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183 lines (141 loc) · 8.34 KB

line scanning repository

Documentation Status


This repository contains all of the tools used during the acquisition and postprocessing of line scanning data at the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging in Amsterdam. The main goal of the package is to create the most accurate segmentations (both volumetric and surface) by combining various software packages such as Nighres, fMRIprep, FreeSurfer, CAT12, and SPM.

In active development

This package is still in development and its API might change. Documentation for this package can be found at readthedocs (not up to date)



At the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging, there is an environment called preproc which is fully configured for this repository. Follow these steps to set it up on your local system:

  • Make sure conda is configured with /packages/development/anaconda/3-8/condabin/conda. Do this when you don't see (base) in your terminal. This should add a bunch of things to your ~/.bashrc file:

    /packages/development/anaconda/3-8/condabin/conda init

    You may be prompted to close the terminal and start a new one for the changes to take effect.

  • Activate environment:

    conda activate preproc
  • Copy the setup file to a location of your preference. Ideally, you should have a programs and a projects-folder in your personal processing folder (your_folder). I advise you to put the spinoza_setup-file at the root of those folders:

    cp /packages/development/anaconda/3-8/git/linescanning/shell/spinoza_setup $your_folder
  • Change at least the following fields (run e.g., gedit $your_folder/spinoza_setup):

    # path to your setup file
    export SETUP_FILE="${SETUP_DIR}/spinoza_setup"
    export TASK_SES1=("YOUR_TASK_NAMES")
  • Copy freesurfer-license file or download your own license:

    cp /packages/development/anaconda/3-8/git/linescanning/misc/license.txt $your_folder/license.txt
  • Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile (run e.g., gedit ~/.bash_profile):

    # path to your setup file
    source full_path_to_your_setup_file
    export SUBJECTS_DIR=$DIR_DATA_DERIV/freesurfer
    export FS_LICENSE=$your_folder/license.txt
    module load itksnap/3.8.0 # 3.6.0-qt4 if you only see black panels
    module load fsl/
    module load ANTs/20200131
    # useful aliases
    alias ll="ls -la --color=auto"
    alias SOU="source ~/.bash_profile"  # enter SOU in the terminal to source the ~/.bash_profile file
    alias PROJ="cd ${DIR_DATA_HOME}"    # enter PROJ in the terminal to directly 'cd' into your project folder
    # expand variables
    shopt -s direxpand                  # allows tab-completion with paths stored in variables


On the VU cluster (node230), there is also an environment called preproc which is fully configured for this repository. Follow these steps to set it up on your local system:

  • Make sure conda is configured with /tank/tkn219/software/anaconda3/bin/conda. Do this when you don't see (base) in your terminal. This should add a bunch of things to your ~/.bashrc file:

    /tank/tkn219/software/anaconda3/bin/conda init

    You may be prompted to close the terminal and start a new one for the changes to take effect.

  • Append the correct environment directory to the configuration:

    conda config --append envs_dirs /tank/shared/software/environments

    This will create the file ~/.condarc. Run vi ~/.condarc and add the following (this will prevent the full conda-path to be shown):

    env_prompt: "({name}) "
  • Activate environment:

    conda activate preproc
  • Copy the setup file to a location of your preference. Ideally, you should have a programs and a projects-folder in your personal processing folder (your_folder). I advise you to put the spinoza_setup-file at the root of those folders:

    cp /tank/shared/software/git/linescanning/shell/spinoza_setup $your_folder
  • Change at least the following fields (run e.g., gedit $your_folder/spinoza_setup):

    # path to your setup file
    export SETUP_FILE="${SETUP_DIR}/spinoza_setup"
    export TASK_SES1=("YOUR_TASK_NAMES") # if you have multiple tasks: ("task1" "task2") NO COMMA!!
  • Copy freesurfer-license file or download your own license:

    cp /tank/shared/software/git/linescanning/misc/license.txt $your_folder/license.txt
  • Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile (run e.g., vi ~/.bash_profile):

    # path to your setup file
    source full_path_to_your_setup_file
    export SUBJECTS_DIR=$DIR_DATA_DERIV/freesurfer
    export FS_LICENSE=$your_folder/license.txt
    # load modules
    module load java/jre-8u181
    module load matlab/R2021b
    module load fsl
    # Freesurfer
    export FREESURFER_HOME=/tank/shared/software/freesurfer
    source $FREESURFER_HOME/
    # append ANTs to PATH
    export PATH=$PATH:/tank/shared/software/ants/install/bin
    # useful aliases
    alias ll="ls -la --color=auto"
    alias SOU="source ~/.bash_profile"  # enter SOU in the terminal to source the ~/.bash_profile file
    alias PROJ="cd ${DIR_DATA_HOME}"    # enter PROJ in the terminal to directly 'cd' into your project folder
    # expand variables
    shopt -s direxpand                  # allows tab-completion with paths stored in variables
  • Check that python points to the correct path:

    (preproc) [heij@node230 linescanning]$ which python


To install, clone the repository and run bash linescanning/shell/spinoza_setup setup. This will make the executables in the bin and shell folders available, install additionally required packages (such as pRFpy, Pycortex, Nighres, Pybest, ITK-Snap, and Nideconv). You can either choose to activate the accompanying environment.yml-file (ACTIVATE_CONDA=1 in spinoza_setup; = Default!) or install it in your own environment/python installation (set ACTIVATE_CONDA=0 in spinoza_setup). Installations of FSL, SPM (+CAT12-toolbox), fMRIprep and FreeSurfer are expected to exist on your system.


Sometimes I need to add new stuff to the setup file. The fact that each user can/should adapt this script locally can interfere with updates, as you'll get the git error that it can't overwrite due to existing changes. Please do the following before running git pull

# copy the spinoza_setup file to a different directory
cp shell/spinoza_setup ..

# pull the latest change
git pull

# open an editor and copy your personalized stuff in again
# remove copy of setup-file

Policy & To Do

  • install using python develop
  • Docstrings in numpy format.
  • PEP8 - please set your editor to autopep8 on save!
  • Write docs for
  • Sphinx doesn't show source code for python (FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/docs/.config/pycortex')
  • Put nbsphinx in requirements if you want to build html's from notebooks with Sphinx
  • Explore options to streamline code
  • Examples of applications for package (add notebooks to doc/source/examples)
  • [] ..