App Sizer provide a gradle plugin as the option to seamlessly integrates with your Android Gradle project. This option is recommended.
There are two ways to integrate the App Sizer plugin into your project:
- Add the mavenCentral to your root
pluginManagement {
repositories {
- Add the plugin to your project classpath (root's build.gradle):
plugins {
id "com.grab.sizer" version "0.1.0-alpha01" apply false
- Apply and configure the plugin to your app module's build.gradle:
plugins {
id "com.grab.sizer" version "0.1.0-alpha01"
appSizer {
// Configuration goes here
- Add the plugin to your root
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.grab.sizer:sizer-gradle-plugin:0.1.0-alpha01"
- Apply the plugin in your app module's
apply plugin: "com.grab.sizer"
appSizer {
// Configuration goes here
./gradlew app:appSizeAnalysis[Release|Debug] --no-configure-on-demand --no-configuration-cache
Use the registered appSizer
extension block to the app module's build.gradle
to configure App Sizer Plugin
appSizer {
enabled = true
projectInput {
// config the input for the plugin
metrics {
// config the output for the plugin
- enabled: Given the App Sizer Plugin has not supported configuration on demand & configuration catching. We provide you an option to turned of the plugin just in case it impact your gradle configuration performance.
Configure the input for the project:
appSizer {
projectInput {
largeFileThreshold = [your_threshold_in_bytes]
teamMappingFile = file("path/to/your/module-owner.yml")
enableMatchDebugVariant = [true|false]
variantFilter { variant ->
apk {
// APK Generation
Property | Description |
largeFileThreshold |
File size threshold (in bytes) for considering a file as large. |
teamMappingFile |
YAML file mapping project modules to team owners. |
enableMatchDebugVariant |
If true, uses debug AAR files to improve build performance. |
variantFilter |
Specifies which variants to exclude from analysis. |
And example of teamMappingFile
- app
- android-module-level1
- kotlin-module
- sample-group:android-module-level2
Configure APK generation settings:
appSizer {
projectInput {
apk {
deviceSpecs = [
bundleToolFile = file("path/to/bundletool.jar")
Property | Description |
deviceSpecs |
List of device specification files for APK generation. |
bundleToolFile |
Path to the bundletool JAR file. |
Configure the reporting output:
appSizer {
metrics {
influxDB {
dbName = "[your-database-name]"
reportTableName = "[your-table-name]"
url = "[url-to-your-influxdb]"
username = "[your-database-username]"
password = "[your-database-password]"
local {
outputDirectory = [your-output-directory] // Such as project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("app-sizer")
["your-custom-attribute-key": "your-custom-attribute-value"]
Property | Description |
local.outputDirectory |
Directory to save markdown and JSON reports (default is app/build/sizer/reports ) |
customAttributes |
Map of additional attributes to include in every report row. Such as pipeline-id, etc |
Property | Description |
dbName |
Name of the InfluxDB database. |
reportTableName |
Measurement name for storing report data. |
url |
URL of the InfluxDB server. |
username |
InfluxDB username (optional). |
password |
InfluxDB password (optional). |
retentionPolicy |
InfluxDB retention policy configuration (optional). |
appSizer {
enabled = true
projectInput {
apk {
bundleToolFile = file("${rootProject.rootDir}/binary/bundletool-all-1.15.4.jar")
deviceSpecs = [
variantFilter { variant ->
enableMatchDebugVariant = true
largeFileThreshold = 10
teamMappingFile = file("${rootProject.rootDir}/module-owner.yml")
metrics {
influxDB {
dbName = "sizer"
reportTableName = "app_size"
url = "http://localhost:8086"
username = "root"
password = "root"
retentionPolicy {
name = "app_sizer"
duration = "360d"
shardDuration = "0m"
replicationFactor = 2
setAsDefault = true
local {
outputDirectory = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("app-sizer")
["pipeline_id": "1001"]
If you encounter issues with the verifyResourceRelease
task, try these solutions:
- Check that your resource files are properly formatted and located
- Verify that resource names follow Android naming conventions
- Enable the
flag in your configuration
If you encounter this exception:
NoSuchMethodError: 'java.lang.Object dagger.internal.Preconditions.checkNotNullFromProvides'
This error typically occurs due to a version conflict between the Android build tools and the App-Sizer plugin's Dagger dependencies. To resolve:
- Ensure the App-Sizer plugin is added to the classpath in the root build.gradle before applying it to your app module
- If step 1 doesn't resolve the issue, you might have to resolve the Dagger version conflict by adding this to your classpath
classpath ""