diff --git a/README.MD b/README.MD
index 4b0a2a02590..cd67968d54a 100644
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ yarn start --locale en
-yarn run docusaurus docs:version v2.7.x
+yarn run docusaurus docs:version 2.8.x
## 评论设置
diff --git a/docs/release/v2.9.md b/docs/release/v2.9.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a5a767aa6d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/release/v2.9.md
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+slug: '/release/v2.9'
+title: 'v2.9'
+sidebar_position: -2
+hide_title: true
+keywords: []
+description: ''
+unlist: true
+# 主要内容
+本次版本变更内容较多,以下为本次版本的主要内容,详细的`Change Log`请参考:
+## 兼容提示
+## 组件改进
+2. `net/ghttp`
+ - 新增常用中间件`MiddlewareGzip`支持,用于使用`gzip`算法压缩返回结果:https:// 应当整理提供的中间件文档。
+ - 去掉规范路由注册时对`api`定义时输入输出数据结构的`*Req/*Res`命名规则限制。
+ - 修复跨域返回`Header`中自动从`Referer`生成`Origin`逻辑不严谨的问题。
+ - 修复`BuildParams`方法构建请求参数时针对`json omitempty`标签失效问题。
+ - 修复`Logger`设置为`nil`时会引发的空指针`panic`问题。
+2. `net/client`
+ - 在全局的服务注册发现组件开启时,该组件创建的`HTTP Client`对象不再默认启用服务发现功能,需要手动开启。
+1. `database/gdb`
+ - 新增分库分表特性:https://
+ - 新增事务传播特性以及隔离级别、只读模式支持:https://
+ - 新增`WhereExists/WhereNotExists`方法支持:https://
+ - 新增对`unix socket`数据库链接配置的支持。
+ - 修复在`OnDuplicate`方法中使用`gdb.Counter`类型失效问题:https://
+ - 修复当用户增加`Select Hook`并修改返回结构后,部分场景下导致`Count/Value/Array`查询结构异常问题。
+ - 修复在使用`with`特性时,数据结构中`embedded struct`的元数据标签中的`orm`标签失效问题。
+3. `net/goai`
+ - 支持`OpenAPIv3.1`协议。
+ - 新增返回数据结构扩展能力:https://
+ - 新增自动识别数据校验规则`min/max/length/min-length/max-length/between`为`OpenAPIv3`中对应的校验数据结构。
+ - 修复参数数据结构中`embedded struct`数据结构无法扩展为参数结构的问题。
+4. `errors/gerror`
+ - 新增`As`方法支持:https://
+4. `utils/gvalid`
+ - 修复`enums`参数使用指针时`enums`校验失效的问题。
+4. `os/glog`
+ - 日志默认时间打印格式调整为更严谨的`2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z07:00`。
+4. `os/gsession`
+ - 新增`RegenerateId/MustRegenerateId`方法支持,用以手动重新生成`Session ID`:https://
+4. `os/gview`
+ - 修复个别场景下从资源管理器中读取模板文件失败的问题。
+5. `os/gcmd`
+ - 命令行参数默认值支持输出到命令帮助界面:https://
+5. `net/gipv4`
+ - 改进`ip`地址和`uint32`相互转换实现逻辑。
+5. `util/gconv`
+ - 改进`Scan`方法,增加`Scan`到基础数据类型的转换支持:https://
+6. `test/gtest`
+ - 改进`AssertNI/AssertIN`方法,增加`map`类型支持:https://
+## 社区组件
+1. `drivers/pgsql`
+ - 增加对`pgsql`数组字段类型`varchar[]/text[]`的转换支持,自动转换为Go`[]string`类型。
+ - 改进数组类型转换性能。
+2. `contrib/config/polaris`
+ - 新增更多的数据格式内容支持,支持`yaml/toml/json/xml/ini/properties`等格式。
+2. `contrib/registry/consul`
+ - 新增`consul`服务注册发现组件支持:https://
+3. `contrib/registry/etcd`
+ - 新增重试机制,解决`lease`租约过期时的重续问题。
+ - 删除默认的`AutoSyncInterval`配置项,解决个别场景下由该默认配置引发的`etcd`阻塞问题。
+4. `contrib/config/nacos`
+ - 新增`OnChange`回调配置支持。
+5. `contrib/metric/otelmetric`
+ - 新增`WithExemplarFilter`选项支持。
+## 开发工具
+1. 改进`gf init`命令,初始化项目的模板内容发生了改变。
+2. 改进`gf up`命令,在终端中展示更优雅的`cli`文件下载界面效果。
+3. 改进`gf gen ctrl`命令,`api`中定义的注释将会自动同步到生成的控制器代码中。
+4. 改进`gf gen dao`命令:
+ - 新增分表选项参数`shardingPattern/sp`,用于定义分表规则,生成支持分库的`dao`代码:https://
+ - 改进代码生成模板,支持`Golang Template`语法。
+5. 改进`gf gen enums`命令:
+ - 修改默认读取的接口数据结构定义目录为`api`
+ - 修改默认生成代码文件路径为`internal/packed/packed_enums.go`
+3. 改进`gf gen genpbentity`命令:
+ - 增加`TypeMapping`和`FieldMapping`特性支持:https://
+ - 增加`TablesEx`支持,用于生成`proto`文件时可以忽略指定的表。
+ - 增加`GoPackage`选项用于指定生成`proto`文件中的`go_package`配置项。
+3. 修复`gf build`命令在打印环境变量时不准确的问题,应当打印编译文件时,修改环境变量后,真实使用的环境变量。
+3. 修复`gf gen pb`命令在部分场景下使用`-a`选项时,多次执行命令后,自定义标签重复添加的问题。
+## 功能修复
+1. 修复`os/gcache`组件中`Remove`方法返回的数据类型与旧版本不兼容的问题。
+2. 修复`database/gdb`组件中`tinyint(1)/int(1)`类型识别为`bool`类型与旧版本不兼容的问题。
+3. 修复`database/gdb`组件中`Order("id", "dasc")`语句与旧版本不兼容的问题。
+4. 修复`registry/zookeeper`组件中带有额外后缀`-`的服务名称路径监听错误。
+5. 修复`cmd/gf`组件中`make`命令在项目模板中生成的`Makefile`文件中的命令不正确的问题。
diff --git a/docusaurus.config.ts b/docusaurus.config.ts
index 1700b0db61a..f8c00f179d0 100644
--- a/docusaurus.config.ts
+++ b/docusaurus.config.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-const LATEST_VERSION_LABEL = '2.8.x(Latest)';
+const LATEST_VERSION_LABEL = '2.9.x(Latest)';
import type { Options as IdealImageOptions } from '@docusaurus/plugin-ideal-image';
import type * as Preset from '@docusaurus/preset-classic';
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Binary files /dev/null and "b/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\346\224\257\346\214\201\346\210\221\344\273\254/img.png" differ
diff --git "a/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\346\224\257\346\214\201\346\210\221\344\273\254/\344\273\243\347\240\201\346\226\207\346\241\243\350\264\241\347\214\256.md" "b/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\346\224\257\346\214\201\346\210\221\344\273\254/\344\273\243\347\240\201\346\226\207\346\241\243\350\264\241\347\214\256.md"
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+slug: '/supportus/pr'
+title: 'Become a Contributor'
+sidebar_position: 1
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame, GoFrame framework, open source, code contribution, documentation contribution, GitHub, gitee, open source project, PR process, framework development]
+description: 'GoFrame is an open-source, free framework, welcoming all developers to contribute to its code and documentation. Through the main GitHub repository, you can take part in code contribution and be part of our development history. Additionally, you can help promote the GoFrame framework by improving official documentation, writing blogs, or creating videos.'
+`GoFrame` is open-source, free software, which means anyone can contribute to its development and progress. The project's source code is currently hosted on both `GitHub` (primary repository) and `gitee` (domestic) platforms, with both repositories kept in real-time synchronization. Code contributions are unified through the primary GitHub repository. We warmly welcome more friends to join in the development of the `GoFrame` framework, and any contributions you make will be recorded in the annals of `GoFrame`.
+Contributions can generally be divided into two categories: **code contribution** and **documentation contribution**.
+## 1. Code Contribution
+### 1. Where to Find Tasks
+In the main repository’s `issues`, there are many `issues` labeled with `help wanted`, eagerly awaiting contributions from community members: [Click here for the address](https://github.com/gogf/gf/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22help+wanted%22)
+### 2. Code Contribution Process
+1. First, `fork` the repository code to your own repository.
+2. Create a new development branch in your repository, make changes to the code, and submit the changes to your repository.
+3. Create a `pull request` in your repository, selecting your development branch as the source branch and the primary repository's `master` branch as the target branch: [https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request](https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request)
+4. Submit the `pull request`, then wait for the project developers to do a `code review` on the submission. If the `pull request` is not reviewed for a long time, you can actively follow up and request a `code review` from team members. Once approved, you will become a member of the `GoFrame` framework.
+5. Congratulations, your name will be permanently recorded in the list of contributors to the `GoFrame` framework source code.
+### 3. Code Collaboration Conventions
+1. All source code files, types, and methods should have detailed comments.
+2. Explanation of implementation ideas is needed for sections with complex logic.
+3. All comments should be written in English, not in Chinese.
+4. New features/modules must have unit tests, with coverage exceeding `80%`.
+## 2. Documentation Contribution
+### 1. Improving the Official Website
+The documentation of the `GoFrame` framework is mainly concentrated in the `gf-site` repository, address: [https://github.com/gogf/gf-site](https://github.com/gogf/gf-site)
+While reading the documentation, if you find areas that are not quite complete, you can click to edit the page to help improve it. This is especially true for examples on how to use components and functions, which can often be supplemented.
+### 2. Blogs and Video Tutorials
+Community members can write articles or record videos to share, making it easier for other community members to find your share through search engines, facilitating mutual learning, and promoting open-source projects.
+Please keep the framework name keyword unified as `GoFrame` in the articles, and do not use abbreviations.
+## 3. Other Assistance
+Any help can be requested by contacting WeChat `389961817`. I will provide the necessary guidance and assistance.
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+slug: '/supportus/team'
+title: 'Join the Community Team'
+sidebar_position: 2
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame, GoFrame Framework, Open Source Project, Community Team, Technical Sharing, Project Development, Open Source Contribution, Career Competitiveness, Technical Growth, Technical Exchange]
+description: 'As the GoFrame framework continues to grow, we are committed to further improvement, enhancing releases to attract more attention. Joining the community team allows you to solve real-world problems, stay updated with the latest developments, participate in internal design and technical discussions, and enjoy a sense of achievement and technical enhancement through occasional sharing. Additionally, you can expand your network with like-minded tech enthusiasts, enhancing your resume competitiveness. Actively participate in project development and promotion, handle community issues together, and share your experiences. Strict criteria ensure the quality of our members, and mature enterprises are welcome to contribute.'
+## 1. Why Recruit for the Community?
+- As the `GoFrame` open source project becomes more robust and comprehensive, we aim to make it even better, more complete, and more powerful! We need more strength!
+- With the release of the new `v2` version, `GoFrame` has reached a new milestone, and we want more people to recognize the value created by our relentless efforts!
+- Propel `GoFrame` into a community-driven project!
+## 2. What Can You Gain by Joining the Community Team?
+### 1. Solve Real-World Issues in Your Work
+By using `GoFrame` and becoming part of its team, you'll gain access to more principles and details than others, helping you solve challenging real-world project issues.
+### 2. Stay Updated with the Latest Development Dynamics of Open Source Projects
+In the future, we will distribute first-hand project information within the community team, positioning it as the backbone for `GoFrame`'s external promotion and evangelism.
+### 3. Participate in Internal Project Design and Technical Discussions
+We aim to integrate more ideas and experiences into the project's outcomes, collectively setting the direction for the project's future development.
+### 4. Participate Occasionally in Internal Technical Sharing
+We hope every team member can share their learning insights and research results both internally and externally.
+### 5. Sense of Achievement and Recognition
+Years of dedication and community recognition make us believe that this persistence is valuable.
+### 6. Technical Growth and Enhancement
+Enhance your understanding of framework design and underlying principles. You'll also encounter various business requirement scenarios, industry-leading or practical solutions.
+### 7. Resume Enhancement
+Increase your competitiveness in the job market. Technical leaders appreciate open-source contributors but focus more on your role in the community, your efforts, and the results of your contributions.
+### 8. Expand Technical Networking
+Meet more like-minded experts.
+## 3. We Also Have a Gentleman's Agreement!
+### 1. Actively Participate in Project Development
+Any `feature, enhancement, bug fix` is highly welcomed. The `issue` section has an endless flow of community requests, and we hope you'll actively contribute.
+### 2. Actively Promote and Evangelize this Project
+Be it videos, articles, or discussions, as the backbone of the community, we expect you to actively promote and share the outstanding content, designs, and ideas of the `GoFrame` community across platforms.
+### 3. Actively Participate in Project `issue` Handling and Community Problem Solving
+Actively engage in resolving queries to establish and maintain a positive `GoFrame` community image. You're not fighting alone; when encountering difficulties or tricky issues, you can collaborate with team members to resolve challenges.
+### 4. Actively Participate in Internal Team Communication and Technical Sharing
+Whether in the community, workplace, or life, we hope you are proactive and willing to share. We can engage with you during your shares, learning, and growing together.
+## 4. Criteria for Becoming a Community Team Member
+To ensure the quality of the team and project, we have cautiously set some basic criteria for joining.
+- First, you must have already used `GoFrame` in real projects and are eager to deepen your understanding.
+- Second, you should be interested in participating in `GoFrame` community building with community members during your spare time.
+- Last, recognize that open source is valuable, but like life, it's filled with ups and downs.
+Furthermore, coming from and giving back to the community, we warmly welcome contributions from enterprises to jointly build the community, forming a positive cooperation loop between enterprises and the community. Interested enterprises are encouraged to contact us; we will reserve a spot for you.
+## 5. How to Become a Community Team Member
+If you're interested and meet the conditions, please contact the project initiator via WeChat and send a brief self-introduction.
+If you are an open-source veteran, just send your `GitHub` profile link.
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diff --git "a/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\346\224\257\346\214\201\346\210\221\344\273\254/\346\224\257\346\214\201\346\210\221\344\273\254.md" "b/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\346\224\257\346\214\201\346\210\221\344\273\254/\346\224\257\346\214\201\346\210\221\344\273\254.md"
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+slug: '/supportus'
+title: 'Support Us'
+sidebar_position: 1
+hide_title: true
+import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
+Click the link to join the group chat "GoFrame Practical Group 3": [https://qm.qq.com/q/K7UMKSrVq8](https://qm.qq.com/q/K7UMKSrVq8)
+## Join the WeChat Group
+Scan or add WeChat `389961817`, note `join` to join the group
+## WeChat Official Account
+Follow the development updates of `GoFrame`
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diff --git "a/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\347\244\276\345\214\272\344\272\244\346\265\201/\346\212\200\346\234\257\345\210\206\344\272\253\344\272\244\346\265\201/0-2021-03-12 \345\210\235\346\254\241\350\247\201\351\235\242.md" "b/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\347\244\276\345\214\272\344\272\244\346\265\201/\346\212\200\346\234\257\345\210\206\344\272\253\344\272\244\346\265\201/0-2021-03-12 \345\210\235\346\254\241\350\247\201\351\235\242.md"
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf8639a14c0
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\347\244\276\345\214\272\344\272\244\346\265\201/\346\212\200\346\234\257\345\210\206\344\272\253\344\272\244\346\265\201/0-2021-03-12 \345\210\235\346\254\241\350\247\201\351\235\242.md"
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+slug: '/share/2021-03-12'
+title: '2021-03-12 First Meeting'
+sidebar_position: 0
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame, GoFrame framework, technical sharing, online meetup, framework introduction, framework design, modular design, unified framework design, code layer design, community-driven development]
+description: 'This GoFrame technical sharing introduces its framework design concepts and modular design, including unified framework design and code layer design, without involving specific skills. The event includes an interaction session between developers and the author using Tencent Meeting. We welcome everyone to prepare questions and join the discussion.'
+Hello everyone!
+To fulfill our promise to the community, we plan to hold the first `GoFrame` technical sharing (online meetup)! The theme of this sharing is: **Introduction and Design of the GoFrame Framework**.
+At the same time, we will also have a face-to-face interaction session between developers and the author, with ample time reserved for discussion. Everyone is encouraged to prepare questions they wish to ask.
+To ensure a good discussion experience, the Q&A session will use Tencent Meeting. Please join the meeting in advance if you intend to ask questions.
+## I. Content Outline
+This session will mainly share some design concepts of the framework, without discussing specific usage skills.
+1. [Framework Introduction (Latest Version)](https://goframe.org/)
+2. Initial Goals
+3. [Framework Design](../../../docs/框架设计/框架设计.md)
+ - [Modular Design](../../../docs/框架设计/模块化设计.md)
+ - [Unified Framework Design](../../../docs/框架设计/统一框架设计.md)
+ - [Code Layering](../../../docs/框架设计/工程开发设计/代码分层设计.md)
+4. Other Miscellaneous Items
+5. Community-Driven Development Plans
+6. Interaction Session
+## II. How to Join
+### Bilibili Live
+### Tencent Meeting
+Guo Qiang invites you to join a Tencent Meeting
+Meeting topic: GoFrame First Meeting
+Meeting time: 2021/03/12 19:00-20:00 (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time - Beijing
+Click the link to join the meeting or add it to your meeting list:
+Meeting ID: **135 616 293**
+Mobile one-tap dialing to join
++8675536550000,,135616293# (Mainland China)
++85230018898,,,2,135616293# (Hong Kong, China)
+Dial according to your location
++8675536550000 (Mainland China)
++85230018898 (Hong Kong, China)
+You can also comment on this article with your questions to allow us to prepare in advance and improve communication efficiency during the event.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\347\244\276\345\214\272\344\272\244\346\265\201/\346\212\200\346\234\257\345\210\206\344\272\253\344\272\244\346\265\201/1-2021-04-17 GoCN Gopher Meetup.md" "b/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\347\244\276\345\214\272\344\272\244\346\265\201/\346\212\200\346\234\257\345\210\206\344\272\253\344\272\244\346\265\201/1-2021-04-17 GoCN Gopher Meetup.md"
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eee18e675fd
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/i18n/en/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-2.8.x/community/\347\244\276\345\214\272\344\272\244\346\265\201/\346\212\200\346\234\257\345\210\206\344\272\253\344\272\244\346\265\201/1-2021-04-17 GoCN Gopher Meetup.md"
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+slug: '/share/2021-04-17'
+title: '2021-04-17 GoCN Gopher Meetup'
+sidebar_position: 1
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame,GoFrame framework,Golang,Tech sharing,Framework design,Microservices development,Event registration,GoCN,Tap4Fun,Chengdu]
+description: 'A technical sharing event in the Golang field held by GoCN and Tap4Fun in Chengdu on April 17, 2021, mainly focused on the introduction of GoFrame framework design and microservices development. As one of the speakers, I participated in this successful event, which was informative and had a wealth of gifts. More introductions on GoFrame design can be found in the relevant documentation sections.'
+Hello everyone, a new round of `GoFrame` framework technical sharing is here!
+This time, it was a technical sharing event in the `Golang` field held by `GoCN` and `Tap4Fun` in Chengdu, and I was honored to be invited as one of the speakers.
+The theme of this technical sharing remains focused on introducing framework design, with the following being the reference directory:
+For more introductions related to `GoFrame` design, you can refer to the chapter on [Framework Design](../../../docs/框架设计/框架设计.md).
+Due to time constraints, the introduction on microservices development, which everyone is more interested in, will be shared in subsequent events.
+Event registration address: [https://www.bagevent.com/event/7198261](https://www.bagevent.com/event/7198261?code=001hWnFa1BenRA0Q3lGa1V6Sci0hWnFn&state=STATE)
+* * *
+Elegant dividing line
+* * *
+Thanks to this `Golang` technical sharing event held by `GoCN` and `Tap4Fun`, the whole event was very successful, and the organizers were very attentive, with great gifts ❤️.
+Here is the PPT manuscript of this `GoFrame` framework technical sharing, feel free to use it as needed.
+[gocn-GoFrame Framework Introduction and Design.pdf](/attachments/gocn-GoFrame-intro.pdf)
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+slug: '/share/2021-06-24'
+title: '2021-06-24 GoFrame ORM Component Design'
+sidebar_position: 2
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame, GoFrame Framework, ORM Component, Component Design, GOCN Open Source Sharing, Core Features, Development Documentation, Live Broadcast, Project Source Code, PPT Download]
+description: 'The theme of this sharing session "GoFrame ORM Component Design" mainly introduces the design and related features of the core component ORM in the GoFrame framework. Through this sharing, you will understand the functions and outstanding features of the GoFrame ORM component. For more details, please refer to the development documentation and project source code. This event also includes related PPT file downloads and recorded video viewing.'
+Hi, everyone, this Thursday at 8 PM, the GOCN Open Source Sharing session will cover the topic "GoFrame ORM Component Design," mainly introducing the design and related features of the core component ORM in the GoFrame framework.
+The GoFrame ORM component is quite powerful. Due to limited preparation and sharing time, this session will mainly introduce some of its outstanding features. More details are available in the [development documentation](../../../docs/核心组件/核心组件.md) and [project source code](https://github.com/gogf/gf/tree/master/database/gdb).
+Live broadcast address: [https://live.bilibili.com/21878276](https://live.bilibili.com/21878276)
+PPT file download: [GoFrame ORM Component Design.pptx](/attachments/GoFrameORM-design.pptx)
+Recorded video viewing: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yw411o7NE](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yw411o7NE)
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+slug: '/share/2022-01-27'
+title: "2022-01-27 Let's GoFrame"
+sidebar_position: 3
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame,GoFrame Framework,Golang,Open Source,High Performance,Enterprise Level,Development Framework,Out-of-the-Box,OpenTelemetry,Error Stack]
+description: 'The core design, functional features, and practical applications of the GoFrame framework. GoFrame is a modular, high-performance enterprise-level Go foundational development framework suitable for business projects of all sizes. With a rich set of basic components, development tools, and practical standards, developers can focus on business logic, improving development and maintenance efficiency, and creating greater value.'
+Hello friends, after a year of hard work, it's been a while since we've had a technical sharing!
+This Thursday at 8 PM `GOCN` Open Source Talk will feature the topic `Let's GoFrame`, mainly introducing some core designs, functional features, and practical demonstrations of the `GoFrame` framework.
+`GoFrame` is a modular, high-performance, enterprise-level `Go` foundational development framework. If you want to use `Golang` to develop a business project, whether it's small or medium to large scale, `GoFrame` is your top choice. If you're looking to develop a `Golang` component library, `GoFrame` provides an out-of-the-box, rich and powerful basic component library that can make your work more efficient.
+`GoFrame` offers a unified and practical engineering development standard and supporting tools, automatic data model and database operation code generation, automatic `OpenAPIv3` document generation, support for `OpenTelemetry` observability standards, full error stack features, support for error codes, full API design of core components, and more. Using `GoFrame`'s out-of-the-box basic components, rich development documentation, practical tools, and standards can help us focus our energy on the business itself, write more standardized, secure, and observable code, improve project development and maintenance efficiency, and enable teams and individuals to create more value.
+PPT file download: [gocn-Let's GoFrame.pptx](/attachments/gocn-LetsGoFrame.pptx)
+`bilibili` video link: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U34y117w7/](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U34y117w7/)
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+slug: '/share/2022-05-17'
+title: '2022-05-17 GoFrame Contribution Guide & Q&A'
+sidebar_position: 4
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame, GoFrame Framework, Contribution Guide, Open Source Project, Community Contribution, Open Source Star-Snatching Event, Q&A, GitHub, Developer, Tencent Meeting]
+description: "GoFrame framework contribution guide and usage Q&A, sharing how to contribute to the GoFrame open source project and explaining the Open Source Star-Snatching Event organized by Tengsource, aiming to enhance the project's stability and vitality through community efforts and provide points rewards for participants. The event will be held on May 17, 2022, and can be joined via Tencent Meeting."
+## Introduction
+Hello, community friends!
+As the main features of the GoFrame framework become more complete and stable, future efforts will focus on promoting community contributions.
+As of 2022-05-17, there are over 1K open source projects using the GoFrame framework on GitHub, and 89 people have contributed to the GoFrame project. Some have become continuous contributors. As the team of contributors grows, our open source project becomes more powerful, stable, open, and vibrant.
+## Sharing Topics
+### GoFrame Contribution Guide
+First, in this sharing session, we will mainly introduce how to contribute to GoFrame and what GoFrame needs.
+### Introduction to the Open Source Star-Snatching Event
+Secondly, we will introduce the **Open Source Star-Snatching Event** organized by Tengsource, to show everyone how to earn points rewards in the event while providing urgently needed contributions to GoFrame.
+### Usage Q&A Session
+Finally, we also reserve ample Q&A time, during which you can ask questions you have encountered during use in the meeting.
+## Meeting Link
+Guo Qiang invites you to join the Tencent Meeting
+Meeting Topic: GoFrame Contribution Guide & Q&A
+Meeting Time: 2022/05/17 20:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time - Beijing
+Click the link to join the meeting or add it to the meeting list:
+#TencentMeeting: 718-825-328
+Copy this information and open the Tencent Meeting app to participate.
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+slug: '/share/2022-06-22'
+title: '2022-06-22 GoFrame v2.1 Features & Q&A'
+sidebar_position: 5
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame, GoFrame framework, v2.1 features, Q&A, online questions, meeting link, Tencent Meeting, video review, Guo Qiang, developer sharing]
+description: 'The GoFrame v2.1 feature sharing session held on June 22, 2022, introduced new version features and provided usage Q&A online. Hosted by Guo Qiang using Tencent Meeting, participants could ask questions online to resolve any confusion during the use of the GoFrame framework, and a video review link is provided to help users better understand and apply the updates of GoFrame v2.1.'
+## Sharing Session Topics
+### Introduction to `v2.1` Features
+Introduce the main contents and considerations of the feature updates online.
+### Q&A Session
+Participants can ask questions online during the meeting about any doubts they have in the usage process, and we will do our best to help.
+## Meeting Link
+Guo Qiang invites you to join a Tencent Meeting
+Meeting theme: GoFrame v2.1 Features & Q&A
+Meeting time: 2022/06/22 20:00-20:30 (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time - Beijing
+Click the link to join the meeting or add it to your meeting list:
+#Tencent Meeting: 329-799-787
+Copy this information and open the Tencent Meeting app to join
+## Video Review
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+slug: '/share/2022-09-14'
+title: '2022-09-14 ORM Driven Development'
+sidebar_position: 6
+hide_title: true
+keywords: [GoFrame, GoFrame Framework, ORM Driven Development, ORM Interface, Technical Sharing, Unit Testing, Framework Usage, Community Contribution, Interface Development Example, Development Considerations]
+description: 'Detailed content about ORM driven development with the GoFrame framework, including interface design, interface introduction and their relationships, actual examples of interface development; in addition, it covers development considerations, unit test writing, and the process of contributing the driver to the community, as well as answering common questions about framework usage. Readers can enhance their understanding of GoFrame ORM driven development through this document.'
+Hello everyone, recently, we have collected a lot of interest in ORM driven development from the community, so we are preparing a technical sharing session that mainly introduces some details of GoFrame ORM driven development. Those interested can join on time.
+## Meeting Information
+Guo Qiang invites you to attend a Tencent meeting
+Meeting Topic: GoFrame ORM Driven Development
+Meeting Time: 2022/09/14 19:30-20:00 (GMT+08:00) China Standard Time - Beijing
+Click the link to join the meeting, or add it to the meeting list:
+# Tencent Meeting: 413-297-318
+Copy this information, open the Tencent Meeting app on your phone to participate
+## Video Replay
+## Main Content
+- Introduction to GoFrame ORM
+- ORM Interface Design
+- ORM Interface Introduction
+- ORM Interface Relationships
+- Interface Development Example
+- Development Considerations
+- Unit Test Writing
+- Contributing the Driver to the Community
+- Framework Usage Q&A
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+slug: '/share'
+title: 'Community Exchange'
+sidebar_position: 0
+hide_title: true
+import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList';
Criteria | +Description | +
Basic Introduction | +Information sourced from official websites. | +
Modular Design | +Support for modular plug-and-play design, low coupling between modules, and ability to use components independently. | +
Module Completeness | +Richness of framework modules and their ability to cover common development needs. | +
Ease of Use | +Beyond basic usability, focuses on team's ability to adopt quickly and maintain with low cost in the long term. | +
Documentation Quality | +Reference materials including documentation, videos, examples, and case studies. Local language support is also considered. | +
Engineering Completeness | +Rapid project integration capability, project standards, design patterns, development toolchain, documentation quality, code readability, and maintainability. | +
Development Mode | +Supported or officially recommended development patterns. | +
Engineering Standards | +Development standards including directory structure, design patterns, coding standards, and naming conventions. | +
Community Activity | +Ease of communication with official team, speed of problem resolution, and bug fix response time. | +
Development Toolchain | +CLI development tools for project initialization, cross-compilation, code generation, swagger support, hot reloading, etc. | +
Web: Performance Tests | +
+ Third-party benchmarks from https://github.com/the-benchmarker/web-frameworks. + |
Web: Route Conflict Handling | +Solutions for handling route registration conflicts, which are common in business projects. | +
Web: Domain Support | +Support for domain binding, including multiple domain capabilities. | +
Web: File Service | +Static resource serving capabilities. | +
Web: Graceful Restart/Shutdown | +Ability to restart without affecting ongoing requests and gracefully shut down by completing active requests while refusing new ones. | +
ORM | +Built-in or third-party ORM support, which is crucial for business projects. | +
Session | +Session management support, either general-purpose or web-specific. | +
I18N Support | +Internationalization component support (common but non-core component). | +
Configuration Management | +Core framework capability for configuration management. | +
Logging Component | +Core framework capability for logging. | +
Data Validation | +Core framework capability for data validation. | +
Cache Management | +Core framework capability for cache management, including memory and Redis support, either built-in or via third-party components. | +
Resource Bundling | +Support for bundling static resources, configuration files, and other assets into the executable. Framework components automatically support resource discovery. | +
Distributed Tracing | +Framework capability for distributed tracing, essential for microservice architectures. | +
Testing Framework | +Unit testing support and standards, whether using standard library or third-party testing frameworks. | +
Key Advantages | +Notable strengths of the framework. | +
Key Disadvantages | +Notable limitations or weaknesses. | +
GoFrame | +Beego | +Iris | +Gin | +|
Comparison Version | +v1.15.2 | +v1.12.3 | +v12.0.2 | +v1.6.3 | +
Project Type | +Open Source (China) | +Open Source (China) | +Open Source (International) | +Open Source (International) | +
License | +MIT | +Apache-2 | +BSD-3-Clause | +MIT | +
Framework Type | +Modular Framework | +Web Framework | +Web "Framework" | +Web "Framework" | +
+ Basic Introduction + |
+ A comprehensive, easy-to-use, modular, high-quality, high-performance, + enterprise-level development framework. | +The most user-friendly enterprise-level Go application development + framework. | +The fastest growing Go Web framework. Provides complete MVC + functionality and is future-oriented. | +An HTTP Web framework written in Go. It provides Martini-style APIs + with better performance. | +
Project URL | ++ + | +github.com/beego/beego | +github.com/kataras/iris | +github.com/gin-gonic/gin | +
Official Website | +goframe.org | +beego.me | +iris-go.com | +gin-gonic.com | +
+ Modular Design + |
+ Yes | +- | +- | +- | +
Module Completeness | +10 | +6 | +4 | +2 | +
+ Ease of Use + |
+ 9 | +9 | +9 | +10 | +
+ Documentation Completeness + |
+ 10 | +8 | +6 | +4 | +
Engineering Completeness | +10 | +8 | +5 | +1 | +
Community Activity | +9 | +10 | +9 | +10 | +
Development Mode | +Module Import、Three-tier Architecture、MVC | +MVC | +MVC | +- | +
Engineering Standards | +Layered Design, + Object Design | +Project Structure | +- | +- | +
Development Toolchain | +gf工具链 | +bee工具链 | +- | +- | +
Web: Performance Test | +8 | +8 | +8 | +9 | +
Web: HTTPS | +HTTPS & TLS | +Supported | +CustomHttpConfiguration | +Supported | +
Web: HTTP2 | +- | +- | +Supported | +Supported | +
Web: WebSocket | +WebSocket服务 | +Yes | +Yes | +- | +
Web: Group Routing | +Group Route Registration | +Namespace | +GroupingRoutes | +Yes | +
Web: Route Conflict Handling | +Yes | +- | +Yes | +- | +
Web: Domain Support | +Domain Binding | +- | +- | +- | +
Web: File Service | +Static File Service | +Static File Handling | +ServingStaticFiles | +Yes | +
Web: Multi-port/Instance | +Multi-port Listening、Multi-instance Support | +- | +RunMultipleServiceUsingIris | +- | +
Web: Graceful Restart/Shutdown | +Graceful Restart Feature | +Hot Upgrade | +GracefulShutdownOrRestart | +GracefulRestartOrStop | +
ORM | +ORM Documentation | +ORM Documentation | +- | +- | +
Session | +Session | +Session | +Yes | +- | +
I18NSupported | +I18N | +I18N | +Localization | +- | +
Template Engine | +Template Engine | +View Design | +TemplateRendering | +HtmlRendering | +
Configuration Management | +Configuration Management | +Parameter Configuration | +- | +CustomHttpConfig | +
Logging Component | +Logging Component | +Logging | +- | +- | +
Data Validation | +Data Validation | +Form Data Validation | +- | +CustomValidators | +
Cache Management | +Cache Management | +Cache | +- | +- | +
Resource Packaging | +Resource Management | +bee tool bale command | +- | +- | +
Service Tracing | +Service Tracing | +- | +- | +- | +
Testing Framework | +Unit Testing | +- | +Testing | +Testing | +
Key Advantages | ++ GoFrame primarily focuses on engineering and enterprise-level development, with excellent modular design and engineering design principles. For business projects, it provides development standards, project specifications, naming conventions, design patterns, development toolchain, rich modules, high-quality code and documentation, and has an active community. The author is also an experienced PHP developer, making PHP developers transitioning to Go feel at home. + | ++ Beego was one of the earliest open-source frameworks, being the first comprehensive Golang development framework. It has maintained significant influence in the Golang ecosystem, with its author Xiemengjun organizing the influential GopherCN community events for many years. Beego offers rich development modules, is ready to use out of the box, provides MVC-based project structure, development toolchain, and primarily focuses on Web development, though it can also be used for non-Web projects. + | +Iris focuses mainly on Web development, providing a series of functional components for Web development based on the MVC pattern. Iris has developed rapidly this year, evolving from a Web Server component and gradually moving towards Beego's design direction. | +Gin focuses on being a lightweight Web Server that is simple and easy to understand. It features well-designed routing and middleware systems and can be considered an enhanced version of the standard net/http.Server with improved routing capabilities. It's a great choice for those who love building their own components. | +
Key Disadvantages | +Relatively late to open source, takes a passive approach to promotion, currently mainly targets domestic users, and hasn't expanded internationally. | +Started early but development has slowed in recent years after the author's entrepreneurial ventures. Non-modular design with heavy reliance on third-party modules. | +
+ Claims to have the best performance but results are average. Non-modular design. Has started moving towards Beego's direction in the last two years, but the overall framework capabilities are still incomplete and need improvement. + |
+ Simple and easy to use functionality, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. | +