A Package to create quote images
go get github.com/gostudent/aurora
package main
import (
func main() {
quote := []string{"It is better to", "be hated for what", "you are than to",
"loved for what", "what you are not."}
author := "André Gide"
filename := "2"
lg := []aurora.Color{{0, "#65799b", 1.0}, {25, "#5e2563", 1.0}, {75, "#66666", 1.0}, {100, "#fafafa", 1.0}}
aurora.CreateSquare(filename, quote, author, lg)
package main
import (
func main() {
quote := []string{"It is better to", "be hated for what", "you are than to",
"loved for what", "what you are not."}
author := "André Gide"
filename := "2"
lg := aurora.Gradients[7].Colors
aurora.CreateLand(filename, quote, author, lg)
package main
import (
func main() {
quote := []string{"Be yourself", "everyone else is", "already taken."}
author := "Oscar Wilde"
filename := "1"
lg := aurora.Gradients[7].Colors
aurora.CreatePort(filename, quote, author, lg)
package main
import (
func main() {
quote := []string{"It is better to", "be hated for what", "you are than to",
"loved for what", "what you are not."}
author := "André Gide"
filename := "2"
lg := aurora.Gradients[7].Colors
aurora.Create(filename, quote, author, 1000, 2000, lg)
Main functionality of the application will be shown here.
Make sure you are in correct folder.
To see the help, run:
aurora -h
--quote value, -q value quote that will go in the image (default: "Default quote template.")
--author value, -a value Author of the quote (default: "Anonymous")
--filename value, -f value name of the file (default: "quote")
--orientation value, -o value Orientation. 0 - Square (600 X 600) , 1 - Landscape and 2 - Portrait (default: "0")
--gradient value, -g value Gradient : 0-22 integer input. (default: "0")
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
aurora -q "Every Man has in Himself the Most Dangerous Traitor of All." -a "Soren Kierkegaard" -f "example1" -o 1 -g 9