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File metadata and controls

258 lines (222 loc) · 7.85 KB

App Sizer Plugin

App Sizer provide a gradle plugin as the option to seamlessly integrates with your Android Gradle project. This option is recommended.

Getting Started

There are two ways to integrate the App Sizer plugin into your project:

Option 1: Plugins DSL (Recommended)

  1. Add the mavenCentral to your root settings.gradle:
pluginManagement {
    repositories {
  1. Add the plugin to your project classpath (root's build.gradle):
plugins {
    id "com.grab.sizer" version "0.1.0-alpha01" apply false
  1. Apply and configure the plugin to your app module's build.gradle:
plugins {
    id "com.grab.sizer" version "0.1.0-alpha01"

appSizer {
    // Configuration goes here

Option 2: Legacy buildscript method

  1. Add the plugin to your root build.gradle
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.grab.sizer:sizer-gradle-plugin:0.1.0-alpha01"
  1. Apply the plugin in your app module's build.gradle
apply plugin: "com.grab.sizer"

appSizer {
    // Configuration goes here

Run the analysis

./gradlew app:appSizeAnalysis[Release|Debug] --no-configure-on-demand --no-configuration-cache


Use the registered appSizer extension block to the app module's build.gradle to configure App Sizer Plugin

appSizer {
    enabled = true
    projectInput {
        // config the input for the plugin
    metrics {
        // config the output for the plugin
  • enabled: Given the App Sizer Plugin has not supported configuration on demand & configuration catching. We provide you an option to turned of the plugin just in case it impact your gradle configuration performance.

Project Input

Configure the input for the project:

appSizer {
    projectInput {
        largeFileThreshold = [your_threshold_in_bytes]
        teamMappingFile = file("path/to/your/module-owner.yml")
        enableMatchDebugVariant = [true|false]
        variantFilter { variant ->
        apk {
            // APK Generation
Property Description
largeFileThreshold File size threshold (in bytes) for considering a file as large.
teamMappingFile YAML file mapping project modules to team owners.
enableMatchDebugVariant If true, uses debug AAR files to improve build performance.
variantFilter Specifies which variants to exclude from analysis.

And example of teamMappingFile:

  - app
  - android-module-level1
  - kotlin-module
  - sample-group:android-module-level2

APK Generation

Configure APK generation settings:

appSizer {
    projectInput {
        apk {
            deviceSpecs = [
            bundleToolFile = file("path/to/bundletool.jar")
Property Description
deviceSpecs List of device specification files for APK generation.
bundleToolFile Path to the bundletool JAR file.

Output Configuration

Configure the reporting output:

appSizer {
    metrics {
        influxDB {
            dbName = "[your-database-name]"
            reportTableName = "[your-table-name]"
            url = "[url-to-your-influxdb]"
            username = "[your-database-username]"
            password = "[your-database-password]"
        local {
            outputDirectory = [your-output-directory] // Such as project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("app-sizer")
            ["your-custom-attribute-key": "your-custom-attribute-value"]
Property Description
local.outputDirectory Directory to save markdown and JSON reports (default is app/build/sizer/reports)
customAttributes Map of additional attributes to include in every report row. Such as pipeline-id, etc

InfluxDB Configuration

Property Description
dbName Name of the InfluxDB database.
reportTableName Measurement name for storing report data.
url URL of the InfluxDB server.
username InfluxDB username (optional).
password InfluxDB password (optional).
retentionPolicy InfluxDB retention policy configuration (optional).

Full Configuration Example

appSizer {
    enabled = true
    projectInput {
        apk {
            bundleToolFile = file("${rootProject.rootDir}/binary/bundletool-all-1.15.4.jar")
            deviceSpecs = [
        variantFilter { variant ->
        enableMatchDebugVariant = true
        largeFileThreshold = 10
        teamMappingFile = file("${rootProject.rootDir}/module-owner.yml")
    metrics {
        influxDB {
            dbName = "sizer"
            reportTableName = "app_size"
            url = "http://localhost:8086"
            username = "root"
            password = "root"
            retentionPolicy {
                name = "app_sizer"
                duration = "360d"
                shardDuration = "0m"
                replicationFactor = 2
                setAsDefault = true
        local {
            outputDirectory = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("app-sizer")
            ["pipeline_id": "1001"]

Task Graph


Resource Verification Failures

If you encounter issues with the verifyResourceRelease task, try these solutions:

  • Check that your resource files are properly formatted and located
  • Verify that resource names follow Android naming conventions
  • Enable the enableMatchDebugVariant flag in your configuration

Dagger NoSuchMethodError

If you encounter this exception:

NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.Object dagger.internal.Preconditions.checkNotNullFromProvides'

This error typically occurs due to a version conflict between the Android build tools and the App-Sizer plugin's Dagger dependencies. To resolve:

  1. Ensure the App-Sizer plugin is added to the classpath in the root build.gradle before applying it to your app module
  2. If step 1 doesn't resolve the issue, you might have to resolve the Dagger version conflict by adding this to your classpath
classpath ""
