- AGI Safety Literature Review, 2018. arxiv (IJCAI), 2018
- When Will AI Exceed Human Performance? Evidence from AI Experts. arxiv
- Delete, Retrieve, Generate: A Simple Approach to Sentiment and Style Transfer,2018. [arxiv] [NAACL 2018]
- Prefrontal cortex as a meta-reinforcement learning system. [nature]
- Dynamic learning rate using Mutual Information. [arxiv]
- Solving the Rubik's Cube Without Human Knowledge [arxiv] [NIPS 2018]
- VideoCapsuleNet: A Simplified Network for Action Detection. [arxiv]
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- Fighting Offensive Language on Social Media with Unsupervised Text Style Transfer. [arxiv] [ACL 2018]
- Episodic Memory Deep Q-Networks. arxiv [IJCAI 2018]
- The EuroCity Persons Dataset: A Novel Benchmark for Object Detection. arxiv
- Learning Real-World Robot Policies by Dreaming. arxiv
- Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks. [arxiv]
- geomstats: a Python Package for Riemannian Geometry in Machine Learning. [arxiv] [code]
- The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Small, Trainable Neural Networks. [arxiv] [NIPS Submission]
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- Pushing the bounds of dropout. [arxiv]
- Step Size Matters in Deep Learning. [arxiv]
- A Universal Music Translation Network. [arxiv]
- Observe and Look Further: Achieving Consistent Performance on Atari. arxiv
- Playing hard exploration games by watching YouTube. arxiv
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- Quantum-inspired Complex Word Embedding. arxiv
- Neural networks for stock price prediction. arxiv
- Table-to-Text: Describing Table Region with Natural Language. arxiv
- Getting to Know Low-light Images with The Exclusively Dark Dataset. arxiv
- Bi-Directional Neural Machine Translation with Synthetic Parallel Data. arxiv [WNMT 2018]
- Fast Abstractive Summarization with Reinforce-Selected Sentence Rewriting. arxiv [ACL 2018]
- More Than a Feeling: Learning to Grasp and Regrasp using Vision and Touch. arxiv
- Snips Voice Platform: an embedded Spoken Language Understanding system for private-by-design voice interfaces. arxiv
- Evolutionary Algorithms. arxiv
- A Stochastic Decoder for Neural Machine Translation. arxiv [ACL 2018]
- Do Better ImageNet Models Transfer Better?. arxiv
- Distilling Knowledge for Search-based Structured Prediction. arxiv [ACL 2018]
- Personalising Mobile Advertising Based on Users Installed Apps. arxiv
- Datasheets for Datasets, 2018. arxiv
- Reinforcement Learning and Control as Probabilistic Inference: Tutorial and Review, 2018. arxiv
- SIPS: Unsupervised Succinct Interest Points, 2018. arxiv
- A Multi-component CNN-RNN Approach for Dimensional Emotion Recognition in-the-wild, 2018. arxiv
- Siamese networks for generating adversarial examples, 2018. arxiv
- Learning to See in the Dark, 2018. [arxiv] [code]
- FEVER: a large-scale dataset for Fact Extraction and VERification, 2018. [arxiv]
- Dense and Diverse Capsule Networks: Making the Capsules Learn Better, 2018. [arxiv]
- From Word to Sense Embeddings: A Survey on Vector Representations of Meaning, 2018. [arxiv]
- Improv Chat: Second Response Generation for Chatbot, 2018. [arxiv]
- Automatic Article Commenting: the Task and Dataset, 2018. [arxiv]
- A Reinforced Topic-Aware Convolutional Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Abstractive Text Summarization, 2018. [arxiv]
- A Unified Knowledge Representation and Context-aware Recommender System in Internet of Things, 2018. [arxiv]
- OK Google, What Is Your Ontology? Or: Exploring Freebase Classification to Understand Google's Knowledge Graph, 2018. [arxiv]
- A comparable study of modeling units for end-to-end Mandarin speech recognition, 2018. [arxiv]
- Training Classifiers with Natural Language Explanations, 2018. [arxiv]
- hyperdoc2vec: Distributed Representations of Hypertext Documents, 2018. [arxiv]
- SlugNERDS: A Named Entity Recognition Tool for Open Domain Dialogue Systems, 2018. [arxiv]
- k-Space Deep Learning for Accelerated MRI, 2018. [arxiv]
- Sequence Aggregation Rules for Anomaly Detection in Computer Network Traffic, 2018. [arxiv]
- Creative Invention Benchmark, 2018. [arxiv]
- Neural Cache: Bit-Serial In-Cache Acceleration of Deep Neural Networks, 2018. [arxiv]
- Secure Mobile Edge Computing in IoT via Collaborative Online Learning, 2018. [arxiv]
- N-BaIoT: Network-based Detection of IoT Botnet Attacks Using Deep Autoencoders, 2018. [arxiv]
- wubi2en: Character-level Chinese-English Translation through ASCII Encoding, 2018. [arxiv]
- One "Ruler" for All Languages: Multi-Lingual Dialogue Evaluation with Adversarial Multi-Task Learning, 2018. [arxiv]
- Using Simpson's Paradox to Discover Interesting Patterns in Behavioral Data, 2018. [arxiv]
- Deep Nets: What have they ever done for Vision?, 2018. [arxiv]
- Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency, 2018. [arxiv]
- Learning to Teach, 2018. [arxiv]
- Avatar-Net: Multi-scale Zero-shot Style Transfer by Feature Decoration, 2018. [arxiv]
- Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification,2018. [arxiv]
- Super-Convergence: Very Fast Training of Neural Networks Using Large Learning Rates, 2018. [arxiv]
- Terabyte-scale Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Classification and Localization in Pathology, 2018. [arxiv
- Sequential Neural Likelihood: Fast Likelihood-free Inference with Autoregressive Flows, 2018. [arxiv
- Imagine it for me: Generative Adversarial Approach for Zero-Shot Learning from Noisy Texts,2018. [arxiv