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Symptom Checker App

Created by Gordon Wade

Background and Objective

This app is a proof-of-concept for a web application that aids in identification of possible rare diseases. The project uses patient-supplied information about symptoms to screen for possible rare disease matches.

Technical Requirements

At a high level, the technical requirements are to build a single-page app that fulfills the objective described above. Specifically, this means:

  • Use orphadata mapping of rare diseases and symptoms as a source of truth.
  • Come up with a matching and scoring system using the above-mentioned data to return the most relevant conditions for a set of symptoms.
  • Set up a Django server to process symptom queries as a POST request and return the most likely disease matches.
  • Layer a React frontend on top of this to serve as a responsive user interface.

Installation and Setup

As mentioned above, this app is based on Django and React, and will require installations of Python and Node.js in order to develop and run.

Python Installation

Before starting, please ensure that you have a modern version of Python accessible on your system. I used Python 3.8.7 while developing this app.

  • Set up a virtual environment. I used pyenv with pyenv-virtualenv for this, but there are many options. Your virtual environment creation command may vary depending on which management tool you use. For me, it was:
    pyenv virtualenv 3.8.7 symptom-checker-env
  • Install the python requirements. Navigate to the top-level directory of this repository, activate your virtual environment, and run:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Node.js Installation

  • Ensure that you have an up-to-date installation of node. You can check your version by running node -v. I used v15.6.0 in development.
  • Ensure that you have an up-to-date installation of npm. You can check your version by running npm -v. I used version 7.9.0 in development.
  • Install dependencies. At the root of the project (where package.json is located), run npm install.
  • Build the project. At the root of the directory, run npm run build

Django Setup

  • Choose and set up a database for Django to use. The default is SQLite, but I have chosen to use PostgreSQL for both local development and deployment.
  • If using PostgreSQL, proceed to the next step. If using SQLite (or another solution), please see the Django documentation and update the DATABASES entry in accordingly.
  • Create a database and a user for this application. One set of instructions for creating a PostgreSQL database and integrating it with Djanto can be found here.
  • With the database name, user name, and password handy, proceed to the next step (Populate Environment Variables).


  • Once the database information has been successfully injected into the environment, proceed with Django setup.
  • From the project root, run python makemigrations followed by python migrate. This should result in the database being created by Django.
  • I have written a few Django management commands to assist with setup. In order to download the symptom-disease mapping and populate the database, run python populate_symptoms
  • Once this is done, the set of symptoms that will be presented to the user, referred to as the "inclusion set" can be updated. This is currently done by updating the INCLUSION_IDS variable in symptoms/management/commands/ to include the appropriate symptom IDs. Once any changes have been made, run python update_inclusion_set to propagate these changes to the database.
  • If all has gone well, the Django portion of the app should now be ready!

Populate Environment Variables

This app relies on environment variables to specify important information, such as database login parameters. In order to track and supply this information, I use .env files. An example has been provided at .example.env, however .env files with real parameters should not be committed, as they will likely contain secrets.

  • Make a copy of .example.env and populate it with the correct information for your deployment.
  • Once this information is in place, export it in the console in which the server will be run. There are many ways to do this - one option is export $(xargs < .env)

Run Locally

After following the previous setup instructions, the app can be run as-is:

  • Start the Django app. At the root of the project, run python runserver.
  • The app should now be viewable at http://localhost:8000.

In order to make changes to the React portion of the app, you will need to run the development server:

  • Start the React app. At the root of the project, run npm start.
  • The app should now be viewable at http://localhost:3000.
  • After making the desired changes, the React app can be re-built with npm run build.
  • The changes should now be viewable at http://localhost:8000 without directly running the dev server.

Implementation Details

This section will focus on discussion of additional implementation details.

Symptom-Disorder Matching

The matching of a set of provided symptoms to a set of possible disorders is the core of the business logic for this application. This also extends to selecting the set of symptoms that should be provided to the user initially.

Symptom Selection

After loading the symptom and disease information into the Django database, I ran a few exploratory queries to help with this process.

The first step was to understand the relationships, which helpfully come with a frequency mapping. In order to view the combinations, I ran the following:

SELECT DISTINCT frequency_id, frequency_name FROM symptoms_symptomdisorder;

This generated a helpful table:

frequency_id frequency_name
28433 Very rare (<4-1%)
28440 Excluded (0%)
28426 Occasional (29-5%)
28412 Very frequent (99-80%)
28419 Frequent (79-30%)
28405 Obligate (100%)

Next, I was interested to know hos many disorders were mapped to symptoms with "obligate" frequency:

SELECT term, COUNT(DISTINCT disorder_name)
FROM symptoms_disorder d
JOIN symptoms_symptomdisorder sd on = sd.disorder_id_id
JOIN symptoms_symptom s on = sd.symptom_id_id
WHERE sd.frequency_id in ('28405');

It turns out that while some symptoms are mapped to multiple conditions (up to 10), the general coverage of our disorder set would have been prohibitively low for a symptom set of only 10 - 20 symptoms with this relationship frequency.

Next, I added in symptoms with "very frequent" occurrence, by changing the WHERE clause:

WHERE sd.frequency_id in ('28405', '28412');

This gets us symptoms that correlate with a much larger number of diseases with high frequency (up to a max of 396 disorders for one symptom).

I chose to base the initial "symptom selection" set on these results. The strength of selecting symptoms this way is that we would be likely to find possible matching diseases for any set of symptoms the user chose. The weakness is that there may be substantial overlap between these most-frequent symptoms, which could make differentiating between possible disorders difficult.

Result Scoring

With an initial set of symptoms selected, the next question is how to find the most relevant disorders for any given set of symptoms. One approach is to look at the number of overlapping symptoms between a possible set for a disease and the actual set provided by the user. I used this as a first implementation to get the system working.

In order to improve these results, I decided to add "weighting" based on the expected frequency of symptoms for a disease. In this system, an "obligate" symptom would be worth 10 points, while a "frequent" symptom would be worth 6. This is not the most sophisticated scoring system, but it does allow for differentiation between disorders with high and low symptom occurrence.

Result scoring is one of the major areas for improvement in this application, as explored in the "Future Directions" section. Possible ways to improve include:

  • Adding more sophisticated logic to rule out disorders with "excluded" frequency
  • Adding a "possible max" value that gives the maximum weighted match score based on the set of symptoms from which the patient is choosing. This could be used to more accurately score disorders where additional symptoms from the selection set are expected with high likelihood, but were not selected by the user.
  • Performing a more complete statistical analysis of the symptom overlap. This could be used to select a symptom set that would provide greater possibility for differentiating disorders with overlapping characteristics.
  • Dynamically adjusting the available symptoms. Based on initial selections, the user could be presented with different options for additional symptoms. These could be selected by updating the likelihood after a given symptom is added to the selection and using this to determine which additional symptoms are most likely to co-occur.


Testing has not yet been implemented for this application. In the future, three areas should be addressed with tests.

Django API Testing

The Django API, which makes up the backend of this application should be tested to ensure that it produces the expected results. These tests could include:

  • Test of the symptoms endpoint to ensure that it returns the correct "inclusion set" of symptoms for the user to select from.
  • Test of the disorder endpoint with no symptom IDs selected, to ensure that this returns no results.
  • Test of the disorder endpoint with specific symptom IDs selected, to ensure that the expected results are returned.
  • Test of the disorder endpoint with invalid symptom IDs selected, to ensure that no results are returned and/or that an error is raised.

React Interface Testing

To ensure that the frontend properly reflects the backend state and provides a good user experience, testing of React components should also be included. This could involve:

  • Ensuring that all components are correctly rendered when the pages is first accessed.
  • Attempting a valid submission and ensuring that new components are rendered to display the results.
  • Attempting an invalid submission and ensuring that an appropriate alert or error message is triggered.

Business Logic Testing

To ensure that users are being presented with correct information, some use cases should be identified along with expected results. These can then be tested via the Django API to ensure that the logic is functioning properly. This could include:

  • Select a number of symptoms that should indicate a specific disorder. Test that this specific disorder is correctly returned using our scoring system.
  • Select a number of symptoms with low likelihood of overlapping. Ensure that the results indicate this low likelihood.

Deployment Details

A live version of this app is available at As the URL suggests, this is hosted through Heroku. It is currently served on the free tier, meaning the dyno sleeps after 15 minutes of activity. In order to reduce wait time, please open the link in a new tab and allow the dyno to wake while you finish reading this section!

In order to support the live deployment of this app, I created an AWS RDS instance running PostgreSQL to act as the database.

The Heroku deployment has also been configured to automatically re-deploy on changes to the main branch.

In a production deployment, there would be additional factors to consider, including custom domains, uptime monitoring, security, etc. but I have chosen to keep this as simple as possible for the proof of concept.

Future Directions

There are several potential improvements for this application, which can be prioritized depending on the ultimate goal. A few possibilities are:

  • Include links to symptom detail pages when the user is presented with their results. In the current implementation, each result card has a Learn More button, which is disabled. In a future update, these could direct the user to pages with more information about the disease in order to better inform them.

    Because this system has been set up using Django, it would be relatively straightforward to add new views to retrieve relevant disorder information based on the model information in our database. This could then be displayed via a React view populated from the API or through a templated Django view.

  • Implement more advanced symptom-disease matching. The current system relies primarily on a "score" which is generated by weighting the chosen symptoms on the "frequency" of association with each disease.

    This weighting provides a good basis for symptom-disease association, but does not fully take into account the fact that the user is provided with a limited set of symptoms to choose from. It also does not take into account some symptoms that could rule a disease out based on their presence or absence.

  • Set up user account management. It could be helpful to allow users to create accounts so their information can be saved. This would also allow collection of contact information, which could be used to provide information or alerts when disease updates become available.