The embiggen-disk tool live-resizes a filesystem after first live-resizing any necessary layers below it: an optional LVM LV and PV, and an MBR or GPT partition table.
# embiggen-disk /
Changes made:
* partition /dev/sda3: before: 8442546176 sectors, after: 8444643328 sectors
* LVM PV /dev/sda3: before: sectors=8442544128, after: sectors=8444641280
* LVM LV /dev/mapper/debvg-root: before: sectors=8442544128, after: sectors=8444641280
* ext4 filesystem at /: before: 1038833256 blocks, after: 1039091312 blocks
Then again:
# embiggen-disk /
No changes made.
With Go 1.15 and earlier:
$ go get
With Go 1.16+:
$ go install
- Go 1.7+
It's only been tested on 64-bit x86 Linux ("amd64"). It should work on other Linux architectures.
Audit the code and/or snapshot your disk before use if you're worried about losing data.