This is a new portfolio website I am creating using Next.js to improve on the initial design, create a faster and more maintainable React.js app, and became more familiar with this tool (React.js framework which uses SSR & SSG for better performance and SEO). My older portfolio website (hosted here) was originally made using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This website is deployed on Vercel here:
First, run the development server (Node.js version >= 17):
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser to see the page.
Add the ESLint extension and run this command to check for problems:
npm run lint
Technology Icons:
- Remove devicon by converting all icons into SVGs
- Add old chat, socsreynolds, mrflatbeds, and form builder projects
- Light/Dark Mode toggle + defaults via
setting - Small date badges beside projects (top right of title)
- Simple animation
- Filter (fixed icon for filtering projects by technology)
- Update with new CSS features (container queries, CSS nesting, CSS variables)