pyenv virtualenv 3.10.13 aws-toolbox-dev
pyenv activate aws-toolbox-dev
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Install pre-commit hook for the local repo:
pre-commit install
For the first time, run pre-commit checks on the whole codebase:
pre-commit run --all-files
Install the package on your local environment:
pip install -e .
python -m build
To publish a new release on PyPI, you need to create a new release on GitHub, which in turns triggers a GitHub action to publish the release on PyPI.
To this aim, you first need to store the PyPI API Token as a secret on GitHub:
PYPI_API_TOKEN_BODY=$(cat resources/secrets/pypi-token.txt)
gh secret set "PYPI_API_TOKEN" \
--app "actions" \
Create a draft release:
gh release create v${VERSION} \
--title "aws-toolbox v$VERSION" \
--target mainline \
--notes-file \
--latest \
Make changes to the release notes.
Publish the release:
gh release edit v${VERSION} --draft=false
If you need to delete the release from GitHub:
gh release delete v${VERSION} --cleanup-tag --yes
Publish to PyPi test repo at
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
Publish to PyPi production repo at
python -m twine upload dist/*