.rb
title = Vienna.rb Blog
link = http://vienna-rb.at
feed = http://vienna-rb.at/atom.xml
title = Vienna.rb Meetups
link = http://www.meetup.com/vienna-rb
feed = http://www.meetup.com/vienna-rb/events/rss/vienna.rb/
title = Floor Drees's Blog
link = http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/
feed = http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/feed/
title = Andreas Tiefenthaler's Blog
link = http://lab.an-ti.eu
feed = http://lab.an-ti.eu/atom.xml
title = Anton Bangratz's Blog
link = http://abangratz.github.io
feed = http://abangratz.github.io/atom.xml
require 'rss'
require 'open-uri'
xml = open( 'http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/feed' ).read
feed = RSS::Parser.parse( xml )
puts "feed.class.name: #{feed.class.name}"
puts "== #{feed.channel.title} =="
feed.items.each do |item|
puts "- #{item.title}"
puts " (#{item.link})"
feed.class.name: RSS::Rss
== Floor Drees » blog ==
- DevFest Vienna, Day 1 & 2: Talks, Presentations and Hacking
- Time for a new adventure at CheckiO
- DevFest Vienna Day 0, 18 October
- Can we talk about programming again?
- Ruby resources for those getting started
- RuPy Budapest 2013 – the day after
- Arrrrcamp 2013 – a recap
- WordCamp Europe 2013 – a recap
- Working towards great version control for content creators / talk excerpt #wceu 2013
- How to survive the holidays as a Techie
require 'rss'
require 'open-uri'
xml = open( 'http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/feed/atom' ).read
feed = RSS::Parser.parse( xml )
puts "feed.class.name: #{feed.class.name}"
puts "== #{feed.title.content} =="
feed.entries.each do |entry|
puts "- #{entry.title.content}"
puts " (#{entry.link.href})"
feed.class.name: RSS::Atom::Feed
== Floor Drees » blog ==
- DevFest Vienna, Day 1 & 2: Talks, Presentations and Hacking
- Time for a new adventure at CheckiO
- DevFest Vienna Day 0, 18 October
- Can we talk about programming again?
- Ruby resources for those getting started
- RuPy Budapest 2013 – the day after
- Arrrrcamp 2013 – a recap
- WordCamp Europe 2013 – a recap
- Working towards great version control for content creators / talk excerpt #wceu 2013
- How to survive the holidays as a Techie
feed.channel.title |
feed.title.content |
item.title |
entry.title.content |
item.link |
entry.link.href |
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Floor Drees » blog</title>
<lastBuildDate>Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:54:22 +0000</lastBuildDate>
<title>DevFest Vienna, Day 1 & 2: Talks, Presentations and Hacking</title>
<pubDate>Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:54:22 +0000</pubDate>
<description>A tad overdue, but still: my recap of this years Vienna DevFest...</description>
(Source: 1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/feed
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title type="text">Floor Drees » blog</title>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl" />
<title type="html">DevFest Vienna, Day 1 & 2: Talks, Presentations and Hacking</title>
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/2013/10/23/devfest-vienna-day-1-2-talks-presentations-and-hacking/" />
<summary type="html">A tad overdue, but still: my recap of this years Vienna DevFest...</summary>
(Source: 1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/feed/atom
Uniform title, link, summary, content, etc. (for standard case):
require 'feedparser'
require 'open-uri'
xml = open( 'http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/feed' ).read
# xml = open( 'http://www.1stfloorgraphics.nl/blog/feed/atom' ).read
feed = FeedParser::Parser.parse( xml )
puts "feed.class.name: #{feed.class.name}"
puts "== #{feed.title} =="
feed.items.each do |item|
puts "- #{item.title}"
puts " (#{item.url})"
feed.class.name: FeedParser::Feed
== Floor Drees » blog ==
- DevFest Vienna, Day 1 & 2: Talks, Presentations and Hacking
More Ruby gems feed options:
- feedparser
- feed-normalizer
- simple-rss
- feedzirra
- and others
require 'open-uri'
require 'feedparser'
require 'erb'
# step 1) read a list of web feeds
items = []
FEED_URLS.each do |url|
feed = FeedParser::Parser.parse( open( url ).read )
items += feed.items
# step 2) mix up all postings in a new page
<%% items.each do |item| %>
<div class="item">
<h2><a href="<%%= item.url %>"><%%= item.title %></a></h2>
<div><%%= item.content %></div>
<%% end %>
puts ERB.new( FEED_ITEM_TEMPLATE ).result
Run the script:
$ ruby planet.rb
<div class="item">
<h2><a href="http://vienna-rb.at/blog/2013/11/06/picks/">Picks / what the vienna.rb team thinks is worth sharing this week</a></h2>
<h3>6/11 Picks!!</h3>
<p>In a series on this website we'll entertain YOU with our picks...
- Cache (Store) Feed Items in Database
e.g. lets you use items.latest.limit(24)
and so on (SQL queries)
- Use Conditional GETs When Fetching Feeds
e.g. use HTTP Header If-Modified-Since
for last modified dates and If-None-Match
for etags
- Schedule Feed Auto Update Every Hour
e.g. use rake update
w/ cron job, for example
That's it. Goodies ready for (re)use in pluto gem.
class Planet < Sinatra::Base
include Pluto::Models # Models e.g. Feed, Item, Site, etc.
get '/' do
erb :index, locals: { items: Items.latest.limit(24) }
<%% items.each do |item| %>
<div class='item'>
<h2 class='item-title'>
<%%= link_to item.title, item.url %>
<div class='item-content'>
<%%= item.content %>
<%% end %>
See the pluto.live.starter repo for more.
Planet Vienna.rb -> viennarb.herokuapp.com
Planet Ruby -> plutolive.herokuapp.com
Pluto Planet Feed Reader Tools -> github.com/feedreader