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File metadata and controls

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kgoss is a wrapper for goss that aims to bring the simplicity of testing with goss to containers running in pods in Kubernetes.

kgoss is a script which when invoked copies and runs goss (the binary) within a Linux container. goss itself is only supported on Linux, but since it need only run in the target container, the kgoss script can be used from any bash-compatible shell, including Terminal on Mac and git-bash on Windows. On Windows, winpty is used for interactive connections to the pod under test.


Installing kgoss requires copying the kgoss file to a directory in your PATH and copying the goss file to your home folder (or a path set as GOSS_PATH), as follows.

Manual / UI

You can manually install kgoss and goss by going through the Web UI, getting the files and putting them in the right path. To get each of them:

  • kgoss: Run curl -sSLO
  • goss: Download the goss-linux-amd64 asset from and rename it goss. Place it in your HOME directory, e.g. C:\Users\<username> on Windows; or set the environment variable GOSS_PATH to its path.

Automatic / CLI

To install from the command line or automatically, use the following commands. jq is required to parse the API response and find the release asset's download URL.

First get a GitHub personal access token for accessing the GitHub API from Input it in the first line below. Set dest_dir to a directory in your PATH env var.

# for private repos, replace:
# repo=org-name/goss

## install kgoss
curl -sSL -u "${username}:${token}" -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.raw' -o "${dest_dir}/kgoss" \
chmod a+rx "${dest_dir}/kgoss"

## install goss
if [[ ! $(which jq) ]]; then echo "jq is required, get from"; fi
# for private repos, leave `host` blank or same as above:
dl_url=$(curl -sSL -u "${username}:${token}" https://${host}/api/v3/repos/${repo}/releases \
  | jq -r ".[] | select (.name == \"${version}\") | .assets[] | select (.name == \"goss-linux-${arch}\") | .url")
curl -sSL -u "${username}:${token}" -H 'Accept: application/octet-stream' -o "${dest_dir}/goss" $dl_url
chmod a+rx "${dest_dir}/goss"

# If `goss` is not in your path, export a GOSS_PATH variable:
export GOSS_PATH=${dest_dir}/goss

# Now you can use kgoss as described below:
# kgoss edit ...
# kgoss run ...


kgoss [run|edit] -i <image_url> [-p | -c "command to run" | -a "args to pass"] [-d "directory to include"]* [-e "k=v"]*

If none of -p|-c|-a are specified the container is run with its configured entry point.

-d and -e can be specified multiple (or zero) times to add additional directories and env vars.

By default kgoss copies goss.yaml from the current working directory and nothing else. You may need other files like scripts and configurations copied as well. Specify -d <path_to_dir> for each additional directory you'd like to recursively copy. These will be copied as directories next to goss.yaml in the target container's GOSS_CONTAINER_PATH.

To find goss.yaml in another directory specify that directory's path in GOSS_FILES_PATH.


The run command is used to validate a container. It expects a ./goss.yaml file to exist in the directory it was invoked from.

If the file ./goss_wait.yaml exists in the current directory, goss regularly checks whether the conditions in the file are met. Only then does goss start the actual check with the file ./goss.yaml. This is used, for example, to wait until a certain port is open before executing the tests.


kgoss run -e JENKINS_OPTS="--httpPort=8080 --httpsPort=-1" -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1048m" -i jenkins:alpine

kgoss run will do the following:

  • Run the container with the start commands specified by -c, -a, or -p.
  • Run goss with $GOSS_WAIT_OPTS if ./goss_wait.yaml file exists in the current dir.
  • Run goss with $GOSS_OPTS using ./goss.yaml from GOSS_FILES_PATH.


Edit will launch a container, install goss, and drop the user into an interactive shell. Once the user quits the interactive shell, any goss.yaml or goss_wait.yaml are copied out into the current directory. This allows the user to leverage the goss add|autoadd commands to write tests as they would on a regular machine.


kgoss edit -e JENKINS_OPTS="--httpPort=8080 --httpsPort=-1" -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1048m" -i jenkins:alpine

Environment variables

The following environment variables effect the behavior of kgoss.

Variable Description Default
GOSS_PATH Local location of a compatible goss binary to use in container $(which goss)
GOSS_FILES_PATH Location of the goss yaml files .
GOSS_KUBECTL_BIN Kubenetes client tool to use $(which kubectl)
GOSS_KUBECTL_OPTS Options to inject more options such as "--namespace=default" ""
GOSS_OPTS Options to use for the goss test run. --color --format documentation
GOSS_WAIT_OPTS Options to use for the goss wait run, when ./goss_wait.yaml exists. -r 30s -s 1s > /dev/null
GOSS_VARS Variables file relative to GOSS_FILES_PATH to copy and use ""
GOSS_CONTAINER_PATH Path within container to put goss binary and YAML files /tmp/goss