List all project and stack information
List all project and stack information in the current directory or the specify directory. The default output is in a human friendly format, and it also supports a variety of formatted structure output.
kusion ls [WORKDIR] [flags]
# List all project and stack information in the current directory
kusion ls
# List all project and stack information in the specify directory
kusion ls ./path/to/project_dir
# List all project and stack information in the specify directory,
# and output in a Tree format
kusion ls ./path/to/project_dir --format=tree
# List all project and stack information in the specify directory,
# and output in a JSON format
kusion ls ./path/to/project_dir --format=json
# List all project and stack information in the specify directory,
# and output in a YAML format
kusion ls ./path/to/project_dir --format=yaml
# List all project and stack by level, and output in a Tree format
kusion ls ./path/to/project_dir --format=tree --level=1
--format string the output format of the project information. valid values: json, yaml, tree, human (default "human")
-h, --help help for ls
-L, --level int max display depth of the project and stack tree. One of 0,1,2 (default 2)
- kusion - kusion manages the Kubernetes cluster by code