Function propose()
can be called with a previousely used signature of setSourceGasPrice()
(e.g. replay) because the signed data in propose()
and setSourceGasPrice()
is very similar.
Luckily this has no negative effects for the protocol so the severity is set to low.
However future updates might make this feasable.
- Call
with the signature ofsetSourceGasPrice()
I would expect setSourceGasPrice()
as well as setRelativeGasPrice()
to add a string first, like several other functions do.
function setSourceGasPrice(...) ... {
(address transmitter, bool isTransmitter) = transmitManager__
- keccak256(abi.encode(chainSlug, nonce_, sourceGasPrice_)),
+ keccak256(abi.encode("SET_SOURCE_GAS_PRICE",chainSlug, nonce_, sourceGasPrice_)),
function setRelativeGasPrice(...) ... {
(address transmitter, bool isTransmitter) = transmitManager__
- keccak256(abi.encode(chainSlug,siblingChainSlug_,nonce_,relativeGasPrice_)
+ keccak256(abi.encode("SET_RELATIVE_GAS_PRICE",chainSlug,siblingChainSlug_,nonce_,relativeGasPrice_)
The keccak256()
s of functions propose()
and setSourceGasPrice()
can result in the same value as shown in the POC below.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: none
pragma solidity >=0.8.19;
import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract Test {
constructor () {
uint32 chainSlug = 1234;
bytes32 packetId ="Test";
bytes32 root = "Root";
uint256 nonce = uint(packetId);
uint256 sourceGasPrice=uint(root);
console.logBytes32(keccak256(abi.encode(chainSlug, packetId, root)));
// 0x575611a737e21649b8336e29fa99a73ce53255330580a38c249eb5a2aab5b84e
console.logBytes32(keccak256(abi.encode(chainSlug, nonce, sourceGasPrice)));
// 0x575611a737e21649b8336e29fa99a73ce53255330580a38c249eb5a2aab5b84e
Function propose()
will set a (root,
packedId) will correspond to a (
sourceGasPrice). However as these values are invalid they will not do any harm. The only side effect is some extra data in
rootProposedAtas well as an extra
Note: Function setSourceGasPrice()
will not accept these values from propose()
because packetId_
of propose()
includes the capacitorAddress
so in practice it will never overlap with a valid nonce
uint32 public immutable chainSlug; // defined in SocketBase
function propose(bytes32 packetId_,bytes32 root_,...) ... {
(address transmitter, bool isTransmitter) = transmitManager__
keccak256(abi.encode(chainSlug, packetId_, root_)),
if (!isTransmitter) revert InvalidAttester();
uint32 public immutable chainSlug;
function setSourceGasPrice(uint256 nonce_,uint256 sourceGasPrice_,...) ... {
(address transmitter, bool isTransmitter) = transmitManager__
keccak256(abi.encode(chainSlug, nonce_, sourceGasPrice_)),
if (!isTransmitter) revert TransmitterNotFound();