- Replaced GPL license with MIT License
- Made Disk class constant
- Uses universal_io instead of dart:io (makes disk class compatible with dart2js)
- Merged @hacker1024's Pull Request
- improves code's structure, documentation and readability
- Added Disk.fromJson(dynamic) function
- Improved drive detection in UNIX
- Migrated code to null safety
- Formatted code
- Windows: fixed bug with previous version changes
- Windows: now gets disk space from powershell's get-wmiobject script
- Added macOS support (not tested)
- Organized command args as final List
- Formatted code with dart format
- Fixed bug with absolute mountpaths in Windows
- Trims whitespaces in paths
- Filters
Microsoft Windows Network
from the output ofnet use
- Fixed minor issue with parsing
net use
command in Windows
- Formatted code with
dart format
- Moved example.md's code into example.dart
- Formatted code according to pedantic's guidelines
- Added example.md
- Removed unnecessary "new" keywords
- Changed df block size to 1024 bytes
- Added README.md
- Improved CHANGELOG.md
- Unix paths are not uppercase/lowercase invariant
- Fixed a bug with Windows network mounth paths being uppercase/lowercase invariant
- Checks that disks are mounted in windows before adding them
- Locates df in multiple UNIX systems, should work in macOS (untested)
- First release