Chronicle is a Zend framework powered CMS that uses Perforce for all of its data storage. It allows use to branch and merge websites in the same way developers branch and merge code.
A Vagrant environment is included with this package to make developing and experimenting with Chronicle easier. This Vagrantfile was written for Vagrant 1.3.5, but should be compatible with more recent versions.
- cd to the Chronicle root directory. A file named Vagrantfile should be in that directory.
- Run 'vagrant up'
- Once Vagrant has finished provisioning the VM go to "" in your web browser and complete the Chronicle wizard.
Chronicle ships with a very large test suite. Run 'ant -p' from the Chronicle root directory to see the numerous test suites available. The 'smoke-build' target should suffice for most testing. To execute the smoke tests:
1) cd to the Chronicle root directory.
2) Run 'vagrant ssh' to ssh into the VM
3) cd to '/vagrant'
4) Run 'ant smoke-build'
To avoid specifying the HTTP host for every test run you can create a file named '' with the contents, "".
The included INSTALL.txt provides instructions for deploying Chronicle.
See the included LICENSE.txt for licensing details.
Custom builds of Chronicle are not supported by Perforce Support. For the most recent supported build go to: