- Fix console handler and how used levels
- Bug in rotating handler
- Stable and define log remover
- Typo in file handler .reopen
- Make rotating handler work now both with size based and time based rotations.
- Some fixes for formats
- Time based log rotation
- Fix last tests
- Small cleanup for file handler
- General cleanup
- Remove timeout for handlers
- Improve perfomance
- Use util.format instead of own printf
- More accurate console replacement
- added intel.handlers.Rotating
- added ignore options to intel.console()
- added chalk.enabled when colorize is used
- added padding and truncation to printf
- added Logger#handleExceptions to catch uncaught exceptions
- added stack traces when an exception is logged
- fork intel to support it myself
- changed Promises from Q to bluebird, significantly faster
- fixed Console handler from using accepting format options
- make format and dates compiled. Perfomance stability with any format
- added Filters for Handlers and Loggers
- added Handler timeout option
- added pid to LogRecord
- added configuration using JSON
- changed Promises to LazyPromises
- changed printf to faster, smaller printf
- changed internal forEach to faster while loops
- removed node v0.6 support (it didn't work anyways)
- Initial release.