- When Neural Model Meets NL2Code: A Survey
- Meeting Summarization: A Survey of the State of the Art
- Deep Learning-Driven Edge Video Analytics: A Survey
- A Comprehensive Survey on Enterprise Financial Risk Analysis: Problems, Methods, Spotlights and Applications
- Towards Asteroid Detection in Microlensing Surveys with Deep Learning
- Towards Faithful Model Explanation in NLP: A Survey
- A Survey on Evolutionary Computation for Computer Vision and Image Analysis: Past, Present, and Future Trends
- A Survey of Neural Trees
- Design Automation for Fast, Lightweight, and Effective Deep Learning Models: A Survey
- Recent Advances in Text-to-SQL: A Survey of What We Have and What We Expect
- DL4SciVis: A State-of-the-Art Survey on Deep Learning for Scientific Visualization
- Consciousness is learning: predictive processing systems that learn by binding may perceive themselves as conscious
- Why Should and How Can Quantum Technologies Be Leveraged at National Levels?
- VToonify: Controllable High-Resolution Portrait Video Style Transfer
- Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup Transformer
- Pseudo Numerical Methods for Diffusion Models on Manifolds
- DeepMatcher: A Deep Transformer-based Network for Robust and Accurate Local Feature Matching
- Neural Codec Language Models are Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers
- Large Language Models as Corporate Lobbyists
- Muse: Text-To-Image Generation via Masked Generative Transformers
- Cramming: Training a Language Model on a Single GPU in One Day
- MicroBERT: Effective Training of Low-resource Monolingual BERTs through Parameter Reduction and Multitask Learning
- Self-Instruct: Aligning Language Model with Self Generated Instructions
- Plug & Play Directed Evolution of Proteins with Gradient-based Discrete MCMC
- ByGPT5: End-to-End Style-conditioned Poetry Generation with Token-free Language Models
- Rethinking the Role of Scale for In-Context Learning: An Interpretability-based Case Study at 66 Billion Scale
- ULIP: Learning Unified Representation of Language, Image and Point Cloud for 3D Understanding
- Coder Reviewer Reranking for Code Generation
- DiffusionBERT: Improving Generative Masked Language Models with Diffusion Models
- CoNAL: Anticipating Outliers with Large Language Models
- TorchScale: Transformers at Scale
- GENIUS: Sketch-based Language Model Pre-training via Extreme and Selective Masking for Text Generation and Augmentation
- Uni-Perceiver v2: A Generalist Model for Large-Scale Vision and Vision-Language Tasks
- Galactica: A Large Language Model for Science
- BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model
- Estimating the Carbon Footprint of BLOOM, a 176B Parameter Language Model
- LERT: A Linguistically-motivated Pre-trained Language Model
- google-research/tuning_playbook
- timothybrooks/instruct-pix2pix
- pynecone-io/pynecone
- karpathy/ng-video-lecture
- jerryjliu/gpt_index
- iperov/DeepFaceLive
- openai/openai-cookbook
- HorrorPills/ChatGPT-Gnome-Desktop-Extension
- adrianhajdin/project_ai_mern_image_generation
- brycedrennan/imaginAIry
- databricks-academy/data-engineer-learning-path
- dair-ai/AI-Product-Index
- f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts
- DeepMind’s latest research at ICML 2022
- Working together with YouTube
- Reflections from ethics and safety ‘on the ground’ at DeepMind
- Bridging DeepMind research with Alphabet products
- Open-sourcing MuJoCo
- From LEGO competitions to DeepMind's robotics lab
- DeepMind’s latest research at ICLR 2022
- Competitive programming with AlphaCode
- https://www.deepmind.com/blog/competitive-programming-with-alphacode
- Language modelling at scale: Gopher, ethical considerations, and retrieval
- Real-world challenges for AGI
- Opening up a physics simulator for robotics
- Stacking our way to more general robots
- Predicting gene expression with AI
- Building architectures that can handle the world’s data
- Generally capable agents emerge from open-ended play
- Game theory as an engine for large-scale data analysis
- Advancing sports analytics through AI research
- Using JAX to accelerate our research
- AlphaFold: a solution to a 50-year-old grand challenge in biology
- Talking to Robots in Real Time
- The Architectural Bottleneck Principle
- Capabilities for Better ML Engineering
- Using Developer Discussions to Guide Fixing Bugs in Software
- Emergence of Concepts in DNNs?
- Reinforcement learning on graphs: A survey
- What's the Situation with Intelligent Mesh Generation: A Survey and Perspectives
- A Comprehensive Survey of Transformers for Computer Vision
- A Comprehensive Survey on Distributed Training of Graph Neural Networks
- Recent Advances in Bayesian Optimization
- A Generalist Agent
- Multi-modal Fusion Technology based on Vehicle Information: A Survey
- A Survey of Knowledge-Enhanced Pre-trained Language Models
- BARS: A Benchmark for Airport Runway Segmentation
- Inverse Kernel Decomposition
- To Explain or Not to Explain: A Study on the Necessity of Explanations for Autonomous Vehicles
- Broken Neural Scaling Laws
- On-Device Training Under 256KB Memory
- Quantum Power Flows: From Theory to Practice
- Evolving Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
- A New Deep Boosted CNN and Ensemble Learning based IoT Malware Detection
- Demonstration of machine-learning-enhanced Bayesian quantum state estimation
- A New Deep Boosted CNN and Ensemble Learning based IoT Malware Detection
- Cryptocurrency Valuation: An Explainable AI Approach
- Online Handbook of Argumentation for AI: Volume 3
- A comparative study of the performance of different search algorithms on FOON graphs
- A Data Source Dependency Analysis Framework for Large Scale Data Science Projects
- A Study on the Intersection of GPU Utilization and CNN Inference
- Detecting Label Errors by using Pre-Trained Language Models
- The Effects of In-domain Corpus Size on pre-training BERT
- EVAL: Explainable Video Anomaly Localization
- Meta-Learned Kernel For Blind Super-Resolution Kernel Estimation
- Continuous diffusion for categorical data
- MASTER: Multi-task Pre-trained Bottlenecked Masked Autoencoders are Better Dense Retrievers
- DUIDD: Deep-Unfolded Interleaved Detection and Decoding for MIMO Wireless Systems
- Neural Neural Textures Make Sim2Real Consistent
- Interpretable ML for Imbalanced Data
- Factorized Fourier Neural Operators
- DAMO-YOLO : A Report on Real-Time Object Detection Design
- Neural Pixel Composition: 3D-4D View Synthesis from Multi-Views
- Omni3D: A Large Benchmark and Model for 3D Object Detection in the Wild
- Causal Machine Learning: A Survey and Open Problems
- A Survey of Deep Learning Architectures for Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces
- MetaComp: Learning to Adapt for Online Depth Completion
- Leveraging Natural Supervision for Language Representation Learning and Generation
- Symbolic Regression in Materials Science: Discovering Interatomic Potentials from Data
- Unsupervised pre-training of graph transformers on patient population graphs
- On Learning the Transformer Kernel
- Scaling Laws vs Model Architectures: How does Inductive Bias Influence Scaling?
- Sim-to-Real 6D Object Pose Estimation via Iterative Self-training for Robotic Bin Picking
- A Level Set Theory for Neural Implicit Evolution under Explicit Flows
- In Defense of Online Models for Video Instance Segmentation
- The Francis Crick Institute and DeepMind join forces to apply machine learning to biology
- Toward Benchmarking of Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Maps of Pedestrian Flows for Human-Aware Navigation
- Human-centred mechanism design with Democratic AI
- i-Sim2Real: Reinforcement Learning of Robotic Policies in Tight Human-Robot Interaction Loops
- Large-scale multi-label text classification
- Massively Multilingual ASR on 70 Languages: Tokenization, Architecture, and Generalization Capabilities
- MUSIQ: Assessing Image Aesthetic and Technical Quality with Multi-scale Transformers
- Do Modern ImageNet Classifiers Accurately Predict Perceptual Similarity?
- Table Tennis: A Research Platform for Agile Robotics
- UL2 20B: An Open Source Unified Language Learner
- Crossmodal-3600 — Multilingual Reference Captions for Geographically Diverse Images
- AudioLM: a Language Modeling Approach to Audio Generation
- Large Motion Frame Interpolation
- Quantization for Fast and Environmentally Sustainable Reinforcement Learning
- TensorStore for High-Performance, Scalable Array Storage
- View Synthesis with Transformers
- FindIt: Generalized Object Localization with Natural Language Queries
- Google at Interspeech 2022
- PaLI: Scaling Language-Image Learning in 100+ Languages
- LOLNeRF: Learn from One Look
- Learning to Walk in the Wild from Terrain Semantics
- A Multi-Axis Approach for Vision Transformer and MLP Models
- Digitizing Smell: Using Molecular Maps to Understand Odor
- High-Definition Segmentation in Google Meet
- Using ML to Boost Engagement with a Maternal and Child Health Program in India
- UVQ: Measuring YouTube's Perceptual Video Quality
- Deloitte State of AI Report 2022 calls out underachievers
- 4 Deep Thoughts on Deep Learning in 2022
- New European Political Party Is Led by an Artificial Intelligence
- Alex Hanna left Google to try to save AI’s future
- The multi-billion-dollar potential of synthetic data
- New, transparent AI tool may help detect blood poisoning
- DeepMind breaks 50-year math record using AI; new record falls a week later
- 6 Reactions to the White House’s AI Bill of Rights
- Timnit Gebru : the Exploited Labor Behind Artificial Intelligence
- Inside effective altruism, where the far future counts a lot more than the present
- FedEx abandons its last-mile delivery robot program
- Should We Have An Open-source Humanoid? Elon Musk says ‘No!’
- With This Bionic Nose, COVID Survivors May Smell the Roses Again
- Deep learning tricks all the way down, with a bit of mathematics for good measure
- Deep Learning is Human, Through and Through
- Tackling Diverse Tasks with Neural Architecture Search
- The 5 Biggest AI Trends In 2023
- Cybersecurity Will Account for Nearly One-Quarter of AI Software Market Through 2025
- Microsoft’s new AI graphic design app is built on DALL-E
- DeepMind AI One-Ups Mathematicians at a Calculation Crucial to Computing
- Foxglove raises $16M to build dev infrastructure for robots
- Robot makers including Boston Dynamics pledge not to weaponize their creations
- Measuring perception in AI models
- How Open Source is eating AI
- Deep Dive On Google’s Exascale TPUv4 AI Systems
- 13 Experts' views on Tesla's Optimus Humanoid Robot
- Meta's AI Chief Publishes Paper on Creating ‘Autonomous’ AI
- rev.ai: The world’s most accurate API for AI- and human-generated transcripts
- NSF and Amazon award $1M for healthcare AI integrity
- New York City AI Bias Law Charts New Territory for Employers
- AI Ethics Asking Aloud Whether LLM taking AI Down A Dead-End Path
- Busting homophobic, anti-queer bias in AI language models
- The computers that talk like us: How conversational AI could change lives, for better and worse
- AI hiring bias: Everything you need to know
- How Companies Can Achieve Success with Artificial Intelligence in Hiring
- The uses of ethical AI in hiring: Opaque vs. transparent AI
- Scaling, Advanced Packaging, Or Both
- Where Are The Autonomous Cars?
- AI Power Consumption Exploding
- Big Changes In Architectures, Transistors, Materials
- MicroLEDs Move Toward Commercialization
- Designing For Thermal
- How our principles helped define AlphaFold’s release
- Maximising the impact of our breakthroughs
- My journey from DeepMind intern to mentor
- In conversation with AI: building better language models
- From motor control to embodied intelligence
- Towards Reliability in Deep Learning Systems
- Deep Hierarchical Planning from Pixels
- MLGO: A Machine Learning Framework for Compiler Optimization
- Minerva: Solving Quantitative Reasoning Problems with Language Models
- Quantum Advantage in Learning from Experiments
- Google at CVPR 2022
- Scanned Objects by Google Research: A Dataset of 3D-Scanned Common Household Items
- End-to-end Generative Pre-training for Multimodal Video Captioning
- Image-Text Pre-training with Contrastive Captioners
- Vector-Quantized Image Modeling with Improved VQGAN
- Contextual Rephrasing in Google Assistant
- Challenges in Multi-objective Optimization for Automatic Wireless Network Planning
- Language Models Perform Reasoning via Chain of Thought
- Learning Locomotion Skills Safely in the Real World
- GraphWorld: Advances in Graph Benchmarking
- Alpa: Automated Model-Parallel Deep Learning
- Extracting Skill-Centric State Abstractions from Value Functions
- Google at ICLR 2022
- Pix2Seq: A New Language Interface for Object Detection
- The virtuous cycle of AI research
- Hidden Interfaces for Ambient Computing
- Moving Beyond Mimicry in Artificial Intelligence
- Limitations of Deep Learning for Inverse Problems on Digital Hardware
- Pre-Quantized Deep Learning Models Codified in ONNX to Enable Hardware/Software Co-Design
- Machine learning applications for noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers
- AutoQML: Automated Quantum Machine Learning for Wi-Fi Integrated Sensing and Communications
- Design and Implementation of a Quantum Kernel for Natural Language Processing
- Fundamental limitations on optimization in variational quantum algorithms
- Hyperparameter optimization of hybrid quantum neural networks for car classification
- Theory of Quantum Generative Learning Models with Maximum Mean Discrepancy
- Quantum Extremal Learning
- Experimental quantum pattern recognition in IBMQ and diamond NVs
- Recent Advances for Quantum Neural Networks in Generative Learning
- Design and Simulation of an Autonomous Quantum Flying Robot Vehicle: An IBM Quantum Experience
- FlowGNN: A Dataflow Architecture for Universal Graph Neural Network Inference via Multi-Queue Streaming
- DRAGON (Differentiable Graph Execution) : A suite of Hardware Simulation and Optimization tools for Modern AI/Non-AI Workloads
- A unified software/hardware scalable architecture for brain-inspired computing based on self-organizing neural models
- Lessons learned from the NeurIPS 2021 MetaDL challenge: Backbone fine-tuning without episodic meta-learning dominates for few-shot learning image classification
- Meta Learning for Natural Language Processing: A Survey
- The Experimental Multi-Arm Pendulum on a Cart: A Benchmark System for Chaos, Learning, and Control
- Computing Programs for Generalized Planning as Heuristic Search
- Battery Cloud with Advanced Algorithms
- Delving into High-Quality Synthetic Face Occlusion Segmentation Datasets
- A Decentralized Approach towards Responsible AI in Social Ecosystems
- F3A-GAN: Facial Flow for Face Animation with Generative Adversarial Networks
- The Unified Mathematical Framework for IMU Preintegration in Inertial-Aided Navigation System
- A Generalist Agent
- Face Detection on Mobile: Five Implementations and Analysis
- Is the Computation of Abstract Sameness Relations Human-Like in Neural Language Models?
- Asking for Knowledge: Training RL Agents to Query External Knowledge Using Language
- Efficient Federated Learning for AIoT Applications Using Knowledge Distillation
- Equivariant quantum circuits for learning on weighted graphs
- Motion Sickness Modeling with Visual Vertical Estimation and Its Application to Autonomous Personal Mobility Vehicles
- Deep Model Compression based on the Training History
- Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection: A Survey and Outlook
- A Scalable 5,6-Qubit Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm
- State-of-the-art in Open-domain Conversational AI: A Survey
- A Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine Translation and Beyond
- Survey of Hallucination in Natural Language Generation
- Video-based Facial Micro-Expression Analysis: A Survey of Datasets, Features and Algorithms
- DL4SciVis: A State-of-the-Art Survey on Deep Learning for Scientific Visualization
- Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Supervised Dynamic Graph Learning: A Survey
- 3D Human Motion Prediction: A Survey
- A Survey on Artificial Intelligence for Source Code: A Dialogue Systems Perspective
- Learning to Combine Instructions in LLVM Compiler
- Learning from All Vehicles
- Limitations of Deep Learning for Inverse Problems on Digital Hardware
- A Design Flow for Mapping Spiking Neural Networks to Many-Core Neuromorphic Hardware
- Quantum Machine Learning Framework for Virtual Screening in Drug Discovery: a Prospective Quantum Advantage
- Video K-Net: A Simple, Strong, and Unified Baseline for Video Segmentation
- Slicing Aided Hyper Inference and Fine-tuning for Small Object Detection
- GPT-NeoX-20B: An Open-Source Autoregressive Language Model
- Bringing Old Films Back to Life
- Simple Baselines for Image Restoration
- Augmented Reality and Robotics: A Survey and Taxonomy for AR-enhanced Human-Robot Interaction and Robotic Interfaces
- Mind the Gap: Understanding the Modality Gap in Multi-modal Contrastive Representation Learning
- Demographic Influences on Contemporary Art with Unsupervised Style Embeddings
- Compute Trends Across Three Eras of Machine Learning
- HyperMixer: An MLP-based Green AI Alternative to Transformers
- Machine Learning on Graphs: A Model and Comprehensive Taxonomy
- Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
- Applications of Deep Neural Networks
- Faithfulness in Natural Language Generation: A Systematic Survey of Analysis, Evaluation and Optimization Methods
- Recovering 3D Human Mesh from Monocular Images: A Survey
- 3D Human Motion Prediction: A Survey
- Applications of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Future Internet: A Comprehensive Survey
- Transformers in Time Series: A Survey
- Place recognition survey: An update on deep learning approaches
- A Survey of Pretrained Language Models Based Text Generation
- Self-Training: A Survey
- Poisoning Attacks and Defenses on Artificial Intelligence: A Survey
- Survey on Large Scale Neural Network Training
- A Survey of Large-Scale Deep Learning Serving System Optimization: Challenges and Opportunities
- A Survey of Pretraining on Graphs: Taxonomy, Methods, and Applications
- A Comprehensive Survey and Performance Analysis of Activation Functions in Deep Learning
- A Survey of Neural Trojan Attacks and Defenses in Deep Learning
- From Distributed Machine Learning to Federated Learning: A Survey
- Artificial Intelligence for the Metaverse: A Survey
- A Survey of Embodied AI: From Simulators to Research Tasks
- A Survey On Universal Adversarial Attack
- Survey on the Convergence of Machine Learning and Blockchain
- A Comprehensive Survey on Radio Frequency (RF) Fingerprinting: Traditional Approaches, Deep Learning, and Open Challenges
- A Survey of Generalisation in Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Scene Graph Generation: A Comprehensive Survey
- A Comprehensive Survey of Logging in Software: From Logging Statements Automation to Log Mining and Analysis
- Visual and Object Geo-localization: A Comprehensive Survey
- A Survey on Deep Learning Technique for Video Segmentation
- The Elements of End-to-end Deep Face Recognition: A Survey of Recent Advances
- A Survey on Accuracy-oriented Neural Recommendation: From Collaborative Filtering to Information-rich Recommendation
- Machine learning for Earth System Science (ESS): A survey, status and future directions for South Asia
- A Survey of Natural Language Generation
- Scene Graphs: A Survey of Generations and Applications
- Automated Machine Learning on Graphs: A Survey
- A Comprehensive Taxonomy for Explainable Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Survey of Surveys on Methods and Concepts
- Grokking: Generalization Beyond Overfitting on Small Algorithmic Datasets
- On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models
- Deep Learning Interviews: Hundreds of fully solved job interview questions from a wide range of key topics in AI
- "Hello, It's Me": Deep Learning-based Speech Synthesis Attacks in the Real World
- Investigating Transfer Learning in Graph Neural Networks
- Federated Reinforcement Learning for Collective Navigation of Robotic Swarms
- Automotive Parts Assessment: Applying Real-time Instance-Segmentation Models to Identify Vehicle Parts
- Federated Active Learning (F-AL): an Efficient Annotation Strategy for Federated Learning
- Inter-generational comparison of quantum annealers in solving hard scheduling problems
- On the challenges of using D-Wave computers to sample Boltzmann Random Variables
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.14660v1.pdf
- Algorithms for Gibbs state preparation on noiseless and noisy random quantum circuits
- Collaborative generative quantum machine learning on a quantum computer
- A Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Dicke State Preparation
- Quantum dynamics simulations beyond the coherence time on NISQ hardware by variational Trotter compression
- Verifying quantum information scrambling dynamics in a fully controllable superconducting quantum simulator
- https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11204v1
- Practical Quantum K-Means Clustering: Performance Analysis and Applications in Energy Grid Classification
- PyTorch Geometric Signed Directed: A Survey and Software on Graph Neural Networks for Signed and Directed Graphs
- Poisoning Attacks and Defenses on Artificial Intelligence: A Survey
- Graph Lifelong Learning: A Survey
- Graph Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting: A Survey
- Physics-Informed Graph Learning: A Survey
- Survey of Hallucination in Natural Language Generation
- Geometrically Equivariant Graph Neural Networks: A Survey
- Survey on Large Scale Neural Network Training
- VLP: A Survey on Vision-Language Pre-training
- Survey of Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection Methods for Internet of Medical Things
- From Quantum Graph Computing to Quantum Graph Learning: A Survey
- A Survey of Large-Scale Deep Learning Serving System Optimization: Challenges and Opportunities
- A Survey of Vision-Language Pre-Trained Models
- Evaluating the Construct Validity of Text Embeddings with Application to Survey Questions
- Graph Data Augmentation for Graph Machine Learning: A Survey
- A Survey of Semen Quality Evaluation in Microscopic Videos Using Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis
- Survey on Self-supervised Representation Learning Using Image Transformations
- A Survey on Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approaches for Adaptation and Generalization
- A Survey of Explainable Reinforcement Learning
- Data Augmentation for Deep Graph Learning: A Survey
- Can artificial intelligence really help us talk to the animals?
- Andrew Hopkins of Exscientia: the man using AI to cure disease
- Resisting Dehumanization in the Age of “AI”
- New neuromorphic chip for AI on the edge, at a small fraction of the energy and size of today's computing platforms
- Mars model provides method for landing humans on Red Planet
- Scientists are turning data into sound to listen to the whispers of the universe (and more)
- Quantum annealing can beat classical computing in limited cases
- Machine translation could make English-only science accessible to all
- Open-source software gives a leg up to robot research
- Beyond net-zero: We should, if we can, cool the planet back to pre-industrial levels
- Graph-based model predicts pandemic waves
- AI-designed camera only records objects of interest while being blind to others
- Scientists doubt that DeepMind's AI is as good for fractional-charge systems as it seems
- Synapses as a model: Solid-state memory in neuromorphic circuits
- 2D array of electron and nuclear spin qubits opens new frontier in quantum science
- Nuclear war would cause a global famine and kill billions, study finds
- A technique to guide the development of faster and longer lasting next-generation batteries
- Space mission shows Earth's water may be from asteroids: study
- Algorithm learns to correct 3D printing errors for different parts, materials and systems
- Harvesting resources on Mars with plasmas