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dfe49f1 · Oct 1, 2022


24 Commits
Jun 6, 2015
Jun 22, 2018
Aug 21, 2022
Jun 6, 2015
Aug 21, 2022
Aug 21, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Jun 8, 2015
Sep 30, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Aug 21, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Oct 1, 2022
Oct 1, 2022
Aug 21, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Aug 21, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Sep 30, 2022
Aug 21, 2022

Repository files navigation


The messageformat package is a Go implementation of ICU messages formatting.


The messageformat package depends on the makeplural package to compute named keys based on ICU rules.


> go test -v ./...
=== RUN   TestLiteral
- Got expected value <>
- Got expected value <\>
- Got expected value <\\>
- Got expected value <\\\>
- Got expected value <\q\>
- Got expected value <test\>
- Got expected value <
- Got expected value <\n>
- Got expected value < This is
a string">
- Got expected value <日本語>
- Got expected value <Hello, 世界>
--- PASS: TestLiteral (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSetPluralFunction
- Got expected exception <PluralFunctionRequired>
- Got expected value <2>
--- PASS: TestSetPluralFunction (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSelectOrdinal
- Got expected value <The 0th floor.>
- Got expected value <The 1st floor.>
- Got expected value <The 2nd floor.>
- Got expected value <The 3.00rd floor.>
- Got expected value <The 4th floor.>
- Got expected value <The 101st floor.>
- Got expected value <The #th floor.>
- Got expected exception <toString: Unsupported type: struct {}>
--- PASS: TestSelectOrdinal (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestParseException
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 1>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 3>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidFormat` at 1>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 2>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 12>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 17>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 20>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 20>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 17>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnbalancedBraces` at 19>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidExpr` at 1>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidExpr` at 3>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingVarName` at 1>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingVarName` at 8>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingVarName` at 5>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingVarName` at 2>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidFormat` at 3>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidFormat` at 3>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidFormat` at 4>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidFormat` at 4>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidFormat` at 1>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidFormat` at 1>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidFormat` at 9>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnknownType: `SELECT`` at 11>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 12>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 22>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 19>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 29>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 12>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 22>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 20>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 21>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceName` at 31>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MalformedOption` at 10>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MalformedOption` at 17>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MalformedOption` at 10>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceContent` at 16>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceContent` at 23>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingChoiceContent` at 16>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingMandatoryChoice` at 28>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingMandatoryChoice` at 35>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingMandatoryChoice` at 28>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnexpectedExtension` at 18>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnexpectedExtension` at 25>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UnsupportedExtension: `factor`` at 18>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `MissingOffsetValue` at 19>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `BadCast` at 23>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `BadCast` at 20>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `BadCast` at 22>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `InvalidOffsetValue` at 21>
--- PASS: TestParseException (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNested
- Got expected value <1>
- Got expected value <deep in the heart.>
- Got expected value <deep in the heart.>
- Got expected value <I have 0 friends but one enemy..>
- Got expected value <I have # friends but # enemies..>
--- PASS: TestNested (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestEscaped
- Got expected value <#>
- Got expected value <\\>
- Got expected value <{>
- Got expected value <}>
- Got expected value <{ 5 is a # }>
- Got expected value <{{{4}}}>
- Got expected value <日{本}語>
- Got expected value <he\\#ll\\\{o\\} ##!>
--- PASS: TestEscaped (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestNonAscii
- Got expected value <猫 キティ。。。>
--- PASS: TestNonAscii (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestMultiline
- Got expected value <He>
- Got expected value <She>
- Got expected value <They>
- Got expected value <He found 1 result.>
- Got expected value <She found 1 result.>
- Got expected value <He found
    2 results in 1 category !.>
- Got expected value <They found
    2 results in 2 categories !.>
- Got expected value <1 result, 2 categories.>
- Got expected value <2 results, 1 category.>
- Got expected value <2 results, 2 categories.>
- Got expected value <He found 1 result in 2 categories.>
- Got expected value <She found 1 result in 2 categories.>
- Got expected value <He found 2 results in 1 category.>
- Got expected value <They found 2 results in 2 categories.>
--- PASS: TestMultiline (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestRegister
- Got expected exception <ParserAlreadyRegistered>
- Got expected exception <ParserAlreadyRegistered>
- Got expected exception <ParserAlreadyRegistered>
- Got expected exception <ParserAlreadyRegistered>
- Got expected exception <ParseError: `UndefinedParseFunc: `noparse`` at 10>
- Got expected exception <UndefinedFormatFunc: `noeval`>
--- PASS: TestRegister (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPlural
- Got expected value <You have -1 tasks remaining.>
- Got expected value <You have one task remaining.>
- Got expected value <You have the answer to the life, the universe and everything tasks remaining.>
- Got expected value <b>
- Got expected value <a>
- Got expected value <a>
- Got expected exception <toString: Unsupported type: struct {}>
--- PASS: TestPlural (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestPluralOffsetExtension
- Got expected value <You didnt add this to your profile.>
- Got expected value <You added this to your profile.>
- Got expected value <You and one other person added this to their profile.>
- Got expected value <You and 2 others added this to their profiles.>
--- PASS: TestPluralOffsetExtension (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestSelect
- Got expected value <He liked this.>
- Got expected value <She liked this.>
- Got expected value <They liked this.>
- Got expected value <He liked this.>
- Got expected value <She liked this.>
- Got expected value <They liked this.>
- Got expected value <!black, and mortimer!>
- Got expected value <black, and mortimer!>
- Got expected value <#black\, and mortimer#>
- Got expected value <Hello Kitty>
- Got expected value <Hello World>
- Got expected value <True>
- Got expected value <False>
- Got expected exception <toString: Unsupported type: struct {}>
--- PASS: TestSelect (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestIsWhitespace
--- PASS: TestIsWhitespace (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestWhitespace
Successfully returns `h`, 2
Successfully returns `h`, 2
Successfully returns ` `, 2
--- PASS: TestWhitespace (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestToString
Successfully returns the expected value: ``
Successfully returns the expected value: ``
Successfully returns the expected value: `I am a string`
Successfully returns the expected value: `42`
Successfully returns the expected value: `0.305`
Successfully returns the expected value: `true`
--- PASS: TestToString (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestToStringNumericTypes
Successfully returns the expected value: `255`
Successfully returns the expected value: `123456`
Successfully returns the expected value: `255`
Successfully returns the expected value: `65535`
Successfully returns the expected value: `4294967295`
Successfully returns the expected value: `18446744073709551615`
Successfully returns the expected value: `-123456`
Successfully returns the expected value: `-128`
Successfully returns the expected value: `127`
Successfully returns the expected value: `-32768`
Successfully returns the expected value: `32767`
Successfully returns the expected value: `-2147483648`
Successfully returns the expected value: `2147483647`
Successfully returns the expected value: `-9223372036854775808`
Successfully returns the expected value: `9223372036854775807`
Successfully returns the expected value: `3.14`
Successfully returns the expected value: `0.000000000314`
Successfully returns the expected value: `(1.23+9.87i)`
Successfully returns the expected value: `(1.23+9.87i)`
Successfully returns the expected value: `(1.23+9.87i)`
Successfully returns the expected value: `97`
Successfully returns the expected value: `075bcd15`
--- PASS: TestToStringNumericTypes (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestToStringBool
Successfully returns the expected value: `true`
Successfully returns the expected value: `false`
--- PASS: TestToStringBool (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestToStringTimeDuration
Successfully returns the expected value: `87672h0m0s`
--- PASS: TestToStringTimeDuration (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestToStringStringer
Successfully returns the expected value: `1`
Successfully returns the expected value: `2`
--- PASS: TestToStringStringer (0.00s)
=== RUN   TestVar
- Got expected value <Hello キティ>
- Got expected value <leila>
- Got expected value <>
- Got expected value <>
- Got expected value <My name is yoda>
- Got expected value <My name is chewy...>
- Got expected value <Hey luke, i'm your father!>
- Got expected value <chewy is my name>
- Got expected exception <toString: Unsupported type: struct {}>
--- PASS: TestVar (0.00s)
ok    0.252s

Test benchmarks

> go test -bench=.
goos: windows
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
BenchmarkLiteral-8                       6423349               184.6 ns/op
BenchmarkSelectOrdinal-8                 2440293               473.0 ns/op
BenchmarkNested-8                        4074882               296.0 ns/op
BenchmarkEscaped-8                       5898448               200.1 ns/op
BenchmarkPluralNonInteger-8              2866503               419.0 ns/op
BenchmarkPluralLiteralize-8              2360140               506.1 ns/op
BenchmarkPluralOther-8                   2338374               511.0 ns/op
BenchmarkPluralExactValue-8              2636702               458.4 ns/op
BenchmarkPluralOffsetExtension-8         2514459               456.6 ns/op
BenchmarkSelect-8                        4575456               263.1 ns/op
BenchmarkVar-8                           5351002               222.3 ns/op

PASS ok 17.449s

Test coverage

> go test -coverprofile cover.out
coverage: 93.5% of statements
ok    0.255s

Golang versions

This package was originally made using Go v1.4, and was successfully tested with v1.18.1


  • More unit tests
  • More doc
  • FormatArray(data []interface{}) (string, error) ?