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Model download from GCS

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@schmidt-sebastian schmidt-sebastian released this 09 Sep 15:37
· 4408 commits to master since this release

Build changes

  • We are no longer adding *.tflite model files and other large binaries to our GitHub repository. Instead, these models are downloaded from Google Cloud Storage. This should speed up your getting started experience with MediaPipe (especially if you can work of a shallow clone of the repository) and allows us to expand our feature set without significantly increasing the size of the repository. Please update your Python binaries if they are fetching models from GitHub (see
  • We have made the build targets //mediapipe/objc:mediapipe_framework_ios, //mediapipe/objc:mediapipe_input_sources_ios, //mediapipe/objc:mediapipe_layer_renderer publicly visible. These targets can now be used in external iOS applications.