"setup.cfg" contains a default SQLAlchemy connection URL that should work if you have a local instance of CockroachDB installed:
If you want to test against a remote server (or otherwise need to tweak
the connection URL) simply create a file named "test.cfg" in the same
folder as "setup.cfg", copy the [db]
section into it, and adjust the
URL accordingly.
The minimum requirements for testing are:
- SQLAlchemy,
- Alembic,
- pytest, and
- the psycopg2 DBAPI module.
Install them with
pip install sqlalchemy alembic pytest psycopg2-binary
Then, to run a complete test simply invoke
make test
at a command prompt after you bootstrapped your environment with
make bootstrap
To run just the SQLAlchemy test suite, use
pytest test/test_suite_sqlalchemy.py
and to run just the Alembic test suite, use
pytest test/test_suite_alembic.py
For more detailed information see the corresponding SQLAlchemy document