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Custom Resource Definition

This document guides user to learn the related fields defined in the HarborCluster CRD and then customize their Harbor cluster deployment stack.

CRD version: v1beta1

CRD spec

Describe the spec fields with YAML code snippets and comments. All the parts here share the head YAML code snippet shown below.

kind: HarborCluster
  name: harborcluster-sample
  namespace: cluster-sample-ns
  # ... Skipped fields
  # ...
  # ... Skipped fields

Top level general fields

expose(required): Expose the access endpoints of Harbor core services as well as notary service (optional).

  # ... Skipped fields
    # Expose core services
    core: # Required
      # TLS setting
      tls: # Optional
        # Certificate reference
        certificateRef: <cert-ref> # Optional
      # Expose service with ingress way
        # Host of the exposed service
        host: <> # Required
        # Ingress controller type, support ["gce","ncp","contour","default"]
        # "default" means nginx
        controller: default # Optional, default value = "default"
        # Annotations applied to the ingress
        annotations: # Optional
          key: value
        # Set the ingress class name. If it is not set, the system default one will be picked up.
        ingressClassName: ingressClass # Optional
    # Expose notary service when it is configured
    notary: # Optional
      ## Totally same with above [expose.core] part, skipped here.

  # ... Skipped fields

externalURL(required): the public URL with pattern https?://.* for accessing Harbor registry.


  # ... Skipped fields

  externalURL: # Required

  # ... Skipped fields

internalTLS(optional): enable secure communications between Harbor components if it is set.

  # ... Skipped fields

  internalTLS: # Optional
    enabled: true # Optional, default = false

  # ... Skipped fields

logLevel(optional): set the log level of the Harbor loggers.

  # ... Skipped fields
  # Support settings ["debug","info","warning","error","fatal"]
  logLevel: "debug" # Optional, default = "info"

  # ... Skipped fields

harborAdminPasswordRef(required): the secret reference containing the preset admin password.

  # ... Skipped fields
  harborAdminPasswordRef: "myAdminPwd" # Required
  # ... Skipped fields

updateStrategyType(optional): the update strategy.

  # ... Skipped fields

  updateStrategyType: "RollingUpdate" # Optional, default="RollingUpdate"
  # ... Skipped fields

version(optional): keep the version of the Harbor deployed to cluster. It's mainly used in the version upgrading case.

  # ... Skipped fields
  # Example: 2.4.0
  version: <Harbor version> # Optional
  # ... Skipped fields

proxy(optional): configure proxy settings for related Harbor components.

  # ... Skipped fields
  proxy: # Optional
    # HTTP proxy
    httpProxy: # Optional, pattern="https?://.+"
    # HTTPS proxy
    httpsProxy: # Optional, pattern="https?://.+"
    # No proxy
    noProxy: # Optional, default=["","localhost",".local",".internal"]
      - localhost
      - .local
      - .internal
    # Configure proxy settings for which components
    components: # Optional, default=[core,jobservice,trivy]
      - core
      - jobservice
      - trivy
  # ... Skipped fields

Configure image source

imageSource configures the general image source from where pulling images. Image settings configured here are applicable to all the components.

  # ... Skipped fields
  imageSource: # Optional
    # The root repository path of the component images.
    # e.g: if it is set to '', then the core image path will be ''
    repository: # Required
    # The tag suffix of the component images.
    # e.g: if it is set to `-staging`, then the core image path will be '<version>-staging'
    tagSuffix: -staging # Optional
    # Image pull policy. Support values are ["Always","Never","IfNotPresent"].
    # More info:
    imagePullPolicy: Always # Optional, default = IfNotPresent
    # Image pull secrets
    imagePullSecrets: # Optional
      - name: myHarborRegSecret
  # ... Skipped fields

Network stack settings

Network settings for the deploying Harbor.

  # ... Skipped fields
  # Network settings
  network: # Optional
    # Set what IP families are used for the deploying Harbor
      - IPv4
      - IPv6
  # ... Skipped fields

Trace settings

Tracing settings for the deploying Harbor.

  # ... Skipped fields
  # Tracing settings
  trace: # Optional
    # Enable tracing or not
    enabled: false # Optional, default is false
    # Used to differentiate different harbor services.
    namespace: core # Optional
    # Set `sampleRate` to 1 if you wanna sampling 100% of trace data; set 0.5 if you wanna sampling 50% of trace data, and so forth.
    sampleRate: 1 # Optional, default is 1
    # A key value dict contains user defined attributes used to initialize trace provider.
    attributes: # Optional
      key: value
    # The tracing provider: 'jaeger' or 'otel'
    provider: jaeger # Required
    # Spec for jaeger provider if provider is set to jaeger
    jaeger: # Optional
      # Serve mode. `collector` or `agent`
      mode: collector # Required
      # Configuration for collector mode
      collector: # Optional
        # The endpoint of the jaeger collector
        endpoint: # Required
        # The username of the jaeger collector
        username: foo
        # The password secret reference name of the jaeger collector
        passwordRef: foobar
      # Configuration for agent mode
      agent: # Optional
        # The host of the jaeger agent
        host: # Required
        # The port of the jaeger agent
        port: 8000
    # Spec for otel provider if provider is set to otel.
    otel: # Optional
      # The endpoint of otel
      endpoint: # Required
      # The URL path of otel
      urlPath: /otel # Required
      # Whether enable compression or not for otel
      compression: false # Optional
      # Whether establish insecure connection or not for otel
      insecure: true # Optional
      # The timeout of otel
      timeout: 10s # Optional, default is 10s

  # ... Skipped fields

Harbor component related fields

Each Harbor component has its own spec to accept configurations and shares the common spec shown below.

 # ... Skipped fields

  # Besides the common component spec, no extra parts for component 'portal'
    # Common component spec

    # Image name for the component. It will override the default one.
    image: my-portal # Optional
    # Image pull policy. It will override the global 'imageSource' settings and the default one.
    imagePullPolicy: # Optional, default = IfNotPresent
    # Image pull secrets. It will override the global 'imageSource' settings if it has been set.
      - name: myHarborRegSecretOfPortal

    # Replicas is the number of desired replicas.
    # This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and unspecified.
    # More info:
    replicas: 3 # Optional

    # ServiceAccountName is the name of the ServiceAccount to use to run this component.
    # More info:
    serviceAccountName: mySA # Optional

    # NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the component to fit on a node.
    # Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node.
    # More info:
    nodeSelector: # Optional
      key: value

    # If specified, the pod's tolerations.
    # More info:
    tolerations: {} # Optional

    # Compute Resources required by this component.
    # Cannot be updated.
    # More info:
    resources: # Optional
      # Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
      # More info:
      limits: {} # Optional
      # Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
      # If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
      # otherwise to an implementation-defined value.
      # More info:
      requests: {} # Optional

  # The following components also includes the common spec shown above.
  # ... Skip duplicated configurations here
  core: {}
  jobservice: {}
  registry: {}
  registryctl: {}
  chartmuseum: {}
  trivy: {}
  exporter: {}
    server: {}
    signer: {}
 # ... Skipped fields

Extra configurations for Harbor component core.

  # ... Skipped fields
    # ... Skipped common component spec here

    # Extra configurations

    # Certificates need to be injected into core
    certificateRefs: # Optional
      - cert1
      - cert2
    # Token issuer
    tokenIssuer: myIssuer # Required
    # Metrics settings
    metrics: # optional
      enabled: false # optional, default is false
      port: 8001 # optional, default is 8001
      path: /metrics # optional, default is /metrics
  # ... Skipped fields

Extra configurations for Harbor component jobservice.

  # ... Skipped fields

    # ... Skipped common component spec here

    # Extra configurations

    # Certificates need to be injected into jobservice
    certificateRefs: # Optional
      - cert1
      - cert2
    # The number of workers
    workerCount: 10 # Optional, default = 10 , minimal = 1
    # Metrics settings
    metrics: # optional
      # Similar to the section shown in the `core` component
      # Skip here
  # ... Skipped fields

Extra configurations for Harbor component registry.

  # ... Skipped fields

    # ... Skipped common component spec here

    # Extra configurations

    # Enable relative URLs
    relativeURLs: true # Optional, default = true
    # Middlewares for storage
    storageMiddlewares: # Optional
      - name: m1 # Required
        optionsRef: op1 # Optional
    metrics: # optional
    # Similar to the section shown in the `core` component
    # Skip here
  # ... Skipped fields

Extra configurations for Harbor component chartmuseum.

  # ... Skipped fields

    # ... Skipped common component spec here

    # Extra configurations

    # Certificates need to be injected into chartmuseum
    certificateRefs: # Optional
      - cert1
      - cert2
    # Harbor defaults ChartMuseum to returning relative URLs,
    # If you want using absolute URL you should enable it.
    absoluteUrl: false # Optional, default = false
  # ... Skipped fields

Extra configurations for Harbor component trivy.

  # ... Skipped fields

    # ... Skipped common component spec here

    # Extra configurations

    # Certificates need to be injected into chartmuseum
    certificateRefs: # Optional
      - cert1
      - cert2
    # The name of the secret containing the token to connect to GitHub API.
    githubTokenRef: github-token # Optional
    # The flag to enable or disable Trivy DB downloads from GitHub
    skipUpdate: false # Optional, default = false
    # Storage used for keep data by trivy.
    storage: # required
      # ReportsPersistentVolume specify the persistent volume used to store Trivy reports.
      reportsPersistentVolume: # Optional, if it is not set, then empty dir will be used.
        # Inline the corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource
        # ClaimName is the name of a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace as the pod using this volume.
        # More info:
        claimName: myPVC # Required
        # Will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.
        readOnly: false # Optional
        prefix: myPrefix # Optional
      # CachePersistentVolume specify the persistent volume used to store Trivy cache.
      # Same configurations with ReportsPersistentVolume.
      cachePersistentVolume: {} # Optional, if it is not set, then empty dir will be used.
  # ... Skipped fields

Extra configurations for Harbor component notary.

  # ... Skipped fields

    server: {} # Skipped common component spec here ...
    signer: {} # Skipped common component spec here ...

    # Extra configurations

    # Inject migration configuration to notary resources
    migrationEnabled: true # Optional, default = true
  # ... Skipped fields

Storage related fields

So far, there are 6 options for storage configurations: FileSystem (Persistent Volume), S3 , Swift, Azure, Gcs and MinIO.


Configure filesystem as backend storage.

  # ... Skipped fields
    kind: "FileSystem"
      # FileSystem is an implementation of the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface which uses the local filesystem.
      # The local filesystem can be a remote volume.
      # See:
      filesystem: # Optional
        chartPersistentVolume: # Optional
          # Inline the corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource
          # ClaimName is the name of a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace as the pod using this volume.
          # More info:
          claimName: myPVC # Required
          # Will force the ReadOnly setting in VolumeMounts.
          readOnly: false # Optional
          prefix: myPrefix # Optional
        registryPersistentVolume: # Optional
          # ... Skipped the same fields with 'chartPersistentVolume': 'claimName', 'readOnly' and 'prefix'.
          # ...
          # Max threads
          maxthreads: 100 # Optional, default = 100, minimal = 25

  # ... Skipped fields


Configure s3 as backend storage.

  # ... Skipped fields

    kind: "S3"
      # Configure S3 as the backend storage of Harbor.
      # An implementation of the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface which uses Amazon S3 or S3 compatible services for object storage.
      # See:
      s3: # Optional
        # The AWS Access Key.
        # If you use IAM roles, omit to fetch temporary credentials from IAM.
        accesskey: ak # Optional
        # Reference to the secret containing the AWS Secret Key.
        # If you use IAM roles, omit to fetch temporary credentials from IAM.
        secretkeyRef: secret # Optional
        # The AWS region in which your bucket exists.
        # For the moment, the Go AWS library in use does not use the newer DNS based bucket routing.
        # For a list of regions, see
        region: us-east-1 # Required
        # Endpoint for S3 compatible storage services (Minio, etc).
        regionendpoint: Minio # Required
        # The bucket name in which you want to store the registry’s data.
        bucket: default # Required
        # This is a prefix that is applied to all S3 keys to allow you to segment data in your bucket if necessary.
        rootdirectory: registry # Optional
        # The S3 storage class applied to each registry file.
        storageclass: STANDARD # Optional, default="STANDARD"
        # KMS key ID to use for encryption (encrypt must be true, or this parameter is ignored).
        keyid: kid # Optional
        # Specifies whether the registry stores the image in encrypted format or not. A boolean value.
        encrypt: false # Optional, default=false
        # Skips TLS verification when the value is set to true.
        skipverify: false # Optional, default=false
        # Certificate
        certificateRef: cert # Optional
        # Indicates whether to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. A boolean value.
        secure: true # Optional, default=true
        # Indicates whether the registry uses Version 4 of AWS’s authentication.
        v4auth: true # Optional, default=true
        # The S3 API requires multipart upload chunks to be at least 5MB.
        chunksize: 5242880 # Optional, minimal = 5242880

  # ... Skipped fields


Configure swift as backend storage. This method is not recommended since Swift is enventual consistent. Please use S3 Middleware in front of Swift and configure 2nd method: S3 storage.

  # ... Skipped fields

    kind: Swift
      # Configure Swift as the backend storage of Harbor.
      # An implementation of the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface that uses OpenStack Swift for object storage.
      # See:

      swift: # Optional
        # URL for obtaining an auth token.
        # or
        authurl: # Required
        # The Openstack user name.
        username: openstack-user # Required
        # Secret name containing the Openstack password.
        passwordRef: secret # Required
        # The Openstack region in which your container exists.
        region: region-1 # Optional
        # The name of your Swift container where you wish to store the registry’s data.
        # The driver creates the named container during its initialization.
        container: container1 # Required
        # You can either use tenant or tenantid.
        tenant: myTenant # Optional
        # You can either use tenant or tenantid.
        tenantid: myTenantID # Optional
        # Your Openstack domain name for Identity v3 API. You can either use domain or domainid.
        domain: sampleDomain # Optional
        # Your Openstack domain ID for Identity v3 API. You can either use domain or domainid.
        domainid: did # Optional
        # Your Openstack trust ID for Identity v3 API.
        trustid: myTrustID # Optional
        # Skips TLS verification if the value is set to true.
        insecureskipverify: false # Optional, default=false
        # Size of the data segments for the Swift Dynamic Large Objects.
        # This value should be a number.
        chunksize: 5242880 # Optional, minimal=5242880
        # This is a prefix that is applied to all Swift keys to allow you to segment data in your container if necessary. Defaults to the container’s root.
        prefix: registry # Optional
        # The secret key used to generate temporary URLs.
        secretkeyRef: key # Optional
        # The access key to generate temporary URLs. It is used by HP Cloud Object Storage in addition to the secretkey parameter.
        accesskey: ak # Optional
        # Specify the OpenStack Auth’s version, for example 3. By default the driver autodetects the auth’s version from the authurl.
        authversion: 3 # Optional
        # The endpoint type used when connecting to swift.
        # Supports values ["public","internal","admin"]
        endpointtype: public # Optional, default=public

  # ... Skipped fields


The minio storage configuration can be configured to let the Harbor operator automatically deploy an in-cluster S3 compatible service with HA supported as the backend storage service of the deploying Harbor.

  # ... Skipped fields
    # Kind of which storage service to be used. Only support MinIO now.
    kind: MinIO # Required
    # MinIO configurations
    spec: # Required
      # Image name for the MinIO. It will override the default one.
      image: my-minio # Optional
      # Image pull policy. It will override the global 'imageSource' settings and the default one.
      imagePullPolicy: # Optional, default = IfNotPresent
      # Image pull secrets. It will override the global 'imageSource' settings if it has been set.
        - name: myHarborRegSecretOfMinIO
      # Redirection configurations.
      redirect: # Required
        # Determine if the redirection of minio storage is enabled.
        enable: true # Optional, default=true
        # If 'enable' is set to be true, then configure extra settings here.
        # Expose MinIO service for client accessing.
        # Same configuration with the top level 'expose' section.
        expose: # Optional
          # TLS setting
          tls: # Optional
            # Certificate reference
            certificateRef: <cert-ref> # Optional
          # Expose service with ingress way
            # Host of the exposed service
            host: <> # Required
            # Ingress controller type, support ["gce","ncp","default"]
            controller: default # Optional, default value = "default"
            # Annotations applied to the ingress
            annotations: # Optional
              key: value
      # Reference to the secret containing the MinIO access key and secret key.
      secretRef: minioSecret # Optional
      # Supply number of replicas.
      # For standalone mode, supply 1. For distributed mode, supply 4 or more.
      # Note that the operator does not support upgrading from standalone to distributed mode.
      # Specially, 'replicas'*'volumesPerServer' should be >=4.
      replicas: 4 # Required, minimal=1
      # Number of persistent volumes that will be attached per server
      # Specially, 'replicas'*'volumesPerServer' should be >=4.
      volumesPerServer: 1 # Required, minimal=1
      # VolumeClaimTemplate allows a user to specify how volumes inside a MinIOInstance.
      # More info:
      volumeClaimTemplate: {} # Optional
      # If provided, use these requests and limit for cpu/memory resource allocation
      # More info:
      resources: # Optional
        # Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
        # More info:
        limits: {} # Optional
        # Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
        # If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
        # otherwise to an implementation-defined value.
        # More info:
        requests: {} # Optional

  # ... Skipped fields

Database related fields

Two alternatives provided to configure the database service used by the deploying Harbor.

Standard Database

Standard database configurations can be used to set the existing pre-deployed or cloud database services as the dependent database of the deploying Harbor.

  # ... Skipped fields

  # Configure existing pre-deployed or cloud database service.
    kind: PostgreSQL
        # PostgreSQL user name to connect as.
        # Defaults to be the same as the operating system name of the user running the application.
        username: postsql # Required
        # Secret containing the password to be used if the server demands password authentication.
        passwordRef: psqlSecret # Optional
        # PostgreSQL hosts.
        # At least 1.
          # Name of host to connect to.
          # If a host name begins with a slash, it specifies Unix-domain communication rather than
          # TCP/IP communication; the value is the name of the directory in which the socket file is stored.
          - host: psql # Required
          # Port number to connect to at the server host,
          # or socket file name extension for Unix-domain connections.
          # Zero, specifies the default port number established when PostgreSQL was built.
            port: 5432 # Optional
        # PostgreSQL has native support for using SSL connections to encrypt client/server communications for increased security.
        # Supports values ["disable","allow","prefer","require","verify-ca","verify-full"].
        sslMode: prefer # Optional, default=prefer
        prefix: prefix # Optional
  # ... Skipped fields

in-cluster database configuration

The in-cluster database configuration can be configured to let the Harbor operator automatically deploy an in-cluster PostgreSQL database service with HA supported as the dependent database of the deploying Harbor.

  # ... Skipped fields

  # database configurations.
    # Set the kind of which database service to be used.
    kind: "Zlando/PostgreSQL" # Required
    # storage spec
    spec: # Required
        # Image name for the PostgresSQL. It will override the default one.
        image: my-psql # Optional
        # Image pull policy. It will override the global 'imageSource' settings and the default one.
        imagePullPolicy: # Optional, default = IfNotPresent
        # Image pull secrets. It will override the global 'imageSource' settings if it has been set.
          - name: myHarborRegSecretOfPsql
        # Specify the storage size for the PostgresSQL.
        storage: 1Gi # Optional, default="1Gi"
        # Replicas of PostgresSQL instances.
        replicas: 3 # Optional, default=3
        # The storage class used for creating storage.
        storageClassName: default # Optional
        # If provided, use these requests and limit for cpu/memory resource allocation
        # More info:
        resources: # Optional
          # Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
          # More info:
          limits: {} # Optional
          # Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
          # If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
          # otherwise to an implementation-defined value.
          # More info:
          requests: {} # Optional

  # ... Skipped fields

Cache related fields

Two alternatives provided to configure the cache(Redis) service used by the deploying Harbor.

Standard Cache

Standard cache configurations can be used to set the existing pre-deployed or cloud cache services as the dependent cache of the deploying Harbor.

  # ... Skipped fields

  # Cache configuration.
  cache: # Optional
    kind: "Redis"
        # Server host.
        host: # Required
        # Server port.
        port: 6347 # Required
        # For setting sentinel masterSet.
        sentinelMasterSet: sentinel # Optional
        # Secret containing the password to use when connecting to the server.
        passwordRef: pwdSecret # Optional
        # Secret containing the client certificate to authenticate with.
        certificateRef: cert # Optional
  # ... Skipped fields

in-cluster cache configuration

The in-cluster cache configuration can be configured to let the Harbor operator automatically deploy an in-cluster Redis service with HA supported as the dependent cache of the deploying Harbor.

  # ... Skipped fields

  # cache configurations.
    # Set the kind of cache service to be used. Only support 'Redis' now.
    kind: RedisFailover # Required
    # Redis configuration spec.
    spec: # Required
        # Image name for the Redis. It will override the default one.
        image: my-redis # Optional
        # Image pull policy. It will override the global 'imageSource' settings and the default one.
        imagePullPolicy: # Optional, default = IfNotPresent
        # Image pull secrets. It will override the global 'imageSource' settings if it has been set.
          - name: myHarborRegSecretOfRedis
        # Redis sentinel
        sentinel: # Required
          # Replicas of the sentinel service.
          replicas: 3 # Optional, default=3
        # Redis server.
        server: # Required
          # Replicas of the server.
          replicas: 3 # Optional, default=3
          # Storage class used to apply storage of redis.
          StorageClassName: default # Optional
          # Storage size.
          storage: 1Gi # Optional
          # If provided, use these requests and limit for cpu/memory resource allocation
          # More info:
          resources: # Optional
            # Limits describes the maximum amount of compute resources allowed.
            # More info:
            limits: {} # Optional
            # Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required.
            # If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified,
            # otherwise to an implementation-defined value.
            # More info:
            requests: {} # Optional

  # ... Skipped fields

Status spec

The status spec of the CR HarborCluster is described as below:

  # Show the versioning info of the running operator.
    # The code commit for building the running operator.
    controllerGitCommit: <commit_hash> # Optional
    # The version of the running operator.
    controllerVersion: 1.0.0 # Optional
    # Name of the operator controller.
    controllerName: harbor
  # Overall status of HarborCluster CR.
  # Status can be "creating", "healthy" and "unhealthy"
  status: healthy
  # Condition list
    # The type of the condition.
    # It can be "ServiceReady", "StorageReady", "DatabaseReady", "CacheReady" and "ConfigurationReady".
    type: ServiceReady
    # Status is the status of the condition.
    # Can be True, False, Unknown.
    status: True
    # Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
    lastTransitionTime: <time> # Optional
    # Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.
    reason: "reason" # Optional
    # Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.
    message: "message" # Optional